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d kin hin Rationale Develop ent 1. Literature Review (Definition of co or!" # a!!ification of #o or! v.v.$ '. (he re ation!hi) *etween anguage and cu ture +. #o our! in ,ng i!h and -ietna.e!e +.1. Litera .eaning! of co our! in ,ng i!h +.'. Litera .eaning! of co our! in -ietna.e!e /. Di!cour!e containing the word! 0* ue1 and 0red1 in ,ng i!h 2 -ietna.e!e. /.1. -ietna.e!e and ,ng i!h di!cour!e with co our!. /.'. Di!cour!e containing the word 0* ue1 in ,ng i!h 2 -ietna.e!e /.+. Di!cour!e containing the word 0red1 in ,ng i!h 2 -ietna.e!e Con!l"#ion Re$e%en!e# T&n' ()p *+i , in ' trang ' trang 1"45' trang Ngu%&n Nga ( Nga ( Nga ( Nga / trang Ng3n 1 1 Ngu%&n Nga

6. 7N(R8D9#(78N

1. Rationa e 9) to now" co or! a wa%! ) a% an e!!entia ro e in our ife with .an% u!efu advantage!" which .ake! our ive! .ore vivid and co orfu . #o or! not on % have a))arent effect! ike decorating or di!tingui!hing thing!" etc. *ut a !o !how !ecret !%.*o ! or i.) ied .eaning .e!!age!. :or e;a.) e!" when we !ee a grou) of )eo) e with * ack c othe!" we <u!t think a*out !o.ething !ad (in funera !$ whi e tho!e with red one!" it i..ediate % refer! to !o.ething uck% and ha))% (in wedding!$. =owever" )erce)tion! of co or! in different cu ture! are >uite different with their own .eaning!. (hi! i! *ecau!e of the wa% the% u!e anguage of co or!" the wa% the% attach the .eaning! to co or" etc. :act! have !hown that we are rea % confu!ed *ecau!e we do not know what the e;act .eaning of a co or i!. 6nd once we do not have a c ear under!tanding" thi! can .ake )eo) e in different countrie! .i!under!tand and .eet cu ture !hock!. (herefore" to he ) )eo) e decide! what i! true or fa !e of .eaning! of co or!" our grou) decide! to do a re!earch on co or! in genera and blue and red in )articu ar % *etween ,ng i!h and -ietna.e!e cu ture!. '. 6i.! of the !tud% (he ai.! of the !tud% are? 5 (o concentrate on denotation! and connotation! of co or! in *oth ,ng i!h and -ietna.e!e. 5 (o .ake a co.)ari!on of blue and red *etween ,ng i!h and -ietna.e!e. @. D,-,L8AB,N(

1. Literature review :ir!t and fore.o!t" we !hou d have an under!tanding a*out what cu ture i!. 6ccording to Linton (1C4/? +'$ 06 cu ture i! a configuration of earned *ehavior! and re!u t! of *ehavior who!e co.)onent e e.ent! are !hared and tran!.itted *% the .e.*er! of a )articu ar !ociet%1. (hi! .ean! that cu ture i! not inherited *ut earnt. :or e;a.) e" @riti!h i! not *orn knowing that white i! the !%.*o of )urit%. Si.i ar %" -ietna.e!e doe!nDt know * ue i! the !%.*o of *e ief" !%.*o of freedo." for e;a.) e. 6ccording to @er in and Ea% in their *ook (1CFC$ 0@a!ic co or ter.!? their univer!a it% and evo ution1" co or! and co or ter.! are re ative % gave wa% to cro!!5cu tura co or univer!a ! that cou d *e identified for a anguage!. @er in and Ea% co ected

e;)eri.enta data fro. 'G anguage! u!ing native !)eaker! of the!e anguage!. (he% e;tracted the *a!ic co or ter.! of a anguage and then .a))ed the!e ter.! to a chart of fu % !aturated co or chi)! (1CFC?4$. @ar*ara Saunder! doe! not *e ieve in the Ea% and @er inD! theor% *ut cite! other re!earcher! fro. the 1CHGD! who u!ed different a))roache! to co or ter. !tud% and who .anaged to create 0natura 1 *oundarie! in co or !)ace. =owever" !he fai ! to )rovide <u!tification for the ke% c ai.! !he i! .aking. IierJ*icka (1CCF$ )oint! out that neither i! co or a univer!a conce)t" nor are co or ter.! a univer!a )heno.enon. 7n .an% anguage!" co or can *e regarded a! a rea!ona* % !e f5contained !e.antic do.ain. Boreover" it !ee. that co or can *e )erceived through vi!ua % !a ient feature! of reference! in the environ.ent !uch a! the

night" the !k%" the !ea" the !un" the ani.a ! and etc. =e (1CCF$ e.)ha!iJe! that there e;i!t !trong a!!ociation! *etween * ack and dark (coa 5* ack e%e!" etc$" white and ight (!now%5white" white #hri!t.a!" etc.$" the a!!ociation *etween * ue and the conce)t of the !k% or a *ig water ) ace! ike the !ea or ake!" or for red" IierJe*ika (1CCF$ re.ind! that red .an% *e conce)tua iJed via the conce)t of * ood or a war. co or a!!ociated with fire (red5hot" red coa !" fier% red" etc.$. (o !u. u)" different countrie! !how different notion! of co or!. 6 !o" each co or ha! it! own .eaning!.

