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List of Major Tasks: PNA

PNA VER 17.5 Delivered on Jan 8, 2007 1. PL implemented to opt for a customer ledger while creating a new customer. This status can be modified to stop or enable automatic posting into customer ledger through Invoices 2. CompanyAccountEx: NetBalance float (8) Customer: wantLedger varchar(5); Null allowed; initialized to False 3. StockInward Report: Only Edit view was working but show report resulted in the message report width larger than paper. Now Show Report button shows the desired report 4. Add Customer button placed in MakeInvoice form 5. Query: (havent implemented it yet select customerName, areainfo, sum(Total) as 'NetAmount' from invoice where invoicenumber in (select invoicenumber from invoiceitem where left(itemcode,3)='GLC') and invoicedate>='1/1/2006' and invoicedate<='1/2/2006' and status!='Cancelled' group by customername,areainfo order by customername PNA VER 18.0 Delivered on Feb 17, 2007 1. Changed the data types for all Quantities, QTYs from integer to Long PNA Ver 19.0 Delivered on Apr 27, 2007 1. Companies Account and Customer account dialog box are now password enabled. 2. In Customer Accounts Dialog box and Show Customer Account Report, only those customer names are shown which have ledger enabled 3. In Company, maintain yes or no for ledger maintenance. wantLedger field in Company Table and initialize it with False 4. ZSP, STX, BLI, PND companies need to be deleted from DB Tables: Firstly from InvoiceItem, StockInward,Stock,StockRegisterInfo,ReturnItem, POItem,IssueReportItem, DamagedStock,ClosingStock, Company, CompanyAccount,Item 5. In Purchase orders, issue of PONumber is resolved and correctly implemented 6. Sales Report w.r.t. company, grouped by distinct customers implemented and tested 7. Sales Report w.r.t. company, for a specific customer implemented and tested 8. Single Figure Sales Report w.r.t. company implemented and tested PNA Ver 20.0 Delivered on June 30, 2007

1. In make purchase order, a quantity entered in cartons text box results in overflow of quantities. This problem is fixed by adjusting and changing the relevant data types from int to long. 2. While adding a new item, a fixed sales tax can be entered which will automatically show up in Make Invoice dialog if a particular item is selected. Similarly, modify item is changed to incorporate modification of sales tax field. 3. New pattern of calculations incorporated in Invoice total, grand total after the arrival of Sales Tax provision in the software PNA Ver 21.0 Prepared on Dec 15, 2007 1. Item Sales taxes are input on the face value and not by percentages in Add/Modify Item, and Make/Modify Invoice PNA Ver 22.0 Prepared on Sep 10, 2009 1. Modified Connection String of POT.Dsr for removing machine dependency 2. ModifiedSalesReportByIssueBookDlg: Modified SQL query to match exact sale man name as input from front end. Previously, it used LIKE keyword for matching saleman name. Instance which showed mistake: Nadeem and Nadeem Ahmed 3. Modified Reports->Stock Report-> Show Closing Stock to ascending sort Item codes 4. Verify Issue Report: When a saleman reports items which do not belong to a particular issue report, there is a feature of Add New Item. The returned untis for such an Item were added in damaged stock instead of adjusted stock. This problem is fixed now. PNA Ver 23.0 Prepared on Sep 25, 2009; deployed on Oct 31, 2009 1. Above mentioned four points included in this version. Actually lost track of source code of version 22.0 However, the exe file is intact. 2. Modified the Sale Report w.r.t. Issue Book to cater for Return Back Units and their corresponding amounts. (Fixed the issue of data type overflow while updating an issue report) 3. Verified Damaged stock working and it seems to work fine. PNA Ver 24.0 Prepared on Nov 2, 2009 1. Since, print single invoice and print multiple invoices take quite a lot of time, so its internal logic has been modified to minimize the time it takes to show display the receipt. PNA Ver 25.3 Prepared on Nov 10, 2009 1. Sales Report w.r.t. Invoices has been showing invoice Numbers in an irregular manner, even for the invoices with same date. Internal query is now modified and is re-done to ascendingly sort InvoiceDate and then for InvoiceNumber.

2. Since, an error comes when invoice is saved the second time after saving first invoice plus printing it right away, so its internal logic for printing the receipt has been changed. Hopefully, it would start working for Mukhtars machine. 3. Added the option of inserting time delay in Print multiple Invoices menu, so that custom-input time delay can be facilitate effective printing of consecutive invoices at Dot Matrix Printer. 4. All of the reports which deal with invoices are internally changes from record set and query to POT.showinvoice2 PNA Ver 26.0 Prepared on Nov 10, 2009 1. Modified Sales Report w.r.t Invoices and added a checkbox for choosing CompanyCode.

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