You are on page 1of 14


GEOGRAPHY South Kalimantan is located between 114 19 13 116 33 28 East Longitude and 1 21 49 4 6 31! 6 South Latitude" with the bo#de# su##oundings as $ollow% Kalimantan Selatan terletak antara 114 19 13 116 33 28 BT dan 1 21 49 4 56 31.56 LS, dengan bata ebagai berik!t" &o#h 'o#de# (#tara) % *#o+ince o$ East Kalimantan ($r%&in i Kaltim) South 'o#de# (Selatan) % ,a+a Sea (La!t 'a(a) -est 'o#de# (Barat) % *#o+ince o$ .ent#al Kalimantan ($r%&in i Kalteng) East 'o#de# (Tim!r) % /a0assa# St#ait (Selat )aka ar) B. CLIMATE South Kalimantan has t#o1ical climate with tem1e#atu#e #ange between 19" . to 3 "2 . and humidit2 between 34 4 915! 6n 6ctobe# 71#il is a #ain2 season" and between 71#il 6ctobe# is d#2 season! Kalimantan Selatan beriklim tr%&i dengan !*! rata+rata 19,5 , t% 35,2 , dan kelembaban antara -4 91 .. )! im &eng*!/an berlang !ng antara 0kt%ber 1&ril dan m! im kemara! antara 1&ril 0kt%ber. C. ADMINISTRATIVE South Kalimantan is de+ided into 11 (ele+en) #egencies and 2 (two) munici1alaties with 'an8a#masin as a ca1ital! Kalimantan Selatan terbagi dalam 11 2 ebela 3 Kab!&aten dan 2 2d!a3 K%tamad4a dengan Ban/arma in ebagai ib!k%ta &r%&in i. Table 1. Regenc e! "# S"$%& Kal 'an%an P(") nce N". 1 2 3 4 REGENCY*MUNICIPAL CAPITAL *elaiha#i 'atulicin Kotaba#u /a#ta1u#a Kandangan 'a#abai 7muntai LAND AREA PROSENTASE +K',+.3!329"3: 9"94 !:66"96 13" : 9!422"33 2 "11 4!31:"93 12" 1!8:4"94 4"81 1!432":: 3"92 9 1"2 2" 3

9anah Laut 9anah 'umbu Kotaba#u 'an8a# ;ulu Sungai Selatan 6 ;ulu Sungai 9engah 3 ;ulu Sungai <ta#a

8 'alangan 9 9a1in 1: 'a#ito Kuala 11 9abalong 12 'an8a#masin 13 'an8a#ba#u Kal 'an%an Sela%an

*a#ingin =antau /a#abahan 9an8ung 'an8a#masin 'an8a#ba#u

1!819"3 2!134"9 2!336"22 3! 99"9 32"63 328"83 /0.1/2314

4"8 "8: 6"33 9" 9 :"19 :"88 122322

S%!r5e" Kalimantan Selatan dalam 1ngka, 2663 D. AREA an5 LAND USE 9he total a#ea o$ South Kalimantan including 12 (twel+e) miles to the sea is !639" 2 Km2" com1osed o$ land a#ea (33! 3:" 2 Km2 ) and sea a#ea until 12 (twel+e) miles (18!1:9 Km2)!T%tal area Kalimantan Selatan terma !k 12 2d!a bela 3 mil la!t adala* 55.639,52 Km2, dengan l!a daratan 3-.536,5 Km2 dan la!t am&ai 12 mil la!t 18.169 Km2! E. GEOLOGICAL CONDITION =oc0 $o#mation in South Kalimantan $#om old to 2oung a#e as 7%rma i bat!an di Kalimantan Selatan dari t!a ke m!da adala* ebagai berik!t"


