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Muscle and Fascia Compartments


(parts that can be palpated- all areas in green)
Limb Anterior
Dr. Adelia Matanguihan- Quijano M.D.

FASCIA (divisions)
– Superficial (Hypodermis, Subcutaneous Tissue)
– Deep
○ Derivatives
1. intermuscular septa
2. ligaments
3. tendons
4. aponeurosis
5. muscular and nervous investments
○ Receives different names according to
1. Pectoral Fascia – encloses pectoralis
2. Clavipectoral Fascia – encloses
subclavius and pectoralis minor.
3. Axillary Fascia
4. Brachial Fascia – arm
5. Antebrachial Fascia – forearm
6. Palmar Fascia
7. Dorsal Fascia
8. Flexor and Extensor Retinacula
9. Digital Fibrous Flexor Sheaths
UPPER LIMB (divisions)
– Joints divide the superior appendicular skeleton
– Limb is divided into 4 main regions (bold) • Fyi- clavicle is the first long bone to ossify in fetus
○ Shoulder (pectoral)
○ Arm (brachium)
○ Elbow (cubitum)
○ Forearm (antebrachium)
○ Wrist (carpus)
○ Hand


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C- Scaphoid, D- Lunate, E- Triquetrum, F-Psiform, G- Trapezium, H-
Trapezoid, I-Capitate, J-Hamate, L- Radius, L1-Styloid process of the
Radius, M- Ulna,
M1- Styloid process of the Ulna

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3. Teres major (+ Teres minor)- minor is more
superiorly located; both help in lateral rotation
*teres minor- above, major- below
– Quadrangular space
○ Teres minor, teres major, triceps brachii
(medial), humerus(lateral)
 Enervated by Axillary nerve
 Post humeral circumflex artery
runs through it
– Triangular space
○ Teres minor, teres major and triceps
 Circumflex scapular artery from
subscapular artery runs through it
– Anterior- flexors (3)
○ Enervated by musculocutaneous nerve
○ Bloody supply from brachial artery
○ Supinator
○ Biceps brachii coracobrachialis (passes
only shoulder joint) and brachialis muscles
○ Covered by superficial Antibrachial fascia
○ Presence of bicipetal aponeurosis which
forms a roof over cubital fossa and
protects underlying structures
– Posterior- extensors (2)
MUSCLES OF THE PECTORAL REGION ○ Enervated by radial nerve
1- Trunk to scapula or clavicle ○ Blood supply c/o brachial artery
a. Trapezius- assists in suspending the ○ Triceps brachii- long, lateral and medial
pectoral girdle and elevates, retracts and heads + Anconeus (muscle that assists the
rotates the scapula triceps in extending the elbow joint)
b. Levator scapulae- pulls up the scapula FOREARM: MUSCULAR COMPARTMENTS
c. Rhomboideus major/minor- adducts – Anterior- flexors (+pronators)
scapula towards the midline ○ Enervated by Median nerve and/or ulnar
d. Pectoralis minor- stabilizes the scapula, for
nerve (only 1 and a ½ exceptions are
supplied by latter)
e. Subclavius- stabilizes (anchors and
○ 3 layers/groups
depresses) the clavicle
f. Serratus anterior- (serrated appearance);  1 superficial group- common flexor
tendon; origin- medial epicondyle
keeps scapula close to trunk and rotates it
2- Trunk to humerus of humerus; made up of 4 muscles
a. Latissimus dorsi- widest back muscle • Pronator teres
b. Pectoralis major • Wrist flexors (3)- flexor
**extends, adducts and rotates the humerus medially carpi radialis, Palmaris
longus, and flexor carpi
Winging of the scapula ulnaris
- paralysis of serratus anterior / injury to long
thoracic nerve
- when the medial border of the scapula moves
laterally and posteriorly away from the thoracic wall

– The pyramidal space inferior to the glenohumeral
joint and is superior to the axillary fascia at the
junction of the arm and thorax


 Scapula to humerus
1. Deltoid- triangular muscle that forms the
rounded contour of the shoulder; middle area  2 intermediate group
is multipennate; functions as the principle • Flexor digitorum
abductor of the arm (flexion of shoulder joint)
superficialis muscle-
2. Rotator Cuff muscles (scapulohumeral
flexes in fast action
muscles- SITS)
 3 deep group- flexors of digits and
a. Supraspinatus
pronator (made up of 3 muscles)
b. Infraspinatus- lateral rotator
c. Teres minor • Flexor digitorum
d. Subscapularis- medial rotator profundus- flexes fingers
in slow action
• Initiate abduction for first 150 degrees; deltoid does
• Flexor pollicis longus –
the rest; grasps and pulls the humerus head
extends the thumb,
against the glenoid cavity (reinforces anteriorly,
extrinsic muscle
superiorly and posteriorly)

