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The question of maintaining stability and unity has challenged mankind since the days of Adam & Eve, Cain and Abel. In fact, it started when man fell away from the fellowshi of !od and became slaves to sin, "atan and the flesh. The credits are due to the #evil who has $%%% years of e& erience in 'divide and destroy( strategy to revent man to get his rightful inheritance for (the thief does not come e&ce t to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.(

"ometime during the late fifties, fired with enthusiasm and nationalism, our young, and shall we say untested and immature leaders, formed themselves into grou s and associations and started venturing into nation building and began sha ing the future of this !od given )ation of ours. )otable among them were #atuk !.". "undang, Tan "ri "te hens, #atuk *eter +o,untin and many others some of whom are still alive today. !od had used these men and through the valuable and e& ensive e& erience gained by them, we can ca itali-e them so we could tackle greater challenges ahead which require greater s iritual discernment and !od given wisdom and ower to deal with effectively.

They were wrestling with the question of unity and olitical stability. .ne sometimes wonder whether any one of them had read, meditated and understood what *aul meant when he wrote to the E hesians, (/or we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against rinci alities, against owers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against s iritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly laces.(

Enemie !t "or#$
The signs that the enemies were at work have been recorded in their history and treasured in their archive. 0)1. was s lit in half over the issue whether we call ourselves (2uman( or ( .rchard( A eace treaty was established among the contending arties and a marriage union was decided and it was named 0*1.. 2owever, +ammon, the rince of wealth, managed to woo a cou le of bible reading,

church going leaders and 0*1. closed sho .

It was during this eriod that +ammon had controlled the leaders, ersecution and blackmail became the order of the day. It was also during this eriod that the eo le of !od began to turn to 2im and call u on 2is name. Then the 3ord our !od heard their rayers and ut a burden on the heart of the young *eter +o,untin and he, together with some others, lay down their own lives so that others may have lives.

4er,aya was born in the late seventies and was voted to ower but most of those who steered it to victory erished in the tri le5$ accident. It was the (4east(, his initial is $$$, that master lan the accident and took control of the !overnment. 4ut !od was great and it was during this eriod that 2e was re aring young and aggressive leaders to eventually to through (0nbelievers( working within.7 le the (4east( to brass leaders. 6(4east( refers to the demonic s iritual ower behind the hysical organi-ation and e&erting its influence

The 1ada-an was given time to organi-e themselves into a "tate wide association, using as a latform their cultural heritage as a basis of uniting the eo le of !od. This time the 3ord our !od had ut the burden on many eo le.

Illustration 1: The 1st Annual Delegates of the re-structured KCA with TS Pairin as President, Ignatius Stephen Malan u! as Secretar"-#eneral, Ignatius $u i%#eorge Kun an as Treasurer-#eneral and &arious Chair!en of su'-co!!ittees and ad-hoc co!!ittees as !entioned 'elow( )so!e are not in the pictures*

)otable among them were #atuk *airin, !undohing Ignatius "te hen +alan,un, !undohing Ignatius 4u,i, #atuk 3eduin +obi,ohn, #atuk 8ames .ngkili, #atuk /eli& !olingi, #atuk 8ohn +aluda, #atuk #r. 8effrey 1itingan, #atuk *eter Athanasius, Tan "ri "imon "i aun, !undohing !eorge 1un,an, !undohing /red "olibun, #atuk +onggoh .row, !undohing *aul 4aklin, !undohing #unstan #um angol, !undohing !eorge +okun,il, !undohing "ebastian An,im, #atuk /red 8inu, #atuk Claudius "undang Ale&, !undohing 9oger #unstan, !undohing #ominic Chu, Tan "ri 9ichard +ala,un , !undohing :ilson +alingka and others who worked behind the scene. The enemies knew the lan of !od in their lives and they used all sorts of demonic strategies, aided by their human allies, to bring havoc ersonally to them and the eo le of !od. 4ut !od is great; 2e had heard the rayers of millions of 2is children around the world interceding for "abah. *4" was voted, and amidst ba tism of (fire(, became the "tate !overnment for < consecutive "tate elections.

The question that is confronting the 1ada-an and which they have to address themselves now is= 2ow did the (*eo le of !od( manage to retain ower in s ite of their a arent weaknesses> :hy did they fail> And how can they sustain themselves against the wiles, intimidation of the (enemies( and their human allies with their available worldly hysical (resources(> 2ow can one res onds to the call of 0)IT? by men or women who are motivated ).T by the 3.@E of !od but +ammon and the


4AC1 T. 4A"IC.

