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ROSICRUCIAN FORUM A PRIVATE PUBLICATION FOR THE MEMBERS OF AMORC, THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER THE SALUTATION OF THE DAWN ieee war hareo ‘And every fomortow 9 von of hope. From the Sanstrit THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM IS PUBLISHED SIX TIMES A YEAR (EVERY (OTHER MONTH) BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICATION OF THE SUPREME ‘COUNCIL OF AMORC, ATROSICRUCIAN PARK, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, ‘SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, ONE DOLLAR and SEVENTY FIVE CENTS ANNUALLY FOR MEMBERS ONLY w te! vuvvvvVVvVVV VV vee suo Number 1 ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM The Purpose of this Publication vvgv We take pleaue in presenting to our member cour newest periodical with the hope that i will prove tobe 8 helpfol and irate a has een Eisputed by the hundred of member who ave fuged that we fave such a magenc as thie Unie our eter publeatons, The Roscractn Forum is to be lined t0 priate creation among ou ative members exluely In yo wll Gnd thas dicunins, explanations comments Bed anporations fo our wort and teaching, which, iteofore, awe bean given in pronal convert tins and pate ca nrocton by the per Stor, For eves yeas the Imperstor bas hed {ily or weekly dicamion persis wit varous rrr in the option Each of ee workers Set ace ears aed each i in touch wih a dlaie pve of the ror throughout the country, whic brings im contac with the member in coonestion wih “tsiousprolems and te appleaton ef ou prin pig an egy impact Noe af te personal wal pats trots given rece et cee ‘ance members wl be (Sad in is publcton, Heese, wo that all of our members may have the bene of he experience and higher Under ffanding of our teachings Tn aon to this the prcblems that arue‘n connection withthe Compakensn of our teachings and the ppl: tin of thee princes by the average member, teth here and abr and the Tneening fet tg ae on te ing Sd ai nd expres inthe mas lel be ned thar patel ery Bt of personaly dicated by the Imperstr in his con Serna ale and th a mans to bring out he Sent oine and racial methods fos ear tod fasting mane. No oece waved with ling introduction ot lage tics wo the vans sti and otc a fen wa oly lated captions. ‘At the end of each yea, we vl supply each eaecer with an alphabetical index OPE the scbjec covere in the ine for the Seat, fall ofthe copes and hind ae ound together a the end of a yea, wl onatate 4 rel enclopedia of Resirucan infortation ot tobe fond in any of the lectures bonuses ‘pel mature Ie is undertod that ech member will consider this publication ss he considers his lectures and Keep each copy private and confidential, and neither Toan fe to" other members, of strangers, Oran Be i own peso ‘We wl grestly appre comments fom you regarding ths frst ise and any suggestions 8 to fopics which should be treated in fuure ous ‘Address sich letter wo the Forum Editor care of AMORG College, San Jom, California. With these few introductory words, we send forth thi new mesenger of light, and hope that it will prove to be real lumintion for you. Condy and frateraly, “Tae Departs? oF PuBLicanio. Greetings 1 am happy to have this opportunity to gree cue members through the chanel of our newest, publication, Thave not had an opportunity to read {hough al of the matter tat i to appa inthe Sa aca Cam not quite ure of how mich of 18 mein or ad Sys ae headquarters in my poate cles iraction fave been taken down by the enograpers and prepared fr tha publication I do know, however, {hse ie i areal joy to resice hat hundeedy of ‘ther members f'nce-dhousnde of them, wl ventvsly haw this pec information that has retort been limited to thea who ase from te to ime in my study for private instruc Ment of the mater diced in the sen lectures, inamuch ast deals with personal probe Jems, or with matters diconnested fom the points Inthe graded lectures On the ether hand, every fone ofthe discussions has ben led with intense Alf oly en the cl Bt robles of cur mentee and the dicusion of the teachings with those who ate che most ad- ‘anced, that we have been able to bring out ofthe “Shadows many important points that have hereto fore scemed insigieane ti oly through tet and application that we come to realize the true Inportins and power of sme of our pipes "Therefore T greet each one of the reader of this publieaton and welcome you ingo my personal fathering, not aban eavendropper, but atone rho ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM deserves to, have this information, and were it ‘not for such a publication as this, the possiblity Of contacting the knowledge brought forth in these private dicasions would be meager, indeed ‘May peace and power come to each one of you and bring you joy and happiness Fraterally, DR. H. SPENCER LEWIS, Inerexaron. A Talk with the Masters Ie is a dificule thing, indeed, to attempt to convey to the minds of eur members any idea. of the magnificence of the thoughta and ideas ex ih even a ahort inter with the Mas Rit of the Great White Lodge. Such converss tions occur only in the most spiritual moments fof ones life, when there i the most perfec and hsolote Cotmic attunement, and when the one Who receives the message isnot only worthy Ind ready for a new truth or a new principle, bot is oo attuned that the conditions are sti factory t the Masters Ie isonly through such contact and such mes sages tint the leaders of the Roscricin work fd the highest developed members are kept ade ied of exer maths, ewer oem, anger Explamtions ‘of univeralprincpley and. more fpf ides. Te is my privilege to state here, briefly, the i port of avery recent interview with the Masters ‘The subject dealt with related to univeral condi ions pertaining to man's peace and. happiness ‘The statements given by the pret Maser were like a refreshing drink to a thirty body. The very coc wth th Maes wh ie the ‘ew was italzing, inspiring, uplifeing, and i. Tpimting, ‘The questions in'my mind concerned the conditions of unrest existing no only here ia ‘America but in many European countries. On all ‘Ses, we hear that parts of the world are propa ing fora greater war and for aecfe and tru tion. "Weal hear that the unre in Russa is {0 spread throughout many other lands, and that financial monarchs are sccking to cain. greater ‘ontrl of the finances of many lands and thereby ‘ripple and injure the financial standing of many ‘ations and many individual We bear ll sorts ff romors and all sorts of belies, and it i only paar doe eu ko Ew from, igher and dependable sure just what is realy about to happen, , * ‘The great Master explained to me carefully tha the world oday i in no more unrett than vwas a hundted years ago or many hundred years ‘go. He pointed out the fact that the musing of Page 3 the concoues of the average human bing i responsible for a quickening of his percept and a eener realization of the weakneses of man-made systems by which he ie governed, or by which attempts €o govern others, The Master explained that this quickening and awakening of the con- sciousness in accordance with an. evolutionary Cycle that moves forward in progressive steps, each ‘Sep covering 2 period of ine years. When I ‘asked what relation tis cycle of nine years had to the other universal cycle of seven years, as are nade manifest in the individual life of human be- ings, he explained that the nine year period fell into certain intermediate phases ofthe other cycle ‘when man could best cope with the conditions. THe said, for instance, the frst nine year cycle ‘would end toward the middle of a second seven year perod, and that the end of a second nine year cycle would end in the middle of a third even year period, and the third nine year cycle ‘would end right after che beginning of a fourth Sen en periods hat only stay ‘would the ending or beginning of a nine year period occur close to the end or beginning of a even year period, and that when this did occur it was a very signifcant and very important period of change. He explained that right now a nine year period and a seven year period are coinciding in their ending and beginning and that this is responsible forthe very univeral changes in the Consciousness of man. Hee pointed out t0 me that ven in far nations, where tres of leser evolu- tions live and where there is litle contact with the modem world, there is much evidence of the ‘effect of thie cycle and many startling changes are being mide by these people as a result of the awakening of a higher consciousness in their beings. He assured me that the preparations for war row going on in some lands are the aftermath of the great confit just passed and are really part of the evolutionary proceses looking toward mare ftable and peaceful conditions He assured me that the erroneous principles now held in mind by the unthinking or illogical reasoning persons of [Russia would be greatly modified during the eom- ing year and that a number of failures in the plane these people had artificially created would point out the efror in their conceptions ‘The most hopeful point in his message was to the effect that the present financial conditions throughout the world are teaching men and ‘women the error of the false valuation that has ‘been placed upon money. He illustrated this by pointing out che fact chat in a numberof parts of Europe great nations of peoples ace lexrning that there is more happiness and contentment in in ddstry than there isin idleness and the depend fence upon money to purchase happiness oF con Page 4 ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM tentment, He said that already the governing ipouph of many conti are realing that & money standard for power in a country is an frrongous etandard and that a spiritual or intel- Tecual power at least can easly supplant the money power and overrule it, He slated chat rnaturally these people would learn that to the tame degree that intellect can enslave money, 69 spiritual power in the being could enslave or over- ‘ole the intellect. In regard to health he ‘out the significant fact that the Cosmic vibrations Ihave recently become more instructive again after having passed through a period of what we would term destructive, a6 a phase of evolutionary changes neoesary in the scheme of things. He fuured me that in many lands, where epidemics land many other forms of Cosmic transformation had taken place, there would now come increased health, peace, and happiness. In spiritual macters he ex ‘that many surprising revelations ‘would: come through prominent educational lead- ers and scientific schols, bringing closer to man ‘comprehension the spiritual fundamentals of life, land chat the tendency toward gross materialism on the part of many minds would gradually lees during the coming cycle and more attention bbe paid to the spiritual and cultural development ‘of man’s best interests He spoke of certain personalities that would reach the ultimate time of their present earthly incarnation, during the next eycle, and of many changes in dynasties and political ruerehip, which wal bring eda fo the minds ands of tmultitudes and a broadening of the political prin- ciples in many lands ao ‘All in all, the interview revealed that 2 great change staking place, principally in the Occiden tal world and especially in North America, where the leading characters are being impressed with the necessity of avoiding any consideration of Contracts or agreements binding others to peace, for the very nature of such agreements i to limit the freedom of a people, or of any individual, in a rightful expression of a peaceful attitude and tends to bring disatisfaction and a sense of polit cal enslavement. ‘Thus the Master spoke and revealed his int- mate contact with universal conditions and the hearts and minds of all human beings. Perhaps in one of the next interviews I have with one of the Masters I may be permitted to quote in his ‘own words some of the more defnite statements that are usally made, but I am glad to be able ‘report even the general sense of such messages in a publication for all members such as this volume. Cosmic Consciousness Let us spend a few minutes today in considera- tion of the marvelous benefits that come from Cosmic attunement. Sometimes I become dis Theartened when I read the letters from those who are new onthe Path and are ju xing to Understand the principles and law of the spiritual nature of man, Every litle obstacle that arses in their lives constitutes a problem which they seem fearful about overcoming and they seem to mag’ nify the importance of the problem and always feck come help of a specific nature. How T wish could talk to these members for just a few min- ‘ues and point out to them the futlity of special {ation when it comes to any consideration oftheir ‘personal problems. One man seeks to change his ition, or may be out of employment and is now ace to face with his own desires to have a difer- ‘ent or better occupation. He looks upon his prob- Tem as being a speci, separate, independent thing that is inno way related to his general life affairs ‘The next person finds a physical condition of some kind and this he magnifies into a monumental entity. dissociated from all other affairs in his life. And so I might go on and enumerate a thou sand kinds of personal problems that cofsttute obstacles to peace and happiness, health and pros perity, in the lives of different persons. "The one who is ill feels that he needs the spe- cial asintance of a special expert on health. This fs because he has made his problem a specialty ‘The one who is puraled about a problem in bus ness believes that he needs the help of some busi- ‘ness expert because he has made a specialty out of his litte problem. And so we might goon and ‘ay that the thousand problems found in 2 thou- sand different letters are viewed a8 a thousand ‘separate specialties or distinct situations so un- amociated ‘with any other problems in life that they muse be coved through special advice and through special attention. ‘Now the truth of the matter ie that Cosmic attunement would help all of these persons solve their problems because the Cosmic i all inclusive and, Viewed from the Cosmic point of view, all of these one thousand problems are merely phases fof the one and same problem, Cosmically speak: ing, there is no difference between a condition of ‘the body that is classed as ill health and a eon- dition of the social world, or the business world, oth nancial we” Any eatin at an le to peace and happiness is merely 2 prob- Tem no diferent from any other so far a6 the Cosmic is concerned, “The great lesson for the new student on the Path to learn is that by developing the Christ consciousness within and by attuning with the Cosmic principles, the entire being of the persoo, THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM Page 5 28 wll as his whole worldly contacts, and all of is personal problems are ied up int spiritual Conupltenes that places them beyond any earthly {Stegory and breaks down all of the clasateatons Sou detncions with wich man has eurounded inal "The new student should learn that by taking his problems to the Cosmic notin their earthly details and. with their special names and tiles, ‘Sasieation and lnitaton, but in hoi broader ene at mere lxtales to happiness and power, ely od ep and Cham nation in the form of practal a the frst place, we have found in thousands cof cates in which we help out menbers tht the ‘eal ease tack of cei problems ioc nthe lle ‘etal that they present in their letere but in the lack of spiritual "and Commie sttinement. Take the Gre problems tat come to you i the work of helping the members, Take, for iaance, the one ‘who appeal to you because his health 3 the mo- Inert Wbelow par or abnormal insane way. He Werte to you and talks to you and tll you of the eymptams and of the over manifedations, He wey likely tlle you the name of the dias by wile the does has aed i Hl may ever Bo wo far aso all you the epee remedie that ove doctor has recommended. All of this means ‘athing to you and ie should mean noting vo him. By whatever name his physical condition may be Gaignated in mecical cence and by whatveer fymprons he may examine his condo to load {ae or casly fy the one outstanding fact remains that bis ‘whole being i out of attunement with the Comic Complete Coenic attunement would Immediately eliminate the