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[:file GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS [As Filed bata— [DIN 9349315408133] 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax owe no sse5-0047 Form s inert sie. gman retaamttennecartmear seis | 2014 aes cee |» The organization may have to use a copy of tis return to satisfy state reporting requirements ‘i Forthe 2011 calendar year, or tax year beginning 07-01 201i and ending 06.30.2010 TF kedess cana 13:1923626 Tame crange [| Poe BRS Tidephone number cs 212)903-9600 clea Taber and ATG GFP ODOR Te BR GETTY Wo STS SITE] RTE ee Prevent! bet Seventh VERE F mendes etm [OST RNT SRET S, STP YT TF kppieaton pening Fo name and sarane ol prea Ter THe) Tati «grou tun for cuive ciitiison atates? Tye Fic Sen seventW AVENUE fe ereeeccenen H(b) Are all affiliates included? Tres Two LN," atach ait (see instructions) Trametes Fao F mno1 )amatm) Panama Fay | yyey croup exemption number 3 website: wmv carnegiehall rg irom ctogenmnion F Copan Tost emia Oe Tear iomaime oer [Mai raidomce WY Summary 1 Srety describe the oigansatons maui ormesl gnieont actviues To PRESENT ExtRAOADINARY MUSIC A HUSICTANS, BRING THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF MUSIC TO THE PUBLIC, i 3 | 2 Check ins bor PT ihe organization dscontnaedits operations of daposed of more than 250 ita net easels + | 3 number orvotng members ofthe governing bosy (PAR'VI,lne 18)... 3 2» $ | 4 number otindependent voting members of the governing body (PartVI,tne 18)... = 4 24 & | © roxainumberot volunteers (estimate necessary) 6 145 7a Total unrelated business revenue rom Pat VIII, column (C), tine 12. 7 3 beNet unrelated business tavable income fom Form 990-T, ne 34. 7 0 Pir veer Coren Yen Contnbutions and grants (Par VII, neh) : 00,840 598 74,430,508 3 | 9 program sence revenue VII ne 20) 23,222,087 24.3929 $ |10 tnvestmentincome (part VI, coun (Al,loes 3.4,0nd78) . 1. 165,008 222.104 © }11 other revenue (Part VIII, column (A), lines 5, 6d, 8c, 9c, 10c, and 11e) 1,467,533] 1,351,932 12 Total reverend ines 8 trough L4 (must eqs! Part VEIL column (8), ine i eee 105,703,222 100,305,043 18 Grants and smar amounts pad (PAR IX, column (a) ines 1-2) > > 3 2 14 enetts paid to or formembers (Part 1K column (A), line 4) = + 3 2 15. Salanes, other compensation, employes benefits (Part IX, column (A), nes g 5-10) 31,414,776) 32,922,037 E | 10a protessionsl indasing ees (Par 1X, col (A), ine 134) A 3 & | © towrnasns expenses (Pat, coun (0), te 25) 2 17 other expenses (Part 1X, colurm (A ines 110-114, 11-24) : Tyee 3ao03,600 18 Total expenses Add ines 12-17 (must equal Part IX, column (A), ne 25) €4.231,007 66,925,637 19__Revenve less expenses. Subtractiine 18 fom lnei2 vss 41.49025 33,459,406 # asin torent | Engr yaar Bo f20 rox asses ror ne 195,520,197 28,735 578 Se |e coaliehiees Corin) 38,807,605 33,703,172 Ea [22 _netassets ortund balances Subtractiine 21 fom ine 20-2. 166,720,592 195,032,406 ure Block knowledge and bale ts tru, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than fee) Is based on al Information of which prapare has any — —\ ger eens On nD msroae i May the IRS discuss ths raturm wth the preparer shown above? (see atrucvons) sv ss ss Fives Two eae acca ae eae: Gaara Form 990 (2011) Page 2 EEIEMT Statement of Program Service Accomplishments Check # Schedule O contains a response to any question m ths Part IT 7 Srefiy describe the organization's mission SEE SCHEDULE 0 2 Did the organization undertake any significant program services during the year which were not listed on fiat Foti 990 or GGD:ezareneiry cieieer ae trate er aire etree atc [p Ves Mal 18°¥es," desenbe these new services on Schedule 0 3. Did the organization cease conducting, or make significant changes in how it conducts, any program ie eee Ives F No 11°Yes," desenbe these changes on Schedule 0 4 Describe the organization's program service accomplishments for each of ts three largest program services, a8 measured by expenses Section 502(c)(3) ana $02(c)(4) orgamzations ane eection 4947(a)(1) trusts are required to report the amount of grants and allocations to others, the total expenses, and revenue, if any, for etch program service reported =e Taman) Sainte saett Tiamat aT LOR i Steaua