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Includes Tax
End of Day 10/7/13
12 Pro Winter Wheat ........$6.66
Any Pro..........................$6.36
14 Pro Spring Wheat ........$6.70
Corn ...................................$3.62
SFS Birdseed ..................$15.50
City of Philip Proceedings
* * *
Town of Midland
* * *
Nuisance Ordinance for
Town of Midland
12 & 13
Philip, South Dakota 57567 Thursday, October 10, 2013 www.
No. 7, Vol. 108
Area News
continued on 2
Public notices published in this newspaper play a major
role in the ongoing production of informing you about the
business of your government.
By public notices, we mean things like the printed min-
utes of the school board and city council, election notices,
rezoning notices, advertisements for bids, notice of property
tax opt-outs, government employee salaries, proposed an-
nual budgets, delinquent property tax lists, township an-
nual meeting notices, exempt property tax lists and much
Public notices that keep you informed about what gov-
ernment is doing and how it is spending your tax dollars.
An ongoing diary of governments work.
The public notices in this newspaper serve a two-way
transparency street. Besides keeping you informed about
the work of your elected officials, public notices also provide
them with an independent and permanent record that ac-
curately reflects their actions and decisions.
That is why we are observing Public Notices Month this
month. Newspapers all across South Dakota are bringing
attention to the role that public notices play in our every-
day lives. We are highlighting this month with a VIP All-
access theme.
Public notices printed in this newspaper are VIP: verifi-
able, independent and permanent.
Verifiable because this newspaper is accessible to all seg-
ments of the public as a vaild, credible source for public no-
tices delivered directly to your mailbox or doorstep.
Independent because this newspaper provides an inde-
pendent, third-party check in the process of delivering pub-
lic notices to you.
Permanent because the public notices printed in this
newspaper cannot be altered, hacked or deleted. Something
that is not true in the digital world.
Public Notices in this newspaper: your VIP all-access
pass to what your government is doing.
Unfortunately, there are ongoing efforts to eliminate the
publication of public notices in newspapers. Certain special
interests and lobbying groups representing local govern-
ments want to do away with public notices laws, arguing
that its a waste of money and that no one reads them any-
We will be crystal clear that this newspaper indeed is
paid to publish public notices. Just as any business or en-
tity is compensated for goods and services it provides to
government, this newspaper is paid for publication of pub-
lic notices. In doing so, we have laws to follow. State law
dictates a uniform compensation rate that is fair and con-
sistent. In fact, you can find the cost of publication at the
bottom of almost all government public notices published
in this newspaper.
On average, the total cost to local governments in South
Dakota to publish all of their required public notices equals
an amount less than one-half of one percent of their total
annual budget. What value do we put on making sure citi-
zens have the ability to be informed about their govern-
As for the argument that no one reads them anymore,
not surprisingly we disagree on that one as well.
Statistically valid statewide readership surveys con-
ducted by South Dakota Newspaper Association have
shown consistently over the years that more than half of
all South Dakotans read public notices in their local news-
paper on a frequent basis.
Or, consider the story about the confidential $175,000
settlement agreement between the Huron School District
and its former superintendent that was uncovered follow-
ing a lengthy investigation by The Daily Republic at
Mitchell. It made for some big headlines around the state
this year.
All of this started because someone wondered why a pay-
ment of more than $10,000 per month to the former super-
intendent kept showing up in the school board proceedings
published in the local newspaper.
An excellent example of light being shone on something
government wanted to keep in the dark. And it all started
with something that someone read in the school board min-
utes printed in the newspaper. Public notices at work.
That is why we bring special attention to public notices
this month. We urge you to read them and to tell legislators
to resist the ongoing efforts by special interests in Pierre to
eliminate them.
Good government depends on public notices. You depend
on them. Public notices are your VIP all-access pass to
knowing more about the business of government and your
tax dollars at work.
Public notices in this newspaper: your VIP All-Access Pass
Sports 9, 10
The next Stronger Economies
Together meeting for the Bad-
lands/Bad River Region, Tues-
day, October 15, will offer
entrepreneurial support.
Guest speaker for the meeting
in the Wall Community Room,
starting at 5:30 p.m., will be
Bob Weyrich, owner of Prairie
Berry Winery, Hill City. All are
Since we are finished with
our required modules, we have
the flexibility to offer additional
professional development
around an issue you have iden-
tified as key to economic devel-
opment in this region
entrepreneurial support, said
Kari ONeill, facilitator for the
SET project.
Weyrich has personal experi-
ence in starting businesses, as
well as being a former ag devel-
opment specialist for the South
Dakota Department of Agricul-
ture. He will have examples of
entrepreneurial spirit, re-
sources and persistence.
After the presentation, the at-
tendees, made up from Haakon,
Jackson and eastern Penning-
ton counties, will work on two
main goals. The first is develop-
ing and maintaining a sustain-
able online presence that
promotes and markets the eco-
nomic development of the re-
gion, which can be accessed by
2015. The second is establishing
a support network for entrepre-
neurs to create new, and retain
or expand existing businesses,
for a five percent growth in the
next five years.
SET offers
The damages are still un-
known, stated Thor Roseth,
owner of the Philip Livestock Auc-
tion, concerning the Friday and
Saturday, October 4-5 blizzard
that hit western South Dakota.
It could be another week or two
... cattle in neighbors pastures ...
a lot of cattle are dead ... you hear
a lot of numbers, said Roseth. He
added that the damage goes be-
yond those numbers. The weight
loss on the cattle that are alive,
thats a major concern as well.
Fences were either walked over
by livestock because of drifted
snow or simply broken down by
the sheer weight of soaked cattle
trying to walk away from the
pounding sleet. Cattle went
through fence after fence. Live
and dead livestock are being found
in road ditches, pasture corners,
creek bottoms and out in the open.
According to the National
Weather Service weather forecast
office in Rapid City, a strong low
pressure system brought an in-
tense winter storm/blizzard to
northeast Wyoming and western
South Dakota. Along with the
rain, sleet and ice, very heavy
snowfall and strong wind gusts
were reported.
The numbers are still coming
in, said Roger Porch, vice presi-
dent at Philips agriculture-based
First National Bank. But, it looks
like serious livestock loss in the
Philip area, particularly north
and northwest of here.
Conservation Officer Zach
Thomsen understands the disas-
ter for producers. As I went out
and patroled, it was a terrible
sight seeing all the dead cattle,
he said. Its their business and
I think all the wildlife made it
through all right. I havent heard
anything yet, but I would guess
the late pheasant hatches might
have had a tough couple of days,
said Thomsen.
Veterinarian Jim Stangle said,
Were going to get drownings and
suffocations, but mostly its going
to be hypothermia. Ive been hear-
ing lots of numbers. Im sure
Haakon County will be in the
thousands. Meade County will be
more than that.
Stangle has heard of 200-300
cattle owned by a single producer
being killed by the storm. One
case was of 300 bred heifers out of
a total herd of 400 in Pennington
County. Another case is of proba-
bly 200 cows from one owner in
Haakon County. It makes you
sick to your stomach, said Stan-
Stangles concern is now for the
surviving livestock. Everybody
wants to know what kind of shots
to give. There probably arent any
kind of shots that will help the
ones that youve got that are
stressed or down. Its just good
nursing care. Quite a few people
have not given fall shots yet. I
think its imperative they wait a
week before doing that, said
Stangle. They should seriously be
considering an internasal vaccine,
on top of the normal vaccine pro-
gram, on highly stressed cattle.
Early blizzard a devastating cattle killer
by Nancy Haigh
The Haakon County Commis-
sion found out at their October 1
meeting that recent issues within
the highway department could
push the departments funding
needs past their 2013 budget
Taking the dollars are a road
grader and the semi trucks. The
road grader was hauled to Rapid
City by a local person since both
the semis are down. The repair
cost has not been totaled as of yet.
One semi has engine issues and
the other was wrecked in a recent
accident. Kenny Neville, superin-
tendent of the highway depart-
ment noted he had asked for
dollar values from the insurance
adjusters, in hopes to have them
for the meeting. Unfortunately,
they did not arrive. Neville would
like to purchase at least one semi
for under $25,000 if possible. If
kept at that amount, the county
would not have to ask for bids.
The board discussed the possi-
bility of buying the truck back
from the insurance company and
having the cab repaired. Neville
noted that the frame had been
bent as well, so the board opted to
not go that route.
Commissioner Nick Konst re-
quested that Neville have the
other semi looked at to see if it
could be a simple, inexpensive re-
pair. The board agreed, but noted
not to spend more than $500 on
the truck.
A possibility that was discussed
was using one of the countys
dump trucks as a possible trade-in
on the new semi. Neville said that
could be a possibility but he would
prefer to keep all three of the
dump trucks.
Neville was given the go ahead
to look for a truck that was under
Neville and the board also dis-
cussed the widening of Grindstone
Road as requested by Larry
Gabriel and Marvin Coleman.
Neville reported back to the board
on his findings and how to widen
the road.
Commission Chairman Steve
Clements said he didnt know
where the county would get the
money to do the four miles of road
rebuilding. And it wasnt in the
2013 budget. He suggested the
county do a mile a year.
Neville stated that is what he
would like to do, and do the worst
mile first and so on.
At the September meeting the
board, Neville, Coleman and
Gabriel discussed overwidth farm
equipment on the roads. A possi-
ble resolution or ordinance was
discussed that would require a
flag vehicle in front of any equip-
ment wider than 12 feet.
Val Williams, highway depart-
ment administrative assistant
presented a copy of minutes from
the April 6, 1999 regarding that
issue. Those minutes reflect an
approved motion that authorized
the highway superintendent to
issue permits for overwidth and
overweight equipment and vehi-
cles on Haakon County roads. The
permits were to be issued subject
Commissioners look at unexpected hwy. dept. expenses
The 64th annual West Central
Electric Cooperative meeting was
held Wednesday, October 2, in the
Kadoka auditorium. The business
meeting, presented by the board of
directors, was followed by a com-
plementary roast beef supper for
the approximately 325 guests and
West Central Electric personnel
Cooperative members won door
prizes such as a color televisions,
beef certificates, barbecues, small
appliances and other prizes. Ins-
tumental dinner music was pro-
vided by the Jim Szana Trio.
The attendees approved a by-
law change where only 50 cooper-
ative members need be present to
constitute a quorum. Though
about 325 attended the annual
meeting, voting ability is per
power meter, thus one household
usually has only one vote.
West Central Electric is a rural
cooperative serving members in
Haakon, Jackson, Jones, Lyman
and Stanley counties. The cooper-
ative maintains around 3,573
miles of line in an area of more
than 7,000 square miles, serving
approximately 3,660 members.
The cooperatives monthly news-
letter, Cooperative Connections,
includes energy saving programs,
current events and issues about
the cooperative, along with local,
state and national news and infor-
mation. Almost 40 people are em-
ployed by West Central Electric.
West Central Electric officers
presented the projected future of
the cooperative. Chief Executive
Officer Steve Reed said that, with
the diminishing population in the
area, everything has grown to be
more efficient. This includes such
things as LED lighting. Thus
West Central has had to also be-
come very efficient. He thanked
members for their patience during
the implementation of a new
billing system, where members
can now go online to check even
their daily usage. With Golden
West Telecommunications expan-
sion of its local call area, Reed
asked that members use West
Centals phone number 669-8100
West Central Electric meeting
Chuck Kroetch, left, was honored by Chief Executive Officer Steve Reed,
for Kroetchs 18 years on the West Central Electric board of directors.
Stangle added that most people
are going to have to watch for
pneumonia breaks in the next five
to 10 days.
The state vets are recommend-
ing you document your losses, go
out and take pictures. There may
be a future indemnity with the
farm bill; not saying there will be
one, but be prepared if there is
one, advised Stangle. He added
that there may be a couple of ren-
dering services from East River
coming out to West River, so there
may be a way of disposing of the
large number of carcasses.
The South Dakota State Uni-
versity Extension is asking pro-
ducers to record livestock losses.
Such reports are just coming in.
At the present time, we don't
know if there will be any govern-
mental program to assist ranch-
ers. This may take awhile because
the federal shutdown has fur-
loughed key local United States
Department of Agriculture staff,"
said Julie Walker, SDSU Exten-
sion beef specialist.
We know that you don't need
another task during this difficult
time, but it is critical that you doc-
ument your losses. The lesson
learned from winter of 1996 to
1997 showed the importance of
good records needed for getting
some assistance from governmen-
tal programs, Walker said.
Records and documentation to
be kept include: number of dead
animals, time and labor for pro-
cessing dead animals, equipment
used and amount of time, and pic-
tures or videos. For the latter,
make sure the date is set correctly
and is on, and try to show detail to
substantiate number dead.
Walker added that having a
third party verify losses can be
helpful. However, she acknowl-
edged that this may not be practi-
cal in most situations because
travel and access are difficult to
impossible. Taking pictures is a
producer's next best option. For
more information, contact Walker
at or
to all applicable laws and regula-
Commissioner Tom Radway
stated he had heard from con-
stituents that said they did not
want to have to pay someone to
flag for them as it would be a
hardship in finding someone to do
the job and to pay them.
Williams stated Neville would
be constantly issuing permits for
farm equipment moves.
No action was taken on the
Neville brought another cost be-
fore the board. A new furnace for
the trailer at the Milesville shop is
needed. He had one quote from
Pietz Heating and Cooling Ex-
perts, Pierre. The board requested
that he obtain one more quote.
Neville noted he had spoken to
local individuals as well.
Auditor Patricia Freeman in-
formed the commissioners that
the jail fund is in the red by
$1,318. The board opted to not act
on supplementing or transfering
funds into the account until they
could visit with Sheriff Fred
Koester, who was unavailable at
the time. The board wanted to
visit with Koester regarding any
long-term incarcerations that may
or may not be there through the
end of the year.
Reports reviewed included
Terry Deuters veterans service of-
ficer, and the auditor/treasurers
report. Freeman noted that the
two offices do not coinicide on
their dollar amounts. Freeman
stated she believed this was due to
her not posting entity payments,
but she will continue to solve the
discrepancy. Carrie Weller, 4-H
advisor, reported on events from
the 4-H office. Sheryl Hansen re-
quested the purchase of a new
computer for the Haakon County
4-H office. She said the 2007
model will not support many of
the programs from the state 4-H
office. Hansen said the cost would
be just over $1,400 and part of the
funds could come from the offices
supply and phone budgets.
continued on 10
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The Pioneer Review P.O. Box 788 Philip, SD 57567-0788
(605) 859-2516 FAX: (605) 859-2410
Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Letters Policy
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 2
Subscription Rates: For Haakon, Jackson, and Jones counties,
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Established in 1906.
The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper of Haakon County, the
towns of Philip and Midland, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-
lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc. Pioneer Review office is
located at 221 E. Oak Street in Philip, South Dakota.
Phone: (605) 859-2516; FAX: (605) 859-2410;
Copyrighted 1981: Ravellette Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Display & Classified Advertising: Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. (MT)
Legals: Fridays at 5:00 p.m. (MT)
Publisher: Don Ravellette
Gen. Mgr. of Operations/Ad Design: Kelly Penticoff
Editor/News Reporter: Del Bartels
Reporter/Ad Design: Nancy Haigh
Ad Sales: Beau Ravellette
Lookin Around|Syd Iwan
This state is sometimes called
The Land of Infinite Variety.
That would include blizzards as
early as October 4th, hundred-
and-twelve degree heat in July,
and various other things wed
rather not talk about. I particu-
larly do not need major snow-
storms in October. That is way too
Not that we suffered all that
much in yesterdays blizzard. Our
electricity was only out an hour or
two, and it wasnt that cold. It
was, of course, extremely windy
and wasnt a day for leisurely
strolls in the park or across the
prairie. My main complaint is
that this kind of a weather system
puts my nerves on edge. I cant re-
ally settle to anything. Im won-
dering when the power is going to
go out, how much snow there will
be to give us grief, and, primarily,
when the dumb thing is going to
get over. Youd think that Ive
lived through enough of these
storms to just take them in stride,
but I guess I havent. They still
get me fussed up.
At present, however, the wind
has subsided, the snow has quit,
and the stars are out. Theres a
glow in the east meaning sunrise
is imminent. Things are a lot bet-
ter. I can take a deep breath and
get back to some semblance of
normal. Thats a good thing.
Maybe I can even accomplish
something of value today. Who
knows? Alternately, I may need a
day to get myself back to normal
before attempting anything that
takes rational thinking or concen-
tration. If I ramble on incoher-
ently here, youll know why.
Despite the occasional storm or
other form of miserable weather,
I do basically like this area suffi-
ciently to plan on staying. Ive
been to enough other places in my
lifetime to compare living condi-
tions, and we actually have it
pretty good here most of the time.
For one thing, we arent crowded.
There is plenty of room to move. If
I pass three cars on the country
roads going to town, that is heavy
traffic. Quite often I pass no one.
Even the interstate is by no
means bumper to bumper, and for
nine months of the year it really
doesnt have much traffic. In the
summer months with tourists, we
might have to keep our wits about
us when driving, but few tourists
come here from November to
April. They have better sense. The
busiest time might be in August
when they have the motorcycle
rally, and you can easily pass a
hundred roaring two-wheelers
every ten miles and campers ga-
lore. The quietest time is probably
January when most sensible peo-
ple stay farther south.
I also like the fact that our state
does have a wide variety of
scenery. We have farm country in
the east and ranch country west.
Over northeast there are lots of
lakes, and a big old river runs
north to south in the middle. In
the southwest, the badlands take
up a chunk of real estate. Way
west are mountains and trees
which I dont care much for and
consider somewhat claustropho-
bic, but other folks seem to think
theyre dandy.
We also have major differences
in annual rainfall from east to
west. East river often has enough
moisture to raise corn and soy-
beans while the northwest barely
has enough to grow grass. Here in
the middle we are between the ex-
tremes and usually have enough
precipitation for grass and hay,
but crops are somewhat hit and
miss. We may be able to grow
them or maybe not. I never did
care much for farming so that
isnt my main concern, but I do
like to have the enough grass to
decently feed the critters.
Culturally speaking, the arts
are more at home far east and far
west in the biggest towns. Be-
tween those more heavily popu-
lated areas, you arent going to
find many orchestras or art gal-
leries, or much classical music. I
was trained as a classical pianist,
but I dont spend a lot of time on
that here since the general popu-
lation isnt keen on that sort of
thing. Thats okay. There are
other forms of music that fill the
bill adequately, and I can concen-
trate on those.
Far and away, though, the best
thing about this state is the peo-
ple. They are basically friendly
and helpful. If you live in this area
as long as I have, you know and
like a whole lot of people. In cities,
people may not know their next-
door neighbor whereas here we
get to know practically everyone.
If we dial the wrong number on
the phone, were apt to know the
person who answers and end up
having a nice chat before hanging
up. This is sort of nice. I like it.
So, occasionally the infinite va-
riety of weather we have to deal
with in this silly state can be
somewhat of a pain. Other things
more than compensate, however,
so I guess Ill just stick around to
see what happens next. It may be
good or it may be less so, but Im
probably here to stay on these
wide-open prairies that, most of
the time, I love.
Pioneer Review
Tuesdays at 11 a.m.
Philip, SD
U.S.P.S. 433-780
Infinite Variety
PHILIP AARP/RTA MEETS Monday, October 28, at 6:00 p.m.
at the Bad River Senior Citizens Center with a soup supper.
Speaker is Eric Nelson, SDAARP, who will speak on Social Security,
Medicare and the Affordable Care Act. Anyone is welcome to hear
the latest on these issues.
tober 15, in the Senechal Apts. lobby at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is wel-
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY will meet Thursday, Octo-
ber 10, at 7:30 p.m. at Kay Ainslies home.
LAND O LAKES has discontinued its 5 for school, so please
put your milk caps in the soup can at the Philip school or Coyles
SuperValu as they have to be turned in by October 20.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please sub-
mit them by calling: 859-2516, or e-mailing to: ads@pioneer-
review. com. We will run your event notice the two issues
prior to your event at no charge.
Country Praises by Del Bartels
The man, knowing that he had
to wait a while, spent a little time
looking through the window, but
soon noticed the reflection of him-
self. Yes he was older now, but he
still had it. No wonder his life was
full of beautiful women.
First there was his mother. She
adored him. She also got used to
his shenanigans. As an infant, his
grin could go from cute to lovey-
dovey to devil-may-care in a
heartbeat. He learned quickly to
wrap babysitters around his fin-
ger. His big brother took him
everywhere to be used as a girl
magnet. It worked ... at least until
he learned to return downstairs
during his nap and get the girls
attention while his brother had to
forego any continued hand-hold-
ing and whispering.
He was the king of preschool.
When the other boys were on their
own, the girls would ask him to re-
pair their toy stoves and Barbie
cars. He would be asked to help
them color or draw the hopscotch
grid. Life was good.
Grade school was an ease.
Teachers seemed to prefer his ex-
cuses over the excuses of other
boys. That winning smile and dis-
playing respect at the right time
did wonders. In mixed sports,
passing the ball to a girl every
now and then earned favor.
At junior high dances, you did
not stand with the other guys near
the far wall! You volunteered to
help others with homework it
impressed teachers and girl class-
mates. A quick notice of nice hair-
cut, new backpack?, I dont
mind braces at all, or you and
your mom make the best brownies
ever, created a blushing smile,
and a friend for life.
Junior high led into high school,
and other guys also realized the
opposite gender was worth noting.
Star athletes had an unexplain-
able advantage, but only for the
first few dates. Girls wanted to
get to know you and that again
had put him on top. Impress the
girl, but also do your best to im-
press her parents.
College was simply a continua-
tion of the learning curve. Now
girls worth noting were concerned
with possible careers, with being
able to live on their own, and with
guys who could at least act like
they had some maturity. The
biggest lesson he learned was that
the idea of girls was becoming the
realization of just one girl.
He won the attention and even-
tually the hand of the most special
lady he had ever met. His reflec-
tion from any window, any mirror,
was not as good as it could be, un-
less her reflection was next to his.
She knew that she was his one
and only ... that is until the other
girl came along.
That other girl was their daugh-
ter. With her he was at a loss, al-
ways on the defense rather than
the offense. He was the one
wrapped around someone elses
finger. His wife knew it, and it
made him that much more en-
dearing to all of his ladies.
Now, he stared at the window.
His reflection still showed his
wifes next to his. Their daughter
was in the next room, resting. The
reflection refocused to what was
beyond the glass. The nurse was
bringing the newborn into the
nursery for just a little while so
her mother could rest.
Four special ladies mother,
wife, daughter, granddaughter
he was a lucky ladies man.
Ladies man
by Del Bartels
Hitting a milestone in her con-
tinuing training, Marlis Doud
charted a 17 plus mile day of
walking, Wednesday, October 2,
throughout the town of Philip.
She has been working up for
months to be able to participate in
and finish the Susan G. Komen
Three Day Race For The Cure.
The three-day, 60-mile fundraiser
to help research for a cure to
breast cancer will be held in San
Diego, Cali., on November 15-17.
For Doud, this will be a special
and very personal trek. For her
60th birthday, after six years of
being cancer-free, she will walk 60
miles. Most often training on
gravel roads near her ranch home,
Douds usual support group con-
sists of her husband, Rick, and
friends and neighbors who sup-
port her with encouragement, do-
nations and prayer.
During her walk in Philip, she
was joined by Marilyn Millage for
approximately two miles. Donna
Smith came alongside for approx-
imately five miles. Douds daugh-
ter, Lindsay Reagle, walked with
her for approximately five miles.
And, her mother, Dolly Blucher,
walked for a mile. Her 85-year-old
mother did that mile in 21 min-
utes; not bad according to Doud.
Doud usually averages 3.7 miles
per hour.
Doud had told friends, So if you
see me, a nice wave or thumbs up
would be appreciated. Some
prayers wouldn't hurt either. This
will be my biggest day so far. And
then I have to do 13 on Thursday.
But Rick will be my support per-
son that day. That means he will
keep tabs on me and drive by in
the ranger saying, Good job,
Honey! Keep going.
Doud stressed that all funds
raised for her walk will go to the
Susan G. Komen effort. None will
be used by her for travel or any
other expenses.
Even after the event, Doud
plans on still walking. Im not
going to quit, said Doud. Im not
athletic, but Im not going to let
this go. My goal is to do three
miles a day no matter what, which
seems like not much now.
Douds progress during the No-
vember event can be followed on
the website by typ-
ing in Marlis Doud.
Sixty miles to fight breast cancer
Council concludes construction
by Del Bartels
During their monthly meeting,
Tuesday, October 1, members of
the Philip City Council listened to
Barry and Edna Knutson, who re-
ported that an offer by the citys
insurance company of $3,000 was
not even close to expenses in-
Knutsons finished basement at
their sign shop was flooded when
a city sewer backed up. Every-
thing that was soaked with raw
sewage wallboard, carpet, refrig-
erator, stove, etc. had to be
taken out for health reasons.
Sewer line blockage was caused by
construction or some other mate-
rial. Breaking loose the blockage
required back and forth flushing,
thus was probably what opened
and blocked the Knutsons anti-
backup valve.
Its just frustrating!, said B.
Knutson. Is this where were at?
Do we have to get a lawyer? Re-
ally? No action was taken by the
city council.
On other insurance matters, the
council tabled discussion on Con-
tinental Western Groups request
to remove physical damage cover-
age on the city vehicles following
the councils decision to not repair
hail damages. Though a check has
been received for hail damage to
city buildings, discussion will con-
tinue next meeting if Philip will
accept the settlement or not.
The council tabled any action
concerning demolition of the old
building east of the Senechal
Park. The lot would be an expan-
sion of the park. Public Works Di-
rector Matt Reckling estimated
that demolition and disposal of
the debris would be around
$3,200. The city is waiting for an
official request and discussion of
finances from the Philip Garden
Club, which oversees this newest
city park.
The council approved the hy-
draulic study of the drainage area
around U.S. Highway 14 and S.D.
Highway 73. All easements will be
The Wood Avenue/Walden Av-
enue utility and street improve-
ment project has been officially
completed. The council approved a
pay request to Rosebud Concrete
of $61,602.83.
The E. Pine St./Wray Avenue
overlay project was officially com-
pleted September 3. The company
had yet to finish sealing an inter-
section. The council approved a
pay request of $17,748.61.
The council will decide later if
the Highway 73 sidewalk and
lighting upgrade project will have
LED lighting. This will increase
the initial investment, but LED
lighting lasts longer and requires
shorter poles.
The council will revisit imple-
menting ordinances requiring
sidewalks. There are some
stretches in town that are only
partially bordered by sidewalks.
New construction is required to
put in a sidewalk. Though current
sidewalks may not be taken out,
bare stretches are grandfathered
in as not required to have side-
walks. This causes breaks in ac-
cess by pedestrians and question-
able liability of landowners.
The Philip Trails Project
phase 1.1 has been agreed upon
with the South Dakota Depart-
ment of Transportation.
The council approved a plat of
Dakota Mill and Grains Lot 1, 2
and 3. The city is not vacating a
section line, only allowing it to be
Midwest Cooperatives site,
paving and utility plans for their
fertilizer plant expansion are still
on schedule.
OConnell Construction will do
needed work at the rubble site. A
one-time contract has been agreed
to with Walker Refuse for a roll-off
trash bin at the rubble site for con-
struction materials not permitted
at the site.
Building permits were approved
for Ray Gibson, working for Tom
Foley, to replace a sidewalk at 106
N. Stewart Avenue and overlay a
sidewalk at 102 N. Stewart Ave.
Grossenburg Implement will be
putting in a concrete pad.
Nuisance violation (mowing) ex-
penses have been certified to the
county for parcel number 8896.
Bills pending as of October 1
total over $141,639. Other than
street work payments, the largest
item is employee health premi-
ums, which are more than $8,619.
