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There are a lot of types of STD, for example ghonorrea, chlamidya,

shiphilys , herpes....and AIDS/HIV.
The most of this diseases are transmitted in sexual relations by sexual
fluids or virus, but others can be transmitted by blood or mother to baby.
Infections can appear in places like mouth, throat, genital organs and anus.
This diseases are caused by virus, microbes, microscopic germs and
Normally in the beginning the symptoms aren’t visible, then the infected
person can transmit the diseased unconsciously. Besides the infection can
spend a lot of time in your organism because there isn’t vaccines against
If STD aren’t treated , it will produce other diseases more dangerous like
HIV and epidimidithys, and others problems like infertility and blindness.
The foremost symptoms in STD are inflammation and pain in the genital
organs, itches and stings, strange fluids...
All the STD can be cured by a vaccine or antibiotic, only AIDS not have a
cure, this disease have a treatment to deceased the symptoms.
The better way to fight with this diseases is the prevention.
Preservative is a good way to prevent the contage, but if you think
that you could be infected you will go to the doctor and research about
your possible disease.


It is a sexual transmission disease that it have cure. It is caused by

a bacterium. Firstly, the infection causes a hurt in that zone. This hurt
makes bigger and bigger on every parts of your body. This disease has four

First period:
In this period of the disease appears a hurt without pain. This hurt
stand in your body until three weeks to three months. It normally appears
on genital organs.

Second period:
After your infection appears some symptoms until 2 months to
3months. The development of this disease is very changeable, sometimes
the symptoms appears on 6 months.
The more common symptoms are temperature, tiredness, swollen
glands and headache.

Latent syphilis
It doesn’t cause any symptoms. We can detect it by a blood analysis.
If this disease hasn’t any treat, you will have it about all your life. These
infection don’t cause any important problems.

Third period:
If people doesn’t treat this disease, it will produce dangerous
problems on organs and systems. Organs that this virus attack with more
frequency are brain, heart, bones and liver. It can produce mental
problems, blindness, deafness and death.

Other type of syphilis.

This disease happen when woman is pregnancy with this disease is
transmitted to the baby. It is a very dangerous and serious disease. If
babies survive, they will have very big and serious problems in brain, liver
and in other organs.

Syphilis is transmitted through sexual relations. This contage

depends about syphilis period. Third period syphilis isn’t transmitted trough
the sex because bacterium is very frail and it dies very soon. It isn’t very
possible catch this disease without sexual act.
The main treatment to syphilis is an injection of penicillin. With this
treatment you can destroyed syphilis in its first or second period.

A lot of important medicines don’t destroyed the bacterium. You

shouldn’t take some medicines without medical insurance.

Is an human virus which affects skin. It causes the irregular growing
of cells or warts. There are more than sixty types of this kind of virus.

About transmission we can find warts without sexual contact but we

can also find them after sexual relations and they can cause cancer and
pre-cancerous in women’s genitals as well as in men’s.
The majority of the infections disappear alone without any symptom.

A big part of them do not cause any symptom, but there are some
causes that can produce cancer.
It can there be several types of warts: Swollen, soft, plain and nearly
invisible. Other are strong, firm and beefy.

This symptoms are different for women and men.

Women: the contact place during a sexual contact, vaginal lips and around.

Men: is there are more usual in penis, but also in others places.
Appears in a few weeks and until the three months of being infected by


It is a sexual transmission disease that have cure and it is caused by

a bacterium called "chlamydia trachomatis". Its infection is produced in
penis, womb and anis. It is a very common STD.

Men have more symptoms of this disease than women. The most
common symptoms are:

Yellowish penis fluids.
Itch into the penis.
Sting when you go to the toilet.
Swollen testicles and pains in it.

Abnormal vaginal fluids.
Sting when you go to the toilet.
Blood between menstrual periods.
A painful sex.
Blood in the vagine after sex.
A pain on the abdomen.
Chlamydia is transmitted by vaginal or anis sex without protection
with your partner. An infected woman can transmit this disease to her baby
during pregnancy.
It is very easy to catch it with HIV, the virus which causes AIDS.

The most sure way to prevent this disease is without anis, vaginal and
oral sex. If you wanted practice sex with an infected person, you should
use the preservative.
To these kinds of disease is very important that you and your
partner trust each other and the communication.

The most of the infections are treated easily with antibiotics.

Sometimes only is necessary one dose of antibiotic, but some antibiotics
need more doses.
A lot of common antibiotics doesn’t work with this disease.


It is a disease that it’s transmitted by a germ. Infection appears

normally in penis, vagina and anus, but sometimes it can appears in the
gullet too.

The symptoms are different in men and women and, in women, only
appears symptoms in the 50% of the cases.

Men: if you are a man you will know you are infected by the yellowish colour
of your sexual fluids, and the pain when you urinate.
Women: if you are a woman you will know you are infected because you’ll
feel a pain in the abdomen, you’ll have a continual fluid and pain when you
When the infection is in the anus, you can know that you are infected by
itches and pain in the anus.

