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1) Cover Letter Moustafa El-metwalli Kuwait, Farwaniya, Area 1, Monday, March 03, 2008

Dear ir, !n the ne"t few years, ! will #e recei$in% Di&loma of DE'(A in (E )' and then my Masters De%ree in (E )'* !n addition to, ha$in% my +A de%ree, Ad$anced ,ert-(E )'-'ondon., /on-de%ree Di&loma, Maryland, 0 A and Ad$anced le$el of En%lish 'an%ua%e !m&ro$ement ,ourse from 0nited tates A%ency for !nternational De$elo&ment- &ectrum.* ! ha$e o$er 11 years of wor2 e"&erience in the field of En%lish lan%ua%e (eachin% and (rainin%* (hat len%thy of e"&erience %a$e me the o&&ortunity to #e aware of3 1* ,lassroom mana%ement strate%ies* 2* 'earnin% styles and moti$ation* 3* Error analysis and correction* classes* 7* 6re&arin% su&&lementary materials* 8* ,ourse #oo2 e$aluation* 9* 6re&arin% learner &rofile* 1* :or2 within 4uality systems* records* 8* 0& to date techni4ues of teachin%* 5* (eachin% four s2ills and 6honolo%y* 10* Monolin%ual and multilin%ual 11* ,ourse and sylla#us desi%n* 12* (estin% and e"ams* 13* 'esson and unit &lan* 17* De$elo& wor2 units and maintain

(he American !nternational ;onor ociety in Education -Ka&&a Delta 6!. awarded me a certificate of mem#ershi& #ein% hi%h &rofessional, intellectual and &ersonal standards and reco%ni<ed me one of many outstandin% contri#utors to education* =i$en the o&&ortunity, ! would #e &leased to meet with you and discuss how ! mi%ht #e a#le to &romote the %rowth of your trainin% &ro%ram as one of your teamwor2* ! would a&&reciate, if to arran%e for a &ersonal meetin%* ! am loo2in% forward to meetin% with you* incerely Moustafa El-metwalli

