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Indonesia Austria Scholarship Programme Based on the Agreement between the Indonesian Ministry of Education and the Austrian

Ministry of Science and Research and the agreement between the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Re ublic of Indonesia !DIKTI" and the Austrian Agency for International Coo eration in Education and Research !OeAD-GmbH" in coo eration with ASEA#$%I%E&' scholarshi s for Indonesian students at Austrian uni(ersities for the academic year )*+,-)*+. are hereby announced/ Scholarshi details Country o origin! Target country! Indonesia Austria

Area o study or research! all areas Target group! 0ostgraduates who are 1ualified for a doctoral-0hD rogramme in Austria 2. years or ma3imum . years after graduating from a master course whiche(er a lies/

"a#imum age!

Authority a$arding grant! &he 4eAD#GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research !BM56" and DI7&I Duration! %uota! Grant bene it paid9 28 months u to )* new scholarshi s er study year +" monthly grant rate :+***

)/" Accident and health insurance; accommodation a" if necessary; the 4eAD#GmbH will ta<e out an accident and health insurance on behalf of the grant reci ient/ b" &he 4eAD#GmbH will endea(or to ro(ide accommodation !student hall of residence or flat" if desired by scholarshi holders/ Monthly costs9 E$R ))* to E$R ,=* !de ending on how much comfort the scholarshi holder wants"/ &he costs for insurance and accommodation ha(e to be aid out of the grant by the scholarshi holder/ 2" &ra(el costs subsidy !for arri(al and de arture" will be aid by Indonesian authority

Application orm! htt 9--www/oead/at-fileadmin-oead>?entrale- ro@e<te><oo erationen-Anmelde6orm>ASEA>I ndonesian-Indonesian>Austrian>Scholarshi >a lication>>form/doc &here to submit your complete application! 4eAD A 0rogramme Manager Mag/ &uan &rieu HA; Ba<< tuantrieu/haBoead/at &he following documents ha(e to be submitted9 # A lication form # Cetter of ac<nowledgement from a su er(isor of the Austrian host !DBetreuungs?usageE" '&ithout an ac(no$ledgement rom a super)isor o the Austrian host *ni)ersity the application $ill not be considered+ # Descri tion of study ro@ect-thesis !)#, ages; title; content; methodology; time table" which has been agreed on with the future su er(isor in Austria/ # 4ne letter of recommendation by the su er(isor !no s ecific form re1uired9 it must contain the letterhead; date and signature of the su er(isor recommending the a licant and the stam of the uni(ersity-de artment and must not be older than si3 months at the time of a lication/" # Scan of ass ort !0age with name and hoto" # Scan of transcri ts and graduation certificates of former studies !Di loma; Bachelor; Master; 0hD or Doctoral studies" Good <nowledge of English and-or German for the res ecti(e study rogramme in Austria has to be ro(ed/ !e/g/ &4E6C" Incomplete applications as $ell as those not complying $ith the speci ic conditions $ill not ta(e part in the selection process,, Selection procedure! Selection through an Austrian#Indonesian board of e3 erts/ &he nomination of the Austrian re resentati(es within this board is erformed by ASEA#$%I%E&/ Process! After submission of the documents to the 4eAD#GmbH; reselected candidates will be in(ited to an Inter(iew in Indonesia/ %ominated candidates a ly for admission in an Austrian uni(ersity with the su ort of the 4eAD#GmbH/ At the same time they ha(e to submit a second a lication to DI7&I/ &he final decision about the scholarshi award will be made after successful admission to an Austrian $ni(ersity/ Closing date or applications! -eb .st /0.1 ! ossible to change" 6or further information lease contact9 Mr/ &uan &rieu Ha !tuantrieu/haBoead/at"

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