NN NC ES net Bee ane al a at ‘a (cove Vere T5175 557 waa aan Teverae Tosa) ae (Cote ors G18,778 wading rao Tikeverae $ 706,05) (caie Verses am 3G7 wide wane TV theveme’s Winey (cate Teese TIS aR walang gran oT Titov s y “4d_ Other program services (Descnbe in Schedule © ) (Expenses $ 15,039,653 _imeluding grants of § ) (Revenue $ 171,104) ‘e__Total program service expenseshs 57,807,652, eee. 10 n 1 16 18 Form 990 (2011) Page 3 EEN checitist of Required Schedules ve Le te the organzationgasenbed in section $01(c)8) or 4947(0(t) (other than» private foundation) "er," Yer Su cece eeu eerie ererancgecta = Ts the orgamzationregured to complate Schedule & Schecter Contnutatsve mstructonsyy J... [2 | ves Did he erganzation engage indirect or narect plea eampaig aces on behalf or m opposition we Candidates for pubic ofce? Tf "es,"complete SeneduleG Pat ve ses we nes 2 Section 30(6)(3) organizations. Othe erganzation engage n ndbying atwies, orhave a section $04(h) Ye frectonm efeccurng he ten yesr™ fer conplcesaeduec rani ns se es. [A Ts the ergamzation a section 501(eN4), 501 (eS) ar 501(€N6) organization tat receives membership due, dpsetemens, arsonist amounts So acined venue Proceton i 37 Tf ven Scone soho fut fit aces eae ees eeare ru Cig aC eee CCE CEE ET EEE = ae Od he organzation maintain any donor advise funds or any emia funds of accounts fr whch donor have the antte provi ypc one astnbuton ormvestmentofomouts in such tno account Ye, “comelte x Epa ae 1) 9s aTuuton er nverimant cFarauns sn ang or acene s z Dideneerganaation receive or hold a conservation ensement, cluding ensements to preserve gen space, : the envvonmert, hatone lang ares orhstoestuctures> Tf-Yes complete soreile Pat 7D ns LZ Did ene ergenzaion marta colecons of wos ofa, stone earures,orcther sla assets? 17%," : Me a | ves Did ne erganzation report an amount m Pre, tine 24, serve asa cusican fr amounts not ised Part X, oF Provide cred couraving, det management, ces eno or det negeieon services fen complete Schedule D, Part VB... pee ee eee 9 Lena Did the organzation, directly or trough a elated organization hol assets mtemogeriyrestnctegendowments,| 40 no permanent endowment, or uasrchdswments? "Yar" complete Schesee Poe Tike orgunzations answer to any ofthe liowng questonss Yesthen complete Schedule D, Parts VI Vi, Watt Sear epee Did the crganzation pert an amount fr land, buldngs, and equipment n Part ine107 1 Yes, “complete Schule re vB le Dideneerganzation reper an amcuntforinvestments~othersecunties n Par fe 12 thats St or mor of i Iutota abouts Teportes Parts hne 16> Df Yo eanpote Schaub, a Vr 1 Od he orgamzation report an amour forinvestmente~ program elated n Par, ine 2 that $6 or more of, ts total assets reported in Part X, line 167 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part VIII ie No Di he evganzation report an ars for other assets m Par Xyne 15 thot 58% or more oft total assets = fapored im Parti ne 10° 1F Yoo complt Shel Prt Pe uu Dideheerganzation report an amcun for other laiites im Par X, ne 25? 1 Ye," complete Schedule OFX Y te | Yes Did he organzaton’s separate or consolidated france statements forthe tax year include a fotnete that Suoresses tne orgucatons tapi forancetan ax posters under HN #8 (ASC 740) 17"Yexeomonse | asp i Schouten Dideneerganaaton ban separge dependent audted franca statement forthe tax yea? 1f "Yes, “compete SchauteD Pae M01 ana tt tz no as the oganaaton cluded consolidate, dependent aude nancial statment ote tex yee? #f Jp cintsn nerd hte hn coming Sheed Pre, si oes este | aa vs Te the organzation a schoo! described in section 170(b{1 ANN? 1 es, camplete Schedule 2 ca Dd he organzation maintain anofice, employes, or agents outside ofthe Unted states? a no 0 te onan ve see vere rene fae han 109 fom ranma, rt, es, eer ft pa ses wavasoa UnaSaen sae te me ud 10080 0 Yon cn Schedule F, Parti. 