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chopter 14

5torm ond 5onitory 4no/ysis

Cne of Lhe LrlcklesL and mosL conLroverslal parLs of a clvll deslgner's [ob ls deLermlnlng where waLer and
wasLewaLer wlll go ln a slLe. Clvll 3u offers a varleLy of Lools for deslgnlng and analyzlng Lhe hydraullc and
hydrology porLlons of your pro[ecL. Pydraullc calculaLlons for plpe deslgn Lakes lnLo accounL many facLors LhaL
lnfluence Lhe end producL. Pydrology ls parL sclence and parL arL, wlLh a dash of voodoo. Lucklly, SLorm and
SanlLary Analysls (SSA) ls here Lo help you sorL lL all ouL.
SSA ls a separaLe program LhaL launches from Lhe Analysls Lab ln Clvll 3u or from Lhe AuLodesk folder off of Lhe
Wlndows SLarL menu. 1hls ls Lhe porLlon of Lhe producL LhaL can compuLe slLe runoff, plpe slzlng calculaLlons, and
deslgn pressure plpe sysLems.
ln Lhls chapLer, you wlll learn Lo:
CreaLe a caLchmenL ob[ecL
LxporL plpe daLa from Clvll 3u lnLo SSA
Gett|ng Started on the CAD S|de
When you are geLLlng ready Lo perform hydraullc or hydrologlc compuLaLlons uslng SSA, Lhere are several sLeps
LhaL can be compleLed on Lhe CAu slde of Clvll 3u.
?ou wlll use Clvll 3u Lools Lo flnd dralnage polnLs, caLchmenL areas, and flow paLhs.
Water Drop
ln any hydrologlc sysLem, lL ls lmporLanL Lo know Lhe dlrecLlon waLer wlll flow on a surface. 1he WaLer urop
command ls an excellenL Lool for deLermlnlng where your ouLfall locaLlon should be. ?ou wlll wanL Lo locaLe
prellmlnary flow paLhs before deflnlng Lhe dralnage basln.
1o use Lhe WaLer urop command, selecL Lhe surface you wlsh Lo analyze. 1hen selecL Lhe WaLer urop command
from Lhe Analyze panel of Lhe Surface Lab.
ln Lhe followlng exerclse, you wlll use Lhe WaLer urop command on Lhe exlsLlng slLe Lo deLermlne Lhe currenL
flow paLLern:
1. Cpen Lhe ater*ropEdwg flle, whlch you can download from
2. lor Lhls exerclse, you wlll flnd lL helpful Lo Lurn off ob[ecL snaps and polar Lracklng.
3. SelecL Lhe surface LC by cllcklng on any conLour or porLlon of Lhe boundary.
4. lrom Lhe Analyze panel of Lhe Surface Lab, cllck WaLer urop. 1he WaLer urop seLLlngs wlll appear. verlfy LhaL
Lhe lace Marker AL SLarL olnL opLlon ls seL Lo ?es, as shown ln llgure 14-1. Cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-1:
WaLer urop command opLlons
S. CeL a feel for Lhe slLe dralnage by cllcklng on varlous areas LhroughouL Lhe slLe. 1here ls no wrong place Lo
cllck, as long as you are lnslde Lhe surface boundary.
An x represenLs Lhe place your cursor cllcked. 1he place you cllck ls a locaLlon on Lhe surface where waLer hlLs
Lhe surface. ?ou wlll see llnes formlng ln Lhe dlrecLlon waLer flows from Lhe area. lf you see an x buL no paLh, lL
could mean you are ln a flaL area or lnslde a small depresslon. AfLer you cllck ln several locaLlons, your drawlng
wlll resemble
llgure 14-2
I|gure 14-2:
Surface wlLh waLer drop paLhs
6. Cllck around as many places as you would llke Lo examlne. ress Lsc when you flnlsh.
1he waLer drop paLhs LhaL are creaLed are polyllnes wlLhouL any speclal lnLelllgence. 1he nexL sLep demonsLraLes
how Lo remove Lhem lf your surface model changes or you need Lo clear Lhem from Lhe screen.
7. (CpLlonal) SelecL one of Lhe x symbols and Lhe waLer drop paLh. 8e sure your surface ls noL selecLed. 8lghL-
cllck and choose SelecL Slmllar. All of Lhe flow paLhs and correspondlng xs wlll be hlghllghLed. 8emove Lhem by
presslng ueleLe on your keyboard.