cause and, therefore, iminate the manifestation of fe and no furhet Consideration would be given to either symptoms or teminology, ‘Take also the man who ts con” Emned about his busines ccupation because Ie Ainprofable or changeable, or undesirable, or tomething ce We need not be eonoerned ith ‘eho his employers are, or who they were, or what bis occupation vas, ot the salary he received, ot any of thee deta, for if che man it improperly teployed, or unapply stated, or out of ex Ployment’ ently, the real caute te due to his being out of Coatic attunerent, ‘The ster who ‘writes to you and tells you ofthe unkappy social life that she has or of the problems she has of a domestic nature heed oe go into al of the deals Sand tell you of every cross word that hae Been Spoken or every liste problem of her care of the Thien andthe hae Tf he i ok peaceful, and beautiful and happy, i is because Teor kat, i not the others inthe Rome, are vr of Come attunement. "You know that in taking care ofthese problems, cour fst effort always i to bring the person Eack into spiial attunement with the Cosmic. We ‘annot do anything for them until that is done, Sid we know that in seventy Ave percent ofthe cases the moment we begin to attune thse per {ont with the Comic and bring the Commi in dtrunement with them, that a change begins to {Ste place in their pecblems, and fam then on mates move rapidly snd we find that their de Stes become fulfilled condone change and all of the outer manifeations ae gradually mode Bue why thould te be neosary for us to do this for the modent when he is more capable of doing i for hinelf than anyone cle’ know that iis because these students cher donot know what to door the common tai ia human nature ito place faith in someone elie and rely {pon extemal help, T suppose we ean never com. peel eliminate the old trait of human natare Of relying upon some superior person or group of persons or some specai or experts todo fr ut ‘Shar we could do for ouecves” That i we ca bot eiminate it excepe by training the pesos to fave fat in ther own ales an powers, With the ecaden just starting on the Pat, iis rather ‘ical to hep him master his ova conditions go theo hi own pws an that ‘shy he eo genenly lean upon the organization ‘or Upon the higher members and offers. Bat we ‘sd be mindful of the laws and principles i: ‘wolved and remember tiat continuing to-do for these new members and continuing t help them ‘without pointing ou how they could do the sume ‘ing thenoelve wil tnd ineease their de pendabiity upon others and fal tp teach them the leona th they should Team. Let us there’ fee make race ne lp thee men without a¢‘the same time polnting out them bow they can do che same dings that we do tnd do them ore eficienly. “Ther isin each of us the Christ consciousness and i only nes awakening inorder to serve ut well. We muse make ourscives at one with this Gri conslousnes and become spintunlized in covery sme if we want to keep i good health, prosperity and happines, Point otto cach mem: ber toepend sme lite time of each day, even if {tis only five minutes, in turning his thought in- trary to the heights of transendental atune- Ient,”By forgetting all wordy things, even the sworkly penonalty, and eliminating the outer elf, che cuter name, the outer environment, std all of the outer contacts, and becoming js pure ‘pint of infake good love, bappines, wistom, ahd power, the whole being of the peron i tated in ebline power dat purges the fe for the time beng of any of it prolems and gives the soul and character strength to meet any cia: and sf the tame tine eliinates all of the Sweakneses of the fesh and all of the conditions THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM hat ae anoying tone, Sit moa Ia insite fort the prviege to bscome one with Gad ad wth the God nso ond {Be int of Chri inthe Cone tat hus been fiver totam athe grata beets ofthe Bivine Mind, Teach she mers to we ti and to pinto thy ence ata one per day hy fd htm only a hei problems saved but many othe are prevented income Ing ico hei es for hee godess love and ham pene abe thre cafe no son no bch ne pan, and wabappines ‘Theoretical Metaphysics a wai cetera eee Sear aces Peg ihre ree eran sun ees fejsercata coors ‘clude all of the lative theoretical principles ayer eee Seco aoe Soe mae terse from lecture platforms in the years that have franc tees Saan ee iihammamurangese eee fie ates eg Solace me Seetorahiiay auecs ‘beneficial thought. hay mg fe et sla ae cat Peco eaaeaiee eee eee Soa retesaee trees oc kore cteerwrare! tees to make ovr work of practical elp just ax Jesue {hd during His etine Jesus propounded the feceasty for being pure in heart pre in mind, fd pure in body if the Kingdom of eaven was to be attained, but He didnot sop there, but fo Towed such recommendations with actual demon: ations of how to be pure in mind and body, 4nd He showed them how to east out the devs ‘of esl thought and sin and sicknes, instead of Teaving them to speculate upon how ie was to be done Speaking of leaders of other thoughts uniting with os bee of our pracial work, lt me read fo you a leer T recived thie morning Te froma woman who i an ordained engywonan fand who fas had under her eae an inition for ihe teaching of divine metaphysca ‘She had ‘number of coures of instruction and ber seudents were tudying what they flived to be very val ale principles of divine metaphysics Some Hile time ago se joined the AMORC for the purpose of besoming better acqained with the reser Ktnowiedge porcsed by our organization. Now she has tended herelf with Toa ledge in Addition to Keeping up ber tudes inthe National Correspondence work merely Tor the sz of afew tmonhe of contact with other members during ier trav in the wet. She says in this eer “have now changed my mind and have md- deny eslioed that metaphyin, a2 commonly faugh, fas no practical foundation and dat 1 fave no right any Tanger to ask my pupil to pay Fity ena Mandeed dallas fra courte a cere ‘which are euly not worth che paper upon which they are typed. Ihave found tat aiming health, sweat, lve homey and friendship i wrong and that th authors of auchscoures on How 10 At trace Riches and How to Seek the Soar Pes fr How to Get What Yoo Want unully ied jin extreme poverty or are living, shall we say, by their stuaion. T dave personaly found this to bethe cae” ‘This is « frank, confeaon frm one who rel- fae afters considerable experienc, thatthe sob of divine metaphysics, as usually taught in eo Spe ar tein wah bee eines Sy cours, b purely speculative and of no ac tual practical vale, and ie tows each student tack into ‘a portion where he has to place his faith in the power of metaphysical laws, which he has not learned to maser, for he is yet un- acquainted with practical laws which he might we and demonstrate, Let us always be thankful that the Rosicracian teachings have never been of this ature but at the same tne let us make sue that ‘we donot permit anything in our work to border upon the speculative and the impractical ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM Transition 1 now speak to you, my beloved member, on a very sad subject, for no matter how we may ew takin Ge an ene of mac the pytal eaparaton at flows, When's dear tne or loved one whore he compuntontip we Ave enjoyed itary Gay nr dye sate coon fora purey of rome wort acc rm the fn wl come to our eyes and thee wl Re fades in our hears ache pring Sach td tess ett any way scaled wt te ble the the patng m permanent or dt ene the fritenc of one oo eoing out immediate fporsu. So bah tain te sad reality ofthe fact tat ou uth and out Knowledge coe to cu ese and cone Uy and {he all cma ge. wate ce ot now ‘Saree death Teall of your dealings with members of the natation fo in you Cpa tence, arco and worker in ie ng fd of the figher sien there i nothing that wil come tnt yur immense alin for your hele eared manittaton othe se of trharecd than heel fr aympathy an understanding on ihc os eer a wed th 3 Capencce af pring wih one who Was ttt Steer ‘We shuld abrays be happy that our echings have removed fom out hears and minds the fat of death ranaton that ro gray inculated by the various religious doctrines, It is absolutely tt hat whl mao he eigen and churches {tay Feely preach she ting tht that ‘Ahr is no death the Gone and feral ritual and Imanyof the theca pound ‘Simone and fess cnt tothe hoor that {awe increas and min earings eat Epon infer Many of tha neue pase Sean cea fla sepete nthe churches iShe he though chat there so dato ann Baton, no lmplee separation of ay persone ality, characte, and existence ofthe pyc! Body tine of tant," hy may Sho ae eligi dev ae so a nd sue great the ne of ranston ape proaches, Our teachings plainly show us, and Eondreds of dentition ‘which we can make inthe wes grade pening t natral tnd spina lave pve tows tat he peony of rk ne of os ay the conte pat of out sul Sees cee erty andthe exerioce oly 4 ngs for grater edo tnd gree apr Sort dhe tne of tramiton It & ot tue tha fer transition Ge Body sto dst eur tnd the sou despa foregone The sul neve ‘Shep, eter whe ocrnated the, phys Raye hen sled to pital esdom. Ths never unconscious of itself, its environment, oF the contact thas made, The real self of man 2 sentient knowing peroality, tht is comisan fall shings for ever and ever. This chought this fact, this Gemonstrable principle of the souls na: tore the one outing consolation and en Souragement throughout one ives, Nataly i felces tention or death of te ing andre thoves the cause for tat intense sorrow and that Incontoable grief that comer to te hears and rminds of those who do noe know these facts and ‘eho believe the popular thoughts pertaining to Tam happy to, athe fact that our teachings have Cand ee aie truth ie Green) itinevisbe. "Today, the more popular of meta: Thysial and mystical teachings of the Occidental fr Western world tend to incest he fea inthe Tears and minds of thelr codent ha if the nde ‘idl ive property, think properly, and cary on drth the proper spitual Gndertnding, tana Ton may be postponed indeSnitely. If thi ide i fot contcoutly fealzed in the hearts and minds OF hy a lea hve thee a ttandbon at any time and in any circumstances i fomething that ould have been avoid, and is tRerefores vegetable and an indication of negli fence or ignorance. Such a thought docs not add {Othe cay of the gf an sore on the part of thoe amochted with the one who paseo, for it brings torment to the heart and mind of the one wo i face to face with the posaiity of trantion, With our understanding that tra Stion ws incvable at some time inthe fe ofeach tne of un the only mystery tht we face incon sn with atin at of She in and he Tanne, That some must pass on young in life nd others later consitutes a problem that Srorty of our comideraton and demands of x tention to the manner of our lives and of our living tht we may cooperate with nature's ws and poke none of thom ey cnt {othe cause that may” bring about transition Sooner than we anticipate. But sine tation i ‘neviable in ou lives, the bese we can dois be prepared fort and to acept the fat wen conte witht question and without in any degree finding in te calla reason Yor 3 rican of our conn lives of a ett of natural and pirical Prindples "To the one who lives propely and ‘hv ng fea of he grat cane an who jaye ready to pase though the rest exper Enc, the coming of tans i not sniipted ‘with fear oF with any exten ofthe divine wit kom cat decides: Tiss nots with thoe who do not underdand the real caure of tension, aed tho fae bmn ed lat Ged a tray and impsvely places his finger unexpect- edly Upon eath of us at we tine in our eee THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM and willa che tranition to oocur without reon and without conformity to a higher eheme of thine pli od in your contact wth the men rs eapecilly the fn the lower grades who may look to you for belp, advice, and coneclaton at various tines, that when transition has occurred Jn's family and some loved one bas pase from Byseal contact wh them, chat there i desire fn the par of thoe who af srrowed fo want to now whether ll means of conta with che sul of the departed one are broken and whether ft pone to sense the soul tat sll exit, May T ees party of tg You te iy and iol, ose cue and our Principles reveal inthe higher grades nd inthe Arendred of experiments tat we have made and which most of you have made here fo your ex Jerinents and demonstrations under my discon ‘ge aul of the ae tat has Jot paced rough transition doesnot immediately pa off into pace tnd sar ito the aime heights of a. spiteal iingdom, far out of contact with those ‘on this earth plane, excepe on very rae oceasions, and then only when there no woth forthe sul fay on and no strong te to hold them in con” {iar with anyone here: We have sen and. we rejoice in knowing that the soul of the departed fone lingers inthe envionment with which it has fen falar as an vale ad tangle frm (of consciousness for various lengths Of perio. Sccordng tothe purpores which may be served ilove is he slver Cor that hols thee sols met cdosty and forthe longest tine in cloe compan fondip ‘with those of this plane, “The conse paws and een intellect of the soul jst released From a. physical body ie aware of the sulfering, the sorrow, and the sadgea of thow who have ‘witncsed the transition. ‘Ta the sume degree that {ome of those persons or one of them & loved by {he soul and all loves the personality that isin stl, that same degree will the soul ae Jn close paychic and mental contact to speak in the heart and to whisper inthe soul of the loved ones here auch words of sympathy and under standing as they may hear or may feel If there ‘Some mystery surrounding the tranation, sone unsolved problem of exe, ume important mat ters that wil fee the lives of thow who remain, She al a a cc and tino, tinge the nigh acon, fo gue ‘ght thinking to reveal the proper coune, and In every och way ain adjusting and seraght ning aut tone entanglements which may ate others seriously or for a long period. But it will ‘Specally seek to console the achng hearts and toric them know in moments of mediation and ‘eltaton tat th coneiounes bap at ceed to exis, thatthe soul's personality as not been annfited, and that thee truly no death, Hence you should explin to those in such so row that by reicng tothe snctuns ofthe ome, entering into Coane atunement by relation 2nd concentration, hey can pen thei ears and eine te ocr dhe ol a trying to eablah. Through lent medi tation and an open mind iced fom any though of religious dectincs that ae contrary t0 thie thought, and freed fom al ss and prjuice of any Lind the soul of thee who ae in sorow can ie htuned withthe wu hat lingers lowe se hand ‘And, when the soul that has semsied for time to administer to the srrowing ones Sods that it has gradually adjomed the conditions and tabled the loved ones to Fea the physical separ faton that has eakon pac, wl grads {> greater heights and widen the spintel Space that exists between them, without in any sense sradening the, phyial epace that man suds 0 inlieve exes betveen hit and the spirit king. dom. "The sul wil atune fell with the higher Soul and’ wil well in that divine ecstany that feanscende all human thought. Te wil noe reach clown and attane ial with she Tower plane of if, tae may be revcfed to others or that i ‘may communiate t them, but ie wail urge the Ting up of the soul and mind of those who are fn earth to that Conic tenement and pra festdence where alla one and where souls may Commune with ane anaher egardes of physeal fneamation ofthe absence of Therefore, point tut to your brothers and sister, a8 you contact theo in these coeions thst by attning wth the Cathedral of the Soul, they ht themstes up {0 the spiral realm where al sone soul and Svhere the personalities and minds of ose who Ive departed are as one mind snd enc seal and here they wll nd thee loved ones in hoghes Symbolized in form and in words that spk #0 their hearts unmistakably. Thousands of our met ters have rjced inthe contacts they have made with loved ones inthe Cathedral and have feen furprised to find that some of these were with thowe penons who had paned through the great hg any, es ago Bt i nly toh Slovan fo the igh ofthe pal Eingom that he can mae this contact and know that there fe continous le and thatthe loved ones of the past have never censed to exe. He cannot count {eign ‘them down 10 hin and he cock i'n dipeod pon te