6 + pee . Sotill Bind Ord eheorganzation report on Part 1, column (A, ine 3, more than $5,000 of grant or assistance nary Ne orgamrstion oceny locetedeutide eS» Hf es,*compete Schedule Pa I and 10 0 1s Did the erganation report on Fart 1, calumn (A, ine 3, more than 35,000 of apnregateoragt or assistance Yo = IRdnaduals cated atede the US 91f¥en "comple Shade ee Tit andl ne 6 Ord he organzation repert a total of more than $15,000, of expenses for poessiona fundraising services on [ay ne Pan, cour (A) mee 6 and 16” TY" conee Schule eT Did ene organtation repertmere than $25,000 total of funrasing event Gross mcome an connbutons on Part : Vitis inee and 1° vee, comple SanduleG weft sn ees ee 1» Od he orgamzation report mare than $35,000 of ross ince fom gaming actives on Pat VIL, ne 927 Fag Ne eminem ee ere Distneerganzation operat oe ormare hosptals? IF "Yes,"campeteScheulen# a we 1f-¥es"to ine 208, dd the ogarzton atach te auited nancial statement to thru? Note. ll Form 950 Mars that eperated ane orimoreheepats must atach audited nance sintanente es 206 See ame ee BRE Form 990 (2011) Page 4 GEREN Checklist of Required Schedules (continued) Did the organization report more then $5 000 of grants and other assistance to governments and organizations ™] aq Wo the Unites States on Part IX, column (A), ine 1? 1F "Yes,"complete Schedule, Parts Tend IT. Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to individuals inthe United States ‘on Part 1X, column (A), line 2? If "Yee," complete Schedule I, Parte f and 111 = ue Did the organization answer "Ves" to Part VII, Section A, questions 3, 4, 05, about compensation ofthe 7 organization’ current and former oficers, dircetors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated a | ves employees? if *Yes,"complete Schedule) ve te tv et et te te Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000 fe of the last day of the year, that was issued after December 31, 20029 [f “Yes,” answer questions 240-24 and complete Schedule K IF 'No,"gotolne25 ee ee ee te ee te 2a Ne id the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary penod exception? . . . | aay id the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time dunng the year todefease any tax-exempt bonds? sev ee et te te et rt et et wo BME id the organization act as an on behalfof"ssuer for bonds outstanding at any time dunng the year?» | 2aq ‘Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations. Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction vith 2 disqualified person during the year? If "Yes,"complete Schedule, PwtT . . + + 250 No Is the organization aware that it engaged in an excess benefit transaction with 2 disqualified person in 2 prior year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organrzation’s prior Forms 880 or 980-£27 1f | 256 No “Yes,"complete Schedule, PatD se ee Was a loan to or by 8 current or former ofcer, director, trustee, key employee, highly compensated employee, oF Gisqualfed person outstanding as of the end ofthe organization's tax year” If "Yes," complete Schedule L, 26 ne id the organzetion provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, substantial Contributor, ora grant selection commuttee member, or to a person related to such an individual? I? "Yes," 7 No complete Schedule L, PUETIT » ve ee ee \Was the organization a party to 2 business transaction with one ofthe following parties? (see Schedule L, Part IV Instructions for applicable fling threshalds, conditions, and exceptions} | current ar former officer, director, trustee, or key employes? If "Yee,"complete Schedule L, Part | family member ofa current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? IF "Yes," No complete Schedulel, Part IV. et ee 2a An entity of which a current or former officer, director, trustee, or ey employee (oF 8 family member thereof) was : an officer, director, trustee, or omer? JF "Yes," complete Schedule, Part IV. « 2ec| Yes id the organization receive more than $25,000 im non-cash contnbutions? If "Yes,"complete Schedule M = No Did the organization receive contnbutions of ar, historical treasures, or other similar assets, or qualified : conservation contributions? If "Yes,"complete Schedule st vt tv tes 30 e Did the organization liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If “Yes,” complete Schadule Ny, ag ec ee eer een ee ed er ES ue Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of ts net assets? If "Yes," complete ‘Schedule N, Part IT 2 No Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations iz sections 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-3? If "Yes,"complete Schedule, Part. + + + 