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Democracy has taken a number of forms, both in theory and practice.

Some varieties of democracy provide better representation and more freedom for their citizens than others

Hay democracia directa cuando la decisin es adoptada directamente por los miembros del pueblo. Hay democracia indirecta o representativa cuando la decisin es adoptada por personas reconocidas por el pueblo como sus representantes. Por ltimo, hay democracia participativa cuando se aplica unmodelo poltico que facilita a los ciudadanos su capacidad de asociarse y organizarse de tal modo que puedan ejercer una influencia directa en las decisiones pblicas o cuando se facilita a la ciudadana amplios mecanismos plebiscitarios. Estas tres formas no son excluyentes y suelen integrarse como mecanismos complementarios.

The broadest differentiation that scholars make between democracies is based on the nature of representative government. There are two categories: direct democracy and representative democracy. We can identify examples of both in the world today.
Any form of democracy tries in its own way to ascertain the will of the people and to bring public affairs into line with it. Theoretically this can be achieved by direct participation of all citizens (Direct Democracy) or by a body of elected representatives (Representative Democracy). Within the group of Representative Democracies the focus may be on a strong president (Presidental Democracy) or on a strong parliament (Parliamentary Democracy).

The principal criteria to typify the term democracy is based on the mechanism by which major decisions on public policy are made. Thus, two types of democracy emerge: Direct democracy and indirect democracy. Direct democracy: Decisin-making is in the hand of all the mass of adult cititzens.

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