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Disneyland Paris/Davey Crockett’s Adventure Trip

10th-12th July 2009

Another enjoyable and positive experience was had by all pupils who
attended the trip to Paris this year.
42 Pupils from Years 7 and 8 were invited due to their positive attitude
towards their PE lessons and were rewarded for their efforts with a
weekend of Disney and Outdoor and Adventurous activities.
The trip began with a brief visit to the wonderful city of Paris. Pupils visited
the famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. An
afternoon of Culture and History was followed by an evening at Buffalo Bills
Wilde West Show where the group tucked into a hearty cowboy feast while
they cheered on their team of Cowboys and Indians through tournaments
and re-enactments of the old Wild West.
Saturday was spent being thrown and spun into different directions as the
pupils enjoyed the thrills and spills of Disneyland Park and the Walt Disney
The greatest challenge for the group was waiting for them on Sunday
morning at Davey Crockett’s adventure. An unbelievable number of courses
and trails set in a forest which could rise up to 25metres plus on some trails
depending on the level of difficulty. The pupils (and some staff!) had to
overcome obstacles such as Monkey Bridges, 100m long Zip Wires, Rope
Ladders and other ‘Indiana Jones-like’ exhilarations.
An adrenalin-rushing, action packed weekend was had by all, with a sprinkling
of Mickey Mouse!

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