2) My Teaching philosophy

-=i$e a man a fish to eat, and he will eat today> teach him how to fish, and he will eat fore$er*?. My &hiloso&hy of education is a student-centered one* ! stron%ly relate to the ada%e of ser$in% as the @%uide on the side@, rather than the @sa%e on the sta%e@, as is the case in teacher-centered &hiloso&hies* ! #elie$e in focusin% on indi$idual needs, and in$ol$in% students in the &rocess of their learnin%* !t is my #elief that indi$idual differences need to #e reco%ni<ed, res&ected, and e$en cele#rated* ! #elie$e that all students ha$e stren%ths, and that it is the %oal of education to assist students in identifyin% and #uildin% u&on these* ! a%ree that students learn #est throu%h real-world e"&eriences, which are meanin%ful to them* (he most meanin%ful learnin% ta2es &lace when students are moti$ated and interested* ! or%ani<e my &resentations with the studentAs learnin% in mind and 2ee& my 2nowled%e u& to date* ! also em&hasi<e the im&ortance of communication #y usin% humor and a $ariety in teachin% techni4ues to ma2e learnin% enBoya#le to moti$ate the students to learn* !t is my #elief that the way to achie$e this is #y %i$in% students a $oice in the learnin% &rocess, and #y assistin% them in findin% connections in the curriculum with their own life and interests* +y allowin% students to #rin% their own stories, e"&eriences, and ideas into the classroom, this &ro$ides the students with o&&ortunities to wor2 to%ether, to learn from each other, and res&ect each otherAs differences* tudents learn lan%ua%e faster if they use authentic materials ada&ted well #y a &rofessional trainer* (he teacher needs to #e $ery &atient, to &resent a di$ersity of materials, techni4ues, and in&ut3 and, a#o$e all, to ha$e a sense of humor* +oredom is the cruel enemy of learnin%* A #orin% teacher cannot awa2en or moti$ate a class and #ored students cannot interact or ins&ire* ! %et the %reatest ins&iration from my students* ! follow these &rinci&les in teachin%3 #ein% enthusiastic for each class and lettin% it show> learnin% a#out the students in the course> or%ani<in% each class well> usin% a &resentation style that ma"imi<es student interest> and usin% a $ariety of teachin% methods to &resent the material* ! use humor in my &resentations to s&ar2 student interest and ma2e my &resentations en%a%in%* ! $ary my teachin% techni4ues in class -&air-wor2, discussion %rou&s, %rou& wor2, &roBects etc*.* ! e"tensi$ely utili<e 6ower6oint software and all elements of multimedia -documents, music ,Ds, $ideos, we# sites, etc.* !n order to achie$e the ultimate %oal of student learnin%, ! stri$e to im&lement strate%ies that create a colla#orati$e and safe atmos&here and encoura%e the a&&lication of 2nowled%e to new situations* +y %i$in% students a $oice in class, not only do the students #enefit from &eer-&eer learnin% #y enrichin% the course material with &ersonal e"&eriences and 2nowled%e, #ut they also ta2e res&onsi#ility for their own learnin% and, therefore, enhance the inte%ration of their new 2nowled%e into &ractice* 6romotin% inde&endent thin2in% is essential so that students can ta2e what they ha$e learned and a&&ly it in real-life situations* (herefore, ! endea$or to ma2e my classroom an arena for students to learn s2ills and demonstrate outcomes* tudents should e"&erience fre4uent and re&eated o&&ortunities to act, react, and interact with each other and the trainer* ,urriculum materials should #e timely and rele$ant connected and dri$en from real world or e$eryday situations 0sin% u& to date techni4ues of error correction and self or &eer correction is a $ital factor in achie$in% success* Formati$e and summati$e e$aluation should ha$e many sha&es for chan%e and moti$ations* ! encoura%e students to en%a%e in o&en-ended formati$e and summati$e e$aluation of the course -what is wor2in%, what is not.* ! also as2 students to selfe$aluate indi$idual &ro%ress* Finally, my course desi%n includes a data-dri$en e$aluation com&onent, which focuses on systematic outcomes and results, which are clearly tied to course %oals and o#Becti$es*

,*C Kuwait, Farwaniya Area 1 St. Bld. 2nd floor flat 7 M: 00965-9105591 : 00965-!761790 la"our#re$our%e&'ot(ail.%o( 1) OBJECTIVE (o o#tain En%lish 'an%ua%e teachin% &osition in which creati$ity, dedication, and a team attitude can #e used to educate and moti$ate di$erse students or any suita#le &osition in your com&any* ! would li2e to Boin a com&any that hel&s me to add to my 4ualification and %et a new teachin% e"&erience there e*%* (eachin%3 (echnical En%lish, Dournalism En%lish, Medical En%lish or Mar2etin% En%lish* 2) Personal State ent

