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Ujian Akhir Nasional

Tahun Pelajaran 2002/2003


Paket Utama (P3)

Bahasa Inggris (C2)

SENIN, 19 MEI 2003 Pukul 07.30 09.30


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan BALITBANG - DEPDIKNAS




02 01-30-C2-P11 03

PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan. 2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya. 3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 60 butir, setiap butir soal terdiri dari 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban. 4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang. 5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan. 6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian. 7. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor 3.

Mr. Husein is an English teacher. He has two children, Hasan and Anita. Hasan is an SLTP student and Anita is an elementary student. They are smart and active students in their schools. They always follow the school extra-curricular activities. Their parents support what their children do. Mrs. Husein is a wise house-wife. She is very strict and disciplined to her children. She always checks what they do either out of or at home. They are a happy family.


What does Mr. Husein do? a. He has two children. b. He is a teacher. c. He supports his wife. d. He checks his children. Where does Anita study? At a/an . a. junior high school b. senior high school c. elementary school d. kindergarten She always checks what they do either out of or at home. (line 5 and 6) They in this sentence refers to .... a. Hasan and his sister b. Anita and his sister c. Mr. and Mrs. Husein d. Mr. Husein and his wife Mr. Andy : Ah, Tika, come in. Tika : ... Im late. Mr. Andy : Thats OK. Dont do it next time, will you? a. Im sorry. b. I feel glad. c. Nice to meet you. d. See you again sir.





Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03


At the Travel Agency. Travel agent : Well, Mr. And Mrs. Smith, Tono will accompany you to Prambanan temple. Mr. Smith : Who is Tono? Travel agent : Our guide. He is a nice person. Moreover, he speak English and French well. You will be happy with him. Mr. And Mrs. Smith : Thank you. a. can b. may c. will d. must Egis Nadila Egis a. b. c. d. : By the way, can I buy a nice dress in Bandung? : Of course some outlets in Bandung which offer many kinds of beautiful clothes. : Really? I cant wait to go there. There is There are They are Those are



Nina : May I see those bags? Shop assistant : ... Nina : The small blue one, please. Shop assistant : Here you are. a. What colour is it? b. Which one do you want? c. What is the price? d. What kind of bag is it? Nana Sakri a. b. c. d. : How did you spend your last term holiday? : We ... camping with our parents. went have gone will go are going



Nina : I want to make fried banana. Would you help me to buy the ingredients? Rini : Yes. What are they? Nina : A bunch of Kepok banana, two ounces of flour, and ... of coconut oil. a. a plate b. a slice c. a bottle d. a piece


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 10 sampai dengan nomor 14

Its eight oclock and John is still in bed. Mrs. Sherly : Whats the matter? Why arent you up? John : I feel awful. Ive got a headache and a sore throat. (Mrs. Sherly telephones; The doctor comes) Doctor : Has he got a temperature, Mrs. Sherly? Mrs. Sherly : Yes, he has. John : Ive got a stomachache, too! Doctor : Come on, John! I dont think its that bad! Lets have a look at your throat. Say Ah!. John : Ahh! Doctor : Mm, its nothing to worry about. There are a lot of colds and coughs going round just now. Mrs. Sherly : What about school? Doctor : Keep him in bed today and see how he feels tomorrow. Mrs. Sherly : Thats lucky for him. Hes got a Math test today!

10. Why is John in bed? Because . a. he feels awful b. he has got a Math test c. he is a lucky boy d. he waits for the doctor 11. Whats the matter with John? a. He has stayed in bed. b. He had a Math test. c. He has got a cough. d. He has got a sore throat. 12. The dialogue mostly talks about . a. Math test b. minor illnesses c. Johns school d. a doctors job 13. What does Mrs. Sherly mean by saying Thats lucky for him. Hes got a Math test today? a. John likes Math very much. b. John is very good at Math. c. John may not like Math. d. The test is not so difficult for him.


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

14. Lets have a look at your throat. The words underlined nearly mean . a. see b. cure c. open d. keep 15. X : I want to take my pill. ... Y : Sure! A minute, please. a. Do you want some? b. Can you get me a glass of water, please? c. Can you take me to the doctor, please? d. Will you buy it for me, please? 16. Mr. Haryo : I need some material for a wedding gown. Can you help me? Salesgirl : Sure. ... a new one. Here it is. a. You take me b. Ill show you c. Get it d. Make me 17. Utomo Rika a. b. c. d. : I think this shirt needs ironing. : No, I it. Touch it. Its still warm. iron will iron am ironing have ironed


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 18 sampai dengan 22

A COMMUNITY Community is a group of persons living in the same place, or district and having common interests, occupation, religion, etc. People who live in a village belong to the a farmer community, because most of them earn their living by working on the farm. If the people live near the beach, and earn their living by catching fish, we can say the fishermen community. The people who live in the city, are called the city community. Beside that, our country consists of 300 hundred ethnic groups which speak 500 different languages. Based on the language used, so we know Acehnese community, Batak community, Minangkabau community etc. Though they use different languages, most of them understand Bahasa Indonesia, our national language. Although we find various kinds of ethnic groups in the community, we must be kind and friendly to them. Because human being cannot live alone, we must live in community, we must live with our family, our neighbours. For example, if we have problems, we will go to our family, or to our neighbours to ask for help.

