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A Guide to Arab Street Welcome We're here to help plan your time in the Arab Street/Kampong Glam area. /!" #$% !"# &' We present you (ith clear) interesting and help*ul in*ormation about great *ood) *ashion) history) sustainable li*estyle and more. $% &'()*+,+ , -./0120)30245 -./012345617/81459:;"< 6%789:;5<=>?@ !"# Whether you are an ad=enturous e>plorer (ith a *e( days to e>plore the area or a =isitor (ith ?ust a *e( hours) this guide hopes to ma@e your time interesting and pleasant. ABCA D! B%CD-EF ECFGHIJK"LM GHIJKL#MNOPQR&STN8OU5 BC>PQ VG#WXY$% !"# &' Zisit us on t(itter *or the most up to date in*ormation on e=ents) sales and more. [arabstglam We can be reached by email at >>>>>[>>>.com !0R9 J K L I 1 \ ] ^ _` S<=TU0V abc#d1e 3: WX <fg$< I!"#YZ> h P % & ' i j W kl [\# m "[arabstglam ' on t(itter ]^_`a^`bca`to the Kampong Glam/Arab Street area nA map (ill go hereo MRT subway (East West Line EW1 ! "ugis Station por qational ribrarys t>it A por uugis Zillages t>it A or vs por Arab Streets t>it u nwa**les xospitalo. vross qorth uridge woad #i$oll %ighway Station (&ir$le Line' &&(! t>it A *or both Arab Street and the Golden yile uuilding nrittle zhailando zrains run across the island *rom {am|}~ midnight daily. Zisit https//((( *or more in*ormation. "y "us )ueach woad uus >>> |Golden randmar@ xotel uus >>> )#orth "ri*ge Roa* uus >> )+alan Sultan Streets

uus } and }A to the ze>tile venter. uuses run *rom {am|}}.pm daily at regular inter=al s. vhec@ the bus schedules and arri=al times at ((( |Zictoria Street %istory zhe Arab Street/Kampong Glam area is one o* the most historic parts o* Singapore. n }~) Sir Stam*ord wa**les ga=e the yalay sultan in Singapore) Sultan xussein yahomed Shah) about { acres o* beach*ront property) the area no( called Kampong Glam. zhe yalay xeritage venter is in the building that (as once the Sultans palace. zhe Sultan yosue and the street called alan Sultan also re*er to the days (hen the area (as the home o* yalay royalty.wa**les also de*ined the areas no( called uugis and Arab Street) recogniing the settlements o* both the uugis and Arab traders (ho had settled in the area.zhe small island o* Singapore has reclaimed land to e>pand its sie. As a result) ueach woad no longer is near ( ater. zhere are still shops in the area (hich sell *ishing gear) a bit o* a surprise to *ind them a midst boutiues and ca*es! yany o* the streets *eature shophouses *ronted by *i=e *oot (ays. esigned by wa**les) the *i=e *oot (ays protect *rom sun and rain. n days past they (ere *illed (ith =endors selling goods and pro=iding ser=ices.Arabic settlers played a part in the areas hi story. zhe Alsago** Arabic School (as established in }}~ and continues to this day. vatering both to those yuslims residing in Singapore as (ell as those stopping in Singapore on their ( ay to yecca) businesses li@e the Ahmadah Press prospered in the boomto(n that (as early S ingapore.Kampong Glams name is li@ely a combination o* @ampong n=illageo and a local tree called gellam) (hich (as used by nati=e yalays to to ma@e boats and sails. Although still pres er=ing its heritage) the Arab Street area is becoming cosmopolitan center *or *ashion and nigh tli*e. Tips |zhe (eather in Singapore is usually =ery hot and yet) rain storms can occur =ery suddenly. Sunscreen) bottled (ater)sunglasses)hats and umbrellas are strongly suggested. |tnglish is spo@en e=ery(here. | Some o* the restaurants and ca*es are halal and do not ser=e alcohol. |zhere is no tipping in Singapore. zhere are) ho(e=er )ta>es. zhere is a } ser=ice charge) goods and ser=ices and a } go=ernment ta> that are automatically added to your bill. vxtvK zxS Zalue|added ta> as@ *or a za> pree Shopping vheue |zelephones are becoming harder to *ind in the age o* mobile phones. zhey reuire ten or t(enty cent coins.As@ around i* you need to ma@e an o=erseas call as these types o* phones are also becoming rarer. |t>cept *or the uugis and ra=ender ywz stations and the ze>tile venter on alan Sultan)there are no public toilets in the area. zoilets are usually clean. Some places ha=e a toilet *ee o* } or ~ cents. uring tissues to be sa*e ||usually Singapore is sa*e at night. xo(e=er) as they say) lo( crime doesn't mean no crime.

