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"e#e$ti%$ a$d &"%hibiti%$ %' Ra((i$( i$ te)h$i)al I$*tituti%$*+ U$i#e"*itie* i$)ludi$( Dee,ed t% be U$i#e"*itie* i,&a"ti$( te)h$i)al edu)ati%$F-N%-.7-./Le(al/AICTE/2009 0 In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 23 read with Section 10 (b), (g), (p) and (q) of AIC ! Act, 1"#$, the A%% India Counci% for echnica% !ducation, hereb& 'a(es the fo%%owing )egu%ations*+ 1- Sh%"t title a$d )%,,e$)e,e$t (i) hese )egu%ations 'a& be ca%%ed the A%% India Counci% for echnica% !ducation (,re-ention and ,rohibition of )agging in echnica% Institutions, .ni-ersities inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersities i'parting technica% education) )egu%ations 200"0 he& sha%% co'e into force on the date of the notification0

(ii) 2- Ob1e)ti#e* -

In -iew of the directions of the 1on2b%e Supre'e Court in S3, 4o0 252"6 of 2007 dated 17+06+200$ and in Ci-i% Appea% nu'ber ##$ of 200", dated 0#+06+200" to prohibit, pre-ent and e%i'inate the scourge of ragging inc%uding an& conduct b& an& student or students whether b& words spo(en or written or b& an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or hand%ing with rudeness a fresher or an& other student, or indu%ging in rowd& or undiscip%ined acti-ities b& an& student or students which causes or is %i(e%& to cause anno&ance, hardship or ps&cho%ogica% har' or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in an& fresher or an& other student or as(ing an& student to do an& act which such student wi%% not in the ordinar& course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of sha'e, or tor'ent or e'barrass'ent so as to ad-erse%& affect the ph&sique or ps&che of such fresher or an& other student, with or without an intent to deri-e a sadistic p%easure or showing off power, authorit& or superiorit& b& a student o-er an& fresher or an& other student, in a%% higher education institutions in the countr&, and thereb&, to pro-ide for the hea%th& de-e%op'ent, ph&sica%%& and ps&cho%ogica%%&, of a%% students, the A%% India Counci% for echnica% !ducation,(AIC !) brings forth these )egu%ations0

.- De'i$iti%$* (a) (b) 2A)t3 'eans the A%% India Counci% for echnica% !ducation Act 1"#$ (62 of 1"#$)8 9Te)h$i)al I$*tituti%$: 'eans an institution of ;o-ern'ent, ;o-ern'ent Aided and ,ri-ate (se%f financing) conducting the courses<progra''es in the fie%d of technica% education, training and research in !ngineering, echno%og& inc%uding =CA, Architecture, own ,%anning, =anage'ent, ,har'ac&, 1ote% =anage'ent > Catering echno%og&, App%ied Arts > Crafts and such other progra''es and areas as notified b& the Counci% fro' ti'e to ti'e8 4U$i#e"*it5: 'eans a .ni-ersit& defined under c%ause (f) of section 2 of the .ni-ersit& ;rants Co''ission Act, 1"67 and inc%udes an institution dee'ed to be a .ni-ersit& under section 3 of that Act0 2A)ade,i) 5ea": 'eans the period fro' the co''ence'ent of ad'ission of students in an& course of stud& in the institution up to the co'p%etion of acade'ic require'ents for that particu%ar &ear0 2Head %' the i$*tituti%$: 'eans the ?ice+Chance%%or in case of a uni-ersit& or a dee'ed to be uni-ersit&, the ,rincipa% or the /irector or such other designation as the executi-e head of the institution or the co%%ege is referred0 2F"e*he": 'eans a student who has been ad'itted to an institution and who is undergoing his<her first &ear of stud& in such institution0 @ords and expressions used and not defined herein but defined in the Act or in the ;enera% C%auses Act, 1##$, sha%% ha-e the 'eanings respecti-e%& assigned to the' in the Act or in the ;enera% C%auses Act, 1##$, as the case 'a& be0 And A%% other words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the A%% India Counci% for echnica% !ducation Act, 1"#$ (62 of 1"#$), sha%% ha-e the 'eanings respecti-e%& assigned to the' in the said Act8 7hat )%$*titute* Ra((i$( - )agging constitutes one or 'ore of an& of the fo%%owing acts*




