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Bog je rekel ... Ne glej, kako velika je tvoja potreba, glej, kako velik je tvoj Bog!

Tvoje okoliine so ovire, ki ti prepreujejo, da bi videl MOJE POT EBE ... !e bo svoje oi upiral na svoje okoliine, "od said ... #on$t look to t%e bigness o& 'our need (ook to t%e bigness o& 'our "od! )our *ir*u+stan*es are %indran*es to seeing M) ,B-(-T-E. ... -& 'ou keep 'our e'es on 'our *ir*u+stan*es, t%e devil /ill use 'our *ir*u+stan*es to de&eat 'ou and a**use t%e 0ord o& "od ... t%e /riten and t%e (iving 0ord. )our vi*tor' is in keeping 'our e'es on t%e bigness o& 'our "od and 1is abilit' 1e %as pro+ised to take 'ou step b' step b' step not all at on*e ... But step ... B' step and ... Ea*% step /ill be a Mira*le! Morris 2erullo 0orld Evangelis+

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