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START OF REEL JOB NO. - | ACM. FE l = OPERATOR 7/4“. Ls = Wz? We Li: pare 6-0-7 THIS MICROFILM IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MICROFILMED BY NPPSO-NAVAL DISiRICT WASHINGTON MICROFILM SECTION SErtsnen Gs) NAW Raman Bis Rua barena OiTys esr |b Weausstrien DQeseax ans Germten OQ ~ ne PUS Garaor Winewie Mendes Wiel its Casta) Snic? Of Waval Records ang History peips! Histories Sects Navy Department 41 June 1939, Mins. 2 otic se es USN, Commandant sp the wi 2 Mea the Oftiotet Grong a At the out Pine Islands. ‘Sommand tn; (83 197), °¢ underway, if, ingly, ih Of December 194, Sioeed wbtch lasted ues es Janui anbmarine Conbat tnsignig t jereus*Palian base anf ake ater. SEARAVEN vas running ole aig’ £0 Corregidor, Paiys gH2PE Ber ttr9t two paseo toes a, the second patrol, Jape dt ® night action t= Molucca Straits, sho Pe yepanoso destroyer. “anit Patrol end SSbessrut tor tho Guiaanite Combat cen) Tad YOY patrol began on April 1942 under a ney Commanding viet? Lloutenant Comanice earat Cassidy, UsN. tne 2, apranity of Muon Teleng, wera East Indies, and on aboard tae’), 32 Royal Adounanentens Forco men vere ‘sa; aboard thy Mesure Tner. “Teuton Markeson, Chief Qua ereticel® for outstanding et, Pesoue operation, Jend to effect the * whose Markeson on toa mile off shore’ - 2- USS SEARAVEN (88 196) Five days later, on 23 April 1942, a serious, electrical fire broke out in the main powcr cubicle causing complete immobilization of the Submarine. Through the courageous and intelligent actions of many of the officers and men, the fire was brought under control. Lieutenant Frencis D. Walker, USN, the executive officer; D. W. Curry, Chicf Elestrician's Mate, USN; and R. Rickart, Chief Electrician Mate, USN, were awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medel for their acts in this noar catastrophe. Rickart in company with Lieutenant Walker entered the maneuvering room from the after torpedo room, vhile the fire was still raging, and suceceded in placing the main’ motor and generator controllers in neutral position so that auxiliary electrical Power was obtained long enough to transmit a radio message reporting the ship completely disabled and requesting aid. In addition, this medal was also avarded to E. E. Wood, Electrician's Mate First Class, USN, who, with Curry, entered the machinery spaces and between the two of them, both wearing submarine oscape lungs, they succeeded in closing certain sea valves and starting necessary motor generators for the radio transmitters. USS SNAPPER (38 185) came to SRARAVEN's reséue and towed her to Australia. This third patrol was adjudged successful and the combat insignia wes avarded. SEARAVEN's fourth patrol vas uneventful but at thé ond of her 58- day fifth war patrol the submarine was credited with the sinking of gpproxinately 25,400 tone of enony shipping and seriously danaging i 6,855 tons. “his patrol terminated at Fremantle, Australia, on 2 November 1942, vhere refit vas effected by Submarine Squadron Stx Re- lief Grey and submarine tender personnel. The Submarine Combat In- signia vas awarded for this patrol. On 18 December 1942 SEARAVEN started her sixth var patrol which Jested for 55 days and was conducted in the vicinity of the Banda Sea, Ceram Sea and Palau Island. While in the Banda Sea on New Year's Eve 1942, three torpedoes Were fired at the TTSUKU SHIMA, an enemy minelayor. ‘The ovidence of ite sinking was not conclusive’ enough to claim a kill. On 14 January 1943, the Latitude 9-12 N., Longitude 130-38 8., Searaven sank tuo ships vith four torpedoes.” Tho ships vero the freighter STRAIU MARU and the escorting vessel, #1 GANJTLSU MARU, vhich totalled 5,890 tons. The patrol vas completed on 10 February 193, SEARAVEN arriving at Pearl Harbor for the first time since the ver had comenced. The com- dat insignis was avarded for this patrol. On 12 February the submarine sailed for Mare Island, California, for a complete Navy Yard overhaul, ‘This wes completed on 7 May 1945 and SEARAVEN returned to Pearl Harbor on 25 May. The seventh war patrol started from Pearl Harbor on 7 June 1943 end Was conducted in the vicinity of the Marianas Islands. It lasted 51 days of which two were spent in reconnaissance of Marciis Island, - 3 - USS SEARAVEN (88 196) 12 deys on 2 special mission, and 12 days in the essigned area. The total of 26 days in the area were unproductive of any damage to the enemy but contact with a new type of plane resombling a P-38 vas spot- ted’ in the vicinity of Marcus Zsiand.. The patrol ended at Midway t9- Jana on 29 July 1943 with USS SPERRY handling the refit. The combat ingignia vas not authorized. SBARAVEN left Midway on 25 August 1943 on her eighth war patrol. the operating area, the northeastern coast of Honshu, Japan, vas bar- ren of worthwhile targets and the patrol terminated ét Poarl Harbor on 6 october 1943 with no combat insignia being authorized. The patrol Tasted 49 days, of which 29 were spent in the area on 9 October 1943, Lieutenant Commander Cassedy was relieved a3 commanding officer of SEARAVSN by Lieutenant Commander Nolvin H. Dry, USN. ‘The ninth patrol began on 3 November 1943 and was made in the nesting Garolihe Telanse ant extended over @ period of 50 days, 31 of aeithruere spent in the sssigned urea. For three deys SEARAVEN oper which vere open te yolfpack’along with USS SCULPIN (33.191). they ated ag ¢ wuly part of a'detcnsive soreen during the Gilbert Islands Speration. on 25 November a KYOKUTE MARU Class tanker was sunk with four tor- pedoes. ‘Qwenty-seven depth charges were dropped by enemy escorts but With no apparent attempt to kill. ‘The boat returned tc Pear] Harbor in time for Christmas with a tale to tell of the one they got on 25 November and the one, just as big, which got away on 6 Devember. ‘The Submarine Combat Insignia was avarded for this patrol. ‘he submarine's tenth var patrol, in tho Marshall, Caroline, and Marianas Islands, commenced on 17 January 1944 and was of 46 days duration with 30 spent in the aasigned area. Her mission was that of photographic reconnaissance of Bnivetok Atoll and to render 1ife guard services in that area. No torpedoes were expended but three American aviators wore rescucc from a rubber boat. SEARAVEN vas thon only four miles from Truk end the the fires of burning enemy freighters, set off by planes from USS YORKTOWN, vers visible, Tho patrol terminated at Midway on 3 March 1944, and the combat insignia was subsequently awarded. te eleventh patrol started on 26 March 1944 from Midvay and vas conducted in the southern Nanpo Shoto (Bonin Islands) srea. This Gatrol vas of 49 days duration with 30 days spent in the assigned area. Three contacts vere made which wore worthy of torpedoes, Two stacks vere made, resulting in sinkings in each case. on 6 April, @ nicely conducted submerged radar approach on a convoy of eight ships vas frustrated when SEARAVEN, after going to periscope depth’ sighted an escorting destroyer. The enemy ship ves observed to - 4 - USS SBARAVEN (SS 196) turn directly toward SEARAVEN at a range of 700 yards, forcing the submarine to immediately turn over the initiative to the eneny. Upon surfacing, sn alert escort prevented a direct closing of the convoy. While making an ond-around after daylight and radar contact nine miles distant, followed minutes later by @ bomb as SABRAVEN passed the depth of 120 fect, further proventod closing of the convoy end contact could not be regained. On 9 April, while patrolling at periscope depth in a choppy sea, two close depth bombs were received from a plane On 17 April, @ position for submerged attack was gained on a con- voy of to ships and tyo escorts. Four torpedoes wero fired at one of the ships resulting in two hits and the sinking of a 5,000-ton cargo ship. Further attaek on this convoy was prevented by counter attack of the escorts which held SEARAVEN down. On 6 May, an ond-around run on a ship sighted by the high periscope watch placed’ SEARAVEN in position for @ submerged attack. Three tor- pedoes were fired at a range of 950 yards, resulting in one hit and the sinking of the target -- a yacht-type escort vessel. ‘This patrol ended at Pear] Harbor on 14 May 1944, where the sub- marine was completely overhauled in the Navy Yard. The Submarine Com- bat Insignia was awarded and the submarine vas credited with sinking one freighter of the KYOKUSE MARU Class of 5,500 tons and an escort vessel of 1,000 tons. ‘he Okhotsk Sea, Kurile Islands area, was the assignment of SEA- RAVEN on her tvelfth wer patrol. The submarine left Pearl Harbor on 15 August 1944 and spent 34 daya of the 52-day patrol in the aoatgnca area before returning to iidvay on 6 October 1944. A total of 12 eneny vessels vere sunk for 5,050 tons and two damaged for 1,500 tons, Munerous surface gun actions highlighted this patrol as one of the most outstanding for gun engsgements of the war. ‘he combat insignia vas avarded for this prtrol. The first torpedo attack, at night on tho surface on 21 September 1gh4, was made on & convoy of two cargo ships vith three escorts. Four’ torpedoes were fired from the bow tubes at an overlapping freighte and escort. One hit was probably obtained on the escort as indicated by the time of tho torpedo run and subsequent actions of the convoy. fn hour and 2 quarter later, another night surface attack was made against & freighter which had left the convoy and was steaming unes- corted. Four torpedoes were again fired, this time from the stern tubes, and one hit vas obtained. Gradual disappearance from the radar screen at 3,500 yards indicated that it sank Earlier in the patrol, on 4 September, @ 50-ton diesel-propelled fishing travier vas engaged with the 4-ineh .50 caliber gun et 2,500 yards nd with .50 caliber and 20 millimeter automatic weapons at - 5 - USS SEARAVEN (38 196) closing ranges. The target was seen to sink. A prisoner was picked up who mentioned there had been a crew of 14 on board. On the night of 25 September, two trawlers of approximately 200 tons each, four lerge sampans of 100 tons, and four 50-ton sampans were engaged in one of the most unique submarine surface gun engagements of the war. SEARAVEN passed down the célumn of eight sampans and two trawlers, 250 yards abeam, and engaged from ono to thrce at a time Practically point blank range. Those that did not sink on the first Pasa Were given another dose of the same treatment until ell were destroyed. ‘The next night SEARAVEN opened fire with the deck gun and automatic Weapons at 300 yards on what was thought to be some type of small craft. However, illumination caused by four 4-inch hits permitted it to be identified as @ 232-foot minelayer. Fortunately the Jap were caught off guard and SEARAVEN was able to switch from gun attack to torpedo battle stations, after which threo torpedoes were fired at the target. No hits were evident and it vas believed that the torpedoes ran under the enemy ship. The explosions of 33 depth charges heard vhile SEARAVEN vas retiring at flank speed on the surface. On 20 October 1944, Lieutenant Commander Raymond Berthrong, USN, relieved Commander Dry'as commanding officer of the submarines ‘The thirteenth and final war patrol of SEARAVEN vas made in com- Peny with USS PAMPANITO (Ss 383), USS SEACAT (83 309), and USS PIPE- FISH (83 338) as a coordinated attack group, with Captain F. W. Fenno, Jr., USN, as task group commander. ‘The patrol was conducted in the China Sea, east of Hainan Island, during the period of 1 November to 25 December 1944; a period of 55’ days. Gn 18 Novenber, two night radar torpedo attacks were conducted against @ small freighter and its escort which had soparated from 4 convoy previously attacked that day by PAMPANITO. Neithor of the attacks were successful. on 3 December, radar contact was made at a range of 24,000 yards on a convoy consisting of at least seven ships plus their scor=s. Four attacks were made with torne*>es which restilte’ 1m SEARAVEN dis- patohing one transport of the HEINAN MAUR type of 11,600 tons and an Oller of the OMUROSAN MARU type of 9,200 tons. A 10,000-ton tanker of the GINYO MARU type was damaged by SKARAVEN's torpedoes that night and later the enemy ship vas torpedoes and sunk by SEACAT. This made a grand total of 25,800 tons for SEARAVEN, half credit being given for the lattor tanker. SEARAVEN returned to Pearl Harbor on Christmas Day 1944 to finish her combat carcer with this patrol for which the Submarine Combat In— signia was awarded. After combat career had ended, SEARAVEN was asatgned to target and training duties. USS SEARAVEN (55 196) On 6 January 1945, Lieutenant Commander Theodore M. Ustick, USN, relieved Lieutenant Commander Berthrong as tho submarine's commanding officer. During the month of April 1945, SEARAVEN operated alternately be- tween Pearl Harbor and the Naval Air Station, Kaneohe, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, furnishing training services to naval aircraft. on 5 May, Lieutenant Commander Roy C. Smallwood, Jr., USN, relieved Lieutenant Commander Ustick as commanding officer. Several days after V-J Day, SBARAVEN sailcd for California and on 15 September 1945 was in Tiburon Bay in the San Francisco Bay area, standing by to return to her hone yard at Mare Island. SEARAVEN was one of the target ships in the 1946 atomic bomb test, Operation Crossroads, at Bikini. ‘She was one of the nine vessels which escaped the bomb teste vith negligible danag By Directive dated September 1948, USS SEARAVEN was to be disposed of by the Navy by burning, sinking, abandoning or other such means. SUMMARY OF WAR PATROL RESULTS Number and Type of Ships Sunk: Total Tonnage Suni Number & Types of Ships Damaged: Total Tonnage Damage Number of Aviators Rescued: 1 destroyer 2 escorts 3 freighters 23 tankers ¥ transport 3 mavens sampans 1 unlnown 66,490 tons 1 minelayor 1 minesweeper 2 escort 2 unimown 10,323 tone 25 NOTE: All estimates of sinkings, tonnage, and types sunk are taken from the commanding officer's evaluations during the war patrols. - 7 - USS SEARAVEN (38.196) USS SEARAVEN (83 196) earned ten Battle Stars on the Astatic-. Pacific Area Service Medal for participating in the following opera- tions and engagements: 1 Star/Phiiippine Islands Operation -- 9 Deconber 1941 to 19 January rhe 1 Ster/Marshali Islands operation Air attacks designated by CinoPsc on defended Marshall Islends targets -- 27 January 1944 Star/Astatic-Pactfic Raids -- 194% ‘Truk Attack -- 16-17 February 1944 Marianas Attack -- 21-22 February 1944 Star/Submarine War Patrol, Pacific -- 28 Jenuary to 12 March 1942 Stan/Submarine War Patrol, Pacific -- 27 Septeaher to 24 Novonber 1942 Star/Submarine War Patrol, Pacific -- 18 December 1942 to 10 Feb- ruary 1943 Star/Submarine War Patrol, Pacific -- 3 November to 25 December 1943 Star/Submarine War Patrol, Pacific -- 26 March to 14 May 1944 Star/Subuarine War Patrol, Pacific -- 15 August to 6 October 194% Star/Submarine War Patrol, Pacific -- 1 November to 25 December 194% STATISTICS OVERALL LENGTH * 511 feet BEAM 27 feet SPEED 21 imots DISPLACEMENT 1,450 tons Rewritten: September 1951 comer; RIMES UNIMED STATS ASLATIC eumer =513 SSIFED-ART. O44, OPNAVI Hee SKAXAVEN (85196) DT Mm SRR Sev (1 OhoGede Commanding officer, Commander subsari nes, To: asEarie Subject: War Patrol Wo. 1 ~ Report of. ca eave Enclosure: (4) War Diary; War Patrol No. 1, B) Track Chart; War Patros Tio~’ 1, ©) Redio Log; lier Patrol ito. 1. 