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2008 Manning, Massini, and Lewin 35


A Dynamic Perspective on Next-Generation

Offshoring: The Global Sourcing of Science and
Engineering Talent
by Stephan Manning, Silvia Massini, and Arie Y. Lewin

Executive Overview
The seemingly unlimited availability of science and engineering (S&E) talent in emerging economies and
the increasing difficulties of finding such talent in advanced economies have given rise to a new trend: the
global sourcing of S&E talent. This paper examines the antecedents and dynamics of this trend. In
particular, it examines the coevolution of macroeconomic forces, domestic and offshore national policies,
industry dynamics, and firm-level offshoring capabilities driving today’s offshoring decisions. The analysis
exploits findings from the Offshoring Research Network (ORN) project. By taking a dynamic and
multilevel perspective on next-generation offshoring, this paper may inform both firm-level strategies and
national policy-making.

he disintermediation of business processes, in- skilled talent around the world (Bunyaratavej et
formation technology applications, and ad- al., 2007; Deloitte, 2004; Farrell et al., 2006;
ministrative and back office functions through Lewin & Couto, 2007; Lewin & Peeters, 2006)
offshoring is rapidly becoming an accepted main- has emerged as a new key strategic driver. Related
stream business practice (UNCTAD, 2005). Off- to this, offshoring is no longer limited to standard-
shoring refers to the process of sourcing any busi- ized information technology (IT) or business pro-
ness task, process, or function supporting domestic cesses, but increasingly involves product develop-
and global operations from abroad, in particular ment functions, such as engineering, research and
from lower cost emerging economies. In recent development (R&D), and product design (Engar-
years, two important trends have emerged. For a dio & Einhorn, 2005; Lieberman, 2004; Maskell
growing number of companies, reducing labor et al., 2006; Patel & Vega, 1999; Subramaniam &
costs is no longer the only strategic driver behind Venkatraman, 2001). These two trends in partic-
offshoring decisions. Accessing pools of highly ular may lead to what we call the global sourcing
of S&E talent. In other words, while in the past
The authors wish to thank Associate Editor Timothy Devinney for his
editorial guidance and four anonymous reviewers for their encouragement
most companies would build up and concentrate
and insightful suggestions. their product development functions at home,
Stephan Manning ( is Senior Research Associate at the Center for International Business Education and Research
(CIBER) at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.
Silvia Massini ( is Senior Lecturer in Economics and Technology Management at Manchester Business School,
University of Manchester.
* Arie Y. Lewin ( is Professor of Strategy and International Business, Lead Principal Investigator of the Offshoring
Research Network (ORN), and Director of the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the Fuqua School of
Business, Duke University.

Copyright by the Academy of Management; all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, e-mailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder’s express written
permission. Users may print, download, or e-mail articles for individual use only.

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36 Academy of Management Perspectives August

Figure 1
Changing Importance of “Access to Qualified Personnel” as a Strategic Driver of Offshoring Decisions

Source: Duke University/Archstone Consulting Offshoring Research Network 2004 and 2005 U.S. Surveys and Duke University/Booz Allen Hamilton
Offshoring Research Network 2006 U.S. Survey.

employing domestic science and engineering Small companies in particular offshore product
(S&E) talent, they have now begun to hire and development functions: 38% of all offshore imple-
use talent with S&E skills at globally dispersed mentations by companies with fewer than 500
locations. employees are related to product development
This is a key finding of the annual Offshoring functions, according to the 2006 ORN survey (see
Research Network (ORN) survey, which was ini- Figure 3; Lewin & Couto, 2007). Small companies
tiated in 2004 and which tracks offshoring activ- see offshoring as an opportunity to increase speed
ities of more than 1,600 large, mid-cap, and small to market for their new products or processes and
U.S. and European companies at the level of dis- to better access S&E talent. The increasing avail-
crete implementations (Lewin & Couto, 2007).1 ability of external service providers offering new
The survey tracks strategic drivers, risks, location product development services and the opportunity
selection factors, service delivery models, perfor- for small companies to augment their limited in-
mance and job outcomes, and future plans. Survey house R&D capacity are further inducements.
results reveal that over the period 2004 to 2006
While many articles, books, and reports have
access to qualified personnel became the second
recently been published about offshoring, the
most important offshoring driver after cost savings
complex dynamics of these trends is not well un-
(see Figure 1), and that new product develop-
derstood. This is because most studies have been
ment—including product design, engineering ser-
vices, and R&D—was the second most frequently rooted in certain research disciplines and focused
offshored business function after IT (see Figure 2). on specific aspects or effects of offshoring on the
firm, industry, or national economy level (see
The ORN survey was launched in 2004 and 2005 by the Duke Center Table 1 for examples). For example, a number of
of International Business Education and Research (CIBER) in partnership papers—including a 2006 special issue of the
with Archstone Consulting LLC; in 2006 Booz Allen Hamilton became the
lead corporate sponsor. The Conference Board has become the lead col-
Academy of Management Perspectives— have dis-
laborator as of 2007. cussed the short-term impact of offshoring on do-

Electronic copy available at:

2008 Manning, Massini, and Lewin 37

Figure 2
Growth of Offshoring by Function

Source: Duke University/Archstone Consulting Offshoring Research Network 2004 and 2005 U.S. Surveys and Duke University/Booz Allen Hamilton
Offshoring Research Network 2006 U.S. Survey.

mestic employment (Dossani & Kenney, 2006; (Dossani & Kenney, 2007; Reddy, 1997). Other
Engardio et al., 2003; Farrell et al. 2004, 2006; papers have focused on the role of task features,
Harrison & McMillan, 2006). Others have ad- outsourcing experience, and capabilities in mak-
dressed technological antecedents of the reloca- ing make-or-buy decisions (e.g., Gainey & Klaas,
tion of particular functions such as IT (Henley, 2003; Holcomb & Hitt, 2007; Leiblein & Miller,
2006), or research and development (Blinder, 2003).
2006; Ernst, 2002; Lieberman, 2004), or the rise of While these studies cover important aspects
certain offshore destinations, in particular India of offshoring, we propose that a more dynamic

Figure 3
Distribution of Functional Implementations by Company Size

Source: Duke University/Booz Allen Hamilton Offshoring Research Network 2006 U.S. Survey.
38 Academy of Management Perspectives August