(f) (g)



an& conduct b& an& student or students whether b& words spo(en or written or b& an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or hand%ing with rudeness a fresher or an& other student8 indu%ging in rowd& or undiscip%ined acti-ities b& an& student or students which causes or is %i(e%& to cause anno&ance, hardship, ph&sica% or ps&cho%ogica% har' or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in an& fresher or an& other student8 as(ing an& student to do an& act which such student wi%% not in the ordinar& course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of sha'e, or tor'ent or e'barrass'ent so as to ad-erse%& affect the ph&sique or ps&che of such fresher or an& other student8 an& act b& a senior student that pre-ents, disrupts or disturbs the regu%ar acade'ic acti-it& of an& other student or a fresher8 exp%oiting the ser-ices of a fresher or an& other student for co'p%eting the acade'ic tas(s assigned to an indi-idua% or a group of students0 an& act of financia% extortion or forcefu% expenditure burden put on a fresher or an& other student b& students8 an& act of ph&sica% abuse inc%uding a%% -ariants of it* sexua% abuse, ho'osexua% assau%ts, stripping, forcing obscene and %ewd acts, gestures, causing bodi%& har' or an& other danger to hea%th or person8 an& act or abuse b& spo(en words, e'ai%s, posts, pub%ic insu%ts which wou%d a%so inc%ude deri-ing per-erted p%easure, -icarious or sadistic thri%% fro' acti-e%& or passi-e%& participating in the disco'fiture to fresher or an& other student8 an& act that affects the 'enta% hea%th and se%f+confidence of a fresher or an& other student with or without an intent to deri-e a sadistic p%easure or showing off power, authorit& or superiorit& b& a student o-er an& fresher or an& other student0 9ea*u"e* '%" &"e#e$ti%$ %' "a((i$( It sha%% be 'andator& for e-er& technica% Institution, .ni-ersit&, dee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education to ta(e fo%%owing 'easures for pre-ention of ragging at such institutions0



d0 e0 f0 g0





he ad-ertise'ent issued for ad'ission b& a technica% institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& concerned and<or the ad'ission authorit&< affi%iating .ni-ersit&<State ;o-t0<. <Centra% ;o-t0 as the case 'a& be, sha%% c%ear%& 'ention that ragging is tota%%& banned and an&one found gui%t& of ragging and<or abetting ragging is %iab%e to be punished0 he A,rospectus2 and other ad'ission re%ated docu'ents sha%% contain directions of the Supre'e Court Affi%iating .ni-ersit&<ad'ission Authorit&<State ;o-t<Centra% ;o-t0 sha%% 'a(e it 'andator& for the institutions under their Burisdiction to co'pu%sori%& incorporate such infor'ation in their A,rospectus20 hese )egu%ations sha%% be printed in the brochure of ad'ission<instruction boo(%et for candidates0 he app%ication for' for ad'ission<enro%'ent sha%% ha-e a printed affida-it, preferab%& both in !ng%ish and 1indi and<or in one of the regiona% %anguages0 he affida-it shou%d be fi%%ed up and signed b& the candidate to the effect that he<she is aware of the %aw regarding prohibition of ragging as we%% as the punish'ents, and that he<she, if found gui%t& of the offence of ragging and<or abetting ragging, is %iab%e to be punished appropriate%&0 he app%ication for' sha%% a%so contain a printed affida-it, preferab%& both in !ng%ish and 1indi and<or in one of the regiona% %anguages and the affida-it shou%d be signed b& the parent<guardian of the app%icant to the effect that he<she is a%so aware of the %aw in this regard and agrees to abide b& the punish'ent 'eted out to his<her ward in case the %atter is found gui%t& of ragging and<or abetting ragging0 he app%ication for ad'ission sha%% be acco'panied b& a docu'ent a%ong with the Schoo% 3ea-ing Certificate<Character Certificate which sha%% inc%ude a report on the beha-iora% patter of the app%icant, so that the institution can thereafter (eep intense watch upon the student who has a negati-e entr& in this regard0 A student see(ing ad'ission to the hoste% sha%% ha-e to sub'it another affida-it a%ong with his<her app%ication for hoste% acco''odation that he<she is a%so aware of the %aw in this regard and agrees to abide b& the punish'ents 'eted out if he<she is found gui%t& of ragging and<or abetting ragging0 !-er& technica% institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% 'aintain a proper record of the affida-its obtained to ensure its safe up (eep thereof,inc%uding digita% copies of the affida-its and such digita% cop& shou%d be 'ade a-ai%ab%e to the AIC ! or to an Agenc& identified<no'inated b& AIC !0