! am an E%y&tian En%lish 'an%ua%e teacher* A forty years old am#itious man married with four children who was #orn in 1598 in Mansoura, a city o$erloo2in% the ri$er /ile in E%y&t* ! was fond of En%lish lan%ua%e since my childhood* )ne of my En%lish teachers %ot my admiration so ! decided earlier to #e an En%lish teacher* ! Boined the faculty of education and %ot my +A* ! had more and more am#ition to #e one of distin%uished teachers so ! %ot s&ectrum &rofessional trainin% course with e"cellence then ! %ot the ()EF' and had #een %ranted a mission to (owson tate 0ni$ersity in Maryland, 0 A Boinin% a di&loma-trainin% &ro%ram* My am#ition went forward and %ot !E'( then had a contract to Kuwait* ! Boined many &rofessional trainin% centers and &ro$ed my efficiency and com&etency* My am#ition %rew and %rew until ! decided to %et my ,ert-(E )' from (rinity ,olle%e, 'ondon, 0K* ! ha$e a lon%-term o#Becti$e, to ha$e my Delta (E )', MA (E )' then 6hD (E )'* My am#ition will not die until ! #ecome one of the #est En%lish lan%ua%e teacher trainers in the Ara# :orld* 6rofessional trainers, su&er$isors and head staff whom ! used to re&ort to, certified that ! ha$e the followin% com&etencies and talents3 1* ! always show %reat deal of disci&line and e"&ertise in my &erformance* 2* ! am hard wor2in%, conscientious and willin% trainer* 3* ! always demonstrate a lot of creati$ity* 7* ! ha$e e"cellent classroom mana%ement and considera#le s2ills in classroom teachin%* 8* (hey #elie$e that ! will #e an asset in any educational or trainin% institution due to my enthusiasm and &atience* 9* ! ha$e four stren%ths or hi%h &oints in teachin%, elicitation, classroom mana%ement, creati$ity and e"cellent use of teachin% aids, realia and $isuals* 1* ! ha$e %ood standard in lesson &lan o#Becti$e, &resentin% $oc*,&air and %rou& wor2, error correction, as2in% 4uestions le$el ada&tation, $oice and s&eech, teachin% awareness,eye-contact,focus,a&&earance &osture, time mana%ement and &ace and &oise3 confidence and emotional sta#ility* 8* As most of nonnati$e s&ea2ers, my lowest &oint in teachin% is that ! do not ha$e a nati$e accent #ut ! am wor2in% hard to %et it &erfect althou%h ! teach &honolo%y $ery well* Eeference3 written in the e"&erience certificates and re&orts* !) E"#cational Bac$gro#n" 1- Ad$anced ,ert-(E )' (rinity ,olle%e, 'ondon, 0K 2008 !t is an intensi$e En%lish lan%ua%e trainin% course in$ol$in% full day and wee2end wor2 in addition to ni%ht study contains &lenty of in&ut on teachin% s2ills, %rammar and &ronunciation, to%ether with course assi%nments

focusin% on materials desi%n, learner &rofile, materials com&ilation, course #oo2 e$aluation, teachin% &ractice, moderator assi%nment and final inter$iew and one-to-one teachin% as well as the chance to o#ser$e e"&erienced teachers throu%hout the course* !n addition, there are a series of un2nown lan%ua%e lessons desi%ned to %i$e you an insi%ht into what it is really li2e to #e a learner* ! =)( !( :!(; EF,E''E/,E Eeference3 written in the certificate 2- En%lish Education and 6eda%o%y Di&loma (owson state uni$ersity, De&artment of En%lish, Maryland,0 A 1559 !t is a non-de%ree di&loma contains a course of study in En%lish education and &eda%o%y, En%lish lan%ua%e trainin%, in school &lacements, instructional technolo%y and American E%y&tian cultural e"chan%e*

!t was a $ery %reat and unfor%etta#le o&&ortunity for me to &ut my le%s on the first ste& of &rofessional de$elo&ment ladder stairs* ! =)( !( :!(; EF,E''E/,E Eeference3 written in the certificate 3- +achelor De%ree of Arts and Education, Faculty of Education, De&artment of En%lish, Mansoura 0ni$ersity, E%y&t, 1550 (his is a well-2nown #achelor de%ree in education and En%lish lan%ua%e teachin%* :e ha$e four years of ei%ht semesters* :e study 19 su#Bects each year, ei%ht su#Bects are educational and the others are s&eciali<ed su#Bects in En%lish lan%ua%e* 0/F)E(E0/A(E'G, ! =)( !( :!(; 6A Eeference3 written in the certificate 7. TE%C&I'( E)PE*IE'CE 1. From 03H09H2001 to u& to date E"ecuti$e Mana%er, Al-Modeif /ational ,om&any for (radin% and ,ontractin% 1* Eunnin% the com&any ta2in%, decisions hold wee2ly and monthly meetin%s, in char%e of international transactions and corres&ondence and actin% the com&any in international affairs and #usinesses* 2. From 20H01H2008 to 03H09H2001 EF'IE ' (rainer, !nternational ,enter for ;uman !n$estment, Kuwait* 1- (eachin% En%lish from #e%inner to u&&er intermediate le$el* 2- Desi%nin% course materials and sylla#us* 3- 6re&arin% &resentations for %o$ernmental #oards* 7. 6re&arin% su&&lementary materials 8- ,ontinuous e$aluation of traineesA standard* 96uttin% the e"ams* 1- 6ro$idin% the mana%ement with recommendations relates to the trainees standard* 8- Attendin% staff wee2ly meetin%* 5- Attendin% monthly meetin% for the com&anyAs em&loyees* 10- Act in accordance with the ,olle%eJs Cision, Mission, $alues, and strate%ic directions, 11- ,om&ly with the ,olle%eJs &olicies and re%ulations*12-(rainin% other su#Bects staff in En%lish lan%ua%e im&ro$ement course-self &re&ared. 13- Assistin% and hel&in% %reen hand En%lish staff mem#ers to achie$e 4uality in trainin%, &ro$idin% them with ready made handouts and recommendations *17Ada&tin% En%lish lan%ua%e te"t#oo2* 18* Ada&tin% +A! A/ course te"t#oo2s and added a lot to its content Eeferences3 written in the e"&erience certificate Mr*Emad Al-/aBar 3. From 31H08H2008 to 12H10H2008 EF'IE ' (rainer, :oods Dames ,onsultant,Du#ai,0AE* (his is the first official &rofessional trainin% international license that ! o#tained with e"cellence* (he teachin% &ractice was %reat and s&lendid* 1* ! tau%ht =eneral En%lish,