Emergen$y ,n-o rost or stolen items npoliceo xospital vlinic Street #ames zhe names o* Ali(al Street) uali rane) uaghdad Street and others re*er to the areas o=ersea s roots and trading partners. uugis Street gets its name *rom the uugis) an ethnic group origin ally *rom Sula(esi) the third largest island in ndonesia. zhe uugis community in Singapore ( as established in } a*ter a con*lict (ith the utch. A uugis chie*tain) Arrong uila(a) aong ( ith people established a @ampong along the wochor wi=er. Kno(n *or their sailing and tra ding s@ills) the uugis o*ten congregated near (hat (as once a road not *ar *rom the beach) ne ar (hat is no( called uugis Street. uy night the area became a red light district and) until the }s) it (as a bustling tourist attraction and =ery (ell @no(n *or its beauti*ul and *lamboyant t rans=estites. xa?i rane honors the yuslim xa?) the pilgrimmage to yecca. tstablished by wa** les in in }~~) alan Sultan (as *irst called alan yalintang and it de*ined the eastern bounda ry o* stana Kampong Glam) the residence o* the Sultan. alan means (al@ or roads alan Ku bor) located near the old yuslim cemetery) means Gra=e woad in yalay.

Sightseeing SUrzAq ySUt yArA xtwzAGt vtqztw AwAu Szwttz KAyPqG GrAy Grtq yrt p vUwz Grtq yrt uUrqGnrzzrt zxArAqo uUSSwAx Szwttz xA rAqt .//0,E T/1R am am Southern zhai xalal zeh xaliah place A is *or Arbite xappy vrab va*e re vlaire GREE# T/1R Kiah's Gallery uati@ zouch the zoes oga clothes in@ie oodles zo@yo ui@e

Alternati=e store S%/22,#G T/1R xa?i rane rist o* shops *or (omen shopping s def] / K ) ) Vg/ K *ood s zur@ish ) Zietnam) Arabic) zhai ) yalay) ndonesian *ood ca*es hcihajkl) colonial ca*e) s(edish) blue a) shisha xotels sultan hotel) hostel sultan mosue) yalay xeritage venter) Kampong Glam area mn I op #"M5qf rstDuv IB}wxyzM{qf |0 1/6 }~!Lv"# I%SJKL&' L+, -u I D - 6 d U K ) 7 m !"#M5uvG! # }~~w uqf 6ID-- 90 ^1/6 ````` ````` .oo* 3egetarian .oo* Shopping Green ,nsi*e Singapore SqGAPwt vxqtSt PtwA yUStUy utvzpS Sightseeing #ightli-e Transportation A$$omo*ation S1LTA# M/S41E

