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Polls see sanity bottoms while let us pray tops NEWS FABRIC ATE

Never Endin War Story Fidu!iary A!!ountable Benevolen!e Ri hteous Imperialist Capitalist Aspirin Truth Evaders

"ow mu!h truth !an one be e#pe!ted to swallow$ "oly "eadline Batman yep R%R Robbin s Robin &ein 'amp( &edia essential intelle!tual neuter 'lepto!rati! authenti!ity mani(ests pro(i!ient (ools Free power ) humani! o( thin air li*e ban*sters money ) satani! T+T Tradition +nsin*able Titani! Tut irre(utable proo( ya !an,t ta*e it with you PR-.ETARIAT
Politi!al Reli ious -ppress .i ht,s E#ponential Tran/uility A!!ountable Responsible Illuminate Tyranny

And the .ord sayeth unto me 0ou are 1od and set out with the !uttin ed e to sli!e throu h the shit se re atin the human (amily (rom Thy 'in dom Come +n*nown 1enius o( Ni*ola Tesla http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v56pn77Eun1S&

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5vuINhmT7890 Ni*ola Tesla : The se!rets hidden in the pyramids o( E ypt &oses stole the Ar* (rom Ramesses II turnin the li hts out on E ypt Reality is the Truth impervious to per!eption yet pre!isely due to per!eption Truth that whi!h 1od would observe whether or not "e e#isted or whether or not one believes "e e#ists I6EA. Simply Reality Sanely 6ealt With +nited Per!eption Solidarity www4ups;74!om ;

+ltimate Potential So!iety Epitaph Edison Pro(it Intelle!tual Tesla authenti! Prophet "umanity &E < &oses Edison =+STICE < =esus +niversal So!rates Tesla Intelle!t Con(u!ius Ele!troma netism 0es ya better wat!h out 8ir inia no Satani! Clause Santa Clause is !omin around with >ud es own 0es we ot no bananas at C6F=I : Constitution 6ili en!e Fidu!iary =udi!iary Independents???

Can we a((ord not to as* Ford$ What !aused him to o !ra!*ers$ Would Ford be !ra!*ers to divul e what indu!ed his !ra!*ers and perhaps more important Would Polly want a !ra!*er$ T+T Tradition +nsin*able Titani! Tut irre(utable proo( ya !an,t ta*e it with you www4SapBoat;74!om Sanity a popular Belie( o( arti(i!ial truths @

http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;@AB))C7C3-nly:the:E!!entri!:'now:the:Ni htmare Bias -smosis Smor asbord o( *aleidos!opi! ri!o!het TAB.ETS Truths antithesis Belie(s .i/uid E#ponential Trans!endental http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5)7A*&09-FND%(eature5related In the name o( 1od and (or ive it,s >ust politi!s PRESS+RES Politi!al Reli ious E alitarian Se re ated Solidarity +bi/uitous Ri hteous E#plosive San!timonious EThy *in dom !omeE &! Pi &usi!al Chairs Puppets in lommin Puppets in 1overnan!e &edia Elusives

PI1 &E
The re/uest (or 1odFs *in dom to !ome is usually interpreted as a re(eren!e to the belie(G !ommon at the timeG that a &essiah (i ure would brin about a 'in dom o( 1od4 Traditionally the !omin o( 1odFs 'in dom is seen as a divine i(t to be prayed (orG

not a human achievement.

This idea is (re/uently !hallen ed by roups who believe that the 'in dom will !ome by the hands o( those (aith(ul to wor* (or a better world4 It is believed by these individuals that =esusF !ommands to (eed the hun ry and !lothe the needy are the 'in dom to whi!h he was re(errin 4

PI1 &E-W
Puppets in 1overnan!e &edia Elusives -pposition Web In the name o( 1od o(G (or with the People WTF

HCI Tithe Politi!al Reli ious Impli!it Compli!it E#pli!it PRICE Politi!al Reli ious Insidious Capitalist Emperors 7

.i*e other (inan!ial empires in historyG Smith !laims the !ontemporary model (orms allian!es ne!essary to develop and !ontrol wealthG as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers o( !heap resour!es (or the imperial:!enters:o(:!apital4 J;K Bello! estimated thatG durin the British En!losuresG Eperhaps hal( o( the whole population was proletarianEG while rou hly the other Ehal(E owned and !ontrolled the means o( produ!tion4 NowG under modern CapitalismG =4W4 Smith !laims (ewer than BCC people possess more wealth than hal( o( the earth,s populationG as the wealth o( ;3@ o( ;:per!ent o( the +nited States population rou hly e/ual that o( the lower HC:per!ent4


new E>esuit popeE (ran!is4 !ontrolled by bla!* pope


SIN BA6 Sane Insanity Normal!y Belie(s A ressed 6emo!rati!ally

Fa!ts must have root @ ta*e root 1od !oheren!y ECat!h @@E must have semblan!e @ !at!h do1 !hase tail

I *now I will never see a poem as lovely as a tree nor a bri hter li(e (orm

They wail ban in heads a ainst wall and we et the E#!edrin heada!hes 0a otta *now B) .est we For et ta*in on di((erent animal
=udaism T"IR6 TE&P.E BEIN1 B+I.T demolish &I < &uslim Islam

WW III $ "+"$ "oly unorthodo# "olo!aust NEWS Never Endin War Story

-nward Christian Soldiers http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5e)ALaCC0Cu)

+nited Nations Alien Mionist Insidious Puppets The Star o( 6avid in the .enin rad Code#G ;CC9 CE +pon independen!e in ;H)9G the new =ewish state was (ormally named Medinat YisraelG or the State o( IsraelG a(ter other proposed histori!al and reli ious names in!ludin Eretz Israel NEthe .and o( IsraelEOG MionG and =udeaG were !onsidered and re>e!ted4J@BK In the early wee*s o( independen!eG the overnment !hose the term EIsraeliE to denote a !itiPen o( IsraelG with the (ormal announ!ement made by &inister o( Forei n A((airs &oshe Sharett4J@AK The name Israel has histori!ally been usedG in !ommon and reli ious usa eG to re(er to the bibli!al 'in dom o( Israel or the entire =ewish nation4J@QK A!!ordin to the "ebrew Bible the name EIsraelE was iven to the B

patriar!h =a!ob NStandard YisraelG IsrlR Septua int 1ree*2 STUVWIsralR


le with 1odE


after he successfu y wrest e! with the an"e of the #or!.

=a!obFs twelve sons be!ame the an!estors o( the IsraelitesG also *nown as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel4 =a!ob and his sons had lived in Canaan but were (or!ed by (amine to o into E ypt (or (our enerations until &osesG a reat: reat randson o( =a!obGJ7CK led the Israelites ba!* into Canaan durin the EE#odusE4 The earliest ar!haeolo i!al arti(a!t to mention the word EIsraelE is the &erneptah Stele o( an!ient E ypt Ndated to the late ;7th !entury BCEO4J7;K

$he area is a so %nown as the

&o y #an!'
bein" ho y for a

Abrahamic re i"ions inc u!in"

an! the *ah+,- .aith.