18. What is a community? a. A group of persons living in the same place. b. The people who live in a village. c. A group of people who catch fish. d. The people who live in a city. 19. What does paragraph 4 tell us about? a. What the city community is. b. The language the Acehnese speak. c. The people living near the beach. d. How people live in the city. 20. We cannot live alone because .... a. we must be kind and friendly b. the people can work on the farm c. we need other people in our daily live d. our country consists various ethnic groups 21. We ... to one another because as human beings we cannot live alone. a. should have different language to speak b. earn our living by catching fish and giving c. must be kind, friendly and helpful d. do and have common interests and occupation


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

22. ... most of them understand Bahasa Indonesia. (paragraph 4) Them refers to .... a. farmers b. the Acehnese community c. fishermen d. the ethnic groups 23. Adi : What is your plan for the next holiday? Anto : I ... to Bromo Mountain with my family. Adi : Wow, thats great. a. go b. went c. am going d. was going 24. Tourist : Do you know Shangrila Hotel? Silvia : Yes. Why? Tourist : ... is it? Silvia : Just a ten minute drive from here. a. How long b. How much c. How big d. How far 25. Jaka Father Jaka a. b. c. d. : Dad, can I go to Roxy Theatre this evening? Sherina is on now. : ..., you can. Who are you going with? : Im going with Harun, our neighbour. Not at all Be careful Of course Id be glad to


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 26 sampai 28 DOME

Pub, Karaoke & Caf Present Tuesday Evergreen Singers show from Jakarta: Paramitha Rusady & Desy Ratnasari with Imperial Band For this month DOME will perform Michael Jackson from America Reservation: Jl. Tunjungan 102 Surabaya March 10th

26. What is Dome? Its the name of the . a. singer b. band c. show d. cafe 27. When will Michael Jackson have a show in the caf? a. After March 10th b. Before March 10th c. On March 10th d. Next April 28. What does the advertisement tell you about? a. Where the singers come from b. What events there are in the caf c. Who the owner of the caf is d. Where the caf is


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

Tabel untuk soal nomor 29 dan 30

Group of band Number of Audience Teenagers Adults

Gigi Sheila on 7 Boomerang Jamrud Dewa 19

6,000 8,000 5,000 7,500 5,500

1,800 2,000 1,700 1,900 2,500

29. Based on the table above, which group has more teenager fans? a. Gigi b. Dewa 19 c. Jamrud d. Sheila on 7 30. Which group has the fewest adult fans? a. Gigi b. Dewa 19 c. Boomerang d. Jamrud 31. Guide : Does your wife want to spend the night in this hotel, sir? Mr. Edo : because my wife wants to stay in a hotel near Toba lake. a. I doubt it b. There is no doubt about it c. I am quiet sure d. Thats a good idea 32. X Y Z X : Is Puncak Pass resort near here? : Yes, it is. : ... Its about 100 kilometers from here. : Oh, really? a. I disagree with you. b. I quite agree. c. I think so too. d. It certainly is.


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03


Look at the pictures.

A Mixer Rp 175.000,00 A Blender Rp 275.000,00

A Grinder Rp 140.000,00

Based on the pictures above, we know that the blender is ... of all. a. more expensive than b. the most expensive c. expensive d. as expensive as 34. Tourist A : Jakarta is a lovely city, ... Tourist B : Well, but I prefer Yogyakarta. a. is it? b. does it? c. isnt it? d. doesnt it? Bacaan untuk soal nomor 35 sampai dengan 38

35. What is being advertised? a. An address b. A hotel c. A special discount d. Available rooms

Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

36. The phone number for the reservation service is . a. 5307030 b. 5307034 c. 5307020 d. 53011420 37. Which is NOT TRUE about Hotel Petamburan II according to the text? a. People can contact the hotel by phone. b. It provides a pool to swim. c. The lowest tariff is US$ 32.5. d. People cannot hold a meeting at the hotel. 38. For group special rates. What is meant by special rates? a. Special room b. Special charge c. Complete facilities d. Certain number of people 39.
All participants will arrive at Bayu Buana office on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Jakarta at 05.30 a.m. The group will head for Baturaden via Bekasi, Karawang, Cikampek, Sukamandi (short break), and arrive in Wonosobo in the evening.

