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Learning About Non-Action Verbs

Name _________________________________ Date ________________________

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Name ______________________________

Date __________________

Non-Action Verbs
Some verbs are called non-action verbs. Non-action verbs indicate state, sense, desire, possession, or opinion. Find the non-action of being verb in each sentence, and write it on the line.

1. Dale is in the barn. 2. Burt and Rob are at the park. 3. Jennifer was tired. 4. The horse is big. 5. Chris stayed after school. 6. They were very busy last weekend. 7. I am very happy today. 8. Where are Jim and Cliff going? 9. She appeared right away. 10. It was very cold outside. 11. The snow flakes were beautiful. 12. Tom believes everything about the story.
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Name ______________________________

Date __________________

Non-Action Verbs
Some verbs are called non-action verbs. Non-action verbs indicate state, sense, desire, possession, or opinion. Find the non-action of being verb in each sentence, and write it on the line.

1. The new puppy seemed happy. 2. The roses were fresh. 3. Pamela tasted the cake she baked. 4. It sounds like a train. 5. Jason and Bud are in a hurry. 6. I am shopping for Ted. 7. It felt cold in the house. 8. The ballgame seemed to last a long time. 9. I want to buy a new pair of shoes. 10. The cloud appears smaller than before. 11. The wagon looked very old. 12. The guard dog remained on duty all night.
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Name ______________________________

Date __________________

Non-Action Verbs
Some verbs are called non-action verbs. Non-action verbs indicate state, sense, desire, possession, or opinion. Find the non-action of being verb in each sentence, and write it on the line.

1. John appeared happy. 2. The skies became gloomy. 3. The coat feels damp. 4. The flowers look healthy. 5. I love my new kittens. 6. The kitchen smells like fish. 7. The food tastes good. 8. The weather stays the same all year. 9. The cat remains in his box all night. 10. Jane thinks she lost her mittens. 11. The car looks brand new. 12. The instrument sounds flat.
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Name ______________________________

Date __________________

Non-Action Verbs
Some verbs are called non-action verbs. Non-action verbs indicate state, sense, desire, possession, or opinion. Find the state of being verb in each row, and write it on the line.

1. is 2. hop 3. steal 4. were 5. was 6. shove 7. being 8. eats 9. seems 10. rake 11. shop 12. flies

run play are walk haul wrestle fight sits pound appears looks works

jump am search skip push be drink remain build swim golfs sounds













Copyright@ 2009 Comp Ed, Inc.

Name ______________________________

Date __________________

Non-Action Verbs
Some verbs are called non-action verbs. Non-action verbs indicate state, sense, desire, possession, or opinion. Find the state of being verb in each row, and write it on the line.

1. smells 2. rolls 3. feels 4. bakes 5. brushes 6. prefer 7. blow 8. race 9. owns 10. pick 11. think 12. carry

swings reads buttons hangs drives feeds loves reply leap posess show cry

rides tastes hops like want fixes cooks have tap whisper write believe













Copyright@ 2009 Comp Ed, Inc.

Name ______________________________

Date __________________

Non-Action Verbs
Some verbs are called non-action verbs. Non-action verbs indicate state, sense, desire, possession, or opinion. Find the two non-action verbs in each sentence. Write them on the line.

1. I am happy that Ted is well now.


2. We were happy to hear that she was feeling better. _________________ 3. The thunder sounds like it is far away. 4. He was glad to hear that his dog is in the backyard. 5. Dave is sure they are at the movie. 6. I have a new boat, and she has one too. 7. Tom did his homework and his father is happy. 8. The house looks old and so does the car. 9. The weather is colder because winter has come. 10. I have two dollars, and Mary has three dollars. 11. The plants look dry and some of the flowers are dying. 12. The sheets still feel wet even though they were in the sun. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

Copyright@ 2009 Comp Ed, Inc.

Name ______________________________

Date __________________

Non-Action Verbs
Some verbs are called non-action verbs. Non-action verbs indicate state, sense, desire, possession, or opinion. Find the correct non-action verb in each sentence, and write it on the line.

1. I wonder if Tim ( ) home yet. are is 2. Dave ( ) a new dog. have has 3. Smokey and Heidi ( ) kittens. were are 4. Bob ( ) his horse pull the wagon. have had 5. I ( ) not hungry. are am 6. Peter ( ) his work after school. do does 7. Duke ( ) a few tricks for his master. did do 8. Mike ( ) happy. appears are 9. The clouds ( ) bigger. have became 10. The weather ( ) damp. feel feels
Copyright@ 2009 Comp Ed, Inc. 7












Page 1 is, are, was, is, stayed, were, am, are, appeared, was, were Page 2 seemed, were, tasted, sounds, are, am, felt, seemed, want, appears, looked, ! ! remained looks, sounds Page 3 appeared, became, feels, look, love, smells, tastes, stays, remains, thinks,

Page 4 is, am, are, were, was, be, being, remain, seems, appears, looks, sounds Page 5 smells, tastes, feels, like, want, prefer, loves, have, owns, poses, think, ! ! believe

Page 6 am, is, were, was, sounds, is, was, is, is, are, have, has, did, is, looks, does, is, has, have, has, look, are, feel, were Page 7 is, has, are, had, am, does, did, appears, became, feels

Copyright@ 2009 Comp Ed, Inc.

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