he AIC ! or an Agenc& identified<no'inated for the purpose and affi%iating .ni-ersities and /irectorate of echnica% !ducation of the concerned State ;o-t0<. sha%% 'aintain an appropriate data base of the affida-its in the digita% for' obtained fro' e-er& student at the ti'e of ad'ission to the technica% institutions, .ni-ersities inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersities i'parting technica% education0 !ach batch of freshers shou%d be di-ided into s'a%% groups and each such group sha%% be assigned to a 'e'ber of staff0 Such staff 'e'ber shou%d interact indi-idua%%& with each 'e'ber of the group on dai%& basis to ascertain the prob%e's<difficu%ties, if an& faced b& the freshers in the Institution and extend necessar& he%p0 Incase of freshers ad'itted to a 1oste% it sha%% be the responsibi%it& of the teacher incharge of the group to co+ordinate with the warden of the 1oste% and to 'a(e surprise -isits to the roo's in the hoste% where the 'e'bers of the group are %odged0 Creshers shou%d be %odged in a separate hoste% b%oc( where-er possib%e and where such faci%ities are not a-ai%ab%e, the co%%ege<institution sha%% ensure that seniors2 access to freshers2 acco''odation is strict%& 'onitored b& wardens, Securit& ;uards and Staff0 !-er& institution shou%d engage or see( the assistance of professiona% counse%ors at the ti'e of ad'issions to counse% Afreshers2 in order to prepare the' for the %ife ahead, particu%ar%& for adBusting to the %ife in hoste%s0 At the co''ence'ent of the acade'ic session the 1ead of the technica% Institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% con-ene and address a 'eeting of -arious functionaries<agencies, %i(e @ardens, representati-es of students, parents<guardians, facu%t&, district ad'inistration inc%uding po%ice, to discuss the 'easures to be ta(en to pre-ent ragging and steps to be ta(en to identif& the offenders and punish the' suitab%&0 !-er& fresher ad'itted to the technica% Institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% be gi-en a printed infor'ation boo(%et detai%ing when and who' he<she has to turn to for he%p and guidance for -arious purposes (inc%uding @ardens, 1ead of the institution, 'e'bers of the antiDragging co''ittee, re%e-ant district and po%ice authorities), addresses and te%ephone nu'bers of such persons<authorities, etc0 he technica% institutions, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education through the infor'ation boo(%et 'entioned