2 Enolosures (A), (B) and (c) are forvarded, ae Ope Q Tc. amg JICIN Ui U.S.S, SEARAVEN (35196) ~ ROPORT OF FIRST WAR PATROL Period from December 9, 1941 to January 19, 1942. Area: Initially off northwest corner TATWAN. Later shifted to area Off SUBIC BAY; then to eastern ond RASILAN STRAIT; then as area south of TINACA POLIT; then an area to wostward of MWADO (CELEBES), Zone time kept: Minus eight. A+ At 1830 on Deceuber 9, 1941, underway from WARIVALNS. Proceeded {through mine field and at 2000 passed through Point ANFimie See course for area off northwest corner TATWAN via BASHT CHANNSE act Sack coast TAIWAN. At 2115 on December 17, 1941, arrived on etervon ond took up patrol. Patrolied area until midnight Deowiber 26, st witch time set course for MANILA following general route taken ch Gay ub in accordance with OSAP 251245 which prescribed tho routing. On Decexber 29, shortly before midnight, raceived OSaF 29138 (serial 441) whloh stated that/subacrines could no longer bo‘sately Serviced in MANILA and that control waa being shifted to PoRt PERWEN, Thasuuch as SEARAVEN was enroute MANILA for servicing aud since we were off northern coast of LUZON, made decision to fest ARWIN via east coast LUZUN and KOLUKKA PASSAGE; set Course accordingly, ‘At 2150 on Decsuber 30, received CSA 301237 (serial 47) assigning SEARAVEN to new area off SUBIC BAY. at 2200 Set course for new area. At 1945 on Decanber Jl, dest gharge attack made on us by two eneuy destroyers (ae Sest.ons 20nd H following). at 2100 on January 1, 1942, arrived in new Sge8 off SUBIC BAY and took up patrol, at 1840'on January 6° fet course for PORT DARWIN via APO EAST PA98, STRUTO PASSNOe and ATA STRAIT. Decision to leave station was based on following: (2) waknown condition of starboard main uotor reduction sess previously salted up due to a leaky lub ofl cooler; (2) so traffic procfee} (3) f00d supply getting low, Duriag eventty of January 7° Feeeived CHAP 071135 (serial 64) routing SEARAVEN te PORT Dawa via JBASILAN STRAIT’ and MOLUKKA PASSAGE,| Inasmuch as ‘we woos headed for SIBUTU PasSaGz, ohanged course to head for BaStiad STRAIT. During evening of ‘January 8, received CSAF 080940 {serial 62) to patrol of? eastern entrance to BiSILAN STRAIT ustll ssiteted by SALMON (OSAP 08948 serial 70),| Reached this new area at 2300 on January 9, and took up patrol. “at 2050 on January 10, set cooeeceat test, Speed fox now area south of ‘Trica POLE LioHD in, Socordance with CSAF 10U932 (serial 78). arrived in new ares at 2200 on January 11, and took up patrol. At 2155 on samo day, Tecoived CSAF 110405 (serial 82), oraering us to new area Set Fest coast CELEHES at port of MENADO,| Set course at best speed UOT how area st 2200. Arrived in new area at 2100 January 12; and took pe Betrel. ubsorved several very bright patches of light on’beach, apparently large fires. During night of January 12 - 19 tried ane ( ae U.S.S. SEARAVEN (83196) [to get a message off to CSAF via radio DARWIN giving information as to Cur low food supply. Could not get message off ag radio DANI kept telling us to wait.Jat 1900 on January 13, set course for PORT DagWiN via north end CZLEBES and MOLUGtA PASSAGE. Decision to leave station was based on remaining food (5 days supply}. Sent message to CSA infoming him of our actions (SRARAVEN 1312007- Rendezvous off PORT DARWIN was set for 0300 on January 19, 19424 We surfaced early the evening of the 18th in order to obtain'a star fix so that exact rendezvous could be reached without 1ose of times A good star fix was obtained and course was set to arrive at position at appointed time. The patroi boat was to show a light at intervals commencing at 0200, At 0158 sighted four searchlight flashes bearing 130 degrees (T), distant about 7 miles, Changed course to head for this light but after proceeding necessary distance to arrive at Fendezvous, could neither see nor hoar patrol beat. Searched area for Several hours without success. Finally sighted searchlight glow bear ing 270 degrees T., just over the horizon, Set course for search light and finally contacted patrol boat. At 0546, Licut-Comir. jhma, U.S. Navy, cane aboard as pilot. Sot course at best speed for Fux DAWMIN and at 0615 moxed starboard side to PERCH alone port side OTUs, Be From tine of underway from 1ARIVLES until midnight, December 11, weather was Tine and clear with moderate seas. Fron this later tine on during the entire patrol enroute to, at and enroute from TAIWAN the weather was bad with wind from force 3 0 5, N.i., and seas condition 3 to 8, N.Z. On some days the ship rolled ahd pitched Several degrees even while at a depth of 115 fect. when the seas were particularly heavy, it was impossible to hold the ship at periscope depth without broaching, Skies in generel were overcast with frequent driving rain squalls, Around TaTVaN the barometer gave no indication of bad weather - ‘the reading averaged around 30.10 and bad weather Persisted even if the baroustor rose, As the SEARAVSN worked her vay South from SUBIC BAY the weather became fine again with eenerally clear skies, gentle winds and calm soas. However, the visibility around HASILAN STRAIT and south of SINAGA POIN? was particularly bad around sunset, there seeming to be a low haze and heavy cloud banks all around thé horizon at this time, Around MENADO the sea and wind Were noderate but the frequency of heavy rain squalls ereatly reduced visibility. These squalls originated mostly 1A the northwest. Jie UWA S196) wag tee South to POR? DARWIN, the seas were gonerally glassy calm, wind force 1-2 and visibility reduced by hoary cloud banks. o. In general, tides and currents were observed to bo as given in foast Filots and as shown on the charts, On Doceaber 14, colng through the BASHI CHANEL, a set of 1.5 knots to the north was observed whereas an cast-west set was expected. un Jocenuer 16, Proceeding up east coast of TaTWaN and in the Japan Stream, we observed a set of 1.5 imots to the northwest instead of to’ the northeast as expected. During the patrol in area off aorthwest Comer of TAIWAN a set to the north and northeast was continually observed rather than the southwesterly set shown on charts. Excellent star fixes were obtained by moonlight whenever gonditions were such as to obtain them, The fathometer was an indispensable aid wien no celestial or terrestial fixes could be obtained. In addition, the following navigational lights were observed burning: (2) PoRTUWs IsuaND and CABKA ISLAND, (2) SUMUCHO (SANCHO) KAKU and HUKA situ (AGINCOURY ISLAND) (TaTWAN). (3) TUNGYUNG TAU. However, Light List shows it as 3 flashes overy 20 seccnds, but it was actually 3 flashes every 15 seconds, (4) ‘TURNABOUT ISLAND and TUNGUHLIAN (MIDDLE DUG). (5) BARUSHA Ko, (6) APO East vas x. un December 9, at 2230 and again at 233v, sighted what appeared to be friendly merchant ships (one at each of above times) in position 42 niles bearing 270 degrees T,, from roint APZTRU, Both ships were on course approximately 090.degrees T., speed lu knots. oa Deconber 17, at 1015, in latitude 26-02 N., Long. 121-39 #., sighted three small merchant ships in company on’ course 210 de= grees T-, speed 10 knots. Picked up band of noise by sound wiile at liu feet, but heard no clear propeller beat. Came up to 65 fest oS but one ship was 30 close aboard had to turn away to cet clear. Ships were past firing range by the time we could get into position, On Deceuber 22, at 0306 in Lat. 25-3745 Ne, Long. 120-57 a Sighted two white lights on two siips on course 235 decrees i.7 speed 7 knots, range 1,000 yards. wade night attack though irtving Fain made it difficult’ to see. (See section G). st 15vv on December 25, in approximately sane position as just civen, sizhted two small sailing sanpans. These were apparently equipped with listeniag gear as they clung on to us until we surfaced at 1930, at which tino we “bent on" four engines and got clear. une boat fired two flares or rockets after we had eurfaced. un December 25, at 0845, in nat, 25-21 Ne, Long. 120-39.6 Ee, while at 110 feet, heard ‘screws. vam up to periscope depth and Saw merchant ship on course 210 degrees ¥., sveed 14 knots, rai 2,8uy verge; auele on bow 90 degrees port.’ arty and sent boat. For description of rescue see Section Ip, Sunday April 19, 1942. Zighteonth Day. 0100 Bost returned to sitp with the seventeen Yemaining porarelians. Four of them could not sit up and aa Brom seno%Gz ALL but two had to be carrion baroy tthe sroulders of our men, This second group waa in must poorer Shape than the first group to come abounds 2 sane oon again several times, @ to a similar brighter light These lights were noticed by the eiso by the ship. ilso, signalling hoted on two mountain peaks toward Seoured for sea act cour: batteries on othar two mains. Subuerged and set southerly course to pass west of Parsee’; .002 content of air at this time was 34, the air Mroughout the whole ship was ost oaarous dus't> ito 80 many sick nen. 0 giving \the condition of the rescued a2 sUffering from aaleria and tropical Popea meen ouseious and in serious conditions hase intheter 1gere, one serious. Onc officer sutfering oc hoseieeg Surgpuel wound. Twelve bed patients, all’ Socuire hospitalization, Fosse Coumeubs a.F., four four directing Sc.RAvEN proceed FRequantle et hest spied and to run on surface tren sree Speed thr ody eee Sot standard speed eighteen kuots, speed through water, sixteen knots, aGo 3, UNITED STATES ASLATIO xLERY U.S. S. SEARAVEN Vonday April 20, 1942. Mnoteenth Day. Submerged at davm, Souenced surface run at dark. Tuosday April 21, 1942. ‘Montieth Day. 0032 Received Vonsubs A.¥., 45 esking for STA Freemantle and Greeting SEmLAVal’ pSeoea in to pert tmotistely uoos Wednosdey April 22, 1942. ‘“wenty-first Day. Underway on surface, Speed wade good: 15.1 lmots. Thursdey april 23, 1942. Twenty-second Days 0712 Entered total boubing restricted lane. 173U Sighted and exchanzed calls with U.S.3, SAILFISH. 2008: ire in wancuvering room, Abandoned wanouvering and after 1g Tous. See section 9 for full description. 1¢- 8,, Longe, 1129 SEORAVEN 231300 to Comsubs ¢ in maneuvering room and 3 SEARAVEN 231500 ctinguished and both disabled. HAPPER vas comiug to d by air shortiy Bal, would arrive about nine hours zed. Friday April 24, 1942. 0230[ Sent SEARAVEN 231800 to Consubs Avr., ef 0 uain motor eable fall ing and giving the following damaget Both reversers, all motor rheostats, aid bus selector switch inoperative. Control and reult overload time delay rolay ower cables to port roverser, ami all insula cage burned c nerator bus two uain note 0735 Sig 88196; Serial Friday 084.5 0945 1000 1300 1400 1615 2700 Cony US. a ee ne = Pals /f/ Teken in tow by GIaPPER using two mooring lines in parallel. Patrol plane arrived, han Ss Parted tow line. Disconnected chor and backed out to SMAPPER. Tow line secured, Under tow trom Put Wo. 1 auxiliary engiae on propulsion on No. 1 Vain notor by wizing auxiliary generator to No, 1 min notor. aations OTT joined formation IMS 1755 300 ew as Saturde: 0930 UGH passed Placed No. 1 auxiliozy engine v Sent 5; N 241215 to Comsuds a.F., BOROUGH had us in tow at eight motas y Avril 25, 1942, Twenty-fourth days As seas heavy one strap on port ai Peruitting anchor to swing fres to one torsoco hositing strap pounding the side with cuisiderable force, as no core straps or heavy line vas cvailable and sea conditions nade working around anchor extrenely dangerous to personnel the an was, east loose and drovped over the side. CORE icy pgp. ee 220 ren DER TiAl U. S. S. SEARAVEN 98196/412~1 Serial: 0-515 U.S.S. SHARAVEN (85196) Roport of Thin War Patrol, Period from April 2, 1942 to april 25, 1942. 