novatle coda ibe Ife himoal to their height t0 their porenes, nit ther spirualpowerthroogh prayer, med tation, and Connie attunement. "Wit 3 glorious thing i isto be able to bring euch words of ope, Snd'rength, and consolation to ove sorrow ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM and saddened brothers and sisters at the time ‘when this help is most needed. Rejoice, therefore, inthe get tus that have come to sand have ‘atu lav, which has enabled us to demonstrate these principles and learn of their goodness. Dieting Have you ted the sghteen-day diet and di covered thie principal objet to help the Ssle of grapefruit Have you changed from cof fee to ume adverinedsabatutes oly 0. find that jou could make a beter substitute out of pulvered Soe from fs? Have you bought one Feok after anther trying to find out how to Bet thin, or how to get fat or fave You been ons of those expectant Scher, and searched in vain for 2 ches thar would give you extreme apisivalty? Dieting is becoming 2 fad in America Bot foe new one. Tknew well the man who took ad tanage ofthe fad to get thin many, many years go, and he wrote a book that made him popular Sih the pullic and with the resiing eller at Ths tank, “He called che book, “How to Ext and Grow Thin.” Up to that tine, everyone was tell ing everyone ele how to stop eating and grow thin, and he became the saver of nation over night and the best friend that fat people ever had. ‘Thouands of our members witeto me and sy “There must be something tothe subject of dee ing but Tea’ nd the righ det” They ae per Feely eight in believing that there is some funda: trend truth back of all det. Tan not ell them ow to ge thin, for lama ving example of one who does nat know bow. But imagine that T ould get very thin if T stopped eating ori Tate only thee things that would produce no fata al in ay par, Gu tk Tea ave 0 tae paper and chile "and. stop dcoking water. ‘They uy tha ita peala ting but one that i ly noted in ery rena pd th thatthe ett persne ae lvays fond of potatoes, tread, and pcs with lots of whipped cream pled up high The truth of the mater ir that tie cate such pesos like sch hinge tat they ae ‘tout. The soutnese docs not make them tke these hinge but—wel, you know what T mean Fundamentally ei absolutly true that soutness is the rent of our eating. Our bodies are built from what we eat and if we do not eat much we Chk Bul op mach iy he sy of Bs you rant to ep Your body thin you mst prevent the body from receiving the materi with which fe can create fat and tht material i fod of any Kind” Bvery person has a Jefnite and: dnct bie in mgd the core dit and no fun {Einental rule as been invented confining a ua wera diet forall stout persone or for slender persons. I Know many slender persons who eat more beef steaks and mashed potatoes, and more pics and whipped cream, and ice cream, than any fof the stout persons I have ever met and, if they ‘were to gain a pound, they would lose it aga through the extra effor. necesary in carrying it around with them. oie of inne i du oe nil juncioning of certain ands inthe dnd ‘With some persone the glands that produce fat seem to work overtime and vil eur even water into flesh ‘and fa, while with others the glands teem to refuse to produce any fat at all regard {essof what eaten Slnderness may aso be duc to the sbnormal functioning or ubaormal opts: tion of some parts ofthe body without indicating the exitence of any disease or any real unhealthy ndtion, andthe tame probably tre of those Seho are overly stout, Oaly 2 plisiian who i Familiar with you and your constitutional health, snd who bas areflly eve your health and Your habits vera period of = mumbse of year {ea specs who can lesen these facts about you {ns few weels tine through an elaborate sytem of analysis willbe able to preseribe a special dit that wil prove fatto your requirements But {0 far 38 aprivality is concerned there are only 2 few principles of dit that ae of any come Guence tis unquestionably trac tht the pron Wo eats lo of fleshy foo and lange an hex Ines wills affect his ood presure and a> at fect his boy that if he eae often in this way, oF regularly in auch a manner, he will unquestionably Prevent the payee side of is ate fom Being {HE functor nuh the comet ie has with the cbjetve physical part of his ody He wil be zo evened lh ord ad with earthly vibrations as isa man who i over loaded and” drunk ‘with aleohlle luo. Brery oe of our members who has had mich expenence Svthpapchic experiments knows that you can not, up Troms lrge meal and go into the allence or at in mediation and get good ruts. T can ‘ot even daver leeires tnd secure the cooper {on of Cosmic inspiration we Tam speaking, tf ‘ny stomach is filed with foo, For year whea traveled aroand vising our branches and chr ing before thorands of persone in varius ce, amy one hig problem ‘wat to avoid the scl Ings dinner to which T sax invariably ine ‘ited an hour of two before Thad to go upon the Platform to speaks My hes an hoses thought thats as prt of tele plite doty to fnvte me to their homes or some her place to enjoy an elaborate fest wth ether invited gusts Thad to revo to all sorts of diplomacy fo avoid eating snore han a few mouthfuls If T refrained frm eating all through the day, then in the evening I ould go upon the platform and in Tess than @ Page 10 minute attune myself to the Cosmic and let the ‘Masters speak through me, eloquently and with- ‘out any preparation whatsoever. In hundreds of ‘euch cases T have listened as intensely co myself during the lecture as anyone in the audience and knew as little about what was coming at did the ‘others. But this would not have been possible if Thad eaten and specially eaten of flesh food, ‘But ehis does not indicate that all my life T shoul live on angel cake and water or on almonds and honey. T have material work to do that is severe call upon my physical energy many hhours of the day, and T have to maintain extreme vitality and healthfulness in order to carry on for the many hours out of the twenty-four as my ‘work demands, and T have to maintain my mate- alas well as ny spictual magnetism, and health, and vitality, therefore [eat all foods with reason, ‘aneness, and care. Jesus did not confine himeelf to vegetables but ate meat, ais found inthe Bible, and we do not find in any of the real and true ‘writings of the Great Masters any statement that meat occasionally eaten, or eaten with discretion, ira bane to spintuality. Man's phyeical compost” tion and the whole arrangement of his physical body, from the special teeth in his mouth to other organs and parts of his body, proves that Nature {intended him to eat some’ meat. When man evolves where meat is no longer a requisite by him he wil be born diferently and have a difer- ent body than he now has. If you find that cer- fain foods do not agree with you, leave them alone. Te is absolutely true thatthe chemical na- ture of some foods are not agreeable to the gen eral chemical composition of some bodies. Toma- foes and cucumbers da not agree with the chem: intry of some physical bodies; with others they do agree in a beneficial way. ‘The same can be id ‘of many kinds of fruits and vegetables. There are feertain meats that some persons should. not eat under any circumstances, But cach individual must learn for himself what is best to eat, and ‘what should be avaided, and how much to eat and when. iving the Faith ‘Aver alli sid and done, why are all of us snaying thee lectures and lesions wth this laws and principles? Is it merely to become familiar ‘vith nature's principles ao that we can pat ae telves on the Bick and sy: "I Know more abo ‘ature’ laws than my neighbor and Tam very smart in such knowledge” "The intelectual com- Prceion of the Tete unguialy es EGnally concerned, I would jst ae leave have no Such Burden of knowledge to carry around with ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM ime if I did't put it inc practice or couldnt find 2 opportunity of using &- "And what your fath worth? You have faith that thee laws and principles are true, but dvs that faith go far enough to kt you tet fe and prove that they are true? Have you faith enough {n-what you have been swaying tsk your ie fn any one ofthe principles being true? "That i the important point. We mut live the life we fare studying if we are going to make it worth while to'un We have thousands of eens in fur organization who read the lectures and le fons and lean how they may cure themselves ot relieve themeaves of certain physical or mental Conditions, The members while audying thee principles and reading about them, shake thee Reade and say: "Thats fe, Tei wonderfl to ‘ow these things!” "Then the minute they have 2 headache ora toothache or some other Kind of fan ache, they either callin the doctor or some Specialist or send 2 telegram and Teter to the Welfare Department and atk for a treatment ‘We, bere at this end of the line, ten around and te the very principles that we are teaching to these members to help them to be cured. What Sxtonihes us fe tha thexe membere do nc spply the principles and treat themselves, We knovt that there are aus by the thous where the member sufers from conditions which he has not yet learned to undersand propery, and does not Enow bow to treat and it only logical, reson able, and senable for Uhem to winte to us for felp in euch cates. But when i comes to other conditions that are flly deserted in our lectures Sind leana and tnaruion. given for the care fr treatment of hte conditions, we wonder there che member's faith when he writes 0 to have ut do for him what he could do for Himsl Our menbers al proclaim thet belief in Gad and inthe univeral goodness of the Cosmic Mind. "They have absolute faith that the Cosmic and the Mauters who work through the Cosmic Gan perform what others would call miracles, and they’ believe that ses posable through prayer, through sincere pleading, and through sttane ier contact thse Maen an the Go es when some accident happens or ah emergency in life ocsrs, many of these persons forget their faith, forge what they believe they have believed, and telegraph or write tous for help. Then we ‘must in tun appeal to the Coumic for help for them, Te ia roundabout way of working and, while the rele desired are produced, the fact Temaine tat the member is not living the faith a he dould. If you have no fath in thse teach ings or these principles, then you have an excel lent reaton for abandoning your staies and gi ing up your inere in the work. Ifyou want 4 THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM eosin ner 1 fry yous fh ot test when the opportunity fords feelf and learn fee hand what these principles wail do for you and what the Cosme will do for you. The Thor you depend upon others including ourselves, to help you in your predicament, the las 3 ted you will ever become with what che Genie will do dieely for you ‘Let me illustrate what I mean by reading to you a typical lester” T-want all of you in this {pei dy group of mine og into your heads aed consciousness he fact that ion by abane dloning all your od fale beliefs and throwing yourself heart and soul into the faith of theme Frincipls that you wil ever have the remarkable ‘SEmonstrations and sue thie you want. Here $5 lewer from Sister EY, who lives on 3 rural Tate outside of Lng Beach, California. Her le ter is dated Jone 8, 1930. ‘After expresing her Appreciation and the fact chat her heath and het Hsband's health is beter, and for many other Paratory to our announcement abut the Cathe- tal, and who have worked 20 éigenty in the pas sie months in msintning contacts with the conic ding all of the petiole of the day s0 that you would contace our members or eters ‘who atuned with the Cosmic now that you have Found. in. the Cathedral contac not only Girisians and tho of the Jewish religions, bt those who are Buddhists, Mohammedans, Brahe mang and every cast of Oriental and Occidental belie. "Think of the one grand sesion held on May 22 las when one of the Grand Masters of the’ Great White Lodge gave his benediction in Page 16 the Cathedral to the thousands who were in con- tact with kt Do you recall the Hindus who were therein hei Hindu costumes of reat varity and color? And do you recil the peopl of the Japa eve and Chincte race in thelr beautifl temple ‘bes? Do you remember how Jews and Gentes, Reman Cai a Pein Cat ad Roughts were there in union and_ unity?” Do you fecal how impressed we were with the mag. Aifcence ofthe splendor of color from various Costumes, th sinilitng lights of thourande of light aren, and the power of ch united via tion? And cereainly each ae of you wl remem berth festing of pene and unmet brotherhood anu human sldariey tat on in that congo tion of souls when the Great Master stood before them to give his benediction, No one present wat conscious of politcal ines of country of nations, St ee ee ee Ghat separste men and women into racer and re ligne There was no other thought but of peace aint unity and oneness with the Caste I Eno iat aT ood there the thought came to me that when the tine comes for nich congregations to trie on the earth plane there will never be any ‘more wars, for there could never even be the con epi of warn the mind and eats eps One of the several points that T want to am ages pn yur md hi tine tat we me io everything within our power to have our met ters understand that fe the very contact with the Cather that is of the geste ale, eis {nue that the periods for contact have been divided for convenienor'® sake ingo cert hours of the hy, aod tht these perode are alloted to certain Special benef But we must lave our menbers FRlize Gut the Cathedral can be contacted at any minute of any hour of the dy. ‘The Cathedral dors are never cowed, and Ihave not found one tinue in the day when there were not some who ‘were in deep and profound meditation there. We {an ot search the hearts of our members and de: ‘termine when they may have a cry in their souls for sich peaceful contact and therelore, we ct tot predetermine ‘what hours or minute of the Ay would be the best or mest convenient for them to make contac. “And it must be remembered that you and I, each one of ux have found much peace and strength and ilumination in contact With the Cathedral at minutes and hours of the thy when we lea expected that others were in contact with i, Ata boy [used to love Yo Seal SIvay from my games and my outdoor exercises nd ap into the church with which T was con” tested and st therein absolute sence, and think tnd mediate. T'was lew than sitesn years of age, bur T found peace and power in tat old THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM church, where many famous characters in Ameri can history had gone in sorrot, ris or even joy fd enthusaam, to worp and. pray ot give thanks T never fle alone ina spiritual sence, for shane ubilable Gu wa do Be fons You may well rele, therefore, what joy iis to me to occasionally make coniact with the Cathedral of the Soul when there is no eeu lar service periods and fnd there more of tho spiritual wbratios, moe ofthe Cosmic efulgenee, 2nd a minimum amount of physical companion’ ai Tane you to enuige the members to there san uige from within, There are moments in the dy when the lin ach one of wb for an opportunity to enjoy the contact with the Divine ttre frm which came, and these con tacts ae meat to the soul, They are bread and ‘water to the witaliey ofthe holy epnt in us. They aquicken the wpirtlity of ou brings and bring &S cower to God andthe heavenly host than sn {ermal ceremony in any cathedral. ‘They are ny dlgences granted tothe soul forthe ponpose of fGving the new life reyenetion and salvation So tal your members in all the departments of fur work to make contact with the Cathedral whenever they ate happy, as well af whenever they are id, or lonely, or perplexed. Tell chem to take ther joys and laugeer to the Cathedral, 18 wel as their tears and sgh “And el them f9 {ake thanks there and to come with their arms and fhands laden with «bountiful contribution, lowers of appreition, vo place at the altar of the Cathe™ ral Tell them that they should come to the CCithedral prepared to mest some strangers who ray be thereat an odd moment seeking consol ton, earthly bappines, ora kind word, and then, shen they fd thi ranger, conse with i and express the univeral companionship" chat iow wo frely from one sul to anther Here recently, thiscity, the Chamber of