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Midterm Assignment: Character Sketch

Build on one or more of the exercises youve done to create a more fully realized piece that uses automation to imbue a machine or an object with a sense of personality, voice or intention. The piece can be dynamic and interactive or through composed.


Concept (description of your idea)

Expanding upon my first project involving an animated doll head, I plan to finish off the project: making the initial design more robust and better suited for live performances, and adding additional features.

Composition (what will it do?)

The conjoined-twin doll head will blink at random intervals during the performance. The performer will also have manual controls (on their wrist) to make the doll wink (interrupting the blinking) and make it speak (without the mouth moving. The existing design is noisy and unstable, so more robust mechanisms will be used.

Context (what makes it interesting?)

A performer interacts with an automata in a live performance.

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