Table 1
Overview of Studies Related to Offshoring of Administrative and Technical Work
General Topic References (Examples) Outlet/Type Focus of Studies (Methodology)
Global/General Level
Economic drivers of offshoring Antras & Helpman (2006), Blinder (2006), Markusen Academic Trends in international trade of services, comparative
(2005) advantage of locations (economic modeling)
Technical drivers of offshoring Abramowsky & Griffith (2006), Blinder (2006), Ernst Academic Role of IT, modularization and standardization and
(in particular IT) (2002), MacDuffie (2007) digitalization of processes (conceptual)
Scale and scope of service A. T. Kearney (2004), Bajpaj et al. (2004), Lewin & Consulting, practitioner- Offshoring trends, drivers, risks, location choices, savings,
offshoring Couto (2007), UNCTAD (2005) oriented . . . (surveys; Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics)
Global race for talent Florida (2004, 2005), Frymire (2006), Hansen Books, popular press Prediction of a global race for talent in a globalizing economy
(2006), Lewin & Peeters (2006) (references to recent surveys)
Impact of offshoring on global Dicken (2003), Gereffi (2005), Levy (2005) Academic Changing interdependencies in global economy as a result of
economy FDI activities (conceptual)
National Level: Economy, Policy, and Institutions
Domestic vs. offshore talent Cervantes (2004), Dossani & Kenney (2006), Farrell Books: business press and Talent supply in the U.S., Europe, and emerging economies; role
pool (in particular, science et al. (2006), Freeman (2006), Kuptsch & Pang academic of education and migration policies and institutions (mostly
and engineering) (2005), Lewin et al. (2008), Lowell & Salzman based on annual statistics)
(2007), Martin (2005), Salzman (2007)
Domestic job impact of Amiti & Wei (2004), Farrell (2004, 2005), Farrell et Academic Prediction of job gains vs. losses as a result of offshoring;
offshoring al. (2006), Harrison & McMillan (2006) distinction between low-/high-skilled jobs (FDI, employment
Other impacts on domestic Engardio et al. (2003), Garner (2006), Global Insight Policy-oriented reports Impact of service offshoring on prices, productivity, exports,
economy (2004), Lieberman (2004), Mankiw & Swagel wages (FDI, annual statistics)
(2006), Olsen (2006), van Ark et al. (2006)
Impact on developing Patibandla & Petersen (2002), Reddy (1997) Policy-oriented, academic Role of investors in promoting economic development offshore
economies (surveys, primary focus: India)
Role of innovation systems Carlsson (2006), Ernst (2002), Intarakumnerd et al. Academic Interdependence of innovation systems, clusters, and global
and clusters in emerging (2006), Manning (2008), Zhou & Leydesdorff economy (conceptual, partly based on surveys)
economies (2006)
Business/Industry Level (Across Firms)
Engineering/R&D Helper & Khambete (2005), Kuemmerle (1999), Academic Drivers of offshoring R&D (conceptual, survey-based)
Maskell et al. (2006), Patel & Vega (1999),
Reddy (1997)
Financial services Krishnaswamy & Pashley (2007) Academic Drivers and risks of offshoring financial services (survey-based)
Call centers Beshouri et al. (2005), Ren & Zhoo (2007) Consulting, academic Performance, service quality of call center offshoring (survey-
Business processes Kshetri (2007), Mehta et al. (2006) Academic Antecedents, constraints, and risks of Business Process
Outsourcing (BPO) (empirical, conceptual)
IT services Engardio (2003), Erber & Sayed-Ahmed (2005), Gu Business press, academic Drivers of IT offshoring and outsourcing (survey-based, mostly
& Tse (2007), Henley (2006) focused on India)
Firm Level
Offshoring decisions and Bunyaratavej et al. (2007), Lewin et al. (2008), Academic Drivers of offshoring, choice of location, role of experience,
strategies Pyndt & Pedersen (2006) demand for talent (survey-based and case-based)
Human Resource Deloitte (2006), StepStone (2006) Consulting, academic Recruitment, retainment, and HR development strategies and
Management (HRM) challenges (conceptual)
Innovation/R&D capability Dossani & Kenney (2007), Manning et al. (2007), Academic Building offshore innovation capabilities, knowledge transfer
Subramaniam & Venkatraman (2001) (primarily case studies)
Outsourcing decisions and Gainey & Klaas (2003), Holcomb & Hitt (2007), Academic Theory-based papers on strategic outsourcing decisions and
capabilities Leiblein (2003), Leiblein & Miller (2003) capabilities, but often independent of decisions about
location (conceptual and empirical)
Role of managers in offshore Levina (2007), Manning et al. (2007) Academic Managers as boundary spanners and embedding agents (case
operations studies)
Offshoring trajectories Angeli & Grimaldi (2007), Dossani & Kenney (2007), Academic Stages of service offshoring (e.g., from simple transaction-
Jensen & Pedersen (2007), Maskell et al. (2006) oriented to more complex activities) (mostly case studies)
Implications for organization Doh (2005), Massini et al. (2008) Academic Implications of offshoring for organization theory (conceptual)
Collaborative strategies Kedia & Lahiri (2007) Academic Choice of service delivery models for offshore operations
2008 Manning, Massini, and Lewin 39

and comprehensive perspective on offshoring is in-house (captive, or international, insourcing)