Finance Officer Monna Van
Lint and Deputy Finance Officer
Brittany Smith are attending the
South Dakota Municipal League
annual conference, October 8-11,
in Aberdeen.
The next regular Philip City
Council meeting will be Monday,
November 4, at 7:00 p.m. in the
Haakon County Courthouse com-
munity room.
The annual HuntSafe class of-
fered in Midland has been resche-
luded to Saturday, October 12, at
the Midland fire hall.
The free class will start at 8:00
a.m. and conclude around 5:00 p.m.
Parents are not required to stay
with the kids while attending the
course. Attendees should bring a
sack lunch and drinks.
This course is required for chil-
dren between the ages of 12 and
16, if they wish to be eligible to
hunt. If a child turns 12 between
Sept. 1 and Dec. 31 of 2013, they
are eligible to participate.
Tom Parquet will again be lead-
ing the instruction for the Hunt-
Safe class. Preregistration is not
required, but asked for so stu-
dents can get a jump start on the
manual and to ensure adequate
class supplies. Parents please
bring kids a little before 8:00 a.m.
for registration and the required
parent-signed permission slip.
For more information contact
Tom Parquet after 5:00 p.m. at
843-2515 or
HuntSafe rescheduled for Oct. 12
continued from 1
The board approved the supple-
ment of the courthouse building
fund following a supplement hear-
ing. The fund was supplemented
by $12,500.
Approved were the meeting
minutes from September 3, the
past months warrants, the pay-
ment of warrants not yet received
from West Central Electric and
Golden West Telecommunica-
tions, the surplus of two treasurer
office computers, and for Neville
to attend the Region 8 highway
superintendent meeting in Rapid
City, October 23-24.
Freeman presented a proposed
Haakon County Poor Relief Hand-
book. She stated she based it off
Hughes Countys, just changing
out county names and some dollar
A 23 minute executive session
was held for an evaluation for
Nancy Neville.
The boards next regular meet-
ing is Thursday, November 7 at
1:00 p.m. The switch from the reg-
ular meeting day of the first Tues-
day is so that the board can
canvass election ballots as well.
Late Planting Winter Wheat?
Recent rain and snow across
much of the state has improved
the prospects of planting winter
wheat in some of the dry areas,
but will also delay planting in
fields yet to be seeded.
In South Dakota, the recom-
mended time to plant winter
wheat is September 15 through
October 10. The October 15 dead-
line to receive full crop insurance
coverage and winterkill protec-
tion provides incentive to get
fields planted by that date. Pro-
ducers can still purchase crop in-
surance on fields planted after
October 15, but will sacrifice 1%
of coverage for each day after that
date, up to 25 days, and those
fields are ineligible for winterkill
There are good reasons for the
September 15 to October 10
planting date recommendations,
but winter wheat can be planted
after October 10, or October 15
and still raise a respectable crop.
The primary disadvantage to
planting late is that the plants
are typically behind in develop-
ment going into the winter, are
slower getting going in the spring,
and consequently mature later
than earlier planted wheat. That
delay can shorten the grain fill
period, and often results in the
plants being subjected to mois-
ture and heat stress during this
stage. Date-of-planting studies
have shown that late planted win-
ter wheat can produce just over
20% less than wheat planted at
the ideal time. Late planting also
presents higher risk of winterkill
and erosion, particularly when
not seeding into protective cover.
There are management strate-
gies you can use to help compen-
sate for planting late. If you have
the equipment, can rent it or hire
someone who does, use narrow
row spacing. Ten inches or wider
would be considered wide spac-
ing. If wider spacing is your only
option, increase the seeding rate
by 1.5. Also, simply increase the
seeding rate. While 960,000 1.2
million pure live seeds per acre is
the recommended seeding rate
when planting during the recom-
mended time, raising that to 1.6
million seeds per acre or even
higher is suggested when plant-
ing late. Apply Phosphorus with
the seed. Apply 20 Lbs/A of Phos-
phorus if soil test levels indicate
none is needed, and add 20 Lbs/A
to recommendations. Phosphorus
promotes root growth and im-
proves winter survival. Plant cer-
tified, disease-free, treated seed.
A final suggestion would be to
plant an early maturing variety
with favorable agronomic charac-
teristics and good yield potential.
If winter wheat planting gets
delayed past November 1, produc-
ers should consider waiting until
spring to plant spring wheat, or
consider dormant planting spring
wheat. Winter wheat that is
planted late enough that it
doesnt emerge and become estab-
lished before winter often ma-
tures later and yields less than
dormant or early planted spring
wheat. True dormant planting oc-
curs when the seed is planted just
before the ground freezes. Spring
wheat that is properly dormant
planted will lie in the soil as hard
seed until the soil warms enough
in the spring to begin germina-
tion, approximately 34-37 F.
10/10 Drought Risk Manage-
ment Workshop, 9:00 am CT,
Lucys, Gettysburg
10/11 Drought Risk Manage-
ment Workshop, 9:00 am CT,
SDSU Extension Center, Winner
10/21-23 SDSU Extension
Annual Conference, Brookings
12/3-4 Ag Horizons Confer-
ence, Ramkota Inn, Pierre
Bob Fanning. Field Specialist
Winner Regional Extension Center
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Rural Livin
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 3
Thursday: Partly cloudy in the morning, then overcast with a
chance of rain. Fog early. High of 70F. Winds from the NE at
5 to 15 mph shifting to the ESE in the afternoon. Chance
of rain 20%. Thursday Night: Overcast with thunderstorms,
then a chance of a thunderstorm and rain after midnight.
Fog overnight. Low of 48F. Breezy. Winds from the SE at 10 to 20 mph.
Chance of rain 70% with rainfall amounts near 0.4 in. possible.
Friday: Mostly cloudy with a chance
of a thunderstorm and rain. High
of 59F. Windy. Winds from the
SW at 30 to 40 mph shifting to
the WNW in the afternoon. Chance of rain
20%. Friday Night: Partly cloudy. Low of 34F.
Breezy. Winds from the West at 15 to 20 mph.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy
in the morning, then
clear. High of 61F.
Winds from the WSW
at 5 to 15 mph. Satur-
day Night: Partly cloudy. Low of 37F.
Winds from the ENE at 5 to 15 mph.
Sunday: Partly
cloudy. High of 59F.
Winds from the NE
at 5 to 10 mph.
Sunday Night:
Partly cloudy. Low of 36F. Winds
from the ENE at 5 to 10 mph.
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This weekend's blizzard in western South Dakota
created deadly conditions for cattle in affected areas.
Reports of cow and calf death losses, along with dis-
placements of herds due to drifting of snow over fence
lines are still coming in.
Russ Daly, South Dakota State University Exten-
sion veterinarian, gives a summary of some health is-
sues South Dakota ranchers may see as a result of the
After mortalities are disposed of and the lost cattle
returned to pastures, ranchers may still face problems
with their animals in the days and weeks following
the storm, he said, listing several health issues.
Prolonged stress placed on animals, especially
younger animals, due to weather events results in in-
creased cortisol levels in the animals' bloodstream,
which can have profound effects on the immune sys-
tem. Prolonged stressful events, such as the blizzard
experienced over the weekend, are more significant
than short-term events.
Long-term stress can have the effect of shifting the
immune system towards production of antibodies and
away from cell- mediated responses. In practical
terms, this means that the body has less of an ability
to respond to diseases caused by viruses, Daly said.
He added that in growing cattle, respiratory dis-
eases are often caused or started by Infectious Bovine
Rhinotracheitis (IBR, or red-nose, Bovine Respira-
tory Syncytial Virus (BRSV), and Bovine Viral Diar-
rhea Virus (BVDV).
Respiratory diseases in cattle generally have an in-
cubation period of seven to 14 days. Therefore, ranch-
ers might expect that cattle affected by the blizzard
could break with these illnesses over the next two
weeks, he said.
Weaned calves may be more susceptible to coccidio-
sis as well. This condition will present as bloody
stools, along with dehydration and depression in more
severely affected calves. Prompt identification of af-
fected calves and treatment with individual or feed-
based medications is important, he said.
Daly said ranchers should consult with their veteri-
narian whether feed- or water-grade antibiotics, es-
pecially in weaned calves, would be appropriate for
any of these conditions.
In spring calving herds, the storm hit in the midst
of ranchers normal preparations for weaning. Herds
were in various stages of the process, anywhere from
having calves weaned already to calves having their
first preweaning vaccination, to calves that had not
had preweaning vaccinations at all, he said. Long-
term stress has the effect of inhibiting the immune
system against infectious diseases, but it also inhibits
the bodys response to vaccines.
Its best that calves have seven to 14 days following
the blizzard event for their immune system to recover
from the stress before they receive initial or booster
doses of vaccines. Vaccinations will be less effective
in cattle that are still under the influence of cortisol
due to stress, he said.
In cattle, it is generally considered that the effect
of stresses on the body are additive. Daly explained
that this means that any sort of transportation, pro-
cessing, or weaning will add to the stresses already
encountered by cows and calves going through the
blizzard, or faced with moving through snowbanks or
muddy lots.
Likewise, its best that calves get a break from any
processing, weaning or long-distance transporting for
seven to 14 days following the weather event, he
The best source of information regarding animal
health in adverse conditions is the local veterinarian,
as they will have the proper advice for prevention and
treatment in light of local conditions.
The blizzard also coincides with the traditional
marketing window for spring calves. According to
SDSU Extension Cow-Calf Field Specialist Warren
Rusche, if at all possible, ranchers should consider de-
laying marketing until the calves have had time to re-
cover from the added stress load.
Feedlots or backgrounders who purchase calves
who have undergone these conditions should do all
they can to minimize stress and provide as much TLC
as possible. Feeders should consult with their veteri-
narian concerning timing of arrival vaccinations and
possible preventative strategies, he said.
Animal health after a blizzard
The South Dakota Department
of Agriculture reminds producers
who have lost livestock during the
recent blizzard to document
losses. Proper documentation is
critical to ensure processing of po-
tential claims.
This early season, record set-
ting blizzard is devastating to our
producers and our thoughts are
with them, said Secretary of
Agriculture Lucas Lentsch. We
are working to coordinate with ag
industry stakeholders to establish
and execute a response plan.
SDDA is working closely with
the Office of Emergency Manage-
ment, Animal Industry Board,
Brand Board and Governor's Of-
fice on recovery efforts.
Documentation of livestock
losses are critical. Documentation
will help emergency authorities
understand the scope of the im-
pact of this storm and help you as
producers to file claims and re-
ceive potential compensation for
Producers should document all
livestock losses with pictures of
carcasses, vaccination and haul-
ing receipts and records, or any
other records such as tags, Bangs
clips, etc.
Third-party verification of
losses is recommended and can be
a simple piece of paper explaining
the facts and signed. This can
come from a veterinarian, a local
law enforcement official or even
an arms-length third party such
as a neighbor or pastor. Family
members or hired employees are
not considered third-party.
If you have questions regarding
livestock identification, please
contact the South Dakota Brand
Board at 605-773-3324.
The South Dakota Animal In-
dustry Board will be coordinating
disposal of livestock carcasses.
Brand Board inspectors will be in-
volved in identifying livestock and
livestock carcasses and will docu-
ment these losses and ownership.
Call the Animal Industry Board at
For carcass disposal informa-
tion, contact the AIB at 605-773-
3321. Disposal guidelines are
available at
A large scale effort to gather
carcasses from the roadways
began on Tuesday morning. Con-
tact your county emergency man-
agement or the Animal Industry
Board for details or to report live-
stock for removal.
Help document the loss of live-
stock found on your property that
don't belong to you, before dispos-
ing of those carcasses, with photo-
graphs or by calling emergency
management or a brand inspector.
Don't forget to take care of your-
self and your family members.
Self worth is not tied to net worth.
These tragic losses are not your
fault and do not reflect on your ca-
pabilities as a rancher or as a per-
Individuals experiencing disas-
ter-related stress should contact a
local community health provider
or call Youth and Family Services
in Rapid City at 605-342-4195 or
605-342-4870. Information is also
available at
Reporting losses will help man-
age the situation across the state
but also help to identify livestock
ownership of animals that strayed
in the storm. Affected producers
should contact their local county
emergency manager. For Haakon
County, contact Lola Roseth at
Dealing with livestock losses
The South Dakota Department
of Transportation reminds land-
owners that hay remaining in
highway ditches after October 1 is
deemed illegal.
Any person wishing to claim
ownership of illegal bales must ob-
tain a permit from the South
Dakota Department of Trans-
portation. Those permits are is-
sued on a first-come first-served
basis and allow permit holders to
take ownership of any illegal hay
Permits are available at Depart-
ment of Transportation area of-
fices in the communities of
Aberdeen, Belle Fourche, Custer,
Huron, Mitchell, Mobridge,
Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls,
Watertown, Winner and Yankton.
Phone numbers can be found on
the website http://www.sddot.
The DOT will remove or author-
ize the removal of any hay bales
remaining in the public right of
way after October 31.
For more information, contact
Jason Humphrey at 605-773-
Remove hay bales
from right of way
Elderly Meals
Thursday, Oct. 10: Pork
Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy,
Corn, Roll, Fruit.
Friday, Oct. 11: Cod Nuggets,
Baby Bakers, Garden Veggies,
Roll, Fruit.
Monday, Oct. 14: Djon Ham,
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy,
Caribbean Veggies, Biscuit, Pears.
Tuesday, Oct. 15: Baked Po-
tato, Chicken Noodle Soup, or
Beef Barley Soup, Peaches and
Cream Gelatin.
Wednesday, Oct. 16: Cookout
Day Hot Dogs, Hamburgers,
Watermelon, Assorted Cakes.
Friday, September 27, 2013, at
Somerset Court we had the activ-
ity of wheel of fortune.
A bus load of residents enjoyed
a trip to the ice cream shop and
several went to a grocery store. A
little whist was played by Irene
Cox, Ina Oerlline and Vivian
Thank you to Carol and Al
Vogan who send me the Smithson-
ian magazine. The October 27,
2013, edition has an article about
artist Norman Rockwell which
may be of interest to those who
love his cartoon-like paintings. I
will put the magazine on the read-
ing table.
Marilyn Butts brought a thank
card for Maggie Engler, who
brought us the bird show. Many
residents signed the card. Thank
you, Marilyn and thank you,
Shawn for providing her address
for us.
Irene McKnight had a nice sur-
prise Friday night. When she
went with her daughter, Beverly,
to see Royal at Fountain Springs,
her sons, Don and Stan, were
there. Don is from Sturgis and
Stan is from Bison.
Saturday, September 28, at
Somerset Court, we had a pan-
cake breakfast fundraiser for Spe-
cial Olympics. All the pancakes
you want to eat and sausage, or-
ange juice and coffee. We saw
quite a few visitors. My grand-
daughter, Sheridan, and her son,
Tiger, age five, and daughter,
CeCe, age three, attended. After
breakfast, Sheridan played the
piano for us.
Then Sheridan and children
took me along with them and we
went down to the city square to
the great pumpkin festival. It was
a nice day, warm and not windy.
We looked at a bunch of the life-
size sculptures of the presidents of
the United States of America. We
saw the big hunks of granite that
a sculptor is working on. He is
doing pretty well with the pictures
which will show some of the geog-
raphy and history of the area.
Kids were doing the chicken dance
on the stage with music. There
was an enclosure where kids could
jump on a trampoline and they
could ride on a train made of 50
gallon oil drums. We saw the
weighing of the pumpkins. There
were six or eight huge pumpkins.
They were carefully picked up by
a forklift and weighed and then
set back down platforms. One
weighed over 955 pounds.
We met my son, Wayne, and his
wife, Gwynn, and we watched this
activity together. Than Wayne
and Gwynn took us all over to a
barbeque place and we ate up
most everything, and ice cream
cones besides. Thank you, Wayne
and Gwynn. We went around by
an unusual maple tree that
Gwynn had seen earlier in the
week, because it was half red and
half green. Today, the green side
was starting to turn color. Wayne
and Gwynn brought me back to
Somerset Court and I played
whist with Irene Arbach, Ina Oer-
lline and Marcella Kraft for an
hour or so.
Sunday, September 29, at Som-
erset Court, I checked with Ben
Stone and we agreed that the
Latin phrase, ne plus ultra
means just like yahoo says, The
highest point, as of excellence, the
ultimate. Or second meaning, the
most profound degree as of a con-
dition or quality. (Ben occasion-
ally wears a shirt with a Latin
phrase on it.)
My granddaughter, Sheridan
Hansen, phoned and invited me
along with her to go through
Spearfish Canyon to see the fall
colors. Thank you, Sheridan. It
was a fine trip! The colors were
wonderful, maybe the best I have
ever seen them. Lots of reds, not
all poison ivy! Red berries on the
wild roses. Tiny summer flowers
still hanging on, forget-me-nots,
harebells, pale lavender flowers
on a vine. Very few leaves had
fallen, though a gust of wind
would send some flying. Tiger and
CeCe had a good time because
there was a heart-shaped pool
(mud puddle) and they could run
and jump across, or almost across!
We had a good lunch at a picnic
table and I guess the little striped
chipmunk smelled the peanut but-
ter sandwiches for he came near
and flicked over a big rock. Best
memory is Sheridans patience
with me and my walker.
We walked all around the mag-
nificent Roughlock Falls and took
several pictures. There were many
families there, enjoying the warm,
calm day. We met an old friend of
Sheridans, Carol Cameron, who
has lived in France, speaks
French fluently, and goes with
travel groups as an interpreter
and/or public relations staff. Carol
has spent time in Mongolia with
M.R. and Barbara Hansen. We
also met a Milesville girl, Amanda
(Neville) Stanczyk, and family at
Roughlock Falls. Amanda is the
daughter of Lee Ike and Debra
Neville. Amandas son, Philip, age
maybe six or eight, was named for
the town of Philip.
Sheridan said that she had seen
Wayne and Gwynn in Spearfish
Canyon and Wayne was not fish-
Tuesday, October 1, at Somerset
Court, we had the activity of ping
pong poker where you toss a ping
pong ball into a laundry basket
from about 12 feet away. For
every ball that you get in, you get
a card. There is a lot of cheering.
We are glad to see that Helen
Amundson has returned to Somer-
set Court after a long hospital
On October 1, my son, Wayne,
and his wife, Gwynn, came to
Somerset Court for lunch and
Gwynn brought me two hats, one
is red. I asked Jason to put up a
couple of nails to hang them on.
Gwynn stayed for lunch and a
game of scrabble. She won again,
with a score to 300, and I was in
the early 200s!
Marilyn Butts and Marge Self
and Marjorie Gaffin and Vivian
got in a little pool practice October
The Rapid City Journal of Sep-
tember 25, 2013, had a nice item
about the Western Great Plains
Conference cross country meet.
Walls Austin Huether took the
5,000 meter, at 18:46, and Philips
Nelson Holman took second with
19:03. Garrett Snook, 19:46, and
Tristen Rush, 19:47, finished
eighth and ninth to give Philip
Scotties 19 team points! See the
article in the Somerset Court
Wednesday, October 3, at Som-
erset Court we had the activity of
bean bag toss.
In the afternoon we had Bible
study with Chuck and Bonnie Mc-
Cauley. Later, we had resident
council with good attendance.
Shawn reviewed some special
events planned for October,
among them mentioned were
world smile day, Somerset Court
open house and fall festival with
vendors coming in. Going for
Baroque a music group will be
here October 7, there will be and
assigned seating on October 8
where you draw a card and sit at
a table with that suit. October 9
there is a picnic in the park, the
11th is Somerset Courts anniver-
sary gala and we are to sign up
with Kammi for your preferred
dinner hour.
due to Columbus Day /
Native American Day Holiday
Hit & Miss
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 4
by Vivian Hansen
or betty@pioneer-

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Gem Theare
SS9-2000 - PbIIIp
Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.
Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.
For updates on movies, call:
e Butler
Oct. 18-21
Cloudy With a
Chance of
Meatballs 2
I spent last Tuesday at the
home of Jim and Norma Olden-
berg and had lunch and enjoyed a
visit with Judy Melvin, who was
here from Sioux Falls. Judy and
Norma enjoyed a day in Rapid
City and had lunch with Ruth
(Oldenberg) Anderson and a
cousin of Mikes while there. Mike
and Judy went home Thursday
ahead of the storm.
Here it is Sunday and the storm
rages on. The wind sounds like it
is blowing over 40 miles per hour.
The sun peaks out, but just a little
and it is hard to see anything due
to the blowing snow. We had over
15 inches of snow and I measured
it on a bench that sits out of the
wind. When I measured it, it was
still snowing and blowing, so we
may end up with more.
When the snow and wind
stopped, everyone found disaster
everywhere. There were dead live-
stock found in dams, some just in
bunches that were smothered to
death. I dont believe that anyone
escaped losses unless they had
their cattle close to home. No one
expected a storm of this magni-
tude at this time of the year and
cattle were still on summer pas-
tures. The livestock drifted for
miles, some over 10, 12 or more
miles. It is thought at this time it
is between 10 or 20 percent of peo-
ple who lost livestock but maybe
many more.
There are some terrible stories
out there which I am unsure if
they are all true, but they tell of
finding cattle from various ranch-
ers all bunched together. The fear
is that they may find more buried
under the snow. Neighbors are
feeding the livestock that have
drifted to their places till they get
some strength back to return
them to their homes.
I remember back, Marvin
thought it was in 1966, when I
went with Kenneth and drove the
little TD6 Cat with a hay rack be-
hind it and pulled cattle out of the
drifts and we fed them wherever
we found them. I think this could
have been the same that Harold
Odoms steers and 30 of our cows
went into the dam and it took a
long time to get them all out. Then
the tankage company from Rapid
City came down and loaded them
all. We were glad we had a place
to go with them.
Cliff Brown was here with his
little TD2 Cat helping also. A cou-
ple of days later, Jim Gottsleben
came and borrowed our big bay
saddle horse and rode several
days gathering his herd. Sure does
look like a repeat of things today
as it was then, only this may be a
little worse. Everyone is out today,
Monday, October 7, trying to take
a count and feed and bring their
cattle home. I do suppose that the
cattle that wandered into dams
will have to be pulled out. It is
going to take weeks before this
mess gets straightened out. The
neighbors in our area are working
hand in hand, loaning equipment
and whatever else that is needed
to get the job done.
I think that many of the cattle
smothered, as when I went out to
scoop my back porch off so the
door would not get drifted shut, I
was only out in the storm for
about five minutes and my
glasses, cap and mittens had a
layer of frozen ice and snow cover-
ing them. So I imagine that is
what happened to the cattle. I
think it took a toll on all the
pheasants and have seen no water
fowl around since the storm. I re-
member years back when we had
to bring pheasants in and thaw
their beaks out as they were
plugged with ice and snow.
We were out of electricity for
about eight hours or so. Marvin
had just gotten the generator out
and fueled it up when it came
back on. I survived fine as I have
a gas stove that does not need
electricity to run. It also has a
hand thermostat and can heat the
whole house to about 70. It was
bought in 1955.
My gas cook stove top can be
lighted with a match, so I could
use everything but the oven. I cov-
ered the deep freeze with a heavy
quilt and it stayed just fine and I
took my refrigerator things out
and put them on the porch where
it was 40. A big thank you to our
local electric cooperative for get-
ting us back on as soon as they
Some people are still without
power due to so many poles being
down. Phone service stayed up on
my house phone and thanks to cell
phones everyone could keep in
touch. Many people have wood
stoves and that was a blessing for
many. Many folks have purchased
generators now and can survive
People in this area have learned
how to survive and they have been
taught by their parents and gen-
erations before them. It does not
pay to get so modern that we are
helpless. We must always have an
ace up our sleeves and be pre-
pared for the worst.
It was so quiet here as I turned
my radio on to battery to find the
batteries were dead and I was two
short of that size to get it going, so
all I had was my weather radio
which had good reports. So this
means a trip to the store to replen-
ish batteries to be ready for future
I could have played solitaire
with cards, but was too busy writ-
ing thank you notes and putting
my cards into a scrapbook. This
sure did help to pass time. I
burned a lot of midnight oil in my
kerosene lamp, but was able to see
to get around my house.
I am not calling anyone for news
as everyone has too much on their
mind and are busy. It sounds like
more rain is on the way for Friday,
October 11, so we may have to
postpone our Grindstone card
party till a later date, but we will
have to wait and see what hap-
Let us consider and give atten-
tive, continuous care to watching
over one another, studying how
we may stir up (stimulate and in-
cite) to love and helpful deeds and
noble activities. Heb. 10:24
Otherwise go out and help your
neighbors and each other till all
are healed once more. This may
take awhile, but hang in there as
long as it takes, as we know it can
be done.

Grindstone News|Mary Eide 859-2188
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
859-2336 Philip
1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship
First Lutheran Ladies Bible study.
There are two Bible study groups: each meeting monthly. One
meets on the second Tuesday at
12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the other meets on the
second Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at the Senechal Apts. lobby.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Midland 843-2538
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.
Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.
Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.
Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov. thru Feb.); 6:30 p.m.
(Mar. - Oct.)
* * * * * *
Moenville 843-2538
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
1:30 p.m. (CT)
ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
* * * * * *
Long Valley
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
* * * * * *
Every Sunday in July
Services at 10:00 a.m.
followed by potluck dinner
Pastor Art Weitschat
Kadoka 837-2390
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m.
* * * * * *
(605) 669-2406 Murdo
Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship Services:
1:00 p.m.
Pastor Andy Blye
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
Womens Ministries: 2nd Thurs., 1:30
10 miles SE of Midland
Pastor Glenn Denke 462-6169
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. CT
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip 859-2841
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Services 10:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of the month
potluck dinner following church services
Last Monday of the month
Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome!!
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip
Worship Service: 9:00 a.m.
Children's Church: 8:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Kathy
Chesney 859-2310
Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m.
Pastor Kathy
Chesney 859-2310
Home: 859-2192 E-mail:
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
1st Wednesday Every Month:
Contemporary Worship, 6:00 p.m.
UCW meets 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m.
* * * * * * *
Philip 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturdays: Confession from 3 to 4 p.m.
Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (August)
Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Thurs. Mass: 10:30 a.m. at Philip Nursing Home
* * * * * *
Midland 859-2664 or 843-2544
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m.
(Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.)
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
(Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.)
Confession: Before Mass
* * * * * *
Milesville 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)
Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.
Confession: Before Mass
Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka
Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush
859-2542 Philip, SD
Ronald G. Mann, DDS
Philip, SD
What do you do when someone does you wrong?
Do you stew about it for awhile and carry a grudge?
Thank goodness God does not treat our
trespasses that way. God grants us mercy time and
time again. We should be just as forgiving.
Ancient wisdom for modern life
And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought
against any: that your Father also which is in heaven
may forgive you your trespasses.
Mark 11:25 (KJV)
Continued on 15
Send obituaries, engagement
& wedding write-ups to:
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October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 5
5acred near/ 0arc 8aaemea/ P///a
Sunday, Oct. 13th
Games start at 3 p.m.
Lunch Available.
Sponsored by Sacred Heart CathoIic Church of PhiIip
Carolyn Schnose, age 72, of Hot
Springs, S.D., died Wednesday,
October 2, 2013, at the Hans P.
Peterson Memorial Hospital in
Carolyn Elizabeth Deering was
born January 7, 1941, in New Un-
derwood, one of 12 children born
to Oscar and Ruth (Caton) Deer-
ing. Carolyn grew up north of
Wasta and attended rural school
in that area. Carolyn then at-
tended high school in Rapid City.
