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There are two types of methods.* Instrumental methods.There is an instrument called pHmeter.

It has a pH sensitive electrode to be dipped into the solution whose pH is to be measured. This electrode is connected to the meter which is connected to a power supply. The meter has a digital display for reading pH . The pH is accurate to three decimal places.The meter has to be calibrated by using solutions of known pH .This solution can be bought from dealers dealing with chemicals. This is usually very costly. But, the solutions can be prepared from simple chemicals by a BS or an associate in chemistry. *If one wants to measure roughly the pH e.g.6 0r 7, then a pH paper or universal indicator can be used. A strip of pH paper or a drop of the indicator solution is introduced into the solution. The pH paper or the solution becomes colored. The color is compared with color chart from which the pH can be found out. This method is crude but quick.

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