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Kundalini An Occult Experience By George S Arundale

First Published 193 !O"#E"#S E$P%A"A#&O" #his boo' is e(phatically not a guide to the a)a'ening o* Kundalini+ On the other hand, there is an aura encircling all right*ul experi(ents and experiences, )hich can be con-eyed e-en through the (ediu( o* print+ #his aura not only clears the outloo' o* the earnest student o* li*e, but also helps to raise his consciousness to the (ore rare*ied le-els )here the Eternal d)ells less -eiled by the shado)s o* ti(e+ !hapter 1 #.E "A#/0E OF K/"1A%&"& Gli(pses o* Kundalini in action are -ouchsa*ed the student )ho is content to )atch and not to grasp+ %et the descriptions be read lightly, not )ith the (ind but )ith the intuition+ #hus, ho)e-er *antastic they (ay see(, yet the reader )ill percei-e that they are *antastic

not because they are untrue but because they are too true+ !hapter 2 #.E /"&3E0SE4K/"1A%&"& A"1 !E"#0ES &s there a Kundalini chain lin'ing the constituent ele(ents o* our o)n solar syste(, and another chain lin'ing together the -arious solar syste(s5 Surely so, and speculation is no less interesting as to the nature o* the centres o* a solar syste( and as to their -i-i*ication by !os(ic Kundalini+ #o understand this tre(endous -ista it is necessary to learn ho) to arouse and direct Kundalini to the -arious centres o* the -ehicles o* a hu(an being+ !hapter 3 #.E 1A"GE0S OF K/"1A%&"& !an the brain stand the pressure5 #his and the sex danger are, perhaps, the principal 6uestions )ith regard to the arousing o* Kundalini+ Extre(e circu(spection is -ital, *or the Serpent4Fire does not discri(inate+ &t consu(es+ &t tends to *lo) along the lines o* least resistance, and so(eti(es such lines (ay lead do)n)ards and not up)ards, )ith indescribably disastrous e**ect+ !hapter 7 K/"1A%&"& A!#&3E E3E089.E0E 9here-er there is li*e, there is Kundalini (ore or less

a)a'e and a)a'ening+ But the conscious direction and handling o* its po)er is another (atter altogether+ One o* the e**ects o* Kundalini is the intensi*ication o* the sense o* /nity+ A brea'er4do)n o* barriers bet)een the -arious layers and states o* consciousness, Kundalini is also the brea'er o* barriers bet)een the indi-idual hi(sel* and the larger Sel* )ithout+ !hapter : #.E 1E3E%OP;E"# OF K/"1A%&"& &n the beginnings o* this process di<<iness is noticeable, )hich is perhaps the physical expression o* a ne) relati-ity, o* a ne) ad=ust(ent, other )orlds than the physical beginning to be open to a ga<e )hich the indi-idual has not yet learned to control+ Sensiti-eness is enor(ously increased, (a'ing the indi-idual a 'ind o* sensiti-e plate upon )hich, *or exa(ple, people in the outer )orld i(print the(sel-es, so that in a *lash he 'no)s their natures, especially the high lights o* 6uality and the lo) lights o* de*ect+ !hapter > S/"4K/"1A%&"& A"1 EA0#.4K/"1A%&"& #he heart o* the earth is one pole o* Kundalini, the Sun is the other+ "o) the a)a'ening o* Kundalini is tanta(ount to (a'ing onesel* the 0od bet)een the t)o+ &n one sense one e-er is a 0od, but the 0od is not yet ali-e, a)a'e+ &t is asleep or drea(ing, and the Fire itsel* slu(bers+ #o a)a'en Kundalini is to *an the Fire into a consu(ing *la(e, burning, puri*ying, energi<ing,

(a'ing conscious contact )ith the /ni-ersal Fire+ !hapter ? #.E .&G. P/0POSE OF K/"1A%&"& 9hether in *act clair-oyance, etc+, arises or not, though in course o* ti(e it )ill, is o* *ar less i(portance than the de*inite establish(ent o* the higher consciousness Buddhic and later "ir-anas in the )a'ing consciousness, )hich is the high purpose o* the arousing o* Kundalini+ #his (eans an extraordinary -i-i*ication o* &ntuition pure 'no)ledge undistorted by the personal e6uation+ One e-en *eels inclined to tell so(e o* one@s *riends, i* they as', 6uite *ran'ly )hat they need+ !hapter !E"#0ES A"1 F/"!#&O"S OF K/"1A%&"& &t see(s as i* Kundalini can be sent *orth *ro( any centre though pre*erably *ro( the solar plexus centre or *ro( the centre bet)een the eyebro)s+ 9e thus begin to reali<e that the great centres o* the body are the (ain distributors o* *orce+ &t is not a (atter o* eyes or hands or *eet, but o* centres+ !hapter 9 #.E &"1&3&1/A%&#8 OF K/"1A%&"& &n so(e (ysterious )ay Kundalini re(ains *or e-er indi-idual to its recipient, ho)e-er (uch it (ay al)ays be inseparable *ro( the /ni-ersal Fire )hence it issues *orth+ &n so(e (ysterious )ay it parta'es o* the nature

o* the Per(anent Ato(, cannot disintegrate, and *or(s the eternal Fire o* the e-ol-ing indi-iduality+ !hapter 1A #.E ;/S&! OF K/"1A%&"& Kundalini is (usic as )ell as colour+ &t is a throbbing (a=esty o* sound and a rainbo) o* colour, Kundalini sings )ith the -oice o* all that li-es+ &n the singing is heard the -oice o* the /nity o* %i*e, and in the colours is *elt the 9ar(th o* %i*e+ !hapter 11 A!!O/"# OF A" E$PE0&E"!E #he student *inds hi(sel* on a strea( o* Kundalini, and (o-es on the strea( to)ards ti(e@s beginnings so *ar as this particular e-olution is concerned+ .e (o-es bac' and bac' and bac', until he *inds hi(sel* strangely i((ersed in the (a=estic pro*undities o* the opening o* a ne) era o* li*e+

E$P%A"A#&O" "o) this brie* account o* a nu(ber o* experi(ents and experiences )ith Kundalini, called the Serpent4Fire *or its see(ingly tortuous (o-e(ents and its triple po)er o* creating, preser-ing and destroying4regenerating a -eritable trinity o* acti-ity )ithin a (ighty strea( o* li*e

& ha-e deliberately re*rained *ro( any co(parison bet)een state(ents contained in responsible Kundalini literature, scattered, *e) and -eiled as these (ust necessarily be, and the conclusion to )hich the experi(ents and experiences see(ed at the ti(e to lead+ & )ant these experi(ents and experiences to gi-e their o)n at(osphere, uncorroborated and standing by the(sel-es+ All state(ents regarding Kundalini should al)ays be treated )ith the greatest reser-e, partly because the personal e6uation o* the experi(enting indi-idual loo(s -ery large Kundalini acting -ery di**erently in di**erent cases and partly because nothing ought to appear in print )hich (ight gi-e e-en the slightest assistance in the de-elop(ent o* a po)er )hich destroys ruthlessly )hen it is sought to be a)a'ened be*ore its due ti(e+ On the other hand, there is an aura encircling all right*ul experi(ents and experiences )hich can be con-eyed e-en through the (ediu( o* printB and & -enture to thin' that this aura not only clears the outloo' o* the earnest student o* li*e, but also helps to raise his consciousness to the (ore rare*ied le-els )here the Eternal d)ells less -eiled by the *leeting, but nonetheless relati-ely i(penetrable, shado)s o* ti(e+ K/"1A%&"& A" O!!/%# E$PE0&E"!E is e(phatically not a guide to a)a'ening the *orces o* Kundalini+ #hat is *or the indi-idual and *or those Elder Brethren )ho( he )ill sooner or later (eet )hen he has outgro)n the nursing o* the ordinary e-eryday circu(stances o* the outer )orld+ #he outer )orld can

help an indi-idual up to a certain point+ &t (ay see hi( through his school career+ But at last he begins to ha-e learned the lessons the outer )orld can teach hi(, and thus beco(es ready *or li*e@s (ore ad-anced courses in the inner )orlds+ Kundalini is a lesson in such inner )orlds, part o* the curriculu( )hich prepares hi( *or his ;aster@s degree+ K/"1A%&"& A" O!!/%# E$PE0&E"!E, an experience in the as yet little 'no)n *ield o* the Serpent4 Fire, is published *ar (ore *or the sa'e o* the (ystery o* the ad-enture than *or the sa'e o* any precise 'no)ledge )hich (ay ha-e been gained+ &ndeed, the boo' is not published *or the sa'e o* a 'no)ledge o* Kundalini, but *or the sa'e o* introducing its readers to the *act that Kundalini is a (ystery, but an intriguing and *ascinating (ystery+ All 'no)ledge, *or true understanding, (ust at *irst be a (ystery as )ell as an experience+ &t should be approached so*tly and )ith bated breath, re-erently, )ith =oyous eagerness, and )ith the sense o* being in the (idst o* a great beyond+ All true 'no)ledge is a (ystery *or e-er and e-er, *or ho)e-er (uch )e (ay 'no), or thin' )e 'no), there is al)ays the )ondrous (ore dra)ing us on)ards and up)ards, gi-ing (ore beauti*ul )orth to that )hich is already ours, and (a'ing our path)ay to 1i-inity an e-er4increasing delight+ & a( hoping that the discerning reader )ill rest content )ith en-elop(ent in pro-ocati-e (ystery, )ill be satis*ied )ith )hat & hope )ill pro-e a co(*ortable stretching o* his consciousness so that he hardly 'no)s )here he is, so that in his -ery )a'ing

consciousness he recei-es inti(ations o* certain larger states, o* pea's in those .i(alayan heights, )hich a)ait his con6uering+ &t is so(eti(es good )hen one is in dar'ness to be re(inded o* the light )hich so(e day shall pierce it+ %et the reader lose his ti(e4i(prisoned sel* in the (ystery o* Kundalini as he should be constantly losing this ti(e4sel* in (any another (ystery+ #hus losing hi(sel* he shall gradually learn hi(sel* to ad-enture *orth into all (ysteries, and at last to hear the Sil-er 3oices chanting to hi( o* his Ascension+ #o d)ell in 'no)ledge is beauti*ul and help*ul, but no less beauti*ul and help*ul is it to d)ell in (ystery, *or in (ystery Gods learn to 'no) the(sel-es as God+ %et us *irst be *lotsa( o* the depths, *loating peace*ully and sa*ely on their cal( and sheltering sur*aces, ere )e see' to penetrate their pro*undities against their righteously rebellious shatterings, designed not to protest but to test )orthiness to see'+ %et us 'no) the( *ace to *ace in peace, be*ore )e plunge into the stor(s and cataclys(s )hich (a'e us one )ith the(+ & hope that a perusal o* this little boo' )ill at least cause, in each understanding reader, an ad=ust(ent o* his indi-idual consciousness to a larger consciousness o* )hich it is a part+ Such ad=ust(ent should be in the nature o* an expansion, a sense o* happy stretching, o* exhilaration, o* a =oyous ascent into the (ountains o* his being, o* an exploration o* hi(sel* such as he has probably not so *ar underta'en+ Finally, & apologi<e *or all redundancies and obscure )ordings+ #he

redundancies )ere ine-itable, since the experience so(eti(es repeated itsel*, and & ha-e thought it better to lea-e the experience in its original *or( o* translation into outer )orld language+ #he obscure )ordings result *ro( the endea-our to express that )hich to the student )as inexpressible+ #hese obscure )ordings & ha-e also le*t untouched+ G+ S+ A+ !hapter 1 #.E "A#/0E OF K/"1A%&"& 9hat is Kundalini 5 #he Sans'rit )ord has been -ariously translated, generally by those )ho ha-e no real conception )hate-er as to the *unction o* that o* )hich it is the label+ &t see(s that the root o* the )ord is the -erb 'und, )hich signi*ies Cto burnD+ #his is the -ital (eaning, *or Kundalini is Fire in its aspect o* burning+ But )e ha-e a *urther explanation o* the )ord in the noun 'unda, )hich (eans a hole or a bo)l+ .ere )e are gi-en an idea o* the -essel in )hich the Fire burns+ But there is e-en (ore than this+ #here is also the noun 'undala, )hich (eans a coil, a spiral, a ring+ .ere )e are gi-en an idea as to the )ay in )hich the Fire )or's, un*olds+ Out o* all these essential deri-ati-es the )ord Kundalini is born, gi-ing creati-e *e(ininity to the Fire, Serpent4Fire as it is so(eti(es called, the *e(inine creati-e po)er asleep )ithin a bo)l, )ithin a )o(b, a)a'ening to rhyth(ic (o-e(ent in up4rushing and do)npouring strea(s o* Fire+