Armed with 3ogos, the written :ord of !od, many went before the 3ord and rayerfully seek 2is wisdom on this issue. In answer to the first question raised above, the word of !od in B Cor B=CD says that ( !od has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise= and !od had chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty for 2is strength is made erfect in weakness.( 6C Cor BC=E7 ?es, it was the hand of our !od whom they worshi in the name of 8esus that was res onsible for the various turn of events which shielded them from the enemies. *raise be 2is 2oly )ame. 2e is indeed a living and a loving !od.


3et it not be forgotten, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, that the !od that is worshi ed in the name of 8esus, is not only the living, loving but also the righteous and holy !od. 2e is not a res ecter of man but in every nation whoever fears 2im and righteous in his ways is acce ted by 2im. 6Acts B%=<F7 (/or we must all a ear before the ,udgment of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.( 6C Cor G=B%7

The testimony of the children of Israel, !od chosen eo le, is a living e&am le= how, when they become uffed u by their material wealth, worldly knowledge, ower and self5centeredness, they forgot !od and turn to idol worshi , things of the flesh and of the world, and !od brought u on them ("words of 9ighteousness( to make them aware that 2e meant business.

+any discerning Christians are of the o inion that the entry of 0+). to "abah was !odHs sword of righteousness. And raise the 3ord for 2is divine wisdom and rovidence but one must res ond whole heartedly to 2is call for genuine re entance and reconciliation in order to have access to 2is throne of !race.

/or !od is saying to us today= (... if you diligently obey the voice of the 3ord your !od, to observe carefully all 2is commandments which I command you today, and that the 3ord your !od will set you high above all nations of the earth .... The 3ord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face ... The 3ord will o en to you 2is good treasure, the heavens ... ?ou shall lend to many nation, but you shall not borrow ... And the 3ord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the 3ord your !od, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.( 6#euteronomy CI= B5 BF7( 4ut why are the 1ada-an, known in history books as H4elievers of 8esusH, still disunited, s iritually numb and economically backward,( one may ask.

The answer is sim le= '4ecause they have backslide and disobeyed !od and are under 2is curses. +any of their root roblems, sufferings, bitter rivalry, overty, addictions, social ills, disunity, sickness, s iritual o ressions and instabilities in their lives are the very fruits they are rea ing as a result of sinful lives in the ast. 6#eu CI=BG5CI7 :hat are these commandments and statutes that the 3ord our !od is talking about. These have been summari-ed by the 3ord 8esus as follows= '3ove the 3ord your !od with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength and your neighbor as thyself(.

The only solution to these roblems faced by the 1ada-an is....."*I9IT0A3 9E@I@A3. :hat is a s iritual revival> 9ichard 4ooker in his book, (Coming 9evival( defines revival as a (visitation from !od that renews life in the Church and roduces lasting moral change.

The 4ible tells us that the eo le who make u the Church are those who have believed and declared their allegiance to the 3ordshi of 8esus Christ and came to !od through 2im as their only :ay. 68ohn <=B$; BF=$; B Cor <=B$;$=BE5C%7.

The 4ible also tells us that there is a !od in heaven, Creator and owner of the 0niverse, who wants us to know 2im, worshi 2im and serve 2im. 2e has revealed 2imself to us rimarily in four ways= B7 Creation, C7 Instinct, <7 the 4ible or 2is word, and F7 8esus Christ who is the :ord of !od that became flesh. :henever mankind turns his back on this revelation of !odHs e&istence and character, !od makes 2imself known in a fifth way 5 through revival.

In revival, !od moves in sovereign ower by 2is " irit to reveal 2is greatness and goodness to mankind. 2e does not make 2imself known in order to romote a religious denomination, to substantiate religious doctrines or creeds, to further religious rograms or to e&alt human ersonalities. 2e alone is glorified, and every hiloso hy, erson and rogram is overwhelmed by 2im and 2is awesome holiness. (:hen there is a moral decline in the life of a nation or an individual, it will be accom anied by much sorrow and heartache. There will be mental confusion, which will lead to oor ,udgment and unsound decisions. There will be emotional instability and de ression. The will becomes weak, resulting in the lack of courage and conviction. 2ealth and ros erity will give way to sickness, disease and overty.( This is the icture that 9ichard 4ooker ainted and somehow it fits nicely in some oint of time in our lives and es ecially during this time, or the revious !overnments.... but the sco e of our concern is T.#A? we can re are for a better tomorrow.