+usiness En%lish and En%lish for &ecific 6ur&oses* 2* ! tau%ht $arious le$els and multicultural classes, monolin%ual and multilin%ual classes* 3*! Ac4uired the e"&erience of teachin% En%lish lan%ua%e in difficult circumstances e*%* ! %a$e 8 sessions, each of them was 2 hours len%th, in the 6hili&&ine Em#assy in Du#ai with no air condition, no #oard, no technolo%ical aids at all* (rainees had no moti$ation as they were finishin% their de&ortation &rocedures* 7* ! %ot a %reat e"&erience of teachin% &honolo%y to different le$els* 8* ! e"&erienced learnin% un2nown lan%ua%e* 9* ! &racticed &re&arin% /eeds Analysis* 1* ,ourse and sylla#us desi%n* 8* ,ourse #oo2 e$aluation* 5* ;ow to ma2e a learner &rofile and then desi%n a remedial course for himHher* 10* Material com&ilation 11* 0sin% $ideo, (C, %ames, son%s, we# 4uests, &od in teachin% En%lish*11* Ada&tin% te"t#oo2s* 12* ,om&letin% my own teacher &ortfolio* 13* =ainin% many classroom mana%ement and lan%ua%e s2ills modern techni4ues of teachin%* 17* 6re&arin% tests, e"ams and e$aluation and feed#ac2 techni4ues* 18* )#ser$in% teachin% &ractice classes and #ein% o#ser$ed from othersA too* 19* Error analysis and correction techni4ues*