}{s| .23 +4 2NN0 - I 1 / 6 # /' (M{ I H OS L# ' }~w;\+ 4 20 :1/6 } }EVM GIL{L# Addresss yuscat St) } prom uugis ywz Station nAbout } mins (al@o ySUt ZSzqG xUwS yondays | Sundays s . am to } / ~. pm to . pm pridays s ~. pm to . pm ZSzwS qzt }. Zisitors are only allo(ed to enter =ia the yain tntrance only n pacing zhe uussorah yallo ~. yust be properly attired. wobes a=ailable at counter. . wemo=e *oot(ear and obser=e strict cleanliness. . zo obser=e respect and maintain silence. . Zisitors are not allo(ed to enter the yain Prayer xall ~nd ploor Prayer xall e>cept (ith th e company o* mosue o**icial. {. Photo ta@ing is allo(ed. Zideo pilming need to obtain appro=al. . Keep your belongings (ith you at all times. . n doubt) please approach the sta** on duty. qf0/ e3 ]8 }~w{.23rs031 - ]]6#$ }w qf / K 0 e 3 ] 8 ' # M5qf | I Hv O " C K / e 3 ] 8 I t : C I!"# P%&' qf / K 0 e 3 ] 8 vMI9 D - T P " ^ V B L5 0RM{qf 1 \ ] T - - I 9 ^ +, -FI #:M-P$O HLm S H % !"# &' !$ H8v"# Sultan Gate Singapore }}````````````````` zels { {} pa>s { {~ }{ tmails qxuyxv[ Malay %eritage &entre Museum zuesday to Sunday }s am to {s pm nrast admission . pmo yonday vlosed Malay %eritage &entre &ompoun* zuesday to Sunday s am to s pm priday to Saturday s am to }s pm yonday vlosed Admission Adults .

Adults`n*or group o* ~ and abo=eo`~ discount pamily`n*or ma>imum o* memberso` }~ Seniors`n{ years old and abo=eo```~. Students npree *or children under { years oldo ~. uy ywzs Alight at uugis ntW}~o station. yxv is about } minutes (al@ *rom the train station. Singapore &hinese /pera Museum } Sultan Plaa }|~) Singapore }} zels {~~ pa>s {~~} tmails in*o[ zhe yuseum Gallery pening hourss }}am | pm nvlose on yondayso zels {~~ pa>s {~~} uians va*e nA vhinese pera zhemed va*eo pening hourss }}am | }pm nvlose on yondayso zels {~~~} https//(((>.html &hil*ren5s toy museum &hil*ren Little Museum Address ~ uussorah St }{ zransport qearby Stationss uugis uus riness ) }) }) {}) zelephone {~ ~} Admission price ~. pen }}am|pm Aliwal Art &entre Ali(al Arts ventre ~ Ali(al Street Singapore }} zels { { }} pa>s { { }} https//(((.ali(

A -or Arbite ~ Ali(al Street Ali(al Arts ventre }|} Singapore }} pening xourss zues | pris }}.am to .pm to }}.pm Sats }}.am to }}.pm Suns .am to .pm vlosed on yonday zelephones { ~} ~~~ mail[ mail[ Eat 2lay Lo6e &a-7 ~ Ali(al Street Ali(al Arts ventre }| Singapore }} pening xourss aily ne>cept zuesdayo } to }.pm zelephones { { { /"+E&T,.S {A Arab Street) Singapore } ncorner o* Arab Street and uaghdad Street) ~nd *looro zels { {~ ~ pa>s { {~ ~ tmails in*o[ob?ecti* pening xourss yonday to pridays }}am to pm Saturdays }~pm to {pm vlosed on Sundays and public holidays https//(((.ob?ecti*>.html

pishing tac@le shops shophouses Arab i^^ Sultan hotel lobby add to history tour nention ?a

}s| coconut (aterc. .23 48]/II S%/22,#G ( natural! shopping| Vg/ K ) |f9e9V +,V;# ' ````````0 1/6 }|9/3 I^0/8 02+2qf +90+/V L^1]LI0e-L63 V29 e - 4 I 6 ] ^ +,V;# IeJKL' ```````def] / K v{ h$" - /V