needed to better understand more recent trends. and outsourced activities; outsourcing, in turn,
More precisely, we consider key parallel and may occur both domestically (onshore) and
interrelated— or “coevolutionary” (Volberda & abroad (offshore). Further, offshoring concerns
Lewin, 2003)—trends in advanced and emerging sourcing rather than sales activities, and it sup-
economies that have resulted in recent firm-level ports global or domestic rather than local opera-
offshoring decisions. These trends include the in- tions. For example, setting up Human Resources
creasing difficulty of finding S&E talent with ad- (HR) departments in foreign subsidiaries in sup-
vanced degrees (MSc or PhD or their equivalent) port of local operations (e.g., sales and distribu-
in the home country and the rise of new S&E tion) is not what we mean by offshoring. Only if
clusters providing such talent in emerging econo- HR services (e.g., payroll services) are provided
mies. S&E clusters are new geographical concen- from offshore in support of global or home-based
trations of S&E talent pools and of external ser- HR functions does the term offshoring apply.
vice providers that offer technical and other In the longer term, as particular tasks are moved
advanced services using S&E talent and at the and specialized capabilities are established at multi-
same time compete for such talent. In addition, we ple locations around the world, a corporate network
consider firm-level offshoring experiences and or- of operations emerges, expands, and reconnects.
ganizational capabilities that have affected deci- Over time, the distinction between “home-based”
sions to offshore product design, R&D, and engi- and “foreign” operations can be expected to disap-
neering functions in recent years. The emergence pear, as centers of excellence and multiple regional
and impact of these trends can best be under- service delivery bases are established (e.g., Holm &
stood by considering multiple levels simulta- Pedersen, 2000). Along with this trend we expect
neously: macroeconomic, institutional/policy, that new product development functions will also be
industry, and firm. Taking both a multilevel and located at different places around the world and that
a coevolutionary perspective helps us better un- S&E talent needed to perform these functions will
derstand the connectedness rather than just the be sourced globally. The internationalization of
individual significance of each trend. As a result, R&D is not a recent phenomenon (Cantwell, 1995;
we can develop a deeper and more nuanced un- Granstrand et al., 1992; Kenney & Florida, 1994;
derstanding of offshoring and sketch out a more Kuemmerle, 1999; Pearce, 1999). But with the ex-
realistic picture of opportunities and constraints ception of large multinational enterprises (MNEs) in
facing companies and policy-makers in advanced small countries, which since World War II have
and emerging economies today. The concluding historically expanded their R&D activities offshore
section of this paper addresses some of these prac- (Cantwell, 1995), the home country remained the
tical implications. most important single location for R&D (Patel &
Pavitt, 1991), and the organizational form was one
The Dynamics of Next-Generation Offshoring of own and control. However, what distinguishes the

ffshoring of higher end business processes is a new-generation offshoring is the relocation of high-
complex and dynamic phenomenon. In gen- end business processes and other administrative and
eral, offshoring means that business functions technical services to low-cost developing countries
supporting home-based and global operations are and the variety of organizational and delivery forms.
sourced from a location outside the home country. This globalization process is probably still in its early
Often the terms offshoring and outsourcing are con- stages. The majority of high-end product develop-
fused. Offshoring refers to the process of sourcing ment and engineering activities are still being car-
and coordinating tasks and business functions ried out in the advanced Western economies
across national borders. Outsourcing, by contrast, (Disher & Lewin, 2007). However, as the global
denotes the delivery of products or services by an demand for S&E talent continues to grow, and as
external provider—that is, one outside the bound- the domestic supply fails to keep pace with demand,
aries of the firm. Offshoring may include both new opportunities for locating offshore S&E opera-
40 Academy of Management Perspectives August

Figure 4
The Dynamics of Next-Generation Offshoring*

*Modified from Lewin et al. (2008).

tions emerge. Thus, companies can be expected to Helper & Khambete, 2005). At the same time, com-
increasingly source and use talent with S&E skills at panies have developed organizational capabilities
globally dispersed locations. Ultimately this will fun- that enable and are, in turn, further applied in more
damentally transform business practices. In the face complex sourcing decisions (bottom box of the fig-
of this rapidly emerging trend, a better understand- ure). In particular, as companies become experi-
ing of the dynamics leading to next-generation off- enced in dealing with major offshoring challenges,
shoring activities is crucial. such as wage inflation and employee turnover, they
Figure 4 introduces key factors and trends driv- become more adept and confident in sourcing S&E
ing next-generation offshoring. They are primarily talent abroad and in engaging in higher end off-
based on empirical findings of the ORN project as shoring activities. These capabilities are explored in
well as on other recent offshoring studies. These greater detail in a later section of the paper.
trends need to be seen as coevolutionary rather than In addition to these global trends and firm-
in isolation. This is because only their parallel and level capabilities, two major factors have contrib-
partly interrelated development has led to the recent uted to the recent trend toward sourcing S&E
offshoring dynamic, which in turn can be expected talent globally (see Figure 4): on the one hand,
to coevolve with the further development of these the increasing search for S&E talent by companies
trends. To begin with, a number of global trends can based in advanced economies (left box of the
be named that arguably have facilitated and are figure), and on the other hand, the rise of new
being reinforced by recent offshoring decisions (top geographic S&E clusters that provide talent with
box of the figure). Advances in, and the availability S&E skills in emerging economies (right box of
of, information and communication technologies the figure). How these trends have coevolved in
(ICT) are often mentioned as a key factor (e.g., recent years will be discussed in detail next.
Blinder, 2006); we elaborate on this in more detail
later. Other factors include increasing global com- The Search for Science and Engineering Talent

petition and cost pressures across most industries and t was not that long ago that offshoring was solely
the standardization, modularization, and commoditi- associated with cost savings and labor arbitrage.
zation of advanced business operations and services More recent studies have suggested, however,
that increasingly are simplifying the hand-off of that access to highly skilled talent is becoming a
tasks and global division of labor (e.g., Blinder, 2006; major offshoring driver (A. T. Kearney, 2006;
2008 Manning, Massini, and Lewin 41