*#e 9e#tia#2 =oc0s" ha+e a /eso>oi0um age" +a#ied $#om g#anitic #oc0s" g#anodio#it" gab#o" diabas" ult#ama$i0 schists" sedimenta#2 #oc0s and metasediment" show an indication o$ o#e mine#ali>ation! 9his $o#mation lies at /e#atus ;ighland! 8r!& bat!an &ra+ter ier, ber!m!r )e %9%ik!m, terdiri ata bat!an graniti , gran%di%rit, gabr%, diaba , eki !ltrama:ik, bat!an edimen dan meta edimen, men!n/!kkan indika i minerali a i bi/i*. 7%rma i ini menem&ati bagian tinggian )erat! . 9e#tia#2 =oc0s" Keno>oi0um 7ge (Eosen4*listosen)" com1#ises o$ 9an8ung" 'e#ai" -a#u0un and ?aho# @o#mation! 9hese sedimenta#2 #oc0s sha1ed the hills and b#ought coal bea#ing $o#mation (9an8ung and -a#u0in) and lies dominantl2 on west and east o$ /e#atus =ange! 8r!& bat!an Ter ier, ber!m!r Ken%9%ik!m 2;% en+$li t% en3, terdiri ata 7%rma i Tan/!ng, Berai, <ar!k!n, =a*%r dan memba(a bat!bara 2Tan/!ng dan <ar!kin3! 7llu+ial" 1#oduced $#om weathe#ing 1#ocess o$ olde# #oc0s" co+e#ed the low land a#ea! ;nda&an 1ll!>ial, di*a ilkan dari &r% e &ela&!kan bat!an ebel!mn4a, menem&ati dataran renda*.


/ining secto# gi+e a11#oAimatel2 13" 6 5 o$ 9otal B#oss ?omestic *#oduct o$ South Kalimantan *#o+ince in 2::3! .oal is a ma8o# and $a+o#ite mining 1#oduct that att#acted in+esto#s much and will inc#ease in the 2ea# come due to best 1#ice o$ coal! EA1lo#ations on i#on o#e mine#al ha+e been conducted on 9anah Laut" 9anah 'umbu" Kotaba#u and 'alangan and will be eA1loited i$ the const#ains a#e low! 9he#e is much 0ind o$ mine#als such as% diamond" gold" ma#ble" cla2" se#1entinite and etc that o1ened $o# eA1loitation! 9he de#i+ati+e 1#oducts $#om that mine#al will gi+e a economic ad+antage due the bette# 1#ice than onl2 sale the mine#al di#ectl2! Sekt%r &ertambangan men4!mbang ekitar 1-,56 . dari $r%d!k =%me tik Br!t% $r%&in i Kalimantan Selatan &ada ta*!n 2663. Bat!bara mer!&akan &r%d!k &ertambangan andalan 4ang menarik bagi in>e t%r dan akan berkembang &ada ta*!n+ta*!n mendatang eiring dengan baikn4a *arga bat!bara. ;?&l%ra i mineral bi/i* be i tela* dilak!kan di Tana* La!t, Tana* B!mb!, K%tabar! dan Balangan dan akan m!lai diek &l%ita i aat k%ndi in4a mem!ngkinkan. )a i* ban4ak /eni mineral lainn4a e&erti " intan, ema , marmer, lem&!ng, er&entinit dll 4ang terb!ka bagi ek &l%ita i. $r%d!k t!r!nan dari mineral ter eb!t akan memberikan nilai tamba* ek%n%mi dibanding mema arkan lang !ng mineral ter eb!t! II. POTENCY AND PROSPECT A. METALLIFEROUS DEPOSITS 1. IRON +BESIMa nl6 U!e5 =aw mate#ial o$ indust#ies% anu$actu#es" cement basic #e$#acto#2" etal 1#oduct" indust#2" etc!

