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The News-Herald

Date questionnaire completed:


Election Questionnaire

Office sought: _____Middlefield Village

Political party: _Republican_____________________
Name: _William (Bill) Blue__________________________________________________________
Age: __59________ Date of birth: ___Feb. 7, 1954
Place of birth: _Warren, Ohio
Home address: _15666 Elmwood St. Middlefield, Ohio_____________________________________
Length of residence in that community: __59 years____ Twitter: ______________________
Facebook: ____________________ Campaign Web site: ___________________________________
Occupation: _Account Manager__________ Employer: ____Mercury Plastics Inc.
Business address: __15670 Madison Road Middlefield, Ohio_______________________
Elected office experience: _I have served on Middlefield Village Council for eight years.
Non-elected office experience (boards, etc.): __
Education (Please only list schools youve graduated from and list degrees if applicable):
__Cardinal High School 1972___________________________________________________________
__Kent State Associate Degree________________________________________________________
Marital status: __Married 40 years______ Name of spouse: ___Karen________________________
Name and age of any children: ___Christopher 36, Alissa 33, Nathan 26, Jordan 23_______
Organizations: _______________________________________________________________________

Should you be elected, what are three specific areas youd like to change, address, improve
or further research, and how specifically would you go about it?:
_If I were re-elected I would:

1. Help create opportunities for existing businesses to expand and new businesses to
locate to Middlefield. Market Middlefields strengths using print and internet
strategies to maximize our ability to reach people and businesses.
2. Work to develop an overall vision for future growth within the village. This would
include cooperative objectives for retail and neighborhood areas and establish a
walkable downtown area that is people friendly and builds upon the small town
feeling that Middlefield has always had.
3. Support our safety forces in their pursuit of preparedness training that increases their
ability to handle unthinkably dangerous situations making Middlefield residents safer.
Whether for past accomplishments or future goals, why should voters elect you?
Im proud of the changes and improvements made to village operations during my previous
two terms and would be honored to serve on village council again and help bring even more
positive changes to our safety and service departments.
NOTE TO CANDIDATES: Please be aware that this questionnaire will be published.

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