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Dissection of a lactating breast. 1 - Fat 2 - Lactiferous duct/lobule 3 - Lobule 4 - Connective tissue 5 - Sinus of lactiferous duct 6 - Lactiferous duct
Beesley RD, Johnson JV. The breast during pregnancy and lactation. Glob Libr Womens Med. Mei 2008 [18 September 2013]. Available from :

Bagian-bagian Payudara: 1. Korpus

Alveolus; unit terkecil yang memproduksi susu. Lobulus; kumpulan dari alveolus Lobus; beberapa (15-20) lobulus yang berkumpul Mioepitel

2. Areola
Mengandung kelenjar keringat dan kelenjar minyak

3. Papil
Muara duktus laktiferus (sinus laktiferus), ujungujung serat saraf, pemb.darah, getah bening, serta serat otot polos sirkuler.
Beesley RD, Johnson JV. The breast during pregnancy and lactation. Glob Libr Womens Med. Mei 2008 [18 September 2013]. Available from :

Fisiologi Laktasi

Tortora G, Derrickson G. Principles of anatomy and physiology. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2009. p. 1161

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