&t is a )ord signi*ying the *e(inine aspect o* the creati-e *orce o* e-olution, )hich *orce in its speciali<ed and (ore indi-idual potency lies asleep, curled up as in a )o(b, at the base o* the hu(an spine+ &ts a)a'ening is *raught )ith the ut(ost danger, indeed disaster, sa-e as the indi-idual concerned is in a position to 'eep it under *ull control+ And such po)er to control co(es only )hen the higher reaches o* the e-olutionary )ay are being approached, reaches still out o* sight as regards the -ast (a=ority o* (an'ind+ "o) and then, ho)e-er, gli(pses o* Kundalini in action are -ouchsa*ed to the student )ho is content to )atch and not to grasp, and the *ollo)ing descriptions are o* Kundalini at )or' be*ore the eyes o* such a student, he interpreting )hat he sa) as best he could, o*ten no doubt *aultily+ #he experiences )ere interspersed )ith so(e authori<ed experi(ents, and )hile it is as i(possible as it is unla)*ul *or one student to share )ith any other his experiences and experi(ents in any degree o* *ullness, it being still (ore i(possible and unla)*ul *or any indication to be gi-en as to the (ode o* a)a'ening Kundalini the (ode -aries substantially according to the soul4note o* the indi-idual yet no) and then is per(itted a sharing o* the at(osphere o* these experiences and experi(ents, at least in so(e (easure+ &t is hoped that the result )ill be a subtle a)a'ening o* the larger consciousness, o* the shado) o* a shade o* the spirit o* !os(ic consciousness B so that there (ay arise a *ragrance o* )hat (ay be called spiritual o<one, in the

exhilaration o* )hich the reader contacts a sel* o* his Sel* larger than any he has so *ar 'no)n )ithin the li(itations o* his present incarnation+ .e achie-es a release, a *reedo(+ .e beco(es li'e a bird )hich has at last begun to *ind the use o* his )ings+ .e *lutters, e-en i* he cannot yet *ly+ And in that -ery *luttering he begins to distinguish bet)een the real and the unreal, bet)een the true and the *alse, bet)een the use*ul and the useless, bet)een the beauti*ul and the ugly+ And though he re(ains unable constantly to use the discri(ination thus aroused, at least he 'no)s, he experiences, and sooner or later the 'no)ledge4 experience beco(es steady acti-ity+ 9hen it begins so to do, then is the ti(e *or those *irst *eeble stirrings o* Kundalini )hich shall e-entually release in hi( *or e-er the Fire o* %i*e and place upon hi( the !ro)n4Flo)er o* eternal Kingship+ 9e all are *ar a)ay *ro( Kingship, but perhaps the experiences and experi(ents herein set *orth (ay be inti(ations, ho)e-er *aint, o* a *rag(ent o* the nature o* royal li-ing, and thus gi-e courage to endure and courage to con6uer+ & ha-e not edited these experiences and experi(ents so as to (a'e the( intelligible, still less con-entionally rational+ & ha-e le*t the( =ust as they ca(e, )ith only slight (odi*ications+ #heir -alue does not lie in their appeal to the reason, but in their recognition as a re*lection o* so(ething )hich the earnest student )ill

'no) to be his as )ell+ .e )ill see in the -ery inco(prehensibility o* (uch that is described a so(ething to)ards )hich he *eels he too is irresistibly (o-ing+ .o)e-er *antastic they (ay see(, yet so(eho) he percei-es that they are *antastic not because they are untrue, but because they are still too true *or hi(+ & hope that )hen they (ay see( absurd he )ill *eel that their absurdity lies only in their being so utterly *oreign to all nor(al experience and experi(ent, not in their being nonsense+ E-en i* they (ay appear non4sense to his li(ited sense, perhaps to so(e they (ay see( (ore sense, and his sense (ore non4sense+ %et the descriptions be read lightly, not )ith the (ind but )ith the intuition, not )ith an already set con-iction as to )hat can and )hat cannot be, but )ith the (ind, the heart and the )ill open to all things+ %et the reader be *ully a)are that the unbelie-able is by no (eans necessarily untrue, and that the consciousness )e call C&,D )ith its -arious *unctionings physical, e(otional, (ental and beyond is in*initely (ore extraordinary than e-en our )ildest drea(s could en-isage+ !hapter 2 #.E /"&3E0SE4K/"1A%&"& A"1 !E"#0ES #he last sentence in the *oregoing chapter brings us at once to the startling opening )hich heralded these -arious experiences and experi(ents+ &n the *irst *lash

o* intuitional and possibly higher expansion, the sub=ect o* the experiences beca(e engul*ed in a sense o* the relationship bet)een the (icrocos( and the (acrocos(+ .e is, *or the ti(e, carried o** his *eet+ .is consciousness *lashes out)ards to )hat see(s to be the *urthest con*ines o* space, and he beco(es absorbed in the glorious and per*ect certainty4gi-ing *act o* the inti(ate unity o* his o)n consciousness, not only )ith the uni-ersal consciousness, in so *ar as the )ord C uni-ersal C (ay at all be rightly used )hen there see(s to be a uni-ersal beyond the in*inite, but also )ith speci*ic parts o* the uni-ersal consciousness+ .is o)n indi-idual consciousness is a piece o* (osaic in the pattern o* e-ol-ing li*e, and there are other pieces see(ingly closely lin'ed to his as being o* the sa(e general rate o* -ibration, o* the sa(e colour+ 9here are there (osaics si(ilar in general principle to his 5 And at once, as in response, -ibrations see( to co(e *ro( a*ar and *ro( a -ery precise a*ar not here to be (ore de*ined+ #here is clearly an i((ense !os(ic signi*icance o* the t)in4soul theory, (ight & not say the (ultiple4soul theory, by no (eans )ithin the co(pass o* this tiny little )orld o* ours+ And let it be said at once that the co((onplace t)in4soul idea current in certain phases o* (odern thought is a -ery poor caricature o* a (ar-ellous reality+ #his -ery earth has its t)in4star, and it beco(es clear at once that the duality o* li*e is no less *unda(ental than its unity, or than its trinity+ But *urther speculation is denied+ &t )ill not be pro*itable at this stage+

&n the light o* this special intuition the speculation also arises, as the student is carried still *urther o** his *eet, though not so )ildly that there is no substance in his shado)s, as to the relation bet)een the great occult 0ites o* the Fire on this earth, and the /ni-erse4 Kundalini o* )hich our %ord the Sun is the heart as )ell as the body+ For us, the Sun is Kundalini in excelsis, in )hich )e li-e and (o-e and ha-e our being+ Each indi-idual Kundalini in )hate-er 'ingdo( o* nature, in )hate-er substance great or s(all in )hate-er )orld, is part o* the Sun4Kundalini+ And, strange as it (ay see(, these tiny Kundalini strea(s parta'e o* the o(niscience, o(nipotence, o(nipresence, o* their subli(e Progenitor+ #hus (ay )e say that all li*e, each one o* us, is o(nipotent, o(niscient, o(nipresent, in the beco(ing+ #here is a (ost inti(ate connection bet)een the Fire o* our %ord the Sun and the uni-erse4li*e )hich .e has set a*ire+ &t beco(es clear at once that Kundalini, ho)soe-er it (ay appear, is (ighty and torrential, here (ighty and torrential in potentiality only, there stirring and a)a'ening, else)here in resistless (o-e(ent, burning all be*ore it+ &s there a Kundalini chain lin'ing the constituent ele(ents o* our o)n solar syste(, and another chain lin'ing the -arious solar syste(s 5 Surely so, and speculation is no less interesting as to the nature o* the centres o* a solar syste( and on their -i-i*ication by !os(ic Kundalini+ #he Earth has its centres )hirling )heels o* *iery energy and it )ould appear that one o*

the *unctions o* so(e o* the %ords o* E-olution is the regulation o* distribution and intensity o* Kundalini+ #his is a reason )hy e-en #heir )or' has been described as ha<ardous, li'e the )or' o* those )ho bring a((unition to the *ront line trenches in ti(e o* )ar+ #hey (ight in so(e )ay, perhaps, be consu(ed )ith the -ery Force #hey )ield, though it (ay be supposed that in #heir case this could not happen+ As a preli(inary to the deeper understanding o* this tre(endous -ista, it )ould be necessary to learn ho) Kundalini is aroused and directed to the -arious centres o* the -ehicles o* a hu(an being, not (erely *or a general -i-i*ication o* their li*e, but also, as (ay be re6uired, *or their indi-idual -i-i*ication to certain de*inite ends+ For exa(ple, a lecture has to be deli-ered, an audience or congregation has to be in*luenced+ 9atching the process at )or', it see(ed as i* it auto(atically begins by the general sti(ulation o* Kundalini along, and up and do)n, the spine, so that there co(es about a distinct glo)+ #his happens to a (icroscopic extent )ith all )ho lecture, or )ho, in one or another o* a nu(ber o* )ays, see' to in*luence *or good their *ello)4(en+ But )here there is training the glo) expands into a *ire+ And *urther results can be obtained i* special -i-i*ication ta'es place in the heart, throat and along the line bet)een the (iddle o* the head and the centre o* the eyebro)s+ #his -i-i*ication proceeds through the solar plexus, a *act )hich partly accounts *or the *eeling o* sic'ness so(e people experience be*ore lecturing or be*ore so(e other

unusual strain, together )ith other physical sy(pto(s+ &n special cases, such *eelings al)ays occur, (ar'ing the puri*ication o* the -ehicles in order to *acilitate the do)n4pouring o* higher, and also o* superhu(an, Kundalini+ #his does not (ean that in (ost o* these people Kundalini is actually aroused, but that there is in the( a concentration, an intensi*ication, o* the uni-ersal Kundalini Fire, )ith the result that their ner-es and other channels ha-e (ore to carry than the Fire4load to )hich they are nor(ally accusto(ed+ .o)e-er locali<ed Kundalini (ay be *ro( one point o* -ie), *ro( another it is uni-ersal o(nipresent+ &n so(e cases, ho)e-er, the concentration o* the Fire is predo(inantly local+ &t is a case o* spontaneous co(bustion, but the sa(e e**ects are noticeable+ &t is clear that nicotine and alcohol de*initely act in so(e )ay upon Kundalini, the *or(er interposing a barrier bet)een the general *orce o* Kundalini and its operation in the -arious -ehicles o* the indi-idual concerned, )hile the other see(s to act as a direct sti(ulant, stirring the Force in )rong directions, or in so(e )ay )rongly intensi*ying it, and in any case doing these things in connection )ith an indi-idual *ar *ro( ready *or Fire4 de-elop(ent+ All narcotics, drugs, sti(ulants, clog the syste( and interpose a deadening (ias(a bet)een the indi-idual and all larger consciousness+ But to return to the sti(ulation o* Kundalini *or special

purposes, the spinal glo) see(s to be the *irst pheno(enon, and this is intensi*ied by external conditions as, *or exa(ple, presence in an already (agneti<ed area, a church, a te(ple or by the in*luence o* (usic, chanting, participation in cere(ony or ser-ice, and so *orth+ &n addition to the sti(ulation o* the spinal glo) there is also an a)a'ening, a glo)ing, as it )ere, o* the heart, throat and (iddle4head centres, so(eti(es all together, so(eti(es one and not the rest, according to te(pera(ent+ #his sti(ulation o*ten has a de*inite physical counterpart in the disturbance o* organic *unctioning+ #he -i-i*ication o* the heart centre see(s to be ho) other)ise to express it5 that o* a cold glo)+ #he =uxtaposition o* the t)o )ords sounds absurd+ And yet & do not thin' the *acts ha-e been (isinterpreted+ As regards the throat, the -i-i*ication, noticed on a particular occasion, see(ed to express itsel* physically as a 'ind o* (o(entary constriction, )hich )as attributed to repercussions *ro( the brea'ing do)n o* barriers bet)een the non4physical and the physical, so as to enable Kundalini to -i-i*y the actual -ibrations issuing *ro( the throat as, *or exa(ple, )hen a lecture is deli-ered+ #he result is an address potent apart altogether *ro( any elo6uence, and a**ecting in di**erent )ays people in the audience )ho are at di**erent le-els o* e-olution+ #hey beco(e bathed in Kundalini, the result in indi-idual cases depending upon indi-idual recepti-ity+ &t beco(es apparent that Kundalini (ay )ell be co(pared )ith electricity as to the uses to )hich it can be put+ !ontinuous