The answer to this question is very fundamental to our understanding of the erfect will, lans and ur oses of !od in our lives here on Earth. "o let us go to the beginning. In !enesis B=C$,CI (( Then !od said, (And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have ower over the fish, the birds, and all the animals, domestic and wild, large and small 2e created them, male and female, blessed them and said to them (2ave many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under control. I am utting you in charge of the fish, the birds, and all the wild animals.((

:hen !od breathed that life5giving breath into the nostrils of the lifeless made5of5clay man, the " irit of !od entered and it began to live. 2e was a erfect creation, having an immortal body, su erior in ower, second to none but !od, and having access to all the facilities in *aradise including the tree of life e&ce t the tree of knowledge of good and evil; the best gift and the greatest one which made "atan green with envy is AdamHs close and intimate fellowshi with !od when 2e had 2is walk in the garden.

+an was not made to consume the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It was a (lethal oison( to him. !od ut a label on it,( *oison, Instant death if consumed( but "atan changed it ,(*oison if taken ublicly, Instant death if consumed without care or otherwise guaranteed to make !od out of you.A( Through the dece tion of "atan, mankind became virtually his slaves for F,%%% years and thus the ower delegated to Adam over earth became legally his e&ce t for the romise of !od for a "avior who will (set the ca tives free(. )o descendant of Adam was fit or strong enough to overcome "atan e&ce t !od 2imself who became (the "on of man( through virgin birth by +ary and fulfilled and aid the full rice for the mistakes and sins of mankind by dying on the cross at Calvary almost C,%%% years ago.

2ow many 1ada-an, es ecially those involved in leadershi and decision making roles that affect many lives, are conscious of what !od is doing these last days> And how many are taking seriously what the 2oly 4ible says about !odHs lan for 2is eo le> And how about those eo le who continue to live in rebellion against !od> There are hardly any (2oly5" irit5led( 1ada-an leaders in this generation es ecially in the olitical arena.


That is the main reason why the 1ada-an need s iritual revival because all of us have fallen short of the glory of !od. 69omans <=C<7. The human nature shows itself in immoral, filthy, and indecent actions; in worshi of idols and witchcraft. *eo le become enemies and they fight; they become ,ealous, angry, and ambitious, se arate into arties and grou s; they are envious, get drunk, have orgies, and do other things like these.... those who do these things will not osers the 1ingdom of !od.

6!alatians G=BE5CB7 The 1ingdom of !od is righteousness, eace and ,oy in the 2oly " irit because 2is resence in our hearts roduces in us love, ,oy, eace, atience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self5control.6!alatians G=CC7

.ne should not deceive oneself= no one makes a fool of !od. 6!alatians $=D7 The wages of sin, which is rebellion against !od, is #eath. 69omans $=C<7 8ust like (##T( is a lethal oison to our hysical or (outer( man, (sin( is a lethal oison to our (s iritual( or (inner( man. A man whose s irit is ' oisoned5 dead( is a slave of sins or (child of the devil(. Can one votes for those, who are slaves of sin or under the direct influence of the #evil or who are owerless against the evil ones, to lead and make im ortant decisions that affect the lives of !odHs eo le or the destiny of the )ation > 4ecause their master and chief is the thief 6"atan7 who comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy us. 68ohn B%=B%7 0nless all are under fear and intimidation or are under demonic dece tion, one does not need much wisdom and understanding to figure out the right answer to the above question.

The book of *roverbs says that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of !od and the knowledge of !od will lead to all kind of understanding. The 4ible says that if you are not with Christ then you must be with the #evil 69om I=E7 there is no inde endent arty. And if we are with Christ then we must ublicly and confess our faith in 2im obey 2is commandments, declare our allegiance to 2is 3ordshi

with our heart and our mouth, abandon our self5centeredness or die to the flesh, take u our own cross and follow 2im daily. In other words, the focal oint in our lives must be ChristA


4ecause 2e had been given all authority in heaven and on earth, 6+att CI=BI7 2e is the source of life, and this life brought light to mankind. 68ohn B=F7 Through 2im !od made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without 2im. 68ohn B=<7 And 2e romised to be with us till the end of time. 6+att CI=C%7 And if 2e is with us, who can be against us> 69omans I=<B7

In order to believe in 2im, one must know 2im and be able to communicate and relate to 2im ersonally . And through 2is e&am les, sacrifices, love and ba tism of the 2oly " irit, we become convicted and, obedient to 2im.

" iritual revival rovides one with a ersonal encounter with 2im and 2is reality as a loving and living !od becomes a living e& erience. It is for this reason that more eo le of !od should fall down on their knees to ask the 3ord to send s iritual revival to this land of ours so that many more lives could be touched, energi-ed and liberated by the 2oly " irit.

