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Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank each one of you for making time to be here, at the Nairobi National Park, this evening. This Park, where we dine and launch the Kenya !" #artnershi# with the #rivate sector, is a uni$ue ecosystem by being the only #rotected area in the world close to a ca#ital city. Ladies and Gentlemen %y Government a##reciates the enthusiasm you have e&#ressed for #artici#ating in our Golden 'ubilee commemorations. Gratifyingly, this eagerness is shown both through word and deed. (our #artnershi# is invaluable, and we are grateful for it. I thank all the individuals and organisations who have contributed to Kenya !" in various ways, and those who continue to do so. In #articular, I wish to give s#ecial recognition to the Platinum #artners for their e&em#lary contribution. Please kee# u# the good work. )ther organisations are also invited to *oin the effort. )ur #lan is to give Kenyans a worth !"th +nniversary. ,e do not take your contribution for granted. Ladies and Gentlemen, +s a nation, we have travelled $uite a *ourney over the #ast !" years. It has not been easy- we have had more than our *ust share of self.inflicted as well as inevitable difficulties. +s we moved #ast these difficulties, we learnt lessons. Not everyone loves Kenya as much as we do, and not everyone wishes us well. +s a matter of fact, sometimes, those entrusted with stewardshi# of #ublic affairs are not entirely on board regarding the national agenda, or the welfare of our #eo#le. /ut we #revailed because geniuses, heroes, leaders, teachers, doers, visionaries and true believers have been on the #eo#le0s side always. To take us #ast moments of confusion, darkness, anguish, de#rivation, sus#icion and hatred, there have been times of clarity, light, *oy, #lenty, trust and love in this country. Kenyan wombs have never tired of generating liberators to defeat o##ressors. The Kenyan breast has never sto##ed suckling builders of the nation, feeding them with the milk of undying ho#e and conviction. That is why, at !", Kenya is better, in many im#ortant ways, than the country we took over at the dawn of 1huru. This year, together, we #ause to reflect on this eventful national *ourney. +s one national 2amily, we remember the great things and the things that have attended our #assage as a country. 2riends There was a time when Kenya was, for all intents and #ur#oses, the #ro#erty of government, and government was distinct from the citi3ens. + regrettable civic

schism occurred, which swallowed all efforts to build a united, #ros#erous nation. In 4"5", we reached the #enultimate #eak of the freedom struggle and witnessed the culmination of our inde#endence. In the +ugust of that year, we enacted a 6onstitution which returned Kenya to its only and true owners- the Peo#le. That is why the first #hrase of our 6onstitution is 0,e the Peo#le of Kenya .7, and the first +rticle of its first 6ha#ter enunciates the sovereignty of the #eo#le. It is in this s#irit that my Government will lead the commemoration of our Golden 'ubilee. ,e want the #eo#le of Kenya to unite in reflection and commemoration, celebration and festivity. ,e wish the #eo#le to remember how division, selfishness, hatred and treachery re#eatedly sabotaged the inde#endence vision. ,e also wish them to remember how love, unity, loyalty and selflessness overcame the sabotage, saved Kenya and brought her to the cus# of great #romise. /ecause of the solidarity in our National 2amily, we are now a mature, stable democracy with a realistic vision to attain #ros#erity for all before 4"8". It is all because of the great #eo#le of Kenya that we have anything at all to commemorate at !". This is the reason why Kenya !" must involve every Kenyan wherever they are. I re$uest you to bring on board many ideas from as many Kenyans as #ossible. In fact, I e&#ect you to also take in the #ers#ectives of e&#atriates living with us, because our national family is diverse. Ladies and Gentlemen, (ou will find that your work will be made easier by fully involving county governments. Therefore, I urge Kenya !", as well as our #artners, to engage and enable counties come u# with #rogrammes and events that will showcase the nation. Kenya has heroes and #atriots everywhere. In every county, the s#irit of Kenyanness burns bright. 9very #erson wants Kenya to shine. Let us #rovide all Kenyans with that o##ortunity to contribute. 1nity is meaningless if there is no o##ortunity to contribute. ,e must do this thing Pamo*a. ,e are one. )nce again, in conclusion, let me e&#ress my Government0s dee# a##reciation for your goodwill and #artici#ation. (ou can rely on our su##ort to make Kenya !" ins#iring, successful and memorable. Ladies and Gentlemen It is now my #leasure to declare the Kenya !" Private :ector Partnershi# Pack officially launched. I wish you success in your activities. Thank you very much God bless you all.

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