Deloitte, 2004), while labor costs continue to be ceived difficulty in finding domestic S&E talent
an important factor. Some scholars and articles in with master’s and PhD degrees is a case of market
the business press have even suggested that a failure in creating incentives to select these ca-
“global race for talent” has begun and that recent reers and enroll in the respective science and
offshoring trends reflect this phenomenon (Flor- engineering programs and disciplines—a mis-
ida, 2005; Frymire, 2006; Lewin & Peeters, 2006). match between “market needs” and compensation
Findings from the 2006 ORN survey confirm that levels, career opportunities, and the investments
companies increasingly go where the talent is. required to actually pursue S&E careers (e.g., Butz
Talent is broadly defined here as personnel with et al., 2003; Freeman, 2006). A third argument
appropriate skills and qualifications. S&E talent put forward is that many S&E jobs are perceived
refers to talent with S&E skills and qualifications, to have become too routinized and less challeng-
and includes in particular (mostly young) engi- ing and “sexy,” compared to, for example, projects
neers, mathematicians, physical scientists, and in the space program or early IT ventures (Lowell
computer scientists with advanced university de- & Salzman, 2007). These factors may explain not
grees. For approximately 70% of all offshoring only the limited interest in S&E graduate pro-
projects, access to qualified personnel was cited as grams, but the fact that increasingly S&E gradu-
an important or very important driver. As Figure 1 ates enter other fields (e.g., banking and consult-
shows, the importance of this driver has grown ing) to better meet their career aspirations (NSF,
significantly from the first survey wave in 2004 to 2006).
2006. Access to talent is a key driver especially for While the interest in S&E careers among U.S.
companies in high-technology industries (Lewin national (or permanent resident) students has de-
et al., 2008) and for those offshoring product clined, the number of foreign nationals, mainly
development functions. This finding is consistent from India and China, who have graduated and
with earlier studies identifying talent as a main started academic and business careers in the U.S.
reason for offshoring R&D (Florida, 1997; Pati- has increased (Freeman, 2006; Martin, 2005). Ar-
bandla & Petersen, 2002; Reddy, 1997). However, guably, this trend started when U.S. companies
in recent years, the global search for talent has faced a cyclical talent shortage in the mid-1990s.
increased significantly, which is likely to have a Unlike in earlier periods, when companies would
major impact on firm-level strategies and national respond to such a shortage by launching retraining
policies, including education, innovation, and im- programs or by offering higher wages and career
migration policies. incentives, they now had additional options for
One major driver of the global race for talent is staffing job vacancies expeditiously with foreign
the increasing difficulties firms perceive (or expe- talent (e.g., through the H1B visa quota program
rience) in finding needed S&E talent in the and offshoring to low-cost countries). The H1B
United States and Western Europe (e.g., EC, option, for example, allowed U.S. companies to
2006; StepStone, 2006). Indeed, the number of exploit labor cost advantages involving H1B em-
U.S. and Western European nationals or perma- ployees. One possible consequence of these prac-
nent residents graduating with S&E master’s and tices appears to be that S&E careers are increas-
PhD degrees has been stagnating or even declin- ingly perceived by many domestic high school
ing since the mid-1990s (Butz et al., 2003; De- graduates as less attractive— despite rising de-
loitte, 2004; Freeman, 2006; Lewin et al., 2008; mand—which further affects domestic supply
NSF, 2006). Some argue that high school gradu- (Lowell & Salzman, 2007). In the past few years,
ates have lost interest in entering S&E careers however, the number of foreign S&E talent en-
because the inadequate training in mathematics tering the U.S. has declined, while the return rate
and science in high schools does not qualify them (“reverse brain drain”) to home countries has been
to enter S&E careers in the first place (e.g., Cer- increasing. This is, to a large extent, due to a
vantes, 2003; see also a critical discussion in Low- cutback in the H1B visa quota in 2003 (Lewin et
ell & Salzman, 2007). Others argue that the per- al., 2008), increasing opportunities and incentives
42 Academy of Management Perspectives August

for studying and doing research in S&E fields ment and retraining of the S&E workforce (e.g.,
outside the U.S., and the emergence of attractive to make better use of experienced staff). However,
work opportunities and living conditions in home many companies may lack the incentives to pro-
countries (Chanda & Sreenivasan, 2005; Lieber- vide longer term S&E careers and the capacity to
thal & Lieberthal, 2003; Zweig, 2005). retrain their S&E workforce. In this context, the
These developments could be foreshadowing a growing numbers of self-employed “nerd techies”
major shift in the structure of the global pool of and the emergence of temporary staffing agencies
S&E talent. As noted earlier, U.S. and European specializing in accessing and placing these inde-
S&E graduate numbers are stagnating or declin- pendent contractors (e.g., engineers, software de-
ing, yet the pool of S&E talent in emerging econ- velopers) on demand worldwide represent an im-
omies, such as India and China, is growing rapidly portant new dynamic (Barley & Kunda, 2004).
(Bunyaratavej et al., 2007; Freeman, 2006). The This is already leading to a restructuring of indus-
percentage of S&E talent sought in these econo- tries and is affecting the trend toward offshoring
mies compared to domestic markets may still seem human capital more generally. As offshoring in
rather small (Farrell et al., 2006), but the total search of talent becomes a common business prac-
demand for S&E talent worldwide is increasing. tice, companies will find it even harder to justify a
According to Disher and Lewin (2007), global domestically focused talent-seeking strategy. That
expenditures on engineering activities across in- is, mimetic and normative isomorphic pressures
dustries will increase by 30% from 2006 ($850 (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983) can be expected to
billion) to 2020 ($1.1 trillion), and all of this reinforce the trend toward offshoring human cap-
increased work is expected to be undertaken out- ital, leading to the unanticipated consequence of
side the Western economies. Parallel to this, the negating domestic education and immigration
share of investments related to engineering activ- policies (Kshetri, 2007).
ities in India and China is predicted to rise signif-
icantly. While national investments in domestic
higher education and career opportunities in the The Rise of New Science and Engineering
U.S. and Europe could counteract some of these Clusters

trends, the retiring baby-boom generation, little n recent years the growth in the global S&E
population growth, and an aging population might talent pool has been especially notable in India
work against these conventional policy levers. As and China, which feature growing young popu-
a consequence, the potential talent pool available lations, growing investments in improving higher
in developed countries can be expected to shrink education systems, and increasing domestic career
further (Deloitte, 2004). opportunities (Freeman, 2006; Zweig, 2005).
In response to the shift in the global supply of While the formal qualification of a large propor-
talent, U.S. companies are building new S&E tion of S&E graduates in India and China remains
operations in offshore locations— despite acceler- below European and U.S. standards, the availabil-
ating wage inflation in those locations. Recent ity in those economies of S&E talent with com-
studies show that decisions to offshore higher parable qualifications is forecast to increase sig-
skilled functions are mainly driven by availability nificantly in the coming years. This is because
of qualified personnel, in spite of diminishing cost national policies have transformed local universi-
advantages (Bunyaratavej et al., 2007), in partic- ties, modeling their programs after U.S. and Eu-
ular at hot-spot locations. However, as companies ropean universities and technical institutes and
become able to standardize and modularize new responding to the global demand for specific pro-
product development and innovation processes, grams and degrees. Furthermore, national tax in-
they also make more use of lower skilled talent— centives, growing personal networks and commu-
both offshore and onshore. Another strategic re- nities of home-based S&E graduates, and the
sponse, according to the StepStone (2006) study, related perception of attractive career prospects
is to increase investment in the internal develop- are working to “reverse” the brain drain, attracting
2008 Manning, Massini, and Lewin 43