abo-e sha%% exp%ain to the new entrants the arrange'ents for their induction and orientation which pro'ote efficient and effecti-e 'eans of integrating the' fu%%& as students0 150 he infor'ation boo(%et 'entioned abo-e sha%% a%so te%% the freshers about their rights as bona fide students and c%ear%& instructing the' that the& shou%d desist fro' doing an&thing against their wi%% e-en if ordered b& the seniors, and that the& ha-e nothing to fear as the institution cares for the' and sha%% not to%erate an& atrocities against the'0 he infor'ation boo(%et 'entioned abo-e sha%% contain a ca%endar of e-ents and acti-ities %aid down b& the institution to faci%itate and co'p%e'ent fa'i%iariEation of Buniors with the acade'ic en-iron'ent of the institution0 o 'a(e the co''unit& at %arge and the students in particu%ar aware of the dehu'aniEing effect of ragging, and the approach of the institution towards those indu%ging in ragging, big posters (preferab%& with different co%ors for the pro-isions of %aw, punish'ents, etc0) sha%% be pro'inent%& disp%a&ed on a%% 4otice Foards of a%% depart'ents, hoste%s and other bui%dings as we%% as at -u%nerab%e p%aces So'e of such posters sha%% be of per'anent nature in certain -u%nerab%e p%aces0 he technica% Institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% request the 'edia to gi-e adequate pub%icit& to the %aw prohibiting ragging and the negati-e aspects of ragging and the institutions As reso%-e to ban ragging and punish those found gui%t& without fear or fa-or0 he technica% Institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% identif&, proper%& i%%u'inate and 'an a%% -u%nerab%e %ocations0 he technica% Institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% tighten securit& in its pre'ises, especia%%& at the -u%nerab%e p%aces0 If necessar&, intense po%icing sha%% be resorted to at such points at odd hours during the ear%& 'onths of the acade'ic session0 he technica% Institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% uti%iEe the -acation period before the start of the new acade'ic &ear to %aunch wide pub%icit& ca'paign against ragging through posters, infor'ation boo(%ets, se'inars, street p%a&s, etc0








he facu%ties<depart'ents<units of the technica% Institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% ha-e induction arrange'ents (inc%uding those which anticipate, identif& and p%an to 'eet an& specia% needs of an& specific section of students) in p%ace we%% in ad-ance of the beginning of the acade'ic &ear with a c%ear sense of the 'ain ai's and obBecti-es of the induction process0 =obi%e ,hones and other co''unication de-ices 'a& be per'itted in residentia% areas inc%uding hoste%s to pro-ide access to the students particu%ar%& freshers, to reach out for he%p fro' teachers, parents and Institution authorities0 9%$it%"i$( ,e)ha$i*, i$ te)h$i)al i$*tituti%$+ U$i#e"*it5 i$)ludi$( Dee,ed t% be U$i#e"*it5 i,&a"ti$( te)h$i)al edu)ati%$ -



a) A$ti-"a((i$( C%,,ittee* !-er& institution .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% constitute a Co''ittee to be (nown as the Anti+ragging Co''ittee to be no'inated and headed b& the 1ead of the Institution, and consisting of representati-es of ci-i% and po%ice ad'inistration, %oca% 'edia, 4on ;o-ern'ent GrganiEations in-o%-ed in &outh acti-ities, representati-es of facu%t& 'e'bers, representati-es of parents, representati-es of students be%onging to the freshers2 categor& as we%% as senior students, non+teaching staff8 and sha%% ha-e a di-erse 'ix of 'e'bership in ter's of %e-e% as we%% as gender0 b) It sha%% be the dut& of the Anti+)agging Co''ittee to ensure co'p%iance with the pro-isions of these )egu%ations as we%% as the pro-isions of an& %aw for the ti'e being in force concerning ragging8 and a%so to 'onitor and o-ersee the perfor'ance of the Anti+)agging Squad in pre-ention of ragging in the institution0 A$ti-Ra((i$( S;uad* !-er& institution .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education sha%% a%so constitute a s'a%%er bod& to be (nown as the Anti+)agging Squad to be no'inated b& the 1ead of the Institution with such representation as 'a& be considered necessar& for 'aintaining -igi%, o-ersight and patro%%ing functions and sha%% re'ain 'obi%e, a%ert and acti-e at a%% ti'es0 ,ro-ided that the Anti+)agging Squad sha%% ha-e representation of -arious 'e'bers of the ca'pus co''unit& and sha%% ha-e no outside representation0 It sha%% be the dut& of the Anti+)agging Squad to be ca%%ed upon to 'a(e surprise raids on hoste%s, and other p%aces -u%nerab%e to incidents and ha-ing the potentia% for ragging and sha%% be e'powered to inspect such p%aces0