Com merce elected 4 group of its prominent citizens to act a8 hows a3 dinner to weleome into the Community one hundred forega persons who had recently become American citizens It was our Glty at hosts to entertain them a thi banguer Sand to show them that, regardless oftheir place of birth, of their tongue, or their language, their Sccupation, or the manner in which they were ‘rested, that they were welcomed into the come tmuniy’and greeted by the important citizens be Cause they had become American citizens ike ou Selves and were no longer dsnguished by any ther dasiieation. As I looked over the Eungost hall chat evening, Twas moved to tears when T thought of what it meant to these people from twenty-four diferent lands, dresed in ther native coutumes bue holding in dele hands a cericte THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM showing that they had been qualied and deemed ‘worthy’ of Amerian ctsencip, and as we Handed each one of them am: Americin fag and rected them, tears ce into ther eyes and they ‘Were apprecative of the California pint that ‘Sats ade all bares and sys 00 eath citizen, Now you are one of us and one wih usl™ That inva our members should don making contact with the Cathedral at any hour or any minute Many menbers sho have recently joined the Order, and hundreds who fave noe joined the Order but have been tol of the Cathedral and of is beneditions which are unlimited and un restricted go to the Cathedral of the Soul for meditation, for illumination, consolation, and peace. Eich day, more and more make the con {Ect and, when we or any of ur members find Strangers with te portal of this magnne Dees we should feel ae citiens of the Cosmic frecting anew czen that has qualifed and been tiemed worthy of entrance "We should immedi Stely go upto them, regariee oftheir racial cot ‘elopocnt ted gece hem ts ethers td ces Ina new empire the empire of the Conmic No ‘ne should ever come within the portal as a Stranger and go away without having had Kind swords and gesting from anyone who maybe presen "The next pont T want to touch upon ie that of the best meth for making such contacts. This seems to be the one problem that perturba far Percentage of our members each month. Our mail Pfc with leer from peroar who have not tmade a complete contact fe they would lke to Jhve made, and yet these represent noe over ve per cent of our tembership. Bu even eo, that Percentage represents a number of thousnds of ‘embers dhe onginiacon, and thete ae alrays few ones who come facet face with this roby fem, and many of the others overcome i Bach ay the mail alo brings letra from those who Sy, "At la I bave mde the contact and T'am so happy! have before me, for ineance, one fewer bere frm among other that was, jt Handed eo me before this clase sein began from 2 Mrs. G. Min Park City, Utah, She began her letter by saying: “My first real contact with the Cathedral of the Soul hat just been made 1Vb0 P.M. Te was indeed, 4 unigue experience. My wcle body wae infeed with» most delight ful freshnes and coolness and. seemed to” be feather in weight Ever ance my sition I have been tying to reach the Cathedral bt with cue renuts I shal seek further contact eager, for I fs that today's experience as been bene cial to-my psychic development” "This ltr typical of any, because i lus trates what we have tied fo tell our members in ge 17 correspondence and through various departments. Some of our members made the contact with the Gathedral onthe very ft tral. Others had to try a month or eo, With some the tial has gone on for many months, bu T have noticed from the Teter recetved that suideny, and often when leas expecting, the contact has been made by thowe who have kept on tying. I know that each fone of you has been asked by our members why Sis that they cannot make the contac. "This is 4 geen hat ilo ae, Ta ie a ow of no parila reason why a) be dlayed in inking the contact. There are only foo pourble explanations. ‘The fit & that some- {hing within the person of a poyehic nature or Something in the per’é mind of 2 plyal or tent nate i ot que ready or the Came not quite ready forthe contact, or, secondly, the tmember docs not proceed tn the right manger to take the contact” Pethape all of thse explana. Glos are trv, However have found thats lle Advice has heiped fer, and T want to give it to you >that you can past it along to others Inthe Tra plce thee should be no tempt onthe pact of the member to try to ee the Cathedral, or fel {or hear ts muse,or sense anything of fin the begining of their period of concentration ‘When we ly our heads gpon the plow at ight to goto deep in the ustal manner, we do nota ways try to watch how deep comes Upon wh 6 ow seep fnally overcamer us, or what the fit sage of slecp, or anything ofthe kind. We simply le down and close our eyes and abandon cur minds and thoughts to deep. Tn ether words, se give up thinking, we give op reasoning, ana iyzing. and simply abandon our whole conscious ess ¢0-—noting. Everyone knows tat thse who Iie down to goto sleep and have a scious prob. lem upon their minds or'who keep their minds ‘eruped with some line of though, preven them’ ‘elves from going to sleep. Reaching the Cathe. drat isnot ke gong to ep, but it does cal for complete relation nd complete absence of sna: igpkal thinking or reasoning. Ie doe ell for 9 certain. degre of abandontenton the part of ‘ur outer scien When we go to seep at night Soe Know that slep wl naturally come if we just ii down and become relaxed. Ta taking the on {act withthe Cathedeal we should st down and flax withthe conSdence that if we become re Tnsed we wil become attuned with the Comnic and gradually lifted up into conace with i Tes time’ enough to do out thinking and our analyz {ng and quexoning after the contact over, nd not Goring the contact, Many have writen to me tha ater they have suddenly fl themselves in contact withthe Cathedral, they have heard matic fr ele cerain vibration, they began t0 analyse ‘where the music was coming from and what kind Page 18 THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM of vibrations they were feeling, and the moment their minds became active che contact was broken ‘A contact with the Cathedral i not an objective physical condition, but a psychic and spiritual ne. The opirtal part of ouralves can be free t0 make such contact and rise out of the physical toy and ks limited conscloumness only by having the physical body and its bin become pacve ‘The least analytical thought in the outer mind eap the physical conciousness active and makes 2 prone of the aprtal elf win, “Therefore, ibe proper procedre ie simply to relax and think of noting, not even with anticipation of wat {he contact may be like If nothing comes of such {relation after fve minutes, there no arm dlne, But real Benet in the way of ret to the beady and mind and, on che other hand, i isthe auikest and ease way of the sell within $0 ‘take a fight tothe spiral realm and make the contact it seeks. Then, watever it may see oF hear, ot fel, should be accepted atthe tine at ite face value If one gets eonverstion wih an” ther soul in the Cathedral, quetions may be {ke and anwered, but there should be no quer Fionn of whether the contact is complete or na, ‘or how it came abou, or where ii and why. Tt there are strangers present instead ofthe one! ex pected, there should be no questioning about fe {nd no atte to change the condition to some: thing eae All shea ngs may be thought aboot and analyzed after el contact is over, eS isles way get the answer to your problem nd to fully undertand what i going on during the conte ts to acopt all ofthe conditions all ofthe impresdons at thelr fae value and allow them vo come freely and rapidly into your con: ‘lence during your contr and then analyze ‘hem afterward” Tell your members to ey thi process and ty it often not only atthe sated Periods in "Liber 777" but whenever thy have fn opportunity, day or night And remember ‘what I said at the beginning, that it is not always the phenomena that occur in the Cathedral that Ss important or beneficial to those who make such contact, bu ithe contact isl. ‘The moment the soul within‘ i allowed to vse and. make contac with the Cathoral, or even its environ snent, whether we can hear anything, sce any” thing, or fel anything, oe give the soul strength sober away td edo at newts and which it wes afterward in strengthening out bodies and bringing us happiness. 1 ve bane dreds of lenery reccved inthe pat ai motte from men and women who have fad phyla! and mental conditions relieved by the mere contact ‘with the Cathedral, eventhough at che tie they thd fc poking exape's sethng, a peace felness. Hundreds of others have had problems solved for themssives or their friends by making the contact and finding one word ora few words vwrtten on scroll or in blasng letters across the sky, Others have found che answers to questions, the advice, the sympathy, che guidance, or the help that they have wanted, trough just a three or four minute contact, even though at the time they were not fully aware of whether they were within the Cathedral or just outside of its portal ‘And co the good work goes on, and Iam happy to my that even from foreign cites, even fom the Gold Coast of Africa, the southern part of South Ameria, fom (Chi and aps rom ia and Persia, and from al parta of Europe, and even in the northern part of Alaska, letrs are coming showing that at most of the periods of the day representatives of the whole world and of every part of it are projecting and focalizing to one point in the Cathedral ofthe Soul and are united inthe bonds of “world-wide religious ‘thought anda univers spiritual principe through HE Gy intemal of comm ‘ations they have ever expested to find while liv- fing on ths earth. Tt is noe surprising then thae ‘we have received letters from clergymen and spi ial lade, and ll pint denominations, and from leaders of great movements, praising the Cathedral of the Sa ssn ofthe ‘nos beef and inspiring contibotions tothe epirtalplife ‘Tine’ though that has been mein hundeede ‘of years, and we should all be happy that this is AMOR letion burs pene oe pa invention, but a privilege on the Commie tat bas been ven tall of go and ‘hich we should foster and encourage and make 2 universal, world-wide meeting place ofthe soul of all mankind ‘Surgical Operations For many year ovr Welfse Department has rendered all Linds of help to ove membern and only one Franch of ts activites relates to phy fnd mental treatments, In the cours of ear, many requests are made to this department for fel in preventing sual operations orn se" ing the pation suey Shrough wane operation that IS absolitely nevenary. Reset, an ari was published in the “Rosicrucian Digest” dealing Sith pial case handled by the Welfare Det partment. It explained how an urgent call had ‘come by telegraph, asking us to try to prevent the nectaityfor'sn operation beau the woman wtho was threatened with this serous afi, aI ‘though seriously ill, could not afford an operation, Since she was the sle support of several children ‘Thearkte explained bow testments were en the eter, with the gel that whin twenty four ‘hours the necessity for the operation was removed, THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM Page 19 such to the surprise ofthe nure andthe doctor. “The res ofthat article appearing in the maga sine has been a veritable fod of sina telegrams Sand leters Ie appeats that thounnds of our foembers did noe realize the exten to which our Welfare Department can help our members in dire situations, but every department of our or fgnitation was quicly made aware of the fact ihe cur menber Ind red tat magne al, for the ‘correspondence legrams simply ssramped and we ere called upon to render ‘mote help during the following thirty days than ‘we had ever given in ane hole year of our past ais far as targa operations are Gn Now it mat he rare dat every oer tion is not preventable, for some operations are absolutely necesary. When they ae preventable, ‘we do our utmost to prevent them, and ina very Hg majority of the cs we ae ect preventing. unnecesary operations by changing the conditions and the cate ofthe trouble. Os: casinaly, bowever, some condition i allowed to 0 too long before we are informed about ie and In other cass our advie it not strictly followed and, in both circumstances, che result i that the atien taken toa hospital and is being operated tipon before we are able to do anything. In some ‘ofthe cass, the patient is persuaded by physician, hrs, or frends to go ahead withthe operation fn the bass that ti not a serous ane and that 1 ay in acordance with or ori may make the sitution more serous, even when they are major operation, but thee is this one futsanding fact, which we would like to impress ‘upon every one of our membres: When an opera: ton is necesary, i should noe be delayed, be is'not trac eae there are many small and lage, ox insignfcant and uninporane, pares of the bay that may be safely removed by an operation with ‘out leaving the body any the worse forthe oper tn, In the ie ples, there nota single gland or bong sofia o aus, or Br fan ‘onan, inluding the litle appendie, chat i not Importane to heal and a normal condition of the body. Nature has not done like architect and Indes often do and added aloe of fails and fancy litle pieces to the human body, which may bec avay or carved out and atl ave a per feetly normal and properly functioning body “Much i aid about the removal of tonal from the throat of children wile they are young, be cause they are s easy infected at times, of be Cause wien the child as a cold they Become en- larged apd annoying. ‘The claim is generally made in choos or by school nurses and physicians that such annoying things a8 toni should be removed arly in life "This sa serious mistake, and there fre very few caes where the removal of tonal from the throts of children have not affected the ‘mental, if not the physical, standard of the child Been adsooide are oe to be removed unless ab: telotely nccetmry, and the nocrosty should be determined by some unbiased speciale. Even ‘when the removal of some part of the body does ot seem to seriously afect the normal function: dng ofthe body, ther is stl tobe contended with the shock and fajary to many nerves arteries, and ‘eins that have to be exvered, and many msles ata bead mad rma me ee in thir functioning. Sul we sy that in soe cats bewcewo Sfer he ie nthe fytem and to change the normal tandard of the functioning of the body in order to take ov fom the body some diseased oF improper pare of an tngan, or part of the body, tht may cause more trouble as life continues. ‘By the treatments and work we do in cach cast, we certainly can noe interfere with any Sheolute neces, If through our treatments, the ‘eed for’ operation is delayed for awhile and itis found later on thatthe operation is necessary, fame gto ihe pt der By claying the operation through our methods, 20 injury to health can result, breaure or proces ia not simply one of delaying something that thould be done, but of bringing abou the delay through 2 change of conditions’ If we are right in vor treatments, and nature gress with ovr daseoa in the matter, the changes we bring about will remain permanent. If, on the other hand, the condition one cha muse eventually res in an operation because some part of the body i truly abnormal ar aman our chang of oto wl te but temporary sod will continue ony unt operation ts performed. Therefore, there is not tpomablity of «serious reste coming from such ack. find right here on my desk a letter that 1 wanted eo read t0 the members of the Welfare Gi ee at Headey Yr ial of ose pasing through your hands every day. This ‘one it from Dover, New Jersey, and reads a8 fallow “abou dee moth ago we sent 98 ee ‘gram atking you to help our lle chidren. The result was wonderful. On the aftrnoon of the ‘ame day, the children fell adleep for several hours, during which they perpired very fresy. ‘After avery long and quiet sleep they are feel ing very much better. My wile was surpass, but T knew exactly what you had done Now the doctor claims that, although they are well, the tonsils in the threat of one of them most bee: ‘moved because this was the origin of hs sickness, nd be wanted to remove the tonsils before I sent you the telegram. But, thank God, the childs twel and the fons ace not sore. ‘The doctor says Page 20 ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM that one of the other children should have an operation on his now because ie is dial for Hint bresthe Wha do you thik about this "This leer was writen by Brather S.A. and fs bing given immediate attention. You wal note thatthe brother speaks of the fac thatthe chi dren fetyperpited uring the sleep. How many Juande of Teter each month refer to that won: eal meat of rece peat Te ‘vas one of the mow surprising principles of out ork to me when Tass young lent of eur teachings T remeber well dhe fst neatment I fave to. frend, and in'a few minutes his wife fg me on he kop ad a hat he herhad & high temperate or a fever that ae indeed serous ‘She almost frightened me with her dscipion of it, Tauddenly realized that it could not bea fever bt the warmth ofthe vibra: tins creating cut imthe body. From that tne ‘nT have noticed, as have the rest of you, that ‘whenever you succesfully give a mental teat Inent toa peron whois lying down and relaxed, there isan inceawe in temperature either imme: ‘ately or, precily, three hours later For this rea, Tike to give most of my treatments at 11500 flock Se ‘nigh when T know that te patient it alee, and usualy around 2:00, 3:00, br 4:00 cidock they deslop « great swath and perpie ftely for several fours, and theo, as de temperate duces, ey find that they ae enely cued oftheir aches ot puna o the condition which was abnormal “Tere i juse one important point chat T want to emphasis right here teach one of you in my ‘Wallae Deparment, and I hope tat all of our smembers wil benef by this point. Thavealvays tmade ie practice to adv those whom Tam going to teat with the perspiing snd purging Processes to keep themeclves well covered or have Someone eae watch out fori forthe great ten: ‘dency dorng the night while ths temperate is {in them isto uncover themscver in bed or kick the covers ‘of unconsciouly, and inthis way fometines «chlor maenredotion of the em perature prevents a proper cure. Thad overlooked that fact in a few of my cari casey, apd vas ireatly annoyed atthe result for one of my early fatients arose in the midt Of the high tempers fire and’ went to an open window 0 ool off with ‘very. diastroue res, which necestated Crtnordinary trements, ‘Therefore, be sure 40 tel those whom you ae going to teat with the ponding proce Genk glam of cold water the [ese king before seeing By cold water T mean 2 gla of ordinary water a8 col 38 comes from ‘be faucet, be wth noi in. This water wl rnc ch system with some moisture during the purging process ‘But be sure aso, to ell them to se that they are kept well covered in bed FRaweia midnight and soc, forthe tempers fare rece at he purging roses compere Uy sunray and an howe tt the pate ean ape Tron is beds wal, ago about hs Mc around the Home witout beng chile ‘Ala our members who rte king for 2 tretment of any hind and want the ysem Se of Sy eae germs ine ‘Som or any prose of dlltepat that ay taling pace in some ongan of part of the bay Shout Sek ge od er Fefore ering ed nig fort eights afer they we see Shir (copra ost eter tocar Welfare Bremen eth in a oy Un tae and se hem tenet wl be prepared for the proces that wil goon "The remarabething above this i, hatin the shotan of aes whee we hae il ning the patients about the pearing the need temperature, arin the ee wh these heen sho were shendy eek in ed and omar unnce Chay to adv them got hey or th Sen who re atk hepa or sian thee bar alaaye ben the outanding demons thn of ered tepertue std ot of Ba: fngup even wth te boy for a hour et tu, lowed by 3 complete chinge of physic Conlon. "This hes ow elie our feat trent proces hae woreda hw one ior, Seltcblated ln sail ting apd ‘A for rnoral of dearer a he nos wich sfecel te breathing, we mus adie tb thor in New Jersy whee ker T bre jst feat to you Ha i Grete an actual ysl ‘Eatin, oe to an injury fo the note fo the unnatural detlopmer cf some of the Fony pues of the oom Chan may be oecemry to Fesfocn «ino Sprtion on etme ard open Ste panagenay Bu ths shuld be dered foes and oat speci, and on deched tom bys physcan whet met sch 2 pect Tere chen the iteerece with esting Sy Be ter hg ana erence ‘The Use of Incense Somewhere in the United States there has re- cently been advertised or announced some sort of imaginary discovery regarding the spiritual pow- fre of incense. T have not seen the original ari- cle, but evidently a number of our members have ‘en it and read it, for, ike the sudden rising of tidal wave that sweeps over a caasal village and inundates it, a tidal wave of questions suddenly ‘swept through our correspondence, asking us ‘whether we Believe that this or that and the ocher thing regarding incense is true. Nearly all of the THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM questions wore alike and sp we asuned tha all Sf chew: members had read the same inane and ‘iculous statements regarding ince. Evidently the orga arte ate in bur incense in chur ‘ally in Raman Catholic Church, s maltiode of mints, invisble spies like salamanders and ooquioes, Ge pechaps fees and ant, were released, and that fheas in some unexplained way took powesion ofthe soul and conseence of al persons asembled inthe church. OF course, it tas daimed. chat these invisle tinge wore evil minded and that once the litle bug go you, you were posesd of Sidevl for the res of yout hfe. Al ofthe mem- fers agreed that this idea was promulgated by very prominent tacher of socalled myeticim in ‘Americ and we havea prety good idea of where {e came from. I do not wane to add to the gen: eral felng of ridizule that might be directed to: Ward the author of such satemencs; therefore, 1 Yell not mention names, But the ideas are aboo- Intely*absued. ‘The only thing relewsed by the Ihuning of incense Deas the odor, i 4 certain vibratory effect upon the atmosphere of the roam nif the proper incense i burned, this can be ‘ery beneficial and highly ingpring tthe poychic enter ofthe persons contacting i Ifthe sncense {54 cheap and common one the ony eet will be the unpleasint odor, or halfway pleasing cule, widh no other power manifex, Even the cheapest hid of incense will help © purty the Atmosphere in the room because the ‘bration: wil afer inharmonios vibrations tae may exit Ind tend to newtralie them. Even a make ridden ‘00m smelling of foul tobacco edor wl be quickly Punied by the burning of any kind of incense And, ia higharadeincene is burned the wba: tions ofa clean, whalesome room wl be ried to 2 very high degree. But there are n0 spiritual ‘bration released hy the burning of incense of 4 nature that will produce living creators of a Inicroscopie sine that can enter the human con: Stience or take puseaion of a human soul Neither ‘the: Roman Catholic Church nor any osher church resorts to euch feolshnes, "The use Of incense in any church is but a symbolic and Spicitual procedure hat is elevating and beneficial ‘As long as there are perons who will believe in such things as were contained i this foolish article about incense, we may expect © have such ities appear from time to tine in newspapers for magazines 2s novelties in reading matter Vaccination In regard to the question that is continuously asked in our correspondence and asked of the oft- fers and masters of the various groups and lodges ‘regarding vaccination, I wish to make the follow Page 21 jing explanation as representing the official atti- Scene cree a Siete Re TMERc Anal ale nee nl Dah ae Seo pe ot ae Sige WERE aa Ca Pathe deny em cle Geen Dee ct Sean Seria A ate Secret ie ak Eee see cits ESOS Sette Sealants Sea Seay a ou Se erat Se Sanne Soenrdns Wik fee SRLS te i ee een ets it Sore seas me cs oom Sate SRS Snag eed SEAM teen I oe! See is Sm atl Sh Maa th Sn aio ees acarieens WRU eeuier near b peanuts spices Rik ete SA eae SOEEAC Sette fs Se SP SEL RE ce Sali ndn ts pratt Site Wi ee tf nes ore a ye ese tae acc tes spe el wr a Sa Laas Un Se fore ge pe ee oi are Seen me SEAN Gal ce td Sth Te! syle same (eos are LCE a il ELSIE ae eens Sanita eter nt Bers dha Tales ta SESS oie ices me To yore oe SS hen ee aale e Seti y aad ae ae Src of ona Wace Stay nt ae aL ay Neh etcetera peng erp ene Fell amaayoie wera dak Soper ciate Sak SOS ‘You may go on through life without ever hav ing any serious outward manifestation of what thas been inoculated into your blood and sytem, but suddenly i may appear in the body of your child or unto the third and fourth generation. "Thousands of ianocent children are suffering from various forms of mental backwardness of physical abnormalities at'a rele of the inher fance of thi diease in their bloc, originally Produced through che vacation of cel patents for grandparents, and thousands of mon and ‘women are suffering from some strange mental or Phyl condition ‘which can be traced co the Ecquirement of this destructive element hrough wactination during thee culdhood. Let me show You Teer The ere, weed fram my mal fxm California Ror obniowyreaongT wall not ‘mention her name to you. She ae “Thave two children, one of which cannot tale as wel atten years of age as an ordinary wo ‘yearald child, He is also menally reared. He har. gone to school for two years and has just passa into the second grade, but I fear be wal fot be able to kp up when the time comes. And ow as to the tse ie daimed to be due to ‘pls. Where the dine originated no-one Knows but tres years ago i came tothe surface fy Makanda yd chow dat of the dace Whether ii inthe fs child or ot, T do not know.” ‘You can imagine the problem that thi mother fas on her hands. ‘We have advised fer what the real cause probably ig and have given some suggestions a8 to how a proper physician ‘may ‘reat the cue Any reliable physician will know ‘what todo if he will be honest enough to admit the possibilty of the ral cute and not Blame t ‘upon some acquired condition onthe part of the parent Ta regard to the claim that is made for vaci- nation that it has prevented smallpox, and the farther statement that the reduction in aallpox epidemics in Ameria and eltewbere proves the ‘iciency of vaccination, we waht sy tat mod fm hygienic living and hundeede of other ia provements in iiliation are just a8 responsible Tere iintin of iden of nlp Anything eee, and i i foolish to point fo the terete of smallpox at a proof that vaccination is. good thing. Many other dices which were prevalent a century ago are eliminated in the present day to almost the sume depre a smallpox, {trough our better methods of living, and one might jut a8 well atribte all of dhs fo vaccing tion, On the other hand, there have been some fall epidemics of smallpox, and there was one ‘ot lng ago in a mountainous scion of Califor THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM nia, and some few who succumbed oi had been ‘ccinated, "The claim is now made tat accra. tin shold be repeated every seven yearn order to prevent smallpox. Any thinking man or woman Sindertanding the real ature of vaccine and reaiing the fal nature of wcine, and reli the poeentil Gass that laces in every man fystim that can be so easly tranmited to the offpring and make them fnnocent mental a» well SS phys victims of the daca, would rather take a chance with smallpox than take the chance Sth vaccine. Orginaly the principle of ace ration wat theory ike many ober preventive ‘Proce that have een abandoned bs his one, fhe mos cruel of al, contines to be enforced Tn very few sates, however, wach he act sik gm ca ot cate ieteving tht the child wil be expelled fom ‘Shoal I'm noe vaccinated. Since elation in fublachol in compulory anda parent dae not cepa child ext of schoo, the school elf. cannot prevent the child fom attending on the basi of fon-ccnation, fr tat would be equivalent to forcing the parents to: bmit t some form of medical treatment contrary to their bits and Indiv ght and Tiberties By inating chat You wl not have your chil vaccinated ans the Zine time stating tat, if your ch ie kepe ve of ‘Sho wl noe be your responsbiy, yon sl fa hat by making + writen satement that you do ot beltve in vassnation and wl not have {erformed, you wl be slowed to send you chi Eien school. ‘Naturally, the school wl held Sou responsible if there stan epidemic of sal fovctnd ail hen nat chat yo late your child Rom others, bot while your child is nal and healthy, donor place upon its physical body the “far aie" by having it vacinated. Some child in he hid oor geen wl aly we 1 point te Snger a0 908 you respon stlefor wae i has inberted ‘Now you may explain allthis to che members of the Order, and they may. dos they pease Shout vaccination, and we dll neither inst upon {nodideaton of thie aeons or thei eigaton iran eh Order We remo ying ete ny rule or regulation in ego to personal Hi es tnd righ ‘Our opin as been expres {0 the best of our ability, Franky and fare ‘Those who with to accee wil unquestionably benefit by 80 doing, Reincarnation Experiences 1 presume tha you know that we Kecp all of the reports sent to on made by each new member ‘who performs the First Grade initiation of the ‘National Lodge work. We ask each member on THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM Page 23 the competion ofthat ination to eprt tos Sit he or she caw inthe mor Gurng te cee tony. If one of you or all of you could come Revo the Resid Deparment ed sare a te ‘eco les with the on ofA td go thru {he alphabet al the way to and open each BS flr and ea che reports made by the th Sands of members who Hove ene ve rot of {int it intatoncremony you would be atone ied bythe smc of efprnces You mt fear in'mid tat wee the tl roe flow do we tell te new mene that he wl pratably inthe mitra efetion of ion Eine att ty bre i ira pu nos tr that he wl se hima or the toner elf fry eter pcre af a deine nature. Therefoe, thea of eugeton or any hough on eur Pat Cenveyed by ‘words can not be Tesponsble for itt thew unprepared mens erpeence fo Uc cecmoay "Men and wom ofl pes, Mi grea of ptlephic and sais ection td gener of bo con egading re itnalon atk repred sino etal fen ‘They all we haan presen ay py face In expression pad change ine he head iad euler of an older and ferent prom of "ln character an stoped at east ‘pene to on honda ad ty yer oe $Fre serge repurtcontatn tes wordy oT knee that the fae and head and shoulders before me ithe org of yer fa Feogied inthe face befoee me comeing that Surin and yer ws ler ard ier oth iterene complexion, diferent hai diferent eyes tnd tly diferent expen Ie weed Tet re of yell fom the past mene ty eo dt Fc pe sory tha thoy for ns pri colo Couth oe nem while hers epore tat the persmalsy seme Yo be oft Posing mature, SACS ea any mr feel 2 sone foreign Eargpean or Orel race Ta fay cae a dierent ona cre "The one famedate imprint is made jon vistors beret Headers oho rea hae "pot o who investiga and make ay ales of hth i that sch anvesity of eu meng > many thowand of men and one of es, fededucrton an wlpun ble apd witht try sugestion ast what they weld see miortyainy indicates te operation of ut Sera ls Noskmentof chance origination Sr eledecepion could possly werk so unier: Slip with so many hounds of pons who had to tea tfore looking in the sure what they tree tose. There can Been one explanation Fortis phenomena. Teeth the lw of Coane and poh maifetaton of the ier sl i actully working to give us a picture of what we tis a notable fact that the AMORC or Rosi- cnucian teachings are atill the only ones in any pat of the world that contain this wonderful and simple method of giving the new student the first wonderful demonstration of Cosmic princi ples. "Not many years ago thowsands of persons Said that they would give anything if they could ‘once have a’ demonstration of the possiblity of reincarnation. Our members have such a demon: stration, and I am sorry that a great many of them overlook the marvelous sigaticance of that demonstration and take it for granted as & pase ing incident of their seudies. ‘On the other hand, we occasionally have a new member who will write to us and sty at the end of the First Grade that he or she has found litle in the First Grade that they did not believe or understand before. Such persone entirely cast aside as inconsequential the results they had in that first initiation and which alone and by itself ‘would be considered by thousands of other per sons asthe most important leson of Cosmic truth fever revealed to them. Such persons, therefore, are very likely to pass over many laws and pri Ciples in the teachings simply because they think they are familiar