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I. Choose the right answer by crossing an
alphabet in front of the right answer (Pilihlah
jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang huruf di
depan jawaban!)

What time is it ?
it is
a. a half past five
b. a half past six
c. a half past seven
d. a half past eight

2. What time does the study at school begin in the

a. six oclock p.m.
c. ten oclock p.m
b. seven oclock a.m.
d. one oclock a.m
3. I have breakfast in the
a. bathroom
c. dinning room
b. living room
d. garden
4. I usually watch at five oclock p.m.
a. television
c. tape
b. radio
d. car race
5 . 04.15
What time is it?
a. a quarter past four c. four oclock
b. half past four
d. a quarter to four
6. I am sleeping in the
a. bedroom
c. garage
b. bathroom
d. kitchen
7. What is he doing?
He is . Television
a. reading
c. watching
b. listening
d. studying
8. On Sunday I dont go to ...
a. school
c. bathroom
b. home
d. dinning room

What time is it? It is

a. ten oclock
a. ten oclock
b. half past ten
c. half past nine

d. nine oclock
10. A half past seven in Indonesia are ...
a. jam setengah tujuh
c. jam setengan sembilan
b. jam setengah delapan d. jam setengah sepuluh
11. I want to get a good mark in English test, so I ..
every day.
a. study
c. watching television
b. play football
d. listen to the radio
12. I always go to my school by ...
a. bicycle
c. train
b. plane


d. ship

What is he doing?
He is ... a glass of water
a. writing
b. eating
c. drinking

d. sleeping

14. I have at one oclock p.m.

a. dinner
c. lunch
b. breakfast
d. singing

He is my brother. He is
... English now
a. playing
b. teaching
c. studying
d. watching

16. A quarter past ten = ...

a. 10.00
c. 10.30
b. 10.15
d. 10.45
17. I help my mother the floor.
a. sweep
b. wash
c. dance
d. cook
What is Mr. Hadi doing?
He is .... a book
a. writing
b. drawing
c. listening
d. reading

Miss Wiwik is a
She is ... now
a. teaching
b. reading
c. listening
d. drawing
20. I go to school at ..... (setengah tujuh pagi)
a. a quarter past six
c. seven oclock
b. a half past six
d. ten to seven
21. 12.30
Look at the time in the box!
you can say
a. half past twelve
c. twelve oclock
b. half to twelve
d. twelve half past
22. There are minutes in a hour.
a. sixty
c. fifteen
b. twenty
d. forty five
23. I do not go to school on
a. Sunday
c. Friday
b. Monday
d. Tuesday
24. Do you get up at six oclock a.m. ? No.
a. I do not
c. I do
b. you do not
d. You do

I always go to school ...

a. by bicycle
b. by motorcycle
c. on foot
d. by pedicab


What are the doing?

They are ...
a. playing football
b. studying math
c. singing
d. dancing

27. I up- at get past- four half

a. I get up at half past four
b. I up get at half past four
c. I get up at half four past
d. I get at up half four past
28. How do Mr. Smith go to America? He go there
a. bus b. motorcycle c. bicycle d. plane
29. have breakfast We six at oclock
a. We breakfast have at six oclock
b. We at breakfast have six oclock.
c. We have breakfast at six oclock
d. We breakfast have at six oclock
30. The tourists can go to Tunjungan Plaza by
a. taxi b. plane
c. train
d. ship
31. The cheap transportation is
a. car
b. bicycle
c. train
d. bus
32. The air transportation is
a. plane b. motorcycle c. bicycle d. bus
33. I am studying in the
a. bathroom
c. classroom
b. kitchen
d. school yard
34. I have at one oclock p.m.
a. dinner b. breakfast c. lunch d. singing
35. I do not go to school on
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Friday d. Tuesday
1. I up at five oclock
2. Wiwik take a nap at (11.30 p.m.)
3. There are many in the harbour.
What time is it?
It is ..
5. My father goes to Juanda Airport. He will go to
Denpasar by
6. The school start at in the morning
7. I have at half past six p.m. (sarapan)
What time is it ?
It is ..

9. A quarter to ten = jam sepuluh kurang .

10. half past ten
The translated in Indonesia is jam


My Daily Activity
I always wake up at four oclock. I arrange my bed
and go to bathroom. I brush my teeth and use a soap
to clean my body. After that, I go to the mosque
beside my home to shalat subuh.
I study my lessons again for an hour. I have
breakfast with my parents and my sister at six
oclock. At half past six I go to my school by
bicycle. I come to my school at half past six.
Answer these question below based the text above!
(Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini berdasarkan
bacaan di atas!)
1. What time does the writer wake up? .
2. What does the writer do after wake up?
3. Is the writer study again in the morning? .
4. How does the writer go to his school? .
5. What time does the writer come to his school?

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