After graduation, she attended
Black Hills State College, where
she received her teachers certifi-
Carolyn was united in marriage
to James L. Auker on July 29,
1961, in the Viewfield Church,
north of New Underwood. They
made their home in the Viewfield
community and Carolyn taught
rural school there for a number of
years. Carolyn then raised her
family, along with working the
dairy farm and ranch. Carolyn
was a 4-H leader for over 25 years,
and had great help and a lot of fun
with the parents in the commu-
nity. In 1986, they sold the dairy
farm-ranch and moved to Arizona
for a short time. As it turns out
city life was not for Carolyn. She
was passionate about her family,
South Dakota, and the open
spaces. Carolyn returned to South
Dakota, and returned to Black
Hills State University, where she
received her bachelor of arts de-
Carolyn then taught English in
Little Wound High School, where
she used her passion for writing to
motivate her students. She was a
strong supporter of local writers
and authors, and loved the chal-
lenge of bringing theater and Eng-
lish to the school. The friendships
and camaraderie that came with
the experiences she received in
Kyle, connected her with the his-
tory of the Badlands and her own
family. She was also an adjunct at
Oglala Lakota College, and work-
ing toward earning her masters
During this time, Carolyn re-
united with her high school sweet-
heart, Vernie Schnose, and they
tore it up from the floor up. They
enjoyed the outdoors, their fami-
lies, and had a deep and abiding
respect for each other. They were
united in marriage on December
16, 1996, and made their home in
the Maitland area, south of Hot
Springs. They spent their time
ranching, going to ropings, and
having fun.
Carolyn was extraordinarily re-
silient, surviving breast cancer,
ranching, teaching, and her fam-
ily, she always came out of any sit-
uation, smiling. Her whole family
looked up to her with the utmost
Survivors include her husband,
Vernon, of Hot Springs; two sons,
Tad Auker and his wife, Paige, of
Rapid City, and Nick Auker of San
Angelo, Texas; one daughter,
Corinn Amiotte and her husband,
Tucker, of Interior; a stepson, Tom
Schnose and his wife, Brenda, of
Oelrichs; a stepdaughter-in-law,
Kim Schnose, of Oelrichs; 11
grandchildren, Gavin Auker and
Brady Ness, Oscar and Lily
Auker, Baxter (Skyler) Anders,
Dunbar Anders, Taylor Amiotte,
Breezy Amiotte, Theresa Schnose
and Mykelsi and Clay Schnose;
two great-grandchildren, Merit
Anders and Ava Schnose; three
brothers, John Deering and his
wife, Mary, of Union Mills, Ind.,
George Deering and his wife,
Sandy, of Loveland, Colo., and Pat
Deering and his wife, Frankie, of
Belle Fourche; three sisters, Linda
Pipal and her husband, Butch, of
Wall, Kathrine Deering of Sacra-
mento, Calif., and Joan Deering
Sutton of Rapid City; and a host of
other relatives and friends.
Carolyn was preceded in death
by her parents, five siblings, and
a stepson, Robert Schnose.
A celebration of life service was
held Monday, October 7, at the
Wall Community Center, with
Pastor Kathy Chesney officiating.
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Chapel of Wall.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at www.rushfuneralhome.
Carolyn Schnose________________________________
Kathryn "Katy" Drageset, age
83, of Philip, S.D., died October 8,
2013, at the Philip Nursing Home.
Survivors include five daugh-
ters, Cathy Fiedler and her hus-
band, Ralph, of Sturgis, Jeanette
Potts of Canby, Ore., Laurie
Ziegler of Palmona, Calif., Diana
Stewart and her husband,
Richard, of Philip, and Sandra
Slovek and her husband, Doug, of
Broadus, Mont.; one son, Bruce
Barnett and his wife, Sharon, of
Wall; five grandchildren; several
great-grandchildren; two broth-
ers, LeRoy Nelson and his wife,
Sharon, of Ft. Meyers, Fla., and
Arlie Nelson and his wife, Tari, of
Newcastle, Wyo.; one sister,
Eileen Fitzgerald, of Philip; and a
host of other relatives and friends.
Katy was preceded in death by
her husband, Orlando A. Drage-
set, on December 4, 2004; her par-
ents; one grandson, Michael
Slovek; and a brother-in-law, Tom
Funeral services are pending
with Rush Funeral Home of
A complete obituary will appear
in next weeks edition.
Kathryn Katy Drageset___________
As I gaze out the window to the
north, traffic on I-90 is moving
along as usual. Most of the snow
we had has melted, furnishing the
grass and trees with thirst
quenching moisture and things
look about normal for the first
week of October. However, we are
fortunate not to still be digging
out from the devastating blizzard
that claimed a tremendous lot of
livestock loss between Murdo and
Monday, September 30, Bill left
for Pierre driving and I flew the
plane down to get its annual. A
yearly ritual to be sure things are
shipshape in that magnificent fly-
ing machine. Bill headed to the
Plainview area to test combining
of the millet and I busied myself
around the place. That evening, I
was a sub bowler for Wendell Bux-
cel on their team. It was a good
night for me score wise, but bad
because I now have an average I
know I wont be able to keep up
with, a 168. I caught a ride with
Bryan Buxcel and team members,
Vanessa and Carl Brown.
Peggy Hook and Sandee Git-
tings were in Rapid City Monday
for Sandees treatment. Jessica
Gittings and Wade McGruder
brought supper out to George and
Sandee Monday evening.
Monday found Tony Harty out
and about mowing yards before
the snow. Later in the day, he
went south to check on the road
progress, it is coming along quite
well with only some shoulder work
to be completed. He said the millet
crops hed observed were all har-
vested, but there are still fields of
corn and sunflowers standing.
October 1 arrived and the gov-
ernment shutdown. Im sure you
are aware of that situation. Paula
Vogelsgang stopped in the after-
noon at our place for coffee and a
visit. Paul was nominated for the
Spirit of Dakota Award that
would be announced in Huron
Saturday, October 5, and she was
asking about the tea and banquet.
That evening, I met Connie
Schlim at the bus garage in Philip
and picked up a van to be used
here in Kadoka the following day.
Wednesday morning, Lila
Whidby picked me up for bowling
and I drove our van home that
was left in Philip the night before.
Jesse Freeman came by our place
early to pick up the Philip van for
the transport he had that day. In
the afternoon, I visited Emma Jarl
at the Kadoka Nursing Home.
That evening, I picked up Phyllis
Word and we attended the West
Central Electric meeting here in
Kadoka. Phyllis came away with a
grand prize as well as a door prize.
I also got a door prize. Chuck
Kroetch was honored for his years
on the board. A big thank you to
all the folks who keep our lights
on. Others in attendance from this
reporting area were George and
Sandee Gittings and Tony Harty.
Tony enjoyed visiting with Ra-
mona Buchholz and others while
Thursday morning, I returned
the Philip van and caught a ride
with Connie Schlim to Rapid
along with other riders. There I
picked up our car that had been
getting the hail dents removed
and did a little other business. On
the trip home, there was some
precipitation falling and the
wipers were in order. Too wet to
combine, so Bill left the field and
stopped for cards in Philip on the
way home. It rained about 2.5 in
the Plainview area. The motor
home is on its own out there in the
Betwixt Places| Marsha Sumpter 837-2048
Sonia Nemec 843-2564
Midland School Lunch
Monday, Oct. 14 Tacos, veg-
gie, fruit and milk.
Tuesday, Oct. 15 Sub sand-
wich, veggie, fruit and milk.
Wednesday, Oct. 6 Lasagna,
veggie, fruit and milk.
Thursday, Oct. 17 Chicken
nuggets, veggie, fruit and milk.
South Dakota made record
breaking news with the snow
storm in western South Dakota
this past weekend. Its not the sort
of news you want to make, with all
of its hardships and its losses,
from all of that snow and the
winds that came with it. Called
our daughter, April, at Spearfish
to see how they faired the storm.
She said their electricity had gone
off at 8:00 a.m. Friday morning
and said their backyard looked
like a war zone of broken trees
from the heavy snow and wind.
Talked with our son, Jim, who
was stranded at a motel in Rapid
City, due to the fact he wasnt able
to get home from working on the
rail, due to the storm. Called our
daughter-in-law, Carmen, to see
how she was fairing at home in
Belle Fourche. They too had lost
electricity Friday morning and
had broken trees in their yard.
Saturday evening, Carmen called
to say their electricity was back on
and Jim called mid-morning Sun-
day to say he was headed home to
Belle Fourche. Early evening Sun-
day, with no electricity as yet, and
with streets being cleared enough
to get around in their neighbor-
hood, Steve and April went for a
bit of a drive to see how folks
faired the storm. Passing by a
home they noticed a fellow sitting
by the window with a headband
on and a light fastened to that
headband for reading. Chuckling,
they couldnt help but think what
an inventive idea April thought
it sure beat using the flashlight as
shed been doing. They saw a
home with part of its roof caved in
and Carmen reported at Belle
they had seen a tree on a vehicle
and on a house. Theres certain to
be much more, but thats what
they saw at the time. April called
to say their electricity came back
on at 9:30 Sunday evening, for
which they were much relieved, as
they had been told it could be four
more days before they had elec-
tricity. And though a bit sad, as
they look out their windows, see-
ing those trees that took years to
grow, now looking like Charlie
Brown trees, they know without
a doubt they were fortunate.
When looking out the window at
their house, Aprilsaw a bird sit-
ting on the rail of their deck, look-
ing bedraggled and out of sorts,
like what happened? Having
been happily eating bird seed from
the feeders Steve has in the back-
yard one day and the next day
completely drenched. April said
she wanted to put it in a shoe box
with a soft blanket.
Reports of livestock lost during
this weekend snowstorm reminds
us all over again of other bliz-
zards, other ranchers, other lost
livestock, and lives lost. It takes a
piece of your heart and you find
yourself asking, why? Most of us
have learned there are no guaran-
tees on this journey called life.
Knowing that doesnt make it any
easier! We had four inches and 50
hundredths of rain this past week-
end. Having heard the weather
forecast for the weekend, we put
the garden hoses away till next
spring. We have a couple of trees
in our backyard and I remember
being told to water trees good be-
fore winter, as you dont want
them to freeze dry. I believe they
have been watered! We had some
snow showers every now and then,
but nothing that accumulated! A
big thank you goes out to those
linemen electric workers who put
in tireless hours, in tough weather
conditions, to get electricity up
and going to those who lost service
during the storm. It renews, once
again, just how much we depend
on that electricity and how thank-
ful we are when it comes back on.
Reminder: The Midland Legion
Auxiliary ladies will once again be
having a Halloween party at the
Legion Hall on October 3 from
4:00 5:00 for babies thru eighth
grade. All dressed up in costume,
its a fun night of games, food and
a time of being together.
Congratulations to Haakon
County librarian Annie Brunskill
who was honored by her peers as
librarian of the year! Annie makes
going to the library at the court-
house in Philip enjoyable, as she
greets you with a smile and a will-
ingness to help you find a certain
book you are looking for.
Tel Saucerman, Rapid City,
stopped in at his folks, Clint and
Prerry Saucerman, for a short
visit, leaving his two-year-old
daughter, Raygen, with Pappa
and Grandma. Then he headed for
Vince Bruces to help him out with
a few things on the farm. While at
Pappa and Grandmas, Raygen
had a chance to see great-
grandma, Wilma Saucerman.
Tuesday, Clint, Prerry, and Ray-
gen went to Philip visiting great-
grandma Marlin Evans at the
Senechal Apartments and great-
grandpa Gaylord Saucerman at
the nursing home. Getting back to
Clint and Prerrys on Thursday,
Tel and Raygen headed for home,
thankful to be home before the
storm hit Friday. Im thinking his
wife, Ellie, was very glad they
were home, as well. Tel and Ellie
wound up with a 15 foot snow drift
at their place from the storm. Now
thats one big snowbank!
Joy Jones reported that grand-
daughter Cassidy Trapp headed
for Rapid City Sunday, to be on
hand for classes at School of
Mines Monday. On the way she
got word that classes were can-
celed for Monday, due to the
storm, but decided, rather than
turn around and go back home,
she would keep going. Didnt have
any trouble, so that was a good
thing! Debbie Trapp was kept
busy answering phone calls from
folks out of power, as her hus-
band, Mike, and other West Cen-
tral Electric workers were out
working to get service back up and
going for folks. Joy told that
daughter Jodie Schrempp and her
husband, Bob, told of a nine foot
snowdrift at their place near
Dupree. They were very happy
their cattle were down at Jodies
folks, Jerry and Joy Jones. They
could sit in their house watching
the storm and not worry about
their cattle.
Shari Estep and Barry Hunt
went to Smith Center, Kan., to
help their sister, Lisa Hackerott,
do some painting at her house.
Many hands make a job less work
that is a fact! Keith Hunt is home
from his foot surgery at Ft. Meade
and says he is doing very well.
Thats a good thing!
I got some pictures from Edith
Schofield, Casper, Wyo., the other
day. She sent a wedding picture
she had of Roy and Carol
(Schofield) Hunts wedding and
asked if I would give it to them.
Walking down to get the mail this
morning, I made a stop at Ernies
Building Center, where Roy
works. This December, Roy and
Carol will be married for 46 years!
Ted and Terry Hunt stood up for
Roy and Wilma (Schofield)
Saucerman and Nancy Schofield
stood up for Carol, Jeff Hunt was
ring bearer and Shari Hunt was
flower girl. Roy shared the story of
his shoes for the wedding. He
bought new shoes for the wedding
and it was the one and only time
he wore them, he gave them to his
brother, Terry. Its just kind of fun
to see those pictures we do
change over the years!
Last Monday, Bob and Verona
Evans headed for Rapid City
keeping doctor appointments and
visiting with their kids and fami-
lies who live in Rapid City. They
came home Thursday and were
very glad they did, because of
course, the winter storm started
Friday. Their daughter, Melanie
Jones, and her husband, Ross, and
their two girls were without elec-
tricity for a time, but wasnt too
long before it came back on. Their
son, Stan Evans, and his wife
were also without electricity for a
time. Verona said it was some-
thing seeing the pictures of Rapid
City on Facebook and the Rapid
City Journal from that snow-
The Midland Community Li-
brary board had a meeting last
Thursday. Jenna Finn was
thanked for the work she had
done with the summer reading
program. She always does a nice
job and much appreciated her
helpers. And, speaking of Jenna,
librarian Karel Reiman found a
bag of homemade sugared dough-
nut holes in the bag of books
Jenna had returned to the library.
Looking at Jenna and thanking
her for them, Jenna comment was,
They are for my favorite librar-
ian. Just between you and me I
think that is just plum nice! We
had a good meeting and everyone
enjoyed some goodies furnished by
Karel Reiman and president of the
board, Carol Hunt.
Missionaries who do mission
work in Hungary were to speak of
their experience at the Open Bible
Church service Sunday. They had
been in Hill City and got caught in
the storm at Rapid City, spending
time at a motel in Rapid. So, the
Open Bible Church changed their
services from a morning service to
an evening service, giving them
time to drive to Midland to share
stories of their mission work and
so instead of a noon meal there
was a supper meal. Having been
pastors in the states for 26 years,
they have now chosen to be mis-
sionaries. Folks there for the serv-
ice found their mission stories
most interesting.
Pat and Sophie Foley attended
a surprise 50th birthday party at
Philip for one of Pats brothers re-
cently. All but one of the seven sib-
lings was there for the party.
Besides parts of South Dakota,
they came from Omaha, Neb.,
Gillette, Wyo., and Wahpeton,
N.D. Sounds like everyone had a
good time.
Jerry visited by phone with
Glenda Carlson, Kadoka, asking
how her mom, Lillian Carlson, is
doing. Lillian continues to be in
the hospital at Philip, where she
has been a patient for some time.
She had come home for a short
time and wound up having to go
back to the hospital. Glenda
misses having her mom next door.
As many of you know, Glenda has
been in a wheelchair for many
years, following an automobile ac-
cident. Her mom has been a huge
help and supporter for Glenda!
Wishing you Gods healing, Lil-
Tuesday, Reuben and Pat
Vollmer took their former ex-
change student from Germany,
Susanne Clemens, and friend
Peter to Pierre to show them
where their daughter, Bridget
Schofields, studio is and where
Bridget, her husband, Steven, and
their family live, also showing
them the Oahe Dam and the
Pierre Capitol. Friday morning,
Susanne and Pater had to drive to
Sioux Falls to catch the plane to
Chicago, due to the weather in
Rapid City. The plane at Chicago
was to fly them back to Germany.
Monday afternoon, our daugh-
ter, April Meeker, and a co-
worker, Donna Kennedy, stopped
on their way to Pierre for meet-
ings in conjunction with Black
Hills State University of
Spearfish. The college being
known for its beautiful campus,
they told that much damage has
been done to the many trees on
that campus, due to the heavy
snows and winds of this past
weekend. There was sadness as
they told of seeing dead cattle in
places along the road on their
drive here, due to that same
storm. Ive also heard stories of
county workers seeing many dead
cattle as they work on the county
roads. People dont have a whole
lot of news for this weeks column.
And what news there is, is mostly
about the storm! For many, its a
storm they wont soon forget! Our
prayers are with those folks who
have lost cattle, some much from
their cattle herd, to those whose
homes and vehicles have been
damaged by fallen trees and
heavy snows. Theres bound to be
flooding from melting snow! Weve
always known Mother Nature has
a powerful punch at times. This
past weekend is proof-positive!
My mind was off on different
thoughts while doing the break-
fast dishes this Tuesday morning,
when something caught my atten-
tion on TV. Didnt catch the name
of the fellow and didnt hear all
that he was reading, but from
what I got, he was sharing what
he had written, I believe to his
son. From the parts I did hear, I
was wishing I had been paying at-
tention sooner, as I found them to
be some of the most profound com-
ments, told in a most profound
way on life. One thing I do remem-
ber him saying was, Take every
crisis as an opportunity to do bet-
ter. Stay safe and keep thoughts
of those who have suffered much,
from this storm, in your prayers.
Midland News
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 6
Annual Lutesk
& Roast Beef Supper
with Bazaar to Follow!
Wednesday, October 16th
Trinity Lutheran Church, Midland
Serving starts at 5 p.m. (MST)
Adults: $10
Children 10 & Under: $3
Moving Auction
Sun., Oct. 13
10:00 AM MDT
301 Main Street Midland
Auctioneers & Clerks: Eckert Auction
605-843-2845 Cell: 605-685-8715
25721 237th St Okaton, SD 57562
2I0K0 LAN05, L10.
280.03 Jackson Uounty, 50 Acres very near e|vedere, 50
0IILPL0 IN 1 UNI1 & 2 1PAU15
1R0R8., 0c1. 17, 2013 - 10:30 AM
At I-90 (BeIvidere Exit) Exit 163. Both tracts are adjacent to I-90 on
the south side. Tract 1 straddIes oId Hwy 16 on each side approx.
1 mi. east of BeIvidere. Tract 2 is just adjacent to BeIvidere itseIf on
the western edge and aIso straddIes oId Hwy 16. Signs on each tract.
Kadoka Fire HaII, 810 Main St., Kadoka, SD.
Martin Jurisch
CAI, GPPA, #4300
This prime farmland was originally purchased by Dave Heaton in the early
1940s and has remained in the family (Donna Zidko is Dave`s daughter) all
of these past years and has never before been offered for sale in those 70+
years. Tract 1 (SE1/4, Sec. 28), the Heaton Quarter just east of Belvidere
consists of 133.29 acres of which approx. 125.83 acres are tillable. Of these
acres, all are classified as Class 3 soils with 110 of these acres having a pro-
ductivity index of 58 and the remaining a productivity index of 71. This is a
very desirable and productive tract. Tract 2 (SW1/4, Sec. 29 & Outlot F & G,
Sec. 32) consists of 146.74 total acres and is located on the western edge
of town. Most of these acres are tillable land with the exception of a dam and
drainage area in the northeast corner and consists mostly of Class 4 soils
with a productivity index avg. about 50. These two tracts will be offered indi-
vidually, and as one unit, selling in the manner realizing the greater return.
Make plans to attend and be in attendance.
PROPERTY INSPECTION: Brochures onsite, or Auctioneer/
Broker onsite on Tract 1 on Wed. Oct. 9th from 1:00 PM untiI 3:00 PM.
Broker/Auctioneer represents SeIIer. Broker participation invited.
PIease caII for a brochure, or view photos, maps and terms for this
Iand auction on
The South Dakota Department
of Transportation will be closing
Highway 63 across the Bad River
Bridge in Midland beginning at
6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. MDT on
Wednesday, October 9, weather
permitting, for the second of two
bridge deck pours.
Motorists will need to find an al-
ternate route around the bridge
during the closure.
The prime contractor on this
$1.5 million project is Heavy Con-
structors of Rapid City.
For more information, contact
Dean VanDeWiele with the South
Dakota Department of Trans-
portation at 605-773-5294. For
complete road construction infor-
mation, visit www.safetravelusa.
com/sd or dial 511.
Midland bridge closure
S. HWY ?3 - SS9-2100 - PHILIP
Eden Pure Heaters
Wood Pellets
DeWALT Tools
Storage Sheds
Gates & Fencing Supplies
Pole Barn Packages
House Packages
Calf Shelters
We offer .
& new CoIormatch System for
aII your painting needs!
Call today
for your
free estimate!! Shop our large selection of power tools!
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 7
continued on 15
At a seemingly young 89 years of age, Frank has decided to retire and sell this
choice farm and ranch land that has remained in his family since before he was born,
and includes his fathers own original Homestead Quarter. is choice farmland
has never before been oered for sale to the public and will now be sold on the day
of auction regardless of price. A very large portion of this choice land is Class 3 soils
and has produced untold bushels of winter wheat through the years on a crop-rota-
tion basis of farming methods. Other than the hayland and pasture, the cropland
found on this farm is now in fallow and will be ready to the successful buyer(s) for
planting of spring crops in 2014. At this time, until future plans are made, Frank will
retain a Life Estate enabling him to remain in the home at the headquarters. Please
check all of the les listed on the website concerning tracts, soils, complete terms,
Tract 1: 160 Ac. NE1/4, Sec. 10. e headquarters tract and includes the mod-
est ranch home, a separate mobile home, a nice Behlen Quonset bldg., (11) grain
bins with approx. 33,000 bushel of grain storage, older livestock corrals and shelters
all found within a mature shelter belt encompassing approx. 20 acres. Rural water is
to the property feeding 4 hydrants within Section 10 and includes 2 shallow water
wells. e productive cropland consists of approx. 70% Class 3 soils with the Pro-
ductivity Index averaging around 60, with the remainder being Class 4. Unfenced
along west edge of this tract.
Tract 2: 160 Ac. SE1/4, Sec. 10. e south pasture tract and consists at this
time of entirely native grass pasture with an approx. 2-1/2 acre lake near the northern
edge. A good portion of this tract is tillable. Unfenced along the west side.
Tract 3: 320 Ac. W1/2, Sec. 10. Access is o Anderson Hill Rd. along the
north. Consists of approx. 84 acres of productive hayland, a few acres of drainage to
the center of the tract, approx. 85 acres of native grass pasture with the balance of
the remaining approx. 140 acres being very productive cropland of which over 70%
are Class 3 soils with the Productivity Index running mostly from 52-77. Extra tillable
acres are included in the pasture area if desired. Unfenced along the entire east side
and one shallow water well is located on this tract.
Tract 4: 80 Ac. N1/2NE1/4, Sec. 9. A very picturesque tract fronted on two
sides by Anderson Hill Road, this choice tract would make a great ranchette property,
or would add well to any existing operation. Includes an approx. 1.5 acre well-fed
stock dam with a scattering of mature trees in the drainage areas, an approx. 10 acre
portion of hayland and approx. 45 acres of productive mostly Class 3 soils.
Tract 5: 320 Ac. N1/2, Sec. 11. Lies to the east of Cedar Butte Rd. directly
across from the Headquarters Tract 1 consisting of Class 3 soils of the Blackpipe-
Wortman complex and loams for nearly 70% of this productive tract. ere are four
small dams/dugouts dispersed within the eld area with an overall slope of 0 to 3%.
An extremely nice farm tract.
Tract 6: 160 Ac. SW1/4, Sec. 34. e old original Anderson Homestead tract,
this parcels joins 229th Street one-half mi. west of Cedar Butte Rd. Currently, there
is approx. 54 acres of productive hayland, approx. 93 acres of mostly very productive
Class 3 farmland with a portion of that being Class 2 soils, (2) shallow water wells
and an approx. 1 acre livestock dam located in the very northeast corner. Completely
fenced tract.
Entire Unit: 1,200 Ac. e entire unit consisting of Tracts 1 through 6 and in-
cludes all of the features spoken herein above. An ideal-sized unit within this area
within which to raise a family and/or to add to an existing operation. Water includes
rural water, 5 water wells (4 hydrants & auto waterer), 4 livestock dams and 7
dugouts. is aordable unit has amply supported Frank and his wife Bernice and
allowed them the pleasure to raise four grown adult children. Completely fenced.
We urge you to consider the purchase of the entire Frank Anderson farm operation.
You will never be disappointed.
Auctioneers Note ~ As many of you are aware, excellent farmland and agland in
general within this area is closely-held to say the least, and rarely ever comes onto
the market. is is a rare opportunity for anyone to invest in prime land, in a prime
location, that has never before been oered for sale. Do no miss this opportunity.
PROPERTY LOCATION: At I-90 Exit 107 (Cedar Butte Rd
Exit) just west of WaII, SD, traveI north on paved
Cedar Butte Rd. 3 miIes to the farm headquarters.
WaII Community Center, Main St., WaII, SD.
AB80L01E LAN0 A0c1l0N
1,200 Pennngton Uounty, 50 Acres
very near Wa||, 50 on Uedar utte Pd.
0IILPL0 IN 1 UNI1 & 6 1PAU15 Irom 80 to 320 Acres
WE0., 0c1. 16, 2013 - 10:30 AM
PROPERTY INSPECTION: Auctioneer/Broker onsite at the
Headquarters on Wed., Oct. 2nd & Wed., Oct. 9th from 10:00 AM
until 12:00 noon each day OR inspect at your leisure, brochures
onsite and tract boundaries will be clearly marked. Broker/Auc-
tioneer represents Seller. Broker participation invited. Please view
more photos, FSA maps, etc. on
Martin Jurisch
CAI, GPPA, #4300
Crop Insurance Specialists Since 1984.
0lve us a calll
We'd be happy to
dlscuss .
All Your crop lnsurance Needs
5a|es U|ose 0ate for 2014 Urops Are:
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1hese are the dates to purchase, change or
cancel multi-peril crop insurance.
0fflce (606) 433-6411
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Pusty 0|ney Maurce Pandcock Ped Porch 1ay|or Mohnen
1anner Pandcock Urady & ernce Urew
Crew Agency is an equal opportunity provider.
by Lura Roti
for South Dakota
Game, Fish and Parks
Each season hunters enjoy ac-
cess to more than 1.2 million acres
of privately owned habitat in
South Dakota through South
Dakota Game, Fish and Parks'
Walk in Area program.
Initially launched to increase
access to pheasant habitat 25
years ago, today walk in areas
provide hunters with access to a
broad diversity of habitat and
wildlife species.
As the program expanded
westward it was adjusted to offer
more hunting opportunities, said
Mike Kintigh, regional GF&P su-
pervisor for western South
Dakota. If you're not from South
Dakota you may think that our
state has pheasants from border
to border. Although there are
some walk in areas out west that
do have pheasants, most are home
to other game species geese,
turkey, grouse, mule deer, white-
tail deer and antelope.
Walk in areas exist through
partnerships between S.D. GF&P
and South Dakota landowners. As
habitat program manager, Tyrel
Schmelz explained that GF&P ba-
sically rents the hunting rights for
the season. Walk in areas provide
hunters with free access to all
types of habitat and game species
without the need to contact the
landowner for permission, said
Convenient for both hunters
and landowners, Conservation Of-
ficer Zach Thomsen said there are
many reasons landowners enroll
acres in the program.