with the terms and, therefore, familiar with the laws and prineples through hav” ing heard them used occasionally and referred to in public prints or in public lectures, Old Age About five oF sx tines a month 1 nd a lp- ping in my. personal corespondence from sme hewspaper, containing a photograph of drawing Of some man who is reported to have ved 150 years or 210 years or 189 years or some other umber over {84 Unuly 2 ti comment a companies these clippings, asking if we can ex plain how itis that some live to sich an old age AF the cyl of life i only 144 years, as explained in our teachings We have aid over and over agin that becatse come nego in the south claims that hei over 144 and remembers George Wash: jngton. or ‘Chisopher Columbus ot somehoy tle, or because some American Indian or some fold man on a ranch tells fanciful tales of what he did as a boy 160 years ago, does not prove that these old persons ae actualy as old as they ‘hin, In the Yeats 1916 and 1917, we bothered curves about these claims and ‘wrote to the Government to gets ts cooperation, 2» well a8 to life insurance companies, local newspapers, phys clang, and others, in the investigation of them and if my memory serves me rightly, out of every ‘one hundred claims that we investigated not one twas able co support the contention with any docu: Page 24 THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM mentary evidence such a birth certfcates or any her plese of writing thst would prove the acta dhe of bik am suid with oe de man in te west who ts fealy 40 old, probably 104 or 105, that bio mind as become more or lee childish in fa objective cr rearoning and, each year he cclbrates a birthday, he either adds two oF thice years onto on, when he fea spry and it batter healthy he reduce hie age somewhat. T now that he as had his 108rd birthday on ace diet omans, and when fe ead the paper or ins mageine some incident of an ncn bute o historical event he sure t ell Snyone near him that he remembers tha event teense he wat living in the daye when ft hap pened. When rome such occasion aie, he int fates that he is as old a 145 and then reales {Hat be protubly i mistaken about that particular trent. Sometimes I believe that he atl thinks fev as old as he says for his memory 8 very poor even about tinge that happened twenty fr thy yeas ago. His tory of his patriots in tn hutrkalevene of 129 years ago has Been Printed in the paper wie and once recorded in S"hosth mapitne where fe sated fi od age ‘wat due tothe non-use of Hqurs or tobacco and Yer the poor old fellow cases pipe wk him Ll the time and would be theft fo ake » drink iF he could gett, regurlles of how song i right be. HE loves tose hs plete in the paper And, whenever there i an article being published inthe paper about things or evens of histor Gal nature, be ie quoted with much delight. ‘This is probably a typical example of many of the things we sein the newepapers regarding old age. But even if all of the persons reported inthe Tas twenty years were actully over 144 years of ae they would consitote bt sal fraction of Ge per cen ofthe entre population in America fd taking the rile in its broad sence, these ex ceptions to it would bea very anall percentage Gir teachings claim thatthe cycle of ie from Iarch to ultimate transition should be 144 years ‘That is claimed by the Rosrucians tobe the no nal, nacural ecle of life. An ocasonal exception to sein the form of a greater age no more de proves the law or principle of che yee than does the fact that many do not live to that age, but puss through tanation at a much younger age "There are many lat and eycles and proncipls of the material and spiritual world that sem to fave an occasional exesption. ven these excep” tions may be in accordance with some other ly that we do ot roughly understand. The cyte of incubation of chick tn an egg supposed to be a certain nunber of hours, but everyone who Jas raied chickens Knows that there are excep” tions to this ule; yet the rule ian excellent and ard, and the human embryo is supposed t0 take 0 many moon periods in order to complete the ratural proceses before birth. Nine lunar months is supposed to be the standard, but every one of {snow that there are ome notable exceptions to this rule and that many are born before the Completion ofthe nine lunar months ot after the completion of the ninth lunar month, but these ‘exceptions can not be cited to prove that there i no normal cyte, ‘hope none of our members will ask me why the cycle ie 144 yeare for humans, or why ie was necesary to have any cyee for humans, for these fre questions I cannot answer, and Thave not yet ier anvone wo gn snow them, wo on etsmine why the Inman embryo requires nine months for proper development while with cther animals the cycle is much shore, The Crestor of al things cablished these rules, but I do not Know why or when or how. Such questions oly lead to speculation and, even if we were ale to have the answer, we would have no more prac tal benef from the knowledge than owe now have fram knowing that the lave exist without under standing the origin or purpose Back ofthe law ‘Magnetic Water pane cane of eI higher grades ae iis smo the piles ugh teow estes fegurding che experiment with magnetic water fave had very intoreting ress here at Head quarter while al of us were conducting other ‘periments of «higher natore "Thm of my readers who have pasted through the early grades of the Neophyte National ee tures know that in one of te experiments they swore toi told gas of cold water in 3 te Sin ont dng she sxprnent and he sfter'having proved that by the we ol ower that tit affscted the ucace ofthe water, Hey were tl rok the gi of eater fore retiring and te che on fet pon whol sytem due to the magnetic codon of the water “That experiment has always been one of the nos interesting and highly prised demonsei tion of the Rescrciin principles contained in say ue nd Sco er to vead in our corepondence tat hundrede of tur members drink sucha gla of water atleast nce a week bectuse of the effect it has on the Hor and he oer pares of the boty Tn our newer experiments to lam mote shout theres of the magnetic enditon ofthe water tnd the elect upon the homan dyer. we have discovered tha every principle sted tn the ee tore in connection wih that experiment isnot THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM conly true, but really conceals many ofthe highest principles taught in the higher lectures. Ia the frst place, ordinary drinking water th his not been boiled or filtered too greatly, contains a large amount of the mineral matter, In a microsopic ‘raminaton of the mineral element in euch wate, ie fou hat ce ws te tha cul be magnetized, and in testing the water after i was rmagnetined, ar decribed in the lecture, it was found to be posewed of @ material that ie did rot have before We are well aware, of cours, ofthe fac that scence or the materi sen’ tis would deny that there could be any changed matter inthe wate inthe way in which the les ten. teaches, of that there eauld be any quality added to the water that could afec the Buman sytem as dos this magnetized water, But that i Because the materialistic scent would analyze such water from the materialistic point, looking for some materia quality inthe water that vas noe there” He with his instruments and Inbors: tory devices isnot equipped to seek for any api inal or vital qualities tat the water may poe ‘55 and, therefore, he dos no dicover what our Trembers dicover chrough ‘drinking the water. Not so many years eminent Rescrcian ‘cients in Teal dacovered the proces of extract lng from certain plants the magnetic quality in the jules of ving planes ‘These eof difer ent materials were bottled aftr being filtered and ‘eansed from all impurities and foreign material, and were ed by him and others to make remark: able changes in the chemical composition of the human boy during various forme of serious i: ress Thousands of persons from various parts of Europe were benefited by these Nude We have had some of them here and sill have a few at Headquarters and, after esting them, have found that one drop of one ofthe fds, colores, odor: less and tasteless, put into an ordinary glass of drinking water, tums tht water into a estes, ‘orl, colores drink that hasan instantaneous effect upon certain conditions o functions of the hhuman body. After thew uid had become well recognized in Europe a8 remarkable discoverie, the siete world began to investigate them, and have sen the writen statement of slntie physicians, and chemists who claimed that the Hvis were absolutely fraudulent, inasmuch as they are nothing more or les than water, or a ‘material like water, and that there was not medic zal properties to be found in any of the Buide by any laboratory test. Therefore, they claimed that Since they could find nothing of & special nature in these Mids, there was nothing of & special 1 you wl diconnec the ewo wires that oper- ate the push-button bell on your front door and ‘samine each wire caeflly under the micescope you probbly will ce no clecrcty emimating from the wie or any qualty in the wire that would cause the fll to sing, and you should be perfectly jusifed in sending for the letrcan Sod tcling him tha he has fooled yw in attempt ing to make you believe tat cectrcty was lowe {ng through the waren The fact that by applying the wes t0 cert conditions you gett mane feetion of samt tat can nt en o recamnaed under the microscope should mean nothing to you whatever if you area mater SSents. You must wholly ignore the manifes- fon o the rent and abide by the evdence of your analytical senses ‘We donot we these Sid for any of our teat ment werk, and donot have any forsale and can fot send any simple to anyone, for we imply fave sficient amounts of tes for our aborstony cxperimenty but you should nt fal to fet the ‘magnetic water” If you have advanced beyond theetore containing that experiment wth water, 9 back to st You wl dt somewhere tn the sry grads of the National work and se hope you sl not write us to tll you taaly where or we want you to read through thoe lectures {nin Vw ak ane er Sars of importae principles and experiments that you fave Torgoteh and in this way benefit youre byrmuch 3 neath The Privacy of the Lectures Every now and then one of the mens writs to me and asks if it is permissible to show some ofthe lectures to strangers or relatives whom they are trying to interes in the work. Aside from the fact that the lectures are to be held private and secret by each member, there really iso ad vantage or benefit to be gained by showing a few of the lectures to some. posible candidate for ‘membership, T have always been amused by watching the posible buyer of a new book or the reader of few book ata book tall and library shelves who ‘wil pick up a book that scems to have an attrac: tive ile on its cover and scan through the middle of the book, reading here and there a paragraph for two. Ihave seen them examine a dozen Books this way before deciding on one as being worthy of reading. Whenever I have asked such persons, they have always sid that they were looking to ‘ce ifthe book was intresting and, when they had decided on a book, it was generally because they found a paragraph in it some place that appeared to be an interesting one to them. Now, whether a book contains a story of fc- tion, isan expression of some philosophy, or sci- ‘ence, the book was properly written and planned by the author to begin at a certain point and end Page 26 ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM with a certain climax, This is epcily ere of Moy ora bes presented in ogi manner, Sin he wre of eh boks spends many montis in‘aranging hs equenors of facta that they lead the readers leet along, ep by sep i 2 proper manner to eficintly tine the reader Shel tea te fats in the mos worthy and js fable manner By siping the fore fart of the took, or sipping the Bat chapter, or jumping into the mile of the ory or ple or the center ofthe scenic exploration, you are puting the fa andthe sor and Rs work a © dean’ ge andi yur ac tly ring youre the wrong inprenion interpre. tn, aad understanding ofthe entire matter The proper way to crate 4 book and termine Thiel be of interest to you to read nat ony tii he ern a spe and read the tle page thoroughly fom top fo bactom. First note tat the book i about by reading the tile and subtle eareuly then Seo the authori and what hi fica cow ‘etons may Be, or what eke books he bas wel fins and the read Ge date ie and ez hw ld the book a Wit book dealing wth sent tater and i eweay Sve years dor even te Years old, you mut be prepared to dcoer ltr SS any tings in uch book wl be exer diced in newer boska "Butt determine sheter the book wll hold ree for you or ot, you thould rm neat othe ble of contents and rad ie of chapters noting the complete oie of the mules so fevered by thee chapter and {eos if yo ate sl in Jobe ead the node Sia or preface, for vey often what the author or Someone ca says wl tl you mre abo ethan Sy oes Gecrlon, and onetines& book th 2 onntereing tie’ or a more o les tnatrac ihe tof caper headings al become of Pring intrest when you read the introdction, "Tale the book cil “Unto Thee l Grant® ‘The tile ot atacive excep to student of Iiyuicin who recognize the ancient wording of that ps, bu afer one has ved the inte ‘an Snd cover thatthe contents of the book Se ffom aml manip found in monastery Tied Fae ow yy sd Strangely the manuscript came in pul pit One f immediately interested in the contents of the be as though it were a sory or work of fcc dealing with a tale of iyeey By permiting someone wo ook a few of out lectures, whether extracted from the Fine Grade or the subeequene grades ike ering 4 chapter tr 6vo ont ofa beck and hang Bo omcine to sead in order co arose ther intern inthe tote book.” Many of our leona if separated fro the lemon whch precede them and which fellow them, ae no of ach sounding interest co make any inquirer or secker want to join our Grganization and take up the work without delay. Even the moving. picture prolucrs have learned that one of the most dificult probleme aces them i the preparation ofthe wrcalled nouncement Trailers" or bref views of frth- coming pictures to be shown in a theater at an Sdvertuement. To decide what two or three senes fo extract from a tworour picture 0 a8 to give the audience even a fit of reasonable tase of ‘what the whole picture contains i extremely dif Sully and Tam tformed that the bet authori ‘working on the matter have never been able to ‘Sty themselves dt any lection of sxnes pre ‘ented in this way can Jo justice to the entire picture. Tf we thought chat & few sample exons Ile to inquires would do justice to our work nd be a convincing argument thae would Tead to'a dese forthe complete nudes, we would not Iseate to prepare such sample Testons, but we Know it can nt be done with fstice tothe work and; therefore, we dont 60 However, since all members have voluntarily agreed to the othe and obligations of membership ‘which have precluded the shoring of the lee tures or lesane to those who ave oe members wwe are sue that none of them will atempe thie Sor of thing, Your lsons and lectures sould be falda private, confidential matters They are leaned +8 you by the organization, and you are privleged to keep them for your own tee, But they do not ona mater hat haw ben cl to you or which you have purchased in any say ‘The lemona in and of themscles aside from the anon wih the rato and se fam Sour menbsrhip inthe onznisstion, do not cone Autee all the Benes and all of the forms of i ‘trvction sich members resve. The Additional New Lectures All of our National Lodge members should be acqusinted with the fact that about the begin: ring of 1930 we changed the syem of lectures for new members and, instead of martng each new National menber sith the Pint Grade rin alte ceremony to be performed. a¢ home, we Started each new member with ies of sk pre liminary lceures befor he recive the fn nit tion After carefully watching the reports and canes of thomas of bry found that che average new member was a lle aur Dried and unprepared when he ecived an ita fin etal with bis fre fica Snroction from te, Inthe fre pce the avenge student and Sesker knew very lite abour the eal meaning fd porpose of hititon, There sens to be 8 ‘widesprendfeling in the weiter world that in Titon should include the riding of gat or the