It sha%% a%so be the dut& of the Anti+)agging Squad to conduct an on+the+spot enquir& into an& incidents of ragging referred to it b& the 1ead of the institution or an& 'e'ber of the facu%t& or an& 'e'ber of the staff or an& student or an& parent or guardian or an& e'p%o&ee of a ser-ice pro-ider or b& an& other person, as the case 'a& be8 and the enquir& report a%ong with reco''endations sha%% be sub'itted to the Anti+)agging Co''ittee for action0 ,ro-ided that the Anti+)agging Squad sha%% conduct such enquir& obser-ing a fair and transparent procedure and the princip%es of natura% Bustice and after gi-ing adequate opportunit& to the student or students accused of ragging and other witnesses to p%ace before it the facts, docu'ents and -iews concerning the incidents of ragging, and considerations such other re%e-ant infor'ation as 'a& be required0 9e$t%"i$( Cell* !-er& institution sha%%, at the end of each acade'ic &ear, in order to pro'ote the obBecti-es of these )egu%ations, constitute a =entoring Ce%% consisting of students -o%unteering to be =entors for freshers, in the succeeding acade'ic &ear8 and there sha%% be as 'an& %e-e%s or tiers of =entors as the nu'ber of batches in the institution, at the rate of one =entor for six freshers and one =entor of a higher %e-e% for six =entors of the %ower %e-e%0 9%$it%"i$( Cell %$ Ra((i$( + he State ;o-t0<. and the affi%iating .ni-ersit& sha%% set up a =onitoring Ce%% on )agging to coordinate with the institutions to 'onitor the acti-ities of the Anti+)agging Co''ittees, Squads , and =entoring Ce%%s, regarding co'p%iance with the instructions on conducting orientation progra''es, counse%ing sessions, etc0, and regarding the incidents of ragging, the prob%e' faced b& wardens and other officia%s, etc0 his Ce%% sha%% a%so re-iew the efforts 'ade b& such institutions to pub%iciEe anti+ragging 'easures, cross+-erif& the receipt of affida-its fro' candidates<students and their parents<guardians e-er& &ear, and sha%% be the pri'e 'o-er for initiating action b& the .ni-ersit& authorities to suitab%& a'end the Statutes or Grdinances or F&e+%aws to faci%itate the i'p%e'entation of anti ragging 'easures at the %e-e% of the institution0 he =onitoring Ce%% sha%% coordinate with the the institutions, uni-ersities inc%uding dee'ed to be uni-ersities i'parting technica% education to achie-e the obBecti-es of these )egu%ations8 and the =onitoring Ce%% sha%% ca%% for reports fro' the 1eads of institutions in regard to the acti-ities of the Anti+ )agging Co''ittees, Anti+)agging Squads, and the =entoring Ce%%s at the institutions, and it sha%% a%so (eep itse%f abreast of the decisions of the Anti+ )agging Co''ittees etc0





he =onitoring Ce%% sha%% a%so re-iew the efforts 'ade b& institutions to pub%iciEe anti+ragging 'easures, so%iciting of affida-its fro' parents<guardians and fro' students, each acade'ic &ear, to abstain fro' ragging acti-ities or wi%%ingness to be pena%iEed for -io%ation8 and sha%% function as the pri'e 'o-er for initiating action for a'ending the Statues or Grdinances or F&e+%aws to faci%itate the i'p%e'entation of anti+ragging 'easures at the %e-e% of the institution0 A)ti%$ t% be ta<e$ a(ai$*t the !"i$)i&al %" the Head %' the I$*tituti%$/Fa)ult5 9e,be"*/N%$-Tea)hi$( *ta'' %' te)h$i)al i$*tituti%$+ U$i#e"*itie* i$)ludi$( Dee,ed t% be U$i#e"*itie* i,&a"ti$( te)h$i)al edu)ati%$-



