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Ant de Antt

My name is Ant de Antt, and I live in a tough

neighborhood. I am not allowed to play with the kids next

door, because they ate my Aunt. They belong to the Anti

family and the father’s name is Jack de Jumper. Anyway,

at home we work hard all day. We listen to Mom Queeni

because she’s been around a long time and she knows

what’s what. When Jack de Jumper ate my Aunt, Mom Queeni

told us to stay out of sight and keep on working hard.

Mom Queeni told us that Jack de Jumper attacked her first

husband. Her first husband attacked him back, but Jack de

Jumper had his worker-team ready, and they dragged Mom

Queeni’s husband away, never to be seen again.

I asked a brother if there was anything at all we

could do about Jack de Jumper’s bullying ways. The

brother said that he had bumped into a big brother while

carrying a pile of food from the store, and the big

brother said there were many angry brothers who were

planning something.

In the days that followed, I kept a lookout for the

big brother, wanting to know what the angry brothers were

planning. On the third day, with my last load on my back,

I felt a tickle on my tummy. I turned my eye and saw the




big brother hiding under a popped corn. “Ant de Antt,

there’s a meeting tonight at Secret Hall. Be there.”

There were thousands of brothers at Secret Hall;

also five sisters, who sat in the front row. The big

brother was on the podium. “We are gathered here to

discuss our plan. Sir Trof A Laxis will now address you.”

“Evnin’, brothers and cute sisters: with great

respect to Mom Queeni’s wisdom, we think she is getting

too old to lead. I myself saw de Jumper attack Mom

Queeni’s husband; I was there… and it was ugly! We need

not live in fear: de Jumper has had his day. We plan to

overthrow him, and bring peace and equality to all. When

we rule, we will have weekends off and the same food for


Sir Trof A Laxis sat down to a stunned silence:

weekends off? The same food for ALL ANTS? Was this

possible? All the ants started talking at once: “What’s

the plan?” “How can it be done?” “What will we do on

week-ends?” Sir Trof A Laxis returned to the microphone.

“Tomorrow morning, instead of going to work, you will

march in single file to Jack de Jumper’s house; ALL of

you. You will sit on him, together, until he stops

breathing. I will then proclaim myself Leader of the




Queeni and de Jumper colonies. There will be music and

dancing and free food for all.”

Groups gathered, each group discussing the plan.

“Hallelujah, Sir Trof!” “Free week-ends, food!” One of

the sisters was shaking her head. “I’m not sitting on de

Jumper; no way.”

The next morning the thousands who had been at the

meeting started the “de Jumper” march, singing “we shall

overcome” and “a new day dawning.” Within a few hours,

after a bitter battle, there was victory with Jack de

Jumper dead, and only three survivors: myself, the scared

sister and Sir Trof A Laxis.

Mom Queeni was so angry she burst a gland and died

on the spot. Sir Trof ate her and declared her delicious,

“even for an old queen like her.” Sir Trof, true to his

promise, declared himself Leader of the Queeni and de

Jumper colonies. After eating Mom Queeni, he changed our

name to Sir Trof’s Lexus colony. He said he did not want

to use his proper name, as that would show pomposity.

My name is Ant de Antt and I live in a tough

neighborhood. At home we work all day and listen to King

Trof the First For Ever, because he has been around for a

long time.

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