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• Pronator quadrates- ○ Formed by scaphoid and trapezium bones
between the radius and
** FYI- biceps brachii serves supinator function – Deep fascia continues from antebrachial fascia
I. Retinacula (At wrist region)
– Cubital Fossa- triangular area in elbow which a. Extensor retinaculum
serves as an imaginary border; found by the b. Flexor retinaculum- forms carpal
brachialis muscle; filled with a variable amount of tunnel as it bridges carpal bones
fat concavity; for passage of flexor
○ 3 boundaries digitorum profundus and superficialis
 Superiorly: imaginary line and flexor pollicis longus
connecting the medial and lateral ** in the carpal tunnel runs the median nerve
epicondyle c. Palmar carpal ligament- fund
 Medially- mass of forearm flexor superficial to flexor retinaculum
muscles (pronator teres) arising II. Palmar Fascia
from a common flexor attachment a. Thenar Fascia
on the medial epicondyle b. Hypothenar Fascia
 Laterally- mass of extensor c. Palmar Aponeurosis
muscles (brachioradialis) III. Dorsal fascia
○ Contents of fossa IV. Fibrous Flexor Sheaths of Digits (covering
 Terminal end of the brachial artery- of Flexor Digitorum Tendons)
and divisions of radial and ulnar V. Vincula – attach superficial fascial and
arteries deep flexor tendons to middle and distal
 Deep accompanying veins of the phalanges respectively; provide route for
arteries blood supply to tendons.
 Biceps brachii tendon FASCIAL SPACES (4)
 Median nerve – Carpal Tunnel
 Radial nerve – Thenar Compartment
– Posterior- Extensors (+supinator and forearm – Hypothenar Compartment
flexor) – Central compartment
○ Enervated by the radial nerve ○ Palmar Space
○ Divided into 3 functional groups  Thenar Space
 Extensor muscles of the wrist joint  Midpalmar Space
 Extensor muscles of the fingers ○ Synovial Flexor Sheaths (for support)
 Thumb abductor and extensors  Ulnar Bursa – Contains tendons of
○ Blood supply is from both radial and ulnar Flexor Digitorum Superficialis and
arteries Profundus
 Flexor of the elbow joint (forearm)-  Radial Bursa – Contains tendon of
brachioradialis which is slanted Flexor Pollicis Longus
and found in the humerus to the  Synovial Sheaths for second to
radius Fourth Digits
• Exception to the rule that INTRINSIC MUSCLES OF THE HAND
radial nerve supplies only – Nerve supply c/o ulnar nerve EXCEPT thenar
extensory muscles and muscles and the 1st 2 lumbricals which are
that all flexors are found supplied by the median nerve
anteriorly (flexor – Thenar compartment (act on thumb)
compartment) ○ Abductor Pollicis brevis
 Extensors ○ Flexor Pollicis brevis
• E. carpi radialis longus ○ Opponens Pollicis
and E. carpi radialis – Hypothenar compartment (act on little finger)
brevis- extends and ○ Abductor digiti minimi
abducts hand at wrist joint; ○ Flexor digiti minimi
for clenching ○ Opponens digiti minimi
• E. digitorum (communis)- – 12 short muscles
extends 4 medial fingers ○ Lumbricals – in central compartment; arise
• E. digiti minimi – extends from flexor digitorum profundus; flexes
5th finger metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint and
• E. carpi ulnaris- extends extends dorsal and palmar interphalangeal
and adducts hand at wrist (DIP and PIP) joints
joint; for clenching  1 and 2 = unipennate
 Supinator, Abductor and Extensor  3 and 4 = bipennate
• Abd, pol. Longus
• E. pol. Brevis
• E. pol. Longus
** extends and abducts
the thumb
• E. indicis – extends 2nd
finger (for independent
– Anatomical Snuffbox
○ (triangular hollow) depression between ext.
pol. Longus and brevis tendons

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○ Muscles in Interossei- adductor
 3 palmar (adducts) and 4 dorsal
 1 Adductor pollicis (adducts the

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