he 1ead of the Institution a%ong with other ad'inistrati-e authorities shou%d ta(e adequate 'easures for pre-ention of ragging0 An& %apse on the part of these authorities sha%% 'a(e the' %iab%e for cri'ina% action for neg%igence of dut&0 he technica% Institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education shou%d incorporate a c%ause in their %etter of appoint'ent that the /irector, Cacu%t& and other ad'inistrati-e 1eads shou%d ensure a%% possib%e steps for pre-ention of ragging in the pre'ises of the educationa% institutions, and that the& are %iab%e for action, in case of non+co'p%iance0 he ,rincipa% or 1ead of the Institution</epart'ent sha%% obtain an affida-it fro' e-er& e'p%o&ee of the Institution inc%uding teaching<non+teaching staff, contract %abor e'p%o&ed in the pre'ises either for running canteen or as watch and ward staff or for c%eaning or 'aintenance of the bui%ding, %awns etc0 that he<she wou%d report pro'pt%& an& case of ragging which co'es to his<her notice0 A pro-ision sha%% be 'ade in the ser-ice ru%es for issuing certificates of appreciation to such 'e'bers of the staff who report ragging which wi%% for' part of their ser-ice records0 /epart'enta% enquiries sha%% be initiated, in addition to pena% consequences against such heads of the Institution<Cacu%t& 'e'bers<non+teaching staff who disp%a& an apathetic or insensiti-e attitude towards co'p%aints of ragging and wou%d not ta(e ti'e%& steps in the pre-ention of ragging and punishing those who rag0 he ,rincipa% or the 1ead of the Institution<Cacu%t& =e'bers<4on+ eaching staff, if found neg%igent in ta(ing necessar& 'easures for ensuring safet& of students and pre-enting the ragging wou%d be dec%ared unfit for ho%ding an& post in an& technica% institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education0





A)ti%$* t% be ta<e$ a(ai$*t *tude$t* '%" i$dul(i$( a$d abetti$( "a((i$( i$ te)h$i)al i$*tituti%$* U$i#e"*itie* i$)ludi$( Dee,ed t% be U$i#e"*it5 i,&a"ti$( te)h$i)al edu)ati%$ he punish'ent to be 'eted out to the persons indu%ged in ragging has to be exe'p%ar& and Bustifiab%& harsh to act as a deterrent against recurrence of such incidents0 !-er& sing%e incident of ragging a Cirst Infor'ation )eport (CI)) 'ust be fi%ed without exception b& the institutiona% authorities with the %oca% po%ice authorities0 he Anti+)agging Co''ittee of the institution sha%% ta(e an appropriate decision, with regard to punish'ent or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and gra-it& of the incident of ragging0 a) /epending upon the nature and gra-it& of the offence as estab%ished the possib%e punish'ents for those found gui%t& of ragging at the institution %e-e% sha%% be an& one or an& co'bination of the fo%%owing*+ (i) (ii) (iii) Cance%%ation of ad'ission Suspension fro' attending c%asses @ithho%ding<withdrawing scho%arship<fe%%owship and other benefits (i-) /ebarring fro' appearing in an& test<exa'ination or other e-a%uation process (-) @ithho%ding resu%ts (-i) /ebarring fro' representing the institution in an& regiona%, nationa% or internationa% 'eet, tourna'ent, &outh festi-a%, etc0 (-ii) Suspension<expu%sion fro' the hoste% (-iii) )ustication fro' the institution for period ranging fro' 1 to 5 se'esters (ix) !xpu%sion fro' the institution and consequent debarring fro' ad'ission to an& other institution0 (x) Co%%ecti-e punish'ent* when the persons co''itting or abetting the cri'e of ragging are not identified, the institution sha%% resort to co%%ecti-e punish'ent as a deterrent to ensure co''unit& pressure on the potentia% raggers0 b) An appea% against the order of punish'ent b& the Anti+)agging Co''ittee sha%% %ie,





i0 ii0 iii0

In case of an order of an institution, affi%iated to or constituent part, of the .ni-ersit&, to the ?ice+Chance%%or of the .ni-ersit&8 In case of an order of a .ni-ersit&, to its Chance%%or0 In case of an institution of nationa% i'portance created b& an Act of ,ar%ia'ent, to the Chair'an or Chance%%or of the institution, as the case 'a& be0

60 9

he institutiona% authorities sha%% inti'ate the incidents of ragging occurred in their pre'ises a%ong with actions ta(en to the Counci% for' ti'e to ti'e0 A)ti%$ t% be ta<e$ a(ai$*t the te)h$i)al I$*tituti%$+ U$i#e"*it5 i$)ludi$( Dee,ed t% be U$i#e"*it5 i,&a"ti$( te)h$i)al edu)ati%$ whi)h 'ail t% ta<e ,ea*u"e* '%" &"e#e$ti%$ %' "a((i$( -