Many landowners will enroll
their CRP acres in the program, so
it gives them another source of in-
come from those acres and they
don't have to worry about vehicle
traffic on their land during hunt-
ing season, Thomsen said.
Rancher Ken McIlravy, Philip,
agreed with Thomsen. Prior to be-
coming involved in the walk in
area program, McIlravy allowed
hunting on his land and some-
times hunters asked permission,
but many times they didn't.
We were dealing with hunting
on our land whether we enrolled
acres in the program or not, McIl-
ravy said At least now we dont
have to worry about vehicle traf-
And, this, he feels has led to a
higher caliber of hunters visiting
his land.
For the most part they are se-
rious hunters and you have to be
committed to walk in two miles in
order to hunt a piece of CRP
ground, said the second-genera-
tion rancher, who initially en-
rolled his CRP acres in the
program. Today his entire ranch is
He has enjoyed the friendships
which he's developed over the
years with many of the hunters
who return year after year.
I try to be as helpful as possi-
ble. I will even drive them out and
show them areas where I think
they will have the best success.
The way I see it, the walk in area
program is a two-way street. As a
landowner I benefit quite a bit
from this program financially,
theres no vehicle traffic; and for
the most part our liability is cov-
ered by public access laws, McIl-
ravy said.
Game, Fish & Parks inspects all
acres before they are enrolled in
the program. Acres are enrolled
based on quality of habitat or ac-
cess to public lands, explained Re-
source biologist, Samantha
Nichols, who helps facilitate en-
rollments for GF&P.
Habitat is key. Wre looking for
acres that provide hunting oppor-
tunities for specific game species
and because each species require
different type of habitat, you may
even see an open field of wheat
stubble enrolled because it pro-
vides great goose hunting oppor-
tunities, Nichols said.
She further explained that in
some cases, the walk in area pro-
gram helps access public lands
that are landlocked by private
lands. We may enroll private
land that doesnt have the best
habitat, but it allows hunters ac-
cess to 5,000 acres of public Bu-
reau of Land Management (BLM)
User fees collected through the
sale of hunting licenses fund the
walk in area program.
If you don't hunt or fish, then
you arent contributing to this pro-
gram no tax dollars are used,
Kintigh said. We evaluate the
cover, habitat and hunting oppor-
tunity on each property and land
owners are paid accordingly.
For a map of walk in areas
throughout South Dakota,
hunters can grab a walk in area
atlas where hunting licenses are
sold or online at http://www. In addition, from the
web site hunters can also down-
load the walk in area map to their
This application is quite handy
because then hunters know where
the boundaries are especially in
western South Dakota where
some walk in areas can be thou-
sands of acres in size with interior
cross fences or no fences at all,
Kintigh said.
Walk in areas provide access
Zach Thomsen
Courtesy photo
Greetings from slightly over-
cast, slightly breezy, wet north-
east Haakon County. Today
promises to be a beautiful day,
weatherwise. The warm tempera-
tures will help melt the extreme
amounts of snow in the western
part of the state.
South Dakota experienced a
horrendous blizzard last weekend,
bringing as much as four feet of
snow or more to some parts of the
Black Hills and parts of the
plains. At our house, we received
4.15 of rain and a few inches of
snow. Thankfully, our tempera-
tures stayed warm enough to keep
our moisture in the form of rain
and sleet for the most part. The
strong winds pushed the snow
into huge snowbanks, with devas-
tating results. My heart goes out
to all the livestock producers who
have suffered losses during this
storm, many of whom are still try-
ing to find their cattle. Several
areas are still without power, and
it may be several days before
power is fully restored. In true
South Dakota fashion, neighbors
are helping neighbors, but recov-
ery will take a long time. The fi-
nancial and emotional toll will be
heavy. Please keep our producers
in your thoughts and prayers.
Nels and Dorothy Paulson were
in town last Tuesday to get their
flu shots. They have been moving
hay and doing other seasonal
Last Wednesday, Billy and Ar-
lyne Markwed were in Pierre to
help his aunt, Alice Jeitz, cele-
brate her 98th birthday. Happy
belated birthday to her! Ron Jeitz,
Georgia, and Karen Fink, Rapid
City, were also there, and the
group went out for lunch, followed
by cake and ice cream. Thursday,
the Markwed's traveled to Dead-
wood to meet Arlyne's uncles, Bob
and Betty Albery, Virginia, and
Gene and Deloris Albery, Gillette.
Alyne's siblings, Ron and Emily
Sammons, Midland, and Jo Quat-
tier, Sioux Falls, were also there.
Billy and Arlyne returned home
Thursday evening. The others had
to stay in Deadwood until Sunday
because of the blizzard. They were
fortunate to be at a facility that
had electricity! Billy and Arlyne
helped with a sale Sunday in Is-
abel. They said the roads were
just fine, but they were hearing
stories of bad conditions in the
Glad Valley area.
Dick and Gene Hudson went to
Rapid City, Thursday, for an eye
appointment, then they headed
east and spent the night in
Mitchell. They traveled on to
Columbus, Neb., the next day to
the home of their daughter, Deb
Burma, and family. They got to at-
tend a cross country meet that
their grandson was participating
in, and they also went to Seward
to a symphony concert their
granddaughter, Courtney, was in.
Saturday, they took in a marching
band competition in Columbus.
Gene said it was good but very
cold. Sunday, they attended
church then Dick, Gene and Deb
went to York, Neb., to meet Dick's
brother, Don, and Don's son, Scott,
and family. They had a nice visit
then went back to Columbus, re-
turning home Monday evening.
Mary Briggs worked from home
last Thursday and Friday. Lee at-
tended a telephone meeting in
Wall Thursday. Friday and Satur-
day were spent in the house while
the storm blew itself out. Lee and
Mary said they feel terrible about
all the livestock that were lost in
the storm. They were lucky, be-
cause their cattle hunkered down
in a draw that didn't go into a
Lola Roseth and her sisters,
Gay Tollefson and Linda Smith,
headed for Colorado Thursday to
attend the wedding of their
nephew, Logan Klima, son of the
late Tim Klima and Ginger
(Schuler) Klima. They had
planned to leave Friday, but they
headed out early to beat the
storm. Lola said they had very dif-
ficult travel conditions between
Denver and Rifle, Colo., but once
they arrived, the weather was
beautiful. The young couple had
an outdoor wedding, followed by a
reception at a cabin in Rifle Falls
Park. Lola said it was gorgeous.
The group had good travel condi-
tions on the trip home, arriving
home late Sunday night. Lola and
Duane's daughter, Kayce, and son
Rhett both live in Rapid City, so
they were dealing with lots of
snow over the weekend. Kayce's
car was the victim of a falling tree,
and Rhett was a hero in his neigh-
borhood when he showed up with
a Bobcat to help clear snow from
Coreen Roseth was in Philip
Thursday to pick her grandchil-
dren up from school and take
them to their home. Their mother,
Kristin, had a meeting, so
grandma stepped in to help.
Coreen stayed with the kids until
their father, Vance, returned home
from work. Friday, Adam and Jodi
Roseth went to Rapid City, so
Coreen and Julian kept their chil-
dren. The blizzard forced Adam
and Jodi to remain in Rapid City
until the roads were opened later
Clark and Carmen Alleman said
there wasn't much news at their
place this past week. They, like
the rest of us, just battened down
the hatches and waited out the
A week ago last Friday, Polly
Bruce went to Kadoka and joined
her sisters for one of their sister
weekends. The event was held at
the home of Polly's sister, Betty
VanderMay. They had a wonder-
ful time, as always. Sunday, Polly
met Bill in Midland, and they
went to Mobridge to be on hand
for Bill's eye surgery Monday.
They returned home Tuesday
after his post-surgery check up.
Wednesday, Polly fed lunch to a
group of guys helping with some
fencing at their place. Jon John-
son stopped in, bringing a gift of
tomatoes, potatoes and peppers
from their garden, so Polly has
been doing some canning. Bill and
Polly stayed home over the week-
end due to inclement weather.
Vince Bruce attended the recent
Stockgrowers meeting in Rapid
City, and Sunday evening he at-
tended a first responder refresher
class at Hayes. Vince's wife, Katie,
spent September 27 through Sep-
tember 30 visiting her mother in
Joyce Jones attended a funeral
last week in Ft. Pierre, and Max
and Joyce attended the Dale
Weischedel funeral in Onida
Monday. They are preparing for
Grand Chapter of Eastern Star to
be held next weekend in Pierre.
Joyce said their daughter, Kim,
and family were stranded in
Rapid City for the weekend due to
the storm.
Kevin and Mary Neuhauser
were in Kadoka last Wednesday to
attend the annual meeting of
West Central Electric. Kevin was
recently elected to the board.
Mary wasn't able to come to the
ranch until Sunday because of the
storm. Monday, Kevin was in
Pierre. His mother, Ruth, was in
town for an appointment, so he
spent time with her. Monday
evening, Kevin attended a com-
puter class before returning home.
Raymond and Nancy
Neuhauser attended the Willow
Creek community picnic Sunday
afternoon. Other than that, they
had a quieter week. Some of
Nancy's children live in the areas
hard hit by the blizzard, so hope-
fully things turn out okay for
I went to Kadoka last Wednes-
day, and my mother, Letoy
Brown, and I attended the West
Central Electric meeting. Randy
had planned to attend, but he
opted to harvest more corn before
the storm hit. We hunkered down
during the storm, but we were for-
Moenville News|Leanne Neuhauser 567-3325
Cross Country
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 8
Good Luck, ScottieS
Bison ~ Crazy Horse ~ Dupree ~ Faith ~ Harding County
Jones County ~ Kadoka Area ~ Lemmon ~ New Underwood ~ Newell
Oelrichs ~ Philip ~ Rapid City Christian ~ Takini ~ Wall ~ White River
These sponsors are proud to support the Scotties ...
Brants Electric
* * *
Coyles SuperValu
* * *
Dr. Ron & Laurie Mann & Staff
* * *
Ernies Bldg. Center, LLC
* * *
Farm Bureau Financial Services
* * *
First National Agency
* * *
First National Bank
* * *
Fi tzgerald Oil Co.
Golden Willow Seeds
* * *
Grossenburg Implement
* * *
Ingram Hardware
* * *
Jones Saddlery, Bottle & Vet
* * *
Kennedy Implement
* * *
Midwest Cooperati ves
* * *
Modern Woodmen of America
* * *
OConnell Construction
Philip Chiropractic Clinic
* * *
Philip Heal th Services, Inc.
* * *
Philip Li vestock Auction
* * *
Ravellette Publications, Inc.
The Pioneer Review
* * *
Rush Funeral Home
* * *
State Farm Insurance
* * *
The Steakhouse & Lounge
at the
Region 5
Cross Country Meet
Wed., Oct. 16th
12 p.m. at
Lake Waggoner
Golf Course,
north of Philip
Left to right, Shay Hand, Katlin Knutson, Allison Pekron,
Ellie Coyle, Jasmine Ferguson, Student Mgr. Tyshia Ferguson
Back row, left to right, Keegan Burnett, Tristen Rush, Nelson Holman,
Garrett Snook, Conner Dekker; front row, Khalen Martin, Damian Bartels
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 9
CeII: 60S-441-2SS9 - Res: 60S-SS9-2S?S - Fax: 60S-SS9-32?S
S20 E. Hwy. 14 PO Box 3S
PbIIIp, SD S?S6? -
1 oon ]1nd
1ooK1ng ]or!"
2DDS Ford Tourus S
Vb, Auto, Econoncu
Houout Pcc ... SS,99S
Philip League Bowling
Monday Night Mixed
Shads Towing.............................14-6
Handrahan Const .......................13-7
Badlands Auto............................11-9
Dakota Bar................................10-10
Jerry Mooney.......5-10 split; 212/532
Vickie Petersen .....................179/516
Trina Brown..........................177/504
Arlene Kujawa............5-10 split; 170
Ronnie Coyle......6-7-10 & 5-10 splits
Jackie Shull ........................3-10 split
Wednesday Morning Coffee
Bowling Belles ............................15-5
Cutting Edge Salon ....................13-7
State Farm..................................13-7
Jolly Ranchers ..........................10-10
Little Orphans ............................8-12
Charlene Kjerstad.............3-10 split;
.......................................168, 150/459
Marsha Sumpter...................160/446
Deanna Fees..4-5, 6-7 & 4-5-7 splits;
.......................................173, 154/445
Dody Weller..................................150
Donna King...........................2-7 split
Debbie Gartner.....................4-5 split
Audrey Jones........................2-7 split
Wednesday Nite Early
Dakota Bar..................................14-6
Hildebrand Concrete ..................12-8
Chiefies Chicks ..........................11-9
Morrisons Haying ......................8-12
First National Bank ...................8-12
Pink Ribbons...............................7-13
Kathy Gittings .............................199
Tena Slovek...........................191/480
Chelsea Moos ...............................136
Marlis Petersen.....................175/506
Rachel Kjerstad............4-5 split; 171
Stacey Schulz.....6-7-10 & 5-10 splits
Brittney Drury ...................5-10 split
Cristi Ferguson.....................5-7 split
Cheryl Behrend....................5-6 split
Lindsey Hildebrand .............4-5 split
Thursday Men
McDonnell Farms .........................3-1
A&M Laundry...............................3-1
Coyles SuperValu.........................2-2
The Steakhouse ............................2-2
WEE BADD...................................2-2
OConnell Const ............................2-2
Dakota Bar....................................1-3
West River Pioneer Tanks ...........1-3
Jan Bielmaier........................255/609
Haven Hildebrand .......................214
Ronnie Williams....................210/539
Andrew Reckling..........................578
Jay McDonnell ......................202/548
Brian Pearson .......................201/542
DJ Rush ......................5-10 split; 204
Harlan Moos.................................201
Wendell Buxcel...................3-10 split
Hwy. 14 PhiIip
Open at 11 a.m.
- CIosed Sundays -
We have orders to go!
The Philip Lady Scotties volley-
ball team traveled to Lemmon,
Thursday, October 3, to challenge
the Cowgirls.
The Philip varsity inflicted a
sweeping loss to their opponents,
winning the first three games and
negating the need to continue for
the best three out of five games
25-15, 25-21, 25-21
Serving: 70/74 (5 aces) Leaders: Madison
Hand 12/12 (2 aces), Jordyn Dekker 13/13
(2 aces), Kaci Olivier 16/17, Peyton De-
Jong 14/15 (1 ace).
Receiving: 38/46 Leaders: Ellie Coyle
12/15, Olivier 8/10, Dekker 7/8
Setting: 94/100 (28 assists) Leaders:
Hand 67/70 (20 assists), Tia Guptill 17/17
(4 assists)
Hitting: 104/116 (34 kills) Leaders: Gup-
till 32/34 (11 kills), Dekker 24/28 (11
kills), Peyton Kuchenbecker 16/18 (5 kills),
DeJong 12/12 (4 kills)
Blocking: 1 kill Leaders: Kuchenbecker
1 assist, Guptill 1 assist
Digging: 88/114 Leaders: Coyle 26/32,
Olivier 18/26, Guptill 15/19

The junior varsity team per-
formed the same kind of defeat
over the Cowgirls. Only two
games were needed to prove the
best out of three.
25-18, 25-20
Serving: 44/50 (13 aces) Leaders: Court-
ney Bartlett 12/12 (4 aces), Ashton Reedy
11/13 (4 aces), Kuckenbecker 7/9 (3 aces)
Receiving: 27/34 Leaders: Guptill 9/11,
Shay Hand 6/7, Brett Carley 5/7
Setting: 69/71 (14 assists) Leader:
Reedy 69/71 (14 assists)
Hitting: 54/67 (19 kills) Leaders: Kuchen-
becker 11/12 (5 kills), Carley 10/12 (5
kills), S. Hand 9/11 (3 kills)
Digging: 39/47 Leaders: Guptill 13/13,
Carley 8/10, Reedy 6/10
The C team did not fare as
well. The first game fell to the op-
ponents. The second game was
claimed by Philip. The shorter, de-
Varsity and JV sweep the Lemmon Cowgirls
The Lady Scotties hosted a vol-
leyball match in Philip with the
Dupree Lady Tigers, Monday, Oc-
tober 7. This was a make-up
match from the previous Saturday
which had been postponed be-
cause of bad weather.
Philip offered, nor gave, any
quarter. All games played by both
the junior varsity and the varsity
teams were easy wins for the Scot-
25-16, 25-10, 25-17
Serving: 69/76 (15 aces) Leaders: Jordyn
Dekker 15/18 (5 aces), Tia Guptill 8/9 (4
aces), Ellie Coyle 20/22 (3 aces)
Receiving: 31/39 Leaders: Kaci Olivier
10/14, Coyle 7/8, Dekker 7/9
Setting: 58/58 (20 assists) Leaders: Madi-
son Hand 41/41 (17 assists), Guptill 15/15
(3 assists)
Hitting: 58/73 (28 kills) Leaders: Guptill
14/19 (9 kills), Dekker 14/18 (7 kills), Pey-
ton Kuchenbecker 9/10 (5 kills)
Digging: 42/58 Leaders: Coyle 13/17,
Lady Scotties hold off the Dupree Tigers
Coach Kim Bouman shows strategy to her Lady Scotties as they show no
mercy toward the visiting Dupree Tigers.
Del Bartels
Kaci Olivier senior
Great student; takes responsibility
for her learning. Works hard on
everything, no matter how big or
small. Bright and thoughtful. Her
positive attitude is appreciated.
Philip Junior High School
September 2013 Students of the Month
Philip High School
September 2013 Students of the Month
Brock Hanson junior
Is conscientious about his work
and preparing for tests. Has ma-
tured and improved as a student
in the past year. Helps other stu-
dents in class. Enjoys learning.
Kobie Davis 8th
Works hard in class and willing to
help others. Is respectful to class-
mates. Is polite and always has
her work in on time.
Brice Hanson 7th
Is thoughtful of everyone. Com-
pletes and turns in his work on
time. Is cheerful and always has
a smile
The National Weather Service
weather forecast office in Rapid
City had progressive reports of the
recent storm.
Around Wall, at 1:20 p.m., Fri-
day, wind gusts reached almost 60
miles per hour. Around Philip, at
7:00 p.m., a trained weather spot-
ter reported that there had been
visibility of only a quarter mile for
the last few hours. By 7:00 Satur-
day morning, a trained weather
spotter in the Kadoka area re-
ported that visibility had been
around a quarter of a mile that
way for several hours overnight.
Just before 8:00 a.m., Wall area
reported winds were still around
55 miles per hour. At 10:00 a.m.,
the Philip area report was 12
inches of heavy snow, huge drifts
and visibility of about a tenth of a
mile. This report was pretty much
the same at noon. By Monday af-
ternoon, much of the ice, snow and
slush was melted and tempera-
tures reached 70 degrees.
The weather service stated that
this blizzard hit the record books
as a mega-storm. Examples are
for Rapid City. Maximum one-day
snowfall total was 19 inches, plac-
ing this storm third in recorded
history. Maximum three-day
snowfall was 22.4 inches, again a
third place record. Maximum one-
day snowfall during October this
storms 19 inches blew away the
previous 9.9 inch record. Rapid
Citys maximum October monthly
snowfall total is now already at
23.1 inches, with second place
being only 15.1 total inches
recorded in 1919.
According to Joe Connot, West
Central Electric Cooperative, ap-
proximately 107 power poles were
down in the co-op area. These in-
cluded some south of Kadoka
along the White River, some north
of Highway 14 in the Nowlin area,
14 in a row west of Philip and the
rest in ones and twos scattered
through the region.
West Central crews were on the
job Friday. The Kadoka crew was
working in the White River area,
while all the others were in the
Philip area. Connot said workers
went full bore for about a day and
a half, then, since they have to eat
and sleep too, they quit at 9:00
p.m. and started work again at
6:00 a.m.
The majority of the Philip area
power was back up Saturday
night. By Sunday night, workers
got a lot more of Philip on. As of
Monday morning, only around 25
houses in the West Central cover-
age area were still down.
In the line patrol that Ive
done, its a crying shame the num-
ber of dead cows and calves that
Ive seen, said Connot. And then
added to the stress to the local
farmers and ranchers is not hav-
ing any electricity.
We try to do an update every
three or four hours on Facebook
on who is back on and who is not
yet back on, added Connot. If
you want to know what the crews
are doing and where they are
working. Its a media we used dur-
ing this storm. The more people
we can get to check on who was on
and was out, the better. Connot
estimated that 90 percent of peo-
ple did not have a phone during
the storm, but did have Facebook.
More than 160 workers from co-
operatives, construction compa-
Spring storm blasts through region
ciding game went into extended
play before Philip slipped and the
deciding point went to the Cow-
17-25, 25-16, 14-16
Serving: 44/55 (14 aces) Leaders:
Cheyenne Pinney 8/8 (3 aces), Kendal
Hook 9/9 (1 ace), Elise Wheeler 12/13 (7
Receiving: 39/47 Leaders: Libbi Koester
8/10, Pinney 12/12, Paige Slovek 6/7
Setting: 46/52 (9 assists) Leader:
Wheeler 35/38 (6 assists)
Hitting: 49/62 (15 kills) Leaders: Hook
13/15 (5 kills), Sage Bierle 15/20 (4 kills),
Pinney 7/8 (3 kills)
Digging: 45/55 Leaders: Pinney 13/16,
Hook 9/10, Jaisa Snyder 6/6
Guptill 9/14, Olivier 7/9
Junior varsity
25-16, 25-11, 25-11
Serving: 62/72 (19 aces) Leaders: Ashton
Reedy 24/26 (5 aces), Courtney Bartlett
8/8 (3 aces), Elise Wheeler 7/9 (3 aces)
Receiving: 27/30 Leaders: Brett Carley
8/9, Bartlett 6/6, Peyton DeJong 4/5
Setting: 37/38 (17 assists) Leader:
Reedy 25/26 (13 assists)
Hitting: 33/43 (19 kills) Carley 7/11 (6
kills), Kuchenbecker 7/9 (5 kills), DeJong
5/5 (2 kills)
Blocking: 2 kills Leaders: Kuchenbecker
1 solo, Shay Hand 1 solo
Digging: 26/33 Leaders: Bartlett 10/12,
Carley 8/11
The next match for the Lady
Scotties will be hosting the Wall
Eagles, Thursday, October 10,
starting at 6:00 p.m. Philip will
also host their next contest, a tri-
angular with the New Underwood
Lady Tigers and the Rapid City
Christian Lady Comets, Saturday,
October 12, starting at 3:00 p.m.
nies and the South Dakota Na-
tional Guard assisted with repairs
at six western South Dakota coop-
eratives hit by the weekend win-
ter storm. By Monday afternoon,
workers from 20 South Dakota
electric cooperatives as well as a
Minnesota cooperative, a Ne-
braska public power district, the
South Dakota National Guard and
several private contractors were
on scene or en route to one of six
cooperatives. Cooperatives receiv-
ing outside assistance include
Black Hills Electric Cooperative,
Custer, Butte Electric Coopera-
tive, Newell, Grand Electric Coop-
erative, Bison, Lacreek Electric
Association, Martin, Moreau-
Grand Electric Cooperative, Tim-
ber Lake, and West River Electric
Association, Wall,.
As of Monday, the electric coop-
eratives hit by the storm reported
that 8,200 South Dakota electric
cooperative members remain
without power in a 13-county
area. The storm downed nearly
3,800 poles and caused power out-
ages to thousands in the western
part of the state.
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 10
by coach Ralph Kroetch
With temperatures in the 70s
and the wind protection provided
by the heavily wooded Tomahawk
Golf Course, the Philip Scotties
cross country members found the
October 1 run around Strawberry
Hill to be one of their favorite
The Lead Invitational, a rela-
tively small meet, consisted of five
A division Black Hills area
teams plus Wall and Philip. It fea-
tured only varsity competition,
which gave even the youngest
Scotties a taste of the big leagues,
and, they handled it very well.
Girls varsity had a new course
configuration, eliminating most of
the bridges and keeping nearly all
of this 4,000 meter race in the
grass. With that, a new course
best was set by everyone.
Ellie Coyle came into sight as
part of a breakaway group of four.
Katlin Knutson, Jasimine Fergu-
son, Shay Hand and Allion Pekron
were working together in the
main group of approximatedly 25
runners. A quarter mile of uphill
began to string this group out into
a long single file line as they again
went out of sight.
When they returned to sight,
only Leads Mattie Fairbairn and
Hot Springs Leah Deering were
in front of Coyle. She held off
Leads Maddison Larson for third
place and a time of 16:57. Knutson
out kicked a trio of Rapid City
Central girls, with all four cross-
ing the finish in a three-second
frame. Knutsons time of 18:34
earned her the 11th place medal.
Ferguson found herself in a sea of
green as she split up a group of
four Hill City Rangers, placing
20th with a time of 19:02. Hand
was able to hold off a late charge
from Rapid City Centrals Kayla
Horst to place 27th at 19:56.
Pekron, with a strong kick, was
the 31st finisher. Her time as
20:50; new course or not, this was
a 46 second improvement for
Team points: Rapid City Cen-
tral 29, Hill City 37, Philip
41, Lead/Deadwood 42.
The boys course remained un-
changed, with the same out-of-
sight start line. Nelson Holman
led the Scotties as they began the
same long assent, with teammate
Garrett Snook in tow as they went
our of sight. Seventh grader
Khalen Martin was the surprize of
the day, as he and Keegan Bur-
nett climbed the hill together.
Conner Dekker and Damian Bar-
tels, running just a few yards
apart, completed todays team of
Holman returned to spectators
sight in eighth place. He was
briefly overtaken by Rapid City
Centrals Jacoby New Holy. A
strong final surge put Holman
back into eighth place for a time of
18:27, a 1:47 course improvement.
Snook, running one of his best
races to date and earning a huge
course improvement of 2:43,
placed 11th with a time of 18:54.
Martin, in his first ever 5,000
meter race, was still striding long
at 21:47 to place 27th. Dekker
overtook Wall and Douglas run-
ners through the final meters to
place 30th with a time of 22:01.
Burnett, with an impressive final
kick, placed 33rd at 22:10 and a
1:09 course improvement. Bartels,
running this varsity race for the
first time, placed 34th with a time
of 22:17. The Scotties all looked
good in the race.
Team points: Douglas 38, Hot
Springs 40, Lead/Deadwood
47, Rapid City Central junior var-
sity 56, Philip 70, Wall 73.
The Scotties will host the Philip
Invitational Cross Country Meet,
Saturday, October 12, at the Lake
Wagoneer Golf Course, starting at
10:00 a.m. Come out and support
your Scotties.
Philip harriers place at Lead
Leading the Philip Scotties were Nelson Holman, with Garrett Snook just
behind, at the front of the varsity boys race of the Lead Invitational.
Courtesy photos
Eight Philip High School seniors
are participating in the Youth In-
ternship program, learning about
careers which include leather
work, teaching, taxidermy, radiol-
ogy and diesel mechanics.
Bailey Radway, is working with
Kayla Eymer in the radiology de-
partment at Philip Health Serv-
ices, Inc. Radway said she chose
this experience as it has always
held her interest. It is also a career
field that she may pursue.
The experience has been great,
said Radway. She added that is has
been very interesting and she en-
joys working with the ladies in
there. She also likes that she stays
busy, most days.
Radway also likes that the job is
hands-on. I actually get to help
take x-rays. Its great working with
people in this department and get-
ting their knowledge, thoughts,
and opinions on radiology. Its a
great experience.