11* (eachin% Bournal* ! ha$e to say a word here, as the com&any deser$es it3 Mr* Dames McDonalds, you were #orn a teacher trainer and you are one of the #est &rofessional, talented, confident, 4ualified, coo&erati$e and modest teacher trainers ! ha$e e$er seen* :hate$er ! descri#e you, words feel disa#le to fulfill you your ri%ht* (han2s a lot to Mrs* 6atricia who was always &rofessional in her instructions and treatment* he was also coo&erati$e and had &ositi$e criticism and recommendations* (han2s to my 0/K/):/ 'A/=0A=E trainer who was really &rofessional and &atient* (han2s to the co-coordinator 'i<a who was always hel&ful and co-o&erati$e* Eeference3 written in the e"&erience certificate 7. From 21H08H2003 to 20H01H2008 EF'IE ' (rainer, +ritish !nstitute for (rainin% and Education, Kuwait !t was my third ste& in the stairs of &rofessionalism* !t is the most &recious teachin% e"&erience ! ha$e ac4uired* My nati$e collea%ue were $ery %enerous and &ro$ided me with e$ery &ossi#le e"&erience in teachin% En%lish for all le$els #esides E 6 course that ! was %ained there* 1- )#ser$in% 6lacement (ests* 2 (eachin% En%lish lan%ua%e from #e%inner to u&&er intermediate le$el* 3- (eachin% En%lish for s&ecific &ur&oses #e%inner to intermediate le$el* 7- authorin% a sim&lified communication s2ills course materials for security officers,store2ee&ers,assistant mana%ers and secretaries 8- Attendin% sessions in ;ED international centre in huwai2h &ort 9- Attendin% wor2sho&s and seminars* 1u&er$isin% trainees in ultan ,enter to chec2 their a#ility and &ro%ress to ha$e the &ros&ecti$e Bo#* 8- ;oldin% inter$iews* 5- 6uttin% the mid term and final term e"ams* 10- Eecommendin% trainees to Bo# $acancy in the com&any* 11- 6ro$idin% the mana%ement with recommendations relates to the trainees standard* 12- Attendin% staff wee2ly meetin%* 13- Attendin% monthly meetin% for the com&anyAs em&loyees* 10- Act in accordance with the ,olle%eJs Cision, Mission, $alues, and strate%ic directions, 17- ,om&ly with the ,olle%eJs &olicies and re%ulations* 18- 6artici&atin% and co-o&eratin% in the &u#lic authority for a&&lied education and &re4ualification #oard meetin%s and consultin% &ro%rammes*19- trainin% other su#Bects staff in En%lish lan%ua%e im&ro$ement course-self &re&ared. 11- Assistin% and hel&in% %reen hand En%lish staff mem#ers to achie$e 4uality in trainin%, &ro$idin% them with ready made handouts and recommendations* 18- Ada&tin% En%lish lan%ua%e te"t#oo2 Eeference3 written in the e"&erience certificate Mr* uhail DBany

8. A- From 21H07H2002 to 21H08H2003 (he 6u#lic Authority for A&&lied Education - &ecial ,ourses ,entre., EF' !nstructor, Kuwait*-6art time Bo#. Mornin% +- From 21H07H2002 to 21H08H2003 Mana%er, El-Emtya< 6hotoco&yin%, 6rintin% and (ranslation ,om&any, Kuwait* -6art time Bo#. E$enin% A. (eachin% En%lish lan%ua%e to the Ministry of ,i$il er$iceAs em&loyees from #e%inners to intermediate le$el* 2* Ada&tin% En%lish lan%ua%e te"t#oo2 3* 6re&arin% e"ams and tests for my %rou&s 7* )#ser$in% in e"ams* 8- ,orrectin% e"ams 9- attendin% staff and com&any meetin%* 1- =i$in% recommendations to the mana%ement team * 8- =i$in% re&orts to the head staff a#out traineesA standard and recommendations* +. 1* Mana%in% the &hotoco&yin%, &rintin% and translatin% staff* 2* ;oldin% transactions to the com&any* 3* ;el&in% in arran%in% and re$iewin% the translations and researches* 7* Achie$in% the &urchase and sellin% orders of the com&any* 8* 6uttin% the annual a&&raisal of the com&anyAs staff* 9- !n char%e of inter$iewin%, a&&ointin% and terminatin% em&loyees* 1* Ee$iewin% accountancy sheets and com&anyAs monthly #alance* 8* De&ositin% and withdrawin% money from the #an2s* 5* i%nin% and deli$erin% monthly salaries, discounts and rewards to the em&loyees* Eeference3 written in the e"&erience certificate

9. From 20H08H2001 to 21H07H2002 EF'IE ' !nstructor, !6E(K, Kuwait*

!t was my second ste& in the stairs of &rofessionalism* As soon as, ! returned from the mission in the 0 A, ! wish ! could stay there fore$er* ! missed e$erythin% ! saw, did or learn there* (he technolo%y, the cam&us, the li#rary* (he wor2sho&s, the seminars and first and last, ,arla, the most &roficient En%lish lan%ua%e trainer ! ha$e e$er seen* ! still remem#er and recall her actin% on the sta%e of the theatre* o as to Boin !6E(K,! had to %et into a com&etition of around 1000 E%y&tian En%lish teachers from different a%es and lan%ua%e #ac2%round or le$el* ! had to &ass !E'( e"am then 10 oral inter$iews* ! did it well with e"cellence and had the third &osition in the new staff* (he first and the second com&etitors were educated in the 0 A and their merit was that they ha$e #etter accent and $oca#ulary than ! do*