2 Weather. (a) Freenantie to Timr. Cloar wosther, chovsy sea, tow wilte caps. Exocllont visibility. (b) North and West of “nor. Clear Weather. Glossy sea at plight. Slight chop but no white caps during dayliches How Lying clouds on horizon cause Father poor visibility until about eight thirty each night at whieh tae thes, low lying clout banks sean to have cleared up and visibility ts excellant with olear horizon. (c) april 23, frosh breeze moderate sea. (a) April 22, trash breeze uoderate sear (e) April 25; strong breeze uoderate to heavy sea. CONE; gy ppeeenss, UE snams astete mae EN Tift U. S. S. SEARAVEN 58196/s12-1 * Serial: 0-515 U.S.S. SEARAVEN (88196) Report of Third War Patrol. Period from April 2, 1942 to april 25, 1942. ‘Tidal information. Reige of tide near Point Kurus Western Timor is about six feet. The usual daily set works out to be southwest at about .3 knot. Lies, UNED STAIRS ASTATIO =LERT U.S. 8. SEARAVEN Serial: 0-515 U.S.8. SEARATI (88196) Report of Third War Patrol. Period from April 2, 1942 to April dy Navigational aias, Wone observed. IRDES, UNITED STATES aslavTe U.S. S. SEARAVEN 88196/Al2-1 Serial: 0-515 S$. SEARAVEN (38196) Report of Third War Petrol. veriod from April 2, 1942, to April 25 , 1942. Zone time kept: Minus eight. 5. Contacts with eneny vessels. 2020 april 17, 194: west of Kurus point én arly seen 30 type is ualnown, ‘Trac! for about twenty @ D0, Wade ready two tubes forvard and two tubes aft. on a northerly course. Did not attack pecause of need for secrecy. Hi} / U. 8. 8. SEARAVE! 38196/aL2-1' U.S.3. SEARAVEN (95196) Xovort of Third War Patrol. Period from April 2, 1942 to April 25, 1942. 6, Aircraft sighted, None, Aust~alians informed ne that Japanese aircraft patrolled coust starting shortly after eight in the homing and returning before five in afternoon. pps, WIT srs asiaric FuzeT th U. S. 8. SEARAVEN U.S.5. SEAKAVEN (55196) Keport of Thira Wer ratrol. Period from april 2, 1942 to avril 25, 1942, 7. Particulars of attacks. In reply refer to ins URES U.S. S. SEARAVEN 95196/A12-1 Serial: 0-515 U.8.5. SEMAVEN (39196) Report of Third War Patrol. Period from April 2, 1942 to april 25, 1942. 8. Mneny anti subuerine neasures, None encountered. In reply reer to S ASTATIC 95196 /A12-1 U.S. S. SEARAVEN Serial ira 0.5.5, SEARAVEN (85196) Report of Period fram Avril 2, 1942 to april 25, 1942. Zone time kept: itinus Bight. 9. Major defects noted. April 3, 1942 - sticky ting ilure of Dat enel April 11, 1942 - t blot ap’ power on 4 fain fron the nein reverser, ai of the cage, ‘he hoad electrician on imnedistely abart from the 08 P Teach than because o1 tripped dl 23, 1942, fle underway aising 290 RPL; flanes w ouer, afte ‘The next aot of vaneuv ering compartuent and close the door to read of fire to this coup. quunition, It vas stated by Cleared the compartment, no no was rapidly beooni ¢ rilled with Imediately after tripping the watch in the after engi engine room ena secured At about 2015 arcin, generator in the Immediately thereafter th battery tank to prevent fur Was noW conietely without power, ¥_ ene: forward engine room was als0 evacuated aid scaled. At bout 2030 a man equipped vith oxygen mask o: Toom from the after tor oom to i f flame enc to pull cleer the control) tured out to be burning rags) was noticed fra Were seen in the maneuvering room, eltaough the with dense auoke and it was possible to see h that visib: nse suoke. ain generators ne door, by sealing 8 Seen’ to ocour behind t ine room and smoke beg attery disoonnect: ya Sea TOOm evacuated the comartnent Fiaer Wer Patrol. gine due to ne completely. Frequantle at 90% burst port but could not ugine room wateh 3 inch by the tine they le but 4 tnont and engines, the 0 the forward the comvartuent. he board to gl main ‘an to issue therefrom, 8 were pulled in each + the ship reoney lighting, ‘the the maneuvering resence of any (which later tor room, but none pent was filled few feet. In reply refer to oes U.S. S. SEARAVEN 98196 /a12-1 Serial: 0-515 9. ligjor defects noted (continued) At 2100 the battery disconnects were closed to enerize the auxi- lazy board. 4 nan was tlien sent into the conpartient through the engine room to start a lichting motor gonerator, 90 that the radio tranaui teer could be used, Vhen this hai been don, two more men were sent into the ca one to close the engine outbomd exh by secure the circulating water to th thought at this time the uost probable ca carrying away of @ usin motor cooler, (all of w! stage of corrosion) an resultant flooding o However, thore were no indications of shis notice water vas secured. Ventilation of both coapartuents wes nain engine was started and alloved to idle to taxe F machinery svgce through the after torvede room hateh. By about 2230 the compartuent vas clear enough t0'de entered wit out an orygen sssk, and a preliminary inspection of danaee was nade which showed thet bother 3 mip was without propulsio, a tow. Further and sc following extent o (a) Both not (b) Batter erator bus. (0) sterboar hoos: ded "in position and rendered inop: (a) ale. side the (9) Practically all insuletion in the ain uotor bu dropped down not in contact (ey comin blisters on (hy Ringia : 3 shows 100,000 reading in amature of 2 nein motor, Ti) Tusul atio! #1 nein gene: beek of cenerator b Tt is impossible to detcrmine the total extent of dauage within the slain power cage until the vamaged Leads oa be reaoved. Present the forvard ond of the oage ‘At 0200, after the , round had been discovered between bus and thd battery bus, 72 ausillary engine, va auxiliary load he "battery was pulled clear, Ground readings were then taken on the bettery tanks nexium ground in Was 20 volts. 4s a further pr wever, the battery discomests in the battery tanks were pul 23 In ropiy refer to cece U.S. S. SEARAVEN 83196/a12-1 Serial: ¢-515 9. Major defects noted (continued) All nein notors and generators were chet and only /2 main motor igns of danage and that does not appcar to be extensive. ation will be necossary, ho fully deteraine the denage to this n ely begun to effect porary rig to onable the good nctos to be used. To do so, t trol Janel would have fe be goupletely by-passed. It wis decided that it would be poneitle fo directly connect an auxiliary engine to ae wain notar. This ie oe eT apie end at 1000, april 24th, 1 auciliary engine was stented on v1 main motor ana the rig tried oat ved to Operate satisfactorily, at 1400 this ropulsion and 135 RPL were cbtalned on the starboard shaft. nag, ‘euporary rig wentionel above ws effected in the following manner: In noma operation, 2 ry engines can be used on propulsion tirough port’ genera’ + wither, or both engines ut on this bus by individual aucilicry generator it breekers on ZY power boar : the generator bua is grounde be used, bi ux Liery genezeto: the port generator the bus and pul t of the mein po for leaas ese leads d. Both cannet be there ne able to balance the nereized froz ighting motar generator Lead fo tlela field at all ‘output of the generator is st. zero field on the cht up to speed (100U Rij, Tho main notor is then in the auciliary generato> dually cutt: UD. This is the generator is run at constant speedy the notor, After test proved ve rig satiat. » further investigation proved the p ty 0 eotly con ng cither 3 or 4 main 1 ond 4 main notors as follow: can be taken from the eutrolled by #1} wain generator field rheostat on panel which was found to be ope, have been run 2: ucilinay to th Theostat an the zheo: U.S. S. SEARAVEN noted (continued) 8 way be comect obor field exeitatio ety uotors, such as is offered When start. Lend to 72 main motor der securing it to the ort Teverser. e lead would have investigation, 1 holding lug, and However, it’ is been cither bummed c reverser. Such is t the fire rt reversor itself. 1 90 badly burned ‘thon In rely refer to ee J. 8. S. SEARAVEN 98196/412-1 Serial: 0-515 U.S.S. SEARAVEN (88196) Report of Thira Period from april 2 to April 10, Remarks, The rescue of the thirty three Australians fran Timor Wes accoupliched with the uost erute equipmont inaginapie aud under very adverse conditions, Ensign George 0. Cook, D-lf., U.S. Naval Reserve, who was in charge of evacuating tis party tran the Degen oy means of this vessel's boat deserves spacial uention foo the courage, resourcefulness, cil! aad determination with Witoh he carrisi out this mission. He has most certainly denous trated the highest type of initiative and proves Lis ability as a seaman aud a leader of men, In the opinion oF ftieer the actions of tis uan were of the himself and in accord with the best 0.3, HMaval Service. ‘The boat used in this rescus was the conventional Suburine boat from wiich the easine | It Was powered by one set of tured frou two by fours and part. the oar looks were ade from pisces o inch steci stook. No provision could be ng oar so the Conventional rudder vas used. the anchor was sade 0: a piece of two inch brass pipe as a Shank and two pieces of one quarter inch stecl stock as ams, It was given additional weight by lashing an old piston to the stocks as can te Seen from the above deseription neither the boat or the doat equipment was in any way suitable for use in or acar the surf, The coast itself ves far from ideal, The hundred fathom curve was about one mile off shore ald the botten to the coast line. 4 heavy swell was akers about six feet high to break about one hundred ana rirty yards from shore, Tn addition, of course, the chosen spot was only twenty miles north’ of the Japanese base at Kupang and it was problematical as to Whether or not the beach was hela or patrolled by the Japanese. Add to this the distinct possibility of a sur- prise attack from seaward upon the slip itsel? end it ig readily apparont that msign Cook undertook this job unler very adverse cirounstane In reply refer to DUS, UNTWD sums asiarTe U.S. 8. SEARAVEN $8196/a12-1 Serial: 0-515 10. Rewarks (Continued) After having taken the boat in the first night and tailed to contact the stranded varty he anchored it off tho surf the sect iight and evan ashore to investigate after comuniestions wite the beach od, In utter Gisregard to his.personal safety he pervached a caupfire around which twe © were standing, shone nis flashlight upon himself at en imediately Giseppeared into the brush. Ensign Cook searched the area around fits fire for another hour without success at tho end of whieh time he vas to retum to the ship, Upon returning he v0 gO back ashore and remain there until Ving to contact the dustralians and getablishing whether or uot the horsemen were ustralians or Japanese patrols. This requost was naturally denieds Un the third atteupt wien the first sixteen wen vere evacuated, Snsign Cook svam out from the boat and rosesed two or jute Australians who were coming out on a line, withoat ite jackets, from srownli n the final trip in to the b t parted its anchor jing end vas thrown up on the beach despite all the boat's stor Could do. snsten Look took two uncon men, two nore who Were too weak to sit up and the two reunining Strongest neubera the ee itty into the post and launched it successfully through ihe sunt, o feat his Camanding urticer considered prastioally impossible arter ° t d landing point carefully through the ve x one in with orders that he as not » v any circunstences, ight prove fatal Kest len. Previous to the anchor parting snsien taken one of the unconscious Men out through thesurf and tion him safely into the boats KARICION, Leonard Be 4.20, Use i had done the seme with the Second unconseious mane B. @ize, © GATEVY, Joseph L., of special i men accompanied Zasign Cook as netibers of the be crew on all trips. #ech of thew made severel trips through the surf st verious times. Zach of them rescued one drowiing iustrelion and helped others through the surf. SON hauled an Wiconscicus man out through the surf on the lest night and deposited him safely in the boat. WRKESON, UC CRIEVY and WORENZ, John Gli(PA), U.3. Navy., who wars in the boat's crew the SO8¢ Might denonstrated thelr’ courage and skill by launching the boat through the surf after it hed been washed ashores Wy In reply reer to TES, UNITED STATES ASTATIC FLEET U.S. 8. SEARAVEN 88196/412-1 Sepial: 0-515 10, Remarks (Continued) This rescue was imbued with the greatest of luck as far as the Australian party was concerned, Flight Lieuvenant H.0, Cook and Pilot Officer V.c, Leithnoad, whose plane had been shot dom during a raid on Kupane at 0945 zed on the thirteenth of April, joined the party on the afternoon of Friday the seventeenth of april. These two officers would have been left behind if earlier rescue attempts had not failed, Lieutenant Cook was suffering from an infected shrapnel woud and would most likely have been in dire straits had he not been able to get the first aid treatment he received on boards In rely refer to Flight Lieutenants: B. Rote LA 2439 HL0, Cook. 229 Flying officers G. Birchali A203. Arthur "2122 "= Cole 41733 ilot ufticsrs KAR. Greaves 42237 V.c. Leithhead 406856 Sorgoants Gorporals P. Sumner 35: “C.P. Humphris 5170 + Donald 10397 V-Ric. Hondriekson 6448 +E. Litchell 9169 Lloyd 14576 Bell 18349 oraftsnen ir Uraftonen E.G. Park f, Uliver 27996 = Burgelt 12801 muscont 35453 + Gibbs 19259 Pid. Kean 2450s Suith 12629 Lat’. Bourke 35121 As Ackerman 20604 age 2968% king. 13374 HJ. Jones. + Bridge i. - No number, KNCLUSUME "5" xu USS 5: 1 Serial on Board U.. April 25, 1 Frou: officer Comanding australian Party. T0 i Subjeot: ived info; that @ large pary was « next village to the appeared to be moving dom, and hence decided to into the hills on the morning of the 1Uth.