+an is basically a trinity.... of s irit, mind and body. +any have reali-ed that the s iritual man, i.e. the inner man, is far su erior in intellect and ower com ared to the hysical or outer man. 4ut few have reali-ed that through the fall of man in the garden of Eden, his s irit became (dead(. .nly the death of Christ on the cross at Calvary redeemed us from that state; it is through the ower of the blood of 8esus that we can be set free from this (death( and regenerated s iritually. 68ohn <=G7

" iritual regeneration is the fundamental ste that has to be taken in order for a man to be able to receive the rights to become the (children of !od( or the citi-enshi of 2eaven. 68ohn B=BC7 :ithout undergoing this rocess, he will not be able to see things of the s irit as !od sees them but will always consider them (foolish( and thus will not be able to receive s iritual blessings and ower and moved mightily as a (truly anointed servant and vessel of !od(.

*9.CE"" ./ 0)IT?.

*.0.9.0., a 1ada-an term meaning unity5in5diversity, can be ado ted as an acronym that defines the critical ath in achieving the declared ob,ective of uniting the various tribes for 0nity must be receded by *eace, 0nderstanding and 9econciliation. .ur ultimate aim may be 0nity of the eo le and olitical stability of the )ation. 4ut what kind of 0nity do we have if we do not first work hard towards eace, understanding and reconciliation= and how can unity last if it is not founded u on trust, love, res ect or

honor and wisdom or understanding.

2ow can one find wisdom or understanding> And how many of us have wanted to have eace only to reali-e that eace is the mono oly of the su er guys or su er nations. 2ow many times we try to reconcile the discre ancies in life, 'the rich becomes richer, the oor becomes oorer= the evildoers become more owerful and multi ly in number> 2ow can there be trust in this world when every one is struggling to com ete against each other.... survival of the fittest; every one is somehow involved directly or indirectly in lotting the downfall of his neighbors in business, olitics, s orts or in other activities of their earthly lives. And why should one ays the rice of 0nity only to find out that some greedy, nasty and self5centered eo le get rich overnight or some sweet5talking astor, businessmen or olitician sucks the eo le dry and become themselves su er rich and demigod. This is the hysical world we are living in right now= it is ,ust the o osite of what our 2eavenly /ather wants us to have and that is why the 3ord 8esus taught us to ray the (.ur /ather( so that 2is :ill is done on Earth, as it is done in 2eaven, so that 2is 1ingdom will cover the hysical as ect of our lives. Is it 2is will that we should have *eace>

'PEA*E I LEA'E "ITH Y&U, MY PEA*E I %I'E UNT& Y&U- N&T AS THE "&RLD %I'ETH, %I'E I UNT& Y&U .$ /0o1n 23-456.

The 3ord will give strength unto 2is eo le; the 3ord will bless 2is eo le with eace.( 6*salm CE=BB7 These assages were addressed to 2is disci les and not the world at large for whoever do not receive and believe in 2im, they are under curse of !od 68ohn <=BI7 because evildoers love darkness and 8esus is the 3ight of men.

(:hen a manHs ways are leasing to the 3ord, he makes even his enemies live at eace, with him. 6*rov B$=D7

(!odHs eace is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. 2is eace will kee your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ 8esus 6*hil F=D7

"o this is the ty e of eace that we should seek and only 8esus can give a lasting eace because 2e is the *rince of *eace. :e should enrolled ourselves immediately, if one is not yet a member, to become member of 2is winning arty, 4arisan )ur5Isa5Al5+asih, which 2e as the Eternal su er *resident has established since the beginning of time, to rule forever. If one can not understand this, then seek understanding.


/or the reverence and fear of !od are basic to all wisdom. 1nowing !od results in every other kind of understanding.( 6*rov E=B%7 '/or the 3ord grants wisdomA 2is every word is a treasure of knowledge and understanding. 2e grants good sense to the godly. '6*rov C=$,D7 Thus the key to these treasures is to read, study, meditate and singing in the s irit; then only will one know why religion had sadly entra ed many men and women whose lives do not measure with what they reached and believed.

:hy did a rominent Christian leader changed the (ob,ect( of his faith> 4ecause most likely in the first lace, the (ob,ect( of his faith at that articular oint of time was not strong enough to withstand the intimidation, blackmail and seduction by the (beast( . The ob,ect of his faith was not the ("on of !od(, the (Anointed +essiah(, ( !od the "on(, (2e that is one with the /ather(, the (Al ha & .mega(, the (4eginning and the Ending(. 2e was not the true Christ(. :ho was the (ob,ect( of his faith> 2e was the (false Christ( whose human mother became his ersonal assistant in 'heaven( and were surrounded by secretaries who were known by s iritually deceived (Christians( on Earth as (+other of !od( and ( "aints( and became as an intermediary or (middlemen( in their rayers to !od.

