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Key Points: Your Personal Development File is a record of your personal and academic development.

. It is specific to you and you will be responsible for entering the information in it, in discussion with your Personal utor. Your Personal Development File is intended to: Provide you with a written record of your academic progress and your ac!uisition of s"ills and e#perience. $ncourage the habit of self-reflection and self-evaluation , by demonstrating how you can reflect upon your progress in relation to your academic wor", your s"ills development, your outside interests and activities, and any part%time employment you underta"e. &ssist you in managing your learning and your personal development. his will include identifying career options. Increase self-confidence in your achievements and s"ills and thus facilitate more informed decision-making about your future. 'elp you to create and maintain an effective curriculum vitae and provide you with solid and qualitative evidence to support future (ob applications. his will also help to ensure that references written on your behalf are fully informed. Level 1 Core Skills Matrix his document forms the file for your first year and is part of the Learning Strategies assessment.

YO ! P"!SO#$L % %O! Your Personal utor is your first point of contact for help or guidance you may need, whether this is on academic or personal matters. You should see your Personal utor on a regular basis during each year to discuss your progress and the results of your self%reflections. )See information on the Personal Tutor System in your Student Handbook*

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