10 )o%e of the concerned technica% institutions, .ni-ersities inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersities i'parting technica% education sha%% be open to scrutin& for the purpose of finding out whether the& ha-e ta(en effecti-e steps for pre-enting ragging and action ta(en against pro-ision indu%ged and<or abetting ragging0 he Counci% sha%% constitute Co''ittees to inspect technica% institutions, .ni-ersities inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersities i'parting technica% education to -erif& the status of anti ragging 'easures and to in-estigate specific instances of ragging and ta(e appropriate action0 20 he technica% Institution, .ni-ersit& inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersit& i'parting technica% education shou%d sub'it an affida-it a%ong with its co'p%iance report sub'itted to AIC ! annua%%& with detai%s of 'easures ta(en for pre-ention of ragging in technica% institutions0 he Co'p%iance )eport shou%d a%so contain the detai%s of the instances of ragging and action ta(en against students, and others for indu%ging and abetting ragging0

30 A%% 3etters of Appro-a% issued b& AIC ! such as extension of appro-a% %etters, %etters issued for additiona% courses<increase in inta(e and %etters issued for new technica% institutions, re%ease of grants, %etters of appro-a% issued to integrated ca'pus, second shift etc0 sha%% contain a specific c%ause of pre-ention of ragging0 50 he AIC ! sha%%, in respect of an& institution that fai%s to ta(e adequate steps to pre-ent ragging or fai%s to act in accordance with these )egu%ations or fai%s to punish perpetrators or incidents of ragging suitab%&, ta(e one of 'ore of the fo%%owing 'easures, na'e%&8


i0 ii0 iii0 i-0


4o ad'ission<@ithdrawa% of appro-a% granted under section 10(() of AIC ! Act0 @ithho%ding an& grant a%%ocated0 /ec%aring the institution ine%igib%e for consideration for an& assistance under an& of the genera% or specia% assistance progra''es of the AIC !0 Infor'ing the genera% pub%ic, inc%uding potentia% candidates for ad'ission, through a notice disp%a&ed pro'inent%& in the newspapers or other suitab%e 'edia and posted on the website of the AIC !, dec%aring that the institution does not possess the 'ini'u' acade'ic standards0 a(ing such other action within its powers as it 'a& dee' fit and i'pose such other pena%ties as 'a& be pro-ided in the Act for such duration of ti'e as the institution co'p%ies with the pro-isions of these )egu%ations0

60 As regards the .ni-ersities inc%uding /ee'ed to be .ni-ersities i'parting technica% education the actions proposed to be ta(en such as stopping re%ease of grants, withdrawa% of appro-a%<recognition wi%% be sent to .ni-ersit& ;rants Co''ission (.;C), =inistr& of 1u'an )esource /e-e%op'ent (=1)/), ;o-t0 of India and the concerned State ;o-t0<. 0 he .;C, =1)/ ;o-t0 of India, and the State ;o-t0<. concerned sha%% initiate i''ediate action on the reco''endations of the Counci%0 10a) Dutie* a$d Re*&%$*ibilitie* %' the All I$dia C%u$)il '%" te)h$i)al Edu)ati%$ A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation, or the Centra% ;o-ern'ent or the agenc& authoriEed for the purpose sha%% estab%ish, fund and operate, a to%%+ free Anti+)agging 1e%p%ine, operationa% round the c%oc(, which cou%d be accessed b& students in distress owing to ragging re%ated incidents0 An& distress 'essage recei-ed at the Anti+)agging 1e%p%ine sha%% be si'u%taneous%& re%a&ed to the 1ead of the Institution, the @arden of the 1oste%s, the 4oda% Gfficer of the affi%iating .ni-ersit&, if the incident reported has ta(en p%ace in an institution affi%iated to a .ni-ersit&, the concerned /istrict authorities and if so required, the /istrict =agistrate, and the Superintendent of ,o%ice, and sha%% a%so be web enab%ed so as to be in the pub%ic do'ain si'u%taneous%& for the 'edia and citiEens to access it0 he 1ead of the institution sha%% be ob%iged to act i''ediate%& in response to the infor'ation recei-ed fro' the Anti+)agging 1e%p%ine as at sub+c%ause (b) of this c%ause0