/.'. Di!cour!e containing the word 0* ue1 in ,ng i!h 2 -ietna.e!e 6! we know" * ue i! a co d co or. @ ue i! the co or of the c ear !k% with nice weather and the !cenic and )oetic water area! ike the !ea" the ocean" the ake" etc. =ence" * ue .ake! )eo) e think a*out !o.ething !ta*i it%" !ecurit% and )eace. 6nd * ue i! u!ua % u!ed to de!cri*e in !ong! or )oetr% in -ietna.. :or e;a.) e" anh chin s bin phng i, ngi thy gio c n ci ti, anh !" #$y %ang nhi"u ci ch& !' nhi"u nhi"u b'i ht th(t hay, ng)i sao sng trn !* o anh, ngi thy gio c %'u o +anh, +anh %'u +anh c,a r-ng c,a n.i !' %'u +anh bi/n tri 0u hng1 e% nh2 h)% n'o anh %2i !" #$y c$y trn !ai 0uy/n sch trn tay anh #3 #i !" t(n l'ng b4n, d5y d$n h6c !it d(y d$n h6c ch&, nh&ng ng'y #u bu7n l8% anh i111111119 (0Ngi thK% giLo cM .Nu Lo ;anh1 O (rKn =oNn$

8r :nh ;n !" trong %<ng :h= theo nh n8ng +u$n >a !" %u)n hy !6ng :ho %?a >)ng ht bu7n @ho4ng tri +anh cao r<ng A8ng h7ng soi %u)n hoa BCng nu)i %%, n sDng E?a Fu$n G% h7n ta9 (:nh ;n %?a +u$n9 H Ngu%Pn QR$ 7n @ritain" we can a !o !ee .an% !ong!" )oe.! or )hra!e with the!e kind! of e;)re!!ion to !how ho)e" e;)ectation! or o)ti.i!.? Ilice has an opti%istic !ieJ and alJays talKs about a blue sKy scenario1 Lo%e pro!erbs also suggest this connotationM Nlue are the hills that are Oar aJay1 Por Jhoe!er Jants the blue sKy, the price is high1 Nehind the clouds the sKy is alJays blue1 Qhe sKy is not the less blue because the blind %an does not see it1 Qhe air is no less blue because the blind %an doesnRt see it19

@ ue doe! not !how !o.ething good *ut a !o !o.ething *ad or negative. LetD! ook at the e;a.) e *e ow in u!ing blue in -iet Na. with the tit e 0E'u +anh bS l5i chT %Unh t)i1 *% (S Nhi? 0VWng lX, b$ng Khu$ng gi&a #Gt tri E'u +anh bS l5i chT %Unh t)i VWng th% l c l6i trong KY Zc E'u +anh r ng %Gt H +a l8% r7i Nu7n b3 ng8% nhUn b cS non >nh ri thi gian, K[ ni*% cn \ ]ng +oay nghi*t ng3 H ri n^% thng E #_c tr= l5i thu= tr` con Loi r6i Ki% tU% #n n)n nao Ag'y +a nh5t %Gt ta thu= n'o NUnh %inh ngi n8ng , % ng'y %2i Qhi gian ri r ng, bit l'% sao\ Ahnh cS , thi gian , nbi c7n c'o1 8r in a )oe. 0Bi trKu1 *% =T Uu3n =Vng to !how the negative fee ing!? cu4 cau nho nhS %ing tru h)i1 A'y c,a Fu$n dng #3 0u*t r7i1

: ph4i duyn nhau thU th8% l5i1 >-ng +anh nh l b5c nh !)i19 Si.i ar %" in @riti!h cu ture" we can find !i.i ar fee ing! in a !ad !ong 0 Vo!e is blue1 to !how the !ad fee ing!. Nlue blue1 Ey Jorld is blue1 Nlue is %y Jorld1 AoJ e Jithout you9 8r the )hra!e 0Naby blues9 to !how a de)re!!ed fee ing that !o.e wo.en get after giving *irth to a *a*%" or 0screa% blue %urder9 to !how a ot of fu!! or !hout oud % and e.otiona % in )rote!t. ,ven" !i.) % %ou !a% 0blue Eonday1 with the .eaning of the !ad fee ing" or 0into the blue1 .ean! entering the unknown or e!ca)e to )art! unknown.

Wenc" @." and @ada" ,. 6)ri 'GG4. #u ture in Language Learning and (eaching X8n ineY. (he Reading Batri;. -o . 4" No. 1. fro. htt)?ZZwww.reading.atri;.co.Zartic e!Zgenc[*adaZartic e.)df \i%ing. ]. (n.d.$. #u ura #onnotation in ,ng i!h -oca*u ar% (eaching X8n ineY. Retrieved Dece.*er 'Hth" 'GGC fro. htt)?ZZwww.ce!tver!ionZ wZ)dfZJhang<i%ing.)df (rKn =oNn. Agi thy gio c %'u o +anh1 Retrieved Nove.*er Hth" 'G1' fro. T Nhi. Mu xanh b li ch mnh ti. From 7/!a"#$anh#%o#&ai#'hi#!inh#Toi.html








-. $"/n -01ng. Mi tru. 2rom http://hat3an.3n/4or"m/sho5thread.php6t71102











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