=oc0 containing C#on 6#e (.ollection o$ /ining D Ene#g2 6$$ice Labo#ato#2) Table 4. L"ca% "n3 Re!"$(ce! an5 Re!e()e! N". LOCATION +REGENCYRESOURCES AND RESERVES +TONSCndicated% ;21othetical% 3!429! :: 7UALITY @e % :"6: 62" 3 S % :":3 :"2 * % :":4 :"1: @e % 44"2 43": 9i62 % :"24 :"4 .#263 % 2"43 2"6 /n6 % :"4: :"38 Si62 % 1"2: 9":

1 9anah Laut

2 9anah 'umbu

Cndicated% 1::!:::!:::

3 Kotaba#u

Cndicated % 86!12:!3::

4 'alangan

Cndicated % 86!12:!3::

@e % 46"36 .#263 % 1"44 Si62 % 2"49 &i % :"33 .o % :":4 7C263 % 8"88 @e % 4"86 8"3 S % :":3 :"61 * % :":3 :":

4. MANGANITE +MANGANMa nl6 U!e5 =aw mate#ial o$ indust#ies% /anu$actu#es" batte#2 indust#ies" 1aint" $u#nace" $e#tili>e#" etc! Table /. L"ca% "n An5 Re!"$(ce! an5 Re!e()e! N". LOCATION +REGENCYRESOURCES AND RESERVES +TONS7UALITY +.Si62 % 3"33 28" 1 /n62 % 4"11 68"64 ;26 % :"2 6"2 7C263 % 11"89 @e263 % :"98 18" 9

1 9anah Laut


/. NICKEL +NIKELMa nl6 U!e5 =aw mate#ial o$ indust#ies% /etal indust#ies" stainless steel" elect#icit2" catalisato#" ce#amic" magnet" etc Table 8. L"ca% "n An5 Re!"$(ce! an5 Re!e()e! N". LOCATION +REGENCYRESOURCES AND RESERVES +MILLIONS TONSCndicated% <n0nown <n0nown 7UALITY &i % 1"2 &i % 1"12 &i %

1 9anah Laut 2 9anah 'umbu 3 'an8a# 8. CHROMITE +KROMIT-

Ma nl6 U!e5 =aw mate#ial o$ indust#ies% Stainless steel" #e$#acto#2" and teAtile

1. GRANITIC ROCKS +BATUAN GRANITISMa nl6 U!e5 .onst#uction mate#ial" o#nament!

B#anite (.ollection o$ Sub ?in *engembangan -ila2ah) Table 1. L"ca% "n An5 Re!"$(ce! an5 Re!e()e N". 1 2 3 4 LOCATION +REGENCY;ulu Sungai 9engah ;ulu Sungai Selatan 'an8a# 9anah Laut RESOURCES AND RESERVES +'9;21othetical % ::!::: ;21othetical % 481! 82!4:: <n0nown <n0nown 7UALITY 4 4 4 4

A. ENERGY RESOURCES 1. COAL +BATU BARAMa nl6 U!e5 Elect#ic *owe# *lant (steam coal)" steel indust#2 (co0ing coal)" home ene#g2 (coal b#iEuette) etc!

.oal and its mainl2 uses (.ollection o$ Labo#ato#2 o$ /ining and Ene#g2 6$$ice" South Kalimantan *#o+ince)

Table :. L"ca% "n An5 Re!"$(ce! an5 Re!e()e! N". LOCATION +REGENCYRESOURCES AND RESERVES +TONS7UALITY C/ % 3"13 22":4 7sh % :"42 2:"99 @. % 29"13 1"1 S % :"4 4"18 F/ % 33"91 :"4 Kal % 4!821"8 3!28: 0alGg# C/ % 3" 8 16" 1 7sh % 1"21 24"29 @. % 2 "94 46"62 S % 1"3 2"3: F/ % 34"23 46"62 Kal % 4!314 6!316 0alGg# Stut % :"28 1"62 ;BC % 2 91 &!.al % 612 641 0alGg# C/ % 2"83 18"6 7sh % 1" 3 34"6 F/ % 9"4: 48"4: Kal % 4!:3: 3!9:8 0alGg# S % :"2 1" C/ % ":: 33"3 7sh % :"4: 2:"8: F/ % 32"91 3"9: Kal % 4!442 3!34: 0alGg# S % :":2 4"24 ;BC % 48 @. % 22"9: :"4 C/ % 2": 22"2: 7sh % :" 8 1:"46 F/ % 2"4 4 "84 Kal % !416 3!4 3 0alGg# S % :"24 1"44 @. % 4"21 :"41 C/ % 6"3: 21"43 7sh % 1":: 11"34 F/ % 34"1 46"8: Kal % 4!8:6 3!111 0alGg# S % :":3 2"9: @. % 33"28 2" : C/ % 6"33 22":1