Radway said she would recom-
mend the experience to others as it
allows students to gain experience
in a filed that they are looking at
for a career. It will further help
them in their decision making, she
Gavin Brucklacher opted to in-
tern with Marty Hansen at
Hansens Taxidermy. Ive always
been interested in the taxidermy
field, so I chose to go down to
Martys and learn the art of taxi-
dermy, said Brucklacher. He said
he wants to learn how to make Eu-
ropean and head mounts along
with the preservation of hides. So
far, Ive learned that and more, he
An added bonus for Brucklacher
is that they go hunting as well. Re-
cently Marty & I went antelope
hunting. Marty put me on a nice
14.75 antelope that I was able to
take back home. It was such a fun
hunt, he said. As soon as the hide
comes back from the tannery they
will create a head mount.
Brucklacher said he was sur-
prised to find out how busy Hansen
is. He is impressed by how easily
Hansen gets everything done in a
mannerly time, even though it can
be hard work. I was surprised on
how many steps it takes to make
ahead mount of an animal, Bruck-
lacher said.
Brucklacher stated, not only
would he recommend the school to
work experience for fellow stu-
dents, but he would encourage
them to work with Hansen. Its
such a great experience, Bruck-
lacher said. Youll learn so much
and its a new experience every-
Dustin Hand chose to work at
Hoag Diesel Service with Fred
Hand said he chose Hoags so
that he could learn more about me-
chanics. He said the experience has
been pretty good and that he likes
it a lot; that its a fun job.
Hand likes that he is able to
learn new things at this job. He
noted that he knew some mechanic
work before hand.
Hand said he would recommend
the school to work program for oth-
ers as it is a good learning experi-
Jordyn Dekker is looking at
earning a degree in sociology. She
thought that working with the sec-
ond grade students and their
teacher, MaryLynn Crary, would
be a good way to gain experience
with a younger age group.
Ive enjoyed working there, so
far, said Dekker. Its always nice
to see the second graders get ex-
cited if I am in the classroom or ask
if Ill be there with them that day,
she said.
Dekker said she has enjoyed cor-
recting papers and decorating for
Halloween. She noted that she was
surprised at how long it takes to
correct papers. It is not easy all
the time, either, she said. You
have to be adaptable to read every
type of handwriting.
I would absolutely recommend
STW to students because it is a
great learning experience. Stu-
dents will be able to learn what
jobs they like or dislike. said
Katie Hostutler is working with
Bob Fugate at PHSIs physical
Hostutler said she chose physical
therapy as she is looking at a phys-
ical therapist assistant degree. In
this job I want to learn different
ways to help people feel better,
said Hostutler. She said that she
has enjoyed being able to observe
and learn.
I have been really surprised to
learn about all of the different stuff
that people come to physical ther-
apy for, said Hostutler.
I do recommend School To Work
to other students because it is a
great experience and it really helps
you decide what you want to do
with the rest of your life, said Hos-
Madison Hand is working with
Kim Bouman as a teachers aide
this year.
M. Hand chose this work site as
it worked with her schedule and al-
lowed her to work on things that
she is interested in. Working with
Mrs. Bouman has been a great ex-
perience. I enjoy being able to
spend time with her because, while
learning from her, I also get to
have someone to talk to. We are
able to have more time to get to dis-
cuss volleyball and my accounting
class I take with her.
As part of her job M. Hand helps
Bouman with making copies and
reviewing volleyball game tapes
and compiling stats from games.
One thing that surprised me
about working for Mrs. Bouman is
how much I dont love correcting
papers, said M. Hand. It has
taught me how thankful I need to
be toward my teachers who spend
many hours correcting.
M. Hand said she would recom-
mend the School To Work program
to all students. It is a great oppor-
tunity to learn about something
you wouldnt normally learn in a
high school class, she said.
Kaci Olivier is working with PHS
teacher Kory Foss. I chose to work
with Mr. Foss because I wanted to
work with teenagers. I hope to
learn how to help others in a pro-
ductive way, said Olivier.
Olivier said that it has been a
great experience and that she has
leaned a lot about the different
parts of teaching. It has been re-
ally fun working with students.
Each of them brings something
new to the table, and have their
own unique personalities, she
Olivier has been surprised that
there is more to teaching than
meets the eye; that there is a lot of
planning and thought that goes
into it. PHS does a great job about
helping kids understand, not just
memorize, she said.
One reason Olivier would recom-
mend the program to fellow stu-
dents is that it is not only a great
learning experience, but it also
teaches responsibility.
Wyatt Schaack selected Joness
Saddlery, Bottle & Vet as his work
site as he wants to learn about
making a saddle and working with
leather from owner Irvin Jones.
Schaack stated that it has been
a good experience and that he
learns something new every day.
Schaack said he likes working on
the saddles and helping Jones with
anything that he needs done.
I was surprised at how much
people still need leather craftsmen
in todays world, said Schaack.
There are still some cowboys left!
Schaack said he would recom-
mend the program to others as it
gives students who are unsure
about a career path a chance to
work at a job to see if that job fits
The Youth Internship program is
open to all high school juniors and
seniors. The students attend a few
in class sessions before going to the
internships during their last class
Senior internship program
Courtesy photos
Gavin Brucklacher
Jordyn Dekker
Kaci Olivier
Katie Hostutler
Madison Hand
Wyatt Schaack
Bailey Radway, in back,
and Kayla Eymer
Dustin Hand
Reed said that there is no clear
direction from Washington, D.C.,
concerning power companies and
energy policies. What used to be
almost an order to build coal-fired
power plants, has now changed
from that, while coal is being
shipped to China. He said that the
stalled TransCanada XL Pipeline
would be good for the power in-
dustry. He concluded with that
controlling peak demands equals
lower costs.
Vic Simmons of Rushmore Elec-
tric presented an update for the
states electric cooperatives. Gen-
eration of electrical power needs
to meet the maximum demand at
peak times. Simmons listed the
pros and cons of generating elec-
trical power by use of coal, hydro
power, natural gas, wind and nu-
clear power.
The cons often involved the gov-
ernment. We need a national en-
ergy policy. one that doesnt
always change, said Simmons.
Natural gas is limited because no
major gas line goes through South
Dakota. Hydro power is at the dis-
cretion of the Corps of Engineers.
Nuclear power is regulated by dis-
posal of spent fuel. Even wind
power currently economical only
because of tax credits must be
wary of endangered species, such
as causing harm to whooping
cranes. All power sources are
under attack from the Environ-
mental Protection Agency.
Simmons concluded with, We
all use power. We can help with
when we use it. Customers/ mem-
bers are encouraged to help with
electrical load bearing by running
major appliances at night or in the
times that are not peak times for
electrical use. The cooperative, by
using a customer-requested con-
nection system, can temporarily
turn off hot water heaters if vari-
able peak load times require it.
West Central Electric meeting
continued from page 1
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 11
A daughter, Sydney Crea, was
born to Sig and Carissa (Hanra-
han) Martin on September 30 in
Rapid City. Sydney weighed 8 lb.
5 oz. and is 20 1/2 inches long. She
has an older sister, Caeley, who is
two years old. Her grandmother is
Debbie Hanrahan and great-
grandmothers are Phyllis Hanra-
han and Kay Couch. Congrat-
A reminder: This Friday
evening, October 11, St. Mary's
Catholic Church will be hosting a
community supper at 5:30 at the
Milesville Hall. Father Kevin, as
chef, will be fixing Norcina, which
is something I don't know about.
But I'm sure it will be good. There
will be lots of other food as well.
After the meal, there will be an
auction of gifted items and a
dance with music by Mike Seager.
There will be a free will offering to
help with the cost of the church's
improvements made in the last
several months. Everyone is in-
The terrible snow and ice storm
is the news everyone is talking
about this week. Friday, a total of
2.81 of rain fell, followed by very
strong winds and five inches of
snow adding another 1.28 of
moisture. We're all thankful we
didn't get the snow amounts that
the Black Hills area got up to
nearly 60. By the end of the
storm Saturday, people were out
looking for their cattle which had
drifted, some of them, many miles.
The cattle loss is devastating,
mainly due to the fact that they
were still out on summer pasture
with very little protection. Many
folks were and still are without
power. Here we were only out for
an hour and we're very thankful.
The way ranchers and farmers are
helping each other out is an exam-
ple of folks in western South
Dakota. Thank you for responding
to each others needs.
Last Thursday, Gayla Piroutek
drove to Sioux Falls to pick up
daughter Erin from the airport.
Erin came for a five-day visit. Be-
fore leaving Sioux Falls, they had
lunch with Amy and her son, Eli,
who happened to be visiting there
from their home in Michigan. Erin
came to paint fences, but the
weather intervened, so she helped
her mom with some indoor proj-
ects while the wind whistled out-
side. Sunday, the Piroutek family
and a small crew conducted an
auction at Isabel. The home in Is-
abel sold for $94,000. Erin and
Gayla drove to Mitchell Monday
evening, spending the night with
Gayla's mom. Tuesday, after drop-
ping Erin at the Sioux Falls air-
port, Gayla and her mom visited
Aunt Lorraine Butrum who was
in a Sioux Falls hospital.
Local folks who attended the
wedding of Marla Kelly and Tate
Guptill Friday were the Steve
Pekron family, Jim, Linda and
Ben Stangle, Mark, Judith and
Bailey Radway, and Mike, Faye
and Anna Piroutek. They were all
glad to get home safely as the
roads and visibility were pretty
This is the last week for the vet-
erinary intern who has been work-
ing with Dr. Jim at Golden Vet.
She comes from the Faulkton area
and her name is April Schilder.
My sister-in-law, Phillis Thor-
son, moved last Thursday from
her home in Philip to an apart-
ment in Spearfish. Happy late
birthday, Phillis!
Lana Elshere spent last week-
end in Philip staying with Paul
and Joy Elshere. She says that
they were without power for nine
hours Saturday.
Earl and Jodi Parsons, Rachel
and Sarah, were in Sioux Falls for
the weekend where they met
many McDonnell family members
for a reunion. They had a great
time staying indoors!
Last Monday, Donnie and Bo-
bette Schofield visited with two of
Donnie's sisters, Peggy Garrotte,
Idaho, and Rita Anker, at the
home of the late Mary Ellen
Schofield. Wednesday, Donnie and
Bobette enjoyed dinner and a
drive through Spearfish Canyon.
It's a good thing they went when
they did. The colors were beauti-
Last Wednesday evening, Paul,
Donna and Tina Staben went to
Kadoka for the West Central Elec-
tric annual meeting. In the after-
noon, residents of the Silverleaf
enjoyed playing cards with Tina.
The local 4-H club placed a win-
dow display at the Bad River Sen-
ior Citizens Center in Philip
Monday afternoon. October is Na-
tional 4-H month. Those helping
were members Grace Pekron and
Rachel Parsons, along with Donna
and Tina Staben and Nina
Helping out at the Mike Gebes'
Sunday were Brad Gebes and his
friend, Kathy, and kids, Ashley
and Devon, and Roy Warner.
Courtney Gebes and two of her
nephews (Darren and Karen's
boys) arrived at the Mike Gebes'
Monday. Courtney had spent last
week helping out after the birth of
their twin girls. Linda said the
rest of the family was expected
later Monday night. So grandpa
and grandma will get to see those
little girls.
George Fitzgerald had his sur-
gery in Rapid City last Friday. His
therapy was delayed for a short
time due to the power problems
during the weekend storm.
I didn't get all of you folks called
this week. I know you're all busy
finding your cattle and getting
them back to where they should
be, or disposing of those that died.
We'll get through this with the
Lord's help.
Milesville News|Janice Parsons 544-3315
Sioux Falls businessman and
United States Senate candidate
Rick Weiland will be in Philip,
Friday, October 11.
Weiland will be meeting local
business owners in the early after-
noon and stopping by the Philip
Livestock Auction Cafe around
1:00 p.m. to meet with citizens one
on one.
I believe our country has been
hijacked by big money special in-
terests, said Weiland. Im look-
ing forward to visiting with folks
in the Philip area, one-on-one,
about how we can take back our
government and put it on the side
of everyday South Dakotans.
Please come out and tell me
whats on your mind.
Weiland has traveled to over
150 South Dakota communities in
the past three months and plans
to visit every town in South
Dakota during the course of his
campaign to win the U.S. Senate
seat of retiring Senator Tim John-
Weiland at Philip Livestock
Ballots for the Professional
Rodeo Cowboys Association year-
end awards are in the mail.
What the list reveals most of all
is that rodeo is a sport that ex-
tends across all generations. The
nominees range from Lecile Har-
ris, 77, who is nominated in the
comedy act of the year category, to
trick rider Brandi Phillips, 23,
who along with fellow Riata
Ranch Cowboy Girls performer
Jennifer Nicholson, is nominated
for the best dress act of the year
South Dakota has two rodeos
selected to the list: large indoor
rodeo of the year Rapid City,
produced by Sutton Rodeo during
the Black Hills Stock Show and
Rodeo and medium rodeo of the
year Deadwood, produced by the
Days of 76 rodeo committee.
The winners in all categories
will be announced at the annual
PRCA awards banquet, December
4, in Las Vegas, on the eve of the
55th annual Wrangler National
Finals Rodeo.
PRCA 2013 award catagories
include announcer, secretary,
stock contracting firm, dress act,
comedy act, clown, bullfighter,
small rodeo, medium rodeo, large
outdoor rodeo and large indoor
Ballots in mail for
PRCA year awards
October 6-12 is the 73rd Na-
tional Newspaper Week. This
years theme is Your community,
your newspaper, your life.
Members of the third grade
class at Philip Elementary School,
under instructor Jessica Wheeler,
gave their thoughts of what the
local newspaper means to them.
Students in Marie Sloveks sixth
grade class also gave their
thoughts concerning their local
The newspaper puts the Grind-
stone News in it. I live on Grind-
stone Road. Hannah Thorson
The newspaper is fun to
read. Ember Gabriel
The newspaper tells you infor-
mation. I read about tractors in
the newspaper. Macy Martin
I was in it. My grandpa was in
it too for his birthday. I don't re-
member why I was in it. Gage
I was in the newspaper when
we had basketball camp. Del was
taking a picture of us. Karlie
When we had basketball camp
and volleyball camp, Del was tak-
ing a picture while I was sitting
down with a basketball. At volley-
ball camp, I was on my knees. I
liked seeing myself because I had
never been in the paper before.
McKenna McIlravy
I haven't read the newspaper
yet. That's all. Jason Davis
I've seen pickups at Philip
Motor in the newspaper. Bud was
on the front page, why, I don't
quite remember. Wyatt
I was in it for basketball.
Colby Fosheim
I was in it for softball and for
two spelling bees. Sometimes I
read about the high school kids
during graduation time and when
they have homecoming, too. Like
when they have the queen and
stuff. Gracie Fitzgerald
I read the comics in the Rapid
City Journal, but I've never read
the Philip paper. Romy Andrus
I've looked through the Philip
newspaper but I don't read it
though. I've seen a bunch of stuff
in it, like when Grandpa Francies
died, it told he had his own
home. Jesse Thorson
Pictures show you information.
It shows you things you can do
next year, like basketball, foot-
ball... I've been in the paper for
basketball and I think football,
maybe... Layton Terkildsen
I saw that in the derby one of
the cars went up the dirt hill and
kind of went out. There was a pic-
ture of it. It was cool. Jesse Fill-
It is fun to read and I have
been in it. I was in it for singing,
running and basketball. Re-
hgan Larson
I've been in it for the Parade of
Lights and basketball camp. I
have seen Levi, Jesse, my cousin,
Danessa, Gage, LT and that's
all. Taylor Ross
I've been in the newspaper for
softball and basketball and beauty
camp. And I've saw other people
in it, like Rehgan, Levi, Layton
and Macy. Danessa Heltzel
I was in the paper because of
the rodeos and I've been in it for
the student of the month and bas-
ketball camp and duc in altum.
That's about it. Levi Williams
I have been in it for student of
the month, basketball, cheerlead-
ing, for release time - picking up
trash, and I have something else,
but I just cant remember it. Ali
The Philip newspaper is a
great way to keep me informed of
what is going on in our town. I like
to look in the newspaper every
week to see what people I know
have been up to. Marie Slovek
I look at the newspaper to see
if I am in there for sports
events. Alec Schofield
The Philip newspaper is good
because it brings us together. The
Philip newspaper is a great way to
find things you need. Hunter
The Rapid City Journal helps
me find out if there is a big sale. I
like to read the advice column be-
cause I find out advice that can re-
ally help me with sports. Bailey
I like how it tells what the
movie is. When we win volleyball
games and football games, I like to
read about it. Jr. Pinela
I like the sports paper because
I play sports and I like sports. If
we didnt have newspapers we
would not know the game stats or
what is happening. I read the
newspaper every now and then.
Jet Jones
Newspapers are a great way to
find out what is going on in our
community. It can tell you who all
has birthdays, anniversaries or
special occasions. Mayson
I think that the newspaper is
great for all ages that can read,
because you can see what is going
on in Philip, Grindstone and
Milesville. I also like how they in-
clude all the towns, even the ones
outside of Philip. I like how they
put sports, plays and parties,
etc. Taryn Smith
I like the paper because some-
times it has jokes in it. I like to see
the pictures of the people from the
spelling bee and the football, vol-
leyball and basketball games.
Eryka Johnson
I like the Philip newspaper be-
cause I like to see my picture in
the paper and it tells what I did or
what we did. I like to look at the
newspaper so I can catch up on
what has happened in Philip.
Josie Rush
The Philip newspaper is a
great way to look for what movies
are coming this week and next
week. I also like to look at Alli-
sons cross country photos with
her pink sunglasses and her wild
hair. Another thing I look for is
what events have happened like
the Milesville play. Grace
The Philip newspaper is a
great way to find information
about anything you need to know
in Philip. You can find ads and in-
formation about volleyball games
or football games. It is a great way
to keep track of whats going on in
town. Riggin Anders
The Philip newspaper is a
great way to see whats going on
in town and know if something
good or bad is going on. Its also
for people to know what others are
up to. Hannah Theye
I like the Philip newspaper.
The newspaper is good for our city
and Im glad we have it. Colby
The Kadoka newspaper is im-
portant to me because I like to
read things in it about people like
myself. I also like to read about
important events. Seth Addison
The Philip newspaper means
so much to me because I like to
read the sports review and I like
to look at all the vehicles in it. I
also like to the read the stock
show prices. Victor Dennis
The newspaper tells me what
the movie is and when it starts. I
also tells me when there is a spe-
cial day coming up. Joey Carley
The Profit is important to me
because I like to see what movies
are playing at the Gem The-
atre. Caylo McLaughlin
This is National
LcgaI Noticcs
0otober 10, 2013 Pioneer Review ie
oontinued on
Proceedings of the
City of PhiIip
OCTOBER 1, 2013
A regular meeting of the Philip City Coun-
cil was held on Tuesday, October 1,
2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the Community
Room of the Haakon Co. Courthouse.
Present were Mayor Michael Vetter, Fi-
nance Officer Monna Van Lint, Council
Members Greg Arthur, Marty Gartner, Tr-
isha Larson, Jennifer Henrie, Jason
Harry and Marion Matt. Also present
were Deputy Finance Officer Brittany
Smith, Chief of Police Kit Graham,
Charles Allen, Jeff McCormick with SPN
& Assoc., Joe Gittings with First National
Agency, Barry & Edna Knutson, Del Bar-
tels with the Pioneer Review; and later,
City Attorney Gay Tollefson and Chief of
Police Kit Graham.
Absent: none
Motion was made by Harry, seconded by
Arthur to approve the agenda as pre-
sented. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Gartner, seconded
by Harry to approve the minutes of the
last two meetings as published in the Pi-
oneer Review. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Arthur to approve the payment of the bills
from the appropriated funds. Motion car-
Gross SaIaries - September 30, 2013:
Mayor & Council - $3,690.00; Adm. -
$2,965.73; Police - $6,085.73; Street -
$4,945.19; Water - $5,496.39; Garbage
- $2,145.86
Colonial Life, Employee Supplemental
ns.- 09/13 ...............................372.25
EFTPS, S.S., Medicare, Withholding-
09/13 ....................................5,445.38
SDRS, Employee Retirement-
09/13 ....................................2,884.59
Add'I BiIIs - Sept. 2013:
Dakotacare Flex, Ded. Buy Downs -
09/13 ....................................1,334.98
Pine St. Phase III Project:
J&J Asphalt Co., Pay Req. #02 thru
09/26/13 .............................17,748.61
SPN & Assoc., Const. Eng. thru
09/21/13 ..................................853.75
SD Hwy 14/Tracts A, B & C HydrauIic
SPN & Assoc., Eng. Services thru
09/21/13 ...............................3,449.25
Wood/WaIden Ave. Improv. Project:
Rosebud Concrete, nc., Pay Req. #06
thru 09/26/13......................61,602.83
SPN & Assoc., Const. Eng. thru
09/21/13 .............................15,607.90
This Month's BiIIs:
AT&T Mobility, Cell Phone
Baye, Richard, Cust. Deposit Refund -
10/13 .......................................100.00
Calhoon, Dorene, Cust. Deposit Refund
- 10/13.....................................100.00
Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Storm
Sewer Rent #91135 10/13-
09/14 .......................................120.00
Cenex Harvest States,
Fuel/Supplies/LP - 08/13.........527.34
D&T Auto Parts, Supplies -
08/13 .........................................34.28
Dakotacare Health ns., Employee
Health Premium - 10/13 .......8,619.68
Dale's Tire & Retreading, nc., '11
Tahoe/'04 Pickup Tires
Delta Dental ns., Employee Dental
Premium - 10/13......................632.20
1st Nat'l Bank - Philip, Utility Billing -
09/13 .......................................122.52
1st Nat'l Bank - S.F., SRF Loan #02
Pay #179 - 10/13..................2,163.90
SRF Loan #03 Pay #82 -
10/13 ....................................2,223.41
Fitzgerald Oil Co., Fuel
Galls, LLC, PD Uniform/Supplies
Golden West, Telephone/nternet
Haakon Co. Register of Deeds, Doc/
Deed Copies - 09/13 .................10.00
Haakon Co. Treasurer, Office Rent-
10/13 .......................................500.00
Hanrahan, Crystal, Cust. Deposit Re-
fund - 10/13.............................100.00
ngram Hardware, Supplies -
08/13 .......................................154.07
ngram Pest Services, nc., R.S. Pest
Control - 09/13 ..........................60.00
Morrison's Pit Stop, PD Tire nstall/Sup-
plies - 08/13.............................206.98
Fuel/St Tire nstall - 09/13 .......225.71
Moses Building Center, Supplies 08-
09/13 .........................................35.43
Neve's Uniforms & Equip., PD Uniforms
Pioneer Review, Publishing -
09/13 .......................................944.21
Quill Corp., Supplies - 09/13 .........88.43
Rush, Tristen, WS Cert. Reimb. (2nd
) - 2013...................................82.50
Sanford Laboratories, Random Testing
- 08/13.....................................176.00
SD Dept. of Revenue, Sales Tax
Payable - 09/13.......................460.06
Water/Pool Coliform Testing 08-09/13
SD Division of Motor Vehicles, '98 nt'l
Truck Title/Reg/License Fees....10.00
Sportwide, Guard Attire
Tollefson, Gay, Attorney Retainer -
10/13 .......................................200.00
Twilight, nc., Mun. Bldg Supplies -
09/13 .........................................97.25
USDA, RD Loan Pay #106 - 10/13.........
US Postal Service, Stamps -
10/13 .......................................336.00
UST, UBS Cards/Envelopes -
09/13 .......................................345.00
VSA-UMB Bank, Supplies -
09/13 .........................................25.29
Walker Refuse, 373 Residential
Garbage - 09/13...................4,923.60
R.S. Roll Off Delivery - 09/13 ..285.00
West Central Electric, Electrical Chgs
WR/LJ Rural Water, 5,183,000 gals. -
09/13 ....................................6,478.75
Contract Min. - 09/13............2,500.00
Airport Water - 09/13.................42.50
South Shop Water - 09/13.........20.00
Total Expenditures -
10/01/13 .........................$141,639.10
OId Business:
Motion was made by Harry, seconded by
Gartner to approve the 2nd reading of
Ord. #2013-15, 2014 Municipal Appropri-
ations Ordinance. Motion carried with all
members voting aye.
Council reviewed an update on the Philip
Garden Club's inquiry for the City's as-
sistance in expanding the Senechal Park
to the east. This includes that of remov-
ing the structure located at 107 N. Center
Ave. which PWD Reckling has estimated
at $3,232.40. The estimate includes the
use of City equipment, City personnel
time, and disposals fees to deposit the
debris at the rubble site--does not include
sales tax or back fill material.
Council Member Matt questioned if the
Garden Club has any funds to assist with
the demolition and if they have commit-
ted to purchasing the property. Mayor
Vetter noted that he is uncertain of the
Garden Club's financial resources and
their time frame for the expansion.
t was noted that the park expansion and
demolition of the structure would be a
benefit to the community, but the City has
not appropriated any funds at this time to
assist with the demolition.
Following discussion, motion was made
by Arthur, seconded by Matt to table ac-
tion on the Philip Garden Club's request
until more detailed and definite informa-
tion is obtained regarding their request
for assistance. Motion carried.
nsurance Claims:
Barry and Edna Knutson addressed the
Council, inquiring as to the status of the
sewer backup insurance claim for the
damages incurred at their 201 E. Oak St.
Mr. Knutson started off by apologizing to
Joe Gittings, the City's nsurance Agent
with First National Agency. He stated that
when he first met with the Council re-
garding their concerns with the sewer
backup insurance status, he indicated
that Mr. Gittings did not review their prop-
erty damages in person, but he mis-
spoke. Again, he apologized for
misinforming the Council.
Mrs. Knutson went on to explain that they
have recently heard from Theresa
Roberts with the City's insurance com-
pany, Continental Western Group
(CWG). According to Ms. Roberts, they
have reviewed the reports of the sewer
back up and have found no negligence
on the City's part. n turn, they are stating
that the City is not liable for their dam-
ages, but have offered a good faith effort
settlement of $3,000.
Mrs. Knutson indicated that she had with
her, a binder including all of their re-
search and documentation which had
been submitted to CWG. According to
Mrs. Knutson, this information includes
photos, bills, and estimated replacement
costs for the damages. She expressed
her disappointment as CWG's settlement
offer does not come close to covering
that of their "Stanley Steamer" bill. She
also stated that in visiting with Ms.
Roberts, she had no idea about a sup-
posed sewer main that was reported to
have been broken by the City's contrac-
tor, Rosebud Concrete, by Scotchman
ndustries a couple of days prior to the
back up.
Mr. Knutson elaborated on the broken
sewer main, stating that he has visited
with one of the construction workers that
were on-site during this occurrence as
well as a Scotchman employee. Accord-
ing to his sources, this occurred two days
prior to the sewer backup at which time,
the City was also reported as flushing the
sewer main. He wonders if something
happened during the repair to cause the
backup; noting that a construction stake
and lathe were reported as being in the
manhole, causing the backup. Later in
the meeting, he also reported that
Scotchman ndustries was advised not to
flush their toilets during this time, but that
they could use water.
Mr. Knutson also went on to say that they
have had problems with their sewer
backing up before and explained that
when he calls the City, the City personnel
always report to the manhole located
outside his building. During this specific
occurrence, they did not stop at that
manhole, but instead went directly to the
manhole located at the intersection of N.
Wood Ave. and E. Pine St. He ques-
tioned if there was reasoning for this.
Mr. Knutson was quoted as saying, "he
is unsure who is at fault and is not point-
ing fingers at the City personnel, but
would like his questions answered as
someone needs to pay for his damages.
He has also brought up the settlement of-
fered by CWG to Chip Kemnitz, whose
building also received damages during
the sewer backup. According to Knutson,
Kemnitz has advised him of his response
to the settlement offer, which was that he
would be pursuing legal action.
