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Topology Backup Guide

1. 2. 3. DOCUMENT PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 3 DOCUMENT SCOPE..................................................................................................................... 3 STARTUP TOPOLOGY BACKUP STEPS ................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.


Document Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the basic steps for manual Topology Backup.


Document Scope
Export Topology Data. Import Topology Data.


To export network topology data to an external file

1. Use the topology tree to select which part of the network data to export. Select the root to export the entire network. To save topology data for a specific subnet, select the subnet before performing exporting the Data.

2. Select File > Export data to open the Export data window.

3. In the Data types area, clear the checkboxes of any data types you wish to exclude from the export. 4. In the File area, click the Ellipsis button to specify the output destination path and filename. 5. Click OK to export the topology data. 6. A file with extension .exp will save.


To Import network topology data to an external file

Select File > Import data.

The import will be done under the currently selected group. If you import an entity that already exists - a network element with the same IP, or a group with the same name - update the element attributes from the imported file.

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