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Tarea nmero 4

Para el 30 de octubre

El vocabulario relacionado a tu especializacin [major] This exercise will give you some Spanish vocabulary and ideas related to your chosen field of study. DO YOUR OWN WORK! Dont get someone to translate for you, and dont use a translation pagethey dont work very well and generate very strange English. Home works are graded Pass/Fail; you either do it or you dont. Im looking at content and effort, and Im not expecting a perfect product. This is the time for you to take some risks with the language, with no penalty. 1. Go to the UC web site, and look at the description of your major, the course listings and descriptions and the faculty pages. 2. Compile a list of at least 25 words that seem to be important or key within your major. 3. Find the Spanish translation of these terms.** 4. What are 3 jobs or professions related to your major? Cmo se dice en espaol las profesiones? 5. Its now the year 2028. Write 5 sentences en espaol about who you are, where you live (and with whom), where you work, and what kind of work you do. **Its best to consult a dictionaryeither a hard copy or an on-line version. Here are some:

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