shop kicj`` Addresss } Sultan Gate) }{ Phones`{~ { yon | pris }}s am | s pm Sat | Suns }}s am | s pm .239qf / K 0 e3 ] 8 I HL\{ O:Sm5$" +,V# e' 0+/Vu e120# / 9f0v"# ^D51]&' 7 )f ] K `*`h^i J pen t=ery ay Wee@days }~spm | spm Wee@ends }spm | spm vlosed on Public xolidays and *or Special t=ents } Arab Street) ~nd ploor) Singapore) Singapore } { {{ ~ hello[ d0VU+,V` in@ie oodles 5 H\# COm' PtqqG xUwS zuesday }pm | pm. Wednesday }}am | {pm. zhursday }}am | {pm. priday }pm | pm. Saturday }pm | pm. Sunday mornings nby appointment onlyo. vrSt q yqAS. ========== the zoes

oin@y oodles! is located in Singapore. uali rane n~nd plooro zelephones n{o {~~ ~~ tmails >in[ https//((( ````ik L!"# ~ xa?i rane) Singapore }~~ n{o {{{{ }}am|pm $#%&$C +4 2vNx)*V+,# 'IJ7e]36]' %an*ma*e bag shop 12````j`j^ak ~) qorth uridge woad) Singapore | }{{ zel s {~ ~ pa> s {~{ } ~}) uussorah Street) Singapore | } zel s {~ ~ ~) Arab Street) Singapore | }~{ ( IVg P - 3 e ) 6 / K E I h * : D F +, 3V)!"# 5/8e7"%&' bi$y$le shop 3is8onsep &ho$olate Gallery qorth uridge woad`Singapore }{ email at =is@onsep[ tel {~ {{{ | s s | }s | s s | }s Es s | }s def ] / K v{ h$" /V -530e.JKL &a-e ) hcihjkl shop addresss ~} uussorat st

{am|}am ee /0 I 1 / D - 0 dee 2KL] 3 4 2/ 4 0 D 5 6 v"# &' ong po colonial ca*e { Kandahar Street Singapore`} Phone{~ }} tmail dongpocc[ Website httpss//(((.* zue | zhus s am | s pm pri | Suns s am | s pm |{wy+ 4 2 # 78$C 2) 9L47 : D ; + I]4 2 I < = T\I cm<hP >9 0/# 51]0KL' zhe Gourmet Pie vompany =egetarian { qorth uridge woad) Singapore } zelephones { {~ { nor xead **ice { o pa>s { {} { pening xourss yon to Weds .am ? {.pm zhur to Sats .am ? .pm Sun Pxs vlose wierbier $a-e $o$onut waterc9: .23 ;<=>?@ABAC Restaurant f 0+ wumah ya@an yinang https//`2qq ] 4 1 2] ```````````.230+f ```````````.2# ```````````0+0d U8I.23 @P-.48]/# {M# | 2|zur@ish`westaurant 30 Golden yile vomple>) } ueach wd

Singapore } aily }}am | }~am 28 30m 16] A I < h P - + B 309+, 581CD^ V30100)E$ F !Lv30 -%S81: G C H IJ# IK' 30&T!" L q# M V8I# e @P' 0 5 / 1 d Uq -]$ N % O 0 61/ ywz"qicol`high(ay or uugis

qf1 0+ ]LC |amam D Addresss { qorth uridge wd) Singapore }{ Phones{~ {~ Ay#}}Py w qf |90+ ^ 1 ] L C D I P 9 Q I23 P-48 nyurtaba@o m&'uiryanio( # /uandung R +V ) e4 28YZ 4@ij * [\# ]CD pi@a `s(edish ca*e bistro pening hourss t=eryday }}am|}}pm rast order }pm n}s *or be=erages dessertso qo. ~ ueach woad / Arab Street) Singapore non the corner o* ueach woad and Arab Streeto { {{ { m & S T +, U V "LLd2 & S W : S - 2 6 4 I / ]CD )m ] , v X 8 30mp 1KY .Z %# ' # T c P 9 Q 8I @ P - L 6 3 / K n [\] /^ ) :7 _ 0& m $< 8# @h`F' 0 }v2 J K L 5 I L 4 4 2 D1 a ! "<"%2 b # ' 330 Koh qang@am Southern zhai westaurant qorth uridge woad) singapore{~ ~}~ 4{ {~ ~}~ @ohnang@am[ +4 2v 5 cd I3 eu 1 30fv"# I81CD/ 6]&' : D~}}w677hj8c9:$% m qV.q I P;<m+1TE I/" L 0 1/#%&$< = f g vI h P - >? h i /0v " 0 1 / 5 6 v"# &' @30AB] f D 1VU -2ed 4 2 4#C j D k :%&$< I hP?Ev8&'9"H!9M%v"# ! 5 q --]$ N % O 08YZ 61/@ijh* l$l [\ m"F m 8I KL]@P

