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Sinar Surya untuk Usaha Kuliner

Oleh: Kartika Novitasari Pranoto Nrp : 6112061

Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Kimia Universitas Surabaya

Sinar Surya untuk Usaha Kuliner

Abstrak Indonesia adalah negara tropis yang kaya akan potensi energi matahari. Pemanfaatan energi matahari sudah banyak di kembangkan di berbegai negara. Pemanfaatan energi matahari tidak hanya dapat digunakan sebagai pembangkit listrik, tetapi dapat digunakan pula untuk memasak menggunakan alat yang bernama solar cooker. Di Indonesia sendiri banyak sekali usaha rumah makan yang pada umumnya bergantung kepada bahan bakar minyak tanah atau LPG. Proses pengolahan makanan yang membutuhkan energi tediri dari proses memasak dan memanaskan

(menghangatkan). Meskipun tidak dapat digunakan untuk memasak, penggunaan solar cooker dapat mengurangi energi dalam proses menghangatkan makanan. Dilihat dari segi ekonomis hal ini menguntungkan bagi pengusaha kuliner, karena secara tidak langsung penggunaan solar cooker dapat menghemat penggunaan LPG atau minyak tanah sehingga berdampak pada penurunan biaya produksi. Sementara dari sisi ekologis hal ini juga menguntungkan karena pada dasarnya mengurang ketergantungan pada energi fossil yang berkontribusi bagi pencemaran udara. Meskipun gas alam merupakan energi tak terbarukan yang paling bersih, akan tetapi pengeksploitasian yang berlebihan akan merusak lingkungan sehingga mengganggu keseimbangan alam. Lebih lagi pemanfaatan minyak tanah juga telah dirasakan akibatnya, beberapa saat yang lalu kenaikan harga minyak tanah akibat kelangkaan yang terjadi mengakibatkan goncangan ekonomi bagi rakyat Indonesia. Project ini bertujuan untuk mestimulasi pemanfaatan energi matahari khususnya solar cooker bagi pengusaha kuliner, dan pada gilirannya akan berdampak pada aspek ekonomis, penghematan energi fossil dan ekologis.

Project Proposal

Current Situation in Indonesia Indonesia is a country which has a great potential of solar energy. In University of Surabaya where Im from, this potential is now being explored. In this proposal, I introduce the cheap usage of solar energy. Solar energy not only can be used for electricity but can also be used for cooking by using solar cooker. One of the simple solar cooker type is box type, this type is easy to made. The temperature that solar cooker box type can produced is depend on the solar radiation. Even though this solar cooker might not be suitable for cooking process, it has great potential for heating the food or keeping the food warm. In Indonesia especially Surabaya there are so many cafe and they usually open in the morning until afternoon, for example the UBAYA canteen. Most of the canteen usually use LPG or kerosene not only for cooking but also for heating the food. Remembering that LPG and kerosene are unrenewable energy, so there is an impact of the stock of LPG and Kerosene. Now the kerosene stock is very low which made the price increases. Today, LPG is used widely in Surabaya and most people in Indonesia. The emission of LPG and kerosene can make the green house effect. Beside that, there are so many tragedy that happen because of subsidized LPG, for example the LPG explosion. This effect can be reduced by using solar cooker, because the heating process by stove is changed by heating process by solar cooker.

Current practical solution that had beed carried by government Today, the kerosene stock has become rare which made the price of kerosene increases. In Indonesia there are so many people that trapped in poverty, so that government must take an action to face this condition. Government chose to substitute kerosene with LPG, but the price of LPG is quite expensive, and not all people know how to use it in that time. So the government take the sosialization program to the people and give subsidize for the LPG, and launch the 3kg LPG that is cheaper than LPG in general. But there are so many trouble that happen by this product launch. Because of the lack of knowledge, many tragedy happened by use this subsidized LPG, and also many seller try to take higher benefits by fill the nonsubsidized LPG tube with the subsidized LPG contents, the process is really dangerous, and the impact for the consumen is getting more dangerous. But government have been taking an action to solve this case, so now almost all people in Indonesia use LPG safely.

Personal Project
Considering the decision of government, substituting kerosene with LPG can be seen as a good choice, remembering there was no knowledge about renewable energy in this country. But we must remember that LPG and kerosene are unrenewable energy source, it means government can't always depend on this resources. Beside that, over exploitation will destroy the ecosystem. So we need to reduce the usage of LPG or kerosene. Using LPG for heating food could take more volume of LPG because in culinary bussiness keeping the food warm is very needed.