HE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM falling into a pond of water ofthe alipping on a banana peel, or having ice and a ot ion alter Tid to the tack ofthe neck Tn other ation into an organization would seem qo imply physica horeplay or, at eat, physical tea and fra of sme Bind watout any spiritual tlement in ‘ome of the members, therefore, when se ceiving their fit instactions and foding. tat there twas a sealed envelope containing an initia fhe prom i te pe he trvclope or attempe to perform the inition, but Smmediasly held up thee interes in the work nd wrote (ous proteting the neensty for an ination. Such persons were few in number, of ‘ure, but, on he other hand, even thos who Sere ready to try the ination and acepe what ter might come ther way didnot thoroughly Sthdcatand the purpose ofthe nitatin and id hot receive all Of the benefits tha should come through i We decided, therefor, chat it would te far beter to snd to every new member sx preliminary leturen wish would prepare im For initiation by. mating him acquainted with tome of the fundamental psychic laws involved in Itai snd thereby help him o gt the wtmest tut of the nitual he would perform at home. We fv tested ths sytem now! for many months and the results are highly encouraging, 2nd T am aure that all of out metbers are glad that we have made this change, “The new meter now resives dx lectures and then, inthe seventh week, recive the ne iii fiona that all of you receved for the Fist, {Grade of the ral work, and thi i followed by the maular lectures which all of you have had "There ls noching contained in che sx preliminary lectures tnt all of you ate not thoroughly 22 Ghunted with; therefore, toa of you who have foe pase through the new met of prelininary Ineroction shold not feel thar you fave mised nything of wel portance. Tei imply that tome of these points have een explained before the intiaton rather than after fe ‘The six pre liminary lectures recalled “Firs Principles” and the new members weting to ae highly leased 2 the gradual introduction to ovr work contained Jn these new lectures Please keep all this in mind and, when you are speaking to's new member of to persna whose Spplicttons you hae je score do ne speak {the of the ination sual, but allow them fo learn above iin the gradual manaer presented in the ec preliminary lecures Eastern and Westérn Traditions Today we will consider, for a few minutes, a statement made in the wonderful speech of the (Great Master K when he consented to inform us Page 27 about certain conditions existing in various parts ‘Of the world. He caled our attention to the fact that a great many others who were seeking for 3 better undersanding of the laws of Nature were {ring their attention toward the ancient Eaters religions of the Orient, and that the world is Teceming better informed every day in regard 10 the real beliefs and fundamental knowledge which Srnaitsd the sled "pagan of eaten religions His remarks reminded us ofthe fact that there age real ow che of py ere in ‘America which are now advertising or announcing thae they have naught to-do wich any of the Enatern traditions and philowpbies but presnt an erpreation ofthe Wester traditions 1 know nach oe of catching Ut tht fe imedintely speculated as to what could. posably Ircalled the Wester traditions In the fit place, this Western world isso new and such a hid oF infant in age that it relly is too young to have any traditions Gisintly ts own, If has any ancient traditions, philosophy, and teachings that Inay be called Western in adoption or application, they would have to be those fragmentary ex tracts of real philosophy and natural slence Known to the Amerin Indians and used by them. Tn any investigation of Wesern world Dhilosophic tiditions we can noe go back any Farther than the American Indian and iis trot that here we find a vast stotehouse of mystical, Inetaphyeicl, and spiritual pracioey which in: Corporate many of the natural Cosmic lw. The dian medicine man, for instance, was the Western mayiian, of in eaher words, the phi cuophen, dhe sage, the mystic in cach tribe From ‘cords ll existing, and from all of the traditions ‘Randed down in th folklore and inthe teachings of the American Indians, we find thatthe med ‘ine man was unusually well learned in the arts Snd sence and in the knowledge of natural and Spiritual law. He made wonderful cues, he per Feed maria operations Se i ot permanent. dieigurement, and be pred ‘feather conditions and other conditions tnknown to the tbeamen and he invoked the spirit of the ‘Cosmic o aid in the manifesation of many 8 called miracles. “The moment we began to aay the wonder fullnoiedge poses y te medina ad by the Inn tbs in genera we suddenly covered that their philosophy and wisdom do not ce hig ea ed the Orient and transmitted to this Weer world ‘by those who aan ‘seas in search Fae lands Such Knowl exept for a Moldcatone, i amon Hentcd sth the te Sitios and Phy of many of the Oren 90 28 THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM countries. So this supposed Western knowledge is" after al, only a moditcaon of the Eastern Knowledge.’ Bven thane who pretend that they fave teen ae to find aps ne Bop of the ancient life in the Yucatan and other parts of Mexico, showing chat" these peoples had Wester world traditions and. wikkom of their ‘wn, which came to them chrough the sinking of the fre coninent of Alanis sem to forget that the lost Atlantis was inhabited by a. people who ‘ame orginally from the Eastern world and that their great wisdom was esatilly tht of the Easter philosophy. ‘What, the, can be meant by these schools o individuals who sxy de America should develop its own trations ‘ts own philosophy, and ceane sclig ater tue which b Ona ef the Esa? One of those school ilotates ts pamphlet dling withthe greater practicability of Western Bhlosophy, with pitute of evo of the Egypeian Sphine heads. “Admittedly, art and symbolism ‘ust be traced to the Oren, and if the spine {nail an excllen emblem of mystical philosophy, tuhy believe tht any Western philosophy can sup ane? Thee wo are being uconsouly mide by their belief in the exitence of some very. old Western traditions and philosophies, and those who make the error of thinking tht all of the ‘orintal phileophies and myatisem ise antique and 0 covered with age and the moss of ages that it is of no value today do oe realize that truth is eternal and that so far a Conic knowl tcdge is concerned there ir no yesterday and no tomorrow, but the ever present now "We turn to the East for much of our wisdom, nat beri” the Open ee petal hipped to obeain that knowledge or not ‘Sue they gave a0 mich of their hifetme toi, Bue beshfor dotandyof year i ht rinepal study and they bave accumulated cen- Ei ot inowllge wich ins proved tbe and useful.” Even 9, only. the fundamental Principles of this knowledge are wed today in the Western world, and upon a foundation com- posed of thea fundamentals 2 new structure is onaanly being bull epresnting a new phil ‘cophy that i neither Western nor Eastern in is traditions or wisdom. Bat f we want to know nd understand man hoeoughy, we muse begin ‘with his early sruggles to acquire knowledge of Himself, and if we want to understand and de- velop tastershp in our own being, we must begin ‘with those who spent the mot time for many entries in doing thi very thing." We ean not Understand man and his powers of studying the modern man exclusively, for we find) here a product chat ie che ultimate raul of all eat has preceded it. We can not study and master art by examining only the finished pictures hung on the walls ofa mrdern ar gallery. Neither'can wwe dy by analysing only the eompastons of the modem composer To begin with the Westen ‘words particpaton in these hing means to begin At the prone ultimate sage of the subject and fo mist all of the marvelous knowledge which forms the foundation for what ye now have [None of us ean ‘ignore the foundation, or the catly fundamental’ ‘The principles we ‘want to icsm and mater are those which lave served tran wall inthe pas and enabled im to stain the heights now he to enjoy. Hence, any system that begins only with the Western world trad fons Begins with 2 pture of conditions, which gre far om fundancaal nod can not neve the inner on the path Tn our own organization, for instance, we are not teaching ty just the mpl fundamental truths which the Egyptians posed. and at tempeed fo tach or bring to's reality ta the al eo et ct Pye are teaching pilosphy that had’ ts beginning in the principles and ‘which fas continued to vole, day after day, and year after year unl it ow represents the highest sage of unfolded {eh chcore ening he rey eps to take the nesesary sep tat wil bring Sb that gradual development tat Teds to a nner comprehension and. undenanding of he pest trutha of lif, “Our palonphy ‘nd teachings, therefore, are nether ‘ld nor, moder, but Ia: Glusive ofall he agen Lets Keep ths in mind fd make no mistake in speaking to oer persons, tovwe do not crate the impresion that wey Rig”, ae ing kt lceophy wrizen in an ancient times and fi ih the anclent phracs Wich weet ge of modem, practical application, Whatever fae been best for man inthe pas iil nchdod {in our tachings, but we ae flsy accomplishing results and doing things which the ancients never ‘reamed of, jie. a8 they accomplibed. things ‘which many periont of today can not believe ‘were posible in tho days, In our work we must Swing from the present to the past, and then swing tack agnin'to the future, and chs overall of the periods of man and harmonise {ha into oe preset no ‘The Soul Entering the Body ‘Among all our members in the various grades there is constant. consideration of the great mye tery of the coming of the soul into the human body. After alli sid, there rally is no greater miystery in all of life than the vniting of the soul ‘with the physical body. When that mystery is thoroughly understood, the one great mystery of THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM life, which is commonly called “death” is alo anderstood Pethaps the most interesting feature of our teachings, io connection with the woul, Is the ‘ery postive statement thatthe soul doesnot en ter the human body until the birth of the body, fr when the new born ody takes fest breath Year ago, when our fre Tec were ven to menbers in the fie loge of the present tgele of the work under my jriadiction, this Statement regarding the sue entrance into the iyo tery srg nT eal ery clearly the challenge the was made by a many lamed mener epecallyphyatins and Seid "Sine then, however, there has been dima universal acceptance of this fact on the art of thousands of investguts, and AMORC {hot the only metaphyseal or seni organi zation today tha teaches the same truth, Ta dscusing this poin, let us ignore, for the sme, the fact that te soul in each human being is only a segment of the universal soul and not 2 separate, independent, soul In ether words the poplation of America may be a hundred ot ‘more milli person, but that doesnot mean that chere are's hundred ‘million or more sole. “There is but one soul throughout the hole unt veroeand’3 segment of that universal soul isin cach human being. All this we may explain at tee ie ie deta Bt forte Srguncnt we wil look upon the egment of su dae enters the human body as a soul. That foul ir compored of pial esence emanat ing from the Coanic of distinct nature, and i sn fac der ate of radon gy sds sl space. ‘The sul chris wth into the human body a separate and diinct memory that us always been attached to this sol, plus a number of experiences or conviction, belifsand Principles, which conte fe character or per fonalify, including. cerain abilities tendences, fait, and facules tat are especially developed Ther words if we lot upon the sult being a'sprtal body, we could ay that thie body asa memory in which a vast amovnt of knowl. ege ib rained, which has acquired through ‘experience and Cosmic struction, and it bas ‘rain faculties or tendencies and ables sich 4 the ability to paint, or play mural ina ‘ments of sing, or write well or invent, or Jo ‘her things tht it has learned to do very well ‘rough pase experiences This combination of 4 spinal body wth memory and faculties and fertain experiences contiates a complete body in iel “The recollections retained in the mem- any, slong wit the knowiedge held there and the Atilies sod characteristics of babi form the personality or character of the spinal body 60 Page 29 ae noo ga ty ave, psy the ‘ame except in regard to the eireual exence stich ‘costes the ily oral fore in rege we may sy thatch al ke fs precly ale, exept in regard to the wa fssence that animaées them. Each ha a different ‘memory in which stored mor or les knowledge coupled with experience, abies, faculties, and fates, and hese things expresing themselves through the body conatte the personality ofthe otal Sis are espe” devoped ad manifest ‘themclves 99 Gitincly that the per tonality ofthe person is that of a musician. The Sane intr ofthe arti or the mechanic or the fone withthe law trained mind, or the physician, foe anyone of the many other cassifiations of arate and peronlity. ‘There is only this one Siainction thie must be made, and that i dae the spiral Body of each person is nat con: faminated in anyway: with vl habits or ev thoughts, of ev practices and abilities All of shea lean ales pcan by dhe personality of the soul are good. and. construc five, beneficial and harmonious onitracton principles With the physical per tons we met, however, there isthe’ combination of the spiritual Body imide with all of ite good tendencies and babi, and the physical body ou Side, with ts brain and phycialfaculie having physical habis that may be good or ev, con Bructive, or destructive. Therefore, the persone ‘we meet on this earth plane are 3 combination of tdi one eal god rd he hr fither good nor bad, but. srugaling between the templatonn and ee of the ysl wold and the goodnes dhe urges ieell from within, Now this spiritual body or soul doesnot enter the body of the child un i takes its fist breach! “The ancient bef that there was a soul in the human embryo from the moment of con extn, or rec from the amet of = ‘led “quickening” of the body, iv purely fale belief taxed upon ignorance of what actully cgecurs inthe development of the human embryo, ‘The whole beet that at socalled “quickening” the oul entered the body, was simply an attempt on the part of mothers and poaably physicians and students of the mydery, to explain why ihe small lifeless body suddenly became active and appeared to be quikened with some new cep i ot ave See roe f this “quickening” of the body wae buts natural ree of te physical development Up tothe time of quickening the lide body was ‘nt wal developed enough in srength or sae Gin "ts form or relationship to other organs ‘with which ft was quckened, tobe able to Rave Page 30 independent mutions, Common esse wil tll the ftbpal mid Gat somewhere between the eral of conception andthe period of th he Fetirof the embryo sould tray become. well locator i of any mex pow, Tt nr ponte for any man or woman #0 have his ot EeMthouphts contanty dvected toward sex sub jist and ut Ge sane tine maint ox develop 2 high degree of purenes of thought ina spiritual fe mysial cone. The trent force of the Divine nature in’man whi betes at «far Neher cate than the fore car not propery fancion in man if he's conantly Towering is physical aura fo an attunement wth sox forces Fee eaatieo male conact wh he Coa and lit one's pychic body oF aura up to The Highest attunement with the God. consioamest fie the Chew peicpes if one 6 earbound iy ocx discs and wet considerations Likewi, its impontle to mentally comete of the more enuf and important. things of, ie and fovchislly cyate tem into ling atulte tf Beet ce of Bing mture man fnulaved by being chained to te low rate of bot foros There i nothing inthis argument to tena the dactine and practice of elbecy and the Roslrucln teacingt do oot enenorge men or vomen © lve unmttually in any ef the iiman prasies or principles forthe st pert fect method of tiving isto live normally an accordance with allo the natural le. fs how res the qprtaly minded poren wes to toa greater degree in one diction or the otber ftom the normal is far better to lean toga celibacy and retrain ofthe many natural fone tions tan to ove indulge inthe and allow the ‘nd to be filed with euch-bound and endving thee, 1 1 nd