(Darw: e llth not to transmit unles: y afternoon, april 14th and Darwin, who passed on the Nodsco copy. fthis was th +101 and 80 was in the tvo and T can only surf cutting out lights as indicated by 7 faith in men on anchors with sick men, alnost entir: to your nost vn the two atch tide had to be to lis cool h tough untiring en rt. he work of is also co: like to tie Job tray soranised cypher, by the’ signal & P the hille or the verty heving been taken; whi ‘the bay, proximity to Koepang effort ever mre neritor = party wich to ©. inesre. admization of a muted job and hospitality an ud tO none, r fat vrtie r Commanding Australian Party, osure "C" to U.3.5, UCAIVED BY AUSTRALIAN Pik FROM DARWIN, Noi. chore at 2 point me of point Kurus for Tive nights encing teenth at 1300 Z, lthen sea condi tions 11 attempt rescue, The subsarine inker tube to transmit Sh at two minute intervals as a recocnition signal. Your pr will be a flashlicht or fire exhibited tox thirty seconds. sub. boat accom. if no nat: waesiay nights. Monday. uffleer sam and hailed tvelve en geen around campfire. They scattered «without his contact, Both nichts the rescue vo. received proper Signals, “viday aturday ni ch 2 time further reseus att not signals. If you un possible, copy oF SOETVED BY ws" Zo the Justrelian and Dutely officsrs ad Soldiers that ais CYers Ns#-Z. fell in our hand in susgession. Un Larch gninaid. the allied forces surrendered to us with out any coay tions. Leecet roastend ebout 1,100 australians and 100 Dutoh aziders wens Atscol Legatt and Dotiger aid the same, eek neat oie Live and awaiting for you being supplied with pread meat and froch vegetables, Your uovewent and tresane Pigation ere Teported to us through RAILS, If you’ sontitue Getting against us, there's not wey but to oomgier your gome tous with this infometion and avait for the rotemn or eace with your friands, Jepanese aray merch 14 142, BNCLOGRE " D" TO U.S,5, SEARAVEW $5196/a12-1 Sertel cvs35, Serial; ARTA ER PTR. June 28, 19/2 - Zone Time linus sustcined on fire ia the os 2 oper: tio in the 32a: 6 cor st of nor eighteenth, th Dep rt ionéeri nine, thonec r-tus COuping carouto. Vat’ ($8196) 1942. 10 0457 page ana pare OL daly ec until July Thirty, abo until wucust both Silay caa 10 0457 Third Dey June 0710 wy eth oxtentedieking 11. knot by Fit 1 sks C1 005 deere. 351 a rth Dey July 1, 0655 ade . tred fe cer 1623 Surfeo r on base course 034 2130 Ghengcd bese course s (7). 95196/Al2=1 Seriel: ¢-520 SUBARDES soune v. » SEARAVEN (35196) = 1. Narrative (Page 4) Sixth Day July 3, 1942. 0904 Wade troining aiv 0955 surtcend, O49 deexces, 1327 i 2é 1443 choad 12.5 éive to 300 Surfaced. i ant cheed 12.5 knot on base course wed 24g f knot on base 040 degra s. Continued fie Zag. 1636 1736 de training dive. Surfeccd, 040 acerc ont ehoad 12.5 1800 Fort lockout rupor ¥o Peder contceb. La Sean on sao bocring, 2040 Cheng 2100 Aft=r roocipt of co: stcting no stipe ¥ on scooad, anc eftor obtcincd hefors éopertur upon ta. a i 5 Gurize sotly aoring, 2, Costinus north <16: @ircet to Dilly oa 2 oh p30. ther port Pcsults trying to ack north Aooking i nd ct least a land figuring point in mking 2 Pa Pi bird tow ainute: subsowcapac Po soon vey of in knot on tesc + Continucd Zig Zag. 6 on port bear. et high eltitude deter. d bess course to 047 dcercca, ichty four fa Dil on petrol of =etio: po Kurus on July ths eoast going o of getting ther ally for ng ind petro sevorcl thet Dleec to rtirc ers headed through et Dilly cud to the zorth wost- ht ships trom ndfall. acy $8196/a12-1 fal: 0-520 U.3.5. SEARAVEN ($3196) - FOUR 1. Narrative (Pog 5) Positions 0800 Let. 14° - 39! - § Tong 118° - 37" x 1200 tet. 144 Teae! 2000 iat, Long Hiles st-a Fucl uscd 3013 gal, Gourso made good 040 acer. Average spccd 11.8 knots, Seventh Day July 4 1942. 0535 recd Light et Let. 12 forty cix x 1814 Surfaccd. 1952 r of 2035 Positions Tote 220 ee ee 26.7 2. Let, 11°; 03 ~ 3, Long, 121° ~ 48.8 ent shced 12 kaot on cours SUBLARDES SOUTIMST PACTETC Y (88196) FAR PATROL, nd_com cagee out: ab 8h; fouth of terricr. 045 dcgrcee. lights lotor identifica es boing $8196/A12-1 SUBLARISES SOUTH BST PACIFIC Serial: 0-520 S-B-0-1 U.S.d, SHARAVEN (38196) U.S.3. SEARAVEN ($3196) - FOURTH WAR PATROL. 1, Narrative (Page 6). Eighth Day July 5, 1942. 418 Sighted ship bearing 040 dogrees(T) with a small angle on the bow, Stood out clearly on horizon in bright rocnlight. 0.0,9,, took siip down. Could pick uy nothing with perfecope or sound. Sighted sailing vessel of about fifty tons beering 224 dearees (1) distent 4000 yards on northerly course. Believo this to have been vessel sighted at 0418. 0603 Changed course to 070 degrees (T), Jntrcnes to Koepang Bey in sight. 1822 Changed course to 025 degrees(T). 1837 Surfaced. Observed cane fines cnd sevoral lights on Timor >etween Te lass and Noepang Bay. Commenced battery ch.rye, Went ahead 11 knot, 2150 Chenged course to 070 dcgrecs, 2202 Slowed to seven knot, 120 3Pile Positions 0800 Lat. 9° = 53.2 = S. Long. 123° 00,2 = 1200 Let 9 ~ 53.2 Long. 123° -"08. 2000 Lat. 99 5 4742 o Tong. 123° -"39.0 - 3 Liles steamed 130, Fuel used 1393, Course made ood: 046 degrees. dverags sped 5.4 knot. Minth Dey July 6, 1942. 0200 Secured Battery charge. 0448 Changed course to 150 deere: 0457 Submerged. 0840 Changed course to 120 degrocs (T). 0940 Changed o to 058 dcarces (T). aif 88196/A12-1 Serial: ¢-520 S-D-0-2-5-0 U.S.S. SRARAVEN U.S. SEARAVEN (55196) - 1. Narrative (Page 7) 1406 Changed cours: 182) Changed cour 1832 surfaced, jont asad sot conten: jooci ved CS3\P eighty IF KOepene on Four duly. Segured batts, SUBURINES SOUNMHST PACIFIC FOURTH YAR PATROL. to 075 dogrecs. to 060 degress. 2125 ve saying 2310 Positions Tat. 08°,- 59.5',- Se Long. 124° ~ 13.83. Lat. 09° - 01.5!- Sy Long. 124° - 19.4, Let, 08° - 55.2" - 125° ~ 26.7'~ Wiles steamed 68. Fuel used 767. Course wade good 054 degrees. average speed 347 knote 0800 1200 2000 Tong. Tenth Day July 7, 19424 102 0245 422 04.28 0540 0805 0840 0931 Chenged course to 055 degrees. Changed course to Changed course to 095 degre: Subaerged. Chanyed course to Changed covrse to Change degrees. 0 degrees. course to 075 degrees. Changed course Billy channel. 1044 When et 200 oster changed course to at Dilly ancho a 000 degrees eo, Fothing there, 1305 Chengod west line six niles north of Dill 1505 Changed course to 090 degress. = (35196) nuabsr of brush fires on Timor. d battery charge. ps in Dilly to 139 degrees heeding dow axis of on Dilly changed axis, (2), Hed good Look ours to 270 dearccs (T) patrolling cast SUBLARINES SOUT it ($8196) WEN (35196) - FOURTH “AR P..OROL. 1, Narrative (Page 8) 1840 Surfaced, Observed © nuaver of brush fires on Timor well to westward of Villy, Town itself eoupletely blecked out, Comenosd dattery charge. ent cicad 75 RPu meinteining a listening watone course to 270 degrees. Placed io, 2 auxiliary Positions. 9800 Tat. 089, 20,4¢ — 5 Tong, 125° = 2).4r 1200 Tat, 08°,- 26.71 - 5 Long. 125° 33.6" 2000 tat, 08° 22,51 - c, Longs 125° "33,6" = Elles steamed 61. Fucl use 670 cellons, Courses rede good: Vertous, patrolling station. average spsod 3.4 knot, Eleventh Day July 8, 1942, Bhanged course to 090 degrees, Changsd course to 270 degress. ubrerged, Ghonged course to 240 decress. Changed course to 139 degre: heading dom Dilly channel axis, Hed good look at Dilly anchoreze, Vething there. Changed course to 002 acerses. Changed course to 090 dogrees. Patrolling cast west line five miles north of Dilly, Chengsa course to 020 decrees. Changed ccurse to 090 dcgress, Suriaosd, Observed sarc Sircs cna lights on beach Stordey, Comicnecd battery oh.rgce “ont ahead intaining listoning wateh. nis. ‘R.VGN (85196) - FOURTH 1, Narrative 1851 245 2311 2318 (Page 9) Chengea Chengsd cou Changed 0800 Lat. 06° ~ Lag. 125° - 32.01 Lat. 06° - 25.3" - Long. 125° -°32.2" Tat, 08° = 22.5 ~ Long. 125° ~ 49.87 1200 2000 Miles stcomca 80 Fuel uscd 205 2 Courses aed ‘Twelfth De 0007 ci 0034, 0134. 0234, 0350 01,00 0445 180 270 280 260 2 250 39 0600 0702 0951, 1039 et villy « Sevorcl front. Chengcd cou: PACIFIC S.3. SBARAVEN (35196) aR PATROL, dogrees. dogroea, degre + Placed No. 2 tuxiliary acgrccs. acer dcerscse o fron so, 2 torpedo Tubs. workout. dcercss. dcerces. dcprces hvedins dow Dilly 084 4 to clo. chtcd thoin a and Dilly channel ag boot undsr sail. ceo, Vothing there. oving ard on water PEST PACTSIC U,S.3. SUARAVSN (83196) U.8.8. SBARAVEY ($8196) - FOURTH "aR PATROL. 1, Narrative (Pepe 10). 1219 Chenged couse to 090 degrees, Patrolling 5 miles north of Diily, 1445 Chenged course to 270 decrees. 1839 Surfaced, Comrenond battery cl ainte ning wateh. 1850 Cheagsd conzse to 215 degross heading for aiddle of chemis, bevvocn «ior and Kenbing Islands, 1950 Went ahead 9 motu, 170 =P, tox 2048 Chenged courss to 000 ace 2330 Scoursd battery charg, 2358 Changed course to 180 degrees. Positions. 0800 Let, 08° ~ 26,2'- s, Long. 125° - 35.7" 1200 Let. 08 Long. 2000 Lat. 08 Be 12 Liles steared 83. Fuel used 205 gailons. Goursss mate good: V-rious, petrolling statio! Average speed 3.5 knot, Thirtconth Day July 10, 1942, 0347 Chan to 090 acer: 0,00 0430 ater slugs from Ho, 5 Torpsdo Tubs. 0703 Changed course to 139 degrccs, 0809 0900 Bocpeng a rol off thet ys in ac-ordenes with oricinal plans 1007 Ghengcd course to 255 deer 1348 Chengsd cours to 265 dcersos. 1729 5i ip Deering 090 dear 3t_10,000 yards ng out of haze end bedkground o} ing Island. Ghenged cguis to 000 dcercss. Our position Let. 8°-32'S Long. 125° — 23° -1o- Uf $S196/Al2-1 SURARTIGS SOMMEST PactyIe Serial 6-520 SoB-C-R-3-T U.S.5. SEARAVSIT (35196) U.S.S. SEARAVEN (SS196) - FOURTH WAR PATROL. 1. Nerrative (Page 11). 1735 Had good look at vessel. Angle on bar 90 acgrses port, Renge 8,000 yards, Idcntificd as Hikawa iiaru class, Changed eo:rse to 270 dogrocs to Track. Decided to overtcke, got ahead and eke surfacc atteck. Obtained tarest sposd of 12 knots. No escort observed. Surfacca. Pacod thrce engines on propulsion at 16 knot. Comnecd battery oh mg on fourth ongings Chene 34 course to 240 dogroos. htcd targct broad on starboard bow, distent 8000 yard: Here-t obscurcd by min squall. A chcok by navigation- al positions ct this tine gave him a spccd of 13 knot nda course of ubout 240 doercos. : Sceared battury chergs cad beilt up to full power, 17 aot. Hcerd four muffled explosions y-ich soundod like depth ch al dircotion of tergct, which now boro broad on the starboard quartcr, Lost sight of targct - slowod to oc third specd to Liston, swung loft to course 150 dcgrecs to liston down track, Sound reported disturb rll clog port sido but could not 5 propellers, Coulé sco nothing in this 4 i o sving toward tergct. id conduct attack by sound, wll spced in vroparction for diving. Tiluainetca by ¢ tuarty onc 080 dcerccs (T) distent cbout 2000yerd ‘Two dspth chergs cxplosions n AUL wore astorn d shellow. Our depth 200 rect ai layers 4cpth chergoa, all further cotcrn. 290 fict, Prem this timc on ren dued vourcd to kop prnpollor noi scta of light sercvs - ni Scttlsd on course 320 deere Positions 0200 Let, 08° - 30,0! - s. Long. 125° 25.57 = 3 -n BSP PACTFIc +5+ GLARAVEN (88196) — 28,5 ~ 291s = aes ious, vetrolling station, Fourteenth Day July 11, 1942. 0030 Frozslier noises faded out. 0140 Su:feced on cource 19¢ deavees, went choad 12 knot. On-enesd battery chores. O148 Chznged course to 300 degrece. 0220 Changed course to 330 dearces. 0250 Got aes+acc off to 33> P steting that unescorted eru pesse through Onbed oticit geod? Verions petrolld ced 448 knots, 19425 7 chiTEG. isnt 86 to 020 dvercos, htsa Morro Leho ° acerca, distant milos, sd course to 000 Scoursd battery oh-rece Positions Tet, 06° 47.08 = Tong. 124°- 57.0" 1200 Eat. 6/42-1 SUBLRINES SOUMH™ES? P..cTFIC 0-520 U,8.8, SBIR (3196) RAVEN (SS196) ~ FOURTH WAR PLTROL. tive (Page 22), Hiles steamed 140.1 Fuel used 947 gelloas. Courses nade good: 101.8 mi on 343 decrees. 38:3 mi patzolling station, average speed 5.8 knot, ‘Twenty Third Dey, July 20, 1942, 0143 Chauged course to 315 degress, 0439 Subsrged. Sy completely ovsreest. Ho sights, 1826 Surfeced. Coaxenced bettery ohcrgc. went ahead ten knot. Sky completely overcast. No sights. 2240 Chenged course to 000 decrees. 2340 Changed course to 090 dogrees. D.R. position puts us cbout twenty miles ecst of ccater of Staring Bay. Secured battery che: Positions, Let, 04° ~ 51,01 Long. 1240- 219" Lat, Of - 44.1" Tong, 128 - 14.6! Lat, 04° - 21.1! Long. 123% 52.1 ~ Eiles stcened 137.4 Fuel used 977 ecllons, Gourses mde good: 129.5 mi. on 340 acerecs, 769 ai. petrolling st: sworege speed 5.7 nots, Tucnty Fourth Day, July 21, 1942. 0040 Chen’ to 000 dogress, 0140 Chengcd course to 270 acersca. 0240 Zncounterca ! ain quell. 51: Posted sound ci 0340 Chaarca t 000 dcgrccs. Visibility ebout five hundi 0352 Subncrecd. circ 0410 Sct curse 040 desece 0600 Changca course to 000 1130 Wosther eloerca voncuhst, Visibility now cbott 6 miles. = 226 $8196/A12-1 SULUREO souLEST PacTITC Serial: ¢-520 U.3.3. SERAVEN ($8196) U.8.S. Sui.4VEN (38196) - FORTH wR PATROL, ais Narretivs (Page 23). 1140 Changed course es. Visibility auch 1155 Sighted Jienut 35 deercos, distant 20 rilcs 1210 Ch sourse are se 1516 he urse degrees, Now six miles east of end. 1600 course degrees. 1844 Changed co degrees, 1854 Surfeced. The y is very sharp, The sky is completely overcest but lanul Toland stends out shorply defined ct fiftesn alec. 1859 Changed course to 090 desvees, Comen charge. vent shend 10 knot. 2325 Secured battery cheree. 2330 Changed couse to 180 degrees. 0800 Let, 03° ~ 36,08 - 5, gs 1230 17.0" = By 1200 Let, 03° - 24,2" - 8, Long. 123° 2h, 2000 Tat. 03°,- 27.8 Long. 123° 33,08 - Miles stewed 125. 1 used 718. Courses mor, Tune 28, 1942 to sucust 6, 1942, follovize fects is subaite, Je Devine subacgec nob De Lore ot elds 2, ith the -clcetox 5 position Schcculs could be Keone Son stroicth tive, ith the scloctar a (8oP2-1 Loop) ro. etter thon stra (open eg herd str vets blist: been below tae horizoatel, Bey eawipacnt go aus.8 fo, fuaetion scriictiy bet with ti ateot ar eix nilcs SUBL2nS sounrEsr Piotere U.S.5 SRR van (99196) ~ FOuemr war PATROL Tune 28, 1942 to ausist 6, 1942, Manus sicht Tine Zone, escription Deperted 7 cig up bombing lene thenee + Long. 114° ~ 05" — foal thls pote dict toleentar OF sande ec bétwocn Roti and cute Istents, Crp gycgnc 2 ¢ epokod 1a at Meopane ay ienes?) 