1 Kotaba#u

;21othetical %

2 9anah Laut

/easu#ed % 32 !:31

3 'an8a#

/easu#ed % Cndicated %

4 9a1in

;21othetical % Cndicated % /easu#ed % Cn$e##ed %

;ulu Sungai Selatan

;21othetical %

6 'alangan

;21othetical % /easu#ed % 38:!:::!::: Cndicated % 292!:::!::: Cn$e##ed % 32 !:::!::: ;21othetical %

3 9abalong

8 ;ulu Sungai 9engah

;21othetical %

7sh % 2"36 24":9 F/ % 29":6 42"31 Kal % 4!2:8 6!912 0alGg# S % :"28 9"3 @. % 31"16 1"42 C/ % 8"11 21"31 7sh % :"32 13"91 F/ % 36"14 46"28 Kal % !946 6!98: 0alGg# S % :"2 1" 4 @. % 31"93 1"98

4. PEAT +GAMBUTMa nl6 U!e5 7lte#nati+e ene#g2 #esou#ces! Table 0. L"ca% "n An5 Re!"$(ce! an5 Re!e()e! N". LOCATION +REGENCYRESOURCES AND RESERVES +'97UALITY C/ % 39"6: 91"38 7sh % :"13 3"38 @. % 6"63 13":3 S % :":1 :": Kal % 332 989 0alGg# C/ % 1:"34 14"43 7sh % 42"44 6":8 @. % 9" 3 12"1 S % :"2 :" 4 Kal % 663 3! 8 0alGg# C/ % 9"34 7sh % 4"39 F/ % 4"29 Kal % 4!9 : 0alGg# C/ % 11"2 12"82 7sh % 11"88 24"6 F/ % 43":3 1" 4 Kal % 3!238 4!633 0alGg# @. % 1 "46 2 "33

1 'an8a#

;21othetical % 13!682!:::

2 9a1in


3 ;ulu Sungai <ta#a

;21othetical % 3 :!:69!:::

4 'alangan

;21othetical % 112!:::!:::

.6&9=7.9 6@ -6=K 6& /C&C&B C& S6<9; K7LC/7&97& (*E/EB7&B C,C& <S7;7 *E=97/'7&B7& ?C *=6*C&SC K7LC/7&97& SEL797&) C! .6&9=7.9 6@ -6=K (K6&9=7K K7=H7)

N". C"';an6 Na'e *9! /e#atus 1 Sumbe# /as *9! Baluh .em1a0a

Ac% ) %6 EA1loitation @acilities ?e+elo1ment

A(ea +Ha-

K n5 "# M ne(al



*9! *el#ast Cnte#national

3#d Kotaba#u" 9a1in and Bene#ation 'an8a# 8enera i @@@ 3th EA1loitation ?iamond 'an8a# ba#u and Bene#ation @acilities 2"944!:: @ntan 9anah Laut 8enera i ?e+elo1ment 7llu+ial A@@ 3th Bold 'an8a#" 9anah Laut Bene#ation EA1lo#ation 2:1":::!:: ;ma and Kotaba#u 8enera i A@@ E0s1lo#ation% 2:1":::!:: ha Bold 8"684!:: ;ma

TOTAL .onst#uction o$ eA1loitation $acilities% 11"628!:: ha

CC! 7B=EE/E&9 6@ -6=K 6& .67L /C&C&B *E=,7&,C7& K7=H7 *E&B<S7;77& *E=97/'7&B7& '79<'7=7 (*K*2') N". C"';an6 Na'e 1 *9! 7#utmin Cndonesia *9! 7da#o Cndonesia *9! 'entala .oal /ining Ac% ) %6 EA1loitationG*#oduction A(ea +Ha9"213!:: Regenc6 Re'a(<