33 Was the organization relates to any tax-exempt of taxable entity? if "Yes," complete Schedule B Parts II, 111, TV, a i ee 4 1s any related organvzation 2 controled entty ofthe fling organization within the meaning of section 522(b)113)" [35 | ye, bid the organization receive any payment from or engage n any transaction with a controlled entity within the 358 |, ‘meaning of section 542(b\13)? If "Yes,"complete Schedule, Put V,me2 . = ‘Section 501(c)(3) organizations. Did the organization make any transfers to an exemst non-chantable related - organization? If "Yes," complete Schedule , Part V, ine 2 36 ° Did the organization conduct mare than 5% of ts activities through an entity that isnot a related organization i. land that treated ae 2 partnership for federal income tax purposes? if "Yer," complete Schedule R, Part VI 7 e Did the organization complete Schedule O and provide explanations in Schedule O for Pert VI, lines 11 and 197 y. Note. All Form 990 filers are requiredto complete ScheduleO s+ 7s 7 es 7 ss as | vee ace rere Form 990 (2011) Page S Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance Check Schedule 0 contansaresponse toany question nthis PatV ts ev ee ee 1s Enterthe number reported im Box 3 ofForm 1096 Enter-O- not applicable b Enter the number afore W-26 included nine 18 Entr-o- not applicable » 3 € dhe orgamzation comply with backup wthholding rules for eportable payments to vendors ond veporabe gaming (Genbingianugstopneemmene se nee cee tree ee ee [de | ves aa_Enterthe umber of employees reported on Form W3, Transmit ef Woe and Tax Statertents ie forthe colender yest ending wth or within the yeorcovered by ths b fat least one 1 reported on tine 20, id te organization le all required federal employment tax fetus? a» | ves Note. ifthe sum oftines 1 and 2a greater than 250, you maybe required to e-file (see instructions) 28 Did the orpenation have unrelated busines gross incom of $1,000 or more dung the b f-Yes.thae i fled a Form 990-1 forth yeor "Ne," provide an explanation n Schade O 3b 44a Atany ume dunng the calendar yer, dd the organization have an interest in, ora signature or ether avhonty sees * No © f-Ves,* enter the name of the foreign country > See instracons for ng requirements for Form 1D FBO-TE T, Repor of Foreign Bank ond Fancal Accounts | Sa Wos the organzatn a party toa prohinted tax shelter transaction atany time during the tox year? « & mm Did any taxable party notify the organatin that mas oris a party to a proited tx shelter transaction? — ay No € 1f°Ye5"to ine Se or Sb id the organization fle Form 8686-77 vw we ae se 2 oes the organzation have annual gross receots that ae normally greater than $100,000, and di the rs Ne crganzntionseiet any contnbutons that were nottax deductbie? vt en ees ews b 1f-Yes,"did the orpanation include wth every solicitation an express statement that such contributions o gts tre not tox seaucnsle> * 7 Orgeizations that may receive deductible contbitions unde section 170(€) 1 idtne organization racenve a payment in excess of $75 made partly asa contnbution and party fr gouds and | 7a No neivees mended cote severe ee eters eye a tte b 1f-Yes/"did the organization notty the donor ofthe value ofthe goods or services provided? € Did the organcation sel, exchange, orotherwse dispose of tangible personal property for which twas required to 4 1F-Yes,"ndicate the number ofForms 6262 fled dung the year. «id the organization receive any nds, directly or ndirecty to pay premiums on a persona Benet 1 oid the oramzation, dung te year pay premms, directly or nee, on a persons Deneht contact? 7 No 4 ifthe organization received contribution of qualified intelectual property, did the organization fle Form 8899 a8 Pena cereteregeeaeereeeene 20 ifthe organationreceved a contnbuton of cars, boats, arplanes or other vehicles, dd the organcaton file» bimiosecee ee ee eee ™ {8 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section 509(a)(3) supporting organizations 14 the supporting crganzation, ora Govoreavise hind mumained bye sponsor gemaath, Reve excess aioe baldage ot aey coe eng geares eee i. Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. b Didtneorpanaation make a distnbution te a done, donor advisor or related parson? = = + + 3 10° Section 501(6)(7) organizations. Enter b Gross recrsts, included on Form 990, Part Vit ine 12, for cubic use of cub [a0 fees 11. Section 501(6)(12) owanizations. Enter Gross income from members orshareholders ss [ate b Grose income fom ether sources (Do not nt amounts dua or pan to other Sources agonst amounts due or aceved Fomthem) sn [stb 124 Section 4947(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts s the organization ling Form 980 in leu ofForm 10417 | tz b 1f-Yesenter the amount of texexempt mterest received or accrued ding the Year 12> 13. Section 501(0)(25) qualified nonprofit health Insurance Issuers. 1 1s the orpenzationleensed te wave qulited heath plans in mre than one state? Note: A11203(¢)29) omameatons must istin Sehecule 0 each state m which they are license to eoue untied heath plan, tne amount of reserves required by each state, andthe amount of reserves the organaati allocated to each state 13a b Enter the aggregate amount of reserves the organzation i require to maintain by the states tunic te orgenzaton icensedtoresuv quaited heath pane.” [232 € Enterthe aggregate amount of reserves on hand ores = 1a Did th organization racrve any payments for mdsor tanning services dunng he tax yaar? ys | A No b_if*¥es7 has it fled a Form 720 to resortthese payments? if" provide an explanation n Schedule». | 34 See ame ee Form 990 (2011) Page 6 Governance, Management, and Disclosure For each "Ver" response to Ines 2 through 7b below, and for 3 °No" response to ines 85, 8b, Or 10D below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes in Schedule ©. See instructions, Check Schedule O contains a response toany question inthis PatVI. «+ + + + + + + Section A. Governing Body and Management Yes | No 4a _Enterthe number of voting members ofthe governing body at the end ofthe tax fare ee A 29) 1b Enterthe number of voting members included in line 18, above, who are independent. ee te » 24) 2 Didany officer, rector, trustee, or key employee have a family relationship or a business relationship mth any other oficer, director, trustee, orkey employee? vs vs se rs st ss ss tw | 2 | Yes 3 _Didthe organization delegate control over management duties customarily performes by or under the direct supervision of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees to amenagement company or other person? | 3 No 4 Did the organization make any significant changes to its governing documents since the prior Farm 990 was filed? 4 No 5 _Didthe organization become aware dung the year ofa significant diversion ofthe organization's assets? 3 No 6 Didthe organization have members orstockholders? . 2 se vee ee ee ee || ves 7a Did the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appoint one or more members ofthe governing body? ve es tee et ee ee ya | ves b Are any governance decisions ofthe organization reserved to (or subject to approval by) members, stockholders, | 7b Wo fr persons other than the governing body? 8 _Didthe organization contemporaneously document the mectings held or wntten actions undertaken during the year By the following @ Thegoverning body? see ve ee eee [te] ves 1b Each committee with authonty to act on behalf of the governing body? - 2 ee ee ee a | ves 9 Is there any officer, director, trustee, or key employee listed n Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached atthe organization’: mailing address? If"Yes," provide the names and addresses in Schedule ws ° No ‘Section B. Policies (This Section B requests information about policies not required by the Internal Revenue Code. Yer | No 0a 14 the organization have local chapters, branches, orafilites? . - . - . . - . . . + [oa No bb 1f-¥es," aid the organization have written polices and procedures governing the activities of such chapters, affiliates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with the organization's exempt purposes ee _ 4a Has the organization provided a complete copy of this Form 980 to all members ofits governing body before hling the form? aia | Yes. bb Describe in Schedule O the process, any, used by the erganization to reviewthe Form 990... 12a 1d the organvzation have a wntten conflict of interest policy? If N"gotoline 23... . 