(u!aism' Christianity' )s am
"oly Abe Batman harped Robin yep no H;; loo*s li*e a >ob ) "4A4A4R4P

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5)wEPy@*PRB&%(eature5related +S !aused =apan 94H Earth/ua*e X Alter weather Tesla mad s!ien!e alive and well "omerG Alas*a A

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$ annotationLid5annotationL;B7@;H%(eature5iv%sr!Lvid5s+B7Q()bnF&%v5;&W;>&/BF60 6epopulate to ; Billion Intera!tive Re!ipro!ity and then there were none (inally P-E Pea!e on Earth Q !ome ;; An e#asperatin shot in anti/uity an e#a!erbatin pea!e*eepin volley then all hell bro*e loose
A !ry a lie a de(y husha husha % we all paid the Pri!e (rom dus* @ dust we r a !han in blowin in the wind

.est we (or et Terrorist ma*ers -' i( you are the ood uy -r is it i( you are per!eived as the ood uy the other a 1od damn terrorists

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5T= n=LWLBP+ CNN It,s -' Wi*ilea*s evil

Truth All Pay Pri!e

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5t>sFSrSNQ:* +S4 war !rimes in Ira/ JPart ;K http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5-mo&uyCvM>! +S4 war !rimes in Ira/ JPart @K http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v50A&@AImaH9* +S4 war !rimes in Ira/ JPart 7K http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5@iCd7NdtIe& +S4 war !rimes in Ira/ JPart )K http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5yow/Y@n "l) The whole truth about the Ira/ war
The War on Iraq, filmmaker Robert Greenwald chronicles the Bush Administration's determined quest to invade Iraq following the events of e!tember "", #$$"% The film deconstructs the administration's case for war through interviews with &% intelligence and defense officials, foreign service e'!erts, and &%(% wea!ons ins!ectors )) including a former *IA director, a former ambassador to audi Arabia and even +resident Bush's ecretar, of the Arm,% Their anal,ses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's !olitical affiliations%

www4-=truth4!om -bstru!t =usti!e truth and sour!e *ill Truth *ills truth saves Save yoursel( and the world 8ideo 1one http233video4 oo le4!om3videoplay$do!id57;;Q779@;7)7H@H@)HCZ 8ideo Repla!ed http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5sPI( muN)ns
In this lecture b, -ichel *hossudovsk,, he blows awa, the smokescreen !ut u! b, the mainstream media, that ./"" was an attack on America b, 0Islamic terrorists0% Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a militar,) intelligence !lo, behind the e!tember "" attacks, and the cover)u! and com!licit, of ke, members of the Bush Administration% According to *hossudovsk,, the 0war on terrorism0 is a com!lete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, 1sama bin 2aden, outwitted the 34$ billion)a),ear American intelligence a!!aratus% The 0war on terrorism0 is a war of conquest% Globalisation is the final march to the 0(ew World 1rder0, dominated b, Wall treet and the &% % militar,)industrial com!le'% e!tember "", #$$" !rovides a 5ustification for waging a war without borders% Washington's

agenda consists in e'tending the frontiers of the American 6m!ire to facilitate com!lete &% % cor!orate control, while installing within America the institutions of the 7omeland ecurit, tate%

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5bvay@9lMi"+ Truth 'ills

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5WC#PsbSb8+E A(ter over!omin the willin suspension o( disbelie( "i h Ran*in +S &a>or 1eneral E#poses September ;; http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5A9.+"aL:-lA CIA Whistleblower Susan .indauer EYP-SES Everythin ? EE#treme Pre>udi!eE
&ilitary !orruption +SA Billions i( not trillions ;3@H3C@ http233www4wantto*now4in(o3!orruption overnmentmilitary Ira/ War http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5;'hut9#bY'9%(eature5related *ush bro%e every ru e in the boo%s of U/ Constitution an! U0 Charter part an! parce http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v59'Hd /'m=BC%(eature Fema 6etention Camps &arshall .aw http233www4in(owars4!om3obama:implementin :martial:law:!oup3 http233www4(ire(ly(ans4net3mthread4asp#$bid5;9%tid5B@;HC FBI uy (lees statin all insane and died http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v56Qy6-Y1mtro It,s always the enemy premeditated instilled within sel( on!e the Posen Spee!h ta*es !au ht in !ross(ire

;C 0ears i( you thin* 1overnment !orrupt +SA

Posen speech
Main article: Posen speeches
EDie Ausrottung des j dis!hen "ol#esE

An e#!erpt (rom the Posen spee!hes where "immler dis!usses the on: oin e#termination o( the =ews4

$roble%s listening to this file& 'ee %edia hel()

-n ) -!tober ;H)7G "immler re(erred e#pli!itly to the e#termination o( the =ewish people durin a se!ret SS meetin in the !ity o( PoPna[NPosenO4 The (ollowin is a translation o( an e#!erpt (rom a trans!ription o( an audio re!ordin JQQK that e#ists o( the spee!h2 I also want to re(er here very (ran*ly to a very di((i!ult matter4 We !an now very openly tal* about this amon ourselvesG and yet we will never dis!uss this publi!ly4 =ust as we did not hesitate on 7C =une ;H7)G to per(orm our duty as ordered and put !omrades who had (ailed up a ainst the wall and e#e!ute themG we also never spo*e about itG nor will we ever spea* about it4

#et us than% Go!

that we had within us enou h sel(:evident (ortitude never to dis!uss it amon usG and we never tal*ed about it4 Every one o( us was horri(iedG and yet every one !learly understood that we would do it ne#t timeG when the order is iven and when it be!omes ne!essary4 I am now re(errin to the eva!uation o( the =ewsG to the e#termination o( the =ewish People4 This is somethin that is easily said2 FThe =ewish People will be e#terminatedFG says every Party memberG Fthis is very obviousG it is in our pro ram \ elimination o( the =ewsG e#terminationG a small matter4F And then they turn upG the upstandin 9C million 1ermansG and ea!h one has his de!ent =ew4 They say the others are all swineG but this parti!ular one is a splendid =ew4 But none has observed itG endured it4 &ost o( you here *now what it means when ;CC !orpses lie ne#t to ea!h otherG when there are BCC or when there are ;GCCC4 To have endured this and at the same time to have remained a de!ent person \ with e#!eptions due to human wea*nesses \ has made us tou hG and is a lorious !hapter that has not and will not be spo*en o(4 Be!ause we *now how di((i!ult it would be (or us i( we still had =ews as se!ret saboteursG a itators and rabble rousers in every !ityG what with the bombin sG with the burden and with the hardships o( the war4 I( the =ews were still part o( the 1erman nationG we would most li*ely arrive now at the state we were at in ;H;A and F;Q 4 4 4 4 \"einri!h "immlerG ) -!tober ;H)7

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5.uCwosMybB+ Pope Fran!is and the 6irty War : &i!hel Chossudovs*y on 1RT8 Arrest warrants (or the Pope and Dueen e#pire &ar!h ;@ @C;7 oops @C;) with innumerable riled up now without le al paper purpose &ar!h @@ @C;7 oops @C;) &arshall .aw wipe out Fema !amps the whole sheban X all she wrote as =esuit planned4 &a*es one wonder why only a year provided to arrest su!h deadly !riminals eh$ Warrant in!ludes "arper too eh$ Perhaps that e#plains his senator a!tions4 "arper appoints the senators and it was a senator that threatened me4 Perhaps a proro ue in order to et settled into an under round sabbati!al$ Appears I >ust wo*e up or the &ar!h @@ @C;7 &arshall .aw delayed due to Rev 'evin a!tions or X4 Never mind o ba!* to sleep X I,m onna try 6o you suppose they have sped up the a enda maybe ET o home (or Ymas X ever wonder 0 X Y (or Chris http233e#opoliti!s4blo s4!om3e#opoliti!s3@C;73C73my:entry4html 1ettin with the Italian Crusade o( the essen!e http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;9CC7A@9A3Italian:politi!ians:a ree:to:aid:a ainst:last:RatP:Pope