:e should not be confused about the e&act nature of the divinity and deity of 8esus Christ. 2e may have a human mother, when !od revealed 2imself as a man but that lasted only for << years JaK; and u on com letion of 2is mission on Earth, 2e was taken u and became once more the Eternal :ord of !od, !od the :ord who was with !od since the beginning. 68ohn B=B7 8esus foreknew that "atan will use ( traditions and culture of men ( to deceive many devoted Christians from coming and raying to 2im ersonally or directly and that is why 2e said, (:ho is my mother and my brothers; those who

hear the word of !od and do it is my mother and my brothers.( 63uke I=CB7

The 2oly 4ible says that we should not worshi or ray to any other e&ce t to 2im the !reat I A+; and there should not be any other (heavenly( intercessor, or (go5between(, e&ce t the 9esurrected 3ord who is interceding for us CF hours a day in 2eaven; and we should not communicate with any other s irit or have any (s irit guide(,(divato( e&ce t the 2oly " irit, the " irit of !od. 6E&odus C%=F; 8ohn BF=$; B Tim C=G; B Corinthians B%=C%; !alatians G=C%; 9ev C%=B%7 If one has not strictly followed this, he has committed a gravest sin of idolatry and witchcraft which is against the first commandment of !od= '3ove the 3ord your !od with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength( 6#euteronomy $=G7 Either consciously or not, the fact is the 1ada-an are under a curse by !od, even right u to their fourth generation or more. This is what the :ord of !od says 6E&o C%=F7, for every harvest festival, they are looking u and giving honor, through a medium, the (4obohi-ans(, to the demonic s irits, one of which is called the (s irit of adi, known as '4ambaha-on(. This indeed has grieved and hurt the " irit of !od and 2e is saying to us to5day= (Enough is enough, I have gone a long way with you but I cannot go too far= because I love you very much, I will ut an end to these ractices which will lead you and your nation to nowhere but utter destruction. 3ook around you and see for yourself. :hat had ha ened to all the rivileges and blessings I have bestowed u on you> 2ave they not been stolen by your enemiesA 4ecause your hearts were roud, arrogant and resum tuous, you were blinded, weakened and made hel less by your ignorance, greed, fear, selfishness and disobedience. :here is your savior ... the mother of god ... your queen of heaven ... the s irit of adi ... your ,immat ... your komburongo ... your bobohi-ans.... your huguan sious ... can they save you or hel you now. +y dear children, I am longing 6hangadon7 to embrace you in +y arms, all of you, the oor, the rich, the sick, the educated, the illiterate, the weak, the strong, the lonely, the re,ected, every one= +y two arms are wide o en, ready to receive you all but your hearts remained closed and cold like stone. I am hurt and ainfully nursing +y heart. % +y beloved children turn to +e and come directly to +e. ?ou donHt need any other as a middlemen or women mediator, es ecially those who are already dead, but 8esus +y "on, who is alive, and had aid the full rice and rovided for you the :ay, Truth and 3ife to +e. 8ust ut your faith in 2im and through 2im and in 2im, you will know +e and find +e. ( 68ohn BF=$7

.ur !od is a faithful !od. In s ite of our transgression 2e has rovided us a way out of this but let us understand a bit more about the devilHs strategy es ecially touching on religious dece tion.

2ow can the (C9EATE#(

become older than the C9EAT.9. .nly common sense will tell that the C9EAT.9 recedes the (Created(. Any descendant of the first Adam is a sinner, ,ust as we are, because the 4ible says that all have fallen short of the grace of !od. 69om <=C<7 8esus, the erfect revelation of !od through a human, had to die on the Cross for her sins as well. "he needed to be ba ti-ed in the 2oly " irit to enter into the 1ingdom of !od. "he died and was buried and her remains are still on Earth. )o one can deny that.

0)#E9"TA)#I)! T2E "T9ATE!? ./ T2E E)E+?

L /or we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against rinci alities, against owers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against s iritual wickedness in high laces.( 6E h $=BC7 The #evil a ears as a toothless (roaring lion( or a (wolf under a shee skin(; toothless in the sense that the 4lood of the 3amb of !od had already defeated him. 2e is the thief and he came to steal, kill and destroy. 2e is a master of dece tion and knows the word of !od from cover to cover, front to back, back to cover but he does not obey them. 2e is a s irit and has no form. Angels of !od have their celestial body but the fallen angels have lost theirs. They have names and their names reflect or corres ond to their function e.g. s irit of lust, s irit of greed, and so on. They are highly organi-ed. They fight among themselves. They have a varying degree of intelligence and ower; the most owerful are those in the heavenly realm e.g. territorial s irits. They e&ercise certain control over cities, laces and regions. They can cause sickness, accidents, miracles, healing and other signs and wonders. They can enter human vessels through consent obtained by force or dece tion, through sins and curses. .ne should not underestimate their ower but on the other hand, we should not give them too much credits as they are already defeated enemies for greater is the " irit of the 3ord JbK that lives in every born5again believer than these demons and evil s irits that are in the world.