Solar cooker is one of application of solar energy. Solar energy can be divided into two big parts, there are solar energy and solar thermal energy. The differences is the source of the energy. Solar energy get the energy from the photons of the sunlight, and the solar thermal energy get the energy from the heat of sunlight. Solar cooker use the solar thermal energy from the sunlight and reflect them to heat the food that is placed in the provided space. Now there are three types of solar cooker box type, panel type, and parabolic type. the type that can produce the highest temperature and highest efficiency is parabolic type. Parabolic type also can be used for power plant, the utilization as power plant has been used in some countries. but the process to make it is quite complicated and expensive enough so not all people interested to make this cooker. Solar cooker Parabolic type

Solar cooker panel type is the easiest solar cooker to make but it has the lowest efficiency than other type. Beside that, solar cooker panel type cant keep the food clean, because the open structure and reflection in all side. This type is not suitable for the culinary bussiness, because people want to consume clean food. It is possible to give the protector to cover the food, but it will not be practical when used. Solar cooker box and panel type are easy to make but solar cooker panel type cant work as efficient as box type. Box type is easy to make and has a good efficiency for heating the food.

Solar cooker Panel type Solar cooker box type has more benefits than other type. These benefits come from the structure of solar cooker box type. Solar cooker box type can make sure that the food is kept clean during the heating process. Solar cooker box type can be seen as a box which has a reflector or mirror booster to reflect the sun radiation input to the cooker. Solar cooker box type has a glass that covers the box, its function is to trap the sun radiation inside and make the green house effect inside the box. The glass must be clear so it permits the passage of shorter wavelength solar radiation to come inside the box. This green house effect causes the temperature inside warmer than outside. Solar cooker Box type Inside the box there is a insulator which can be made from styrofoam. Its function is to keep the heat from the short wavelength solar radiation that has been trapped inside the box. Solar cooker box type also needs the conductor material which is usually made from metals. This metals should be painted with the absolute black colour. The black colour that should be used is unglossy black, because the glossy black will refect the short wavelength solar radiation that should be absorbed. This black plate directly contacts with the cooking pot so there is heat transfer by conduction from black plate to

the cooking pot. Inside the cooking pot there will be heat transfer between two phases from the cooking pot to the food then will be continued by convection heat transfer. Solar cooker box type can be covered by alumunium foil or other material which can isolate the heat inside the box. And increases the appearance value from this solar cooker. To make the solar cooker we can use the unused things, for example unused box and unused styrofoam. Making solar cooker also needs simple equipment that we can get at our home. Material: Unused box (Instant noodle box) Mirror - Unused Styrofoam - Cutter - scissors - Glue Instruction: Measure the box that will be used for solar cooker and then draw the pattern of solar cooker on the styrofoam based on the size of the box. Shape the styrofoam like the picture using the cutter. Dont forget to make a slope shape for the styrofoam. Look at the picture: - Spray paint - Ruler - Alumunium foil - Iron plate (1 m) - Thermometer

Measure the room inside the styrofoam and draw the pattern on the plate based on the size of the styrofoam and than cut the plate using the scissors

Paint the plate using absolute black colour and dry it Take the the plate inside the styrofoam

Stick the mirror like the picture and cover the box using alumunium foil



Allumunium Foil

Allumunium Foil

Hold up the mirror using styrofoam or carton



Allumunium Foil

Allumunium Foil

Budged and Manpower

Budget to make a solar cooker buliding is Budget to test a solar cooker is : Rp 220.000,00 : Rp 130.000,00

The man power that needed in this project are three people (in my project , it will be taken by PSET members)

Economic and Enviromental Benefits of this Project

Using solar cooker box type not only brings enviromental benefits but also economic benefits. Economically, solar cooker usage can reduce the cost of culinary bussiness production . Using LPG or kerosene for keeping the food warm can take more volume of the LPG or kerosene. the usage of solar cooker can reduce the consumtion of LPG or kerosene, so it can increase the sales profits. In Surabaya there is no cafe that use solar cooker, so it will be a new things for the customer, and make them interested to see how the solar cooker work, and it could be increase the profits.

Enviromentally, it can reduce the exploitation of natural gases for LPG and the exploitation of oil for kerosene. Today the stock of natural gases is the highest after the coals stock, but we must remember that we cant depend on that source too long. The exploitation of the natural gas and oil can destroy the ecosystem, and than the emission can cause green house effect. Solar cooker can be used at the day only, but it could be great potential for Indonesia because the sun shines all day. There are so many culinary bussiness that open at the day. It's means that the seller can use this solar cooker during the day.

Quaschning, Volker. 2005. Understanding Renewable Energy Systems. London: Bath Press. Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. 2006. INDONESIA 2005 2025 BUKU PUTIH Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Penerapan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Bidang Sumber Energi Baru dan Terbarukan untuk Mendukung Keamanan Ketersediaan Energi Tahun 2025. Jakarta

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