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oDesk English Spelling Test (U.S.

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1. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. Reminiscience b. Reminiscence c. Reminescrence d. Reminisense 2. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The judge granted the reluctant witness complete the crime. a. amnesty b. amnasty c. anmesty d. emnesty !. "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. #e$terity b. #esicate c. #yeing d. desecrate %. "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. &luorescent b. &ullfil c. &acsimile d. &ictitious '. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. (ri)eledge b. (ri)ilage c. (ri)ilege d. (ri)elege *. "dentity the misspelled word in the list below. from prosecution for his part in

a. #e)elop b. #esciple c. #ilemma d. #iscipline +. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The sa))y dancer acted as a a. liasion b. liaison c. liasone d. leason ,. "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. -acht b. -outhful c. -eilding d. -esterday .. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The annual a. barbecue b. barbe/ueue c. barbycue d. barbcue 10. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. Temperamental b. Tempermental c. Temperamentle d. Temparamental 11. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The waitress brought me a plate of s/uid e)en though " a. specificaly b. specifically c. specifycally d. specificly asked for clams. was ruined when a family of bears stole all the hotdogs. between the detecti)e and the cabaret owner.

12. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 1elen was surprised by the a. diminuti)e b. diminuati)e c. deminuti)e d. dimminuti)e 1!. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 2rthur spent hours admiring the gothic a. architecture b. arkhitecture c. arcitecture d. arckitecture 1%. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. 3anoeu)ar b. 3anou)er c. 3aneu)er d. 3anu)er 1'. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. 2dress b. 2ddrress c. 2ddres d. 2ddress 1*. "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. 4ierd b. 4ired c. 4hined d. 4illful 1+. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 3rs. 5aker took her class on a field trip to the 6oo. of all those &rench cathedrals. stature of her blind date.

a. kindergarden b. kindegarten c. kindergarten d. kindegarden 1,. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. (eter always makes such a a. nuisance b. nuisents c. newsanse d. nuisince 1.. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. 8eccesary b. 8ecessary c. 8eccessary d. 8ecesary 20. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 1a6el #ormouse is a a. nocternal b. nocturnal c. noctarnal d. nacturnal 21. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The protesters hurled a. )icous b. )icious c. )icoius d. )icius 22. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. Referense b. Refrence insults at us as we walked by. creature. of himself7

c. Reference d. Referance 2!. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 1e a. acc/uired b. ec/uired c. ac/uired d. ak/uired 2%. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. #efinitly b. #efinately c. #efenitely d. #efinitely 2'. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. Carribean b. Caribbean c. Carribbean d. Carebeen 2*. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. Clara the cat simply chose to ignore the a. e$istence b. e$istance c. e$istense d. e$istanse 2+. "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. :ophomore b. :upersede c. :usceptable d. :pontaneous 2,. "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. of our dog. a summer house9 an e$ercise bike9 and a hamster in the di)orce settlement.

a. "ndi)isible b. "rresistable c. "ndispensable d. "rresponsible 2.. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. ;o)erment b. ;o)ernmant c. ;o)ernment d. ;o)ermant !0. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The professor made it clear that a. plagiarism b. plagiari6m c. plagerism d. plagirism !1. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. Restaureter b. Restaurater c. Restaurateur d. Restourateur !2. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. &orfiet b. &orfeit c. &orefeit d. &ourfit !!. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. <nanimus b. <nanemous c. <nanimess d. <nanimous !%. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. =acuum would not be tolerated.

b. =accuum c. =acumm d. =accum !'. "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. (arallel b. (re)alent c. (rejudice d. (erser)erance !*. "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. 3ischei)ous b. 3isanthrope c. 3ussel d. 3alicious !+. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 1e wrote a. prollifically b. prolificaly c. prollificaly d. prolifically on e)ery topic from shoestrings to string theory.