Well I !ant believe that says them that *now and the R-.-6EY : Realist -smosis .earned -ppressed 6imwit Enslaved &ar* Will the RC&P determine su((i!ient eviden!e to ma*e !har es We will have to wait (or their !onsultation with the Attorney 1eneral throu h to the Prime &inisterG throu h the 1overnor 1eneral throu h to the Crown throu h Fran!is to the Bla!* Pope and inevitably and invariably we will pay the Pri!e Clearly a !on(li!t o( interestG but whoFs onna sayG as the matter be(ore the hi hest material !ourt


new E>esuit popeE (ran!is4 !ontrolled by bla!* pope

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v5-6P;tSt76A!34 $)56 )/ U7888--9::= 5A;C& :: :<=9--- >67?7U#A$)?0--5A;$)A# #A@--GU0 G;A*-C)A)# @A; NEWS Never Endin War Story

.ove o( War Business Politi!al Reli ious Impli!it Compli!it E#pli!it PRICE Politi!al Reli ious Insidious Capitalist Emperors .i*e other (inan!ial empires in historyG Smith !laims the !ontemporary model (orms allian!es ne!essary to develop and !ontrol wealthG as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers o( !heap resour!es (or the imperial:!enters:o(:!apital4 J;K Bello! estimated thatG durin the British En!losuresG Eperhaps hal( o( the whole population was proletarianEG while rou hly the other Ehal(E owned and !ontrolled the means o( produ!tion4 NowG under modern CapitalismG =4W4 Smith !laims (ewer than BCC people possess more wealth than hal( o( the earth,s populationG as the wealth o( ;3@ o( ;:per!ent o( the +nited States population rou hly e/ual that o( the lower HC:per!ent4 WW III inevitable i( the Truth does not viral eatin away at the virus eatin away our minds True pea!e*eepers barra e the world with truths www4Eu!hrestrions4!om ;;

I,m thin*in 77 billion somethin to do with 77 de ree mason 77rd parallel When they say spent 77 Billion (or !limate !ontrol They mean in e((ort to prevent bein run over by the "ome Ra!e risin www4ups;74!om Now e#perien!in -RBIT R-P : -utside Routine Bo# Intrinsi! Truths Reverse -smosis Psy!hosis humanity rises on their hot air &-.ESTATI-N &useum o( .iars Elusivity Substantive Thi!* Alteration Truth In!inerators oppressed News WIT What is Truth$ SIN Sane Insanity Normal!y

http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;QQ@9BBBH3Fran*:Best:Bet:"owever:Super(luous:to:Bet:-n I( ya onna stand (roPen starin into the headli hts Try your damnest to ma*e it !oherently throu h to the last pa e In the CIRCA R whatever they say Cir!ular lo isti!s bites ass SEE Sel( Evident E#posin +p the down river o( no returns CIRCA R $ Coherent Irate Responsibly Compli!it A!!ountable Re!ompense Truth,s Interest worth one,s wei ht in 1old Sti!*s I dunnoG but stones and lass houses X mind shatterin eh$ Fa!ts must have root @ ta*e root 1od !oheren!y ECat!h @@E must have semblan!e @ !at!h do1 !hase tail Free medi!al (or senators alle ed and the in!ar!erated But what o( me s/uea*s the ta# payin silent ma>ority X no oil (or you X someone must pay (or indis!retions at our dis!retions4 Some say a medi!al !onspira!y theory transparen!y ;@

www4Iy((yI4!om In your (a!e (or your In(ormation "ate to harp "arper where,s the !ash$ Perhaps opposition !are to wei h in X maybe the media X anybody$ &ulroney$ In the name o( 1od o(G (or with the People WTF

http://www.scrib!.com/!oc/=4<B<<:==/5a%in"-/wiss-cheese-of-7ope-s-/wiss-Guar!-by-C?;-of-C Thin air !on(etti invisible tri!*le down Can you believe them on CPAC do not suspe!t they are wat!hed -h they *now o( 6emo!ra!y Wat!h but aware one o( them X time ) a brea* ot the time$ Whoooos wat!hin whooooo donFt ive a hoot hootin their epitaph videos to be vetoed >ust a wee bit too late PPP Purely Politi!al Purposes "umanity 6oublethin* I PPP P8 -' Impure PPP Partial 8a!uum -*ay 'lepto!rati!ally http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3Q;7777Q;3Who:Would:Be:Foolish:Enou h:to:.eave:a:Paper:Trail

]There were no dates in this historyG but s!rawled this way and that a!ross every pa e were the words Benevolen!e Ri hteousness and &orality X (inally I be an to ma*e out what was written between the lines4 The whole volume was but a sin le phraseG Eat People^

EIt is only the wisest and the stupidest that !annot !han eE ]They must o(ten !han e who would be !onstant in happiness or wisdom^


Thou ht my pants would never dry pretty mu!h use to the stin* Criminal lawyers need !riminals (or sustainable rowth Criminal lawyers need sustainable impoverished rowth Respe!ts lad hand premier step to AEI-+ Appropriation E#ponential Impoverishment -rientin + 6on,t let them (ool you as i( )u when promotin >obs promote sel( in "E "uman Enslavement Never 0 as*

.i*e a thie( in the *ni ht Remember when in trouble 6o not wait (or Remembran!e 6ay .est they allow their sanity to override their bias @B respe!ted Who sele!ts the independent senate !onundrum state$ The Abominable snowman and the I!eman !ometh We all pay the PR I !e < Christian Era as the Rule o( .aw melts be(ore our eyes Crystal meth and Criti!al thin*in myth

6is!ardin the Bibli!al Babble on ) thy *in dom !ome

6ust @ 6ust 6u(( +sury Snu(( Transitive lo i! des!ribes a iven relation between terms su!h that i( it e#ists between EaE and EbE and between EbE and E!GE then it also e#ists between EaE and E!4E Typi!al transitive relationships in!lude Eis reater thanGE Eis e/ual toGE and Eis similar to4E http233en4wi*ipedia4or 3wi*i3CR0STA.&ET" 6u((y,s !riti!iPin o( tea!hin Criti!al thin*in (ound his way to "arper,s heart Anti anti:war a!tivist too eh$ Clear !ase o( PRIC' Politi!al Reli ious Insidious Charlatan 'lepto!ra!y sel( e#posure ;)

http233en4wi*ipedia4or 3wi*i3&i*eL6u((y
-n 6e!ember @@G @CC9G 6u((y was named a Prin!e Edward Island representative to the Senate o( Canada on the advi!e o( Prime &inister Stephen "arperG sittin as a Conservative4J9KJHK "e subse/uently retired as a T8 >ournalist at the end o( @CC94 In &ar!h @C;CG 6u((y !riti!iPed the +niversity o( 'in Fs Colle e and other >ournalism s!hools in Canada (or tea!hin Noam Choms*y and !riti!al thin*in 4 "e went on to say that >ournalism s!hools in Canada were !hurnin out le(tists who thou ht private enterprise was bad4 The head o( 'in Fs S!hool o( =ournalism rea!ted with surprise to 6u((yFs !riti!ismG sayin that &anu(a!turin Consent was not part o( the !urri!ulum4 She also said she would not apolo iPe (or tea!hin !riti!al thin*in to >ournalism students4J;CK A number o( editorial !omments were written in response to 6u((yFs !riti!ism4J;;KJ;@KJ;7K Criti!al thin*in is a way o( de!idin whether a !laim is trueG partially trueG or (alse4 Criti!al thin*in is a pro!ess that leads to s*ills that !an be learnedG mastered and used4 Criti!al thin*in is a tool by whi!h one !an !ome about reasoned !on!lusions based on a reasoned pro!ess4 This pro!ess in!orporates passion and !reativityG but uides it with dis!iplineG pra!ti!ality and !ommon sense4 It !an be tra!ed in the West to an!ient 1ree!e with its So!rati! method and in the East to an!ient India with the Buddhist *alama sutta and abhidharma literature4 Criti!al thin*in is an important !omponent o( many (ields su!h as edu!ationG politi!sG businessG and s!ien!e4