consciousness, re(e(brance o* e-ents during the night, and so on, are only certain *ruits o* the arousing o* Kundalini+ E-en (ore i(portant is the directly added po)er it gi-es *or )or' in the outer )orld+ &t is both another sense and a -ery po)er*ul sti(ulation o* existing senses, as )ell as o* all other *orces the indi-idual already )ields+ 9e are only at the beginning o* disco-eries regarding Kundalini, *or the interesting e**ects obser-ed are but the results o* the earliest stages o* its a)a'ening, o* the brea'ing do)n o* preli(inary barriers+ ;erci*ully, the )orld is preser-ed *ro( the disco-ery by science o* the Kundalini 0ay, or annihilation )ould ensue+ 9hen )e read o* the so4called C 1eath 0ays C and other highly destructi-e e(anations *ro( great centres o* Force, )e (ay thin' o* Kundalini as (ore po)er*ul than all o* the( put together, and )e shall be glad to lea-e it alone until it is necessary that )e should learn to use it+ &t turns in boo(erang *ashion )ith terrible e**ect upon those )ho (isuse it, upon those )ho do not re-erence it, upon those )ho use it to sel*ish ends+ !hapter 3 #.E 1A"GE0S OF K/"1A%&"& Such stress is, there*ore, laid on the dangers o* arousing Kundalini+ %et us exa(ine their nature+ First and *ore(ost there is the danger o* sexual sti(ulation so that the indi-idual beco(es drained o* his -itality

through sex4obsession+ ;ental unhinge(ent lies along this line+ Sexual -itality and acti-ity are -ery closely allied to Kundalini, *or both are supre(ely creati-e in their nature, and the de-elop(ent o* the one is bound to stir the de-elop(ent o* the other+ All sexual urge (ust be under co(plete control, at the )ill o* the indi-idual, and (ust be in a condition o* )hat (ay be called subli(ation, that is to say it (ust be recogni<ed as a sacra(ent and there*ore to be used in re-erence and in a spirit o* dedication+ Sex4di**erentiation in all its -arious i(plications is one o* God@s earliest gi*ts to .is children o*ten abused and grossly used, but at last learned to be approached as the true priest approaches the altar+ Only those )ho thus approach the di-inity o* sex (ay be sa*ely entrusted )ith that later gi*t o* Kundalini, )hich can be handled )ith sa*ety and pro*it by the tried and trusty alone+ Second, there is the danger o* upsetting the physical rhyth(ic e6uilibriu( through the uncontrolled sti(ulation o* the -arious centres o* the body the possibility o* in=ury to the heart, to the ner-ous syste( through the solar plexus, the indi-idual beco(ing a chronic in-alid )ith general physical deterioration o* the brain, producing a strain also ending in (ental unhinge(ent+ #hese dangers are a-oidable pro-ided the indi-idual is in -ery sound health, has already gained an a(ple (easure o* sel*4control, thin's 6uietly and clearly, ne-er narro)ly, and is *ree *ro( any ser-ility to sexual i(pulses, has in *act little i* any sexual tendency at all+

&t (ust be re(e(bered that, ho)e-er (uch he (ay be helped to a)a'en Kundalini, its de-elop(ent depends largely upon hi(sel*+ .e (ust )atch the -arious sy(pto(s and regulate the(+ .o)5 .e )ill 'no) ho), i* he is ready *or the a)a'ening+ "o *urther guidance need be gi-en here, *or the sign o* an indi-idual being ready *or the a)a'ening o* Kundalini lies in the intuiti-e 'no)ledge o* )hat to do, and in the help o* the 9ise+ 9e (ust ne-er *orget that the physical body is denser, and there*ore less adaptable, than all others, and that there tends to arise a concentration o* *orce in a particular area, not a general distribution o-er the )hole+ &* )e loo' at, say, the astral and (ental bodies, )e notice that each body is in one sense one great organ+ Functions )hich to a certain extent are in the physical body associated )ith particular parts o* the body are, in the case o* the inner bodies, (ore uni-ersal+ #o a certain extent, perhaps, )e (ay spea' o* locali<ation in regard to the inner bodies, but it is (ore or less the )hole o* the astral body that *eels, that recei-es i(pressions, that co((unicates+ &t is the sa(e )ith the (ental body+ #he )hole o* it thin's+ "o) )ith the physical body, )hile *eeling is distributed throughout, and )hile special centres are a**ected by *eelings and sensations o* an unusual 'ind, the brain acts as the principal channel o* co((unication bet)een the physical and astral

bodies+ "u(b the brain, nu(b the ner-es )hich co((unicate )ith the brain, and *eeling disappears, so *ar as the )a'ing consciousness is concerned, though its e**ects (ay re(ain, as )itness the shoc' a*ter an operation )hich, by reason o* an anaesthetic, has been te(porarily painless+ Si(ilarly, it is the brain )hich is the (ain channel bet)een the physical body and the (ental body+ & *eel sure that the (ental body i(presses itsel* in so(e (easure upon all parts o* the physical body, so that all parts C thin' C to a certain extent, =ust as all parts *eel+ But the brain is the (ain centre, the great =unction *or the outer )orld+ 9e (ay, there*ore, -isuali<e the inner bodies as exercising pressure throughout the physical body, but )ith the pressure greatest at the brain =unction+ #he brain bears the brunt co(parati-ely easily in nor(al cases and )ith the ordinary indi-idual, since only -ery s(all channels are in *act allo)ed to be open bet)een the -arious bodies+ But Kundalini )ill ine-itably *lo), apart *ro( its nor(al channels, so as to -i-i*y those centres )hich are (ost sensiti-e, ha-e greatest recepti-ity+ .ence the already existing concentration )ill be considerably intensi*ied, generally )hen the organ in-ol-ed is already bearing a *ull load+ An indi-idual in )ho(, *or )hate-er cause, Kundalini tends to stir, is certainly li-ing at )hat is to all intents and purposes high pressure+ .e is li'ely to be intensely ali-e+ .e is li'ely to ha-e deep concentrations o* *orce in his -arious

organs, the concentrations -arying in strength according to the use he (a'es o* one rather than o* another+ Kundalini (ay -ery )ell be Cthe last stra),D and hurl the un*ortunate indi-idual do)n into cruel dar'ness, i* he be not a spiritual athlete trained to bear the strain+ 1oubtless there )ill ha-e co(e into existence, at this stage o* the e-olutionary process, channels bet)een the inner )orlds and the indi-idual (ainly Ei-ing in the outer )orld+ But such channels are not li'ely to be deep, and i* suddenly a rush o* *orce )hirls through one or another o* the(, or directly into a physical organ, they (ay )ell C burst,D and bring about catastrophe+ 9hen the physical, e(otional and (ental bodies are beginning to beco(e resol-ed into their higher counterparts, as in the case o* those )ho are concluding hu(an existence so *ar as i(prison(ent in it is concerned, then Kundalini *lo)s naturally and )ithout encountering (ore than a (ini(u( o* obstruction+ #here is beginning to be but one Fire, one %i*e+ &t is at stages earlier than this that extre(e circu(spection is -ital, *or the Serpent4Fire does not discri(inate+ &t consu(es+ &t tends to *lo) along the lines o* least resistance, and so(eti(es such lines (ay lead do)n)ards and not up)ards, )ith indescribably disastrous e**ect+ As de-elop(ent ta'es place, and as the higher consciousness gradually gains per(anent ascendancy, the interpenetration beco(es (ore rhyth(ic, and the

)hole o* the lo)er agency responds *ar (ore i((ediately and richly to higher sti(ulation+ 9hat then does the a)a'ening o* Kundalini e**ect5 #o all intents and purposes it brea's do)n barriers B or, to put this in another )ay, it *lings )ide open the sluice gates, )hich hitherto ha-e been opening slo)ly and gradually, and )hich, in the case o* the ordinary indi-idual, are open only to a -ery li(ited extent+ #here begins to be co(plete co((unication bet)een all the bodies, though the use and interpretation o* such co((unication are necessarily a (atter o* so(e considerable ti(e a*ter the preli(inary co((unication has been established+ #he lo)er bodies begin to re*lect in increasing clarity the characteristics o* the higher bodies higher (ental and lo)er Buddhic+ States o* consciousness begin to interpenetrate, so that there arises a hitherto unexperienced continuity o* consciousness+ #his (eans enor(ously increased sensiti-eness throughout all the bodies, de(anding that large (easure o* sel*4control, )hich is so constantly e(phasi<ed+ "o)adays, in the case o* (any, Kundalini (ust be de-eloped in the (ar'et4places, )here the danger is great, and not in the *orests, )here the danger is (ini(i<ed+ #i(e is too precious *or isolation *ro( the )orld, especially in these days B and ris's (ust be run+ #he )hole o* the physical body, beco(ing a )onder*ully sensiti-e instru(ent, beco(ing re*ined out o* all

relation to its surroundings, can easily, there*ore, be sha'en to pieces as a result o* the i(pact o* coarse and -iolent -ibrations *ro( )ithout+ Sturdy physical health is thus a sine 6ua non *or the arousing o* Kundalini, and the health o* an adult rather than that o* a youth+ But there is still (ore+ #hough the )hole o* the physical body beco(es enor(ously (ore sensiti-e, the brain has to bear the brunt+ Pressure upon the physical brain is -ery greatly increased, since the brain is the (ain =unction bet)een the physical and the inner bodies+ !an the brain stand the pressure5 #his is, perhaps, the principal 6uestion )ith regard to the arousing o* Kundalini+ #he ans)er largely depends upon the extent to )hich the physical grey (atter is su**iciently de-eloped, steeled and rein*orced, through sel*4control, to stand the strain+ #he condition and nu(ber o* the spirillae are, perhaps, a deter(ining *actor, *or these indicate the condition o* the channels o* contact and o* )hat see(s to be & can thin' o* no other )ords the stretching po)er o* the physical (atter itsel*+ &t (ust be able to bend so that it (ay not brea'+ & do not use the )ord C bend C literally, perhaps the )ord C adapt C )ould be (ore accurate+ & thin' o* the pressure *ro( the inner bodies as in the nature o* the *lo) o* a *luid, o* an al(ost irresistible *lo)+ !an the brain shape itsel* to the *lo), yield to it, adapt itsel* to it5 &* so, all (ay be )ell+ But rigidity is *atal, and by rigidity & (ean not (erely, as it )ere, physical rigidity, but (ental and e(otional rigidityB that is to say, a crystalli<ation or hardening o* certain parts o* the

(ental and e(otional bodies, )hich hardening translates itsel* into the setting up )ithin the brain, and indeed also )ithin the heart, o* groo-es )hich )ill brea' but )ill not expand+ &t is all a -ery co(plicated (atter, *or *unda(entally the )isdo( o* arousing Kundalini depends largely, though by no (eans entirely, upon the condition o* the lo)er (ental and e(otional bodies, and upon the extent to )hich the !ausal and Buddhic -ehicles are beginning to (a'e contact and assert the(sel-es+ But physical conditions ha-e also to be ta'en into account, though these are but re*lections o* inner conditions+ #he 6uestion then isF Are the inner bodies ade6uately de-eloped and controlled, and is the physical -ehicle reco-ered *ro( such educati-e (isuse as (ust ine-itably ha-e ta'en place during the long ages o* de-elop(ent5 For e-en though the physical body changes *ro( li*e to lire+ as generally do the e(otional and lo)er (ental bodies, each ne) body is (oulded to re*lect, and to express, the stage o* de-elop(ent reached+ &t (ay in *act be a case o* the spirit being )illing but the *lesh being )ea', a case o* the Ego being ready but the lo)er bodies being )ea', *or the reason that the physical body in its existing condition is unable to stand the strain o* Kundalini+ &n such cases, it (ay be necessary to )ait *or another

li*e, so that existing *or(s (ay be bro'en up and (ore (alleable *or(s substituted+ &t is clear *ro( all this ho) co(plicated the process o* the a)a'ening o* Kundalini really is, and ho) *oolhardy an indi-idual )ould be )ho sought to arouse it )ithout )ise sanction, and )ithout a certain a(ount o* guidance+ &t is al(ost certain he )ould co(e to terrible grie*+ .ence, the brain is a great danger4point, *or disaster )ill be the result o* an o-erstrained brain+ #he path o* occultis(, it is said, is stre)n )ith )rec's+ & -enture to thin' that the path o* the arousing o* Kundalini, e-en i* only in the -ery *irst stages, is stre)n )ith e-en (ore )rec's+ A little learning is a dangerous thingB 1rin' deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring, said Pope+ Be*ore anyone see's to arouse Kundalini let hi( 'no) (uch about it, especially o* its dangers, let hi( be inti(ately ac6uainted )ith these+ .e )ill then lea-e it alone until ad-ised to begin+ A little 'no)ledge (ay incline hi( to *oolishness+ 9hen he drin's deep he )ill reali<e that duty *orbids experi(ent, the results o* )hich, )hen (ade in ignorance, lead to disaster, *irst to the experi(enter, )hich (ight not (uch (atter one )ay or the other except to hi(sel*, but also to those i((ediately around hi(, and in-ol-ing danger to the co((unity as a )hole and to this he has no right to sub=ect the(+ !hapter 7 K/"1A%&"& A!#&3E E3E089.E0E