4h oe skirted Jost ana Morth Co sts of miuor throu Ai oF Posscge to Dill, Pap eet ott DHL EOE ewes ae) note Ge ae Raking onc trip to Koopang cna"y 282° Passed lor cad Xeabing pctrol1 ing up Grevhoun® to Cmbet line until off norzo cho’ thenes @ircet to Lenderi. Eetrolice off Kondari runnin, ght on G: cyhound~ Weri, wmbon-Kendori, <1 ondari Lava, Roturnce fre rate using thie route but by-peceing Did, ter Lticit, end secpane. ¥05~2/38196/41: Serial s-3 SEORED FIRSY Bhd ch usually deen encour the ability surt FILMED wWP/A16=03/ TLARIES, SUUTIESY PACIFIC tial (8-0037) Septender 2, J.3.8. SARGO (S566), ander Subuarines, SOUTIDS’ ancer~in-Chicf, -8. PLE ndcr U.S, @RAVUN (33196) = Ro rol ~ Perind June 22, ‘pout 6000 peeked. in © enue abandonment iar. soca aye nn Yipe firet Day Septenber 0745 Th ay fron ith Consu Posi tions 88196/A12 Serial: 0-521 Ts ATROL - U.8.S. erretive (Page 3) th 3 T 30, 1942. eining dive. © training dive. ! gurfaced, 201, Received ne fron. CHF 51,1 dircoting SEARAVEN iuclude data on encny aireraft, pou: id ing idiestions of lend or float fichtors and radars Christnzs Isiend if eneay activity warran bas Stopped and ley to while uotorige in No. 3 and & main beerines cn No, 3 aain Under se 337 degrees. Positions 231.5 niles on 338 desrees, Y, October 1, 1942. ede trainin ed five rounds of 3/50 §8196/41 Sericl: 6521 “TROL - 5.8.3. SEARAVEN ($3196) 6 (Page 4) to comence sbi fll be o natrol Long 109, -03.5 f. 2000 Let. 17 = 045 3, Long 108 ~ 32.0 E. Dister a 247 di. 1 used 2949 Collons. € speed 10,3 mot. Sixth Dey - Octobsr 2. 0604 Chonget course t 0758 Submergea, 1902 Surtacea, 20H Conne nd ing ne. 107 = 3; 1200 Let 14 = 44.5 Long 107 ~ 26.c 2000 Lat. 14.- 20 Long uel Seventh Day, 0605 Subsoree 1910 Surtrocd, 0800 1200 2400 Let. 10°- 31.0 Long. 105 = i7 Distan $8196/4 cient cables on veri 0800 Lt Lone 16 1200 2000 Lat. 07 = 5 Longe 104 93196/A12 b.. 4 and conducted patrol as outl 0615. Subaer Es 1950 ourf-c6d end eos: petrdlling Great courses 270 - 091 0800 Lat. 06 = 14.2 8, Teng. 105 ~ 30.8 Be 6 00d 120.9 miles on used 744 gallons, Average seed 5,0 inots, Fifth Day, October 31, 1942. ing Greet Gumnel, Received msssege f200 51,1 stating German merchantnan is in Bouikok locded and ready for sea, her denerture date being unknown. If sie leaves tonorz pass thrugh our area about th temolete extending time om stat 717 gallons, 5.3 knot ty-Sixth Day, rl, 0000 Pe troit. WAR PATROL - v. larrative (P. 2008 Receivee rolling Gre Positions, Let. 6 = 14.5 3, Tong. 105 "30.0 5, (35196) near the cinity fflo trough island oad 6 Streit. ne ibility ent about, 61 on course 0515 Sutmerged ind petrollsd seue area 1950 Surfeved. Petrolisa Grect Cae Positi 0800 Let. 6 - 16.2 5. Long. 105 = 35.4 2. 1200 Let, 6 - 20,2 3. Long. 105 - 34.5 Ey 2000 Lat. 6 ~ 21.7 3. Long. 105 ~" 20.2 B. S26) iia, SOUTETEST PACIFIC (88196) © good 124.2 miles on verious courses, Used 727 gallons. average speed 5.2 knots. » Novenber 6, 1942, ling Gre rolling seme ersa as yesterday. sehooner of spout 100 tons on Gre through center of area eneed course to 040 degrees. Did aot atzock 65 we Guid De cbecrved from shore énd would giv: awey Povition to lerper tarect: Surfe ced. £340 aerees (7). Tucked and d into'e snoll siiling veseel showing ‘terly coures throuch the ehennel, Gre-t Chemel on ast Vest cou 00d 128.7 miles on vorio ‘727 gallons. Average speed 5.3 knots D-y, Yovember 7, Cruising Greet Channel, Subucrecd. Gon onced patrolling ame arca as yesterday, pithted tue trensports becring 320 degrees (1) ai stent Talles. (Sse Seo. 5). 2 Surfecud, Comccnced patrolling Great Channel m base courses cast-west. -27- 88196/a12 Seriel: 0-52) SEORZ” SEARAVAT ( tive (Page 28) Sent followin BY USD Tox Posi 0800 Let. 6 - 13,7. 5 i+ 105 "35.7 &, 6 ~ 18.5 8, 105 - 32.175 Lo 19.8 used 751 @ Day, Novenber @, 0000 Petron tng etrol taro erectest ai entire uctrol the Sticie, Gret Che iat s ite 9515 Submerged. Com: on courses 040 ‘enced = 220 1952 Surteece, Comenc! Positions 0800 Let, 6 - 12,9 — s, Long 105 ~ 32,5 - 1200 Let. 6 ~ 11,9°3, ‘ODE+ 105 ~33,0 5, 2000 Iet, 6 -"15.9's, Long. 105 ~" 23.8 Distence sade good 13 Mel uscd 739 fellong good 127.6 ni ee ons, aver 18196) msaseg6 to CTF51.1: . SEARAVEN cornscrs, CIF 51.1 stating tm i an ying t enemy may tip of Snith G6 speed 5, 1942, el. Decided to nove back to "Dog". Eelieve nav that my in not remaining tere for the treffio vescing slsewnere in pe trolling deerces, through point "pop" ed patrolling Gres t Oh 1.2 niles on v Av-rare apecd 5.4 ics rious ov rses, ees AVE (85196) cites (sce Sect. 5) cr: 127.7 miles on veri a 5.3 knots, OL - 0.3.8. SEA e 30) trolling Nerrative (P: 0000 2. 0515 Subcergea. on courses eed petrolling th 220 Geerees, Surfcced, Petrolled Gre:t Cncnnel. Fuel used 7 Yorty-Seventh Dey, tiov 0000 Petrolline Gr a. Petrolled th 0 degrees. 0515 ugh poiat 1950 Surtcced, ?trolled G2e.t vhannel. Distence asde ood 127.: Fuel used 780 gollons. av rty-#iphth Dey, Novenber 13, 1942. 0000 Petrolling rect Chamel, 0515 Subsereed. Patrolled th: ough point "Do; 040 = 220 decrees. 1500 Settlsd on course 1716 Ohsared ¢ Channel. point "Dog" "Dog" on courses mn verious co © speed 5.3 mot: + Chenne} 95196/a1 2-1 R PATOL - 0.5.5. tive ( @ cbout sev this 1 rious 0035 Set course 146 0236 chen 0611 Submerged, 1919 Suxtaceas 0800 Lt. 7 ~ x 1200 eet E 10,0 3, 105 ~ "20.7 3, de (ood 142.4 silos on vert 1079 calloas. ‘aver Fiftieth Dey, Sovesber 15, 1942. Subnergs 0850 Chenged course to 150 dex: courses. SUBMARDISS, SOUIH\ZST P (38196) Sighted Christi 15 niles, chenged course to nd erised on ¢ north of Surte n Aver: 2 WO Giles off tures, Saw sbout tuel Smith Point. Noted at: October 5, 1942 had sett: t che tics en the reef thoue building north ¢ thirty os white end stwerd ovme tion aieoee rouns of Island berrt Chifstms Telanc out ten ailee Fish Cove. two r © berrecks et 130 orth of REES, SOUTAEST Pacterc 38. SERVE (38195) 1600 Hevi: no Sins of sctivity decided ageinst bo: usived Nov, ich nig hing 0; in of 2 cun on oF i st=nee Fuel used q 122.1 miles on var 917 gellons, Avere, 0420 Submezpea, 0530 Chenge @ 00 ewedt enourh licat for e 0605 Changed course to 145 deeree ding in to Cove. =e 38196/a2 606 Lookovt si be dine 136 1445 Sustsce: 1945 POSSTEL, On PRs F-OUTE ot Hoesen 115 deer ss196/an2 Secret 26 £000 260.3 miles. a 240, 176.5 on 150. S. Aver-g€ speed 10.3 “act. pe. Stood in to to CTF 51.1 as a co RINE SOURTSRN i:TL: SABLE 10 TICErY, NS TRACK AY HICH 236 - BST PACIFIC (ss196) cosnition signals vith a PBY on ro: trom fusling beee. 86 “i on 150, 30.0 Mi,» 60, 45.0 wi on 103, "36 mi on speed 12.1 1942. Be 255 ecgrecs, Course so 171 « sgrecs, © £000 279 niles, 5, 158 Wi. on 1 sone SUBMARINES, SOUTENSST S.S, SEARAY ¥ (88196) rrative (Page 39 ) 00 oi Tslana 1b 25 wiles, Cher @ 2004 227.0 waite! 145, 30.0°on 160, 37,0 on 115, IT PACtrIe N ($8196) vorener Varied, Up to October.a7, 1942, tho Breese yore Gle-r with brilltentaoonitert one gentle Deleht stam tte Mls The divs were normslly chose tien a Oyight sunssine and e contis breee wee the surface Pain oquctiy £9 Have oovesional mutts capes eo two) R Squ:lle meht be noted overland, On the seventseath of October th shifted to the SY iend 8 peried of clouay sky end tines continuous dn Lested witil Ootober 277 toroe ta bly then but tae sky re Usually tirss or no: WY roin squalls in Lt times doth Gay a: hts Thess soualls were. omdanined by Sy. tais time on = 2 four still, TSES, SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (38196) - FIPIH waR Pam nation, Tf Christus Istena Set SW Drift 1,3 knot. teu Tslena Britt 0.75 knot, 88196/a12 SUBNARINSS , SOUTHWEST PacrPIC Seriel: 6-521 §.5. StARAVIN (85196) No Lights were observes to b. the high point on Prinee's Iel=nd ¢ S On Juve ere cistinctive land a: obse a ap hing the St: os to Princets usually covered visible on @ very derk night unt 41 cet wand. The cures atre suael were quits Jave oe"s Island is low end herd to 1£ wae found to be very diftioult to uaiatein en cecursts agvigctionel tt Prince's Srannel oz the western tion 3 $5196 /a12 sun SOUTHWEST PACIFIC Ser int ROL - U.S.S, SEARAVEN (58196) 5. Deseription of sueny Contec 0 Oetorer 9, 1942 Tu identified ce « concrete carrier, the 3100 pross tons. she w.s heeding on course 225, speed 12, on 2 tzeck between ohennel to eestvord of Dhierthty id and 2rioess Chennel. At tim osition was yerds, Surnisee s fon westward om 80 to 102, 26 3500. See Section 7 ppecred to aorthi 90 degree 207% istictive. She "de t: ith thy rd, Upon raking neles lerge objects caidships + chine gua nests, . SBARAVEN (88196) y Contects (Gontinued) fs ‘OySE Of the AiAGIRI ‘To steal tripod t, nilitery aedonest, high foze tor edo tudes, low cn nein deck. Lit, 06 - 11, Hong 105 - 342-5. S rain squell. Sh itify 8 to tyoe. 7 » Gt 12000 yar coume to cl ea out thrce quarter a curve of Gclucyer acef, The Tein, squall end could : 2 to the north westward. Delicved the cestroyer pcsscd between Krakateu end the next three hours ld heve be 14,000 yar. course 105 300 from noixt "Dog, ¢ to on thie oovrss, Lose to sed. ‘ihe closest renas isute interw1 when th fra long directly on us exed by sound HPK, checksd cs 13. dst2 conputr bet it ys felt that t specially tor fish slvo. The Cox: % tie tim: tht he ws grobebly searchi 1 pessse durian one of oh nore osition could be his suraise She disapared to rd end did nc troyer wes of the TOMOZURU class. 3I d aft, onc interaittatly ror Clos. 5 thoy soars tere Necvier then others ligat bonbs 1 eoth chi re Sci th bound tenker u neit through Streit. To south bound ont. plodea. boubs inters + 4 total rd, All ver S, SOUTHST PacTrIe rd vent t beck in to plees. G s dead sewed during overheul due to scercity of mew No. 3 mein engine evaporator cesseq probebly to lecky thinbles. 242. Ths Lower self of No. 4 mein decring, The Wes found to be warve. clawed. ring tueven Weer on the =Tter red. Nusber two ns alsa ta bit hed b euch 20, 19425 with 2910 engine soe Tt was renewed liey 25, 1942 with 236.6 0: fo stens of wiping. Wien reneved this Last a eine hours, 1942, An inspection of beer gine revesled thet No, 4 acin fo. 8 mein bearing of No. 2 main wiPed. these beerines mere renewed anc ron in Glowes 1942. Inspectio of No. 3 snd No. & i in eneine revccled @ biezkdown of the bone metal. The loose rostion vee dug out) the e-instelled, and thsreafter this engin un nly on rare occesions for short intervels. Pateber 16, 1942. Holding cott tor eix conditionin burned out “seusiiy snell rive in puse ny pleced. lovanbsr 2. Doveleped smell leek in No. 2 aucti Deliase CA Pts enehgned swell Losk ith dake smizt sort peten. $3196/A12 SUBMARINES, SOUTHWEST PactFIC Seriel: C-521 H WAR PAIROL - U.8.S. SSARAVN (89196) Hotsd (Continued) Wo. 2 pe: iseope h shoving ive wear end brok “ostised 98196/412 Serisl: 6-521 SECRET ROL - U.S.S, SHARA orks, } General, A tots] of tairty seven 0: to Prince! Island enc thixty Tong. 105-34 - ceys | in ths vi eye patrolling ba icing were cade zee ship cvavoy olus escort, one 1 lone high spsed destroyer, end one (this s20t north bound. One un corted trenssor f the strait cout” thie same area eicaten and South bound treffie seened to Ghemel cag passea oa cither side ened that with the exesstions these cont:cts the SRIRAVEN ves on the epno the Streit. In ech dnstencs, 2 mistake wee made dy patrol positions but it wes © logical mistake f petvel d been spent at either polat "Deg" or 6 successful patsy] would a eve resulted. By shif = spot to the ot d back egein we got comDlct of phase vith she treffic rout lag. From the “ey traffi 3 SUARLVEN's patrol nfted, it scams entirely” possible tht the v e of our genercl locality, During the aight possil us from Xeckstau but alse during tale tine us. They might heve @ redar instell nd could have out us in just 85196/a12 NES, SOUTHWEST PacII0 Serial: 0-521 SECRET FIRTH WAR PLTROL - U.S,3. SzARAVEN (55196) 10, Renerks (Continued). = cnd egein | ust after surfzcing thereby surmising pretiy ell fue area We coversd during tae doy. Tt vous tren deve deen ¢ simole and quite effective hagtey to nets Stef: to sows us, lesving us unmolested in the seshtom f,cee? us sithin’imom 1inits, Such a plan woods iicely with tisir nood tor destroyers end antl sober tt elsewhere in ersea no shore instelistioas seni cover. : The destinetion of the two south bound trenssc¥ig seen $a Hovenber 7 13 quite ouscling. They ooulg, of cocsoee be Nosed fou Sunstia but t 1s seaxe vory scubener icy So Ghristace Telend. Mhey could be” runing to Germeny but with « deck 1osd tas sen doubtful, It scons hishty vrobetle thst they were teen ia Kcyleya, skisted the eovst of Sumetre to Sounds genet tes Lived close to the South Cocst of the Terther on, Te then the subamive be pauetice My zero exoe! shes to Locbok ana ctivity noted ,7915 tons aK(cERay = 14050 tons Ac (aaPaitLsE) - 6853 tons ak (Jar, EA ee hey C.a. Lockwoop, an, e DIstRIBUTION Coline ¢ uwespacfor) VICE OPxav - ) Chrchaxrrr © 35 TAKEN 70 SEA - nuRy) SOUTINEST Fron: Sounander Southwest Pacific To: er in Chief, v E Subject: +S+ SBARAVSN - Firth war Patrol — 2s Forwarded. SUBMARINES, PACIFIC FLIER, " Seriel: 0-523 U,8.8. SBAKAVEN (38196) conned DECLASS FED AT OS, opmacspsaqie 1, pitt ores [rw U.S.S, SEALER (S8196),” RaponT- oF stars a Period trom Deconber 18, 1942 to Februsry 10, 1944, fren Operstion Order COTASKOROUP 51.1 No. 72 Prolomes arrived Frenantle, Western dustrelin, from fifth war F5 taan November 24th 1942, Commenced refit on lovesver 251 192, by Squedron SIX relief crew ent te Connleted rertt and ready for sec on » 1942, Fanowed mein poner eablen for Ho. 3 main generators a Poghed cnt botton re-peinted. ised Dec, U3, 19/50 Tetatng Period Dee, 15 = 18, 1942, Furne this period had new tearinge poure! for undorsize cer pscurmels on No. 3 main engine, The bond betmooe aon and becring note on these new bearings wes discern Fating iow hours before getting underway and the old, Zone minus eight tine, Decenber 18 1942, 1600 Departed Froncntloy Wea. Procepded up tonbing rostricted Jenes Rough oather, Deceniber 21, 1942, 0950 Arrived fuol barge, Hxmouth Gulf, Wed, uno Placred fron elongside fuol berges Received 9€00 gxllona fuel, 1600 Coniucted special oxereises in northern portion of out, 245 Cloared Bmouth Guilt, Deesiiber 22, 1942, 1620 Recetved nossnge giving Je> etrercft patrol arena co ¢ Peetr of six hundred niles between bearings 220 eel 230 fron KOEPING, Starting ct sone plcce a sector of 300 niles on 190 thon 200 miles on 055, then 200 silos cy 90, north for 75 niles end then wost for 250 miles a (Gnslosure 2) ‘COMPIDENITAL Subjects U,S.S. SEARAVEN © Report of Sixth War Patrol, Contimed. Taggly cover arca within fifty miles of South East coset of + TOR, Doeenbor 23, 1942, 900 Changoa course to north end noved out to twenty miles [arth of the 230 degree bearing Line from KOBPANG, Decided Bogmmmence submarged daylight running tonorrew morning ot 0800, inside tho morn aircraft areas, Ciewing thet Prrne on petrol would reach this spot’at about thet tine, seep THOR area tins becono quite active of Inte, geciged to continue running subuorged dring daylight until sree banda Sea in hopes of avoiding our own and snonp Stoore’ {ond possibly picking up sono varth while targets closer in shove, Doconbor ‘24y 1942, 0620 Stimted plano which banked ent headed directly for us, Submerged. - (Soc Sect. 5), Docenbor 28, 1942, 0100 Passed betwoon LETT and TINOR, 0900 Ralar cormenced showing signs of onothor radar operating in vicinity, 1022 Sighted plone, Submerged, 1540 surfaced, 2365 Sighted CERAI ISLAND, Gorsionood operations in accordance with Spocial Instructions, Ze Deconber 29, 1912, 0500 Sot clocks cheat one hour to sone minis 9 tino, Decenbor 31, 1942, U30 Sighted smoke boaring 266 degreos, distance about fittcen Riles. Commenced apmecch. (Soe section 7). M34 Heard loud explosion 1iko 9 depth gharge fairly close, Nothing in sight, No planes soon, ENCLOSURE (4) (a) ‘QONPTDENTTAL, fhe Subject: 1630 Fired three torpedoes, AIL hite. : 1633. First dopth chergos., 10 Lest dopth charge. 