S&E talent back to their home countries (Chanda of offshoring companies. Bangalore is best known
& Sreenivasan, 2005; Zweig, 2005). In addition, for having evolved into a cluster providing IT and
both India and China are ironically benefiting software skills that multinational companies
from U.S. immigration and visa policies, which across industries use to better perform their IT and
were initially established to attract S&E talent software development functions (Athreye, 2005;
from abroad and which still provide opportunities Bresnahan et al., 2001). Other examples include
for foreign nationals to get master’s and PhD de- Moscow and St. Petersburg, where highly trained
grees in the U.S. Because of increasing job oppor- scientists reside who are hired to assist compa-
tunities in their home countries and because of nies—again across industries—with the develop-
recent U.S. visa restrictions (e.g. dramatic de- ment of new products and technologies. Another
crease in annual H1B visa quota), many foreign related feature of these new S&E knowledge clus-
nationals now return home after completing their ters is their utilization by multinational corpora-
degrees in the U.S. to pursue careers in their home tions rather than by local companies. Over time,
countries. these clusters tend to increasingly interlink and
This trend has contributed to the emergence of coevolve with global operational configurations of
new geographical S&E clusters in emerging econ- multinational corporations (Enright, 2000; Ernst,
omies in general and in India and China in par- 2002; Manning, 2008).
ticular. Clusters are often associated with geo- Comparing different countries in which those
graphic concentrations of companies, institutions, clusters have developed, India remains the most
and communities related to particular industries important one, in particular for ICT-related ser-
(Porter, 2000). Typical examples are Silicon Val- vices and product development (e.g., Dossani &
ley and Boston’s Route 128 for the software and Kenney, 2007; Henley, 2006; Lieberman, 2004).
ICT industry. These clusters are important hubs of Almost 50% of all IT and product development
innovation for both local and global companies offshore projects by companies responding to the
(Enright, 2000; Ernst, 2002). 2006 ORN survey were implemented at various
The basic idea underlying the concept of a locations in India. More than any other country,
cluster was first described by Alfred Marshall India provides a large pool of qualified software
(1920), who identified three key elements of what and S&E talent, at still relatively low labor costs
he calls “industrial districts”: clusters of subcon- compared to U.S. and European wage levels
tractors, readily available skilled talent, and a (A. T. Kearney, 2004; Garner, 2004). While wage
knowledge base shared by a local community of inflation at hot-spot locations, such as Bangalore,
firms and people. In the offshoring space, a similar is rather high, overall increases in labor produc-
phenomenon can be observed: New geographical tivity are offsetting this trend to a considerable
concentrations of highly skilled talent and spe- extent. It is barely recognized in the literature that
cialized service providers using this talent have India’s standing today is the result of national
evolved in India, China, and other emerging investments in education during the 1980s and
countries, which in turn attract multinational the subsequent long-term development of S&E
corporations as well as local companies. Unlike human capital. Strategic policy decisions by the
industry clusters in Western economies, such as government of India in the 1980s promoted the
Silicon Valley for IT companies or southern Den- development of software industry clusters and at-
mark for biotechnology companies, these new tracted technology-oriented foreign investment
geographic clusters tend to develop around partic- (Dossani & Kenney, 2007; Patibandla & Petersen,
ular functions or upstream services rather than 2002). A few companies, such as Texas Instru-
industries. In support of this observation, ORN ments, General Electric, Motorola, and Daimler,
survey findings indicate that the choice of off- established technology centers and product devel-
shore locations varies greatly by the function or opment activities in India in the early 1980s and
process to be offshored (e.g., IT, software, or prod- 1990s (Reddy, 1997). To some extent these in-
uct development) and much less so by the industry vestments were made to gain political favor (De-
44 Academy of Management Perspectives August

lios & Henisz, 2003); however, over time, these such as the weak intellectual property protection
companies have gained experience and developed (which was introduced in 1980 but not reinforced
capabilities that enabled them to expand India- at Western standards until China entered the
based innovation activities and other operations. WTO at the end of 2001), remain serious con-
In parallel, Indian companies such as Wipro and cerns among foreign investors (Huang & Khanna,
Infosys have become experienced in providing IT 2003). Also, the China one-child policy is fore-
and business process services to clients across in- cast to create a shortage in the supply of talent
dustries (e.g., Athreye, 2005; Kedia & Lahiri, that is expected to accelerate wage inflation as
2007), which has further attracted foreign inves- China approaches 2020, when the age pyramid is
tors. This factor, combined with the availability of expected to invert.
flexible highly skilled S&E talent, has contributed Moreover, local competition for talent in India
to the perception of India as a preferred country and China, particularly in hot-spot cities such as
for offshoring and outsourcing ICT and S&E- Bangalore and Shanghai, is leading to wage infla-
related operations. tion and rising employee turnover, which, accord-
India, however, seems to be gradually losing its ing to the 2006 ORN survey, is driving more and
attractiveness as the preferred offshore destination more companies to seek alternative options. In
to other emerging economies (A. T. Kearney, particular small companies seem to choose among
2004). China is often named as India’s strongest a greater range of potential locations (e.g., when it
competitor (e.g., Huang & Khanna, 2003). Both comes to offshoring product development func-
economies have in common a large population tions). This is because a number of emerging
and potential pool of highly skilled talent, an economies, in particular in Asia, Latin America,
improving education system, and a growing do- and Eastern Europe, are catching up and are po-
mestic consumer base. However, in terms of over- sitioning themselves as second-tier offshore loca-
all foreign direct investment, including manufac- tions. More than India and China, these econo-
turing, China has always been ahead of India in mies specialize in attracting particular business
the offshoring space (UNCTAD, 2005). This is functions from companies based in specific regions
primarily because the Chinese government en- of the world. For example, both large and small
acted market reforms in 1978 to attract foreign Western European companies (e.g., German com-
direct investment, and a number of Western com- panies) regard Eastern European countries, such as
panies have established operations (mainly man- the Czech Republic or Hungary, as desirable near-
ufacturing and supply chains) in China (Lieber- shore locations for product development activities
thal & Lieberthal, 2003). Not surprisingly, China (A. T. Kearney, 2004; Lewin & Couto, 2007).
is the most preferred offshore destination for pro- These economies provide a qualified workforce,
curement today (Lewin & Couto, 2007). Partly highly developed infrastructure, and greater cul-
building on its advantage of having a large man- tural proximity (A. T. Kearney, 2004; Bajpaj et
ufacturing base, China is also becoming an attrac- al., 2004; Marin, 2006). In particular, small com-
tive location for product development activities panies offshore product development work to Rus-
(A. T. Kearney, 2004; Lewin & Couto, 2007). In sia and the Ukraine, where in recent years spe-
particular, major metropolitan areas, such as Bei- cialized small service providers have set up their
jing, Shanghai, and Dalian, have developed into operations. In contrast, the Philippines and Latin
large S&E clusters attracting multinational corpo- America mainly attract call centers and business
rations across industries. In support of this trend, processes from U.S. and Spanish companies re-
China has vastly improved its telecommunication spectively (A. T. Kearney, 2004; Lewin & Couto,
and transportation infrastructure and has further 2007) that seek language-compatible, low-cost la-
developed its education system and academic re- bor. In the medium term, other regions, not least
search potential (Buckley, 2004; Zhou & Leydes- in Africa (UNCTAD, 2005), are expected to
dorff, 2004). However, the low level of English emerge and attract companies interested in avoid-
language capabilities and institutional constraints, ing hot-spot locations and the problem of wage
2008 Manning, Massini, and Lewin 45

