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Apostila ZERO Ingls

Book Zero English Rodrigo e Larissa

Moderate to inferior in quality. medocre adj. medocre, simples, mediano; de menos valor adj. Que est entre o grande e o pequeno, o bom e o mau: obra medocre.

O que vocs encontraro na prova de ingls dos vestibulares?

Questes mltipla escolha Questes abertas Quais sero as principais habilidades avaliadas?
Interpretao de Textos Vocabulrio Muito cuidado com os FALSOS COGNATOS (FALSE FRIENDS)

Questes mltipla escolha- Interpretao de textos

ATENO PARA O ENUNCIADO The passage says / According to the passage / According to the text

Conhecimentos Gramaticais
-The Passive Voice

-Conditional Sentences

Some verb tenses Yesterday Today Tomorrow

Simple past

Simple present


Past continuous

Present continuous

Past perfect

Present perfect

Interpretao de texto
Fonte: 2 Fase Unicamp 2009

a)A pessoa ficar acordada, mas continuar bbada. b) O alimento no estmago vai apenas retardar a absoro do lcool na corrente sangunea.

a) Ela no consegue entender como conceitos como cozinhar e limpar se aplicam a ela. b) A tarefa preparar sobremesas. O que possibilita sua associao com o estresse que, em ingls, a palavra desserts (sobremesas), quando lida de trs para frente, se torna stressed (estressado/a).

World Carfree Day 2009

Every September 22, people from around the world get together in the streets, intersections, and neighborhood blocks to remind the world that we don't have to accept our cardominated society.

English interference in our life

Worlds 10 most spoken Languages

Worlds 10 most influential Languages


Some common mistakes

Five star


Chuck Norris (Carlos Ray Norris Jr.)


Bacon Egg

Coffee break



Over night




We love this place

Where Im going if my school is being shot?






No comments

Contractions Contractions
ve d

Witchs the correct way to reach your destination?

Dogs party was great last night!

These humans are so jerk, Ill get them.

Phrasal verbs
phrase - frase

Run out of something

My money ran out after four years and my house was not build. Why is the car stopping? Were run out of gas. The time is running out and we still have loads to do.

supply little used

Were run out of water!!

Sort something out

She has to sort this problem out until boss arrives. There is a crisis at the office, and they need me to sort it out.




I dont like this old chair, lets give it away. I cant believe you gave those tickets away. Im giving my pen away, do you want it?

Shes giving some books away!




This old chair is not working, lets throw it away. I cant believe you gave my cans away. She threw the letter away without reading it.

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