www4-=tas*4!om -bstru!t =usti!e truth and sour!e *ill www4Solar1host;74!om Constitution de >ure vs Romans ;7 de (a!to http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;;799@HQQ3Spirit:Intent:Pre!eden!e:de:=ure:Constitution:or:Romans:;7: 1amin :the:System:de:Fa!to


http233www4lin*edin4!om3pub3dir3=onathan3Swain er3 Fa!ts must have root @ ta*e root 1od !oheren!y ECat!h @@E must have semblan!e @ !at!h do1 !hase tail No !omplaints (rom within e#!ept (rom them e#!ommuni!ated (rom the Ps Politi!al s!ien!e Bs bastard s!ien!e Bs Bs Bull shitter Ba!* stabbers To a Party

Suspended with &edi!al !overa e approved by the &edi!al !onspirators www4Iy((yI4!om


The Attorney 1eneral is the !hie( law o((i!er o( the E#e!utive Coun!il4 The responsibilities stemmin (rom this role are unli*e those o( any other Cabinet member4 The role has been re(erred to as DEu!icia - i%eD and as the E

uardian o( the publi! interestE4

a specia responsibi ity
to be the uardian o(

As !hie( law o((i!erG the Attorney 1eneral has

that most elusive !on!ept

: the rule o( law4 : The rule o( law is a well established le al prin!ipleG

but har! to easi y !efine.

It is the rule o( law

that protects
individualsG and so!iety as a wholeG (rom arbitrary measures and sa(e uards personal liberties4

"as the Attorney 1eneral been brie(ed$ or would that be meanin less in a partial va!uum The Attorney 1eneral does notG howeverG dire!t or !ause !har es to be laid4 While the Attorney 1eneral and the Attorney 1eneralFs a ents may provide le al advi!e to the poli!eG

the u timate !ecision

whether or not to lay !har es is (or the poli!e4 -n!e the !har e is laid

the !ecision
as to whether the prose!ution should pro!eedG and in what mannerG

(or the Attorney 1eneral and the Crown Attorney4 It is now an a!!epted and important !onstitutional prin!iple that the Attorney 1eneral must !arry out the &inisterFs !riminal prose!ution responsibilities

in!epen!ent of Cabinet an! of any partisan po itica pressures.

The Attorney 1eneralFs responsibility (or individual !riminal prose!utions must be underta*en :

an! seen to be un!erta%en on stri!tly ob>e!tive and le al !riteriaG (ree o( any politi!al !onsiderations4 Whether to initiate or stay a !riminal pro!eedin is not an issue o( overnment poli!y4 This responsibility has been !hara!teriPed as

a matter of the Attorney Genera

a!tin as the DueenFs Attorney : not as a &inister o( the overnment o( the day4 This is not to su est that de!isions re ardin !riminal prose!utions are made in a comp ete vacuum4 ;Q

A wide ran e o( poli!y !onsiderations may be wei hed in e#e!utin this responsibilityG and the Attorney 1eneral may !hoose to !onsult the Cabinet on some o( these !onsiderations4 "owever any de!isions relatin to the !ondu!t o(

individual prose!utions must be the Attorney 1eneralFs alone and independent o( the traditional Cabinet de!ision ma*in pro!ess4 In pra!ti!eG in the vast ma>ority o( !asesG these de!isions are made by the Attorney 1eneralFs a entsG the Crown Attorneys4 +ltimately the Attorney 1eneral is a!!ountable to the people o( the provin!eG throu h the .e islatureG (or de!isions relatin to !riminal prose!utions4 Su!h a!!ountability !an only o!!urG o( !ourseG on!e the prose!ution is !ompleted or when a (inal de!ision has been made not to prose!ute4 The sub >udi!ae rule bars any !omment on a matter be(ore the !ourts that is li*ely to in(luen!e the matter4 The sub >udi!ae rule stri!tly prohibits the Attorney 1eneral (rom !ommentin on prose!utions that are be(ore the !ourts4 1iven the stature o( the Attorney 1eneralFs positionG any publi! !omment !omin (rom the o((i!e

wou ! be seen as an attempt to inf uence the case.

Althou h the Attorney eneral !an be!ome involved in de!ision:ma*in in relation to individual !riminal !asesG

such a practice wou ! eave the 5inister vu nerab e to accusations of po itica interference.
A!!ordin lyG it is traditional to leave the day:to:day de!ision:ma*in in the hands o( the Attorney 1eneralFs a entsG the Crown AttorneysG e#!ept in !ases o( e#!eptional importan!e where the publi! would e#pe!t the Attorney 1eneral to be brie(ed Soon maybe on CPAC will observe the wrap up o( 1- P-E due pro!ess &eanin less .e al Certainty Rule o( .aw http233en4wi*ipedia4or 3wi*i3RuleLo(Llaw The Rule o( law in its most basi! (orm is no one is above the law4 Perhaps the most important appli!ation o( the rule o( law is the prin!iple that overnmental authority is le itimately e#er!ised only in a!!ordan!e withG pub ic y !isc ose! awsG adopted and en(or!ed in a!!ordan!e with established pro!edural steps that are re(erred to as

!ue process.
The rule o( law is hostile to di!tatorship and to anar!hy4 A!!ordin to modern An lo:Ameri!an thin*in G hallmar*s o( adheren!e to the rule o( law !ommonly in!lude a !lear separation o( powersG

e"a certainty'
the prin!iple o( le itimate e#pe!tation and e/uality o( all be(ore the law4 The !on!ept is not without !ontroversyG and it has been said that Ethe phrase the ru e of aw has be!ome

meanin" ess
than*s to ideolo i!al abuse and eneral over: useE 1- P-E 1eneral -ver:use Pro!lamations -nly Elusivity ;9

pub ic y !isc ose! aws

B@4 N;O The Constitution o( Canada is the supreme law o( CanadaG and any law that is in!onsistent with the provisions o( the Constitution isG to the e#tent o( the in!onsisten!yG

of no force or effect.
7;4 Nothin in this Charter e#tends the le islative powers o( any body or authority 7@4 N;O This Charter applies NaO to the Parliament and overnment o( Canada in respe!t o( all matters within the authority o( Parliament in!ludin all matters relatin to the 0u*on Territory and Northwest TerritoriesR and NbO to the le islature and overnment o( ea!h provin!e in respe!t o( all matters within the authority o( the le islature o( ea!h provin!e4

Resurre!tion only with re!ipro!ity in lieu WW III pur atory

Neither politi!al nor reli ious be but believe I understand perhaps be!ause neither politi!al nor reli ious be4 http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;9CC7A@9A3Italian:politi!ians:a ree:to:aid:a ainst:last:RatP:Pope Reverend 'evin Annett e#!ommuni!ated (rom the !hur!h indi!ative o( understandin within In the name o( 1od o(G (or with the People WTF