EA1loitationG*#oduction EA1loitationG*#oduction .onst#uction

*9! 'aha#i EA1loitationG*#oduction .a0#awala Sebu0u *9! 7ntang Bunung /e#atus EA1loitationG*#oduction EA1loitationG*#oductionG .onst#uction EA1loitationG*#oduction

*9! ,o#ong 'a#utama B

3 *9! 'a#a /ulti Su0ses Sa#ana

1st Kotaba#u" 9anah Laut Bene#ation dan 9anah 'umbu 8enera i @ 1st 9abalong dan 3 "382!:: Bene#ation 'alangan 8enera i @ 'alangan 2nd 2":9 !:: Bene#ation 32":: !:: 8enera i @@ 2nd "831!:: Kotaba#u Bene#ation 8enera i @@ 'an8a#" 9a1in" ;ulu 2nd 22"433!:: Sungai Selatan D ;ulu Bene#ation Sungai 9engah 8enera i @@ 2nd 3"341!:: 9anah Laut Bene#ation 12"33:!:: 9anah Laut 8enera i @@ 6"62 !:: 'an8a#" 9anah Laut D 3#d 'an8a#ba#u Bene#ation 8enera i

*9! Kad2a .a#a0a EA1loitationG*#oductionG 1" 3 !:: 'an8a# /ulia EA1lo#ation 3": 3!::

9 *?! 'a#ama#ta *9! Sumbe# Ku#nia 'uana

EA1loitationG*#oduction EA1lo#ation

1"621!:: 'an8a# "86 !::

@@@ 3#d Bene#ation 8enera i @@@ 3#d Bene#ation 8enera i @@@


EA1loitationG*#oduction 1:"92:!:: 'an8a# D 9a1in EA1lo#ation 1"232!:: 'an8a# 8"833!::

3#d Bene#ation 8enera i @@@ 3#d *9! Kalimantan EA1loitationG*#oduction Bene#ation 12 6"261!:: Kotaba#u Ene#gi Lesta#i EA1lo#ation 8enera i @@@ 3#d EA1loitationG*#oduction 1:":::!:: Kotaba#u *9! Senamas Bene#ation 13 @S 2 "83:!:: Kotaba#u Ene#gindo /ulia 8enera i EA1lo#ation 13"2 :!:: Kotaba#u @@@ 3#d *9! 'ina 'angun Bene#ation 14 @easibilit2 stud2 6"96:!:: 'an8a# D 9a1in 'anua 8enera i @@@ 3#d *9! 'o#neo Bene#ation 1 @easibilit2 stud2 24"1::!:: 9anah 'umbu Cndoba#a 8enera i @@@ 3#d *9! /antimin .onst#uction 8"28:!:: 9abalong D 'alangan Bene#ation 16 .oal /ining EA1lo#ation 12"323!:: 'alangan D 9engah 8enera i @@@ 3#d *9! 'a#a Bene#ation 13 EA1lo#ation 6"98:!:: 9abalong *#amul2a 7badi 8enera i @@@ 3#d *9! -ahana 9anah Laut dan 9anah Bene#ation 18 @easibilit2 stud2 3"811!:: 'a#atama /ining 'umbu 8enera i @@@ 19 *9! Lianganggang ?e+elo1ment 236!:: 9anah Laut 3#d *9! 9an8ung 7lam EA1loitationG*#oduction 11 ,a2a EA1lo#ation




!:: 9anah Laut


*9! Cnte#eA Sac#a EA1lo#ation =a2a

9"31:!:: 9abalong


*9! E0a Sat2a Hanatama



9anah 'umbu D Kotaba#u

*9! /ulti 22 9ambang ,a2a <tama


8:!:: 9abalong

23 *9! 9e##a#eA *9! 9oha# 7nta#e8a

Bene#al Stud2

664!8: 9abalong

Bene#ation 8enera i @@@ 3#d Bene#ation 8enera i @@@ 3#d Bene#ation 8enera i @@@ 3#d Bene#ation 8enera i @@@ 3#d Bene#ation 8enera i @@@


Bene#al Stud2

4"4:4!:: 9abalong

Bene#al stud2% ":68!8: ha EA1lo#ati on% 2 8":28!6: ha @easibilit2 Stud2% 8:"341!:: ha .onst#uction% 43"441!:: ha