#AKE it that Kundalini is (ore or less acti-e in all li*e+ &t is the Fire o* %i*e, and there*ore *lo)s through all+ But it (ay *lo) either as a gentle strea(, si(ply -itali<ing, or it (ay be directed into special channels and beco(e a raging torrent, let us hope subordinated to great purpose, so that the raging is a purpose*ul, disciplined raging, though a raging none the less+ Kundalini *lo)s in (ineral, -egetable, ani(al and hu(an 'ingdo(s, in ascending degrees o* -itality, but, except in rare cases, as a gentle, *ructi*ying strea( o* Fire, bathing as it )ere the )hole o* the -ehicle Each ti(e, ho)e-er, a distinct and de*inite ad-ance ta'es place in spiritual gro)th, an intensi*ication o* Kundalini occurs, beco(ing particularly (ar'ed, though still generali<ed, in connection )ith the -arious stages leading to the Path and on the Path itsel* G1H+ 0elationship to a ;aster (a'es a (ar'ed di**erence in the -irility o* the *lo), )hile entry into .is consciousness, )hich ta'es place at the Accepted stage o* discipleship, (eans the beginning o* the de*inite, but still in*or(al, harnessing o* Kundalini to speci*ic purposes, through the general in*luence o* the Kundalini o* the ;aster )or'ing on that o* the apprentice+ One o* the reasons )hy the ;aster needs to be care*ul about ad(itting an apprentice to this close relationship o* Accepted discipleship is this increased sti(ulation o* Kundalini, e-en though it still re(ains general+ #he relation o* Sonship is yet a *urther sti(ulation, )hile entry into the Great Brotherhood G2H is the beginning o* the lin' bet)een the Kundalini o* the

indi-idual and that o* the Brotherhood as a )hole+ &t (ust be re(e(bered that the Great 9hite %odge is itsel* an indi-idual, a speciali<ed indi-idual consciousness, )ith *unctions di**erentiated according to the -arious lines o* its constituent parts+ #hese di**erentiated *unctions (ay be regarded as the spiritual counterparts on an exalted scale o* the -arious centres o* the physical body+ #he (ighty *orce o* the Kundalini o* the Brotherhood *lo)s through these centres and through each (e(ber, so that ad(ission to the Brotherhood in-ol-es participation in this great *lo) B the gradual uniting o* the consciousness o* the indi-idual )ith the consciousness o* the Brotherhood as a )hole, in-ol-ing a progressi-e uniting o* the t)o Kundalinis+ #he Kundalini o* the indi-idual begins to enter the strea( o* the Brotherhood Kundalini+ #he con-erse process has, ho)e-er, also to ta'e place the gradual entry o* the Brotherhood Kundalini5 into the syste( o* the indi-idual, not (erely in a general )ay, but highly speciali<ed+ & )onder )hether, *or the sa'e o* accuracy, & ought not to spea' o* these (ore de*inite stages in the gro)th o* Kundalini as the conscious directing o* the Force, rather than as an C a)a'ening C+ 9here-er there is li*e, there is Kundalini (ore or less a)a'e, and a)a'ening+ But the conscious direction and handling o* its po)er is another (atter altogether+ One o* the specially interesting e**ects o* Kundalini is

the intensi*ication o* the sense o* unity to )hich its acti-e sti(ulation gi-es rise+ A brea'er do)n o* barriers bet)een the -arious layers and states o* consciousness, it is also the brea'er o* barriers bet)een the indi-idual hi(sel* and the larger Sel* )ithout+ #he de*inite sti(ulation o* Kundalini intensi*ies, *or exa(ple, the indi-idual consciousness o* unity )ith the great consciousness o* the Brotherhood as a )hole+ #hrough the operation o* the Kundalini po)er the separated sel* begins to lose its illusion o* separateness+ #he consciousness o* the indi-idual (e(ber o* the Brotherhood is, o* course, blended )ith that o* the Brotherhood by -ery reason o* his (e(bership, but in (any )ays the blending is i(plicit rather than explicit, though explicitness gro)s )ith use o* the Brotherhood po)er+ But explicitness is -ery greatly hastened by the de-elop(ent o* Kundalini, )hich )or's li'e #he #heosophical Society in its First Ob=ect, *or it bridges all distinctions o* plane and consciousness+ Entry into #he #heosophical Society -ery de*initely e**ects a general, though probably in the -ast (a=ority o* (e(bers no speci*ic, sti(ulation o* Kundalini+ #he Kundalini in the indi-idual is de*initely stirred, and its intensity aug(ented, *or #he Society, strange as it (ay see(, is a de*inite organis(, and has its o)n (ode o* Kundalini+ &n so(e cases the sti(ulation pro-es too (uch to bear+ #he #heosophical Society ine-itably attracts a *e) people )ho are so(e)hat unbalanced, =ust as it attracts the pioneer and those )ho ha-e *reed

the(sel-es *ro( the ordinary con-entional *etters+ #he #heosophical Society (ust e-er be, to a certain extent, *or people )ho are di**erent, )hether in one )ay or in another+ #hose )ho are di**erent, because lac'ing in ordinary sel*4control, )ill probably *ind the sti(ulation (ore than they can bear+ #hey are on the )hole unli'ely to gro) better, and (ay 6uite li'ely gro) )orse+ #hose )ho are di**erent because they ha-e transcended ordinary li(itations )ill bene*it enor(ously+ #here are, ho)e-er, (ore in )ho( there is a latent )ea'ness, )hich the stirred Kundalini )ill intensi*y =ust as (uch as it )ill intensi*y a 6uality+ Kundalini is po)er po)er )hich can be used *or good or ill+ #he )ea'ness gro)s, the indi-idual, o* course, all the ti(e regarding hi(sel* as the sole repository o* truth and co((on sense+ #he strain gro)s to brea'ing4point, and the blessing con*erred by (e(bership o* #he Society, turned by uncontrolled )ea'ness into a curse, is (erci*ully )ithdra)n through the re(o-al o* the indi-idual *ro( (e(bership, doubtless in a cloud o* sel*4righteousness *ro( his standpoint, though in sadness *ro( the standpoint o* the Elder Brethren+ #he Society is naturally conde(ned in the particular )ay (ost conduci-e to the indi-idual@s sel*4satis*action+ &n nine cases out o* ten, it is pride )hich precedes the *all, and pride ne-er 'no)s itsel* as pride, or it )ould -ery properly co((it suicide, as indeed it does in the case o* co((on4sense people+ 8et the Society goes on, gro)s in *a-our )ith the .ierarchy, increases in strength and use*ulness+

#hat )hich & ha-e )ritten regarding #he #heosophical Society is no less true in the case o* other (o-e(ents directly *ocusing upon the )orld the *orces o* %ight in opposition to those o* dar'ness+ #he *acts are obser-ed in connection )ith #he #heosophical Society, but they are e6ually obser-able in -ery (any other organi<ations, though to a lesser extent in (ost cases+ 1H By C the Path C & re*er to that short cut up the (ountain side o* e-olution )hereby an indi-idual, )ho has the necessary detach(ent *ro( present circu(stances and an ade6uate grasp o* essential truth, (ay co(press into a co(parati-ely *e) li-es the gro)th )hich ordinarily ta'es a century and (ore o* incarnations+ ;r+ %loyd George, the British states(an, said during the 9ar that the )orld )as tra-ersing in a *e) years the distance )hich ordinarily it )ould ta'e centuries to achie-e+ &t is also possible to tra-erse in a *e) li-es the spiritual distance )hich it )ould ordinarily ta'e possibly thousands o* years to achie-e+ But the help o* a ;aster is needed, o* One )ho .i(sel* has achie-ed, has ta'en the short cut up the (ountain side+ Such an Elder Brother (ay *ro( ti(e to ti(e apprentice to .i(sel* persons C)ho sho) signs o* being capable o* enduring the hardships attendant on the hea-y cli(binghardships )hich (ore o*ten than not cause the )ould4be cli(ber to decide to re-ert to the longer and easier route+ 2H #he Great Brotherhood, or Great 9hite %odge, consists in part o* those highly e-ol-ed Souls )ho ha-e

reached that stage o* the e-olutionary path)ay )hich gi-es the( (e(bership o* )hat is called in occult literature the &nner Go-ern(ent o* the C)orld, and in part o* those )ho, though *ar o** *ro( such a stage, are ne-ertheless su**iciently ad-anced to be trained to beco(e (e(bers o* this Go-ern(ent, co(pared )ith )hich all outer go-ern(ents are but toy go-ern(ents, in the *uture+ ;e(bership o* the Great Brotherhood, or Great 9hite %odge, is open to the -ery earnest and *aith*ul )or'er )ho has begun to 'no) the nature and purpose o* li*e+ But he stands on the lo)est rungs o* the great %adder o* the &nner %i*e, is but a student o* go-ern(ent, not a -eritable ;aster in the science+ !hapter : #.E 1E3E%OP;E"# OF K/"1A%&"& &t is interesting to note the progress o* a particular experience in de-eloping Kundalini, or rather in stirring Kundalini into acti-ity+ &n the particular case obser-ed, the principal )or' is done during sleep, and appears at *irst to consist in the preparation o* the spinal passage by (o-ing Kundalini *ro( the base o* the spine to the top o* the head+ #he indi-idual out o* the body can do this )or', *or though there are physical e**ects the Fire itsel* is non4physical+ #he globe or sphere at the base o* the spine contains )ithin it the Kundalini Fire coiled spherically+ #he prescribed concentration upon the globe, and thus upon the Fire )ithin, begins to stir it into acti-ity, pro-ided the right 'ind o* li*e has been

li-ed be*orehand *or a considerable period, )hich is to say pro-ided it is *ed )ith the right 'ind o* *uel+ E-en i* the right 'ind o* li*e has not been li-ed, a stirring (ay ta'e place, but the e**ect o* the pre(ature stirring, i* any ta'e place at all, )ill be disastrous, as has already been pointed out+ Assu(ing the stirring ta'es place along right lines, there is a gradual dissolution o* the globe caused by the *rictional energi<ing o* the Fire itsel*+ #he Fire is *anned into bright heat and beco(es acti-e, *orcing its )ay through the (atter in )hich it lies e(bedded, burning it up, and causing the globe to beco(e a 0adiant Sun, instead o* the dull though glo)ing (ass it nor(ally is+ #his Sun radiates in all directions heat )hich is physically *elt, specially in the surrounding areas o* the physical body+ #his Kundalini Sun )ould see( to rush up)ards )hen it (o-es *ast, as o*ten it does not, along the spine as a bullet passes through a groo-ed gun4 barrel+ #here is so(ething spiral about the (o-e(ent+ &n any case, there see(s to be a direct rush up)ards, )ithout passing beyond the top o* the head, but specially sti(ulating centres according to the indi-idual@s 0ay+ #he sensation is that o* pressure, )hile as regards the centre at the top o* the head unusual heat )ill be *elt+ 1uring the )a'ing hours this process (ay be continued, and *ro( ti(e to ti(e it see(s to occur o* itsel*, so that a )ar( glo) passes up the spine, producing a (ost interesting e**ect+ A beauti*ul expansion o*

consciousness is physically experienced, so that the indi-idual *eels *ull o* a glorious li*e and o* a sense o* inti(ate contact )ith )hat (ust be the de-eloped intuiti-e consciousness+ .e i(agines )hat li*e )ould be li'e i* he could 'eep this experience constant, instead o* only inter(ittent+ #here is a *ine sense o* at4one4(ent, o* radiance, o* contact )ith the 0eal+ Barriers see( to ha-e been bro'en do)n, so that the indi-idual sees into the heart o* things, no (atter )hat they are, and sees the( as gro)ing entities, their glorious *uture disclosed to hi( as e(bryonic in the(+ &t is so di**icult to describe this condition o* consciousness, but the physical, indeed (uch (ore than the physical, see(s transcended, and so(e -eils at least are li*ted so that he ga<es upon a 0eal, less hidden by the clouds o* illusion+ &n the beginnings o* this process a certain a(ount o* di<<iness is noticeable+ A ne) constituent has beco(e acti-e+ &t is as i* a ne) di(ension had opened out, so that a ne) )orld is entered+ #he di<<iness is perhaps the physical expression o* a ne) relati-ity, o* a ne) ad=ust(ent, other )orlds than the physical beginning to be open to a ga<e )hich the indi-idual has not yet learned to control, so that he loo's out as it )ere )ith all C eyes C -aguely open, instead o* )ith those appropriate to the particular plane on )hich he happens to be do(inantly *unctioning+ %ater on he )ill be able to close the eyes he does not need, lea-ing open only those he does+ And later on still,

he )ill be able, perhaps, to use all C eyes C si(ultaneously, each C eye C do-etailing into the others, so as to a-oid distortion and *lic'ering bet)een one state o* consciousness and another the e**ect being the di<<iness+ 8et another e**ect, presu(ably only in the earlier stages, is that o* see(ing to be else)here+ #he indi-idual *eels as i* he )ere li-ing else)here, so that the outer )orld see(s to be at a distance+ .e is *ar a)ay, and the noise and rush o* li*e co(e to hi( only as a *aint (ur(ur+ .e is as a spectator at a play, and he loo's at the players on the stage as deni<ens o* a )orld other than his )orld+ #his sensation is (ore or less continuous, and in-ests the outer )orld )ith a peculiar unreality, the physical expression o* )hich is the hearing o* the )orld as i* (uted+ &t is al(ost as it he )ere dea*+ .e loo's out upon the )orld as i* he had no concern )ith it+ .is physical brain is in one sense nu(bed, de*initely nu(bed, though at the sa(e ti(e it is extraordinarily alert to the 0eal, *ull o* a hitherto unexperienced 'eenness, *ire, clarity+ &t is beauti*ully sti(ulated+ #here see( to be (o(entary *lic'ers *ro( *ar4a)ay consciousness, so that a *lash o* other4 consciousness occurs *ro( ti(e to ti(e, though only shado)y+ #his *lash see(s to ta'e place )hen there is special )ar(th at the top o* the head, possibly the result o* a little escape o* Kundalini Fire+ Sensiti-eness is enor(ously increased, chie*ly in the region o* the spine, though to a certain extent throughout the )hole body+ A loud noise see(s to grate as upon a ra) spine, and sends a shoc' through the