1950 surfaced. 2225 Sighted Carvotte to IE wha chenged courso end headed for us fron rengo of cbout 6000 yardes Subuorgod. 2359 Surface Jemury 1, 1913, : 000 Decided to tyepuss TANIPA and go to tho nostwmrd of BURU TSLIAD, Desirod to send nossego to CIP 51,1 ant figured a wostorly coureo tovard KENDART might docoive Japs as to our intentions, ilso visibility ws poor with e muber of rein squclis arouA, our nevigetior=] position mas‘vory doubtfid, and the Gheneos wero thot tho Jopa would hzve a betch of PP boats covering the Strait to try to Torco us dome Jemary 2, 1943. 100 Considered asking Contaskfor 5141 whet code to use in talking to Contoskfor 7, Dooiddd to romin aflent os swe bad boon tole thot now coment knove whet publisstions wo fave On board. Wo do not havo GSP 1403 C and 1404 C, Senuary 3, 1943, 0915 Fassod fhfough DIATLOLO PASS, Set course to pas tionty niles to vostverd of TOBE ISLAND. Tarmery hy 19436 i 0100 Loerned from Lt. Cutts onother ftendly eub ves probably nccr by. Docided on submerged daylight Tunning es he probably bélievos us to be olecrs 1840 Surfeeos and found TOBI ISLAND bocring 085 dogrecs @iotent*5 niles pitting us 15 miles SE of Gur .P. Decided: to: give SONSOREL ISLAND «wide berth. January 5, 1943. 2312 Sights today wore practically worthless. Sct course for poak on PALAU. @) CLOSURE = a fe sts U.S.8. SEARAVRN © Report of Sixth Wer Petrol, Jomuary 6, 19/3. 0700 Star sights still vory poor, Degided to mos to southrard cnd cttonpt lamifdl fron onstern approach a5 fringing recfs do not oxtend so fay out on this aides 1909 (Approxinatoly) Entered areas 2000 fivening stars vere in conplote aisagroonent with morning stars ond indiested a wosterly.set whore «12 othora todate have indicated easterly, Sters still vory poor, Slowed to four knots Matening, heping to Pick up beach noises if ue happen to ba too'fer north and ere cpprosehing shes] water, emery 7, 1943, 0545 Sighted ANGAUR ISLAND ooring 925 dogroes distant 19 miles, Submerged and chenged course to vestuerd, Encountered a 1.5 knot $E current all doy, Sot course to northward during night. planning to novo in on TOAGEL MLUNGI PASS tonorron during daylight, Janucry 8, 1943, 9532. Sighted lond bearing 124 degrees, Again stghts wore poor and-loné mula not be soon through poriscope. Moved" in ‘ton miles on courso 121 degrees but as weather wee ovar~ cast ond tho navigational position in doubt desided to apprecch no closer before gotting a good’ position so as ‘to idontify Ima mks sighted, Sighted loom pf very trilljant light boaring 499 dogrees (AS, tone At ta bo Lights for antalotiald ea te seat on ent'ott Intorntttontly for the noxt hour, Jomery 9, 1995 9525, Sighted ‘lend bocring-100 dogreos / ‘stant 18 miles, Obtained good star fix so moved on in tonard TOAGEL MUIWGI PASSAGE, Tho only landnark positively idantityable . Was the 641 ft, pook about in line tiith tho pres, Using thie poole and others marked on tho chart i¢ wee possible to obtain several different Pixos 90 novod in to a point figured to bo seven niles off tho pase cnd cruised back end forth on castorly vostorly headings, (@) Stetina talon acvgtopd tale « genta aoeete, oe asseges Cormoncod apmoash, (S00 section’ 5 ser nf, Pized.ove torpedo slesod - Dopth changed srnanstieally for an hour, fumntsod that ‘as tase courso,ef dohvoy appoarcd to be in Eo Retghborhood of 300 degrdos their dostination mat to San Bornandino, Docidod to give chase figuring ther vo copld Poss then during tho night and ncke mothor atteck aftor dau, furfectd end favo chose at 15 knot, Figured eonvay synod fo,b2 10 Imot 90 could bo 25 ~ 20 miles choad by ooo” p2ted tho some brilliont Light at tho pase as wal sock Inst night, Jomery "10, 1943, 0230 0509 Pessoa out of p-trol- area at Lat 300 dogrecs, anced 15 knot, © to course 315 Aogrooa, forte Sete 000 cogrees.. “Nothing yot in Sight, Sloved G,d2 Mot. Dossdod to petrol back and forth cerdos aetieated ‘course ling chout six niles ocoh addoc Sighted snoko bocring 122 dogroos (1), Distant 15 nites, Subncrgedy Taye gitweloped Into two shipa on tase course 300 dogrecs (2). Cocmencod for off oxplosicn believed to bo = torpedo, 2 un, (ieee Shter the tirat torpedo neo fired, Sought dovth temaisteay, (See so¢tion ©), (23) HUCLOSURE ( come Subjoct: _U.5.S, SEARAVEN ~ Roport of Sixth Var Patrol, Deeenber 32, 1942, The convey wie Saroaned - by no omvotte cos Rol, fron tho eclunn lecder, ixother abovt 2000 the colin cad @’mino Leer sto 2 saring 070 relative fro the ship. sll threo serosa t sighted 12 vore neking bobrcen wix and oigh cuit thirty sueonde before fi up ovideatl c thor sho-d, uimitos vo svbnozgcd, Jemery 9, 1913. Radical aie . a, bofer tcc! : suplo of dogth cheng: fined hor dock gun, 1 enaller vessel deopred > few depth charges fooling of the floor l:tes juming "owes nO Ioud, noieo Like the ordinary depth charge end tho ship did not scon to sl Th wes, horcvor, dew thing folt betare dur zig dopth cherge cttceks. ft going off below us. Our depth ct that tino was 290 toc! Jenuery 10, 1943. Evidently dro zed sone depth ch-rgos shortly . unded e We twoiling us cs his remainod censtant but che aeaeuclly feded out on the acm boerings (5) EXCLOSIRE (12) yer at 170 fect ond another « ing to hold tho ship com, Yo vere holding vith @ive on tho bes g tlmce dogree dom cugle on the ehfp ct 300 fest’ thon it + to periscoso denth, wp cut 14,000 2 at tne thinds enced, the first chomge cna yore in hen Ho trouble coma bo found oxccpt tht the "ont! Licht nd so this cirewt tes ineomlcto, Minelly rigcod tho ad. thon out cgain, They not eneratos inpoz=ib16 for tho sl: ca tho plencs .n the out" position 3 the Nout contor of the 2 ag of tho priate Dy ia by = = ores through sult of doth BYCLOSIRE (4) U.S.S4 SEARAVEN = Roport of Sixth War Redio Rocoptiony Tadio regaption for however, threo soricls and the reson fr this Pocrl, one ee {AEfseulty wes exportonced. in gotting « nee off on the tuenty third of January, Alte ace TRE Mtenptod to vetse Wr on’ 8470, no succoess 1990 ‘fhmelly raised VIXO on £470, sho toi neo uate Gitar the sity first groups, VIEO Ala not tots us Fo Se thee 2eain cod would ‘hot anover cur Sait, 7240 Redsed VIB on 4235, Tad us shit to ator: fold ue to go chead, Got no redoipt, ¥5}2 Relood VINO on 8470 viho told us to tekp 1, ENe us strength zero, Got recoipt tron Vinh, ter seoned to be wutting out normally, vce Maus tines far frequency, the only explication Was ee neaD, StBtinces or «blank uxce.” RPM VEST te wer ll contng in strong, 12s Sound Cantons an Donskty Layers, (1) ore simon: sount conditions fein, Distinct ayer * 220 foot ronutring stout 4000"Ibs ‘to get tiehs (2) ote Pats Laver ct 170 ond 230 tect, roquining 24,000 bs out de ship to cone up throne foraation® Oxeelent, Currents smune ships hoca 40 Corres at 90 R:PiM,, and Aull rudder, (3) Tat, 9% 121 ~ w., ong, 130% 361 B, layer ct 140 foots, Sound eonditions txeoltont, Health ond Habitabiaity, Ore frolen am ecused by £211 through deck hatah, One troken finger aonsed by soneone etopeing soit while olosring tho bridge for dive, y cut Finger recoived chile clearing bridge for c dive, ‘Threo car cbeesses, One bd cnse of boils, le ciate sochags PRCLOSURE (a) N ~ Report of Sixth Wor Patrol, Fourteen cases of chronic inigestion and ail@ etoncch upsot of ninoty percont of the crev. Milos steaned enroute to and fron Stetion, Fronentlo to Bnouth 759.3 Sxnouth to Station 289152 Total to Station 530 On station’ aren 262341 ren, to Pon Harbor 3896.0 Total nillos 10,169.6 Fronantile to Tomouth 7,780 gedtona Exmouth to station 25,485 gallons On station’ Station to Poorl Totel 3 96,515 gelLons' Ronsining on arrival Pearl Harbor 1,840 gallons of onduranes remaining. 3U days ary provisions, 1 Torpedo, 1940 GcXons "tuo, 17, het fector of Enduranes, 4f ony, coused Ending this Patrols Torpedoos en fuel, 18, Ronarka, Conmunicctions on this petrol loft mich ta be desired, Upon loaving Pronantle, we hod all pubMentions avedlable to CTP 52, Ho lacu our List wer nbt conplote Wt vere told that CanSubaPac knot hct vo hol? ond would csnmuniect@ with us in sone ayston held by us, (28) ENCLOSURE (A) N= Roport of Sixth War Patrol, Upon reporting results of ottack off ABIX to 51,1, wo hed dnfornod hin thet ve hid no informntion on rotogni tion ter tho thirty first of Jemary, figuring that this inform ation had probably. goto out to the Paoifie Fleot alrandy and wo micht niss it hen shifting to our new task force. The answer to our nossage ‘Sion conodrning these set ‘tps, On the ovoning of three Jemry vo hod reesived nothing address= ed to us ond nothing fron NPW in a cote we could read, Wo know that OSP 1403 C end 1AGR vicro in offect and the SEARAVEN did not hold these publications, Me di¢ not Imow vhct syston to use in ecse we indocte with Congubsy i2s0 wo aid not hold the strip for CSP 1247 4 and still Inow nothing coneorning recon cla, Sent a nossoge to CTF $141 telling hin we aid not above nontionod publicstions, asked vhat to use for comin ections, end cakod for effective key Golumns of rocogaition signals. Received the folloving reply: COUSUBP:C KNOPS Ti? YOU HOLD REPEAT DECEMBER RECOG SIGHALS FOR JMUARY X THIS SYSTEI LOSS SORIP ELIMTNATOR 18 YOUR HENS oF comuwic:2roNS X fe continued to ruard NPIf cs vell as VIXO and on the fourth of Jenucry intercepted a vossage giving another recognition setup to Subs 5 ’2645 which ve prosuned to: be the propor ones, ip nothing cdérossad to tho SBARAVEN until the sovene tecnth of Jemuary thon ConfeskFores Seven 170758 in "BALABY cane through to us for setion, but on its hesls vo intaveepted a paraphrase 50 ne vero not bothored, When reporting in on the trenty third of January ve nontionod gur inability to rocd "BALLB" ond requested recognition setups aftor tho trenty soventh to bo certain not to got ecught again ant to got a chock on thich of tho two recognition setups put out by OTF 51.1 we should waa, On the twenty-fifth received O#7 "ARTIE” soricl which we took be his thine tranenission to tho SEARAVEN. We hnd a paraphrase of one of the suznosed two missing scricls and figurod thet anything important fron tho provious serials woula heve been ineluied in this Qn the tionty-acvonth recoived Contaskforce 7 "VEST" serial which shoved vo wore nissing not tuo, but four transmissions, Of tho four one oaild bo dofinitely cceounted for and ve hat provicusly Tocotved to percshav.sos fron OTF $141 of messages fron Conpubabacs, 2 figured these had probebly boon forwarded without serial notations In sc@ition, © nespace about torpedo depth sottings hat cone through +0 teskforeo soven so thought this probably conpletet our files, Decided ip ond ek until reporting at the five hundred nile ofr. to of Johnston Telon?, (29) ‘ENCLOSURE (4) SONPIDET IAL, Subjects On the first of Pebrunry vo couja. not. cecodo OM 312347. Then his 312348 cane through nentioning: Feb, first. ctrip cota, Fo broke out CSP 1247 B ant 1248 B vhieh vero ina ROB statue Frovious to, this tine ve had receiver no notification of these Mublication’ superBecing the older. anes, Thia rosa us the golor flaroa and tine portods which vere -chockod cgcinat the Jamunry reserve key colunns an’ fun’ ney 30 Wo cursed fist the proper key eoluma for Fobrucry vero tha rosorve far Tanisey os put out by CIF 51,1 to Submarines, Souttmoct Pacific. ENCLOSURE (1,) FB5=13/116-3 ‘SUBMARINE DIVISTON FORTY-THREE Scrial 018 Gare of Fleet Post office, Sen Francisco, California, he Comiondor Submerino Division FORTY-TiREE. © Comender Subnerine Fores, Pacific Fleet, The Comnnder Subrarine Squadron FOUR. U,S.S, SRARAVEN ~ Sixth War Patrol, Comuent on. ‘The SEARAVEN returned fron petrol in very good materiel Gondition indicating thet the ship's personnel have paid close attention te maintenanee and upkeep of 211 equipment. linor ropedre were unde at the Subnarinc Base sufficient to permit ths SEIRAVEN to proceed to tars Islend for a commlote overhaul, ‘SUBMARINE SQUADRON FOR, FO5e4/16-3 c/o Fleet Post Offico, San Frencisco, California,, Serial 028 February 13, 1943, ‘Tho Commander Subnerine Squedron FOUR, ‘Tho Comandcr Subnerine Force, Fecif'ie Fleet. Forwarded. PROS, Fe-3/ tis (aa) 27 26-3(5)/ sumeanme voRce, ~errI Finer cs 12 “i Gare of Fleot-Post ortice; Serial 0233 San