*#oductionGEA1loitation% 13:"933!:: ha 9otal /ining 7utho#it2 (Kuasa *e#tambangan (K*))% 129 9otal /ining 7utho#it2 $o# Small Scale (Kuasa *e#tambangan K<?)% 4:

III. INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUPPORTING FACILITIES A. ROAD =oad $acilities on South Kalimantan de+ided into 3 (th#ee) classes with total lenght a#e 3321"6 Km" in which national" 1#o+incial and #egenc2 #oad a#e 864":3 Km" 9 4"23 Km and 9:3"3 Km! 9hese #oad ha+e 4" m in width and can be used with 841: ton ca1acit2! 7a ilita /alan di $r%&in i Kalimantan Selatan terbagi men/adi 3 2tiga3 kela dengan &an/ang t%tal --21,65 Km ma ing+ma ing 864,6- Km, 954,23 Km and 5963,35 Km &an/ang /alan negara, &r%&in i, dan kab!&aten.

B. HARBOR 9#isa0ti ha#bo# is the biggest ha#bo# in South Kalimantan *#o+ince and act as an ent#2 $#om and to South Kalimantan" East #egion o$ .ent#al Kalimantan and south #egion o$ East Kalimantan! 9his ha#bo# has Eua2 lenght 1: m" wa#ehouse 8!4 : m2 and containe# $ield 48!836 mI! $elab!*an Tri akti adala* &elab!*an terbe ar di Kal el dan mer!&akan &int! ma !k ke dan dari bagian tim!r Kalteng dan bagian elatan Kaltim, memiliki &an/ang dermaga 516 m, g!dang 8.456 m2 dan la&angan k%ntainer 48.836 mB. 9he second biggest ha#bo# is an o1en ocean ha#bo# lies in 'atulicin! 9his ha#bo# se#+ed the 1assenge# shi1 $#om and to /a0assa#" 'ali01a1an and Su#aba2a! $elab!*an terbe ar ked!a adala* &elab!*an am!dera 4ang berada di Bat!li5in 4ang mela4ani ar! &en!m&ang dari dan ke )aka ar, Balik&a&an dan S!raba4a! 9he thi#d ha#bo# is s1ecial ha#bo# $o# coal eA1o#t in /e0a# *utih" that can be ancho#ed +essel with tonage 1::!:::42::!::: ?wt! $elab!*an ketiga mer!&akan &elab!*an k*! ! bat!bara di )ekar $!ti* 4ang da&at di andari ka&al dengan b%b%t 166.666 266.666 =(t! A. RIVER TRANSPORTATION 9he#e a#e man2 #i+e# lie in South Kalimantan that can be used $o# t#ans1o#tation a#ound South Kalimantan itsel$ o# to and $#om .ent#al Kalimantan such as% 'unto0" /ua#a 9eweh" *alang0a#a2a and Ka1uas! Kal el memiliki ban4ak !ngai 4ang da&at dig!nakan ebagai arana tran &%rta i am&ai ke ara* B!nt%k, )!ara Te(e*, $alangkara4a dan Ka&!a !