If ghonorrea isn’t treated with an antibiotic this disease will pass

into your organism and produce others diseases like Inflammatory Pelvic
Disease (IPD) in women, and epidimidithys in men.
This two diseases are very serious and dangerous because can produce
infertility in the two sex.
IPD is produced when other sexual transmitted disease like
Ghonorrea or Chlamydia haven’t been treated and the infection pass to the
organism. Firstly, this germs pass to the Fallopian tube and infected it,
later infect the ovaries too. The new disease is very dangerous because can
produce infertility an ectopic pregnancies.
Epidimidithys is produced when others STD haven’t been treated and
the infection is propagated by all. In first the germ pass through the
reproductive system to the testicles and then can produce an inflammation,
if the infection is very hard it will produce infertility.

The more usual transmission way of Ghonorrea is sexual way, but it’s
probably that it will be transmitted from mother to baby in the birth.

The better way to prevent this disease when your partner is

infected, is not having sexual relations. You could use preservatives but
this method have a risk.
If you think that you could be infected, you’ll should go as fast as you
can to the doctor, but this disease is easy to cure, by a vaccine or
antibiotic, but it’s better do it before the germ can expand.



This is a disease that causes a vagine inflammation. There are two

different types:
- By trichomonias; you will know if you have this disease for this
symptoms: vaginal fluids with disagreeable smell, itch that causes a
reddish vagine.
- By fungi; when the fungus is fermented produce a very intensive

Hepatitis B

It’s a liver illness produced by a virus. This virus can be found in

blood, saliva and semen, and it is transmitted by sexual and blood contact.
The symptoms of this disease are: tiredness, temperature, vomiting and
yellowish eyes skin.
Inflammatory pelvic disease

If Gonorrhoea and chlamydia aren’t treated, they will produce a new

disease called IPD. So that, it is diagnosed when it is very advanced.
This disease produce infertility and pregnancy out of the uterus.
The most usual symptoms of this disease are:
Pains in the abdomen, temperature, cervical pains and vagine punctures.

Genital warts

It’s a illness caused by a virus. Genital warts begin to grow up in your

organism from one to three months after it is contagious. If the warts are
small, you will be able cure them with medicines, but if they are bigger it
will be necessary have an operation.
The genital warts are very painful, and sometimes they can bleed.
If you have this disease, you’ll have to be careful because your partner can
get it too.

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

It’s a viral disease that appears in the 80s, it began to know in
homosexual people.
We don’t know where it was from, but nowadays Scientifics are
investigated to find up a good resolution for this problem.
In the actuality, this disease is the most worrying of the others
because it’s very easy its contagion, and there isn’t any cure or vaccine for
this disease.
AIDS means: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Acquired because you can catch this disease easily.
Immune Deficiency because the immune system becomes weak when this
virus go into your organism.

AIDS is produced by HIV that it’s a virus that means: Human

Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus introduces in your organism by blood
and sexual fluids.
HIV operates in our organism by several ways:

• The virus is inactive: firstly, when you catch this virus it spend in
your organism sleepy, and then there is no symptoms .
• The virus is active: in this part of the disease process, HIV is very
dangerous and it destroyed our immune system.

Aids is transmitted by different ways:

Sexual transmitted way:

This transmitted way can be caused by oral sex and vaginal sex.
If you have an irritation or inflammation, it will be easier that you
catch this illness. The easiest way to catch this disease is by anal sex.
Women have more probabilities to catch it that men and all of that,
when women have period.
Kisses and masturbation don’t transmitted aids.

Blooded transmitted way:

Nowadays blooded transmitted way is the most usual way in Spain.

Syringes and needles transmit HIV. By blood donation it isn’t transmitted
because there are a lot of blood control at hospitals and clinics.
If you thought you are infected, you shouldn’t give blood and organs.

Mother-son transmitted way:

It is produced in pregnancy either trough the placenta or trough the

By breast milk it is possible to catch it too. If you were a
seropositive wife, you shouldn’t get pregnancy because it is very possible
that your son will be born with HIV virus.

Ways of prevention:

The only way to fight against AIDS is the prevention, because there
isn’t any vaccine to cure this disease. Because of that it is very important
that people have information about prevention ways.
Some of that ways of prevention are: Condom, you should use your
own syringes, etc.
Is it transmitted by this way? NO !

Greetings Friends meetings

With spoons, forks Drinks or coffee in a
By the food
and knives café.
Swimming-pool or
Money and coins Showers
At hospitals and
Toilets Cinema and theatre
Usual contact with
At work At school
Public transports or
Public fountain Opening doors
Giving blood

Publics phones

The person who has HIV can to not transmit with her conduct. The
main problem is about people who don’t know they have AIDS, because a lot
of people with this virus don’t know that they have it.

Finally, we can say that there isn’t enough information about these
STD, we can only find some information about AIDS, but the others are
very unknown to people. This is a very big problem because people don’t
know danger and risk that these diseases have. Because of that is very
important teach people that prevention methods are essential to prevent
this diseases and it is very important too people are open-minded about
this file.








By Marta García Gómez, Victoria García Martínez & Ana González

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