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From Marike’s Rules: Once you've been tagged, you a random things, facts, habits, or goals ab be tagged. You have to tag the person because I want to know more about yot (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs 0 instructions in the body of the note, (in the right hand corner of the app) the . Ican be utterly tactless .. soppy movies bore me . i don't like warm toilet seats }. | swear too fucking much . i'm addicted to tea . i write in my head all the time . my closest friend is Sharon and i love her . my husband taught me what true love is . i love my father even though he's a 10. if i could have my life to do over agal 3 children 11. i think a lot of people don't know 12. i despise republicans . whenever i'm in other people's hot . i mentally redecorate my own house could punch anyone in the world, i'm very nosey | like looking at the photos of stra . | eavesdrop whenever i can ). sadly, i'm going deaf . i'm concerned that i'm losing my . the advantage of losing your memor 5 years ago and it's like reading a new 22. i'm crazy about my dog Sydni, and thi i feel unsettled if i don't several b idon't Believeiingod 25. i think people who do are totaly dl

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