Tesla Free Ener y a no no http233www4youtube4!om3results$ sear!hL/uery5tesla_(ree_ener y%o/5tesla% sLl5youtube4;4C47Bi7Hl@>Cl)>Ci7>C>Ci7>C4;;4;)7B4C4)HB@4)4)4C4 C4C4C4@B94)Q;47>C>;4)4C444C4C444;a!4;4;;4youtube4mP#rPhn0a8 http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$v507#:+>)yA&0 Can!er !ured in Canada but won,t produ!e it ;H

Politi!al Reli ious Impli!it Compli!it E#pli!it PR ICE Politi!al Reli ious Insidious Capitalist Emperors
.i*e other (inan!ial empires in historyG Smith !laims the !ontemporary model (orms allian!es ne!essary to develop and !ontrol wealthG as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers o( !heap resour!es (or the imperial:!enters:o(:!apital4J;K Bello! estimated thatG durin the British En!losuresG Eperhaps hal( o( the whole population was proletarianEG while rou hly the other Ehal(E owned and !ontrolled the means o( produ!tion4 NowG under modern CapitalismG =4W4 Smith !laims (ewer than BCC people possess more wealth than hal( o( the earth,s populationG as the wealth o( ;3@ o( ;:per!ent o( the +nited States population rou hly e/ual that o( the lower HC:per!ent4 www4"omeRa!e;74!om Time (or the "uman Ra!e to Party P-WER Possible -nly When E alitarian Re!ipro!ity

http233en4wi*ipedia4or 3wi*i3"umptyLdumpty "umpty 6umpty sat on a wallG "umpty 6umpty had a reat (all4 All the *in Fs horses and all the *in Fs men CouldnFt put "umpty to ether a ain4J;K "umpty appears in .ewis CarrollFs Throu h the .oo*in :1lass N;9Q@OG where he dis!usses semanti!s and pra mati!s with Ali!e4 ]I don,t *now what you mean by ` loryG, ^ Ali!e said4 "umpty 6umpty smiled !ontemptuously4 ]-( !ourse you don,t\till I tell you4 I meant `there,s a ni!e *no!*: down ar ument (or you?, ^ ]But ` lory, doesn,t mean `a ni!e *no!*:down ar ument,G^ Ali!e ob>e!ted4 ]When I use a wordG^ "umpty 6umpty saidG in rather a s!orn(ul toneG ]it means >ust what I !hoose it to mean \neither more nor less4^ ]The /uestion isG^ said Ali!eG ]whether you !an ma*e words mean so many di((erent thin s4^ ]The /uestion isG^ said "umpty 6umptyG ]whi!h is to be master that,s all4^ Ali!e was too mu!h puPPled to say anythin G so a(ter a minute "umpty 6umpty be an a ain4 ]They,ve a temperG some o( them\parti!ularly verbsG they,re the proudest\ad>e!tives you !an do anythin withG but not verbs\howeverG I !an mana e the whole lot? Impenetrability? That,s what I say?^J;BK This passa e was used in Britain by .ord At*in and in his dissentin >ud ement in the seminal !ase .iversid e v4 Anderson N;H)@OG where he protested about the distortion o( a statute by the ma>ority o( the "ouse o( .ords4J;AK It also be!ame a popular !itation in +nited States le al opinionsG appearin in @BC >udi!ial de!isions in the Westlaw database as o( April ;HG @CC9G in!ludin two Supreme Court !ases NT8A v4 "ill and Ms!herni v4 &illerO4J;QK
.ordy .ordy



www46ama eControl;74!om



http233www4attorney eneral4>us4 ov4on4!a3en lish3about3a 3a role4asp

Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

The Attorney 1eneral has a uni/ue role to play as a &inister4 -ne part o( the Attorney 1eneralFs role is that o( a Cabinet &inister4 In this !apa!ity the &inister is responsible (or representin the interests and perspe!tives o( the &inistry at CabinetG while simultaneously representin the interests and perspe!tives o( Cabinet and !onse/uently the 1overnment to the &inistry and the &inistryFs !ommunities o( interest4 The Attorney 1eneral is the !hie( law o((i!er o( the E#e!utive Coun!il4 The responsibilities stemmin (rom this role are unli*e those o( any other Cabinet member4 The role has been re(erred to as E>udi!ial:li*eE and as the E uardian o( the publi! interestE4 &u!h has been written on the sub>e!t o( ministerial responsibilities and the uni/ue role o( the Attorney 1eneral4 There are various !omponents o( the Attorney 1eneralFs role4 The Attorney 1eneral has uni/ue responsibilities to the CrownG the !ourtsG the .e islature and the e#e!utive bran!h o( overnment4 While there are di((erent emphases and nuan!es atta!hed to these there is a eneral theme throu hout all the various aspe!ts o( the Attorney 1eneralFs responsibilities that the o((i!e has a !onstitutional and traditional responsibility beyond that o( a politi!al minister4 The statutory responsibilities o( the o((i!e are (ound in se!tion B o( the Ministr* of the Attorne* +eneral A!t4 Se!tion B states2 The Attorney 1eneralG NaO is the .aw -((i!er o( the E#e!utive Coun!ilR NbO shall see that the administration o( publi! a((airs is in a!!ordan!e with the lawR N!O shall superintend all matters !onne!ted with the administration o( >usti!e in -ntarioR NdO shall per(orm the duties and have the powers that belon to the Attorney 1eneral and Soli!itor 1eneral o( En land by law and usa eG so (ar as those powers and duties are appli!able to -ntarioG and also shall per(orm the duties and powers thatG until the Constitution A!t, -./0 !ame into e((e!tG belon ed to the o((i!es o( the Attorney 1eneral and Soli!itor 1eneral in the provin!es o( Canada and +pper Canada and whi!hG under the provisions o( that A!tG are within the s!ope o( the powers o( the .e islatureR NeO shall advise the 1overnment upon all matters o( law !onne!ted with le islative ena!tments and upon all matters o( law re(erred to him or her by the 1overnmentR N(O shall advise the 1overnment upon all matters o( a le islative nature and superintend all 1overnment measures o( a le islative natureR N O shall advise the heads o( ministries and a en!ies o( 1overnment upon all matters o( law !onne!ted with su!h ministries and a en!yR NhO shall !ondu!t and re ulate all liti ation (or and a ainst the Crown or any ministry or a en!y o( @7

overnment in respe!t o( any sub>e!t within the authority or >urisdi!tion o( the .e islatureR NiO shall superintend all matters !onne!ted with >udi!ial o((i!esR N>O shall per(orm su!h other (un!tions as are assi ned to him or her by the .e islature or by the .ieutenant 1overnor in Coun!il4 E What (ollows is an overview o( the various !omponents o( the Attorney 1eneralFs roles and responsibilitiesG primarily as outlined in the A!t4

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

The role o( !hie( law o((i!er mi ht be re(erred to as the Attorney 1eneralFs overall responsibility as the independent le al advisor to the Cabinet : and some have even su ested that the role possibly e#tends to the .e islature as well4 The importan!e o( the independen!e o( the role is (undamental to the position and well established in !ommon lawG statutes and tradition4 As !hie( law o((i!erG the Attorney 1eneral has a spe!ial responsibility to be the uardian o( that most elusive !on!ept : the rule o( law4 The rule o( law is a well established le al prin!ipleG but hard to easily de(ine4 It is the rule o( law that prote!ts individualsG and so!iety as a wholeG (rom arbitrary measures and sa(e uards personal liberties4 The Attorney 1eneral has a spe!ial role to play in advisin Cabinet to ensure the rule o( law is maintained and that Cabinet a!tions are le ally and !onstitutionally valid4 In providin su!h advi!e it is important to *eep in mind the distin!tion between the Attorney 1eneralFs poli!y advi!e and pre(eren!e and the le al advi!e bein presented to Cabinet4 The Attorney 1eneralFs le al advi!e or !onstitutional advi!e should not be li htly disre arded4 The Attorney 1eneralFs poli!y advi!e has the same wei ht as that o( other ministers4