Figure 5
Perception of Offshoring Challenges by Experienced Companies

Source: Duke University/Booz Allen Hamilton Offshoring Research Network 2006 U.S. Survey.

inflation (A. T. Kearney, 2004) and high labor nor do they have the organizational structures,
turnover. The offshore space, therefore, needs to processes, and capabilities in place to manage
be seen as a dynamic competitive environment in them from the start. However, this uncertainty
which locations arise and evolve specialized clus- does not seem to prevent many companies from
ters of talent with particular skills for certain busi- going offshore or from expanding offshore opera-
ness functions. tions (for a different view, see Farrell et al., 2006).
Rather, a number of companies seem to develop
The Challenge of Sourcing Science and organizational capabilities for sourcing and man-
Engineering Talent Worldwide aging S&E talent globally “along the way”— by
experimenting, by learning from experience, and

ith increasing opportunities to offshore and
outsource innovation-centered activities by collaborating with strategic partners. This find-
and to recruit S&E talent globally come ing is consistent with empirical studies in the
unexpected challenges. The 2006 ORN survey outsourcing field which suggest that prior experi-
indicated that offshoring companies are increas- ence with outsourcing helps firms make better
ingly concerned with service quality, loss of man- outsourcing decisions (Gainey & Klaas, 2003;
agerial control, and operational efficiency (Lewin Leiblein & Miller, 2003). Over time, companies
& Couto, 2007). The more experienced compa- may reach a stage where offshoring more complex
nies, however, seem to have learned how to man- and demanding operations, including R&D, be-
age these challenges: They perceive them as less comes feasible (Dossani & Kenney, 2007; Salz-
important offshoring risks, according to the ORN man, 2007).
survey. At the same time, however, experienced Interestingly, the very organizational capabili-
companies are more concerned with wage infla- ties that successful offshoring companies are de-
tion and offshore employee turnover as major veloping to make use of S&E talent globally have
managerial challenges (see Figure 5). These find- barely been examined or reported on so far. One
ings suggest that many companies discover these notable— but somewhat misleading— exception
challenges as they engage in offshoring over time. is the use of advanced information and communi-
Rarely are companies fully aware of these risks, cation technologies. Many scholars have argued
46 Academy of Management Perspectives August

that advances in ICT have enabled companies to facilitator rather than as an organizational capa-
globalize product development activities (Dossani bility that drives offshoring decisions.
& Kenney, 2007; Ernst, 2002). Some have even
suggested that, with the use of ICT, all activities Recruiting, Developing, and Retaining Talent
that require no face-to-face interaction, including Globally
engineering and product design, can in principle To succeed in the emerging global race for high-
be offshored (Blinder, 2006). Several studies have tech talent, companies need to develop strategies
illustrated, by the use of case examples, that the for recruiting, developing, and retaining talent
modularization and digitalization of product de- globally. Because of herd effects, many companies
velopment processes is indeed a major facilitator adopt offshoring by following the pack, investing
in offshoring engineering work (Ernst, 2002; in hot-spot locations, such as Bangalore or Shang-
Helper & Khambete, 2005). Most of these studies, hai, to access seemingly unlimited pools of S&E
however, have two major shortcomings: First, they talent. Other companies avoid these hot spots and
take a rather deterministic view on ICT advance- invest in second-tier locations that provide access
ment. They do not sufficiently recognize that ad- to talent at lower cost and, more important, avoid
vanced technologies need to be embedded in or- the high turnover associated with tight labor mar-
ganizational cultures, structures, and practices to kets in hot-spot locations. However, due to the
become and to be perceived as “useful resources” high variance in the quality of graduates and their
(DeSanctis & Poole, 1994; Dodgson et al., 2006; lack of work experience, the actual qualifications
Orlikowski, 1992). Second, these studies focus of many of these engineers and technicians may be
more difficult to evaluate and often are considered
solely on technical capabilities and contribute lit-
to be below the requirements of Western compa-
tle to the understanding of how offshoring com-
nies (Farrell et al., 2006).
panies deal with some of the major challenges
In response to this institutional constraint (Ol-
resulting (or emerging) from the relocation of
iver, 1991), some companies have entered into
higher-skilled functions, such as loss of managerial
strategic alliances with local universities and tech-
control and employee turnover.
nical institutes to qualify talent for their particular
In the section that follows we discuss some key
needs and to secure access to these talent pools in
organizational capabilities that have been largely the long run. The German automotive supplier
neglected in the offshoring literature: recruiting, Continental, for example, has founded “Conti-
developing, and retaining talent; coordinating nental Universities” in various locations (e.g.,
globally dispersed innovation activities; and col- Mexico City and Sibiu, Romania). These are joint
laborating with external partners. In line with the venture training programs with local technical
strategic management literature, these capabilities institutes that involve customization of graduate
can be understood as “dynamic capabilities” training programs for Continental requirements
(Teece et al., 1997), for they involve the ability to and establish the Continental brand as a local
learn from experience and to adapt to rapidly S&E company. Similarly, Emerson has established
changing offshoring and outsourcing environ- joint training programs with technical institutes
ments and opportunities. For example, they in Qindao, China, and Manila, the Philippines. In
should allow companies to shift activities from turn, some universities in offshore locations have
different locations, to set up and integrate new learned how to recruit multiple Western corporate
locations, and to collaborate with new external partners and sponsors to establish customized pro-
partners worldwide. In short, these organizational grams. For example, the Tong Ji University in
capabilities support companies in using S&E tal- Shanghai has established partnerships with a
ent at globally dispersed locations. As will become number of German companies in the field of
clearer below, ICT does play a major role in the engineering. In addition, companies are making
application of these capabilities; however, it is increasing use of specialized placement agencies,
important to understand advances in ICT as a especially in order to staff positions that require
2008 Manning, Massini, and Lewin 47

