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Solve each item and write the answer on the blank before the number ._________ 1.

What is the place value of 1 in 1 896?_________ 2. What is the value of 9 in 4 962?_________ 3.Write five thousand, two hundred six in symbols. _________ 4. Write the biggest odd number you can make with 1, 4, 6, 8._________ 5. Write LXXVII in Hindu-Arabic ._________ 6. In S Y N C H R O N I C I T Y, which letter is sixth from theright?_________ 7. What two numbers have a sum of 15 and a difference of 3?_________ 8. What is 18 more than the difference of 62 - 25 _________ 9. What is 15 less than the sum of 36 and 28?_________ 10. What will you put in the blank in 623 - ___ = 125?_________ 11. What will you put in the blank in 83 + ___ + 76 = 237? _________ 12. There are 132 pupils on playground. The pupils are grouped inteams of 6. How many teams are there? _________ 13. What is twice the quotient of 360 9?_________ 14. How many 5-peso coins are equal to P130?_________ 15.Which of <, =, > will you put in the blank in P15.75 ___P10.15 + P5.55?

Solve each item and write the answer on the blank before the number. _________1.What is the value of 7 in 57,685? _____2.Write 5 thousands, 7 hundreds, 3 tens and 5 ones in symbols? _ _ _ _ 3 . W h a t i s L X X X V I I i n H i n d u - A r a b i c ? _________4.What number is 200 more than 679? ____ 5.You have 537 popsicle sticks. How many bundles o f 1 0 c a n y o u make? _ _ _ _ 6 . W h a t l e t t e r i n t h e a l p h a b e t i s t h e 1 0 th ________7.In C O M M U N I C A T I O N, which is themiddleletter? _ _ _ _ 8 . W h a t n u m b e r i s N i n 8 9 , 8 2 , 7 5 , 6 8 , N , 5 4 ? _ _ _ _ 9 . F i l l i n t h e m i s s i n g n u m b e r i n 4 5 + [ ] = 1 3 1 ? _____10.Pete has 17 marbles. Tony has 5 more marbles t h a n P e t e . H o w many marbles has Tony? _________11.If N + 37 = 8 x 16, what is N?. _____12.If 35 + 48 = [ ] + 54, what number goes into [ ]? _ _ _ _ 1 3 . S ub t ra c t 2 6 f ro m t h e s um o f 3 4 a n d 4 8 . _ ___14.There are 27 mangoes in a basket. If 14 are r i p e , h o w m a n y a r e not ripe? ______15.Lily has P 125; Nena has P 82. How much more money has Lily? _____16.Kitty had 48 popsicle sticks. She gave 3/8 of them to J o j o . H o w many popsicle sticks are left with Kitty? _ _ _ _ 1 7 . W h at n um be r i s 1 0 0 le s s t ha n 5 7 2 ? _____18.Tita has a book with 215 pages. She has read 1 4 8 p a g e s . H o w many more pages has she to read?

Solve each item and write the answer on the blank before the number. _________ 1. In 8 x 9 = 72, the bigger factor is ____ ._ ________ 2. Numbers ending in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are called ______ numbers. _________ 3. Write 8 ones, 5 thousands, and 3 tens in symbols._________ 4. 2, 4, 6, 8 and 0 are called _____ numbers._________ 5. How many centimeters are there in 3 meters?_________ 6. The 0 in 907 means there are no _____ ._________ 7. What number is midway between 85 and 95?_________ 8. What is the second number that comes after 86?_________ 9. How many fifty-centavo pieces are equal to 20 pesos?_________ 10. How many months are 1 years?_________ 11. 24 is of what number?_________ 12. Mrs. Castillo brought kilo of chicken and kilo of pork. Howmuch meat did she buy in all?_________ 13. Cynthia can type 45 words per minute. How many words can shetype in 5 minutes?_________ 14. What is the next number in 6, 7, 9, 12, 16, ____?_________ 15. Which number does not belong? {21, 28, 34, 42, 49}?_________ 16. Yollie baked 28 cookies. She gave of them to Gerry. Howmany cookies had she left?

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