2 es aaa | Yes, b Were ofcers, directors or trustees, and key employees required to disclose annually interests that could give iva toeuaticta gee eae de ce tee 120| ves € Didthe organization regularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance with the policy? If"Yes," desenibe| imSchedule Ohowthis was done vt ett es tet et te tee ew are| ves 43. Did the organization have a wntten whistleblower policy? ss ee ee eee ww ee ee faa | ves: 44 Did the organization have a wntten document ratention and destruction policy? . . . ss . «+ « [aa] Yes 15 id the process for determining compensation ofthe folloming persons include 2 review end approval by Independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the delizeration and decision? 1 The organization's CEO, Executive Director, or top management official asa| yes b Other officers or key employees ofthe organization «se ee we ee 150 | Yes If"¥es," te line 15a or 15b, describe the process in Schedule O (see instructions) 462. id the organization invest in, contribute assets to, or participate ina joint venture or similar arrangement with & arable entity dunngthe year? ve ee ee ee ee | 86R No b 1¢°Yes," aid the organization follow @ written policy oF procedure requinng the organization to evaluate its participation injont venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the organization's exempt status with respect to such arrangements? ta ‘Section C, Disclosure 47 List the States with which a copy of this Form 990 1s required to be fled NY 48 Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Form 1023 (or 1024 ifapplicable), 990, and 990-7 (SOi(e) {Gis enly) available for public inspection Indicate how you made these available Check all that apply Townwebsite [Another's website [F Upon request 19 Describe in Schedule 0 whether (and if so, how), the organization made its governing documents, conflict of Interest policy, and financial statements available to the public See Additional Date Table 20 State the name, physical adéress, and telephone number ofthe person who possesses the books and records of the organization THEODORE & PHILLIPS 62 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK,NY 10039 212)903-9600 eee Form 990 (2011) Page 7 [REIEWE! Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors Check if Schedule 0 contains a response to any question inthis Part VIT Se Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees Ta Complete this table forall persons required tobe listed Report compensation for the calendar year ending wth or within the organizations fe List al of the organization's current officers, directors, trustees (whether individuals or organizations), regardless of amount ‘Sf compensation, and current Key employees Enter -O- in columns (D),(E), and (F) fa compensation was parc f¢List al ofthe organizations current key employees, f any See instructions for definition of "key employee * 1 List the organizetion’s five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee or key employee) Wino received repertable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) af more than $100,000 ‘rom the ‘organization end any related organizations f¢List all ofthe organizations former officers, key employees, or highest compensated employees who received more than $100,000 Sf reportable compensation rom the organization and any related organizations ‘© List al ofthe orgenization’s former directors or trustees that received, inthe capacity as a former director or trustee of the Srganization, more than $10,000 ef reportable compensation from the organization and any related organzations List persons in the following order individual trustees or directors, institutional trustees, officers, Key employees, highest ‘compensated employees, and former such persons [check this box ifneither the organization nor any related organizations compensated any current of former officer, director, or trustee w © © ©) © © tue tore thn oe boy campensaton | campeneaton | amount tether ser, | utece person oath Tamtne. | ‘tomrataed” | ‘compenseton wrk svomicer nda ergamantion (| crgensavens | “Rom tne Gesenbe —[_dvectornrutes) Toss-nise) | (wea/i0ss- | orsemazton ane tours = wise) ranted or ses dz] |. Be orgunetone relates aziz) labs sraaneatons (92 [2] OEE BE | schedule [82/2] Rie | 3 |g C e|z| lel 2 Eli 5 eee Form 990 (2011) Page 8 Section A, Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees (conunuea) @, @ © @ © © Name re Title average | Positon (fe nat check Reportable | Reportable | estimated Toure imore than one boxe compensavon | campersation | amount et other ver unless person ts both ‘romtne. | a Busmness Code Ban soxornce necarns cn moovceo Tad nanen| nanan 5 wae & | © rearonvancespaooocto rons Ta emman] _swanan| gle 3 i © | + Aiotecprosremsersce verse |g totanaciines 20-24 » . Taal 3 Investment income (including vidends, terest and other simaramounts) « » Tar] Ta] 4 emer ivesment ft exemot ond poate 7 5 Royalties _. * Ta] Ta (Real TiPeenal ross rene Toe bles eal TH Seat 4 Natrantal ncome ar oes) > aa sousu| sousu| Tsecurter wy oRer bls omer oo © tmarton a Net gan ors) ¥ sae ss {Grose mcome fom fundrsing : vents (not ncluaing : 3 Seerareiv. inet @ | Z| © Less directexpenses . . . | | € _Netincome or (loss) from fundraising events q 9% Gross mcome fom gaming activites SeePan imei nes b Less direct expenses | © Netincome o oss) rom gaming actwites > q 100. Gross sales of inventory, eee fetus and allowances Less costofgoods sold. 18.79 € _Netincome or oss rom sales of nventary 7 ass ass ecelleneous Revenue Gusmers Code Tis OTHeRINCOME 007 sro sri » Aivotherevenve © Total Add lines 119-136 12. Total venue, See instructions > aera: Form 990 (2011) Page 10 [EMEC statement of Functional Expenses ‘Section 501(c)@) and 501 (c a) organaatone must complete al columns Alother organizations must complete column (A) but are not required to complete columns (8), (c), and (0) Check i Schedule O contains a response to any question inths Part 1X cries ecnaeae Do not include amounts reported on lines Sb, sear | Progam rece | nanagament and | Fundereng 7, Bo, 9b, and 10b of Pare VIL. Tost digemes | Pogam sree | Margaret and | runing 7 Grants and other assistance to governments and organizations inthe United States See Part 1, line 21 : 2 Grants and other assistance to incividusis inthe United States" See Parciv, ne 22 : 3° Grants and other assistance to gavernments, States SeePortiveines Sandie | 4 Benefits paid to or for members n 5 Compensation ofcurentofcers, directors, trustees, and keyemployees ss a soayats 6 Compensation not included above, to disqualified persons (Ge defined undor section 4953(0(2)) and persone desenbed in section 4958(€3)8) se | Other salaries and wages Taaesic| vesassoi] _Lenars Pension plan contributions (include section 404 (k) and section 403(b) employer contnbutions) + = = 2s6o0| 2.886060 9 Otheremployee benefits. . sss 3s707| 2957473 Tae ao ape sssass| arm. 6,008 11 Fees for services (non-emplovees) a Management. ee a bleh ee waar 1938 wei See 247,70 347.740 ae a © Professional fundraising See Part IV, ne 17. « ni f Investment management fees... ni 9 omer zanaso| 191i 66 eter] 12 Advertiing and promotion... 3.76503] 3.5.78 75 43 Offceexpenses os 1313,199[ 1.019456 361736 44 Information technology... 9,159 206807 2. 15. Royalties A 46 Occupaney sae so So ‘9002 100.06 wane 18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any federal, State, orloesl public offeiis. sn se A 19 Conferences, conventions, and mectings = = = A 2 Paymentstoafiliates - 2 22 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization «ws ‘aamoar7| asso “ae 24 other expenses Itemae expenses nat covered above (List miscellaneous expenses inline 24 Irline 24¢ amount exceeds 10% of tine 25, column (A} amount ist line 24f expenses on Schedule 0 ) 4 CONCERT EXPENSES ‘aaea27| _12199,76 i608 » SecuniTy "0.902 0.092 «¢ REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 167.339 169,194 4 4 MUSEUM ACQUISITIONS & EXHIGITS 507) 23079 1 Rilother expanses 2589 0 aaa 25 Total functional expenses, Add lines 1 rough 247 wou exe] —shenresa] 907,908 ° 26 Joint costs. Check here ® [— ollowna 50P 98-2 (ASC 958-720) Complete this line only ifthe trganizetion reported in column (8) int costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising salietation caer: Form 990 (2011) Page at TEEEES. Balance sheet a @ pagnanyctyese|__|_endutyesr aS qa 3 eee remasee 2 eee0 3 Pledges andgrantsrecenable,net sw vv eee teat] Tasso . cocneeie e os 2 5 Recewables fom curent and former