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

-ne o( the most publi!ly s!rutiniPed aspe!ts o( the Attorney 1eneralFs role is the responsibility (or !riminal prose!utions en!ompassed in se!tion B NdO and s4 H@ o( the Constitution A!tG ;9AQ4 Se!tion H@ ives the provin!es authority to le islate in matters related to the administration o( !riminal >usti!e and thereby ives the provin!ial Attorney 1eneral authority to prose!ute o((en!es under the Criminal Code4 The Attorney 1eneral does notG howeverG dire!t or !ause !har es to be laid4 While the Attorney 1eneral and the Attorney 1eneralFs a ents may provide le al advi!e to the poli!eG the ultimate de!ision whether or not to lay !har es is (or the poli!e4 -n!e the !har e is laid the de!ision as to whether the prose!ution should pro!eedG and in what mannerG is (or the Attorney 1eneral and the Crown Attorney4 It is now an a!!epted and important !onstitutional prin!iple that the Attorney 1eneral must !arry out the &inisterFs !riminal prose!ution responsibilities independent o( Cabinet and o( any partisan politi!al pressures4 The Attorney 1eneralFs responsibility (or individual !riminal prose!utions must be underta*en : and seen to be underta*en : on stri!tly ob>e!tive and le al !riteriaG (ree o( any politi!al !onsiderations4 Whether to initiate or stay a !riminal pro!eedin is not an issue o( overnment poli!y4 This responsibility has been !hara!teriPed as a matter o( the Attorney 1eneral a!tin as the DueenFs Attorney : not as a &inister o( the overnment o( the day4 This is not to su est that de!isions re ardin !riminal prose!utions are made in a !omplete va!uum4 A wide ran e o( poli!y !onsiderations may be wei hed in e#e!utin this responsibilityG and the Attorney 1eneral may !hoose to !onsult the Cabinet on some o( these !onsiderations4 "owever any de!isions relatin to the !ondu!t o( individual prose!utions must be the Attorney 1eneralFs alone and independent o( the traditional @)

Cabinet de!ision ma*in pro!ess4 In pra!ti!eG in the vast ma>ority o( !asesG these de!isions are made by the Attorney 1eneralFs a entsG the Crown Attorneys4 An important part o( the CrownFs : and thus the Attorney 1eneralFs : responsibility in !ondu!tin !riminal prose!utions is asso!iated with the responsibility to represent the publi! interest : whi!h in!ludes not only the !ommunity as a whole and the vi!timG but also the a!!used4 The Crown has a distin!t responsibility to the !ourt to present all the !redible eviden!e available4

The responsibility is to present the !ase (airly : not ne!essarily to !onvi!t4 This is a (undamental pre!ept o( !riminal lawG even i( it is not a parti!ularly well:understood !on!ept amon the eneral publi!4 -ne o( the Attorney 1eneralFs responsibilities in (osterin publi! respe!t (or the rule o( lawG is to assist the publi! in understandin the nature and limits o( the prose!utorial (un!tion4 +ltimately the Attorney 1eneral is a!!ountable to the people o( the provin!eG throu h the .e islatureG (or de!isions relatin to !riminal prose!utions4 Su!h a!!ountability !an only o!!urG o( !ourseG on!e the prose!ution is !ompleted or when a (inal de!ision has been made not to prose!ute4 The sub >udi!ae rule bars any !omment on a matter be(ore the !ourts that is li*ely to in(luen!e the matter4 The sub >udi!ae rule stri!tly prohibits the Attorney 1eneral (rom !ommentin on prose!utions that are be(ore the !ourts4 1iven the stature o( the Attorney 1eneralFs positionG any publi! !omment !omin (rom the o((i!e would be seen as an attempt to in(luen!e the !ase4 Althou h the Attorney eneral !an be!ome involved in de!ision:ma*in in relation to individual !riminal !asesG su!h a pra!ti!e would leave the &inister vulnerable to a!!usations o( politi!al inter(eren!e4 A!!ordin lyG it is traditional to leave the day:to:day de!ision:ma*in in the hands o( the Attorney 1eneralFs a entsG the Crown AttorneysG e#!ept in !ases o( e#!eptional importan!e where the publi! would e#pe!t the Attorney 1eneral to be brie(ed4

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

The Attorney 1eneral has broad responsibilities asso!iated with 1overnment le islation4 These responsibilities have been des!ribed as two(old4 -ne is to oversee that all le islative ena!tments are in a!!ordan!e with prin!iples o( natural >usti!e and !ivil ri hts Nsee also s4 BNbO aboveO4 This is obviously an important and broad area o( responsibility4 The se!ond aspe!t o( this responsibility is to advise on the !onstitutionality and le ality o( le islation4 The Attorney 1eneralFs le islative responsibilities are played out in a variety roles4 The -((i!e o( .e islative Counsel reports to the Attorney 1eneral4 .e islative Counsel plays a *ey role in ensurin the le al inte rity o( 1overnment le islation4 Althou h the .e islative CounselFs reportin relationship to the Attorney 1eneral does allow the Attorney 1eneral to provide uidan!e and set standardsG individual pie!es o( le islation are dra(ted on instru!tions (rom !lient ministries and are not within the sole !ontrol o( .e islative Counsel or the Attorney 1eneral4 It should also be noted that .e islative Counsel also has a dire!t responsibility to the .e islature as the -((i!e also dra(ts all private memberFs bills4 The Attorney 1eneral has a (urther role to play as part o( whatever Cabinet Committee is (ormed to review le islation and re ulations4 "ere the &inister has an opportunity to !omment on the te!hni!al issues related to le islation and re ulations prior to Cabinet !onsideration4 @B

The Attorney 1eneralFs role on le islative matters is as an adviser to the Cabinet4 Althou h unli*elyG Cabinet !ouldG in theoryG re!eive the Attorney 1eneralFs le al opinion on le islation and !hoose to disre ard it4 The Attorney 1eneralFs role is not independent o( Cabinet de!ision ma*in as in the area o( !riminal prose!utions4 As was noted earlierG the Attorney 1eneral must ma*e !are(ul distin!tions about the le al opinions and poli!y or politi!al pre(eren!es bein o((ered about le islation4

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

In addition to the spe!i(i! responsibilities to !ondu!t !ivil liti ation on behal( o( the 1overnment and its a en!ies Ns4 BNhOOG the Attorney 1eneral has broader liti ation responsibilities (lowin (rom the histori!al powers o( the Attorney 1eneral re(erred to in s4 BNdO o( the A!t4 These powers are based on the CrownFs parens patriae NparentalO authority4 The Attorney 1eneralFs authorityG there(oreG is not only to !ondu!t liti ation in !ases dire!tly a((e!tin the overnment or its a en!ies but also to liti ate !ases where there is a !lear matter o( publi! interest or publi! ri hts at sta*e4 This has been !hara!teriPed as a !onstitutional responsibility to ensure that the publi! interest is well and independently represented4 It may involve interventions in private liti ation or Charter !hallen es to le islationG even i( the ar uments !on!lude that the le islation does !ontravene !onstitutionally prote!ted ri hts4

Responsibilit for Court !dministration (s. 5(c))