The devils are not omni resent, omni otent and omniscient but their kingdom is highly organi-ed and information are transmitted at su ernatural s eed. They can understand what we say but they cannot

read our mind or our heart. Thus the 3ord gave us 's irit languageL which they cannot understand but our s irit and the 2oly " irit communicate each other in (4ahasa 9oh. They cannot function outside the will of !od. They have no legal right to own or claim us, e&ce t those who re,ects 8esus, because 8esus had already urchased us with 2is own life and blood on the cross at Calvary and redeemed all of us from sins but we have to have faith in 8esus and the 2oly " irit indwelling in our body to discern them and fight them off. 0nless we ourselves had given them legal grounds, they are tres assing on our lives, ro erty and business. 8esus main ur ose of coming to Earth is to ull down the strongholds of "atan 6B 8ohn <=I7 4y becoming the followers of Christ, it is our duty to continue that work and for this, the 3ord 8esus had given us the (Armor of !od( 6E hesians $=B<7, the gifts and fruit of the 2oly " irit, 2is fivefold ministry available to 2is church, the blood of the 3amb of !od, and the fellowshi in the 4ody of Christ which is the 0niversal Church.


The only way out is to ,oin the :I))I)! *A9T?= 4A9I"A) )095I"A5A3+A"I2A :ithout the ower of the 2oly " irit, "atan will make mincemeat out of us. 4ut the first ste to be taken is for us to humble ourselves before !od and acknowledge our sinfulness, ask !od to forgive us and make an effort to turn away from sins. 6B 8ohn B=E7

:hen man fell into sins, he has (,oined( himself with the devil and declared !od as his enemy. 9e entance is the rocess whereby one is convicted of his own sinfulness, and in humility, he come before !od to be forgiven, after he himself had forgiven others of the wrongs done unto him, and !od wi es his sins clean because of what 8esus had done on the Cross ....2e was offered as a (once for all( sacrifice for the sins of mankind. This facility is only o ened to those who believed that 8esus is the "on of !od 68ohn <=B$7, acknowledged, declared and confessed 2is 3ordshi in their hearts and through their mouths and become obedient to 2is commandments. (:hen anyone is ,oined to Christ, he is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come. All this is done by !od, who through Christ changed us from enemies into 2is friends and gave us the task of making others 2is friends also .... !od was making all mankind 2is friends through Christ. 3et !od changes you from enemies into 2is friendsA( 6B Corinthians G=BD 5 C%7


4elievers will be given the ower to erform miracles; they will drive out demons in 8esusH name; they will s eak in strange tongues; if they ick u snakes or drink any oison, they will not be harmed; they will lace their hands on sick eo le, who will get well. 6+ark B$=BD5BI7 4ut one should not only go after these signs and wonders or the gifts but should seek to know the (!iver( more.

9econciliations among men should follow after one becomes reconciled to !od

ersonally and

individually; though it may take some time, the *ower of the 2oly " irit will work in the lives of the individuals, and given the right guidance, assistance or she herding and (s iritual food(, they will mature into (the likeness of Christ( and will one day become art of 2is (bride(. It is during this eriod of maturing them that the right kind of effort should be intensified and greater resources should be s ent, for instance, in setting u Christian "chools, 4ible Centers, Christian libraries, Christian fellowshi s, Evangelistic centers, Christian ublication and rinting centers, news a ers, maga-ines, conferences, conventions, seminars and rayer meetings, Christian refresher Courses for civil servants, businessmen and women, community leaders, teachers and students where the five5fold ministries of 8esus could be established, develo ed and o erated effectively. 3eaders who wanted these changes or transformation of character in their fellowmen must themselves have been touched by the 2oly " irit, regenerated and renewed, had attained a sufficient degree of commitment and maturity in their s iritual walk with !od to be able to confess and declare what the A ostle *aul had said, '/or me, to live is Christ, to die is !ain.( .nly leaders who has the com assion, heart and attitude and hiloso hy of life as 8esus had, and is willing to ay the rice 2e aid, can and will effectively ins ire the nations, not by their own strength or might but by the 2oly " irit, to res ond ositively to the message of *eace, 0nity and *ros erity that is always echoed by *olitical and 9eligious leaders across to races in +alaysia and the :orld.