otters, dirctors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees, Complete Parti of St ds 0 4 Recenabes from other eisqualited persons (as defined under secton 4988( M(t) and petoane deasnbedn vectn 4958(C) 318) Conplee Pa i ot ee ds 0 CW a7 3 g Inventories forsaleoruse . . « a . o| 8 ° <|5 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges... - eee See 1,766,103] 9 3,016,252 10a Land, buldngs, and equipment eoetorather esis Carpe zeasarcay pt Wa Sete to bless sceumulated depreciation... ro5| sameness] terzasoma| sve] socases ee sare ere e007 65) 44 eat 10 ees ems eG of a2 3 13 Investmente-prosramrlated See Pert 1V, ine 11.» of.a3 6 i ioe ce ofa 3 is Ouest 3 16__Totalanste. Add ines 1 trough 15 (ust aqualiine 34) = = wane] a6 [| zarese 17 Accounts payee and accred expanses arei.00) 17 Tarness a of.a8 3 i eee aazasei] 19 aariee oe of 20 3 4g|21_tscroworeustoil account hebiity Complete Put Vt Schedule. ofan 3 3] 22 pavasies to curentand ormer offcers, directors, trustees, key |” Chployeessngnectcompercated smployees, and decuelfed B]—versons complete rar 1 of Schedulel sve vv ee a o| 22 ° A] 23° Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties. o| 23, ° 24 Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated thd parses. = = ++ sear] 28 amar 28 Otheriabites (including federal come tay, payables to related td partes, nd other habitace not nuded on nce 29-24) Complete Pare X of Schedule 3 renze|2s| rasan 25 _Toastantalen, Add unes 17 trough25) sss 7aa0708) 26 | _aaea.ia =] Oranizations that follow SFAS 117, check have PF and compte nes 27 3) trough 29, and ines 23 and 34 Ear unvestnctednetassets 2... 106.7208] 27 196,092.406, fs oe of ze 3 | 29 Permanentyrestneted netassets =. = > = of.29 a 5 | onsanization that do not follow SFAS 117, check here [and complete = | nee 30 through 24 $ [20 capital stock ortrust principal, oreurrentfunds . . . 20 3 Ja paie-moreaptal surplus, ofan, bung or equipment find 3 3 | x2 netamed enrins,andonenat, accumulated income, or other kinds 32 1S Seer er = |34 Total habuites and net assets/fund balances ee 196,528,197] 34 228,735,578 ae eae Form 990 (2011) EERIEST Reconciliation of Net Assets Page 12 Check Schedule 0 contains a response to any question n ths Part Xt A Total revenue (must egual Part VIIL, column (A),tine12).. 2. Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), ine 25) ae 2 66,925,637 3 Revenue less expenses Subtract line 2 fromiine ss 3 33,459,406 4 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (must equal Part X, line 33, column (A) 4 166,720,592 5 Otherchanges in net assets or fund balances (explain in ScheduleO) » - + 5 15,147,592 6 Netassets orfund balances at end of year Combine lines 3, 4, and 5 (must equal Part X, line 33, column (ayaa tenes 6 195,032,406 incial Statements and Reporting Check f Schedule O contains a response to any question n this Part XII ee eres 1 ecounting method used to prepare the Form 930 [cash F Acerval other Ifthe organization changed its method of accounting fom a prior year or checked "Other,* explainim Schedule 0 2a Were the organization’ fnancial statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant? . 2a No 1b Were the organzation’s financial statements audited by an independent accountant? . . . . . . «| ab] ves I¢°Yes,"to 28 oF 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight of the audit, review, or compilation of ts financial statements and selection of an independent accountant? Ifthe organization changed either its oversight process or selection process during the tax year, explain in Schaal ree eee 2c | ves 4 1f-¥es" to line 22 or 2b, check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were issued on 2 separate basis, consolidated basis, oF Both F Separate basis F Consolidated basis” Both consolidated and separated basis, 3a As a result ofa federal award, was the organization required to undergo an auait or audits as set forth in the Single Audit Actand OMB CireularA-337 se ee ee ee 3a No bb f*¥es,"aid the organization undergo the required audit or audite? Ifthe organization did not undergo the required] 3b uct of audits, explain why in Schedule O and desenbe ony steps taken to undergo such audits Form 990 (2017)

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