he te%ephone nu'bers of the Anti+)agging 1e%p%ine and a%% the i'portant functionaries in e-er& institution, 1eads of institutions, facu%t& 'e'bers, 'e'bers of the anti+ragging co''ittees and anti+ ragging squads, district and sub+di-isiona% authorities and state authorities, @ardens of hoste%s, and other functionaries or authorities where re%e-ant, sha%% be wide%& disse'inated for access or to see( he%p in e'ergencies0 he A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation, the Centra% ;o-ern'ent or the agenc& authoriEed for the purpose sha%% 'aintain an appropriate data base to be created out of affida-its, affir'ed b& each student and his<her parents<guardians and stored e%ectronica%%& b& the institution8 and such database sha%% a%so function as a record of ragging co'p%aints recei-ed, and the status of the action ta(en thereon0 he A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation, the Centra% ;o-ern'ent or the agenc& authoriEed for the purpose sha%% 'a(e a-ai%ab%e the database to a non+go-ern'enta% agenc& to be no'inated b& the Centra% ;o-ern'ent, to bui%d confidence in the pub%ic and a%so to pro-ide infor'ation of non co'p%iance with these )egu%ations to the Counci%s and to such bodies as 'a& be authoriEed b& the A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation<Centra% ;o-ern'ent0 The All I$dia C%u$)il '%" te)h$i)al Edu)ati%$ *hall ta<e the '%ll%wi$( "e(ulat%"5 *te&*+ $a,el5>




he A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation sha%% 'a(e it 'andator& for the institutions to incorporate in their prospectus, the directions of the Centra% ;o-ern'ent or the State 3e-e% =onitoring Co''ittee with regard to prohibition and consequences of ragging, and that non+co'p%iance with these )egu%ations and directions so pro-ided, sha%% be considered as %owering of acade'ic standards b& the institution, therefore 'a(ing it %iab%e for appropriate action0 he A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation sha%% -erif& that the institutions strict%& co'p%& with the require'ent of getting the affida-its fro' the students and their parents<guardians as en-isaged under these )egu%ations0 he A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation sha%% inc%ude a specific condition in the .ti%iEation Certificate, in respect of an& financia% assistance or grants+in+aid to an& institution under an& of the genera% or specia% sche'es of the A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation, that the institution has co'p%ied with the anti+ragging 'easures0




An& incident of ragging in an institution sha%% ad-erse%& affect its accreditation, ran(ing or grading b& 4ationa% Foard of Accreditation or b& an& other authorised accreditation agencies whi%e assessing the institution for accreditation, ran(ing or grading purposes0 he A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation sha%% constitute an Inter+ Counci% Co''ittee, consisting of representati-es of the -arious Counci%s, the 4on+;o-ern'enta% agenc& responsib%e for 'onitoring the database 'aintained b& the A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation<Centra% ;o-ern'ent and such other bodies in higher education, to coordinate and 'onitor the anti+ragging 'easures in institutions across the countr& and to 'a(e reco''endations fro' ti'e to ti'e8 and sha%% 'eet at %east once in six 'onths each &ear0 he A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation sha%% institute an Anti+)agging Ce%% within the AIC ! as an institutiona% 'echanis' to pro-ide secretaria% support for co%%ection of infor'ation and 'onitoring, and to coordinate with the State 3e-e% =onitoring Ce%%s and .ni-ersit& 3e-e% Co''ittees for effecti-e i'p%e'entation of anti+ragging 'easures, and the Ce%% sha%% a%so coordinate with the 4on+;o-ern'enta% agenc& responsib%e for 'onitoring the database 'aintained b& the A%% India Counci% for technica% !ducation<centra% ;o-ern'ent0 ?9e,be" Se)"eta"5@




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