!,. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. (ersue b. (arsue c. (ersou d. (ursue !.. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 5e sure to lea)e your tra)el while you>re away. a. itenreray b. itinerary c. iteneray d. itinirary with the secretary so he>ll know how to reach you

%0. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. ?et me tie your mittens to your slee)es so you don>t them. a. loose b. loo6e c. lose d. louse

2nd Collection
"tem 8o@ 1 of %0 Time Remaining@ 0@%0@00 Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. Carribean b. ..Caribbean c. Carribbean d. Caribeen Auestion@ Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. 8eccesary b. 9998ecessary c. 8eccessary d. 8ecesary Auestion@ Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 3any wouldBbe tra)elers were a. flabergasted b. flabberghasted c. ....flabbergasted d. flabbergashted Auestion@ by the price of gas last summer.

"dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. ....2ccomodate b. 2naly6e c. 2cknowledgment d. 2sterisk

"dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. #e$terity b. #esicate c. CC#yeing d. #esecrate Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 1a6el #ormouse is a a. nocternal b. ..nocturnal c. noctarnal d. nacturnal "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. Dccasion b. Dccurrence c. Drangutan d. ...Dpponant Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. E$cesi)e b. E$ccesi)e c. ..E$cessi)e d. E$ceesi)e Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. creature.

The judge granted the reluctant witness complete part in the crime. a. 99amnesty b. amnasty c. anmesty d. emnesty "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. Cachet b. Connoisseur c. ..Charateristic d. Catastrophe "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. (ageant b. (oignant c. ..(lummage d. (riggish

from prosecution for his

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 1e settlement. a. acc/uired b. ec/uired c. d. ak/uired Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 2rthur spent hours admiring the gothic a. 999architecture b. arkhitecture of all those &rench cathedrals. a summer house9 an e$ercise bike9 and a hamster in the di)orce

c. arcitecture d. arckitecture Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The crowd a. congradulated b. congrachulated c. CCCcongratulated d. congratilated me on my acceptance into 3ensa.

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. 5ureaucrasy b. 5uroucracy c. CC5ureaucracy d. 5euraucracy Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. <nanimus b. <nanemous c. <nanimess d. CCC<nanimous Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The clownFs performance was a. dissapointing b. dissappointing c. disapointing d. CCdisappointing "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. &luorescent b. CC&ullfil c. &acsimile d. &ictitious "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. -acht b. -outhful c. CCC-eilding d. -esterday 9 to say the least.

"dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. Enhancement b. Elicit c. CCCEnegma d. Ecstasy Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. CC:ynonymous b. :ynonymus c. :ynonimous d. :inonymus Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. Emma has always been fascinated by the way the mind works9 so sheFs decided to get a degree in . a. pshycology b. psycology c. psyhcology d. CCCpsychology Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The church members accused the cult of a. sacreligious b. sacrelegious c. CCsacrilegious d. sacrilgious practices.

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. :am a successful political campaign. a. orchestraited b. orchestrated c. >>orchestreated d. orcestrated Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 1e wrote a. prollifically b. prolificaly on e)ery topic from shoestrings to string theory.

c. prollificaly d. >>prolifically "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. #e)elop b. >>#esciple c. #ilemma d. #iscipline Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 3y father does not belie)e in a. reincanation b. reincarenation c. CCreincarnation d. reincantation 9 but my mother does.

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. 3rs. 5aker took her a. kindergarden b. kindegarten c. CCkindergarten d. kindegarden class on a field trip to the 6oo.

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. 2dress b. 2ddrress c. 2ddres d. CC2ddress "dentify the misspelled word in the list below. a. CCCouncelor b. Condescend c. Camouflage d. Critici6e Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. =engeance b. =engance

c. =engents d. =engence Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The professor made it clear that would not be tolerated. a. plagiarism b. plagiari6m c. plagerism d. plagirism Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. =acuum b. =accuum c. =acumm d. =accum Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below. a. (ersue b. (arsue c. (ersou d. (ursue

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. The waitress brought me a plate of s/uid e)en though " a. specificaly b. specifically c. specifycally d. specificly asked for clams.

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word. ?et me tie your mittens to your slee)es so you don>t a. loose b. loo6e c. lose d. louse them.

oDesk English Spelling Test (U.S. Version)

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