Francisco, Geli fornia’ February 20, 1943 cor wPIAT, QOLSUBPAC PATROL REPORT NO. 142, S. SEARAVEN - STETH VaR PHROL, From: Sumaecmmander Submerine Force, Paciric riest, Subnarine Fores, Pacific Fleet, Subject: Paened, TAPAVEN (95196) - Report of sixth var Patrol, 7 Tnelosure: (A) Copy of Subject Var Patrol, (B) Copy of csp 43 Confltr ¥B5~43/416-3, Serial O18 of Februszy 13, 1913 and C83 4 fish ty PO5-1/416-3, Soxtal 028 of February 15° Tous thezeto. a rie necessity end advisability of going deen after aeang on the third attack (samunry 10, 143) especially vith ro fhe inieeaygoee18 Present, 45 questionsa, Suneerrese ist retain the initietive. ay While-4t is possible thet TmuK sini nes can ocember 31, 1943, the ovidencs ta not convuste, and stn only Povaredtted'with intiteting damage of thie yee: a5 Finney Of lack of information and evidence sub= saeco. OY the SEARAVEN on other attacks it te sect difficul tte assess: damage, ceived, credits ai aA Freighter (STRAY IW) = «5.600 tone WAR DE 19S ye wasnt valet (AL catrmtsu in) °!200 tons HIE iG Total 5;250-tons 1 tte Ns (98 DAMACED wa 1 TISuKUsHmA (0M) 1,970 tons ” C. A. Lockoop, ar. (Distribution and euthentieation on following page) FF 10/A16-3(5)/ SuRMPD FORT, PACTFID FIEET os 12) : s Care of Fleet-Post office; Serial 0233 : San Frate isco, California, February 20, 1943 CORE DENTAL SUBPAC BATROL REPORT NO, 142, 1.5.8, SEARAVEN - SIXTH “aR PATROL. Subject: U.9,S. SEARAVEN (88196) - Revort of Sixth ‘ar Petrol. : PL(5), BN3(5) ,°21(5),-_ Consublant (25, x3(25, Consubsowespac’ (2) Subsehool NL (2),° Contaskfor 42 (2), Consybron 50 (2). BR Boccnt @. R. siitnpunne, “TE ee U.3.S. SEARAVEN = _ pel, » DECLASSIFIED fr REPORT OF SEVENTH WAR PATROL. Period from June 7, 1943 to July 29, 1943. Area Fourteen ‘tion’ Order 102-43, PROLOGUE. Arrived Pearl Herbor on February 10, 1943 from Sixth vier Petrol. Gepartod Posrl Harbor Februery 12, 1943 tor Nevy Yard, Mare Talend, ilifornia, Arrived Navy Yard, Mere Tutand, February'19, 19/3 ana Commenced Navy Yerd overhaul, “Major jobs completed, i. Elongation of Conning tower and relocation of No. 1 Scope in conning tower, Installation 87 redar, Installation MK 3 data computor. Replaceneat of ninety battery célls with ex-SWORDTIS# battery. Modification of all main engines ty instellat iron pistons and chrome plated liners. Renewa engine crenkshaf: Installation of skewed slot main motor eraatures, Modification of conning tower fcirwater end installation of two twenty aillineter guns, Relocation of 3" 50 cal, gun forwara at conning tower. jastelletion of Imo pump in mein hydraulic plant. Installation of springs on main vents Modification of =11 High Pressure air fittings. 12. Wiped and sound teated, Completion date Nay 7, 1943. Rovciness date May 18; 1943. De- parted Navy Yerd, Marc Island for Pearl Harbor on May 18, 1943, or May 25, 1943, 3 aud No, 4 Nain’Ensines modified as experinent, by Submarine Base, Pearl Herbor, to eliminate Gxeessive smoking, Docked in floating drydack, Navy Yerd, Pearl Harbor, to correct loss notion in bow torsed> tubo shutters, Grounded GF Progector and leaky QC hoisting apparatus repaired by Sutmarine asc, Pearl Harbor, Gonducted four days triining exercises, Fume SYAIZ June 7, 1943 Zone Flus $ 1/2 Time, Underway from Submarine Bese, Pearl in cloud of smoke. Cleared Pearl chennel and joinod oscort. Set clocks back ono ? hour to zono plus ten tine. Conducted trim dive. Surfcoed, Departed fron escort, stending through Kavei channel, ne bearing north, Distant eight ailes. signels. ind battle surface. iS Jk shaft froa tor reverser and startiag contgetors, Found 1 * recson for cesualty snd 2 200,000 ohn resis- tence to erounc re All otter cubicle circuits iat. Decided to run on starboard aide only until arrival idway, whore a more complete investigetion could be madq. Sent message to CausubFac telling of trouble and giving speed of edvance as acven knot, Roceived a from GoaSubPec telling us to give Midway our time of 10, 1943 Sent message to Midway giving BTA as seventeen hundred 2gbra twelfth on thirty mile circle beering 090° from the Island. Set clocks back ono hour to zone plus oleven time, ll, 1943 ; Received message stating air escort only would meot SEARAVEN at rendezvous, 12, 1943 lind ‘Tendezvous with two Midway plon . Picked up Widway pilot and sterted into channel. Woored, Set clocks on Zone plus twelve tine. June 13 = 15, 1943 Undergoing repair, Received dis orders froa ConSubPee telling SBARAVEN to parture from arca as“given in opcra- tion order, for cach day beyond June 12, 1943, spent at iidwov. Ze ENCLOSURE (A) CONFIDENTIAL Subject: U.S.S. SBARAVEN - Report of Seventh War Patrol, 1400 1435 1553 1850 Tune 0800 1800 1850 Tune 1230 1449 Tune 1155 ais 1242 1246 Underway. Cleared channel, Running tests off Island, Took departure. Settled on base course 262° at two engine speed. 17, 1943. Hela ari11s and battle problem. Set clocks on zone minus twelve time. Changed date to June 18, 1943, Hela battie problem, Conducted practice battle surface, Fired four rounds of 3" 50 cal, target ammunition and 63 rounds of 20 nm ammunition. 19, 1943. 5 Sighted-1arge land based aircraft, bearing 202°(T), distant 8 miles, altitude about 500 feet,’on opposite course, No radar céntact, Submerged. Surfeced. 20, 1943 A Loakout reported single puff of moke, bearing 320°(T). Not seen by 0.0.D, Cone to course 326°, Gould see nothing on this bearing, Made careful search from bean to beam through periscope. Decided smoke mst have been whalespouting, Came back to course 262°, Sighted ship bearing 2900(?) distant about seven miles, Seemed to appear suddenly through slight haze on horizon. Angle on bow seemed large, Reversed courge to open out. and track. Position Lat. 269-201 N Long. 168°-o8' =. Ship a very dim outline, Only superstructure could be seen. Appeared a5 q small vessel with superstructure amidships. One tall mast seemed to come out of superstructure, Gave impression of a course of about 200°, Outline «to dim for sitive identification. Came to course 200° putting on No, and No, 2 engines at low load to warm thom up gradually and try to keep down smoke. Both commenced smoking badly. Saw ship twice on this course, , Wed not seen ship for five minutes, Cane to course 240° to close track, Up to sixtcen knot speed now, Still no sim of ship. Came to course 300° to close, thinking she may have retired north or west, Making seventeen knot. Still no sign of ship, Came to course 000° figuring on moving north, then north west, west, and south, to cover possible tracks. When fear position where ship was last scen, Executive Officer sighted what is believed to have been a poriscope about one point forward of port beam, at aboug 1500 yard range, Swung with hard over ruddcr to course 090°, Went to full power and retired behind resulting heavy smoke scroon. as ‘ENCLOSURE (4) CONFIDENTIAL U.S.S, SEARAVEN - Report of Seventh War Patrol, Changed course to 0309, Changed course to 000°, Changed course to 2709: Changed course to 330°, still thinking we could have been mistaken and there mit possibly be a surface ship out there retiring to Westward or North Westward. Changed course to 500%, Changed course to 270°. Changed course to 250°'slowed to seventeen knot to reduce smoking. Set clocks back one hour to zone minus eleven tim + Secured two engines and slowed to fourteen knot, Set base course 262°, Decided object sighted mist have been a sub- mar ine whose silhouette: looked just abnut like that of the T-61. class presenting a target angle of 150°, Zverything points toward our having been traoked, and no wonder! One engine, number four, is comparatively clear but leaves a thick haze. Namber'threo is next best but is getting steadily worse instead of better. Numbers one and two smoke badly. The lubricating oi1 consumption to date has been eight tenth of gallon per mile. Bright moonlight, no wind, smoke very noticeable unter these conditions, making visibility astern practically zero. a1, 1943 he contact with the plane on June 19th and the submarine on June 20th would point out our destination to the Japs as Marcus Island. This:together with along trail of smoke would place us at considerable disadvantage, Decided upon daylight submerged running, Submerged. Lat 25°-52" N Long 1639-40" B, jurfaced. . -22, 1943 Mumber three ongine ls been getting progressively worse as regards suoking have decided to use it only for battery charging. Number one, two, ami four onginds snoke about the same, . 23, 1945 . Nothing of interest, 24, 1943, Attained position figured -to be fifteen miles cast of Marcus Island, Decided not to approaen closer on the surface as our radar personnel at Midway had stated this distance as being about where a submarine omild expect to be picked up. Moved down to a position fifteen miles south cast of the Island. -4> ENCLOSURE (A) CONFIDENTIAL, + Subjec +5.8, SEARAVEN- Report of Soventh War Patrol. Tune 24, 1943 (Contta,) 0415 Submerged and headed in for Island, 0605 Sichted radio towers on Marcus Island bearing 326°(T) distant about 10 miles, 0900 Sighted plane to south eastward of Island. It was a smil two engined affair with twin fuscilags, a central pilots compart- ment, double rudder and single horizontal stabilizer, Gould find nothing renotely resembling him in any of the available Gata on Japanese aircraft, He looked almost exactly like one of our P-38 interceptors, Saw this particular type of plane only this one time, Sighted omall freighter bearing 329°(T) just south of the Island and an escont vessel to the southvard of the freighter. Game to course 270°, Had identified freighter as a very small om of less than two thousand tons. Escort vessel also quite cnalli Freighter had booms rigged out and seemed to be anchared, fore and aft on a south easterly hoading about one half mile otf shore Slightly to westward of the anall wharf on the south side of the Island. Patrol craft was lying to on a northerly heading about one mile south of freishter, Noted a two engine light bomber at an altitude of about five hundred feet furnishing air coverage, This plane was very much in evidence from this time on. Decided to look over the castern side of the Island while getting 9 better idea of the setup. Changed course to 090°, Changed course to 000° ana started up line two miles off eastern shore of Island, Plane very much in evidence, Had god look at radar installed about midway up oastern side Of island, Tt ap.cared quite similar to oar U.S, Army instal- lations. Plane quite close.this tine and was dlmost directly South, Decided to gst pictures on next look, Plene to northward very close and circling toward us as if Suspicious, went to 120 feet and changed course to 030°, Decided to stay out of sight Tora while, Changed course to 090% Took some pictures bag they were in tp the sun, Changed course to 180%. Had a good look at the freighter and escort vessel, Decided the chances of gotting in to a reasonable firing range were too slim to warrant sn attack on so small a target. Besides this could not imagine Japs not having torpedo nets anchored to seaward, Had no navigational chart, .Plane and Corvette wore very mich in evidence ‘noar a likely firing position. A larger ship or even an escort largo enough to torpedo would have placed a different light on the matter, Decided to move out beyond radar range and have another look tomorrow. Surfaced. aaa ENCLOSURE (4, Tune 0430 0500 1230 1435 1505 1535 June 25, 1943 5 a é Spont early morning cruising baok.and forth on 090° ~ 270 about fifteen miles saath of Toland, Submerged and heeded in, : Discovered @ southerly rather than a n exdeoted northerly Set had been encountered putting us about twenty-six miles off, Picked ap radio towers bearing OOCRT). Sighted patrol vessel bearing O00°(T) on an easterly heading. Changed course to 330%. : ee Treighter at anchor in sane position as yesterday. Patrol vessel had moved to eastward and was now coming back on course 20°. Identified treichter as one of the Santyo Maru Class, page ONT 208-3. ‘This gives a displacoment of 1250’ tons y length of 225 feet, Identificd patrol vessel the Nartu class, page 319 of J ting Ships. 61 now beuring 350% Appeared to be patrolling about one mile legs about a mile toa mile and a half south of the, freighter BeofRSa TS Rove da out to Area 14 expecting plenty of bigger camo. Surfaced and stood out’ on Marcus Area 14 Line. 26, 19434 Nothing of interest. 21, 1943. Bet clocks back one hour to zone.minus ten tim. 28, 1943. Passed in to arca fourteen at assigned position according to D.R. Star sights indicate a one knot drift on 053° Bntered area at Lat 219-001 N Long 1449-56! E, Decided to patrol North Yost corncr first as a study of t chart and past contacts point toward this ag boing tho most Ukely spot far intorec: tion of convoys vaund to Tauck, the southern Marianas, Also from this position coald strike toward Palau-Empir linc. : The lube oil situation has becons goute, We have uscd 1868 gallons or .71 gallons por mile. Figuring 2600 miles of Tunning from the conter of the area to Midway, we would uso B20 gallons on the return trip, Adding ton porcent cives 2320 gallens we should ave when wo start back, We now havo 5160 gellons on hand. 30, 1943. Number one and‘four cngincs best as regards smoking, No. 3 poorest and No, 2 not much better. With two engines ranning Peonight the visibility to leeward is practically zero. -6- =NCLOSURE (A) OONPIDENTIAL * Subject: July 1, 1943 Nothing of interest, duly 2, 1943 0050, “After torpedo room revorted hearinz depth charges very faintly, Radar and sound sweeps revealed nothing. July 3, 1943 thing of titerest, Tuly 4, 1943, No benss. July 5, 19433 : No, 1, No. 2, and No. 4 engines a little better as regards smoking. July 6, 1943, 117 Conmeneed moving to north westward on best estinated traffic Toutes. See track chert, Our present position Lat 200-07! N Long 1409-50! July 7, 19434 2110 Received ConSub?ac serial thirteen telling us to inactivate magnetic foature of torpedo warhead exploders, Dia this to thirteen tor2edocs as only that number of gaskets were on boards July 8, 1943. Nothing sightea to date. See track chart. Tuly 9, 1943. 