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Most abundant organic molecule } Providing energy } Storage of energy } Cell membrane components for intercellular communication } Structural component (Bacteria, exoskeleton, fibrous cellulose)

Carbon } Hydrogen } Oxygen } Empirical formula for simple Carbohydrates (CH2O)n Hence the name Hydrates of Carbon

Divided in four chemical groups Monosaccharide Disaccharides Oligosaccharides Polysaccharides

Building blocks of Disaccharides Glucose Fructose Galactose

Contain two monosaccharide units } Sucrose } Lactose } Maltose


Contain 3 to 12 monosaccharide's } Commonly on plasma membrane of Animal } Play role in cell-recognition } Fruto- Oligosaccharides } Galacto-oligosaccharides

Contain more than 12 monosaccharide and can be 100 of sugar units in length } Monomers unit jointed by glucosidic bond } Commonly source of energy

Type of covalent bond thats joints a carbohydrates (sugar) Molecule to another group } Create larger structure

Same chemical formula but different structure Called isomers } Fructose, glucose, galactose } C6H12O6 } If two monosaccharide's differ in configuration only one specific carbon atom are called Epimers } Glucose and galactose

Mouth & Intestinal Lumen } Duodenum & jejunum } Enzymes } Amylase & Amylopectin } Pancreatic Enzymes } Intestinal mucosal cell

Disaccharide intolerance -Brush Border of enzymes Lost } Lactose intolerance -Metabolize lactose } Isomaltase-sucrease deficiency -Ingested Sucrose

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