Council Member Henrie questioned the
amount of loss that they have docu-
mented to date.
Mrs. Knutson reported their high esti-
mate of damages is $29,000, but would
be satisfied with a $23,000 settlement.
She explained that their Stanley Steamer
cleaning bill of $1,521.77 did not include
what it would have cost if Stanley
Steamer would have had to remove
items prior to cleaning. That amount is
estimated at an additional $2,378.53.
They also had to replace their refrigera-
tor, stove and other items that came into
contact with the sewage. The basement
construction repairs have also been es-
timated at $6,200 from Brandon West. All
of these expenses are included in the
total and they stressed that they consid-
ered replacement value costs, not that of
high-end items.
Mayor Vetter questioned if Knutsons
have a backflow preventer installed. Mr.
Knutson advised that they do in fact have
a back flow preventer on their line, but
explained that it does allow seepage to
come back through, just not the solids. t
was noted that during the removal of the
blockage, the City was required to flush
the main both ways which resulted in
more sewage backup in their basement.
Mr. Knutson went on to stress that this is
a frustrating situation and does not feel
that it is their problem to cover the ex-
penses of the sewer backup in their
building. He did note that since the back
up, they have contacted their insurance
company and added a sewage backup
endorsement to their coverage. Previ-
ously, they had the endorsement on their
residence, but not on their business
Mayor Vetter questioned City Attorney
Tollefson as to what expenses could be
potentially anticipated by the City in de-
fending a lawsuit should one be filed re-
garding this incident and the
determination of CWG's finding of no
negligence on the City's part. Mr. Knut-
son also questioned her as to the mean-
ing of negligence.
Tollefson stated that the insurance com-
pany would have to defend the lawsuit by
providing experts in the field to defend
their position with regard to the claim.
Reasonable doubt would be not permis-
sible since that only applies in criminal
cases. The insurance company has al-
ready determined that the City is not at
fault. n turn, those bringing forth the law-
suit would have to provide evidence
proving that it was in fact the fault of the
City. Regardless, she stated that a law-
suit would be costly for the City and
would recommend that the Mayor and
Council "not to give in or be bullied into
an action because of the threat of a law-
She then addressed Mr. Knutson's ques-
tion regarding the meaning of negli-
gence, noting that it has different
meanings, one of which is acting in an
unreasonable manner. She stated, in her
opinion, it would be difficult to prove neg-
ligence without an expert opinion.
Mr. Knutson mentioned on more than
one occasion that he was hoping that
PWD Reckling was available to answer
some of his questions in order to get fur-
ther clarification as far as their response
to the sewer back up and the sewer main
break. He is questioning reasonable
doubt as far as the sewer main break is
concerned was something flushed
down during its repair.
Mayor Vetter then went on to advise the
Knutsons that he is unaware of the sewer
main break that Knutsons keep referring
to, but confirmed that Rosebud did hit the
12 water main by Scotchman ndustries.
This resulted in the water service being
disrupted for part of a day while it was re-
Jeff McCormick, City Engineer with SPN
& Assoc., reported that all of the sewer
mains located on N. Wood Ave. and
Walden Ave. were replaced by Rosebud
Concrete during the Wood/Walden Ave.
project. He noted he will have to review
the on-site engineer's field notes to de-
termine what occurred in the few days
prior to the sewage back up as well as if
Rosebud did in fact break the sewer
main that Mr. Knutson is referencing.
Mr. Knutson stated that his source who
was working for Rosebud Concrete pro-
vided different information over the
course of his inquiries regarding the
sewer main break which led him to admit
that he is uncertain if it was a water or
sewer main break.
Mrs. Knutson went on to inquire if it is al-
ways the property owner's responsibility
when a City sewer main backs up. Mayor
Vetter stated that legally the property
owner is responsible which was con-
firmed by City Attorney Tollefson.
Mayor Vetter reviewed the expenses in-
curred by the Knutson's again and men-
tioned the possibility of the City not being
satisfied with the insurance companies
ruling. He questioned if the City could
cover part of the expenses, but on the
other hand, noted that this would ulti-
mately set precedence for the future.
Council Member Matt stated that the rea-
son for carrying insurance is that they
have the resources and ability to make
decisions regarding claims.
Council Member Arthur reviewed his ex-
perience with sewer back-up problems,
noting that the slope of his sewer service
line was the problem. Since this was a
service line issue, the sole responsibility
for repairing and maintaining it is that of
the property owner. He then questioned
if Knutsons are aware of the slope of
their sewer line and if not, recommended
they look into it further.
Mr. Knutson reported that when they in-
stalled their sewer service line, it was ap-
proved by their plumber and backhoe
operator as well as the City.
Council Member Henrie then questioned
City Attorney Tollefson regarding what
would affirm negligence and asked if she
could give an example. Tollefson advised
that she would have to look into this fur-
Discussion ensued regarding the alleged
sewer main break by Rosebud Concrete
and the bearing it may have on the sewer
back-up. Mayor Vetter again stated that
he is not aware of this happening. Should
this be confirmed, would it possible to re-
submit the claim back to Rosebud's in-
surance company. On the other hand, if
it was only that of a water main break, is
the insurance claim considered final.
Mr. Knutson stressed his frustration
again, questioning about the stake and
lathe found in the manhole. Has it been
determined who the stakes belong to
since they were determined to not be
from the Wood/Walden Ave. construction
Arthur also added his concerns relative
to the stakes and lathe being in the City's
sewer, questioning how the City is not li-
Joe Gittings, City's nsurance Agent, in-
formed the Council that during the
CWG's review of the claim, it was noted
that the City was not negligent based on
the fact that the stake and lathe did not
belong to the City as well as other factors
such as the cleaning and televising of the
sewer mains back in 2012.
Henrie then questioned Gittings as to
whether or not the insurance company's
decision can be appealed.
Mr. Gittings advised that the insurance
company has made their ruling that the
City is not liable and offered a good faith
settlement. The only thing that could
change this outcome is if legal action is
brought forth against the insurance com-
pany. Then it would be up to the court
system to determine liability--and then it
would only be F the court finds the City
liable that the insurance company would
negate their original decision.
Mr. Knutson questioned what their deci-
sion was based on as they did not send
an adjuster out to review the damages.
Mrs. Knutson also inquired about obtain-
ing a copy of the stake and lathe picture.
Mr. Gittings stated that CWG's decision
was based on the reports and pictures
submitted with the claim.
The Knutson's thanked the Mayor and
Council for listening to their concerns,
stating that they would prefer a more
compatible solution regarding the claim
that does not entail a lawsuit.
With nothing further, it was noted that Jeff
with SPN & Assoc. will review the field
notes regarding the potential sewer main
break and report back to the City. A copy
of the stake and lathe picture will also be
provided to the Knutsons.
Mayor, Council and those in attendance
thanked the Knutsons as they left the
meeting at this time.
Council went on to review correspon-
dence from the City's nsurance Provider,
Continental Western Group (CWG), re-
garding the Council's decision for the
cash settlement minus the deductibles
for the vehicle hail damages incurred
during the July 30, 2013, hail storm.
Since that time, CWG has issued notice
requesting the City sign off, removing
physical damage coverage on the vehi-
cles. n other words, since the City did
not repair the damages, CWG will only
offer liability coverage on the vehicles.
FO Van Lint advised that during her initial
correspondence with CWG representa-
tives, the result of no longer being able
to carry physical damage insurance on
the vehicles was not mentioned as a re-
sult of not having the vehicles repaired.
As it stands, if the City were to change
direction and repair some of the vehicles,
payment for the repairs will be issued
from the City and submitted to the insur-
ance company, proving that the repairs
were made.
Mr. Gittings informed the Council that
CWG's request is uncommon and he is
still in the process of appealing their di-
rective to remove physical damage cov-
erage from the vehicles. He confirmed
that the current coverage including that
of physical damage will be maintained
until the next renewal date which is Jan.
1, 2014, and would recommend the
Council table any action until more infor-
mation can be obtained.
Following review, motion was made by
Matt, seconded by Henrie to table any
action on CWG's request to remove
physical damage coverage from the City
vehicles included in the hail damage in-
surance payments until the next meeting.
Motion carried.
Council was also informed that payment
in the amount of $56,358.03 for the hail
damages on the City buildings from the
July 30th hail storm has been received.
Copies of the insurance claims outlining
the damages were received today and
reviewed briefly.
t was mentioned that those buildings
needing shingles and windows replaced
should be prioritized and considered for
repairs first.
Mayor Vetter recommended tabling any
action on the needed repairs until further
review can take place. He then asked FO
Van Lint to share the insurance building
location identification sheets. DFO Smith
is working on a spreadsheet to compile
a synopsis of the damages in reference
to the buildings for the Council's review.
No action was taken.
New Business:
US Hwy 14/SD Hwy 73 Drainage:
Jeff McCormick with SPN & Assoc. pre-
sented and reviewed the final draft of the
Hydraulic Study of the WPA Diversion
Dam located on Tracts A, B and C of
Sect. 13-1-20 in Philip, SD with the
McCormick stated that the report has
been updated to reflect Dale Morrison's
revised permit of April 03, 2013, which
proposes the construction of a 24 ft. wide
by 300 ft. long road to be constructed
through the storage area of the WPA di-
version dam. Morrison detailed in his ap-
plication that proposed fill amounts would
start at 8 to10 feet in depth at the west
end of the road, decrease to 3 to 5 feet
in depth in the middle of the road, and
maintain a fill depth of 3 to 5 feet until
ending on the east portion of the road.
He has also proposed an 18-inch culvert
underneath the fill to drain or utilize any
storage that may remain on the south
side of the proposed drive. Morrison's
permit application and diagram did not
provide an estimated amount of fill that
would be required for the proposed im-
SPN estimated that his proposed access
road would require approximately 1,500
cubic yards (CY) of fill across the basin
area. According to the study and on esti-
mates established based on Morrison's
ORDINANCE #2013-15
Be it ordained by the City of PhiIip, South Dakota that the foIIowing sums be and
hereby are appropriated to meet the obIigations of the municipaIity for fiscaI
year 2014.
411 Legislative (Pub./Const./ns.) ...............................$97,500.00
412 Executive.............................................................$18,175.00
413 Elections................................................................$1,350.00
414 Financial Adm. ...................................................$131,100.00
419 Public Works........................................................$42,075.00
Capital Building...................................................$11,150.00
TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT.................................$301,300.00
420 Police Department .............................................$172,300.00
422 Fire Department...................................................$12,440.00
423 Code Enforcement.................................................$1,450.00
TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY.................................................$186,190.00
431 Street Department .............................................$193,615.00
Street Lights .......................................................$20,000.00
Sidewalk/Trail Prj. ...............................................$64,600.00
Street mprov. 2nd Cent......................................$10,000.00 .........$ -
435 Airport ..................................................................$98,600.00
438 Rubble Site............................................................$5,200.00
TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS.................................................$392,015.00 .........$ -
441 West Nile Virus .........................................................$450.00
444 Dog Kennel ...............................................................$150.00
446 Ambulance.............................................................$2,500.00
TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE.............................................$3,100.00
451 Swimming Pool ....................................................$62,745.00
452 Parks/Recreation...................................................$4,750.00
455 Library....................................................................$1,200.00
TOTAL CULTURE & RECREATION..................................$68,695.00
460 Economic Development.........................................$5,325.00
TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOP. ..........................................$5,325.00
471 Principal ...............................................................$62,971.00
472 nterest.................................................................$46,029.00
TOTAL DEBT SERVICE...................................................$109,000.00
511 Operating Transfer............................................................................$ -
TOTAL OPER. TRANSFER OUT....................................................................$ -
Resolution #97-10 Street ....................................................$25,000.00
Resolution #97-20 Police......................................................$5,000.00
Resolution #01-09 Rubble Site.............................................$1,000.00
Resolution #04-08 Swimming Pool.......................................$5,000.00
Resolution #06-20 Capital Building Res. ................................$ -
Resolution #10-05 St. Rehab./Sidewalk ..........................$81,000.00
TOTAL CAP. OUTLAY ACCUM........................................$117,400.00
TOTAL APPROP. & ACCUM.........................................$1,182,625.00 ........ $ -
The foIIowing designates the fund or funds that money derived from the foIIow-
ing sources are appIied.
UNDESIGN. RETAINED EARNINGS ..................................$ -
DESIGN. FROM LAST YR. APPROP. ...............................$41,212.00
DESIGN. CASH - CAP. OUTLAY......................................$36,500.00
General Property Tax........................................................$384,089.00
All Prior Property Taxes ........................................................$2,500.00
Sales Tax ..........................................................................$400,000.00
Amusement Machine Tax ........................................................$300.00
Penalty & nterest - Del. Tax ....................................................$500.00
Licenses & Permits...............................................................$7,775.00
ntergovernmental Revenues ...........................................$160,122.00
Charges for Goods & Services ...........................................$27,000.00
Fines & Forfeitures ..................................................................$500.00
Miscellaneous Revenues....................................................$95,802.00
Airport Revenues................................................................$24,325.00
Sale of Fixed Assets .............................................................$1,000.00
nsurance Proceeds..............................................................$1,000.00
TOTAL OTHER SOURCES..................................................$2,000.00 ..........$ -
TOTAL MEANS OF FINANCE......................................$1,182,625.00 ..........$ -

Assigned Cash Cap. Outlay................................................$10,000.00
Estimated Water Revenues..............................................$259,100.00
TOTAL EST. WATER REVENUE .....................................$269,100.00
Water ................................................................................$233,945.00
RD Loan Principal Pay..........................................................$9,962.00
Capital Outlay Res. #98-09.................................................$25,000.00
Operating Transfer Out Cap. Project Const...........................$ -
TOTAL WATER APPROPRIATIONS ...............................$268,907.00
ESTIMATED WATER SURPLUS ............................................$193.00
Res. Cash Sewer Surcharge ...........................................$39,240.00
Assigned Cash Cap. Outlay................................................$63,000.00
Estimated Sewer Revenues..............................................$112,500.00
TOTAL EST. SEWER REVENUE.....................................$214,740.00
SRF Loan Principal.............................................................$19,040.00
Capital Outlay Res. #98-10.................................................$25,000.00
Operating Transfer Out Cap. Construction...........................$ -
TOTAL SEWER APPROPRIATIONS...............................$214,585.00
ESTIMATED SEWER SURPLUS............................................$155.00
Estimated Garbage Revenues ...........................................$70,420.00
TOTAL EST. GARBAGE REVENUE..................................$70,420.00
Garbage Contract ...............................................................$59,400.00
Capital Outlay Res. #01-09...................................................$4,000.00
TOTAL GARBAGE APPROPRIATION..............................$70,025.00
TOTAL EST. GARBAGE SURPLUS.......................................$395.00
TOTAL ENT. FUND REVENUE........................................$554,260.00
TOTAL ENT. FUND APPROP...........................................$553,517.00
TOTAL EST. ENTERPRISE SURPLUS ..................................$743.00
The Finance Officer is hereby directed and authorized to certify the following dollar
amount of tax levies in this Ordinance to the Haakon County Auditor.
Dated this 1st day of October, 2013.
/s/ Michael Vetter, Mayor
/s/Monna Van Lint, Finance Officer
Passed First Reading: September 09, 2013
Passed Second Reading: October 01, 2013
Yeas: 06 Nays: 00
[Published September 19 & October 10, 2013]
LcgaI Noticcs
0otober 10, 2013 Pioneer Review is

Pioneer Review is a IegaI newspaper for the City of PhiIip, Haakon County, Haakon SchooI Dist. 27-1, Town of MidIand, West River RuraI Water DeveIopment District.
proposed road construction, the 1,500
CY of fill will not exceed the 10-year
storm event retention basin, but would
only leave approximately 6 inches of
depth in the basin before overflowing the
top of the WPA dam.
The 25-year event would exceed the cur-
rent capacity of this area and would re-
sult in an overflow from the WPA dam
with a rate of approximately 29 csf.
McCormick reiterated that the report
does not take into account that even if
Morrison were allowed to build the ac-
cess road as originally proposed; it does
not take into account maintenance fill
that would ultimately be put into the basin
area to maintain and level the road over
time and use. He stated that the amount
of fill being proposed for the construction
will more than likely not mirror that
amount in the future as maintenance of
roads require additional fill.
McCormick advised that SPN & Assoc.'s
recommendation based on this study is
that the current easements held by the
SD Dept. of Transportation NOT be
abandoned and recommends that the
WPA dam and the North detention basin
be maintained as they currently exist.
Retention of the easements will be at the
discretion of the SD DOT.
Arthur stated that Morrison has ques-
tioned the possibility of removing the
trees from the basin area as a means to
provide more water retention area. Mc-
Cormick reported that the topography
considered the current size of the reten-
tion basis, omitting the trees. n turn, the
removal of the trees will not impact their
t was noted that a copy of the full report
will need to be submitted to the State as
it will be at their discretion if the water re-
tention easements can be abandoned
and if Morrison's access road is permis-
A motion was then made by Matt, sec-
onded by Gartner to approve the Hy-
draulic Study of the WPA Diversion Dam
and authorize SPN & Assoc. to submit
the report to the SD DOT on behalf of the
City. (A copy of the report is on file in the
Finance Office.) Motion carried with all
members voting aye.
Wood/Walden Ave. Utility and Street m-
prov. Project:
Mr. McCormick went on to update the
Council on the construction progress.
McCormick informed the Council that he
is still working with Rich Laber of Rose-
bud Concrete regarding their retaining
wall plans. He has some concerns with
their proposed design, more specifically
that it would be too heavy, which could
result in the wall sliding. n turn, he has
recommended a deeper foundation with
drilled piers as well as possibly pouring
a concrete wall in place of installing con-
crete blocks. t was noted that either a
poured wall or block wall would be satis-
factory, explaining that the original design
had called for a block retaining wall as
they are easier for contractor's to install.
n the case of Rosebud Concrete, they
have the means and resources to install
the poured concrete wall.
McCormick then questioned if the Mayor
and Council had any concerns relative to
changing the wall from block to poured
concrete. Mayor Vetter stated that as
long as the poured concrete wall will pro-
vide the same results, he has no con-
McCormick stressed that it is unfortunate
that Rosebud did not install the retaining
wall to the original design specifications,
but as Mr. Laber admitted during the
Sept. 9th special meeting, this was over-
looked. With that, he stated that the City
could request it be redone within the orig-
inally approved specifications, but this
would require removal and replacement
of a portion of the new asphalt, leaving a
seam. n his opinion, he would like to see
a compromise to the retaining wall de-
sign reached that will be as good, if not
better than the original design.
Chuck Allen question McCormick as to
the proposed wall, if it will be installed
vertically or sloped as well as the toe of
the retaining wall. McCormick stated that
the design has not been finalized, but it
will be installed vertically, stressing that
the size of the wall will remain the same
as it was originally designed.
McCormick informed the Council that he
would keep them apprised of the
progress of the retaining wall design and
asked for any questions or concerns re-
garding the project.
Arthur advised that there are cracks
around the concrete corners of the man-
holes as well as in the gutters. t was also
noted that the curb and gutter saw cuts
still need to be sealed.
McCormick noted that these items will be
looked into further. Following the retain-
ing wall installation, a walk thru of the
project area will be scheduled to identify
and list other areas that may need ad-
dressed prior to accepting the project.
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Gartner to approve Rosebud Concrete,
nc.'s Pay Request #06 in the amount of
$61,602.83 contingent upon receipt of all
appropriate paperwork required for the
funding agency's approval through the
SRF program, more specifically the pay-
rolls; and, authorize the Mayor's signa-
ture on the SRF Drawdown #6. For the
record, it was noted that $123,195.98 is
being held as retainage along with 190%
of the retaining wall costs. Motion carried
with all members voting aye.
E. Pine St./Wray Ave. Overlay Project:
McCormick advised the Council that the
project is substantially complete. The
item remaining to be completed is that of
the sealing of the concrete joints at the
intersection of Hone St. and Wray Ave.
McCormick went on to apprise the Coun-
cil of a miscommunication between J&J
Asphalt and the on-site engineer regard-
ing the concrete testing. t was noted that
SPN had confirmed with J&J that they
would do their own testing to save costs
for the City since they were already plan-
ning to be on-site during the time. At the
actual time of the concrete placement,
J&J had a company on-site to do the
testing so in turn, SPN decided to obtain
the results from J&J. Unfortunately, now
J&J is requesting reimbursement for the
testing expenses in the amount of
Matt stated in his opinion, that if the City's
engineers advised them that they would
do the testing for the City, why should the
City be responsible for their testing ex-
McCormick echoed Matt's thoughts and
stated that he is not in favor of covering
this expense since it was not authorized
by the City. n addition, he has confirmed
that the City's engineering budget does
not have sufficient funds to cover this ad-
ditional expense.
No action was taken on the concrete
testing expense request by J&J Asphalt.
Motion was then made by Matt, sec-
onded by Gartner to approve the Sub-
stantial Completion of the E. Pine and
Wray Avenue overlay project and author-
ized the Mayor's signature thereon. Mo-
tion carried. Substantial completion date
is Sept. 03, 2013. The one-year warranty
period will start from that date.
Motion was made by Harry, seconded by
Matt to approve J&J Asphalt's Pay Re-
quest #02 in the amount of $17,745.61.
Motion carried with all members voting
Mayor, Council and those in attendance
thanked McCormick as he left the meet-
ing at this time.
The project status update for the Land
Acquisition and Environmental Assess-
ment (LA/EA); and, both the project and
construction status updates for the
Medium ntensity Runway Lighting
(MRL) were not available at the time of
the meeting.
Council reviewed a request from the
City's Airport Engineer, Rod Senn, to se-
lect and approve SD DOT certified ap-
praisers in order to move forward with
the LA/EA project. t has been recom-
mended that the Council choose at least
three appraisers from the SD DOT's list-
ing, identifying them as their first, second
and third choice. t was noted that ap-
praisers tend to be busy and this will pro-
vide more options to coordinate
Following discussion, motion was then
made by Matt, seconded by Gartner to
approve the following appraisers for the
LA/EA project: #01 - John L. Haeder -
Rapid City, SD; #02 - Ken E. Simpson -
Simpson and Assoc., Rapid City, SD;
#03 - Hall-Widdos & Co. nc. - Spearfish,
SD. Motion carried with all members vot-
ing aye.
SD Hwy 73 Sidewalk & Lighting Upgrade
Council reviewed correspondence and
cost estimates from Paul Knosczynsky
with the SD DOT regarding the lighting
upgrade portion of the project. This up-
grade will be completed during the side-
walk project scheduled for 2015 at an
80/20 cost share between the State and
City respectively. n order to move for-
ward with the plans, the State is request-
ing the Council determine the type of
luminaries to be installed: light-emitting-
diode (LED) or high pressure sodium
(HPS) lighting.
t was noted that since the lighting por-
tion of the projects purpose is not solely
for lighting the sidewalk, but noted as
roadway lighting, the City's share is not
eligible for SD Dept. of Transportation Al-
ternative Program (TAP) funding.
The following quotes for the lighting were
reviewed: LED $158,813 with the City's
share being $46,912; and, HPS
$139,876 with the City's share being
$27,975. The LED lighting is estimated
to cost the City an additional upfront cost
of $18,937 compared to that of the HPS,
but it has been reported that the LED
bulbs last longer and utilize less energy,
which will save money in future.
By general consensus of the Council,
Arthur will visit with Joe Connot of West
Central Electric to gain further informa-
tion including a comparison between the
LED and HPS lights prior to the next
Council meeting.
FO Van Lint went on to advise the Coun-
cil that the State is pushing toward mak-
ing communities more proactive when it
comes to pedestrian safety. During one
of her many visits with Nancy Sur-
prenant, SD DOT TAP coordinator, she
stated that the City may want to consider
adopting a sidewalk installation ordi-
nance requirement for any new construc-
tion and/or development areas within the
She informed the Council that the City
currently requires the maintenance of
sidewalks that are already in place, but
that is the extent of sidewalk require-
ments. For instance, the City does not
have any sidewalk specifications as the
depth, width or materials utilized.
She then inquired with the Council, as to
their opinion on implementing an ordi-
nance requiring the installation of side-
walks on properties with new
construction while grandfathering in the
existing properties with or without side-
walks. At this time, minimal research has
been completed on sidewalk regulations,
but if the Council is interested, more in-
formation will be gathered for review and
Arthur questioned about requiring side-
walks on a property even though the ad-
joining properties do not have a
sidewalk. Larson stated that she is in
favor of a sidewalk requirement ordi-
nance, noting that over time, sidewalks
will join together as building continues
throughout the community.
Matt also mentioned that an ordinance
such as discussed would be beneficial
now as well as in the past for the safety
of the community. For instance, a side-
walk along all of N. Wood Ave.
By general consensus, the Finance Of-
fice will gather more information on side-
walk ordinances, more specifically those
that would provide safety benefits to the
Philip Trails Project:
Council reviewed the status of Phase 1.1
of the project along with the draft SD
DOT TAP agreement for the project.
FO Van Lint reported that in visiting with
Nancy Surprenant with the TAP office,
the scope of work involving the engineer-
ing survey and design will be completed
prior to year end. n turn, expenses for
these services will be incurred with the
City's portion being estimated at $2,500.
For the record, a supplement to cover
these unanticipated expenses will have
to be approved. Council member Larson
stated that she felt that the Chamber of
Commerce would be willing to reimburse
the City for the anticipated cash required
if requested by the City.
Motion was made by Larson, seconded
by Henrie to approve the SD DOT Draft
TAP agreement as presented and au-
thorized the Mayor's signature on the
final agreement once it is received. Mo-
tion carried.
Motion was then made by Harry, sec-
onded by Larson to authorize the
Mayor's review, approval and signature
on the scope of work for Phase 1.1 proj-
ect work trails project when it is received
from the DOT. Motion carried. (A pro-
posed scope of work was presented and
reviewed at this meeting.)
Mayor Vetter then presented a plat that
has been presented by Dakota Mill &
Grain (DMG) for approval at tonight's
meeting. This is for that area on the
south side of the railroad tracks and is as
follows: Dakota Mill & Grain Lot 1, being
a replat of Railroad Right of Way, Mobile
Outlot No. 1, Lot 2, and unplatted parcels
lying in the NE Section 23, T1N, R20E,
BHM; and, Dakota Mill & Grain Lots 2 &
3, being a replat of Lot 1 Conagra Subdi-
vision, Outlot "A and Lot 1, Lots 1 and 2,
a portion of Outlot B, an unplatted parcel
and Railroad Right of Way, lying in the
NW, Section 24, T1N, R20E, BHM,
City of Philip, Haakon County, South
t was reported that a similar plat was
presented by DMG and approved by the
City Council on Nov. 5, 2012. The current
plat presented has changed from the
previous plat with the addition of Lot 3 as
well as the layout of Park Ave. and W.
Cherry St.
Council reviewed correspondence from
the City's Engineer, Harlan Quenzer with
SPN & Assoc., regarding his opinion on
the plat as presented. Mr. Quenzer's had
voiced concern about platting a portion
of the section line right-of-way (ROW), lo-
cated south of the railroad tracks in por-
tions of Lot 1 and Lot 3. t was
questioned if DMG was intending to va-
cate this portion of section line through
the adoption of this plat and how they
planned to preserve the utility services
located in this ROW.
According to correspondence with Bart
Banks, DMG General Counsel, DMG is
not intending to vacate this portion of
section line. t was reported that the plat
does in fact, identify the area as a section
line and reserves the section line ROW.
n addition, they will be reserving the
area to accommodate the utility services
located there.
Arthur questioned City Attorney Tollefson
as to the legality of platting section lines.
Tollefson advised that she would review
this further, but noted that a plat holds
bearing if the section line is ever vacated.