0151. Radar reported contact bearing 1609(T) aistant 2200 yards. Lost contact clmost imnediately, -Spent rest of nicht charging about at seventeen knot trying to cover all possible encmy courses. Believe contact must have been false, Our position Let 23°-40' N Long 140°-05" B, Tuly 10, 1943 0433 Number one’ air bank lst go with a roar, Gould not reach leak as it was down outboard at battery tenk on port side, gua- pect ono of tie new silver soldered unions. 2300 SJ redur out of commissions ENCLOSURE (A) CONFIDENTIAL Subject: U.8.3. SEARAVEN- Roport of Soventh ‘fer Patrol. July 11, 1943. 0624, Sighted Lone cnomy scvengcon hundred ton destroyer, A single stackcr. Eor cours 270°, spood about twenty knot, Mistook hor at first for a cruisot, Sho was bogring 030° distant about 10,000 yards. Came to course 000° for ninty track. Figured She was probebly part of a screen of = larger forse. Flenned to lot her go by unnolostoa hoping for bizgor geno. hey ct a range of 3500 yards destroyer cago left to course 170° prosonting a zoro cmgle on the bow. Eesod down to 120 foot whilo who ccmo down sterborrd ‘siac ot 215 RMA. N> pinging, Destroyer out of siskt bocring 160°(T) had becn gig’ zegsing redicelly, Cc to course 090°, Changed course to 130° Changed course to 140°. Sighted fornotion of ships « ering 934° Aistent 20,000 yards, First nppoered ca four lergo ship cad number of saclicr once, melo on bow aprerved quits sacli. Benge did not cheago cfd bearing heulcd Papldly to southward. Genoto courso 120% tificd two of ‘sidps es slrckoft carriers of the ShoKaku $3 wore Tigged on tho troiling rend lowored ing corricr, They were still hull down end aasts impression of moro ships. Telends and forcnast inproasion of a sacl englo’an the bow angle ves now soon to bo about cichty, stertocrd. position Lat 279-34" N Long 1379-27''E, HontiZiod Ladin obtp a5 Chitose Class seapicns tender and trailing ship 2s Tone could ac out tops of whet aust have float typo pleacs and two vided =a close sorccn. : Formation over horizon. Hoa chockod thon on bese course 155°, speed af cdvenec fiftcon kmot, Started back down. storner lanes to aron fourtoca, see trrek chert. Saw one 1 but unsble to.atteok, 4 Number one cnginc smokes Icest, nuadcr thro most. tions point toward lube ofl being Limiting factor. until ninctocnth et onc engine speod, Unlosa otherwise order— ed intond retura vie iiercus for additionel survey as other attonot sketchy duc to surfrec ond nir pntrs Thos hed P-38 type plane here end redar nenr beech on middle side, Out position Lnt 279-361 H Long 1379-40" By == ENCLOSURE (A) CONFIDENTIAL is Subject. -RAVEN - Report of Seventh Var Patrol. Heading dombest estinatcd stcomer Lencs. Sd Radar repaired. SJ Rader broken down. 13, 1943. 3 Sd Peder bee in oporction. Indicetions of enother ragar opurcting in vicinity. Rar tact bearing 100°T distant 6500 yerds. SHARAVE! silhouottcd egsinst doonact. Ghenged course to 270° while developing contect, Got one pip on this coursc at 6700 yerds then coatact diseppoered, Indioctioas of other reanr still strong and cppoared to be on us constently. As far ns could bo judgca the froqucney,was tho seno ea ours, & beok to cours, 170°. Othor reder gotting woclor, still bearing about 100°(T), “Voathor very elenr snd would’ heve gccn ship of exy aize for ct lonst ten theusond yards. Docided this mizht be ono of our own a Spogd end moved on down on course 170? Lat 2 140°-13" Bubacreea, Surfaecd snd continued down lew. , 14, 1943. gether started ccting up with rein squells end choppy seas Prod about 120°(T). S Took two tresendous seas abocra, one right bchind the other. These were slnost tidel waves. ‘They wont completely over the bridge imocking out the port lookout nonentarily slem- ming hin against. the periscope supports. Crmc in the lower bridgo cbout shoulder dcop; cascading down hatch to the contral r rting oub ell puap room power. Dvn the vontilction systou putting about onc inch 2f water over tho after battery deck, This leeked through grounding the aftor battory. Our, positiog Let 23°-54' iv Lonj 140°-23" By i ujod course ta 280° to bring scas on quartcr. Ha cleared short in pumproom power enough to pormit run- ning the hyarculic plant. Subcerged end cane t> course 170°. Szunt rest of dey until 2200 clearing grounds in battery end pump rodm power. Weather worked up to protty heavy goas and elnoat continuous rein squelis by noon. By 2000 squells wore intermittent but seas still hcevy. rfcccd with 160 volt ground‘still on after battery. Cene 9 course 130° for better riding: age July 15, 1943 0550 Tuly 16, 1943 1417 2200 July 17, 1943 July 18, 1943 i511 2083 July 19, 1943 1940 July 20, 1943 July 21, 1943 0522 0513 0534 0600 1830 July 22, 1943 July 23, 1943 0410 2015 Decided to move over to castora portion of aroa, Came to course 060°, cur position Lat 21°29 Long 140°5518, 2335 gallons of lubo oll romain- ing on hand. Ground on aftor battery dropping as wll drics out. Sightcd Farallon do ?ajeros Island boaring 112° (2) distant 15 milos. Decided to movo on to castward. Havo 2200 gallons Jube oi] remaining. Scnt SSARAVEN serial two to ComSubPac stating: "SE«RAVEN loaving arca at Lat 21%W Long 146° ana wii satrol botwoon long 151% and 152% north of tat 21°N from the cightooth through tho twonty first of July". Estimate six hundrod gallons rescrve lubo in oxeoss romain on Doara. Raining and squally, Rainy and squally, Commonesd patrolling on course 338° and rovorsc. Our position Lat 21°29 Long 151°_19¥n, Visibility much better, Patrolling on 338°-1580, Movod over to castwara, Patrolled on course 328° and roverso. Patrolled course 052° and rovorse on hour legs at 25 knot. Sightod submarine on surface boaring 212° aistant seven milcs on castorly course, Changed courso to 030°, Changed course to 3229, ‘oll cloar of submarino, Commoneod patrolling Gourse 052° and roverss on hourly logs at 15 knots, Steadica on course 052° at tun knot heading for Marcus Island, No remarks, Submerged in position ostimated to bo fifteen miles boaring 300° from Marcus Island and hoadod p for island. AEghfa‘F2813"towors on Marcus Island bearing 119°(T) distant about 10 milos. Sky overcast, -10- CONFIDENTIAL Subject: 2132 Tuly 24, 1943 1400 Thy 25, 1943 1825 July 26,27,28, 1943. Tuly 29, 1943 0750 Svont rest of day making obscrvations and. taking picturcs. When about four miles wost of 48land sightoa smoke whith developed into:a Nariu typo patrol vessel coming from north westward rounding West Point and standing down south sido of island a fow hundred yards off shoro, Changed course to 030°, Surfaced and sot course for away. Rurning on surfsco. Sot clocks ahead one hour to zono minus eleven timc Conducted trim dive, jo. romarks, Arrived Miaway. ENCLOSURE (A) U.S.8. SEARAVEN. = Report of Sovonth War Patrol. Tho weather to and from station was idcal. It was mainly clear with a brooze fron wostward tending toward a slightly choppy sea. The woather on station until July 13, 1943 was almost a flat calm, The sea was glacey the majority of the time, The sky was generally clear except at sunrise and sunset. A fow light rain $RO"EES were oncountored at ipfroquont intervals. ay breeze camo from the southeast. Beginning the night of July 13, 1943, the woathor started acting up with a stiff’wind from the south cast building, up to almost gale Toree by 0600 July 14, 1943. Scas booano heavy and it raizod quite haba most of the day. By nightfall tho wind hoa died down considerably but tho sea romained heavy. From this time on to July 18, 1943, tho woathor we gencrally overcast with numofous héavy rain squalls It cleared sonowhat tho night of tho 18th changing to overcast. sky with good visibility, This typo of weather provailed through July 23, 1943. + TIDAL INFORMATION, A North westerly sot of about one knot was exporiongod in tho vieinity of Lat 27° Long 137%, A northerly sot of about ono half knot was experienced in tho vicinity of Lat 20% Long 140%, NAVIGATIONAL AIDS, Three tali radio towors located on East Point and a largo hangar locatod about three hundroa yards from tho beach on the middle of tho south Sido of Marcus Island are excellent land marks, ENCLOSURE (A) ConrrD: Subject: U.S.8. SEARAVEN = Report of Soventh War Patrol. 5. ENEMY conracTs. Contact, Long 168°3rm, but general out- line of connin towor of an 1-6) class submrinc. Juno 24 1110 Let 24°18 140 Anchored Santyo Maru Cla Long 153%58rE froighter pag: 159 of ONI 208-3 anehored. Pro= tected by Nariu elas patrol Soosels. July 11 0820 Lat 27°%atm 155 15 ‘Two Shokaku clas Long 137°3018 Gv pege 25, one ond Glass’ CA page 41, one Ghitoso’ class AV e939, all of BRE 12? protectee by close aircraft soreen, about three destroyors and a distant dostroyar scrocn about 20 miles 4. July 23 1830 Lat 24°89 090° aieats Long 13795815 Nariu ‘class patr vessel approach ing dock arca of Marcus Island. CONFIDENTIAL Subject: 6. ATRORAR? STGuTED, Contact Ho. Date _Tine Position Course. altitudo Descriptio + dune 1545 Lat 26026N Wost 1009 ft, P-B-Y. Long 16205ayy 2, June 12 0550 ort Miaway 1230 Lat 27°o2m Long 173°2a05 0900 Lat 24°50 154° 01g 24° gry Long 153°58rp 0820 Lat 27°44m Various 500 ft. Slow spood lan basod planes. Furnished air coverage to Edw 500 ft. Twin engine Land based pl 500 ft. Twin ongizo twin fusei: typo. Simi to our P-38 Twin ongine a basod rol plane anchored freighter oft Hareus Island, no two engi Jand typo pat- rol plane. Twe single floa planes. Two Singlo engino carrier based pl all providing cloc en to Taal Forco. CLOSURE (4) CONFIDENTIAL Subject: U.S.S. SHARAVEN = Report of Seventh War Patrol. MARY OF SUBMARINE, ATTACKS. None made. 8. HW A/S MEASURES, Close cir and surface patrol maintained around anchored freighter off Marcus Ialand, Gloso surfaco aad air patrol around task foree, also radical 2ig 2ags. 9. ENEMY MINE SWEEPING OPERATIONS. None observed. 10. MAJOR DEFECTS EXPERIENCED, 11 main engines burn lubricating oil oxeessively. All smoked heavily upon start of patrol but a de- cided improvement can be scen in all but number threo ongino. No, 1 air bank dovoloped a vory bad leak outboard f tho battery well. No, 3 air bank developed a leek in 2 silver solder- ed joint in, the control room, nroute to iiidway from Pearl a flashover ecurrod between the camponsating and sorics fiold windings in No. 4 main motor, No cause could be ascertained 11, RADIO RECEFTION, 113 Kilneyeles. This froquency was nover heard, 9090 Kiloeyeles, Sai ENCLOSURE (A) CONFIDENTIAL Subject Signal Date CO? Position Strength Statie ference Romarks July 10 1000 26% 159% S-3 toS-5 K-l W-1_ Signal clear but arifting.copied ati oe mossages 694,09. LO POW IFS Sto 8-3 E35 w-S\6264/Signal T ed when Foroigr —____Stations Trans. 1800 27 130% §.4 to S-5 XK-2 _s-d/ This vest ro- ‘1000 27% 136°: .s_4 X-0 to X1 WOte ceiving time at 1200 26N 138% Copied mossazes 165,775,761, 739. 800-25 139°S Sap © Signal cloar. Slight fading. SUBUERCED. 1000 240% 8-4 to 8-5 K0 to K1 +0 Good signals. 1200 23° 140% 5-3 to S-5 K-2 Slight Fading 1800 22% S-0 - No signal 1000 21% SUBKERGED 1200 21% S-5 to S-5 Ke? Copied message 1564. Rest Biooked out. 1800 20% 142% 5-2 to S=3 x-2 f 1000 21% B Sad X-1 jood_signal.No traffic 1200 209% Listoned to I 1800 21° 1000 21% 1200 21% 1800 21% 1000 21" 1200 21% 1800 21%: 1000 21% 1200 22% 5-4 to SH5 % Foreign Station interference ENCLOSURE (4) CONFIDENTIAL Sub ject: U.S.S. SEARAVN - Report of Seventh “ar Patrol. Date Cr Position Strongth Static ference iemarks July 19 1000 22°N 151% sae We2 Sent one messa i200 22% 151% gu5 io 1800 220% 152% 3-3 Wa2 Taly 20 1000 22° 152% s_5 Wel 1200 22% 151% s.4 Wee 1800 22% 151% 3-5 July 21 1000 22% 151% 8-5 1200 23% 152% Copying NPM 1800 23% 152% ses Tuly 22 1000 24° 153°R 8-5 1200 24% 153° 8-5 7 Foreign Statior Interference 2800 240N 154°R Unable to shift July 23 1000 24K AE Subnerged 1200 25°N 155°R 9 8-4 to S-5 X-1 Copied signals we missed on 1800 25°N 156° xX-0 Tuly 241000 25° 159% Sopying NPM 1200 25°N 160°R X-0 1800 250N opying NPM Taly 25 1000 26°N 164 2 Poor signal 1200 26a 2 Boor signal 1800 260% 166°R “Copying NPM Tuly 26 1000 26°% x3 Unreadablo 1200 27 Foreign Sta- tion Inter- feronce 21800 27% GHVERAL REMARKS All of the interference was caused by two foreign stations on the frequency, ‘hile these stations wore transmitting, at times thé signal faded completely. Gonerally speaking, réception was clear whilo thes stations were silent, Station JJ was causing most of the trouble and was picked up frequently, The after starboard antenna was used. The moggar reading on this antenna were below normal. Of the three frequencies 9090 KC gave the best reception sips ENCLOSURE (A) CONFIDENTIAL Subject: +S.S. SEARAVEN - Report of Seventh War Patrol Sign DATS POSITION Strongth Statio ference 10 1000 269% 139% s-1 to S-2X-1 W-3 to W-5 1200 260% 139°E So to 8-3 W-3 to W-5 Blocked by foreig: stations. 1800 27% 138°E Guarding 9090 1000 158 Guarding 9090 3200 1380S 3 iin 1800 1398 Wee Signals drift con- siderably 1000 1200 1800 1000 5 3200 2% 2. unreadable 1800 2.) 1000 4z00 1800 5 Te2 We5 Unreaintie 1000 1200 ari =} to 8-3 K-2 We3 Unreadable 1800 a 9090 1000 riine 9090 1200 2:5 <1 1800 i 1000 Cuarding NEM 1200 9 1800 = 1000 22% E narding, 9090 1200 2 to $3 Kol 1800 6 tooo 225% Guarding 9090 1200 22% 1515 Guarding 9050 1800 22°N 151°s 8. X-2 Unreadablo 1000 22tN 15198 Guarding 9090 1200 25 2G “Goarding WA 1800 1000 1200 1800 1000 200 1600 2000 25°N 2 Cuerding NPM 1200 250 g S-l to S-2X-2 5 ‘Unreadable 1800 oa 1000 102 Guarding 1200 eset ota 1800 16685 1000 16955 8. 1200 27) Lose S21 to 8-0 1Bo¢ an eee: ENCLOSURE (A)

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