)hole body+ A special =ar (ay cause a 'ind o* inner dislocation *or 6uite a )hile+ #his sensiti-eness has the *urther e**ect o* (a'ing the indi-idual a 'ind o* sensiti-e plate upon )hich, *or exa(ple, people in the outer )orld i(print the(sel-es, so that in a *lash he 'no)s their natures, specially the high lights o* 6uality and the lo) lights o* de*ect+ .e )ill at once ha-e either a positi-e or a negati-e i(pression+ #he *or(er )ill be positi-ely good or positi-ely un*a-ourable, and in either case general tendencies )ill be percei-ed, though not perhaps the details+ So(eti(es there is nothing about the person )orth considering, there is nothing to be noted about hi( one )ay or the other+ .e is ordinary, and (ay *or so(e ti(e longer be le*t to the nursing o* the ordinary circu(stances o* li*e+ But one 'no)s as in a *lash, e-en though details (ay not be *orthco(ing+ As ti(e passes the )hole body see(s to glo) )ith Fire, )hich one i(agines to extend so(e distance, so that a person -ery near should al(ost *eel the glo) and beco(e sti(ulated by it+ #he process is te(porarily *atiguing to the physical body, and it is pleasant to lie do)n+ 1oes the Fire glo) (ore easily )hen the spine is in a recu(bent position5 & a( inclined to thin' that the restriction o* the Fire, so that ordinarily it does not pass beyond the top o* the head, tends to exercise pressure upon the physical brain and induce so(nolence+ !hapter > S/"4K/"1A%&"& A"1

EA0#.4K/"1A%&"& .o) )onder*ul a di**erence the stirring o* Kundalini (a'es as regards sensiti-eness to in*luence either e(anating *ro( a centre or aroused by acti-ity, as *or exa(ple in a !hurch ser-ice I #o go into a city is to *eel as i* e-ery -ital part drooped, as *lo)ers droop *or )ant o* air+ /nder sti(ulating in*luences, such as proxi(ity to a centre o* spiritual -itality, to so(e te(ples and churches, or the ta'ing part in cere(onial acti-ities, or in (eetings highly charged )ith upli*ting in*luences, the centres see( to un*old as a *lo)er opens to the Sun, and Kundalini glo)s throughout the body+ And this un*old(ent and glo) (a'e contact bet)een the lo)er and higher bodies, bringing into the lo)er the in*luences o* the higher+ &n the beginning o* Kundalini de-elop(ent it is at once a pain and a glory to contact such spiritual in*luences a pain because Kundalini has not yet o-erco(e the obstacles to its un*old(ent, a glory because the Fire o* %i*e Eternal is *lo)ing through e-ery -ehicle, and *or the ti(e being one li-es in the larger consciousness+ On occasions there )ill be an i((ediate intensi*ication o* Kundalini *ro( the base o* the spine, and a beauti*ul glo) )hich ser-es to intensi*y identi*ication both )ith the aspiration, )hich the occasion (ay ha-e released, and )ith the descent o* blessing *or )hich the aspiration has beco(e the channel+ #here see( as i* there are t)o sources o* Kundalini, or perhaps it )ould be (ore accurate to say that Kundalini plays bet)een t)o poles, one positi-e the Sun, one

negati-e the Earth, at all e-ents so *ar as regards our particular e-olution+ #he 0od o* Po)er, )ell 'no)n to the deeper students o* occultis(, see(s both to sy(boli<e this *act and to express it+ #he negati-e Earth globe at one end, the positi-e Sun globe at the other, and the Fire in each and in4bet)een+ #o hold the 0od o* Po)er is to grasp the Po)er o* God+ Fe) there be )ho (ay touch it+ &t is a *ocus on occasions o* stupendous outpourings o* Force+ #he heart o* the Earth is one pole o* Kundalini, the heart o* the Sun is the other+ "o) the a)a'ening o* Kundalini is tanta(ount to a *ashioning o* a shado) o* the 0od bet)een the globes+ &n one sense one e-er is a 0od, but the 0od is not yet a)a'e+ &t is asleep or drea(ing, and the Fire itsel* slu(bers+ #o a)a'en Kundalini is to *an the Fire into a consu(ing Fla(e, burning, puri*ying, energi<ing, (a'ing conscious contact )ith the /ni-ersal Fire+ #o a)a'en Kundalini is to dra) the Fire C *ro( Earth beneath,D C *ro( .ea-en abo-e,D so that the bodies, including the physical, beco(e as a 0od bet)een the t)o great centres+ #he indi-idual, as it )ere, steps consciously into the space bet)een the centres and beco(es charged )ith the interplay o* *orce, )ith Kundalini+ %et (e try to -isuali<e the process+ & ha-e )ritten abo-e o* concentration on the base o* the spine+ But the base o* the spine is in *act but a recei-ing station, a centre o* distribution+ Fro( the centre o* the Earth and *ro( the Sun )e dra) the Kundalini po)er+ 9e concentrate it at the spine4base centre and send it on its -itali<ing )ay through the great centres o* being+ /p *lo)s Kundalini

*ro( the Earth, through *eet and li(bs, through the negati-e creati-e energy, the centre o* physical creation, into the globe at the base o* the spine )hich represents and uni*ies both Sun and Earth+ 1o)n *lo)s Kundalini *ro( the Sun, its o-er)hel(ing intensity te(pered as it adapts itsel* to the unde-eloped (ortal (an+ /p)ard *lo)s a strea( o* Fire+ 1o)n)ard *lo)s a strea( o* Fire+ And the strea(s (eet at the spine base to )eld as it )ere into a spear o* concentrated Force to tra-el up)ard on its appointed )ay+ 1 thin' o* the beauti*ul concentration o* the (ighty Eu(na and the (a=estic Ganga at Allahabad, )hence they *lo) united do)n to the sea *ro( )hich in -ery truth they ca(e+ So do Earth4Kundalini and Sun4 Kundalini (eet in the globe at the root o* the spine, thence *lo)ing as one great Force into the 0eal, upon their sur*ace the indi-idual hi(sel* being carried on)ard into the %ight+ #he negati-e Earth and the positi-e Sun co(bine, and spiritual Po)er is the *ruition o* the t)o+ &n so(e )ays, o* course, this description is -ery inaccurate+ Perhaps the truth )ould lie in the suggestion that both negati-e and positi-e slu(ber, as it is )ell they should, until both are stirred into li*e+ #he negati-e is no less -aluable than the positi-e+ Each has its part to play, its )or' to do+ #hus the indi-idual, not (erely his physical body but all his bodies (ore the non4physical bodies than the physical body beco(es a 0od bet)een the globes, bet)een Earth and Sun+

At this point the student *inds entering into the perspecti-e o* his -ision the great triple Fire sy(boli<ed in the !aduceus+ #he !aduceus Fire and that o* Kundalini lie close and together, *or(ing a splendid rainbo) o* colour+ #hey subser-e the sa(e ends di**erently+ #here is inti(ate connection bet)een the !aduceus *or(ed o* the central line o* *orce and its (ale and *e(ale intert)ining aspects and the Fire o* Kundalini+ #hough *ro( one point o* -ie) the t)o *orces are distinct, *ro( another they are co(ple(entary and one (ight e-en al(ost say identical, being re*lections o* the Acti-ity *acet o* the 1ia(ond o* Fire+ #he !aduceus see(s independently a)a'enable, that is to say, stirred into conscious usage on the part o* the indi-idual+ But its relationship )ith Kundalini is inti(ate+ #he student )hose experiences are here recorded )as unable to pursue *urther the intricacies o* the relationship and respecti-e *unctionings o* the !aduceus Fire and the Kundalini Fire+ But in #heosophical literature these are exa(ined+ All he could see )as a strea( o* Fire, di**erently4hued, *lo)ing *ro( the root o* the spine up into the head, )ith subtle connections (aintaining e-er open channels bet)een those (acrocos(ic *orces o* )hich it is a current+ &t )as -ery easy to con*use the !aduceus *orce )ith the *orce o* Kundalini, *or there is an eternal alliance bet)een the( B and the beginner al)ays tends to percei-e

sa(eness be*ore he notices di**erences+ #he student concerned had the distinct i(pression that )hile the Fire o* the !aduceus o**ered a 9ay o* 0elease, the Fire o* Kundalini o**ered a 9ay o* Ful*il(ent+ Phrases in these regions (ust ne-er be ta'en -ery literally, *or here there are no i(penetrable co(part(ents, each aloo* *ro( all the rest+ But it see(ed as i* Sushu(na )ith its &da and Pingala aspects, the !aduceus, )ere a route o* release *ro( con*ine(ent )ithin the lo)er bodies, )hile the Fire o* Kundalini is rather in the nature o* a )itness4guide to the identity o* the larger )ith the s(aller consciousness+ #he di**erence (ay be subtle, and *ro( a *unctional point o* -ie) so(e)hat unreal+ 8et it see(s de*inite and probably has *oundation in a *act not as yet clearly perceptible+ O* so(e -ery close relationship bet)een the t)o Fires there see(s no doubt+ ;editation on these t)o Fires )as pro-ocati-e o* i(aginings, speculations, )hich tended to get out o* hand naturally so, since contact had been established )ith !os(ic Po)er, and there )as a te(porary illu(ination o* the indi-iduality )ith !os(ic %ight+ &((ediately there )as a sense o* a s)inging bet)een the positi-e and negati-e *orces o* Fire %ight4%i*eEarth and Sun+ Are there negati-e and positi-e centres in all indi-idualities, hu(an, nonhu(an, super4hu(an, sub4 hu(an5 ;ay )e di-ide the centres )e 'no) according to their Earth4nature or their Sun4nature5 &s the throat an Earth4centre, and the heart a Sun4centre5 But such

speculations lead the student into channels o* in-estigation )hich *or the ti(e being are distinctly unpro*itable+ !hapter ? #.E .&G. P/0POSE OF K/"1A%&"& #he process o* )or'ing up and do)n the spine ha-ing been begun, the next business is to set up (o-e(ent bet)een the -arious centres+ #he *irst -alid centre is the solar plexus, and co((unication is to be established bet)een the base o* the spine and the solar plexus, round about the na-el+ #he touching o* the solar plexus gi-es rise to the sa(e sensation o* expansion o* consciousness as in the case o* the spinal (o-e(ent+ #he sto(ach (ay, and probably )ill, *eel so(e disturbance, a sic'ish *eeling+ But that does not (atter+ #he student did not trace ho) the Force reaches the solar plexus, but it see(s to be by a roundabout )ay+ 9hene-er a centre is -itali<ed )ith the Fire there is a sense o* expansion o* consciousness and o* highly sti(ulated *aculty, and particularly is the intuition de-eloped since there is greatly increased contact bet)een the higher and the lo)er bodies, the higher *ortunately being able to do(inate, or the process o* arousing Kundalini )ould not ha-e been per(itted+ As it is, not only is there absence o* the slightest sexual disturbance, but such re(nants o* sex4nature as there (ay ha-e been see( to be trans(uted and trans*or(ed into their true purpose -irility and creati-eness, and