Following review, motion was made by
Matt, seconded by Henrie to approve the
plat of Dakota Mill & Grain Lots 1, 2, and
3 as detailed above and authorize signa-
tures thereon contingent upon City Attor-
ney Tollefson's legal review regarding the
platting of the section line ROW. Motion
carried with all members voting aye.
For the record, plat of Lot 1, Railroad
First Addition, located in the NE of Sec-
tion 23, and NW of Section 24, T1N,
R20E, BHM, City of Philip, Haakon
County, South Dakota, approved on Nov.
5, 2012, has also been submitted by
DM&G for signatures.
Council reviewed the updated plans for
Midwest Cooperatives construction site,
paving and utility plans for their proposed
fertilizer plant expansion. t was noted
that the updated plans correlate with the
Council's previous requests and sugges-
tions regarding the water line, hydrant,
street location, and storm sewer inlets.
Arthur questioned what their plans are
for the open basement, while Gartner
voiced concern about the gate on the
north side of the east crossing not being
locked in place. t was noted that both of
these items are of concern for the safety
of the community.
DFO Smith was directed to contact Jay
Baxter at Midwest Cooperatives regard-
ing both of these items.
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Gartner to approve hiring O'Connell Con-
struction, nc. to level the rubble site pit.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Arthur to formally approve a one-time
contract with Walker Refuse for a roll-off
dumpster at the rubble site for construc-
tion materials not permitted through the
City's DENR license. Motion carried.
Matt recommended the City review the
rubble site rates prior to adopting the
2014 rates in January in order to ensure
that the City's rubble site revenue is cov-
ering the expenses of the roll-off dump-
Council reviewed the following
Building/Flood Plain Development Per-
mits: Ray Gibson for Tom Foley - side-
walk replacement at 106 N. Stewart Ave.
& overlay sidewalk at 102 N. Stewart
Ave.; Grossenburg mp. - concrete pad.
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Arthur to approve the permits as pre-
sented above. Motion carried.
Council was informed that nuisance vio-
lation mowing expenses have been cer-
tified to the County for parcel #8896.
Departmental Reports:
The quarterly Police Dept. report was re-
viewed with Chief Graham.
The monthly Street Dept. report was re-
Motion was made by Harry, seconded by
Gartner to approve the surplus and sale
of the 1986 nt'l Dump Truck purchased
in Aug. 2011 for $3,700.00 at the PLA
Machinery Auction in May 2014. Motion
Larson inquired again about the City's
maintenance schedule for street repairs.
She noted that she is not on the Street
Committee, but would like some idea on
how the maintenance schedule is deter-
mined and followed.
t was suggested that the Council survey
their respective wards and make sugges-
tions to the Street Committee who in
turn, could develop a punch list of those
items needing attention. This could then
be reviewed with PWD Reckling.
Arthur noted that the Street Committee
has reviewed different ideas relating to
the repair of potholes such as that of ob-
taining hot mix. He also stated that the
barrier west of the intersection of Hone
St. and Auto Ave. is broken and needs
repaired. n visiting with PWD Reckling,
he noted that the damages are more
than likely a result of the City piling snow
up against the barricade.
Chief Graham advised that it is not only
the City piling snow against the barri-
cade, but also that of private individuals
that live in this area.
By general consensus, the Street Com-
mittee will review the Council's recom-
mendations and make a punch list of the
items that need to be addressed. They
will then share this information with PWD
The monthly Water Dept. report was re-
viewed. The water loss for the month of
September was reported at 14.99%.
Council reviewed a quote from HD Sup-
ply Waterworks for updated autoread
software for the City's Sensus meter
reader in the amount of $2,600. t was
noted that this interface software is uti-
lized between the hand-held meter
reader and the utility billing program. The
current software is only compatible with
Windows versions 2003 and older. With
the new utility billing computer having
Windows 7, the upgrade is needed in
order for the meter reader to interface
with the utility billing software properly.
t was also noted that this upgrade would
be covered if the City carried Sensus' an-
nual support which is $1,900. The City
does not utilize enough support in order
to justify this expense. n other words,
the $2,600 software upgrade is still
cheaper than paying the annual support
cost over the years.
FO Van Lint advised the Council that this
expense was not anticipated or appropri-
ated for in 2013. f the upgrade is ap-
proved, she would ask the Council to
approve expensing this cost between the
water and sewer fund assigned cash.
The water fund currently has $67,863
while the sewer fund has $115,400 avail-
able for purchases such as the software
Following review, motion was made by
Matt, seconded by Harry to approve the
purchase of the autoread software up-
grade to Windows 7 for the Sensus
Handheld Meter Reading program in the
amount of $2,600. n addition, FO Van
Lint was authorized to utilize water and
sewer fund assigned cash to cover this
expense. Motion carried.
PubIic Comments: None
In Other Business:
Council Member Arthur invited everyone
to attend the West Central Electric's An-
nual meeting on Oct. 2, 2013, at 4:30
p.m. in Kadoka, SD.
The West River/Lyman Jones Rural
Water Systems Annual Meeting is Oct. 9,
2013, in Wall, SD.
FO Van Lint & DFO Smith will be gone to
the SDML Annual Conference, Oct. 8-11,
2013, in Aberdeen. The Finance Office
will be closed on Oct. 10, 2013, as Pear-
son will be reading meters on said date.
Safety Benefits Annual Safety and Loss
Control training is Nov. 20-21, 2013, in
The next regular Council Meeting will be
held on Monday, November 4th, 2013, at
7:00 p.m. in the Community Rm.
With no further business to come before
the Council, Mayor Vetter declared the
meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
/s/ Michael Vetter, Mayor
/s/ Brittany Smith
Deputy Finance Officer
[Published October 10, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $596.18]
Proceedings of the
Town of MidIand
September 27, 2013
The Town Board of the Town of Midland
met on Friday, September 27, 2013, at
7:00 PM in the Town Hall with the follow-
ing members present: Diana Baeza,
Jared Fosheim, Finance Officer Michelle
Meinzer and Utilities Operator Lawrence
Absent: Rock Gillaspie
The purpose of this meeting was to hold
the second reading for Ordinance #144
relating to disturbance of the peace, set
the tax levy for 2013 and have Utility Op-
erator's report.
A motion was made by Fosheim, second
by Baeza to increase the tax levy. This
amount was increased by using the
growth in the Town of Midland and the
CP. The General Fund request will be
$16,867.65 and the Fire Protection levy
will be $500.00. Total levy $17,367.65.
The Board had the second reading of Or-
dinance #144. All board members moved
to adopt Ordinance #144 entitled Disturb-
ing the Peace.
Utilities Operator gave his report. Oper-
ator has been exercising water valves
and would like to check into getting a
portable generator.
Tonight was the last night of the Midland
Market which has been held at the Town
Park. The Board would like to thank all
those involved for making it a success.
There being no further business to come
before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
Diana Baeza, President
Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer
[Published October 10, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $17.87]
oontinued from
City Counoil
Legals oontinued on
FOR SALE: 2008 Ford Edgc
SEL, 84,000 nilcs, wIiic,
$9,500. Call 530-1141, days, or
859-3023, cvcnings. P42-ifn
clocl iicl & cIinc again? I rc-
air cucloo, nanicl clocls. Fca-
sonally riccd. Call 381-9812,
Kadola. PF7-2i
lunling coniracior for all your
indoor lunling and ouidoor
waicr and scwcr jols call Dalc
KocIn, 441-1053, or lcavc a
ncssagc ai 837-0112. K44-4i
Eic. 175 S. Ccnicr Avc., PIili.
Crcai fanily lusincss, 1 ycar in
ncwly rcnodclcd luilding, lois of
ossililiiics for cansion. Con-
iaci Kin or Viclic, 859-2365.
CRETE will do all your concrcic
consiruciion jols. Call us and
wc will givc you a quoic. Officc,
837-2621, FicI's ccll, 431-2226,
ioll frcc, 877-867-4185. K25-ifn
Sccializing in conirolling
Canada iIisilc on rangcland.
ATV alicaiion. Also rairic
dogs. Call Dill ai 669-2298.
INC., PHILIP: Focl, Sand,
Cravcl (scrccncd or crusIcd}. Wc
can dclivcr. Dans, dugouis,
luilding siics. Our 38iI ycar.
Clcnn or Tracc, 859-2020.
For all your rural waicr Iool-
us, waicrlinc and ianl insialla-
iion and any lind of laclIoc
worl, call Jon Joncs, 843-2888,
Midland. PF20-52i
will do all iycs of ircncIing,
diicIing and dircciional loring
worl. Scc Craig, Diana, Saunicc
or Hcidi Collcr, Kadola, SD, or
call 837-2690. Craig ccll. 390-
8087, Saunicc ccll. 390-8604;
wrcgwic.nci K50-ifn
FOR SALE: Hcns and ullcis.
Call 859-2129. P43-2i
FOR SALE: 2nd cuiiing alfalfa
Iay, $130/ion. Hylrid carl nil-
lci Iay, $70/ion. All lig round
lalcs. Fccd analysis availallc.
Locaicd ai Milcsvillc. Call 544-
3275. P43-2i
FOR SALE: (7} Vcrn's dcc 16'
fccd lunls, lilc ncw. ALSO; 900'
windlrcal. (320} 226-1038.
ACADEMY offcring 80-Iour CDL
class for drivcrs wiiI ccricncc.
$2,135, funding nay lc availallc,
jol guaranicc if acccicd for class.
1-866-308-7755 Yanlion,SD.
ocraiors, frcigIi fron Midwcsi
u io 48 siaics, Ionc rcgularly,
ncwcr cquincni, HcaliI, 401K,
call Fandy, A&A Ercss, 800-
$19.99/noniI (for 12 nos.} &
HigI Sccd Inicrnci siariing ai
$14.95/noniI (wIcrc availallc.}
SAVE! Asl Aloui SAME DAY In-
siallaiion! CALL Now! 1-800-308-
siaicwidc for only $150.00. Pui
iIc SouiI Daloia Siaicwidc Clas-
sificds Nciworl io worl for you
ioday! (25 words for $150. EacI
addiiional word $5.} Call iIis
ncwsacr or 800-658-3697 for
ANTLEFS WANTED u io 7.00 ll.
Dccr , Ell/noosc 7.50 ll.
DlcacIcd 3.00 ll. craclcd 1.00 ll.
Also nccd Porcuincs, Fai-
ilcsnalcs, Ell Ivorics ,Mi. Lion
slins. Morc info; 605-673-4345 /
Wc Iavc lowcrcd iIc ricc & will
considcr coniraci for dccd. Call
Fusscll Said 605-280-1067.
day, Novcnlcr 2, fron 9an-5n,
Sunday, Novcnlcr 3, fron 9an-
3n. For norc infornaiion call
Did you undcrgo iransvaginal
laccncni of ncsI for clvic
organ rolasc or sircss urinary
inconiincncc lciwccn 2005 and
iIc rcscni? If iIc ncsI causcd
conlicaiions, you nay lc cnii-
ilcd io concnsaiion. Call CIarlcs
H. JoInson Law and scal wiiI
fcnalc siaff ncnlcrs 1-800-535-
rcrcscniing Coldcn Eaglc Log
Honcs, luilding in casicrn, ccn-
iral, noriIwcsicrn SouiI & NoriI
Daloia. Scoii Conncll, 605-530-
2672, Craig Conncll, 605-264-
5650, www.goldcncaglclog
Busincss & ProIcssionol
K0NA|| f. MANN, ||8
FamiIy Dentistry
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs. - Friday
8:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 5:00
859-2491 Philip, SD
104 Philip Ave. South of Philip Chiropractic
LAND AUCTION. 428+/- acrcs,
WalworiI Couniy, Croland,
Fccrcaiional, Invcsincni, 6 nilcs
wcsi of Dowdlc, SD ai iIc junciion
of Hwy 12 and Hwy 47, Ociolcr
30iI, 2013. Call Daloia Procr-
iics, Todd ScIucizlc, Auciionccr,
605-280-3115, www. DaloiaPro-
noncy for CIrisinas. 40% dis-
couni/connission - $10 io siari
Call 605-334-0525.
iivc CDFI in Fi. TIonson, SD
sccls a qualificd Eccuiivc Dircc-
ior. For norc infornaiion, call
605-245-2148 or cnail. scarcI-
Cusicr Clinic, Hoi Srings Fc-
gional Mcdical Clinic and Cusicr
Fcgional Scnior Carc Iavc full-
iinc, ari-iinc and PFN (as-
nccdcd} FN, LPN, Liccnscd
Mcdical Assisiani and Nursc Aidc
osiiions availallc. Wc offcr con-
ciiiivc ay and cccllcni lcncfiis.
Ncw Craduaics wclconc! Plcasc
coniaci Hunan Fcsourccs ai
(605} 673-9418 for norc inforna-
iion or log onio www.rcgional-
IcaliI.con io aly.
Complete Auto Body Repairing
Glass nstallation Painting Sandblasting
ToII-Free: 1-800-900-2339
Pee Wee & Toby Hook
859-2337 PhiIip, SD
oontinued on
0otober 10, 2013 Pioneer Review i4
ADVERTISE IN NEVSPAPERS statcwidc for onIy Put thc South Dakota Statcwidc CIassificds
Nctwork to work for you today! (ea words for siac.
Each additionaI word sa.) CaII this ncwspapcr,
cca-sao-eaic, or scc-cas-sco! for dctaiIs.
CLASSIFIED RATE: $6.60 nininun for firsi 20 words; 10 cr word iIcrcaficr; includcd in iIc Poncc Hcucu, tIc Pot, TIc Pcnnngton Co. Couunt, as wcll as on our wclsiic. www.ionccr-rcvicw.con.
CARD OF THANKS: Pocns, Triluics, Eic. . $6.00 nininun for firsi 20 words; 10 cr word iIcrcaficr. EacI nanc and iniiial nusi lc counicd scaraicly. Includcd in iIc Poncc Hcucu and tIc Pot.
BOLD FACE LOCALS: $8.00 nininun for firsi 20 words; 10 cr word iIcrcaficr. EacI nanc and iniiial nusi lc counicd scaraicly. Prinicd only in iIc Poncc Hcucu.
NOTE: $2.00 addcd cIargc for loollccing and lilling on all cIargcs.
DISPLAY AD RATE: $8.00 cr colunn incI, includcd in iIc Poncc Hcucu and tIc Pot. $5.55 cr colunn incI for iIc Poncc Hcucu only.
PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All rcal csiaic advcriiscd in iIis ncwsacr is suljcci io iIc Fcdcral Fair Housing Aci of 1968, wIicI nalcs ii illcgal io advcriisc any rcfcrcncc, or discrininaiion on racc, color, rcligion, sc, or naiional origin, or any inicniion io nalc
any sucI rcfcrcncc, liniiaiion, or discrininaiion." TIis ncwsacr will noi lnowingly accci any advcriising for rcal csiaic wIicI is a violaiion of iIc law. Our rcadcrs arc inforncd iIai all dwcllings advcriiscd in iIis ncwsacr arc
availallc on an cqual ooriuniiy lasis.
FOR SALE; Pcas & oai Iay. Call
Milc ai 685-3068. P37-ifn
WANTED: Hay, siraw or sialls
io ui u on sIarcs or urcIasc
in ficld or windrow. Call Jocl
Dccring, 381-0885 or 993-3151.
12-ly, 235/85/16F. $160,
nounicd. Lcs' Dody SIo, 859-
2744, PIili. P40-ifn
MAGE SALE: Oci. 12, 9-1,
PbIIIp FIre HaII. Cirls' sizc 0-5T,
woncn's M-XL, ioys, sirollcr,
louncy scai & ioy lar, car scais,
lids' sIocs/snow loois.P44-1ic
RUMMAGE SALE: K-gcc's Dldg.,
nain si., PbIIIp. Oci. 11, 4-7
n; Oci. 12, 9-11 an. Mcn's,
woncn's cloiIing, loys' 3T-4T
cloiIing, girls' cloiIing, various
sizcs, Hallowccn dccoraiions
and cosiuncs, IouscIold iicns,
conuicr dcsl, ioys, nisc.,
nucI nucI norc. Vc u Ic
uuIng n TuIc Stcs to Ic
Hcud ut Soux Fus n Junc
2Ul4 o CoIns/Cotcs. A o-
cccds on tIc suc gocs to tIc
CoIns/Cotcs Founduton.
HOME. Will nalc cccllcni larn
or Iousc cais. Call 605-685-
5327 for norc info. P44-2ic
accciing alicaiions for full-
iinc cnloyncni wiiI iIc
Couniy HigIway Dcarincni.
Alicaiions and rcsunc will lc
rcccivcd ai iIc Joncs Couniy
Audiior's officc, P.O. Do 307,
Murdo, SD 57559 uniil Friday,
Novcnlcr 1, 2013 ai 5 .n.
CDST. Alicaiions nusi lc
iclcd u ai iIc Couniy Audi-
ior's officc, 310 Main Sircci,
Murdo, SD, or iIc Joncs Couniy
HigIway SIo, 311 N. Main
Sircci, Murdo, SD. Plcasc siaic
valid SouiI Daloia drivcr's li-
ccnsc nunlcr and C.D.L. siaius
on alicaiion. For furiIcr infor-
naiion, call 669-7102 (Couniy
sIcd}, 530-3355 (HigIway Su-
crinicndcni ccll} or 669-7100
(Couniy Audiior's officc}. Joncs
Couniy is an cqual ooriuniiy
cnloycr. M44-3ic
LOOKING FOR: Financc Man-
agcr & Salcs Pcrson. Coniaci
Coli ai PIili Moior, 859-2585
or 685-4314. P43-ifn
Pari-iinc/full-iinc CNA osi-
iions. Dcncfiis availallc. Coniaci
Hcidi or Fuly ai 837-2270,
Kadola. K41-ifn
and Wcdncsday nornings (3-4
Iours cacI day}. Will irain iIc
rigIi crson. Call Dcau Favcl-
lciic, 859-2516, for norc dciails.
HELP WANTED: Cools, counicr
crsonncl, waii siaff osiiion(s}
arc availallc for Aw! SIucls
Cafc ocning soon ai 909 Main
Sircci in Kadola. Plcasc aly
wiiIin or coniaci Tcrcsa or
Colly SIucl for norc inforna-
iion. 837-2076. K33-ifn
IN WALL Ias osiiions ocn for
Iousclccing and laundry. Sio
in io aly or call JoscI ai 279-
2127 or 808-284-1865.
HELP WANTED: Salcs crson io
scll iIc Iisioric Dlacl Hills Cold
jcwclry, in Wall. Mcci iravclcrs
fron all ovcr iIc world. Salary +
connission. Call Connic ai 279-
2354 or 939-6443, or fa rc-
sunc io 279-2314. PW24-ifn
nual vcgciallcs or flowcr sccds
for nci growing scason? I an
ordcring sccds now. Call 859-
2057 or 515-0675, Cary's
CrccnIousc. P44-3ic
FOR SALE: Foc Iorsc Ialicrs
wiiI 10' lcad roc, $15 cacI.
Call 685-3317 or 837-2917.
FOR SALE: 2004 Flcciwood
CIcycnnc o-u cancr in
good sIac. Furnacc, awning,
sarc iirc, Ioi waicr Icaicr,
sIowcr, frig and largc froni sior-
agc lo. Siorcd insidc off sca-
son. Call 279-2195 or 441-7049,
Wall, anyiinc. WP4-ifn
FRIENDS! Ii's noi ioo carly io lc
coniling your CIrisinas or
cnd-of-iIc-ycar lciicr! You wriic
ii, cnail ii io us (adsionccr-
rcvicw.con} and wc will rini ii
on lcauiiful Ioliday siaiionary.
Wc can cvcn ui your full color
fanily iciurc wiiI iIc lciicr. Lci
us Icl you nalc iIc Ioliday
scason sccial (and casicr} iIis
ycar. Favcllciic Pullicaiions,
Inc. PIili Officc. 859-2516;
Wall Officc. 279-2565; Kadola
Officc. 837-2259; FaiiI Officc.
967-2161; Dison Officc. 244-
7199; Murdo Officc. 669-2271;
Ncw Undcrwood Officc. 754-
6466. P41-ifn
nacIincry and junl cars for
crusIing. 433-5443. P36-12i
FOR SALE: Singlc lcdroon
Iousc, 2624, wiiI 68 orcI.
Cood for dwclling, worlsIo,
sioragc. Call 859-2057 or 515-
0675. P44-3ic
FOR SALE: Nicc iIrcc lcdroon
Ionc w/finisIcd lascncni, iwo
laiIs, singlc car aiiacIcd
garagc and covcrcd lacl dccl.
All najor alianccs includcd.
514 Honc Si., PIili, SD. Con-
iaci Kii CraIan ai 859-2325 or
515-3926. PF6-ifn
FOR SALE: 160 acrcs wiiI rural
waicr. Call 515-1253. PW41-3ic
Aro. 1200 sq. fi., 3 lcd-
roons, 1.75 laiIs, dciacIcd 2-
car garagc, fcnccd yard. $50,000
ODO. Coniaci Erin or Milc, 840-
2257. P40-4ic
FOR RENT: 2-1/2 lcdroon
Iousc, 2 siall dciacIcd garagc
(good worlsIo}. Availallc No-
vcnlcr 1. Call Ton Folcy, 859-
2975 or (ccll} 685-8856.
APARTMENTS: Sacious onc
lcdroon uniis, all uiiliiics in-
cludcd. Young or old. Nccd
rcnial assisiancc or noi, wc can
Iousc you. Jusi call 1-800-481-
6904 or sio in iIc lolly and
icl u an alicaiion. Caicway
Aarincnis, Kadola. WP32-ifn
PLEASE READ your classificd
ad iIc firsi wccl ii runs. If you
scc an crror, wc will gladly rc-
run your ad corrccily. Wc accci
rcsonsililiiy for iIc firsi incor-
rcci inscriion only. Favcllciic
Pullicaiions, Inc. rcqucsis all
classificds and cards of iIanls
lc aid for wIcn ordcrcd. A
$2.00 lilling cIargc will lc
addcd if ad is noi aid ai iIc
iinc iIc ordcr is laccd. A
Ionc nunIcs uc utI un ucu
codc o bU5, uncss otIcusc n-
TIc un o Stuut Vson
usIcs to tIunI D. Koc und
tIc nusng stu ut tIc PI
Iostu o tIc cuc o Stuut n
Is nu dus. Sccu tIunIs go
out to Ton HIodcs und SIc
Dcnns o ou tnc, und uso
tIunIs to u cnds und cu-
tucs o tIc condocnccs.
VcI Vson
Hcugun Tc Ison
Vud, Jcnnc, Vctou,
Anundu Houcn Vson
Hud, HIondu, Hud, Dunc
Aon DcscIun
Kucn Lu Sc
Stcucn Dunu Vson
TIunI ou o ou Indncss,
cuds, oucs, und Ionc cus
utc HctI Oson Long`s ussng.
A sccu tIunI ou to Hctt und
Tunn Pung, KctI und Nonu
Pung, und DcI Onc o tIc
ood. It uus gcut uccutcd.
TIunI ou to Pusto Hu und
HusI Funcu Honc o ou con-
HoI Long
Hu (Eunc) Oson
SIu (Zunc) PcttoIn
Jcnnc Augustu McMn
Vc uoud Ic to cxcss ou
guttudc und tIunIuncss to
ALL tIosc nduduus uIo
Iccd utc Fcd`s uccdcnt.
TIunIs to Scott Ftzgcud o
ndng Fcd. TIunIs to tIc Md-
und Fc Dct. und AnIuuncc
und D. Koc und Is gcut
stu ut PI Iostu! TIunI
ou to ALL tIc doctos und
nuscs u n HCHH o u ou
gcut cuc! TIunI ou to SIuon
H., Tccsu C., H D., und tIc
Ton TusI un tIut oudcd
goodcs und uutc o us ut tIc
Iostu! TIc ucc gcut u-
TIunI ou to Pusto KutI,
Kcn und Kucn Tocus und Pus-
to Vcstcund o ou usts und
uc suot. TIunI ou to
ALL tIosc uc uuos, uc
coud not Iuuc nudc t tIougI
tIs utIout ou uc su-
TIunI ou to ou ncgIIos
uIo Iccd und occd tIc
Ic dung ou tnc o nccd. Vc
uoud Ic to su tIunI ou to
SuuI und Joc Kcnncd und
Cug Andcson o Iccng tIc
uncI gong o us! A uc sccu
tIunI ou to Ku Found o u
ou Ic und suot und u
ucc to stu dung Fcd`s stu
u n tIc Iostu.
Vc tIunI God o ALL o ou
und usI Hs Icssng on ou.
MuI, Kucn Fcd Found
I uoud Ic to tIunI n un-
, Muun und VcI Edc, Tcuo
und CIstu, Hudcn, Kcugun,
CoI, Jcnscn, Huc und Aucn
FtcI, Cuu Edc, Kc und Tuc-
gcn, MIc Hudcston, und tIc
Ic o Htu Hunsc, uIo Iud
tIc ocn Iousc on SctcnIc
2StI o n SUtI ItIdu. It uus
I uso uunt to tIunI cuconc
uIo scnt tIc Icuutu oucs,
gts, cuds, tIc nun ncssugcs
I Ionc und tIosc uIo tuuccd
ncu und u ong dstuncc to Ic
f0ll1lM0 F08lll0 00
Web & Sheetfed Press Operation
seeking full-time help. Willing to train.
* * * *
CaII Don or Beau: 859-2516
or pick up an appIication at the
Pioneer Review in PhiIip
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Excavation work of
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Philip, S
Ordinance No. 5.0212 Entitled Disturbing
the Peace, an ordinance of the Town of
Midland, SD, amending the Revised Mu-
nicipal Ordinances of the Town of Mid-
land, by Amending Title 5, Chapter
5.02Animals, with the addition of
5.0212 Disturbing the Peace.
t shall be unlawful for any per-
son to keep any animal, which
by causing frequent loud or
long continuous or unusual
noise(s) during any time of the
night or day shall disturb the
quiet or comfort or repose of
any person(s) of the vicinity.
Upon a signed complaint at
the City Finance Office that
any person is keeping or har-
boring any animal which dis-
turbs the peace as set forth in
this section, it shall be the duty
of the Haakon County Sheriff
or any other South Dakota cer-
tified law officer to notify the
owner of such complaint. After
the animal owner/keeper has
been given forty-eight (48)
hours' notice of such com-
plaint being filed concerning
the animal, and the animal is
still disturbing the peace, a fine
of twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
shall be imposed against the
owner/keeper of the animal.
Such fine shall be imposed per
complaint/incident filed pro-
vided complaint is not for the
same period.
Adopted this 27 day of
September, 2013.
First Reading:
September 10, 2013
Second Reading and Adop-
tion: September 27, 2013
Publication Date:
October 10, 2013
Effective Date:
October 23, 2013
Diana Baeza, President
Michelle Meinzer, Finance Officer
[Published October 10, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $41.52]
oontinued from 13
oontinued from 14
tIcc. TIc u nudc n du sc-
TIc Icuutu cuIcs und tIc
dccoutons u donc n tIc u
coos ucc so ctt. It coudn`t
Iuuc Iccn u ncc ItIdu ut.
Louc ou u,
Mu Edc
Vods cunnot cxcss Iou
gutcu uc uc o ou cuds o
Icutct snutI, uods o
conot, uondcu ood, usts,
Ionc cus und undon ucts o
Indncss tIougIout tIs tnc o
Vc cunnot su tIunI ou
cnougI to ct ou Inou Iou
nucI uc uccutc tIc gcut
coc und uondcu connun-
tcs n uIcI uc uc. TIunI ou!!