A. AIRPORT South Kalimantan *#o+ince has 1 (one) domestic ai#1o#t" S2amsuddin &oo# 7i#1o#t" with base lenght 2! :: mete# that can be landed b2 'oeing 363 o# eEual with 'oeing 343 (onl2 $o# 1ilg#image se#+ice)! 9he othe# ai#1o#t a#e Stagen in Kotaba#u" 'e#su8ud in 9anah 'umbu and -a#u0in in 9abalong! 9he2 onl2 can be landed b2 small 1lane li0e @ 4 23! Kal el memiliki 1 2 at!3 bandar !dara d%me tik, S4am !din C%%r, dengan landa an &a5! e&an/ang 2.566 m dan da&at didarati &e a(at B%eing -6- etara B%eing -4- 2!nt!k ke&erl!an *a/i3. Bandar !dara lainn4a terda&at di Stagen, K%tabar!D Ber !/!d, Tana* B!mb! dan <ar!kin, Tabal%ng 4ang bi a didarati &e a(at ke5il /eni 7+2-! B. ELECTRICITY Elect#icit2 in South Kalimantan 1#o+ided b2 *9 *L& and de+ide into 2 (two) secto#s and 3 (th#ee) b#anches as% 'a#ito and 7sam4asam secto#" and 'an8a#masin" Kotaba#u and 'a#abai b#anch! Cn 2::2 *9 *L& 1#oduced 131 /- elect#icit2 and sale to the communit2 (total custome# 1:!9 3) about 49 B-; and a11#oAimatel2 co+e#ed 83"4 5 o$ total +illages! @#om the total custome#" 43 !4:1 a#e munici1al custome#" 19!923 a#e 1#i+ate se#+ices" :: indust#ial custome# and 1 !129 a#e 1ublic se#+ices!

Tenaga li trik di Kal el di ediakan %le* $T $LC dan terbagi dalam 2 2d!a3 ekt%r dan 3 2tiga3 5abang. =i ta*!n 2662 $T $LC mem&r%d!k i 1-1 )< dan mela4ani 516.953 &elanggan ekitar 495 8<E dan menli&!ti 8-,45 . dari t%tal de a. =ari t%tal &elanggan ter eb!t, 4-5.461 adala* &elanggan r!ma* tangga, 19.923 ! a*a, 566 ind! tri dan 15.129 !m!m. C. TELECOMMUNICATION <ntil ?ecembe# 2::2" .ent#al 1hone ca1acit2 1#o+ided b2 *9 9el0om is 1:3!198 an dist#ibuted to custome#s 84!26: 1hone connection" 493 1ublic 1hone and 2!684 o$ -a#tel! 9his condition shows that the cent#al 1hone ca1acit2 is much bigge# than new #eEuesting 1hone connection! Sam&ai dengan =e ember 2662, ka&a ita entral tel&%n ter&a ang 4ang di ediakan $T Telk%m adala* 163.169 4ang meli&!ti 84.266 r!ma* tangga, 49- tel&%n !m!m, dan 2.684 (artel. K%ndi i ini men!n/!kkan ba*(a ka&a ita entral tel&%n ma i* lebi* be ar dari&ada &ermintaan amb!ngan! D. FRESH =ATER SUPPLY @#esh wate# su11lied b2 *?7/ i$ in the ca1ital o$ #egenc2 o# 1#o+ince" while on #emote a#ea dominantl2 $#om 1#i+ate wells o# a #i+e#! Sarana air ber i* di ediakan %le* $=1) di k%ta+k%ta kab!&aten ata! &r%&in i, ementara di &ede aan !m!mn4a mengg!nakan !m!r dangkal ata! !ngai. IV. SUPPORTING FACILITIES AT MINING AND ENERGY OFFICE A. LABORATORY 9he labo#ato#2 unde# <nit *ela2anan ,asa Sumbe#da2a /ine#al (<*,S?/) 1#o+ided man2 anal2ses as in the table below% Lab%rat%ri!m di ba(a* #nit $ela4anan 'a a S!mberda4a )ineral 2#$'S=)3 men4ediakan &ela4anan e&erti dalam tabel ebagai berik!t" Table 12. Se() ce! ;(") 5e5 b6 Lab"(a%"(6 UP>SDM M n ng ? Ene(g6 O## ce N". 1 2 3 4 6 3 8 9 1: 11 Se() ce! Sam1le 1#e1a#ation 2$re&ara i 5%nt%*3 .hemical -ate# 7nal2ses 21nal i Kimia 1ir3 .oal anal2sis 21nali i Bat!bara3 .oal '#iEuette anal2sis 21nali i briket3 C#on anal2sis 21nali i bat!be i3 Jua#t> sand anal2sis 21nali i $a ir K!ar a3 Kaolin anal2sis 21nali i Ka%lin3 .la2 anal2sis 21nali i Lem&!ng3 *hos1hate anal2sis 21nali i 7% :at3 /angaan anal2sis 21nali i )angan3 Limestone anal2sis 21nali i Bat!gam&ing3 K n5 "# E@a' na% "n ;omogenous sam1le 1#e1a#ation *h2sical and .hemical 7nal2sis *#oAimate anal2sis *#oAimate anal2sis -et chemical and g#a+imet#ic anal2sis -et chemical and g#a+imet#ic anal2sis -et chemical and g#a+imet#ic anal2sis -et chemical and g#a+imet#ic anal2sis -et chemical and g#a+imet#ic anal2sis -et chemical and g#a+imet#ic anal2sis -et chemical and g#a+imet#ic anal2sis