thus Godliness+ &nstead o* being con*ined )ithin locali<ed creati-e po)er )hich partly assu(es the *or( o* sex4i(pulse, li*e begins to d)ell in the uni-ersal creati-e principle, in the Fire o* !reation F the lo)er ascends into the higher, the particular into the uni-ersal+ And )hen the particular beco(es lost in the uni-ersal, thereby disco-ering its true Eternity, then the uni-ersal descends to ta'e up its abode in the indi-idual+ #his is part o* the ob=ecti-e o* Kundalini+ &t is so(eti(es thought that the de-elop(ent o* Kundalini leads to clair-oyance and continuous interplane consciousness, or to the lin'ing o* the -arious le-els o* consciousness, so that other states o* consciousness (ay be connected )ith the )a'ing consciousness+ #his does ta'e place in due course, but o* *ar greater i(portance is a -ery real transsubstantiation, the higher consciousness beco(ing =e)els in the setting o* the lo)er, the higher ta'ing up its abode in the lo)er, that is to say in the )a'ing consciousness itsel*+ #he lo)er 'no)s itsel* to be a setting, and o**ers its substance *or the =e)els o* the higher+ #his is in *act a setting up o* continuous consciousness+ 9hether in *act clair-oyance, etc+, arises or not, though in course o* ti(e it )ill, is o* *ar less i(portance than the de*inite establish(ent o* the higher consciousness Buddhic and later "ir-anicin the )a'ing consciousness, this being the high purpose o* the arousing o* Kundalini+ #his (eans, as has been said, an extraordinary -i-i*ication o*

intuition pure 'no)ledge untainted, undistorted, by the personal e6uation B *or into a)a'ened Buddhic and "ir-anic consciousness no un4uni-ersali<ed personal e6uation can e-er enter+ #he personal e6uation is transcended, the desires o* the lo)er sel* begin to be trans(uted into the 9ill o* the One Great Sel*+ 9e (ay trust to an intuition -i-i*ied, puri*ied, by Kundalini, but )e (ust ta'e care that )e allo) no outside considerations to distort+ &* )e d)ell in the real( o* pure intuition our conclusions are li'ely to be true+ %et us trust *irst i(pressions pro-ided )e sense the( as co(ing *ro( the depths o* our being and not *ro( the shallo)s+ #he arousing o* Kundalini should establish us per(anently in the 0eal this is its supre(e ob=ecti-e, all other results can only be incidental to this great end+ #here see( to be t)o general syste(s o* Kundalini de-elop(ent B one )hich proceeds slo)ly, -ery slo)ly, and care*ully, little by little, perhaps extending o-er li-es, the -arious psychic *aculties being de-eloped pan passu )ith general gro)th B the other being to lea-e the positi-e arousing o* Kundalini5 until the last (o(ent, so to spea', and then, )hen all is sa*e and the )ord o* the ;aster has gone *orth, to arouse Kundalini )ith a rush+ #his (ethod has in one sense (ore o* ris' in it, but there should not be any i* the indi-idual is alert+ & a( re(inded o* the launching o* a ship+ She goes do)n, gradually increasing in speed, into the sea, but only a*ter all details o* the slip)ay are attended to )ith (ost

(eticulous care+ But once she is set going she 6uic'ly ta'es the plunge+ &n so(e cases, this latter (ethod is e(ployed, in others, the *or(er+ As a setting *or the right de-elop(ent o* Kundalini, there is al)ays an extraordinary desire to use the intensi*ied po)er to help others+ #here is o*ten the deliberate turning o* onesel* into a negati-e photographic plate, C exposing C it to those nearby, that their needs (ay be directly 'no)n+ #his longing to be o* ser-ice to others is greatly sti(ulated, and indeed (uch (ore help can be gi-en, because o* the -i-i*ied intuition+ One e-en *eels inclined to ad-ise so(e o* one@s *riends, i* they as', 6uite *ran'ly as to )hat they need, the ad-ice being a-ailable because the indi-idual has discerned so -ery clearly, )ith the aid o* Kundalini, )hat he hi(sel* needs+ .e can help others because he has disco-ered ho) to help hi(sel*+ But discretion and tact are the better part o* -alour, and one (ust not hinder in the e**ort to be help*ul+ !hapter !E"#0ES A"1 F/"!#&O"S OF K/"1A%&"& ;ore ad-anced students o*ten sho) the student a nu(ber o* )ays o* using Kundalini, )hich, by the )ay, see(s cri(son in colour+ One (ethod is o* dra)ing a pupil into the teacher@s o)n Kundalini4in*used aura, so that he ta'es, as it )ere, a Kundalini bath+ #his is a

potent -itali<ation, and does no har( at all, pro-ided the teacher ta'es care, as he does, to see that in the indi-idual there are no pro(inent characteristics )hich (ight be undesirably intensi*ied by Kundalini sti(ulation+ &t should be re(e(bered that to bathe in Kundalini does not in-ol-e the arousing o* Kundalini, *or in one )ay )e are all bathing in Kundalini, the -ital principle, Bergson@s elan -ital+ But to ad(it a person to a bath o* )hat (ay be called concentrated Kundalini de(ands care+ &t (ight be suitable *or an unde-eloped person o* an unob=ectionable disposition, and also *or a de-eloped person )ho has already learned to do(inate his lo)er nature+ One o* the reasons at any rate )hy the Elder Brethren are unable to li-e in the outer )orld is the e**ect upon the a-erage indi-idual o* #heir supre(ely dyna(ic Kundalini+ 9e 'no) ho) a )ireless station, *or exa(ple, see(s charged )ith electricity the air being *ull o* it+ So(e people are ad-ersely a**ected by this electrical at(osphere+ Si(ilarly, in *ar (ore intense degree, (any people )ould be e-en dangerously a**ected by the physical propin6uity o* an Elder Brother dyna(ic )ith Kundalini Fire+ #he )orld is not yet ready *or such sti(ulation+ !onsider the e**ect the !hrist had upon the people 2,AAA years ago e-en though .e used the body o* a disciple+ #he Kundalini Fire in the disciple, ine-itably intensi*ied

by the i((ediate presence o* the !hrist, *ired the people one )ay or the other, and *inally the other+ #here )as inade6uate sel*4control to stand the strain o* the searching penetration o* Kundalini+ 9e ha-e been told that this )as anticipated, and that the )or' planned )as *ul*illed )hen a *e) disciples beca(e a-ailable to trans(it the !hrist@s ;essage to *uture generations+ "o (ore )as expected *ro( the people o* the ti(e, or perhaps not (uch (ore, *or it )as reali<ed that the *orce introduced into their (idst )ould probably be too (uch *or the(+ 8et, *or the sa'e o* the *e) )ho could be inspired to pass on the ;essage to unborn generations, the ris' o* non4acceptance and o* the (urder o* the physical -ehicle o* the %ord had to be run+ ;ay it not be that the 'ar(a o* the Ee)s is not so hea-y as (ight other)ise be i(agined, *or they )ere *ace to *ace )ith a Force the e**ects o* )hich e-en the %o-e o* the !hrist .i(sel* could not neutrali<e, or should & rather say, turn aside, trans(ute or -eil5 Kundalini Fire is the essence o* the %o-e o* God, so that there can be no 6uestion o* neutrali<ation, but only o*, as it )ere, protecting the eyes *ro( a blinding %ight+ #his could not be per*ectly done 2,AAA years ago+ &n this connection, there are a nu(ber o* co(plicated considerations into )hich & need not enter+ One, *or exa(ple, is the extent to )hich constant and i((ediate contact )ith cro)ds has to be a-oided, (uch o* the )or' being done *ro( centres, rather than in the (idst o* the people+ #he 9ord o* a Sa-iour thus descends into

the *uture partly through .is li*e in .is disciples, partly through trans(ission by disciples and through boo's, but largely, (ainly, through highly charged Kundalini centres, Kundalini thus concentrating in special areas on the sur*ace o* the earth F bathing pools o* Fire, spiritual bathing pools, as they indeed beco(e, as )ell as centres *or the e(anation o* the Fire throughout the )orld+ #o return to the (ethods o* using Kundalini another )ay see(ed to be that o* directing a strea( through the head o* an indi-idual, through )hat see(ed to be a *unnel4shaped opening, so that the strea( *loods the body, or rather the bodies+ #his is a sa*e (ethod o* using the Force since it re*lects the principle o* *ructi*ication, )hich is e-er *ro( abo-e sunshine, rain, etc+ !are (ust, ho)e-er, be ta'en that the Force thus e(ployed is adapted in intensity to the recepti-ity o* the indi-idual+ So(e people (ay be able to stand a tropical stor(, but the (a=ority need but gentle rain+ A third (ethod o* the use o* this Fire is in the case o* protection against (achinations o* Brethren o* the Shado)+ A student ca(e across a case o* an undesirable person )ho )as inciting people to co((it suicide, and had e-en urged the( to the point o* hanging cords around their nec's+ #he la) allo)ed hi( in this case to spray upon the undesirable indi-idual, or possibly C thought4*or( C e(anating *ro( an undesirable indi-idual, a piercing strea( o* cri(son Fire+ &n the case o* the *or(, it )as at once destroyed, thus instantly *reeing the -icti(s *ro( their obsession+ 9hat )as the nature o* the repercussion

upon the indi-idual hi(sel*5 Probably illness, possibly disintegration+ A curious *eature o* the process see(ed to be that the Fire )as directed *ro( a centre+ &t see(s as i* Kundalini can be sent *orth *ro( any centre, though pre*erably *ro( the solar plexus centre or *ro( the centre bet)een the eyebro)s+ 9e thus begin to reali<e that the great centres o* the body are the (ain distributors o* *orce+ &t is not a (atter o* eyes or hands or *eet, but o* centres+ !hapter 9 #.E &"1&3&1/A%&#8 OF K/"1A%&"& !uriously enough, e-en though there see(s to be obstruction at the top o* the head, not in the centre o* the head but actually at the top, ne-ertheless to a certain extent Kundalini pierces its )ay through and ascends through the top o* the head beyond the physical body li'e a *ountain o* coloured )ater+ #he result is a strea( )hich opens out so that there is the appearance o* a tunnel, Kundalini *lo)ing out)ards, as it )ere, o-er the edge o* the *unnel+ &n the beginning this *unnel e(erges only a short distance,but as the piercing process proceeds the *orce o* the strea( beco(es greater and Kundalini rises to a great height+ All head obstructions -anish, )ith the result that contact is (ade, a channel pierced, bet)een the -arious types o* consciousness, leading to continuous consciousness and

to constant contact bet)een the -arious planes and the physical4brain )a'ing consciousness+ 9hat is the nature o* the obstruction at the top o* the head 5 &t has the appearance o* a (ass o* grains o* C sand,D yello)ish in colour, through )hich Kundalini is endea-ouring to e**ect a per(anent passage, tearing apart the (ass, (a'ing a hole through it, a process o* so(e di**iculty, so(e pain, and a certain a(ount o* danger+ At *irst, Kundalini only glo)s+ As ti(e passes, the glo) (ust beco(e a burning nucleus and later a consu(ing, puri*ying and releasing *ire+ #hese grains o* C sand C presu(ably are cells, and they are not so close to one another that Kundalini cannot e**ect so(e sort o* a passage, =ust as )ater can escape through a sie-e+ &t is interesting to )atch the nature o* the process o* a)a'ening Kundalini as it ta'es place during the sleep o* the physical body+ #he (ost interesting obser-ation is as to the density or solidity o* Kundalini itsel*+ Fro( one standpoint, Kundalini is a Fire, li6uid Fire, but *ro( another there is an exact si(ile in the planting o* a long pole in a hole in the ground+ #he earth has to be hollo)ed out and the pole inserted into the hole thus (ade+ Si(ilarly, in the lo)er bodies obstruction has to be re(o-ed *ro( the course Kundalini (ust ta'e obstruction both physical, etheric, and possibly higher as )ellB and the picture the student had in his (ind@s eye as he a)o'e is o* digging a)ay -arying densities o* solids so that another 'ind o* solid (ay enter the passage thus cleared+ One (ight )ell

