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Prctica 1.

Programacin del robot Scorbot ER-V utilizando el lenguaje ACL


Apellidos Nombre

1. Build the following figure using the language ACL. 2. When the robot holds or releases a piece (pick and place), in both o!e ents it should be to reduce the speed and to follow a linear otion. "n this e#ercise $ou ust do two progra s for the special case, when the robot holds (AC%&C) or releases (AL%'A) a piece, such that(

)he positions of appro#i ation and estrange ent are upper 1*c of the goal position. )he robot will o!e with a linear otion reducing the speed 1* + of the original one. the ain

)he functions are introduced as (,&-.&A/ 0 %12). )he call to an$ function fro progra are with .-34B. /ain co

ands that $ou can use( DEFP, TEACH, SETP, SHIFTC, MOVELD, HERE, SPEED, OPEN, CLOSE, GOSUB, ... 5. 4sing the functions pre!iousl$ defined $ou should do(

A progra that reads the different positions that a user introduces fro ke$pad. )hese positions build a figure for al ost four pieces. Along the e#ercise $ou ust use the functions pre!iousl$ defined. "f the user acti!ates the e ergenc$ button (input si#) the robot will place the current piece and it will go to a pre!iousl$ defined ho e position until the button is deacti!ated. When the button is deacti!ated, the robot will follow the construction.

What are the li itations of this progra 6 3o e co ands that $ou can use( FOR, IF, WAIT,...

7. 2o the following procedures(

2efine two position (,-31 and ,-32) separate 1* c . Write two progra s that run si ultaneousl$. )he first one will count the ti e between the acti!ation and deacti!ation of the e#ternal input (input 8). )his ti e will be sent to the second progra . )he second progra will wait until reci!e the ti e fro progra one. "t will print b$ screen that ti e. "f that ti e is greater than 5 seconds, it call to a procedure that o!e the robot fro the pre!iousl$ defined position ,-31 to ,-32 and go back in that ti e.

Sistemas Robotizados !!"- !!#

Prctica 1. Programacin del robot Scorbot ER-V utilizando el lenguaje ACL

)he ob9ecti!e of this e#ercise is to take into account the s$ncroni:ation between processes. ;ou can use the following co ands( RUN, PEND <var1> FROM <var2>, POST <var> TO <var2>, TIME, PRINT, PRINTLN, GLOBAL, DEFINE, SET, ... 1ote( )he ti e of the controller is in hundredth of seconds.

Sistemas Robotizados !!"- !!#

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