12 *h2sical anal2sis 21nali i 7i ik3 A. EAPLORATION SERVICES <*,S?/ 1#o+ided se#+ices as $ollow% <*,S?/ men2edia0an 8asa anta#a lain%

Si>e anal2sis" ;BC" ?ensit2

1! 9o1og#a1hical Su#+e2 (<sing 9heodolite -ild 96" 9heodolite ?igital &i0on" 9heodolite &i0on &E 1: L7" *lanimete#" B*S etc) S!r>e4 T%&%gra:i 2)engg!nakan T*e%d%lite <ild T0, T*e%d%lite =igital Cik%n, T*e%d%lite Cik%n C; 16 L1, $lanimeter, 8$S dll3 2! EA1lo#ation Se#+ices (<sing B*S Ba#min" ;and 7uge#" Beological hamme#" geological com1ass" Suunto" Lou1e etc) 'a a ek &l%ra i 8$S 8armin, Eand 1!ger, 8e%l%gi5al *ammer, ge%l%gi5al 5%m&a , S!!nt%, L%!&e dll3 3! ?#illing se#+ices $o# coal eA1lo#ation and g#oundwate#! 'a a &emb%ran ek &l%ra i dan air ba(a* tana*. 4! Beo1h2sics eA1lo#ation% Ea#th =esisti+it2 (g#oundwate# su#+e2" lithological su#+e2)" and Logging ;k &l%ra i ge%:i ika" 8e%li trik 2 !r>e4 air ba(a* tana*, lit%l%gi3 dan l%gging. ! /a1 (geological" mine#al #esou#ces" /ining 7utho#it2 (K*)" etc) $eta 2ge%l%gi, mineral, K!a a $ertambangan, dll3 ACKNO=LEDGMENT 6u# than0s a#e due to se+e#al 1eo1le! 9he2 a#e % Kami meng!5a&kan terima ka i* ke&ada" A5) !"(!B 1! ?#s! Su0a#dhi (;ead o$ /ining and Ene#g2 6$$ice" South Kalimantan *#o+ince) 2! Siswans2ah" S;" /!Si (Fice ;ead o$ /ining and Ene#g2 6$$ice" South Kalimantan *#o+ince) 3! C#! ;! 9a8uddin &oo#" /S (;ead o$ Subdin *engembangan -ila2ah) 4! C#! Kustono -idodo ( ;ead o$ <nit *ela2anan ,asa S?/ ) ! C#! =! ?wi8ono *;S (;ead o$ Subdin 'ina *engusahaan List#i0 D Ene#gi) 6! C#! ;e#2o>ani ?ha#ma (;ead o$ Subdin 'ina *e#tambangan) 3! ?#a! Siti =usmini ?8aelani (;ead o$ 9ata <saha) Re) eCe(! an5 e5 %"(!B 1! C#! Csha0 ;aning (/ining Enginee#" Kasi *en2ia1an -ila2ah D Ling0ungan) 2! C#! =asman (/ining Enginee#" Kasi ;id#ogeologi D B9L) 3! C#! ?ahnia# Csmahani (Beologist" Kasi Beologi D Sumbe#da2a /ine#al)

4! C#! 'ambang 9#i -ah2udiono" /9 (Senio# Beologist) ! C#! 7laddin B9 ;utaha2an (Senio# Beologist) 6! C#! Sa#wi E0o 7stuti (.hemical Enginee#" ;ead o$ Labo#ato#2)

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