Unity$$$t1e me !8e o9 t1e S:irit o9 Trut1$

The cultural revival that led to the birth of *arti 4ersatu "abah in *enam ang sometime in the early eighties was a continuation of the struggle of the ( eo le of !od(, the good5" irited eo le 6)ehemiah

E=C%7, or some referred the term (1ada-an( but others disagreed because it is too generic a term to mean ' all humans( 63otud 7....but !od knows better.

/or what the enemy has intended to be the fatal end, the 3ord took it as a beginning for 2is ur ose. /ollowing the tri le5$ incident, the 1oisaan 1oubasanan 1ada-an "abah 6111"7 was revived with #atuk 8ose h *airin as its elected *resident and a grou of mostly young and highly motivated individuals. These eo le were ordinary kam ong folks but there is something unique in all of them the love of !od and the desire in their hearts of fairness and ,ustice. "ome of them knew !od but were not regenerated in their s irit and renewed in their mind, in other words, they were not s iritually regenerated Christians. They could not hear or dialogue with !od because the leaders of their res ective Churches at that oint of time lack the anointing and charisma of !od. "o when they were seeking for a common latform to unite the various tribes, they were given a distorted revelation. 2owever, religion was not used as a basis because it could not achieve its ur ose= religion, many thought, was a divisive denominator. Every religion ractices some form of self5righteousness, a cultic ty e of (2olier than thou( attitude.

"o culture was the unanimous choice.... thus the new logo of 1CA, eventually known 1#CA, took u the theme '0nity through Culture(. The a arent weakness there however was that there was no ro er definition and understanding of whose culture, what culture, which culture. It was obvious from the conte&t of the struggles of the 'InnovatorsL that the culture they had in mind was that of the ( eo le of !od( but the actual cultural ractices, traditions and hiloso hies redominant and e&isting among the AssociationHs members as of the date this was written are totally away from the (Truth, :ay and 3ife( that the 3iving, 3oving, 2oly and 9ighteous Almighty !od the Creator wants for 2is children.

The riority that !od wants the 1ada-an T.#A? is to ut first their own house in order. 2e wants 2is children to focus their lives, thoughts and deeds on Christ 6Christ5centred7; and all their activities, whether ersonal or cor orate, rivate or ublic, must be organi-ed and conducted on the basis and according to the 1nowledge and :ord of !od which is given in the 2oly 4ible.

The foundation of our cultural ractices must be of !od and it is of !od. It must be based on 3ove for

!od is 3.@E. 6B 8ohn <=I7 It is the unconditional and self5sacrificing love 6aga e love7 which is manifested when 1inoingan 6the Creator7 offered 2uminundun 6the "acrifice .ne7 to be sacrificed so that the 1ada-an 6 eo le or children of !od7 could have food after the (flesh( of 2uminundun was lanted and became adi= and 2uminundun was resurrected after 1inoinganHs will had been fulfilled after which her name was changed to 2uminodun 69esurrected7.

"uminundu 6the +iraculous one7 is the third erson of the Trinity, the (unseen( active *erson who is res onsible for all the miracles. This is the basic foundation on which the 1ada-an Culture sits on and yet many, if not all, had missed the critical significance it bears to their "urvival as the (Chosen .nes( of 1inoingan. 6#isci les of 8esus are (s iritual 8ews(, artakers of the abrahamic covenant.7 The missing link is the (:9ITTE) :.9#L 6T2E 3.!."7 which was destroyed when our fore father crossed the seas because it was tied to his loin. This is the legend that had been handed by word of mouth from generation to generation.

If we were to com are, for instance, the rovision of 8ohn <=B$, ( !od so loved the world that he sent 2is only 4egotten "on so that whoever believes in 2im shall not erish but will have everlasting life( and the fact that 8esusH body became our (s iritual food(, there should be no further doubt that the !od in the 4ible is the same 1inoingan that was revealed to our great, great, great... grandfather. Thanks to !od, the early Christian missionaries who came to us were on (" ecial .rder( by !od to hand that missing link to us= 8E"0" who is the :ord of !od that became +an 61ada-an7, so that we may be nourished and ro erly equi ed to fulfill our assignment and tackle the enemies. "o the word of !od, which is found in the 2oly 4ible, is a daily ration for the (inner man( and this is consumed through reading, studying, meditating and racticing them.

2uminundunHs flesh coincidentally became HriceH which is our sta le food. And the three *ersons of 1inoingan, 2uminundun and "uminundu are the three *ersons of the Trinity. And let us e&amine their identities revealed to us, 1inoingan or 1inorohingan is the Elderly or /atherly .ne; 2uminundun is the "acrificed .ne 68esus is the sacrificial lamb7; "uminundu is the +iraculous one, all miracles are brought about through and by the 2oly " irit. This bears close resemblance to the doctrine of the 2oly Trinity e&ce t that 2uminodun and "uminundu are revealed as 'females(. )o doubt, the revelation received was distorted and incom lete as !odHs erfect revelation of 2imself, the :ord that became

flesh, came from the 8ews, !odHs chosen eo le for this ur ose.