experienced individuals. All these players— big serve as social infrastructures for diffusing knowl-
investors, universities, and talent agencies— con- edge from local hubs of innovation. Web-based
tribute and partly compete for the further devel- knowledge management systems and collaborative
opment, segmentation, and accessibility of global technologies play an important role in building up
talent pools. global innovation networks within and between
However, initial access to talent is not suffi- organizations. However, it is collaborative skills
cient to stay competitive. As noted above, expe- (Scheibe et al., 2006), effective collaboration in
rienced companies see managing of employee international teams (Subramaniam & Venkatra-
turnover as a major strategic challenge (see Figure man, 2005), intelligent incentive structures, a cor-
5). This indicates that companies are still in the porate culture of competing for innovation, and
process of experimenting with and developing the ability to use Web-based collaborative tech-
global career programs and incentive systems that nologies effectively that make these networks
integrate offshore talent into their global work- work. Research shows that large companies in
force (Deloitte, 2004). Integration, however, particular cling to using conventional media, e.g.,
should not be understood narrowly as internal e-mail and telephone, rather than sophisticated
integration. For many highly skilled S&E special- rich-media tools (Cummings, 2007; El-Shinnawy
ists, pursuing a career within the organizational & Markus, 1998). The organic adoption of ad-
boundaries of one particular company may be less vanced ICT depends on the ability of users to
attractive than working on projects for different appropriate the technology in diverse contexts of
employers on a temporary basis (Barley & Kunda, collaboration (El-Shinnawy & Markus, 1998; Or-
2004). Like software communities in Silicon Val- likowski, 1992). Normative and mimetic isomor-
ley (Saxenian, 1996) and creative communities in phic pressures (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983) also
media regions (Grabher, 2004), offshore commu- play a role: In particular, practices of competitors
nities of S&E talent are likely to form beyond the and customer demands and expectations may fur-
boundaries of any particular firm, facilitating in- ther drive companies to signal their technological
formation and knowledge transfer and sharing capability by using these collaborative tools.
within and between vendors and clients. Careers
may be pursued within local and global S&E com- Collaborating with External Partners
munities and interorganizational networks (Jones, Often, IT and Business Process Outsourcing
1996) rather than within any particular organiza- (BPO) are associated with large third-party service
tion. This may change the way “employee turn- providers, such as Flextronics, Infosys, and Wipro
over” is perceived in fundamental ways. Rather (Engardio & Einhorn, 2005), that primarily pro-
than prevent employees from leaving the com- vide IT and business process outsourcing (BPO)
pany, recruiting them repeatedly for specific services (Engardio & Einhorn, 2005). However,
projects may become a viable option. the recently completed first annual (2007) ORN
service provider survey suggests that, after IT, new
Coordinating Far-Flung Innovation Activities product development has become the second most
As the ORN survey findings indicated, many frequently provided type of service. Small provid-
companies are struggling with operational effi- ers (fewer than 500 employees), in particular, spe-
ciency and loss of managerial control, in particular cialize in offering product development functions
when it comes to offshoring higher skilled activ- from various locations around the world. One
ities. Some companies, such as Accenture, SAP, example of such a specialized innovation service
Emerson, and IBM, have implemented so-called provider is Gen3, which has developed capabili-
“global innovation networks” that are designed to ties to access and manage external pools of experts
facilitate knowledge-sharing and collaboration around the world (but especially in Russia) and to
across geographic boundaries. These networks undertake entire new product and process devel-
connect R&D labs and local teams in different opment projects for client companies. As those
countries (e.g., France, Germany, and India) and specialized providers develop, client companies
48 Academy of Management Perspectives August

need to reexamine their in-house capability to either in-house (captive organization offshore) or
develop new products and services. In the near outsourced to third-party providers, practices and
future, many more companies may take advantage routines for reverse knowledge transfer and flow
of the specialized capabilities of external service need to be developed. For example, according to
providers. In order to do so, they need to develop 2006 ORN survey results, some companies have
capabilities to assess the service quality and reli- experimented with hosting S&E staff from off-
ability of service providers as well as their capacity shore locations to liaise and integrate with their
to manage and employ talent on client projects. counterparts in the home country. Similarly, new
Alternatively, some clients might prefer to poach interface management positions (e.g., boundary
staff from external providers and manage them in spanners) and supportive innovation and knowl-
their own captive organizations. Case studies sug- edge-sharing cultures need to develop globally
gest that a variety of service delivery arrangements (e.g., Rullani, 2007) to facilitate collaboration
are emerging where client companies and service and promote “swift trust” (Meyerson et al., 1996)
providers collaborate in different ways. This, in between globally dispersed individuals and teams.
turn, might contribute to the development of
innovation networks involving client compa-
nies, third-party service providers, and individ- Implications for Corporate Strategy and
ual users and experts who span different S&E Policy-Making

