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Affiliated with University of Sar odha !Code "# $%&' Ref#"#(&%)th)* (%-$ +ated,(-)%.)

To, Registrar University of Sargodha Sargodha. Subject: - RE/UEST 0OR STU+1 SCHEME A2+ S1LLA3US Dear Sir, University of Sargodha has granted affiliations to our institution for the subjects of M.A nglish, M.A cono!ics " #.A, #.Sc under the notification $o. U%S&Aff'()&*+)) dated ,+ $ov. -(,-. #ut till this !o!ent .e are .aiting for the Syllabus, Study sche!e and /a0er /atron for the afore!entioned disci0line. 1e are facing very hardshi0 fro! the student in2uiry side in the 0ro!otion of ad!ission and the gra0h of University is also going do.n as .ell. 3ou !ay 0lease dis0atch the Syllabus, Study sche!e and /a0er /atron for the disci0lines of M.A nglish, M.A cono!ics " #.A, #.Sc etc. Than4ing you in your antici0ation.

/rinci0al The 5o!!erce 5ollege /atto4i.

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