A *ey !omponent o( the Attorney 1eneralFs responsibilities to ensure the administration o( >usti!e in the provin!e is the administration o( the !ourts and as a result the responsibility (or maintainin liaison with the >udi!iary4 1iven the (undamental importan!e o( the independen!e o( the >udi!iaryG the responsibility (or !ourts administration is o(ten a very sensitive and deli!ate issue4 1reat !are and respe!t (or the prin!iples o( >udi!ial independen!e must be e#er!ised in this area4

The Attorney 1eneral is the !hie( law o((i!er o( the E#e!utive Coun!il4 The responsibilities stemmin (rom this role are unli*e those o( any other Cabinet member4 The role has been re(erred to as E>udi!ial:li*eE and as the E uardian o( the publi! interestE4



&ar!h @HG @CCQ -n several o!!asions I have re/uested Bru!e "errid e in(orm me as to what e((orts he has made to this promise with no response4


http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A;A@A3.awyer:File:; http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A;Q@C3.awyer:File:@ http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A;9;C3.awyer:File:7 http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A;9Q;3.awyer:File:) http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A;H7;3.awyer:File:B http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A;HBB3.awyer:File:A http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A@CCQ3.awyer:File:Q http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A@CQ)3.awyer:File:9 http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A@CH)3.awyer:File:H http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A@;7C3.awyer:File:;C http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A@@C93.awyer:File:;@ http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A@@7A3.awyer:File:;7 http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A@7@Q3.awyer:File:;7A http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;B;7A@7Q93.awyer:File:;) .awyer File ;; https233do!s4 oo le4!om3(ile3d3CBBiN!S8A81APTP*PWE0;!C;I-8E3edit S!ribd would not publish due the (rauds re/uest due !opy ri ht issues 6o!ument !ontains his prospe!tus that has been proven (raudulent .awyer File Z ; -R"T:Ri!* "ennessey .awyer File Z @ IE+ : 6ave 1re!h .awyer File Z 7 &inister &uni!ipal A((airs and "ousin :(ohn Gerretsen .awyer File Z ) -mbudsman:1erry Carlino .awyer File Z B &0 &PP =ulia &unro .awyer File ZA Premier 6alton &! uinty .awyer File Z Q Attorney 1eneral &i!hael Bryant .awyer File Z 9 -PP : 6et S t4 Randy Crai .awyer File Z H 0RP : 6eputy Chie( Bru!e "errid e .awyer File Z ;C -ntario Civilian Commission on Poli!e servi!es .awyer File Z ;; -((i!e -ntario Attorney 1eneral .awyer File Z ;@ 0RP : Phil &oreau:Standards .awyer File Z ;7 Crown Attorney:Robert &!Creary:New &ar*et .awyer File Z ;7A Crown Attorney : Paul Culver:Toronto .awyer File Z ;) RC&P : S t4 &i!hael Thompson



http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;Q7B;@A9C3Bein :&arried:"appy:and:1ay:is:as:Natural:as:Ta#in :and:6yin The Pope and his merry men hate the !ommon ay as they do not produ!e slaves http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;9CC7A@9A3Italian:politi!ians:a ree:to:aid:a ainst:last:RatP:Pope Reverend 'evin Annett e#!ommuni!ated (rom the !hur!h indi!ative o( understandin within Sane Insanity Normal!y SIN Sui!ide Ille al Nuan!es www4-=tas*4!om -bstru!t =usti!e truth and sour!e *ill Any more help (rom them and I will be dead ma*in the Senator that threatened me a prophet maintainin their e#ploited pro(it e#ponentially se!ure Senator,s >ud ed by their peers ensures the last nail in my !o((in www4SapBoat;74!om Sanity a popular Belie( o( arti(i!ial truths

www4Iy((yI4!om In your (a!e (or your In(ormation

For ive me .ord (or I *new what they would do


Forgive me Lord Blessed be the ignorant folk On splendored grass I toke When not on black go green Now a socialite headlite A firebug ... a flash Where the fuck's my stash What is what is not of no relevance For happiness among the irrelevance Some say all things relative Never heard from you, but now assuredly blessed Now Dear Lord Where the fuck is the cash Now I lay me down to rest Yes of course a hood wink Giving ignorance shot my best Without a blink A cheat I know Awaiting search beneath pillow Sure Tooth Fairy BS but paid well for the times Swing low sweet chariot and all that rhymes A song a dance on yonder swing From a chandelier I sing 1 ding a ling 2 of 3rd kind Nuff encountered to see night through Blessed insanity arms in air once threw Tomorrow promises more in lieu of sheep Now in night's tranquility sleep No more stomach churn oft blew Blaming on the rain the acid stew Caring for fools ... I get it Lord Who knew ... what's new with you Taking leave artistic license The one that pays without taxation Dearly departed before awarded Catch me not ... catch as catch can Deer and the antelope also ran None as fast as uncle Sam PR-Political Religious front A PRICK a screw a c Sorry bub ... It's OK I'm gay I repeat sorry meaning I'm not Two way street where's thought police Doublethink solstice A taste of think bodes not well A stone an epitaph others fell A priest a political behind sell Up the ass ... some grass A fast attempting to yell a blast A coherence flash but don't tell


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7@ RPM Religious Political Media

Monkey Business

http233en4wi*ipedia4or 3wi*i3SeeLnoLevilGLhearLnoLevilGLspea*LnoLevil The three wise mon*eys N=apanese2 G sanFen or sanParuG or G sanbi*i no saruG literally Ethree mon*eysEOG

mystic apes'J;K are a pi!torial ma#im4 &iP 'i* I WaP ShiP I( a ShiP bares truth o( the (orest no mind to see hear to spea* o( the ShiP *illin "ow mu!h would a wood !hu!* et (or their minds 444 presumably why the wood !hu!* !hu!*s wood
To ether they embody the proverbial prin!iple to Esee no evilG hear no evilG spea* no evilE4 The three mon*eys are &iParuG !overin his eyesG who sees no evilR 'i*aParuG !overin his earsG who hears no evilR and IwaParuG !overin his mouthG who spea*s no evil4 Sometimes there is a (ourth mon*ey depi!ted with the three othersR the last oneG ShiParuG symboliPes the prin!iple o( Edo no evilE4 "e may be shown !rossin his arms4 -RI "A6 -r Raisin in "opelessness and 6espair http233en4wi*ipedia4or 3wi*i3"umans "umans are one o( only nine spe!ies *nown to pass the

sometimes !alled the three

mirror test
\whi!h tests whether an animal re!o niPes its re(le!tion as an ima e o( itsel(\alon with all the reat apes N orillasG!himpanPeesG oran utansG bonobosOG Bottlenose dolphinsG Asian elephantsG European &a piesG and -r!as4J;CCK &ost human !hildren will pass the mirror test at ;9 months old4J;C;K "oweverG the use(ulness o( this test as a true test o( !ons!iousness

has been !ispute!'


and this may be a matter o( de ree rather than a sharp divide4

5on%eys have been traine! to app y abstract ru es in tas%s.F=<:G

htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/7uman9rights Human rights are 0commonl, understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a !erson is inherentl, entitled sim!l, because she or he is a human being%0:"; 7uman rights are thus conceived as universal <a!!licable ever,where= and egalitarian <the same for ever,one=% These rights ma, e'ist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law%:#; The doctrine of human rights in international !ractice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the !olicies of states and in the activities of non)governmental organi>ations, has been a cornerstone of !ublic !olic, around the world% In The idea of human rights:?; it sa,s8 0if the !ublic discourse of !eacetime global societ, can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights% (6AR *7A1 (o 6vidence Achieved Realit, *oherence Artificial 1rientation atanic 0 @es!ite this, the strong claims made b, the doctrine of human rights

continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content,

nature and 5ustifications of human rights to this da,% Indeed, the question of what is meant b, a 0right0 is itself controversial and the sub5ect of continued !hiloso!hical debate%:4; htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/-onke,9see,9monke,9do -onke, see, monke, do is a sa,ing that originated in Aamaica in the earl, "Bth centur, and !o!!ed u! in American culture in the earl, ".#$s%

