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REVIEW: Past Continuos "Verb to be"
Complete the sentences with the appropiate verb in past continuous.
Play - Listen - Work - Dance - Drink - Study - Eat - Watch - Sleep Talk
1.- At 8 o'clock yesterday evening, I
_________________________________________pop music.
2.- This time last year, Matt
____________________________________________English lessons.
3.- Sarah and Tom__________________________________________television when
we arrived.
4.- The parrot ________________________________________________with people in
the park .
5.- Two hours ago, I _______________________________________________________on
my bed.
6.- My sister __________________________________________Play Station and I
_________________________ a slice of pizza.
7.- My father________________________________________________hard when I
phoned him.
8.- The animals ___________________________________water on the zoo when I
visited them.
9.- At 12 o'clock last night, You ___________________________________reguetton
in the party.

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