! had certain res&onsi#ilities in such a famous educational institution accordin% to the &olicy of the com&any as follow3 1* (eachin% En%lish from #e%inner to ad$anced le$el* (rainees were from the national %uard, Ministry of defense, Kuwait &etroleum com&any, and Kuwait oil com&any* 2* Attendin% &ersonal staff de$elo&ment trainin% course in the head office where we ha$e wor2sho&s, classroom o#ser$ation, &resentations and demonstrations* 3* 6re&arin% e"ams and tests then the head staff selects an o$erall e"am from e"cer&ts of all our staff mem#ersA drafts* 7* 6re&arin% entry and %raduation inter$iews of the trainees then run it with one of my collea%ues* 8* Attendin% ,A'' and ,)M60(EE trainin% course* 9* Attendin% &rofessional de$elo&ment course, which included lesson &lannin%, ma2in% materials, classroom mana%ement and white #oard wor2 L instructions*1* Attendin% e"amination wor2sho&, admin in$i%ilation &rocedures* 8* Attendin% /CK awareness &resentation* 5* Attendin% lan%ua%e teachin% de$elo&menttrainin% course that included listenin% s2ills, classroom mana%ement, teachin% $oca#ulary and readin% s2ills* Eeference3 written in the e"&erience certificate

1. From 1559 - 1551 Faculty taff, (owson state uni$ersity, Maryland, 0 A*

!t was my second ste& on the stairs of &rofessionalism* ;ere, ! remem#er well the modesty, res&ect, co-o&eration, humanity and &rofessionalism of the dean of the uni$ersity, faculty staff collea%ues, &rofessors who trained me, coordinator and the ser$ice staff around us in sessions, seminars and wor2sho&s* !t was really, so sweat dream whate$er &er day or at ni%ht* )ne day, after finishin% the 6E,(E0M En%lish lan%ua%e de$elo&ment course of achie$in% the ad$anced le$el of En%lish lan%ua%e education, ! %ot a letter from my %eneral su&er$isor to #e in the American em#assy tomorrow mornin% to ha$e ()FE' e"am as &re&aration to tra$elin% in a mission to (owson tate 0ni$ersity in Maryland, 0 A* ! did it, &assed the e"am with a $ery hi%h score, and was selected to ha$e a mission to the 0 A* !t certainly ta2es days if not years to write a#out that %reat e"&erience and uni$ersity either staff or &rofessionalism* (hat is why, ! will mention what ha&&ened in a few &oints3 ,)0E E DE ,E!6(!)/3 !t was a course of study in En%lish education and &eda%o%y, En%lish lan%ua%e trainin%, in school &lacements, instructional technolo%y, and American E%y&tian cultural e"chan%e* !t was a $ery intensi$e course where we ha$e lectures, &resentations, la# sessions, wor2sho&s, technical meetin%s, school o#ser$ation in the mornin%, and assi%nments* 1* :e had a course of &honolo%y and methodolo%y too*2* :e were teachin% uni$ersity under%raduate students lectures a#out E%y&t history, culture and ci$ili<ation*3* :e also had a %reat chance to o#ser$e American teachers in the middle school, hi%h school and colle%e* 7* :e a&&ly what we o#ser$ed in the classroom ne"t day teachin% the same to&ic #ut in a different class* 2*