+any authors believed that the (3ogos( which is the written word of !od, *9E"E9@E# at the e& ense of millions of human lies in the 4ible to5day, is that missing link; and because of the absence of this written word of !od, we did not have the full revelation of !od and were unable to commune with 2I+ and enter into 2is throne of !race in the third 2eavens.

.du !inayam, once a bobohi-an herself, narrated how her teacher, a very rominent bobohi-an in *enam ang in the late BI century, e& lained to them the s iritual realm. This one concerns 2ibabou or 2eaven. There were D ste s that go to 2eaven 62ibabou7 and the (best( bobohi-an can only ascend to the Fth ste because beyond that, the lace is so bright, brighter than B,%%% or more suns ut together; after the Dth ste is 1inoinganHs throne. 2er divato 6the guiding evil s irit7 sim ly cannot move u .

4ut as born5again believers, who are s iritually regenerated and moving in the " irit and clothed with the robe of righteousness, which is the blood of 8esus, we can enter and have direct access to the throne of !race of the 2eavenly /ather to raise, worshi and submit our etition to 2im. That is the rivilege of the children of !od 68ohn B=BC7, the fellowshi of the 2eavenly /ather, a royal riesthood. 62ebrew B%=BE7
UNITY i t1e 9unction o9 t1e Ho;y S:irit

This is because the rime ob,ective of the devil is to se arate man from !od, and romote aggressively among men disunity. If we were to ,ust scratch the surface of the iceberg, think about thousands of religious or denominational bodies we have in this world, the world system of olitics, business, economy, education, s orts, entertainment and the list goes on.... in summary, it ro agates what the devil tra ed Eve with in the garden of Eden, self5centeredness and the desire to be god. 4ut 8esus had no (religion(A 69eligion is defined here as manHs own attem t through his human intellect and ower to know and return to !od.7 2e also had no denomination. +an, through religion, failed miserably to return and be reconciled with !od. 8esus became the .)3? way for all of us to return to the 2eavenly

/ather. 68ohn BF=$7 This is the only 1E? that o ens the gate of 2eaven. #onHt miss it and if you have the key, use it wisely.

2e came with one single ur ose 5 to reconcile us, and become friend, with !od and offered 2imself as a rice for our release. 2e wanted us to be reunited with !od, and after securing our release, gave us the ower to chase away (the thieves, the tres assers, murderers, robbers, the devils( so that our loved ones, neighbors and fellowmen who are still under demonic bondage could be set free so that they also could be united with us, in one 4ody, one " irit, .ne !os el and .ne 2ead who is 8esus Christ.

.bviously, 0nity that works and glorifies !.# must be that ty e of 0nity that conforms to 2is sovereign ur ose which is founded on Trust, 3ove, 9es ect or 2onor and 0nderstanding or :isdom.

*erha s the right ers ective should be (0nity through the 2oly " irit( or ("emangat 4ersatu Teres *er aduan(.

3et us unite to do the erfect will of !od for us as individual child of !od and as a Chosen !eneration for making known the wonderful message of Christ, that the #evil had been defeated and has no more authority over men, to every race and nation. 3et us also work hard to equi ourselves and become skilful in ta ing the resources of 2eaven and become 8esusH good friends.

4y doing so, we are continuing the works of 8esus in destroying and ulling down the works of the #evils. 3et us enrolled in the Army of Christ, be trained in s irit, mind and body; ut on the full armor of !od and ,oined in the com any of 8oshua and marched in @ictoryA 8esus is our Commander5in5Chief and 2e has already won. :e only declare and roclaim 2is victory to the defeated enemies. 2alleluiahA

That is how one can contribute ositively in kee ing !od fearing leaders, and the *arty they re resent

that !od em owers to form the !overnment, right on its track in doing 2I" will for this 4eloved )ation of ours.... +A3A?"IA.

()ow may the 3ord direct your hearts into the love of !od and the atience of Christ. !race be with all those who love our 3ord 8esus Christ in sincerity. Amen.( 6CT2 <=G; E*2 $=CF7


Even during the << lus years, 8esus the Incarnate :ord of !od had the full #ivine *ower but 2e relied on the *ower of the 2oly " irit. *hili ians C=$5I 618@7 $ :ho, being in the form of !od, thought it not robbery to be equal with !od= D 4ut made himself of no re utation, and took u on him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men= I And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.


2 0o1n 3-3 /K0'6 ?e are of !od, little children, and have overcome them= because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

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