What is the paragraph about? a. A trip from Jakarta to Wonosobo b. A tiring trip to Baturaden c. The time the participants arrive in Wonosobo d. Some cities to be visited by the participants 40. Mrs. Hadi : Is that iron good? Saleswomaan : Yes, its a ... good iron. It is better than the others. a. quite b. bit c. too d. so 41. Teacher : Well, it seems to me that has been here now. Lets get in the bus. Students : All right, sir. a. no one b. everyone c. someone d. none


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

42. Arrange the sentences into a good paragraph! 1. One example is the funeral ceremony. 2. They still hold very fast to their traditions. 3. It takes place within three or more days. 4. The people of Toraja are one of the 350 ethnic groups in Indonesia. a. 4-2-3-1 b. 4-3-2-1 c. 4-2-1-3 d. 4-1-2-3 43. Bella Vanny a. b. c. d. : This bus is comfortable and air-conditioned, too. : Wow! ... it is! What a luxurious bus What a big bus What a crowded What a small bus


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 44 sampai dengan 47

Angsana Street Jakarta 21 December 2002

The Director, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Gambir Merdeka Barat Jakarta

Dear Sir, I am writing at once to express my disappointment about Sawung Galihs service train that I got on from Purwokerto to Jakarta. I bought two tickets. When I was on it, I could not sit because the two seats I booked have been seated by the passengers. I came up the ticket collector, told that problem. Then he gave the alternative to move sitting. I felt uncomfortable because the seats were badly covered in material. I realize Sawung Galih train is an economic train and every passenger can afford the fare, but please, give the passengers better service. If possible, add the cars so passengers can sit comfortably. I hope this letter opens your eyes to improve your services to the passengers of the train. I will wait and see the improvement to make the passengers have enjoyable journey. Yours faithfully (Nurdin)

44. What does the letter tell you about? a. Complaining of delay in delivery of the train tickets. b. Complaining of bad service to PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. c. Asking for a payment of the train tickets and accomodation. d. Asking the time table of the train from jakarta to Purwokerto. 45. Why did Nurdin write the letter to the director of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia? a. He was disappointed because the train did not give good service. b. He wrote the letter because he was really satisfied. c. He was displeased because he got no return ticket. d. He realized because the ticket was expensive. 46. What did Nurdin do when he got no seats? a. He came up the ticket collector to give him seats. b. He asked the passengers who occupied his seats to stand. c. The ticket collector did not show him the seats. d. He asked the passengers to give the tickets.


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

47. Nurdin felt uncomfortable because .... a. it was difficult to find a seat during the rush hour b. it stopped at every little station on the way c. he could buy the ticket at the travel agent d. the seats were very hard especially for a long journey 48. Sri : Why dont you watch the dance? Evi : Its not interesting. Id better go home. Sri : I see. a. So b. Because c. Although d. However Bacaan untuk soal nomor 49 dan 50
Amin : Wow, theres Jakarta Post here. Akbar : You should (49) English newspaper. Mega : I know its very useful for us as students. Not only do we get interesting things but we can also improve our English. Akbar : I think so. Thats why I read it. Amin : But how do you get the paper? Do you buy or borrow it from the library? Akbar : No, my father (50) to the Jakarta Post.


a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.

speak listen write read sells subscribes reports takes


51. Zein : Can Edelweis grow anywhere in Indonesia? Bob : ... According to the theory, it can only grow in a certain place. Zein : Are you sure? Bob : Yes. If you dont believe it, lets ask our biology teacher, Mr. Abraham. a. Its possible. b. Its impossible. c. I hope so. d. I think so.


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

52. Mother : Where are you going? Tina : I am going to the wildlife reservation. Mother : Good, but . Dont do anything againts the regulations. Tina : I wont, Mom. a. be careful b. take care c. watch out d. look out 53. Fitri Farida Fitri Farida Fitri Farida a. b. c. d. Have you ever visited the Ujung Kulon Nature Reserve? No, but my brother has. How about you? Ive visited it twice. Once in November and the other in March. Why did you visit it twice? : To know a complete untamed wilderness in West Java. : Oh, I see. So did he. He didnt either. So has he. He hasnt either. : : : :

54. Yuni : Mom, is an ostrich a bird? Mother : Yes, it is. Yuni : It cant fly, can it? Mother : No, it cant. Most birds can fly, ... an ostrich cant. a. and b. so c. but d. or 55. X Y : What do the Olympic Games consist of? : The summer games and the winter games. are held every four years. a. Both b. All c. Not only d. None of


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


02 01-30-C2-P11 03

56. Look at the graph!

The World Population
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

hundred millions




Costa Rica

The 3 most populated countries in the world are . a. USA, India, and Nicaragua b. China, India, and USA c. Indonesia, USA, and Costa Rica d. China, Indonesia, and Honduras 57. Yenny Yetty Yenny Yetty a. b. c. d. : How often does Elfira practice swimming in a week? : Three times a week. : What about Rosa? : Almost everyday. She practices swimming ... her sister does. as frequently as more frequently than as frequent as more frequent than

58. These animals have become very rare in Indonesia because people used to hunt them for skin and sport. They look like large cats and have yellow fur with black spots and long tails. The animals are .... a. lions b. leopards c. tigers d. panthers


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG





02 01-30-C2-P11 03

59. Sri : Can we increase our textile export? Endang : Of course. Sri : But how? Endang : By improving the quality. Sri : So our textile export will increase we improve the quality of textile itself. Endang : Exactly. a. and b. if c. but d. while 60. Merry : I think the air around here is not good for our health. Nancy : You are right. The air here has become polluted ... the factory chimneys pour smoke into the air. a. because b. therefore c. although d. thus


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


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