e(ploy the si(ile o* boring into the earth+ &n the course o* the process earth is encountered, earth and )ater are encountered, then perhaps )ater alone, and i* one )ent *ar enough do)n one )ould (eet (olten (asses and gases o* -arious 'inds+ "o) boring up)ards has to ta'e place *or Kundalini, and the sa(e 'inds o* obstructions are encountered, di**erent 'inds o* solids e-en though )e call the( solids, li6uids, gases, and so on+ All are solids+ Kundalini is a solid, and i* it is to do its )or', certain other 'inds o* solids (ust be re(o-ed out o* the )ay+ "ot that it cannot (ore or less interpenetrate the(+ &t can and does per(eate the( to a certain extent+ But its (ain ob=ecti-e cannot be acco(plished unless it has a clear passage, and this in-ol-es the re(o-al, perhaps only to a -ery s(all extent, o* physical obstruction, possibly a heaping to either side, =ust as a cro)d has to gi-e )ay be*ore an onco(ing procession+ #here is probably partly a burning a)ay and partly this cro)ding on either side+ As the channel is *or(ed the pole o* Kundalini is pushed up a (atter o* ti(e+ #he idea o* Kundalini as a pole being gradually inserted into a hole see(s to be (ore accurate than at *irst sight (ay appear+ #he distinctions )e (a'e bet)een solids, li6uids and gases, and so on, are relati-e ter(s+ #here are solids to )hich the (ost solid things )e 'no) are supre(ely light and airy+ So(e o* these solids one notices in the inner regions o* the earth+ #his is one )ay o* regarding solids+ Another )ay is to loo' upon the increasingly 0eal as, in the truest sense o* the )ord, Csolid,D increasingly solid, substantial+ Fro( this point

o* -ie), Kundalini is (ore solid than the (ost solid substance )e 'no), using the )ord CsolidD as synony(ous *or CrealD+ 1ealing )ith Kundalini in these ter(s one is conscious o* its solidity as co(pared )ith that o* physical (atter or o* substances next in degree o* solidity, *ro( the physical plane standpoint, to physical (atter+ Kundalini see(s (uch (ore solid than these, and the process o* a)a'ening Kundalini (ay thus be not at all inaptly co(pared )ith the re(o-al o* earth, and o* earth (ixed )ith )ater, *or the entry o* a pole o* solid )ood, as has already been suggested+ #he pole o* solid )ood is relati-ely *ar (ore solid than earth or )ater+ So is Kundalini *ro( a certain point o* -ie) *ar (ore solid than the obstructions )hich ha-e to be re(o-ed+ & a( not surprised, there*ore, that the translation into ter(s o* )a'ing consciousness o* the digging process, ta'ing place during the sleep o* the physical body, is that o* the re(o-al o* earth and )ater so that a hole (ay be (ade *or the entry o* a -ery solid ob=ect indeed+ &n one sense, (ental (atter is (uch (ore CsolidD than e(otional (atter, Buddhic (ore CsolidD than (ental, "ir-anic than Buddhic B =ust as space (ay be considered (ore solid than that )hich *ills it+ 9hat )e call (atter can only be )here the (ore solid so4 called C space C is not there to pre-ent its presence+ 9e ha-e to dri-e a)ay space in order to (a'e roo( *or (atter+ But so(eti(es )e (ust dri-e a)ay (atter in order to (a'e roo( *or space, and this is )hat )e are doing

)hen arousing Kundalini, *or Kundalini belongs, relati-ely, (ore to space than to (atter+ #here are speculations about Kundalini in )hich one is al(ost a*raid to indulge+ /ni-ersal, !os(ic Fire as it is, ne-ertheless it see(s to be constituted o* innu(erable di-erse ele(ents, and one or another o* these shines *orth according to the setting o* the Fire in indi-idualities belonging to one or another o* the great e-olutionary strea(s+ Each centre represents a line o* energy, and in each indi-iduality, there*ore, one centre is do(inant, )hile another co(es next in i(portance+ So is it that Kundalini adapts itsel* & ought, o* course, to say hersel* to the pre4e(inent note, and see(s as i* it energi<ed the -arious centres according to their respecti-e i(portances in the particular hu(an body+ &t courses lightly, as it )ere, through the sub4do(inant centres, touching the( to (inor -i-i*ication only, but gi-ing radiance indeed to the centres )hich ha-e special pree(inence+ And this principle obtains throughout the e-olutionary process, in the -ast (acrocos(s no less than in the (inutest (icrocos(s+ But Kundalini de*initely sti(ulates each centre, )hirling as each already is, throbbing and piercing its )ay up)ards to the great head =unction+ #here see(s to be little doubt that there is a spiral, cor'scre) (o-e(ent o* Kundalini as it surges up)ards, concentrating on the centres )hich are outstanding because o* the indi-idual@s 0ayG1H and te(pera(ent, and so(eti(es -i-i*ying certain centres )hich need special sti(ulation in -ie) o* certain )or'

the indi-idual has to underta'e+ .ere one centre is sti(ulated (ore than the rest+ #here another centre is singled out+ And percei-ing this one )onders i* nations and races, *aiths and sects, ha-e their super4ordinate centre as )ell as their subordinate centres, so that the Fire o* Kundalini has to be all things to all centres+ One )onders i* the sa(e be true o* land, o* sea, o* -alley, o* (ountain, o* *orest, o* plain+ And then co(es the speculation as to the supre(e !entre o* the Earth+ #he Earth, as )e are told, has its colour, its note+ .as it not its special centre also5 #his see(s to be )ithout doubt, as (ust also be the case )ith the Sun, )ith a Solar Syste(, in *act )ith e-ery organis(+ And )hen one tries to *ollo) this speculation )ith the inner -ision one beco(es lost in regions o* consciousness )hich *orbid exploration, and one turns bac' )isely, though regret*ully, into those real(s )hich are, as these others are not yet, *or our con6uering+ #he burning sensation, so usually associated )ith Kundalini, and by no (eans con*ined )ithin the channels o* its passage through the body, is not necessarily ine-itable+ #here (ay be a sensation o* cold, o* pressure, o* a bursting, the latter generally )ithin the head+ So(e students ha-e experienced an unco(*ortable )ar(th throughout the trun' o* the body, )ith extension into the head, so that the )hole o* the upper part o* the body see(s intensely hot, strea(ing *orth heat in all directions+

But al)ays, and this is an acid test o* the rightness o* the experience, the )hole body beco(es co(parati-ely uni-ersali<ed as to its sensiti-eness+ #he )hole body beco(es, as it )ere, a Gauge o* the 0eal, so that discri(ination, as has been said be*ore, is ali-e *ro( the *eet to the -ery top o* the head itsel*+ #his is a re*lection on the physical plane o* the absence in the inner bodies o* the locali<ation o* *aculties )hich is so apparent in the physical body itsel*+ #here arises, )ith the -i-i*ication o* Kundalini, a blending o* the lo)er )ith the higher bodies, so that there begins to be one -ehicle recepti-e and acti-e in e-ery part o* its being+ &n the higher regions o* consciousness )e cease to spea' o* -ehicles, *or the place o* these is ta'en by radiances B and )hen Kundalini is still *urther de-eloped, the consciousness )hich in the physical body has locali<ations, and in the higher bodies is co4extensi-e )ith their *rontiers, )ill, in the highest regions, beco(e concentrated in a centre, )hence rays )ill issue *orth in all directions+ E-olution consists in a going *orth into the )hole o* (ani*ested li*e, in contacting the *arthest circu(*erences B but the )ay o* return is to bring bac', stage by stage, to the !entre the *ruits o* the going *orth, the su( total o* all the experiences+ #hus do )e see( to co(e to the point o* concluding that in so(e (ysterious )ay Kundalini re(ains *or e-er indi-idual to its recipient, ho)e-er (uch it (ay al)ays be inseparable *ro( the /ni-ersal Fire )hence it issues *orth+ &n so(e

(ysterious )ay it )ould see( as i* Kundalini parta'es o* the nature o* the Per(anent Ato(G2H, cannot disintegrate, and *or(s the eternal Fire o* the e-ol-ing indi-iduality+ & ha-e said that it cannot disintegrate+ Fro( one point o* -ie) nothing disintegrates+ All that anything can do is to return ho(e a)hile, and this is )hat Kundalini probably does+ #he coursing o* Kundalini through the centres o* the body, its pic'ing out a special centre or centres *or (a=or -i-i*ication, its issuing *orth *ro( the head, its uni*icatory po)ers all are the gathering o* experience *or the Fire )hich is the indi-idual hi(sel*+ 9e (ust, it see(s clear, *ree oursel-es *ro( the habit o* loo'ing upon our bodies as =ust *lesh and blood, as =ust (atter, as (atter is 'no)n in these days o* *eeble -ision+ All things are (odes o* (ani*estation o* each other+ All are (odes o* the (ani*estation o* Fire, or o* any other supre(e expression o* the !reati-e Spirit )hich )e (ay be able to concei-e+ &n !hristian scriptures )e ha-e the conception o* Fire as the third aspect o* the #rinity, God the .oly Ghost+ But behind all di-isions there is the One )ithout a Second, and true indeed is it that all that )e can predicate o* the expressions o* the One )e can predicate still (ore o* the One &tsel*+ So, *ro( one aspect )e (ay express the !reati-e Spirit as Fire, and all that co(es *ro( it as Fire no less+ .ence )e thin' o* Kundalini as the heart, the per(anent Fire, o* the -ehicles o* an indi-idual, and )e thin' )e see in the Per(anent Ato( the Fire o* Kundalini a)aiting its next *orthgoing+ #here see( to be inbreathings and

outbreathings, pulsations o* Kundalini+ Obser-ation see(s to sho) that all things breathe, and that there are the (ost (ar-ellous interpretations to be assigned to these breathings+ #he intensity o* Kundalini )axes and )anes+ &t rises and *alls, e-en in its surgings+ &t is exceedingly di**icult to *ollo) all this, *or the student )ho has been obser-ing is inexperienced, and in addition is con*ronted )ith the intensi*ications produced in his o)n Kundalini by the -ery obser-ations the(sel-es+ Attention *eeds, as inattention star-esB and these constant experiences and experi(ents increase his o)n Kundalini acti-ity+ &n these )axings and )anings Kundalini is e-idently pro*oundly a**ected by the surroundings o* the body in )hich it d)ells+ &n the great open spaces, in the har(onious, rhyth(ic and )ell4 ordered ho(e, at sea, in close proxi(ity to hills and (ountains, in special gatherings o* an upli*ting nature, in )ell4directed cere(onial gatherings, in churches, te(ples and (os6ues round )hich *ine de-otion has gathered, in schools and colleges *ro( )hich all *ear is entirely absent and there subsists a beauti*ul relationship bet)een teachers and taught F in all these, and other conditions o* the sa(e type, as in places o* study, Kundalini )axes+ But in to)ns and cities, in cro)ded places, in theatres, restaurants, picture4houses, in the ordinary public (eeting de-oid o* any particular aspirational ele(ent, Kundalini )anes, that is to say it recei-es no sti(ulus+ But al)ays is there a tide in the

a**airs o* Kundalini, an ebbing and a *lo)ing, a rising and a *alling, ho)e-er i(perceptible+ &t )ould see( doubt*ul i* e-er Kundalini is actually asleep, ho)e-er inacti-e it (ay appear to be, *or it (ust needs share the *unctioning o* Kundali( e-ery)here, and as a )hole Kundalini is astir throughout the spaces+ "e-ertheless, )e *eed Kundalini, and )e star-e Kundalini, in the -eriest tri*les o* our li-ing physical, e(otional, (ental and beyond+ One obser-ation )hich )as o* tre(endous interest to the student (a'ing all these contacts )as the use o* )hat is called the #hyrsus in the special a)a'enings o* Kundalini )hich *ro( ti(e to ti(e ta'e place+ #he #hyrsus has the (agnetic property o* reaching out into inti(ate touch )ith Kundalini and o* causing Kundalini to *ollo) it as iron is attracted by a (agnet+ &n the ancient days the #hyrsus )as -ery )ell 'no)n, and )as e-idently used in cases )here a 'ind o* arti*icial sti(ulation o* Kundalini )as indicated+ &t )as certainly 'no)n to the 8ogis o* old in &ndia, and to the Egyptians and the Gree's+ #he #hyrsus obser-ed )as (anu*actured o* so(e brilliantly )hite (etal, cylindrical in shape, about t)enty4*our inches long, an inch or so in dia(eter, and rese(bled nothing so (uch as the ordinary ruler+ &t )as placed at the root o* the spine and then dra)n up)ards, Kundalini *ollo)ing a*ter it+ O* course, the #hyrsus could only be used by those )ho already had an inti(ate 'no)ledge o* the )or'ings o* Kundalini+ 1H #heosophy teaches that all li*e, )hether in (ineral,

plant, ani(al or (an, is the One %i*e+ #his One %i*e, long be*ore it begins its )or' in (ineral (atter, di**erentiates itsel* into se-en great strea(s, each o* )hich has its o)n special and unchanging characteristics+ #hese *unda(ental types are 'no)n as the 0ays+ #hese se-en types are to be *ound a(ong (en, and )e all belong to one or other o* the(+ Funda(ental di**erences o* this sort in the hu(an race ha-e al)ays been recogni<ed B a century ago (en )ere described as o* the ly(phatic or the sanguine type, the -ital or the phleg(atic B and astrologers classi*y us under the na(es o* the planets as Eupiter (en, ;ars (en, 3enus or Saturn (en, and so on+ 2H #he central nucleus o* each o* (an@s bodies is a Per(anent Ato(, so4called because it re(ains e-er )ithin the periphery o* the higher aura, e-en )hen the body itsel* has disintegrated+ At rebirth, *ro( this ato( e(anates a )eb4li'e substance into )hich the actual ato(ic particles o* the ne) body are builded+ #he use o* the per(anent ato(s is to preser-e )ithin the(sel-es, as -ibratory po)ers, the results o* all the experiences through )hich they ha-e passed+ 9e (ust not thin' o* the (inute space o* an ato( as cro)ded )ith innu(erable -ibrating bodies, but o* a li(ited nu(ber o* bodies, each capable o* setting up innu(erable -ibrations+ !hapter 1A #.E ;/S&! OF K/"1A%&"&