Srefre, I ropest agai, a8 T find i nese sary todo about once a eatin our private cone tonicatons to all brancics or teachers andi ftrocre of our work, that they mut tke care inal dacudone of peycological and phiosphi cal matters nour rope ot branches that noth ing of sex mature eter into the work by sgn cr symbol, or the least spoken word Anything tha sto be sid on this bjt wil be id by us ofclly in our magazine, of in our mec ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM, ge 51 Forum channel such as this class and the magazine ‘which cars these lis messages Tn this way we will continuc to oficial decry the importance oF valve of any. sex discussions tnd prohibit the entrance of this eobject into any of our work “Any member, oficer, or 250. Ghne of our onginiation in any lodge oe branch St out work anywhere who insist upon trying to bring this sex subject into any. discussion, of Bef the mee any fom of dein sul be immediatly a rom membership, Tor we do not have to have such a mind in out ‘mids, and ofcilly we would rather have such inembers keep entirely away from oor organi. ton. For over twenty years we have maintained this stand and we mean fo continue maintaining it ‘And we bope that the masters and directors of every branch and lodge will sce to ie that no book it placed in thet libraries, oF lid on the table, and that no pamphlet is circulated among tmembers dealing with sex eubjecta Any pert Attempting to bring euch Hterature in our reading rome should be immediately dismised. fom membership. I am more postive about this mat” ter than if appears on the surface, not because Scrything las cecuced in our Orgwaiation to Urge me to speak in this manner, but because ‘outside of our Organization fi becoming to prolife and too many good people and too many ‘therwise good onguntations have gone t0 800 row and grief and into endles amount of regret tnd sulfering through leniency inthis regard. We ihve gunranteed toll of ou inguirers and thse secking for. our instruction that everything. in fur teachings and our practises is wholesome and lean, and that man and wife with san and laughter may study our teaching or take part in our ditutsons anywhere, without the feat Ba ge and Tm hl a ways be thir wary az lang a8 T uphold The ad repuaion of th Onsatatin MAM. In connection with the foregoing, our atte- tion is often called to the fact hat Chistian Scknce doctrines teach the danger of Malicious ‘Anal Magoetim. Tei chimed by thew doe tries at destructive thous orev thou fn the pre of one person can afect another 3 hand or at 2 Gatance Mire Eady hee Expounded freqveniy upon this sebect and in trodoced his mje info her teachings early in ber life and all through her ie she held tad fay to the fae of Malicious Animal Magnet, as she called sor Back magi, a called by tome today. So common ie that elect among Gheiaian Scene that ii referred to by he inital MAM Members everywhere are con «aantly on guard against the influence of M. A. M, and it i frequent for us to have Christian Science students and others speak confidentially to us on conditions in their own lives or in the lives of others which they feel sure is the result of MAM. ‘This is che one complete, inconsistent doctrine tobe found in Christian Science teachings, With all of the other statements as to the goodness of God and the divinity of man, which makes him a creature of love, mercy, kindness, and good- nest, this one belief in M. A.M. is wholly in cconsitent, When we have explained to such pepo ae i icin th th, Com ples for evil thoughte to be carried by the Erxmie vibrations from the ewl mind of one per son to the mind of an innocent person, they have Seen at once thatthe only danger connected with M.A. the belief in it and the danger from giving such a belief any place in our conscious thinking. Paychic Centers Let us take up now the subject of psychic cone ters again. Some tine ago we had 2 ery iter: sting dicusion regarding poychic centers, and it was agrcd that we would come Back to this Subject wth more deat and with more preparae tion. This is one subject that so) many of the Writer on occult and metaphysia! subjects tall shove and pve very litle dente information. You know, ofcourse, how thoroughly the Rosi éruciane deal with these enters in the work of the Masters and in the cae of the problems of fur thowsinds of members ‘Think of the tines ‘hae each of you asemhied here inthis special cli tie ine aay fom your corespondnce Sind work of advising members and go up into out Egypt temple psa to atin the sence ad send treatments ad belp to chose who are at diferent localities sometimes very distant fom this cy. ‘You know tht the mament you make yur etc wih the Comin hough the ie contact the person you are helping, that your fst duty isto atone youre with Coe ot mental of rife hp ess cle cine imental of ph eis 4 difial for us to make dear to our menbers jos’ where these centers ace located and how they function, ‘but we shall do our utmost to make this mater plain so that there is'no misunderstanding about them, “ia fact, there isso much misunderstand: dng due’ to the erroneous and fantastic ores told about these centers, by public lecturers and author of hueidly wrlten mystical books that Twonder sometines whether the casual sudent of thes subjects Knows what is meant by paychic enters, Mode of them immediately thiak ofthe Page 52 THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM solar plerus because that is the one most often tefered wo by uninformed lecturers and teachers geri lds" you aT gow hat the solr pleut is not one of ie scr ia Thee at cl ven of ie centers that are of any importance and {he solar plexes isnot incuded in his number in'any of our considerations T know tht if we tay tual eis othe average new member of our rganisaton he will ther be astonished or skep tial ao we must make such bread satements 3s thesé carefully and with proper consideration for the advancement of the sent in the general teachings. For the sake of refreshing your minds nd taking up 4 review of the funconings of these poychi eevee in this private cae of ours lee ot go over the lat for few minutes and emphase the fonctions of each one of them, Firat of al tu ein withthe thyroid, ated in the neck where the symbolic Adams apple i aupposed to be lorated. Tn some persons this is “very. prominent, not because. the. thyroid gland lf i Tangs, fut because the parts sur founding it or the anociated glands Connected with i have become: slightly eolrged and aze ‘ey ied in phys abwance The tyro iFand tel afects many ofthe pial and mene faa of he nd” Tevet ave ates effect upon the metal actions and eae Hons and; therefore, affects the physical reactions ofthe many muacls and organs in the body that five any: defnite functioning.» When there i anything song with this thyroid land it sxme to dow down the mental reactions and, in Tact, produces 2 form of mental dullness or uggishnest that i ilar to ete ioe’ o metal perv fon. Thy criminals who do noe sem fo have 2 quick and complete mental rexetion or reals tion of their ations are often found to be abnor mal in the thyrod land; whereas the who are teen and quick in thir mental reaction have a nomal thyroid gland Peychly. the thyroid fd acs ae a sot of speed control forthe inter ange of objective and sbjcive impressons. I {s ne the place where these imprestons actually xchange places from the cbjecve to miyectve, fr view ver, but the rapidity with which the change takes place that is controlled by this gland. “The pineal gland located in the center of the tad jut above the level of the top of the cars it the important. organ for the transfer of im: pressions from the subjective to the psychic and realy he wanfomér Oe comet and an nes to the objective conscoumess When this land i highly developed or developed above the {erage in chldboad te Dave what is known as 2 precocious cil, but really a child who easly remembers and brings into hie present objective consciousness many of the impressions he guined fn his previous incarnation, “Therefore, sich a child may tan early age show a highly developed faculy or ability for langage, mathematic, ot the slences. An underdevelopment of it pror does a child of dll intellect and. causes the memory 10 be poor, th reactions to be faulty, and the intelstto be ow and sluggish When of jus he average ie ie requires some Inent in order to aid in the proper psychic fume. toning ofthe epirnal sarure of ta, and you ‘wll all chat in many of our letures and lesione You have special exercies or suggestions forthe Gpickeing, awakening, and development of this Dine gland "The next land of importance as a paychiccen- ter i that Rnown as the pituitary. fet located just undemesth the brain in the cener of the head on about a level with the center of the care or alight above that. This litle organ has to do whe pal deepen of he by more than anything ele but ie pychic imporeance bes ins fas the % ou * Taro ae Uonship beeween the payee forces of the nd che sprit forcet in tei reaction upon one Another to produce regeneration of worout tues and calls and the maintenance of whit We Gall Harmonium in the body. The proper func: Sioing of this organ wil greatly aid fn the time. diate care of daeuses and the destruction of for tign germs of inkarmonious elements that get {nto the body. Te is this gland, a8 you know, that wwe use or concentrate upon when. wishing to rouse of quicken the curative and recreative procescs inthe body of a person who is il of ‘who is just beginning fo recover from an opera Hin of serious phy alent. The overdevel pment ofthis crgan, or condition of the orgs “Which permite i to ovr function, cise the body {o grow too rapidly and produces very large per tons of a gianni suture or abowe tbe average, ‘while on the other hand the subnormal funtion: Tg of this pat of the body produces dwarfs or 4 Baiincy in se Just back of the thyroid gland in the neck are ‘he united parathyroid, which function as regu lator of the flow of whration between the sympa thetic and the spinal nervous systems. When we are giving treatments by contact persons in Accordance wth the Roskrucan teachings of the Sixth Grade, we are causing the vibrations to fonction ist through the sympatheis system, then through these parathyroid and then chrugh the spinal nervous sytem, where the physi re oul ae pred" parathyroid se pin and tend to equalize che dstsbutin of the poychic dnd physi vibrations ofthe human body 2 38 to eaalish a harmonic condition between them, Here is where the Sr sages of Commi atane: ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM rent berin, for through the functioning of the parathyroid the aura of the physical body is ade usted in its rates of wbrations to be harmonious With the Cosmic rates of vibrations, ‘This com Bined centers one which ao hus wo be quckened, and quikcned through the poychic experiments fgven to our members in various grads, May I be permitted again to call your at tention to the fact which we dicwsed some time "ago, when we wore dealing with thee poychic centers in our fist new analysis of them? T sated then’ that many. of the Seemingly simple, inconsequential Breathing and concentration exeries given {0 our members {nthe lectures and leone of the earl grades fave avery. clear effect upon thes “parse thyroid centers We do not explain this (0 the teadent, of cours That is why's0 many of our ets ‘ge ues etna he’ of these poychic centers thoughout the ely gra without knowing just what is taking place You now that we have very good reatons for nat attempting to explain about thea pychic centers inthe early grades, and we have good reasn for ‘ishing to exp secret all ofthis Knowledge unt Wee are sure thatthe members ae ready wo under Sand it and wall keep ie confident, We do not want have the knowledge misused by thowe that would get a slight underanding of ie and rush Jn print in some books of private courses of study and attempt to reteach io thers without Knowing i well dhemslves On the other hand, so many of our new members wonder why’ they are asked to do certain things in the way’ of breathing, pro- rhouncing vowel sounds in the form of sluta- tions, oF do other things which do noe seem t0 Ihave’ any. important. bearing ‘upon the lessons they are studying. They do not seem to realize the facts which we have od them ia weed way at the beginning of their studies; mame ly, that while they are intellectually and men- tally ‘comprehending ‘and studying. certain laws wwe are also, slowly and gradually’ developing 2 psychic self within so that when the time tomes they can thoroughly understand the devel- ‘opment of these psychic centers enough to be able to. demonstrate some of the laws oF princi ples. ‘This inner development proceeds uncon Sciously, so far as they have any knowledge of it, and we know that itis one of the most im- portant parts of our work It is something that 4s not being done by the other occult or mystic Schools and, of course, can not be done through the reading of books of the taking of short courses fof study that are read and comprehended ina few weeks. Te taket a certain number of months for sometimes a year or two for some of these psychic centers to reach the proper stage of de- velopment and quikened acon. Until tis 0c cut the wader can ot begin to we nich of the higher Knowledge whith contained the Higher ene For ip reason our work and felching te paded stat while the sont ‘in tobe ying ony the fname pin SHES ing ray Yor ier a he Scr Eepntog tht mos npn part of the wh aye; mney tat of dovapng ysis cote “Agate T ey, you ees how Ee fe fo me this mar pain to out SEucnts witht having them fel ft we ould dive esply inate tte othe pyc Gente it the begining ache Tec aed thereby cum then tack a oof unnecery Sesion and perhaps apenas wrongly oon the "ai fomctning othe centers “The next moran pyc ene that which ixclled she thyme ie“ and fa Fonant functioning rng the ceded ered Ue or tne ene whch ie tals he siver'cord ofthe sol and brit tthe ody he wal which" as hone stun he mother ftp tothe th ofthe infant by ‘After the ol has entered the boy andthe ever Gord in within te ebay tae ym land fst dines neon te er od mes cote wth lf the posh cetes especially ne they are devaoped. Though ths cord thee alvays a connen besten the Fey ade sor the ty and the poche S51" and in proeion wort ta any cordon, senza oe phy where the pyche sl leaves {he badyttmporay for ngence, in alevrng projetln, or when the buy under the fal net of eer, go drug the sver cord hols the sul fran permanent eapng and begs the sul ck int the body aan to cee Cocouness" Ar th cltmie taption Sake Soul he ser cord bot steed forme ite time. am not ging to go more erly it this int ght now but wl ke pe ant Ere of tar pets essen “The next one of the centre tat nowy as the puncte Hore othe here and et of the product Ini whith ew nsemay i he Fiysel boy, ‘The fonctions of thar and te tet tala efron So hve eundecoped tet spa nd ppc selves dd uni the care and neon ard He, hr can ere lig fhe ie spinal and Ghyseal. pow of Sole body and being of man "The ewan oe lee of these centers is tht noes the erated Tere the inptant Centr of our emote and very often the at fv oft ener ae mitakon fr theca lens fancinings "The spre lost jus back the panes ener and th oth et Page 54 the center of the toro just above a line dawn beck from the navel.” Here our emotions, out ‘emeentrated thoughts, andthe Cosmic urges affect our sympathetic nervous sytem and are frananited into mental or phycical sects and increae in dynamic power to make themaclves manifest strongly to un ‘Ths center becomes Highly developed as son asthe other centers be- ign their development, and this is why the truly ‘eveloped mystic becomce keenly senative of all the sorrows and sadnen of the world as well a3 the joya "You know it 2 notable fact in history {Bae not oaly Jenn bu all ofthe Great Masters were knowin to weep frely and to smile freely Ei bers te cena ne and acs rely and fully and gives the aprtual and phys cal sf all of the emotional snations necesary {0 enjoy life to its fullest extent. ‘Tis ithe cen’ fer that enables out menbers to feel and sense the treatments we give them of to eens the joy and happiness, or contentment and peace, when they make contacts with the Cathedral of the Soul, becaue such contacts work fst through tome of the psychic centers and then have their physial and’ mental reactions enlarged by this ‘motional enter. When this canter is under