clusters and create new geographies of innova- he main objective of this paper has been to
tion (Ernst, 2005). advance a more nuanced view of factors and
As innovation processes become increasingly forces that explain recent offshoring decisions
open and distributed (Chesbrough, 2003; Coombs aimed at sourcing and using science and engineer-
et al, 2003) and as communities of practice ing (S&E) talent globally (see Figure 4). This is a
(Brown & Duguid, 1991) globalize within and new but strategically important and growing trend
between firms, new organizational and managerial that needs to be understood in terms of longer
capabilities for managing innovation and knowl- historical, path-dependent, and coevolutionary
edge sharing processes need to be developed. The developments, and as part of a transformational
disintermediation and externalization of innova- process that has only just begun. This is because
tion processes through outsourcing and remotely offshoring of higher skilled processes is still in its
dispersed R&D groups and laboratories has dif- early-adopter stage. However, unlike in the past,
fused through many industries, although at vary- because of the rapid growth in the demand for
ing rates, in the last decade or two (e.g., Howells, talent, companies increasingly consider it a stra-
1990, 1995; Quinn, 2000). The challenge for off- tegic necessity to go where the talent is. This is
shoring firms is to develop practices for managing mainly a result of the difficulties companies en-
knowledge interfaces and for transferring and re- counter in recruiting talent domestically and of
connecting knowledge across spatial and organi- economic advances in the developing world.
zational boundaries. Innovative routines and pro- While the pool of domestic S&E talent in the
cesses may over time become more codified or Western world has been shrinking due to a de-
formalized, but may still require face-to-face con- clining interest in S&E careers, aging of the pop-
tact for facilitating and deepening the transfer of ulation, and inadequate high-school level training
routines, processes, and quality standards. Compa- in math and science, new S&E clusters providing
nies need to be prepared to rotate key people from highly skilled talent for particular functions, such
domestic to offshore engineering and research fa- as IT or product development, are emerging and
cilities in order to monitor and ensure effective are attracting Western clients across industries.
transfer of existing routines and institute necessary The emergence of these clusters coincides with a
protocols for communication between the home shift in the global talent pool. Facilitated by pop-
and offshore teams. Furthermore, as companies ulation and economic growth and major invest-
start to offshore higher end product development, ments in education and national innovation sys-
2008 Manning, Massini, and Lewin 49

tems, emerging economies, such as India and pany-wide innovation, under the leadership of
China, have managed to provide more attractive the first chief globalization officer of the company
career opportunities and to gradually “reverse” the (the first ever for a U.S. company). Their former
brain drain. The emergence of third-party service San Jose– based U.S. headquarters is now referred
providers is another factor that contributes to the to as Cisco Center West, reflecting its new role in
growth and attractiveness of new S&E clusters. the corporation. This example illustrates a coming
These new players, as part of their strategy to trend: According to the latest findings of the
move up the value chain, are also competing for ORN survey, more and more companies are for-
talent as they set out to build their global capacity mulating and disseminating corporate-wide strat-
for partnering in innovation projects. This new egies for guiding outsourcing and offshoring deci-
trend is also stimulated by the appreciation of the sions at the business unit and function level and
local currency against the currencies of some are integrating offshoring decisions into the over-
Western countries. all corporate strategy. Early on, offshoring and
However, offshoring decisions are also affected offshore outsourcing was primarily a bottom-up
by new challenges and the need to evolve new phenomenon. Only recently have companies be-
firm-level capabilities. In particular, ORN find- gun to realize the strategic opportunities for relo-
ings have suggested that the more experienced cating and reorganizing their S&E operations as
companies are learning that managing the risks of well as other applications such as BPO and IT
wage inflation and employee turnover requires the infrastructure. As companies ramp up offshoring
development of new organizational capabilities for of S&E activities in geographically dispersed lo-
recruiting, managing, and retaining global talent cations, they are gradually transforming formerly
more effectively. Many companies are also in the centralized S&E operations into globally dispersed
process of developing capabilities that enable ones. Over time, relocation decisions have be-
them to more effectively coordinate far-flung in- come more interdependent and embedded within
novation activities, partly using Web-based col- a growing and shifting network of globally dis-
laborative technologies. As a result, according to persed operations. Rather than guiding decisions
ORN findings, the more experienced companies to shift processes from A to B, companies are
are becoming less concerned with operational ef- beginning to develop network strategies that in-
ficiency (Figure 5). Finally, experienced compa- tegrate multinode configurations of S&E capabil-
nies seem to have learned how to collaborate with ities, involving location advantages and special-
or manage third-party service providers and to ization effects, and inter-firm relationships with a
restructure their organizations and processes in portfolio of globalizing external service providers
ways that have lessened their concern with the and on-demand staffing (talent) agencies.
loss of managerial control. These capabilities and These trends also have important policy impli-
challenges, however, need to be seen as coevolv- cations. To date, most policy-oriented studies
ing with new opportunities, such as the rise of new have focused solely on the domestic talent supply
locations in the offshoring space and the emer- and its impact on the competitiveness of the U.S.
gence of new specialized external service provid- (e.g., Freeman, 2006; Lowell & Salzman, 2007).
ers. Therefore, the need to continuously keep pace However, many policy-makers in the U.S. and
with developing new offshoring capabilities is a Western Europe largely ignore or underestimate
challenge that companies will face as they con- the dynamics involved. In particular, the interde-
tinue to engage in offshoring and globalizing their pendencies of changing national policies, macro-
S&E activities. economic conditions, and firm-level strategies in
These dynamics have important implications advanced and emerging economies are often over-
for company-level strategies. Cisco, for example, looked. Single policies directed in isolation to
in a bold and audacious move, has recently estab- improving national education systems or toward
lished Cisco Center East in Bangalore, India, as establishing targeted visa programs cannot on
the new Cisco corporate headquarters for com- their own redress the domestic supply of S&E
50 Academy of Management Perspectives August

talent. Not only have the U.S. and countries in by itself are limited. In face of this challenge, many
Western Europe not made progress on introducing educational and research institutions in the U.S.
policies and incentives intended to reverse the and Western Europe are already setting up part-
trend of fewer young people selecting S&E ca- nerships and exchange programs with counter-
reers, but they have also largely failed to attract parts in emerging economies to get better access to
sufficient highly skilled talent from abroad. At the talent and expertise. Also, national innovation
same time, emerging economies have begun to systems are becoming increasingly interlinked
successfully implement national policies and tax (e.g., Carlsson, 2006), and “networks” of clusters
incentives designed to “reverse the brain drain”. and supporting institutions across the world seem
In addition, national and regional innovation sys- to develop that facilitate “brain circulation” and
tems (Howells, 1999; Nelson, 1993) at offshore the emergence of a lively cross-national S&E
destinations are rapidly evolving their infrastruc- community. As a result, those countries that
tures and institutions, partly based on and partly heavily engage in forming such networks may
deviating from Western models, in order to con- build up a competitive advantage over those pur-
tinue to attract an ever-increasing number of for- suing a purely domestic strategy.
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