The sa,ing refers to the learning of a !rocess without an understanding of wh, it works%
Another definition im!lies the act of mimicr,, usuall, with limited knowledge of the consequences%:";

The radualG o(ten un!ons!iousG absorption o( *nowled e or ideas throu h !ontinual e#posure

rather than !e iberate earnin"

Confucius HH= *C - IBJ *C

D$he peop e 5on%ey may be ma!e to fo ow a course of action' but may not be ma!e to un!erstan! D)$D
-smosis set in li*e ri er mortise ma*in sel( useless (or sel( some what /uadraple i! http233en4wi*ipedia4or 3wi*i3&on*ey Some or aniPationsG (or e#ample "elpin "ands2 &on*ey "elpers (or the 6isabledGJHK train !apu!hin mon*eys as mon*ey helpers to assist /uadriple i!s and other people with severe spinal !ord in>uries or mobility impairments4 A(ter bein so!ialiPed in a human home as in(antsG the mon*eys under o e#tensive trainin be(ore bein pla!ed with a /uadriple i!4 7)

Around the houseG the mon*eys help out by doin tas*s in!ludin mi!rowavin (oodG washin the /uadriple i!Fs (a!e and

openin" !rin% bott es.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deeply and taste not the Pierian spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain; And drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope 1688-1744

]Con(u!ius thou ht that the way to re(orm so!iety was to !ultivate ethi!al behaviour in individualsG

especia y in ru ers an! their ministers

be!ause leaders serve as important role models (or their people^ ECCENTRIC E/uality Cons!ious Cons!ien!e E#trapolate Naivety Truths Relativity Inalienable Coheren!e W-T-'S WiPard o( the outhouse *nows shit www4Fran*;74!om Fidu!iary Responsibly A!!ountable Ne(arious 'in* Truths "olisti! Intera!tive Retrospe!t Trans!endental Ele!troma netism Enslavers Nemesis


SSee* -ut These pros that have a way with mon*eys to see i( IT is possible to !onvert the +N +ltimate Neanderthal &E ) "E &on*ey Evolve ) "umanity Elevation

We endeavor to have 9

5ystic Apes A" : Ape "umanity )

@B or Not @B

"A "uman A!hievement

-ne way or the other @C;7 will be re!orded as the 7A

*#?$ Bri ht .i ht -( Truth

Trans is a 2atin noun or !refi', meaning 0across0, 0be,ond0 or 0on the o!!osite side0% Transcendental "% (ot e'!erienced but knowable +hiloso!h, inde!endent of human e'!erience of !henomena but within the range of knowledge #% -,stical Relating to m,stical or su!ernatural e'!erience and therefore be,ond the material world

Remainin blotto is @B B- : Blotted -ut

Ford wants to be !rystal !lear

&eth or &yth
$ San!timonious ad:ho! demonstrable Sad Sa! : Sorry as !au ht

They say Ford needs to et help http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;Q@CB@77;36ear:.ord:Whi!h:.i(e:Forms:Belie(:is:the:1reater:San!timonious -' then http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;Q99;79HH36ear:.ord:who:should:be:(ired Bless em All RACE Reality Almi hty Conse!rated Element E#ists with or without &E &other Earth


www4"omeRa!e;74!om "umanity one mother earth Reality almi hty !onse!rated element http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;9CC7A@9A3Italian:politi!ians:a ree:to:aid:a ainst:last:RatP:Pope 1ood .ord stop them in the name o( the San!tity o( the NEWS Never Endin War Story For inevitably traditionally we must all pay the Politi!al Reli ious Impli!it Compli!it E#pli!it PRICE Politi!al Reli ious Insidious Capitalist Emperors .i*e other (inan!ial empires in historyG Smith !laims the !ontemporary model (orms allian!es ne!essary to develop and !ontrol wealthG as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers o( !heap resour!es (or the imperial:!enters:o(:!apital4 J;K Bello! estimated thatG durin the British En!losuresG Eperhaps hal( o( the whole population was proletarianEG while rou hly the other Ehal(E owned and !ontrolled the means o( produ!tion4 NowG under modern CapitalismG =4W4 Smith !laims (ewer than BCC people possess more wealth than hal( o( the earth,s populationG as the wealth o( ;3@ o( ;:per!ent o( the +nited States population rou hly e/ual that o( the lower HC:per!ent4 www4Amen;74!om

@4 Everyone has the (ollowin (undamental (reedoms2 NaO (reedom o( !ons!ien!e and reli ionR NbO (reedom o( thou htG belie(G opinion and e#pressionG in!ludin (reedom o( the press and other media o( !ommuni!ationR N!O (reedom o( pea!e(ul assemblyR and NdO (reedom o( asso!iation4

War is &oney San!tity o( Sustainable 1rowth eh$


http233en4wi*ipedia4or 3wi*i3Satanism
"atanism is a broad term referring to a grou! of Western religions com!rising diverse ideological and !hiloso!hical

Their shared features include s,mbolic association with, or admiration for the character of, atan, or similar rebellious, !romethean, and, in their view, liberating figures% There were an estimated C$,$$$ members in "..$% There ma, be as few as a few thousand in the world%:";

http233www4youtube4!om3wat!h$ (eature5iv%annotationLid5annotationL;B7@;H%v5;&W;>&/BF60%sr!Lvid5s+B7Q()bnF& Redu!e population to ; Billion


Brea* out the @ ) eh?? ) the san!tity o( N@O @)4 N;O Anyone whose ri hts or (reedomsG as uaranteed by this CharterG have been in(rin ed or denied may apply to a !ourt o( !ompetent >urisdi!tion to obtain su!h remedy as the !ourt !onsiders appropriate and >ust in the !ir!umstan!es4 N@O WhereG in pro!eedin s under subse!tion N;OG a !ourt !on!ludes that eviden!e was obtained in a manner that in(rin ed or denied any ri hts or (reedoms uaranteed by this CharterG the eviden!e shall be e#!luded i( it is established thatG havin re ard to all the !ir!umstan!esG the admission o( it in the pro!eedin s would brin the administration o( >usti!e into disrepute4 Creatures o( habit Babble on throu h the ni ht be(ore Ymas not a !reature was dis!erned stirrin )IR; Permit me to >ud e lest I be >ud ed

But Wait http233www4s!ribd4!om3do!3;)H9Q9@7Q3They:o(:the:&aterial:World:Cannot:Tou!h:the:Spirit:o( as:It:Is WW III Worldly Wise Invisible Invin!ible Inalienable




"olians "ome: rown ori inal lo!al indi enous abori inal native soverei ns "ome Ra!e "olians one mother earth Reality almi hty !onse!rated element Reality is the Truth impervious to per!eption yet pre!isely due to per!eption Truth that whi!h 1od would observe whether or not "e e#ists or whether or not one believes "e e#ists I6EA. Simply reality sanely dealt with +nited Per!eption Solidarity www4ups;74!om +ltimate Potential So!iety



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