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REPORT TO THE SENATE ETHICS COMMITTEE, ON THE INVESTIGATION OF STATE SENATOR KENT SORENSON October 2, 2013, Mark E. Weinhardt, Independent Counsel to the Senate Ethies Cor ittew WEINHARDT & LOGAN, P.C. 2600 Grand Avenue, Suite 450 Des Moines, LA 50312 ‘Telephone: (315) 244-3100 ‘ Volume II REPORTTO THE SENATE ETHICS COMMITTEE ON ‘THE INVESTIGATION OF STATE SENATOR KENT SORENSON APPENDIX TABLE OF CONTENTS Complaint Documents Deposition Weinhardt & Logan Interview Memoranda Emails Public Filings. Financial Docuents [News Artiles/Web Materia e2mossap0c1 Exhibits 1-4 Exhibit 5-7 Exhibits 8-21 Exhibits 2-29 Exhibits 30-35 Exhibits 36-43 Exhibits 44-54 WEINHARDT&LOGAN MEMORANDUM To: Senate Ethics File FROM: Mark Weinhardt DATE: September 27, 2013, RE: ‘Telephone interview with David Cohen Today I spoke with David Cohen. Mr. Cohan was returning a call I had placed because I found on the internet a listing for a David Cohen Law Office at 4316 Hamilton Street in Hyattsville, Maryland. Mr. Cohen told me that he had maintained a solo law practice at that location but that he had since retired, I told Mr. Cohen that I was investigating a payment of funds from ICT, Ine. into a bank account in Towa and chat the advice of wire transfer documents showed that ICT had its address at 4316 Hamilton Street where his law office used to be. T asked him what he could tell me about ICT. Mr. Cohen said that he was limited in what he could say because he believed there could be confidentiality issues surrounding ICT. He said, however, that there isa real business ealled ICT, but he is not sure what all it does. He said that ICT was ‘connected with William Howard, another attorney who still maintained a practice at 4316 Hamilton Street. He said that the name of the firm was Howard & Marcus, although he later implied that Marcus was retired. He said that Mr. Howard was still in active practice and gave me his phone number. ‘Mr. Cohen also said that if wanted to learn more about ICT, I should look up an individual named Sonny Tion. He said he did not have a phone number for Mr. Izon but that Mr. Howard would have contact information for him. | told Mr. Cohen that I was particularly trying to find out whether payments of fands from ICT had something to do with the Ron Paul for President campaign in 2012. Mr. ‘Cohen said that he did not know anyone who worked at the 4316 Hamilton Street building, which he characterized as very small, to be a Ron Paul supporter. He said that it may be, however, that ICT had done work for clients it “did not like.” Mr. Cohen apologized that he could not be more helpful but again told me to contact, Mr. Howard, EXHIBIT ig 2609 an eu, Sate 24 | De Moe own 5632 | 5244.90 | meinem com

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