GkHb^jc`I^^J -ish hea* $urry ba 8u teh KL %appy &rab .inest 0eep Sea San* &rabs } Pahang Street Singapore }{} pen {pm ? }spm. vlosed on Sundays and public holidays. por reser=ations calls tddie vhe( {~} yv rim } woy Pe@ ~{~}{ emails rphp}}}}[ https//((( &urry pla$e 6egetarian ~s| 100) n D + + 3 n 3 8M o pbarca*e v 0L S H\INV $%! Oj O va*e }} uali rane) Singapore } Pywz&'( {~~| Q }~s|}sam` }~s|~sa.m.` }{s|~sa.m. E q eV e RS rs$C + t 3 f) 57 O % ' #uv T0R8GI!"# 1\] @N<hP%&' + + 3 n 3m 8 d w :L6& S 10 L ] 2 1 # h E$ xH OD k \# m"' 0R<={#U.0https//(((.blu? A$$omo*ation ]VhWX Sultan hotel zhe Sultan is located at }} alan Sultan }|} Singapore }~

zels n{o {~ }} pa>s n{o {~ }} t|mails in*o[ Santa Grand xotel uugis alan KuborSingapore }~ tel n{o {~ { *a> n{o {~ tmails reser=ation[ xotel vlo=er { qorth uridge woad) Singapore } yains n{o { }{ pa>s n{o { }{ tmails sales[ / enuiries[ Zillage xotel uugis Zictoria Street S}{} npormerly @no(n as randmar@ Zillage xotelo { {~ ~~ in*o.=hb[* ya@e A weser=ation zels { {{ { tmails reseasy[* ]VGhWX zhe P ~ ueach woad re=el Singapore }~ Pic@ up the phone { {~ tmail sin*o[ Shophouse zhe Social xostel Arab Street Singapore } { {~ ~} as@[ Singapore's *irst indie boutiue hostel. zhe Sleepy Ki(i uac@pac@er xostel) uussorah Street) Singapore https//sleepy@i(>.php pzWA.qq Pwtvz uUGS

} Ali(al Street`Singapore } https//(((.*oot(|bugis.html zransport by bus qwzx uwGt w utp SUrzAq yUt SUzx uwGt w uAz UA *rom .23 6 T 3 013 1 2 8 ] Y 1y ` Ser=ice } Ser=ice { Ser=ice } Ser=ice } xalal *ood|(hat it is alcohol roo@ at all o* the photos on *lic@r loo@ at all o* the photos in the Arab St Glam *older

(ierbier ca*e money changers zhere is a moneychange r at >>> uali rane. zhereis amoney changer on al an Sultan) in teh te>tiule ccenter *rom } am to pm internet on uali rane vhocolate museum *ish head curry ba @u teh xappy vrab vurry place =egetarian pie place =egetarian vhilren's toy museum Ali(al Art ventre Awv Add pishing tac@le shops to history tour shophouses add to history tour Arab i^^ add to history tour Sultan hotel lobby add to history tour nention ?a add bicycle shop to green tour does teh zhai place o**er *ood *or =egetarians z uices are recommended Where can tourists get sugar cane in Arab St Areaz Short tour A meal at at am am Sultan mosue

yalay xeritage venter zeh halia Arab St Start and end at uugis station or by bus or ta>i Ad=enturous tour Arab Street zeh halia Sultan yosue yalay xeritage venter Ali(al Street ze>tile venter Kampong Glam xu xa??ah patima yosue poodcourt Golden yile/rittle uang@o@

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