8* :e had the o&&ortunity to learn how to use the u&dated technolo%y in teachin% such as (*C, Cideo, );6, Data show etc* in En%lish lan%ua%e teachin%*9* :e had the chance to ada&t the course materials and a&&ly it, too* 1* :e had a course a#out methods and u& to date techni4ues of teachin%*8* :e had the chance to attend em&loyment houses and recruitin% conferences*5* :e had the honor of #ein% uni$ersity faculty staff and mem#ers of #oth (E )' and KA66A DE'(A 6! or%ani<ations* Eeally, e$erythin% was wonderful* ! will ne$er e$er for%et those %reat days, %reat &eo&le and mar$elous e"&erience that ! had there* Eeference3 written in the e"&erience certificate

8. From 1550 M 1559 fromHH 1551 to 2001 En%lish (eacher, Ministry of Education, E%y&t*
!n 1550, ! was a&&ointed as an En%lish lan%ua%e teacher in E%y&tian Ministry of Education* ! &racticed teachin% in different schools and different le$els* ! started teachin% in a middle school ne"t to my $illa%e then ! was &romoted to teach in the #est middle school in Mansoura city* !n 1552, ! was &romoted to teach in a commercial secondary school in a $illa%e then ! was &romoted to teach in an industrial school in the city* !n 1557, ! was &romoted to teach En%lish in the #est %eneral secondary school in Mansoura city and u& to date ! am still a mem#er of that school and whene$er ! %et #ac2 to my country, ! will &ractice teachin% there* Durin% the teachin% &ractice in those schools, ! was really &ro$ided with a mi" of e"&eriences as ! tau%ht commercial En%lish, industrial and %eneral En%lish* (hose e"&eriences 4ualified me to ha$e a wide ran%e of $oca#ulary and $arious ty&es of e"ercises, instructions and techni4ues of teachin%*

! was selected to ha$e a lot of de$elo&ment and &rofessional trainin% courses such as &ectrum ad$anced le$el trainin% course and @(echno fear , (echno Boy@ as trainin% of usin% technolo%y inside the classroom* ! was also a#le to &ass ()FE', !'E( e"ams with e"cellence* All the a#o$e mentioned $arious teachin% &ractice e"&eriences, &rofessional e"ams, &rofessional trainin% were the #ac2#one and #asics of my continuous &rofessionalism* Eeference3 written in the e"&erience certificate +) Pe"agogical an" Pro,essional Training
Date 2008 2005 2008 2003 2001 2001 2001 ,ourse title (E )' E 6 G'(, +, s !E'( +etter (eachin% Methods ,A'' trainin% (rinity colle%e 'ondon 0K (rinity colle%e 'ondon 0K +!(E Kuwait +ritish ,ouncil ,airo E%y&t !6E(K almiya Kuwait !6E(K almiya Kuwait 'ocation (rinity colle%e 'ondon 0K

2002 2002 2002 2002 Dan 1559 A&ril 1559 March 1559 1995 1551 1995

'an%ua%e (eachin% /CK Awareness 6resentation E"aminationL !n$i%ilation wor2sho& 6rofessional De$elo&ment EF' chool 6lacement EF' !nstruction EF' !nstruction (echno Fear, (echno Doy &ectrum ()EF'


almiya Kuwait

!6E(K almiya Kuwait !6E(K almiya Kuwait !6E(K almiya Kuwait +el Air ;i%h school Maryland 0 A +el Air ;i%h school Maryland 0 A +el Air Middle school Maryland 0 A M)E ,airo E%y&t M)E ,airo E%y&t M)E ,airo E%y&t

9. Awards and Mem#ershi&s 1* Ka&&a Delta 0 A -MEM+EE. 3 !A(EF' or%ani<ation 0 A -MEM+EE.* 7* Mission to the 0 A -Award. 0 A -Awards. 2* (E )' or%ani<ation 0 A -MEM+EE. 7* &ectrum from E%y&tian M)E -Award. 8* +ell Air hi%h and middle school

1. !nformation (echnolo%y 2ills 1* )ffice, :ord, !nternet EF,E''E/( EF,E''E/(

2* :e# lo%s, &osters, ad$ertisement and &resentations

My teacher &ortfolio is ready for the inter$iewer to ha$e a loo2 durin% the inter$iew -

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