TIc un o
Vundu HoconI
Vc usI to tIunI u tIc un-
, cnds und ucquuntunccs
uIo scnt cuds o congutuu-
tons on ou bU cus o nu-
ugc. It uus u IunIng
cxccncc on so nun
tIougItu coc.
Just cncnIc, gIt utc ou
su I do ou nncdutc
cIungc t to cs, dcu.
Vcn Cuo Found
(contInued Ivom 5)
Tony Hnrfy hoodod fho wonfhor
forcnsf nnd uf hIs mowIng oquI-
monf nwny Thursdny boforo If
sfnrfod srInkIIng.
IrIdny wo woro goffIng rnIn,
nround l.5 In fho mornIng, nnd
comIng down durIng fho dny. IIII
mndo cnrds In IhIII, buf fho
ronds woro goffIng n bIf nnsfy nnd
vIsIbIIIfy wns goffIng bnd whon ho
cnmo homo. Snow nnd wInd nro
nof n good combInnfIon. A cnII
from grnndson Znck Songor onrIy
IrIdny ovonIng snyIng fhoy woro
ouf of owor nnd ho wns homo
nIono wIfh fhroo-monfh-oId
!nIdon, fhroo nnd n hnIf-yonr-oId
!ydor, fwo dogs nnd n cnf. CorI
hnd usod fho four-whooI drIvo
Icku fo gof fo work nf fho hosI-
fnI nnd nobody wns IonvIng, so If
wns n doubIo shIff fo work. Tho
wnfor wns workIng, hof wnfor
honfor Is gns so fhnf wns good nnd
fho grIII wns uf fo good uso, fhoy
woro goffIng nIong woII, buf Infor
Snfurdny CorI wnIkod nII fho wny
homo from fho hosIfnI. Thnf`s gof
fo bo nbouf fwo mIIos nnd In doo
snow wIfh wInd, If wns no IcnIc.
Ioy, wIII sho hnvo sforIos fo foII
fho boys whon fhoy gof oIdor!
ThoIr owor wns rosforod Sundny
Snndoo CIffIngs wrofo, Won-
dorfuI moIsfuro! Abouf 2.5 of rnIn
foII boforo fho snow IrIdny nnd
Snfurdny. Wndo McCrudor nnd
JossIcn CIffIngs woro nf fho
Coorgo CIffIngs' homo Sundny
mornIng nffor JossIcn gof off work.
Wndo hoIod Coorgo wIfh cnffIo
mosf of fho dny. Thoy hnd Iunch
boforo JossIcn hnd fo go bnck fo
work Sundny ovonIng.
In fho SfrugIs nron IrIdny, fhoy
hnd snow nII dny nnd by nIghf hnd
fho wInd bIowIng fuII forco. Cnfhy
IIodIor roorfod fhoy Iosf owor
nbouf 8:45 fhnf nIghf unfII 2:45
Snfurdny nffornoon. SfurgIs hnd
26 fo 30 Inchos of snow wIfh nn
Inch of rnIn boforo fho snow. !ofs
of dnmngo fo froos nnd sovornI
buIIdIngs fhroughouf fho cIfy.
oIfhor Cnfhy or !nIh hnd fo
work, so jusf sfnyod uf nnd
wnIfod ouf fho sform. Tho IrIc
Hnnson fnmIIy dId okny nnd fho
on KIumb fnmIIy nro sfIII ouf of
owor sInco IrIdny mornIng.
Cnfhy wrofo, Wo know fhnf fhIs
hIf ovoryono hnrd fhroughouf
wosforn Soufh nkofn. Wo hoo
ovoryono Is snfo nnd by fho fImo
fhoy rond fhIs ovoryono hns fhoIr
owor bnck nnd fooIIng IIko IIfo
mny gof bnck fo normnI.
VI Moody snId sho Is gInd fhnf
ovoryfhIng wns so onjoynbIo fho
fIrsf nrf of fho wook nf fho rnnch
nnd nufumn coIors so bonufIfuI
wIIdIIfo hnvIng n bnII yof. Iuf ns
fho wook rogrossod, roorfs woro
comIng In nbouf n sform by fho
wookond. If dIdn'f soom IIko nny-
fhIng couId ronIIy hnon fhnf
wouId bo ofonfInIIy vory sorIous
bocnuso If Is onIy fho fIrsf wook of
Ocfobor nffor nII! Thnnk fho !ord
for owor gonornfors nnd Wosf
ConfrnI IIocfrIc nnd nII ofhor oIoc-
frIc comnnIos nnd fhoIr crows for
rosforIng owor In fho nron.
WoII, nnywny ooIo dId sfnrf
scurrIng nround by Thursdny fo
sho nnd gof nocossnry grocorIos
nnd n fow oxfrn fhIngs on hnnd
jusf In cnso. WoII, fho forocnsf wns
nccurnfo nnd on IrIdny nbouf fwo
Inchos of rnIn sfnrfod fo fnII nnd
fhon chnngod fo fho vory fIrsf
snowfInko nnd In cnmo fho IIon.
AII nows` nccounfs now sny If wns
fho worsf bIIzznrd on rocord In
Soufh nkofn hIsfory for fhIs
onrIy In fho yonr. Iowor cnmo
bnck on nffor by nbouf l0 boIng
ouf soufh of IhIII for nbouf sIx
hours or so. Whnf n roIIof.
on nnd VI Moody`s fonnnfs sof-
fIod In nf fho Moody houso In fho
VnIIoy wIfh no oIocfrIcfy fhoro oI-
fhor, buf fhoy woro hysIcnIIy
sfuck In n snowbnnk nnd on nnd
VI's houso furnod ouf fo bo fho
cIososf nf fho fImo. VI snId n cnII
cnmo In from fhnf hono nnd fhoy
fhoughf If ronIIy sfrnngo sInco
fhoy woron'f nf fhoIr houso, buf nf
fho rnnch. If wns Susnn, so nII wns
okny. Sundny cnmo In wnrm wIfh
moIfIng snow nnd brokon froo
brnnchos, buf fhnf wns smnII o-
fnfoos ns comnrod fo ofhor dnm-
ngos nnd Iossos In wosforn Soufh
nkofn. Thnnks for nII fho foIks
from ConnocfIcuf, AInbnmn, Toxns
nnd WIsconsIn, who cnIIod on
nnd VI fo soo how fhoy woro doIng.
!nId CIfy wns on fho nnfIonnI
Wonfhor ChnnnoI mn!
Iowor wns ouf nf Tony Hnrfy`s
nnd fho soufh nrf of fown bo-
cnuso of n frnnsformor boIng
down. Wo woro ouf of owor for n
IIffIo fImo, buf sonf somo fImo In
fho sho sInco If wnsn`f nII fhnf
IInns fo nffond fho SIrIf of
nkofn ovonf In Huron woro
scrubbod by fhoso of us In fhIs
nron wIfh fho Inforsfnfo cIosod fo
Murdo Snfurdny. Tho rocIIonf of
fho honor wns InfrIcIn K. InIrd,
Cusfor. Ouf of fho fIoId of ll nom-
Inoos, nII of fho IndIos woro woII
dosorvIng of fho fIfIo, buf sInco
onIy ono cnn bo so honorod or
yonr, wo rojoIco fhnf Inf rocoIvod
fho honor.
Sundny, Tony wns on fho hono
chockIng on fnmIIy nnd frIonds.
Ho cnmo by our Inco In fho
ovonIng fo gIvo mo hIs nows.
I found fhIs nofo nmong fhIngs
nnd fhoughf I`d shnro If wIfh you.
In l952 Konf InIrchIId (l2-yonrs-
oId) wrofo n Ioffor fo grnndmn
Crnco InIrchIId who hnd gono fo
IIIInoIs. AII our shoo nnd cnIvos
nnd cows woro ouf In n forrIbIo
bIIzznrd, nnd wo couIdn`f gof ouf
fo fnko cnro of fhom nII dny. Wo
couIdn`f sfnrf fho Joo buf wo gof
fho !IffIo InfornnfIonnI sfnrfod by
uffIng n fIro undor If. WIfh fho
frncfor nnd our horso Infchos wo
rood nnd drnggod fho nrnIyzod
shoo ouf of fho doo snow, buf wo
nro goIng fo Ioso nbouf n hundrod
Ior Cod hns nof gIvon us n
sIrIf of fonr, buf of owor nnd of
Iovo nnd of n sound mInd. 2 TIm-
ofhy l:?.
Bctwit PIaccs Marsha Sumptcr ss!-ec4s
________THANK Y0US________
(contInued Ivom ?)
funnfo fo nof rocoIvo much snow.
urIng fho sform, ono of our
dnughfors cnIIod fo InquIro If I
wns busy mnkIng sou nnd homo-
mndo brond I guoss I nm roffy
rodIcfnbIo! Sundny, !nndy nnd I
fook n four on fho four-whooIor fo
chock cnffIo If wns n bonufIfuI
dny for n drIvo. Tho froos nro furn-
Ing coIors, nnd fho grnss Is sfIII
brIIIInnf groon. If Is nmnzIng for
fhIs fImo of yonr!
Todny, I nm grnfofuI for mnny
fhIngs. I'm grnfofuI for fho crows
who nro workIng so dIIIgonfIy fo
rosforo owor fo fho hnrd hIf
nrons. I'm grnfofuI fhnf fho bIIz-
znrd wnsn'f nccomnnIod by boIow
zoro fomornfuros. And I'm grnfo-
fuI fo IIvo In nn nron whoro noIgh-
bors hoI noIghbors. And ono moro
fhIng I'm grnfofuI for Infox
gIovos. I'vo boon workIng u n
bunch of jnInono oors, fhnnks
fo fho gonorosIfy of !ynn IrIggs
nnd hIs vory roducfIvo gnrdon.
Thoso fhIngs wIII bIIsfor your
hnnds If you nron'f cnrofuI!
As you nro ouf onjoyIng fhoso
bonufIfuI fnII dnys, Ionso shnro n
smIIo wIfh ovoryono you moof. If
doosn'f cosf n fhIng! And sfny snfo
ns you go nbouf your fnII work.
MocnviIIc NcwsLcannc Ncuhauscr ac!-ssea
!nIfod Sfnfos Sonnfors TIm
Johnson nnd John Thuno nnd
Congrosswomnn KrIsfI oom nn-
nouncod on Sofombor 20 fhnf
IogIsInfIon fo fncIIIfnfo consfruc-
fIon of n vIsIfor confor nf fho MIn-
ufomnn MIssIIo nfIonnI HIsforIc
SIfo wns sIgnod Info Inw by IrosI-
donf Obnmn. Tho Inw wIII frnnsfor
nroxImnfoIy 29 ncros of n-
fIonnI Iorosf SorvIco Innd fo fho
nfIonnI Inrk SorvIco fo consfrucf
n vIsIfor fncIIIfy nnd rovIdo nrk-
ThIs Inw wIII nIIow consfruc-
fIon of fho vIsIfor confor fo bogIn
shorfIy nf fho MInufomnn MIssIIo
nfIonnI HIsforIc SIfo snId John-
son. ThIs Is fho fIrsf unIf of fho
nfIonnI Inrk SorvIco dodIcnfod
oxcIusIvoIy fo CoId Wnr ovonfs.
WIfh fho vIsIfor`s confor, fho Inrk
SorvIco wIII bo nbIo fo foII fho
sfory of fhIs hIsforIc sIfo nnd fho
roIo Soufh nkofn Inyod In fho
CoId Wnr.
I nm Ionsod fho rosIdonf hns
cIonrod fho wny for fho dovoIo-
monf of n vIsIfor`s confor hIgh-
IIghfIng fho Imorfnnf roIo nnd
hIsforIc sIgnIfIcnnco of fho MIn-
ufomnn SIfo, snId Thuno. Tho
confor wIII mnko n Ioco of Soufh
nkofn`s nsf moro nccossIbIo fo
sfudonfs of hIsfory from nround
fho gIobo.
ow fhnf fhIs bIII hns boon
sIgnod Info Inw, Inns for n now
vIsIfor confor cnn movo forwnrd,
nIIowIng Soufh nkofnns nnd vIs-
Ifors from nII ovor fho counfry fo
vIsIf fhIs hIsforIc sIfo nnd Ionrn
moro nbouf fho hIsfory of fho MIn-
ufomnn MIssIIo, snId oom. Tho
MInufomnn MIssIIo nfIonnI HIs-
forIc SIfo hoIs foII fho sfory of
how fho MInufomnn Inyod n roIo
In brIngIng onco durIng fonso ro-
InfIons bofwoon fho !nIfod Sfnfos
nnd formor SovIof !nIon. I`m
Ionsod fho Houso, Sonnfo nnd fho
rosIdonf fook swIff ncfIon on fhIs
common-sonso bIII.
Tho Inunch confroI fncIIIfy nnd
mIssIIo sIIo fhnf mnko u fho MIn-
ufomnn MIssIIo nfIonnI HIsforIc
SIfo woro rosorvod fo IIIusfrnfo
fho hIsfory of fho CoId Wnr nnd
fho roIo fho AIr Iorco`s MInufo-
mnn II MIssIIo dofonso sysfom
Inyod In offorfs fo rosorvo worId
Tho now Inw buIIds uon n Inw
nssod In l999 fhnf osfnbIIshod
MInufomnn MIssIIo ns n nfIonnI
HIsforIc SIfo. Tho Innd frnnsfor
rovIdod In fho now Inw nIIows for
fho consfrucfIon of n vIsIfor confor
nnd ndmInIsfrnfIvo fncIIIfy nf IxIf
l3l off of I-90. Tho bIII wouId nIso
frnnsfor 3.65 ncros nonr fho mIs-
sIIo sIIo for vIsIfor nrkIng nnd
ofhor ndmInIsfrnfIvo usos. Con-
gross rovIdod fundIng for fho
consfrucfIon of fho vIsIfor confor
whon fho sIfo wns osfnbIIshod.
Tho MInufomnn MIssIIo con-
sIsfs of fho oIfn-0l Inunch fncII-
Ify nnd fho oIfn-09 mIssIIo sIIo,
Iocnfod nbouf ll mIIos from ono
nnofhor on Inforsfnfo 90.
Mlnuteman mlsslle
blll slgned lnto law
Profit DeadIine: Thursday at Noon!
October 10, 2013 Pioneer Review 16
(605} 685-5826
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Milcsvillc (605} 544 3316
Yard Foreman
(605} 441-1984
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(605} 641-1042
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(60S) SS9 2S??
lkllll ll\lI|K 1||IlK
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Upoom1ng Co111e So1es:
10,000 HEAD.
FAIFDANKS FANCH 450 DLK STFS 800-850= (7 loads sanc sori}
1 LD FED ANC, & 1 LD HEFF} .......................................875-925=
NESS 80 DLK & DWF STFS .........................................750-800=
HANSEN 45 DLK STFS .......................................................850=
DOUDLE DAF 7 FANCH 26 DLK STFS ...............................700=
COOD 8 DWF TESTED OPEN HFFS ...................................850=
PFANC 6 DLK OPEN HFFS & STFS ....................................900=
DEAL & DEAL 450 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ...........................500-550=
DUFNS 400 CHAF X CLVS; FS ....................................500-600=
TFASK 400 DLK CLVS; FS,NI .......................................400-500=
HOY 380 FED ANC CLVS; FS,NI ..................................400-500=
FS ..............................................................................550-650=
COOPEF 300 DLK & A FEW FED CLVS; FS,NI .............450-550=
(ALL HFFS IN TOWN} ..................................................500-575=
WILLEFT & WILLEFT 275 CHAF X CLVS(fcw rcd angus rclacc-
ncni Ifrs}; FS ................................................................600-650=
DEFNDT 250 DLK STFS; FS,NI ....................................500-600=
CADFIEL 250 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI .......................525-575=
DEEFINC 250 CHAF X CLVS; FS,NI ...................................600=
COLLINS 230 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI ........................500-575=
DFUNS 225 DLK CLVS; FS ..........................................550-600=
DFENNAN 220 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI,ASV ..............450-550=
SHAW FANCH 220 DLK STFS; FS,NI ...........................500-575=
PHILIPSEN & STOVEF 200 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ...............550-575=
LONC 200 CHAF X STFS; FS,NI ..................................500-600=
JAFMAN FANCH 200 DLK & A FEW FED CLVS; FS .....600-650=
LIVEFMONT FANCH 200 DLK STFS; FS,NI 5..................00-550=
FEES 170 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI .............................450-550=
DAUMAN 160 FED ANC CHAF X CLVS; FS ..................500-525=
STADEN 150 FED CLVS; FS,NI ....................................550-600=
ALDFEN 150 CHAF X CLVS; FS ..................................500-570=
DENDICO 140 CHAF X & FED CLVS; FS .....................500-600=
FISHEF 130 DLK CLVS; FS,NI .....................................500-550=
DFASSFIELD 120 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ....................................500=
DAKEF & THOMPSON 120 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI ...500-600=
CFUDL 120 DLK STFS; FS,NI .............................................600=
AMIOTTE 120 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI .......................500-575=
CUNY 120 DLKL STFS; FS,NI .......................................550-600=
STUCK 110 DLK & CHAF X CLVS; FS,NI .....................625-675=
AMIOTTE 110 FED CLVS; FS,NI ..................................500-550=
DALDWIN 110 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI ......................500-575=
O'NEILL FANCH 110 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI,AN ..............600=
CFAVATT 110 DLK CLVS; FS,NI, STFS ASV ........................550=
MCPHEFSON 100 DLK & DWF STFS; FS,NI .................500-550=
STFATMAN 100 DLK CLVS; FS,NI .......................................450=
ZELFEF 100 DLK & DWF CLVS; NI ..............................400-500=
WHIFLWIND HOFSE 95 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI .......500-550=
SCHNOSE 90 DLK MOSTLY STFS; FS,NI ............................525=
KLAPPEFICH 85 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI ..........................550=
NAESCHEF 82 DWF & HEFF CLVS ....................................500=
FEINDL 80 DLK, DWF, & CHAF CLVS; FS,NI ...............575-675=
CIDDON 80 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ......................................500-550=
DFEWEF 75 DLK CLVS; FS .........................................450-500=
HOWIE 75 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI ............................500-550=
CUNN 75 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS ..................................500-550=
CADFIEL 75 DLK CLVS; FS .........................................550-600=
SHAFP 75 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ................................................550=
VALLEFY-MILLS 75 DLK CLVS; FS ..............................400-500=
KNIFE 70 DLK STFS; FS ..............................................450-500=
FOVEFE & FOVEFE 70 DLK CLVS; FS,NI,AN .....................550=
SHULL 65 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ................................................500=
WEST 60 DLK STFS; FS,NI ..........................................450-500=
SCHLECHT 60 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI .............................475=
VANDENDOS 51 DLK & DWF CLVS; FS,NI .......................... 500=
HUMPHFEY 50 DLK CLVS; FS,NI .................................500-550=
FICHTEF 50 DLK CLVS; FS,NI .....................................500-550=
VOCELCESANC 50 FED & DLK CLVS ................................500=
CIDDON 50 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ......................................500-550=
FOSETH CATTLE CO 50 DLK CLVS; FS .......................400-600=
SIELEF 50 DLK STFS; FS,NI ........................................525-550=
SWANSON 50 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ...................................600-650=
FOUNDS 50 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ............................................600=
DAFNETT 40 DLK CLVS; FS,NI,AN ...............................450-600=
NEVILLE 40 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ......................................450-500=
SCHEFEF 35 DLK & A FEW FED CLVS; NI ..................500-575=
ELLEFTON 30 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ..................................550-650=
SIMONS 30 CHAF X CLVS; FS,NI ................................500-600=
HAFFIS 30 DLK CLVS; FS,NI .......................................550-600=
DFONEMANN 25 DLK STFS; FS,NI ..............................550-575=
FOSETH 25 DLK STFS; FS .................................................575=
SOLOMON INC 20 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ...........................600-625=
DEKCWITH 20 DLK CLVS; FS,NI .........................................500=
OEDEKOVEN 19 DLK CLVS; FS,NI,AN .........................600-700=
DFUNSCH 17 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ..........................................500=
FOUNDS 15 DLK CLVS; FS,NI ............................................600=
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25......................................FD/DLK-STF 403=............$215.00
66......................................FD/DLK-STF 481=............$209.50
5 ..........................................DLACK-STF 405=............$214.00
37 ........................................DLACK-STF 512=............$195.00
18........................................DLACK-HFF 456=............$183.00
5 ..........................................DLACK-STF 452=............$212.50
36....................................DLK/DWF-STF 530=............$188.50
14 ...................................DLK/DWF-HFF 491=............$173.00
27......................................FD/DLK-STF 474=............$195.00
30....................................DLK/DWF-STF 523=............$185.00
10 ...................................DLK/DWF-HFF 479=............$180.00
9 .............................................FED-STF 546=............$183.00
48 ...........................................FED-STF 625=............$174.75
32...........................................FED-HFF 549=............$173.00
20...........................................FED-HFF 594=............$171.00
22 ........................................DLACK-STF 622=............$174.50
12 ...................................DLK/DWF-HFF 541=............$165.00
14 ........................................DLACK-STF 810=............$157.00
9........................................FD/DLK-STF 997=............$146.75
1 ..........................................DLACK-STF 1161=..........$134.50
2 ..........................................DLACK-STF 1246=..........$128.00
4 ..........................................DLACK-STF 959=............$148.50
2............................................CHAF-STF 1186=..........$134.50
2..........................................DLACK-HFF 811=............$147.00
10..................................CHAF/FED-HFF 857=............$148.00
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As fall approaches, the pros-
pects for a record large corn har-
vest are materializing, resulting
in lower corn and ethanol coprod-
uct feed prices, explained Darrell
Mark, adjunct professor of eco-
nomics at South Dakota State
Between August 2 and Septem-
ber 27, the price for dried distillers
grains plus solubles (DDGS) in
South Dakota declined from
$206.75 per ton to $198.20 per ton
(as is basis, or moisture included).
Wet distillers grain plus solubles
(WDGS) prices dropped from
$73.40 per ton to $65.40 per ton
(as is basis), Mark said.
He added that during this same
time period, modified distillers
grains plus solubles (MDGS) de-
creased from $76 per ton to $65.50
per ton (as is basis). The price
ethanol plants bid for corn during
those two months fell from $5.49
per bushel to $4.50 per bushel (as
is basis).
Both corn prices and distillers
grain prices are well below year-
ago levels as this year's national
average corn yield rebounded
from 123.4 bushel per acre last
year to the upper 150s this year,
he said. As cattle feeders evalu-
ate purchases of corn and ethanol
coproduct feeds, it is necessary to
compare prices on a dry matter
(DM) basis because the moisture
contents of the feeds vary by prod-
Mark said that on average,
DDGS is 90 percent DM while
WDGS is 35 percent DM. MWDG
generally has a DM content of 50
percent. Thus, the as is DDGS
price of $198.20 per ton translates
to $220.22 per ton on a DM basis.
The $65.40 per ton as is price for
WDGS is $186.86 per ton on a DM
basis. MDGS has a DM price of
$199.40 per ton when the as is
price is $65.50 per ton.
So, on a dry matter ton basis,
WDGS is lowest in price and
DDGS has the highest price. This
is typical and reflects both the
areas production of distillers
grains as well as the demand for
the products, he said.
Mark said ethanol plants in the
western corn belt states typically
don't dry distillers grain to 10 per-
cent moisture (DDGS) as much as
they do in other parts of the coun-
try because nearby cattle feed-
yards can feed the wetter coprod-
ucts and it results in an energy
savings from drying the feeds less.
On the demand side, most
MDGS and nearly all WDGS
would be fed to cattle. While cattle
feedyards also can feed DDGS,
they have to compete with the
pork and poultry industries, as
well as the export market for
DDGS. Additionally, international
exports tend to favor DDGS over
WDGS and MDGS because it re-
sults in transportation of less
Not only do cattle feeders com-
pare the prices of the various co-
products to each other on a DM
basis, but they also have to com-
pare it to corn prices to create a
minimum cost ration, Mark said.
One way to do that, Mark said,
is to divide the DM coproduct
price by the DM price of corn (in
dollars per ton units). Seasonally,
Mark said coproduct prices tend to
increase relative to corn prices in
the fall during harvest.
This occurs even as the prices
for both corn and coproducts usu-
ally decrease in the fall, and re-
sults from corn prices dropping
more than coproduct prices. This
fall, corn prices are also dropping
faster than coproduct prices, he
said. Coproduct prices relative to
corn prices are not only higher
than the five-year averages, but
they are increasing more than the
seasonal averages increase during
this time of year.
By the end of September, Mark
said coproduct prices as a percent-
age of corn prices (DM basis) were
over 100 percent, meaning that co-
product prices were higher on a
DM basis than corn prices. Only
two months ago, coproduct prices
were 85-90 percent of corn prices.
This 15 percentage point in-
crease in the price ratio typically
extends through the end of the
fourth quarter of the year, he
said. So, will coproduct prices
continue to increase relative to
corn prices or was the seasonal in-
crease in the price ratio realized
earlier than usual this year? It is
most likely that the seasonal in-
crease in the relative price ratio
occurred earlier this year.
When coproduct prices trade
higher than corn prices, Mark said
the quantity demanded from cat-
tle feeders and other buyers de-
While it is possible for cattle
feeders to feed coproducts that are
higher priced than corn due to
cattle performance improvements
resulting from the cattle being fed
coproducts generally it becomes
economically infeasible beyond
about 110 percent of corn price,
he said.
He added that cattle feeders
will have access to much larger
corn supplies in the weeks ahead
as fall corn harvest ramps up. As
a result, coproduct inclusion levels
in feedyard rations will likely de-
crease, until coproduct prices de-
cline relative to corn prices and
may even be eliminated for some
new fall placements.
Mark said the current situation
means there is little incentive for
cattle feeders to lock in coproduct
prices at 100-110 percent of corn
prices assuming that they can
purchase corn in the cash market.
With the glut of corn harvest
yet to come, corn basis levels will
likely weaken, presenting an even
better corn buying opportunity in
the weeks ahead, he said. The
one caveat to this is that grain
farmers may be unwilling sellers
of corn at these price levels that
are more than two dollars per
bushel lower than a year ago.
He added that lower priced corn
should improve ethanol plant pro-
cessing margins and increase pro-
duction of both fuel and coproduct
feeds. As supplies of coproduct
feeds increases, prices will eventu-
ally decline
Distillers grain prices outlined
The Governors Office of Eco-
nomic Developments (GOED)
2012 wage study is now available
online. Once again it is proving
that the purchasing power of
many occupations puts South
Dakota on par with the rest of the
country. Overall, South Dakota
ranked 17th.
When you look at purchasing
power what you can buy after
the taxes are taken out of your
paycheck and factoring in your
local cost of living South Dakota
ranks pretty well, said Pat
Costello, commissioner GOED.
While we rank low nationally
when looking strictly at gross pay,
that doesnt really paint an accu-
rate picture of how far your money
To calculate purchasing power,
the GOED used the United States
Department of Labors standard
occupational codes, which provide
detailed, accurate wage and em-
ployment information for each
state by specific occupation.
From there, federal income
taxes, state income taxes and
FICA/Social Security were de-
ducted from median gross pay.
The Council for Community and
Economic Researchs cost of living
index was also factored in, based
on the largest city in each state.
This method was repeated for
more than 550 occupations that
are found in South Dakota. For
the purposes of this study, all
wage earners were assumed to file
as single, using the standard de-
duction, with no dependents.
The data is all available in a
searchable format online at Click on
News & Media, and then Publi-
cations & Studies.
I encourage everyone to get on-
line and take a look at what we
have out there, said Costello.
This information will be helpful
to employers, the public, and eco-
nomic development officials as we
work to break down the low wage
misconception in South Dakota.
power higher
in South
Profit Deadline
at Noon

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