!an )e describe the great Serpent4Fire o* Kundalini in its *unda(ental glories, in its colours, in its shapes, in its (usic4notes5 !an )e describe its song 5 !an )e describe its rainbo)5 Kundalini is (usic as it is colour+ &t is a rainbo) as it is a per*ect song+ #he student senses this as he enters into its nature+ Kundalini co(es *ro( a*ar, trailing clouds o* colour and o* sound+ Kundalini is a per*ect *ruition o* %i*e+ &t is a consu((ation o* %i*e+ &t -ibrates )ith consu((ated experience+ 9hose experience5 #he experience o* One )ho has been one, but )ho has resol-ed into glory upon glory the un*old(ents o* .is e-olutionary )ay un*old(ents in dar'ness and in light, in peace and in stor(, in =oy and in sorro)+ .e has so)n experiences, and .e has reaped Flo)ers, a Garden o* Flo)ers, Flo)ers that sing, Flo)ers that breathe *orth colour+ !ould the student but hear the Song o* Kundalini, could he but C see C the colours o* the Fire, he )ould 'no) )hat %i*e is, *or he )ould be penetrating into the -ery heart o* Being+ But his senses are dull, e-en those )ith the aid o* )hich he experi(ents and experiences+ .e can 'no) that )hich to hi( is 'no)able, and he can see as through a (ist the as yet un'no)able, and through the (ist co(es the glory o* a throbbing (a=esty o* sound a single )orld4 encircling, )orld4drenching throb o* sound, yet containing )ithin itsel* a -eritable )orld o* (usic+ #hrough the (ist, too, co(es the glory o* a (ighty rainbo) o* colour, no less )orld4encircling and )orld4 drenching+ All is ali-e )ith colour4sound, colour singing, song colour*ul+ #he student *eels he (ay not suggest

either a colour or a note as expressi-e o* Kundalini, *or each o* us hears hi(sel* di**erently, sees hi(sel* di**erently, in this (agic crystal o* blended colour4 sound+ %et each listen+ %et each see+ &t )ere al(ost a blasphe(y to di( the crystal *ro( its all4e(bracing purity+ 8et our Kundalini5, the !os(ic Kundalini *ro( our %ord the Sun and the indi-idual Kundalini *ro( our ;other the Earth, has its note do(inant, di**erent *ro( the notes do(inant o* other (odes o* e-olution, and is a blend o* the Song o* the Sun and the Song o* the Earth+ Our %ord the Sun sings .is Song *or all .is uni-erse+ Our ;other the Earth sings her ans)ering note, the note o* li*e un*olding on her boso(+ So does our %ord the Sun send *orth .is colour, and our ;other the Earth shines, in all her colour, radiance in ans)ering ho(age+ .o) near so(eti(es the student see(s to co(e to the song o* Kundalini *ro( the Sun, to the colour o* it, and to the song o* Kundalini *ro( the Earth, to the colour o* it+ .e sees at once that the Earth is but an i(age o* the Sun her Father+ #he song o* the Earth, the colour o* the Earth, are but i((ature shado)s o* that co(ing substance per*ectly resplendent in the Sun+ .e sees that all the singing *ro( the Earth, and all the colour4 (essages, are but praise to the %ord o* all, and *ro( the heights o* (an in all his trappings o* bodies right do)n to the hu(blest ato( in the lo)est o* nature@s 'ingdo(s the student hears a song o* praise and colour4throbbings o* aspiration+ Our %ord the Sun has set the( all a*ire+

.e has set the( all a4singing+ .e has set the( all a4 shining in a (yriad hues+ &n their =oy, in their deep consciousness that as .e is so shall they be through the (ystery o* .is Being in colour and in sound, they gi-e to .i( that )hich they ha-e recei-ed *ro( .i(+ Our Songs, our !olours, our %i*e, our %ight, our Glory, are *ro( .i(, and )e li*t up our gi*ts that .e (ay see )e cherish the(+ Kundalini sings to the student )ith the -oice o* all that li-es+ #he student thus begins to 'no) all li*e, not by a *orthgoing, but by an indra)ing+ &n the hidden recesses o* his o)n Kundalini, i* the possessi-e be pardoned, he *inds the secret o* the /nity o* %i*e, as he has 'no)n %i*e@s solidarities )ithout+ #here is a /nity, and it sings one song, co(posed though the song be o* an in*initude o* notes+ #here is a /nity, and it sends *orth one colour, co(posed though it be o* an in*initude o* colours+ #here is but one song, but one colour, *or all li*e on this Kundalini4Globe )e call the Earth+ &n the Kundalini )e hear the song, )e see the colour+ And )hen )e are able to (a'e external that )hich *or so long (ust re(ain internal, and re(ote and inaccessible, only no) and then re-ealing itsel*, )hen at last )e are the /nity, then do )e pass beyond the hu(an 'ingdo(, as )e ha-e passed beyond the 'ingdo(s belo), and the Kingship o* the ;atter49orld is ours+ Kundalini is indeed -ocal+ She can be heard by those )ho ha-e the ears to hear+ She is substantial, e-en though yet (ore spatial, and can be seen by those )ho ha-e the eyes to see+ Kundalini is no (ere *anci*ul abstraction+ She is no (ere theory, no (ere externali<ation o* an i(aginati-e outpouring+ She

li-es+ She sings+ She arrays hersel* in scintillating colours+ 9hen )e see' her )ithin oursel-es, and perchance catch a gli(pse, be it in her sleep or in her stirrings, o* her co(passionate elusi-eness, then i* our eyes and ears be but *aintly open, )e shall see her rai(ent and hear her -oice+ And these shall be our rai(ent and our -oice, not as these are no), but as these shall be so(e day+ &s it not )orth )hile to see' her, not by stri-ing to a)a'en her be*ore her right*ul sleep is o-er, not by disturbing her i* on occasion she sallies *orth )ithin the do(ain )hich is hers to illu(ine, but =ust by )atching, as this student has )atched, respect*ully, )ithout a ripple o* desire *or response5 #he )ay to see' her is to detach onesel* *ro( one@s anchorages, to brea' the bars o* all i(prison(ents o* physical body, *eelings and e(otions, and (ind, and to lose onesel* in the *or(less spaces o* %i*e@s in*initudes+ &t is need*ul to C *eelD the in*initudes in their li(itless natures, not going *orth in*initely *ar, but being in*initely still+ #here is no *ar nor near )hen per*ect stillness is achie-ed+ 8et the stillness is -ocal+ &t is supre(ely still because it is throbbing & )ish there )ere a )ord to express throbbing to the supre(e degree o* i(perceptibility )ith the Song, the 3oice, o* the Stillness+ 9hen that still, s(all 3oice, in*initely potent by -ery reason o* its s(all stillness, is heard, then are )e hearing Kundalini a*ar o**, yesB ine-itably so+ But in the distant *uture to be our 3oice, our -ery sel-es singing *or =oy+

So, too, in the per*ect clarity o* the silence, )e shall see a )ar(th because o* its )ar(th o* colour+ #hen shall )e be seeing Kundalini a*ar o**, yes B ine-itably so+ But in the distant *uture to be our !olour, our -ery sel-es shining *or =oy+ !hapter 11 A!!O/"# OF A" E$PE0&E"!E %et this little boo' conclude )ith an account o* an experience )hich *ro( one point o* -ie) (ay appear utterly re(ote *ro( Kundalini, yet in *act )as the direct result o* the sti(ulation o* this (ighty Fire and o* an apparent *lo)ing on its sur*ace C bac'D into the at present undisco-erable past+ &ndeed does Kundalini brea' do)n barriers, not (erely o* consciousness in ter(s o* (atter but no less in ter(s o* ti(e+ #he ridges bet)een present and past, and present and *uture, beco(e transcended, at all e-ents )ithin li(its, and the Eternal beco(es the 0eal rather than the (odes o* ti(e+ #he student )ho )as experi(enting and experiencing )as (ore interested in the past than in either present or *uture, so )here tra-elling )as possible he tended to tra-el C bac')ardsD rather than out)ards or *or)ards+ .ence the experience )hich *ollo)s+ #he student *inds hi(sel* on a strea( o* Kundalini, and (o-es on the strea( to)ards ti(e@s beginnings so *ar as this particular e-olution is concerned+ .e (o-es bac' and bac' and bac', until he *inds hi(sel* strangely

i((ersed in the (a=estic pro*undities o* the opening o* a ne) era o* li*e+ .e loo's about hi(, though )ho exactly this C he C is he does not 'no), largely because he does not care it is that at )hich he is loo'ing that absorbs hi(+ .e sees be*ore hi( ho) entirely inade6uate are descriptions )hich (ust needs be couched in s(all physical ter(inologies a -ast expanse o* substance+ ;atter is not the right )ord at all, nor e-en is substance+ #he )ord Sea )ould be better i* it did not so *orcibly connote li6uid+ #he sentence (ight)ell ha-e read C a -ast expanse o* Fire,D but there is inade6uacy in this also+ At any rate there is a -ast expanse, the nature o* )hich is that it is 'no)n and there*ore has )ithin it the potentiality o* 'no)ing+ 9hether this sentence is intelligible or not is, perhaps, doubt*ul+ But the do(inant characteristic o* the expanse is the *act that it is being 'no)n all the ti(e, and that in such 'no)ledge lies the *act o* its o)n potency to 'no)+ Being 'no)n, there is in-ol-ed a Kno)er+ And the student i((ediately concei-es the principle that at the da)n o* an e-olutionary un*old(ent there are t)o ele(ents a Kno)n and a Kno)er+ #here is an in*initude o* Kno)n, and a Kno)er )ho in .i(sel* su(s up the apotheosis o* the e-olutionary process to )hich .e belonged+ .e is a God and (ore than a God+ .e is a Sun+ #he student percei-es that by -ery reason o* the Kno)er it (ight be postulated o* the

Kno)n that it consists o* an in*initude o* Kno)ers in their beco(ing+ #he Kno)n co(prises, there*ore, innu(erable Kno)ers )ho do not 'no)+ Or, there are innu(erable Fires )hich do not glo)+ On this expanse the Kno)er breathes the Fire o* .is 'no)ing+ And so e-olution begins+ &nnu(erable Fires begin to glo) in the spirit o* their *ireness, *or the unconscious has (et its (ate in the conscious+ #he Kno)n has (et its (ate in the Kno)er+ Spar's issue *orth+ Spar's beco(e (icroscopic *la(es+ And there is added the *uel o* 'ingdo( a*ter 'ingdo( o* nature, *ed by the Kno)er, )ho has 'no)n 'ingdo(s and has brought the( *orth through the Fire o* Kundalini+ #he *la(es gro) larger+ ;ore and (ore *uel4 experience+ #he *la(es burst into (icroscopic *ires+ #he *ires expand into con*lagrations to)ering greatnesses o* Fire+ Kingdo( a*ter 'ingdo( *eeds spar's and *la(es and *ires, until all hu(an *uel is resol-ed into Fire, as already has been the *uel o* the (ineral, -egetable and ani(al 'ingdo(s be*ore it+ And then Fires triu(phant enter into the Essence o* Fire+ #he -ery For( o* Fire is consu(ed, and the %i*e o* Fire shines *orth in per*ect purity+ Fro( Fire4For( to Fire4%i*e+ #hus on)ards into i((easurably transcendent regions,

in )hich, perchance, e-en the Essence o* Fire (erges into that )hich lies beyond+ #hus *ro( being Kno)n, the Kno)n beco(es the Kno)er+ And the Kno)er )ithdra)s into the transcendence o* Being+ On the boso( o* Being .e rests *or re4creation+ #.E0E &S A ./S. OF #.E S&%E"!E OF E#E0"&#8 &n the Silence the clarion call o* a pure "ote o* Forthgoing causing the Silence to -ibrate in the rhyth( o* its o)n Per*ection+ #he Kno)er co(es *orth+ And on the expanse o* a Kno)n .e breathes the Fire o* his 'no)ing+ Again begins an e-olution+ And all are Kno)ers in the beco(ing

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