1he flrsL sLep ln any runoff compuLaLlon ls flndlng Lhe area of Lhe waLersheds (also known as dralnage baslns or
caLchmenLs) LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe flow.
A new ob[ecL Lype has been added Lo Clvll 3u 2012: cotcbmeots. CaLchmenLs work wlLh your surface models Lo
deLermlne Lhe area dralnlng Lo a polnL you speclfy. 1hey are also used Lo flnd Lhe dralnage paLh wlLhln Lhe
caLchmenL Lo compuLe Llme of concenLraLlon (1c).
cotchment 6roups
?ou musL creaLe a caLchmenL group before creaLlng caLchmenLs. CaLchmenL groups are a way Lo separaLe
predevelopmenL and posLdevelopmenL waLershed areas. Slmllar Lo slLes, a caLchmenL ln one caLchmenL group wlll
noL lnLerfere wlLh ob[ecLs ln anoLher caLchmenL group. CaLchmenL groups do noL lnLeracL wlLh each oLher,
allowlng caLchmenLs from dlfferlng groups Lo overlay each oLher.
cotchment creotion
ln llgure 14-3 you see a caLchmenL wlLh all lLs relaLed feaLures. ?ou wlll need a grasp of Lhe Lermlnology used ln
Lhe sofLware before proceedlng. lL ls useful Lo Lhlnk abouL a hypoLheLlcal ralndrop hlLLlng Lhe caLchmenL Lo grasp
whaL Lhe varlous componenLs represenL.
I|gure 14-3: A caLchmenL wlLh several flow paLh segmenLs
Catchment 8oundary 1he ouLllne represenLs Lhe caLchmenL boundary, ofLen called Lhe basln dlvlde or
waLershed boundary. 1hls represenLs Lhe ouLermosL polnLs of Lhe caLchmenL ob[ecL. Any ralndrops LhaL hlL
lnslde Lhls boundary wlll flow Lo Lhe same polnL.
D|scharge o|nt 1oward Lhe boLLom of Lhe boundary ln llgure 14-3 ls Lhe dlscharge polnL. 1hls ls Lhe maln
polnL of analysls used for Lhe caLchmenL. All ralndrops LhaL hlL Lhe basln ulLlmaLely end up aL Lhls locaLlon.
nydrau||ca||y Most D|stant o|nt near Lhe Lop of Lhe caLchmenL boundary ln llgure 14-3 ls a marker
lndlcaLlng Lhe hydraullcally mosL dlsLanL polnL. A ralndrop LhaL lands aL Lhls polnL wlll Lake Lhe longesL Lo arrlve
aL Lhe dlscharge polnL.
Catchment I|ow ath ln llgure 14-3, Lhe caLchmenL flow paLh ls shown as a dashed llne runnlng Lhrough Lhe
caLchmenL. 1hls llnear paLh represenLs Lhe course Lhe ralndrop Lakes on lLs [ourney from Lhe hydraullcally mosL
dlsLanL polnL Lo Lhe dlscharge polnL. 1he caLchmenL flow paLh ls used Lo deLermlne Lhe slope and lengLh for
compuLlng 1c for hydrology calculaLlons.
I|ow ath Segments 8y defaulL, a flow paLh ls creaLed wlLh an average slope Lhrough lLs overall lengLh. uslng
flow paLh segmenLs, you can break up Lhe flow paLh lnLo smaller pleces wlLh Lhe average slope compuLed per
segmenL. Lach segmenL can have dlfferenL compuLaLlon meLhods assoclaLed wlLh Lhem for 1c compuLaLlons.
1he compuLaLlon meLhods are as follows:
SCS Shallow ConcenLraLed llow
SCS SheeL llow
SCS Channel llow
1|me of Concentrat|on 1lme of concenLraLlon ls Lhe Llme lL Lakes for a drop of raln Lo Lravel from Lhe
hydraullcally mosL dlsLanL polnL Lo Lhe dlscharge polnL. 1he defaulL meLhod for deLermlnlng Lhls value ls 18-33.
Clvll 3u uses Lhe flow Lype, slope, and user-speclfled Mannlng's roughness Lo deLermlne Lhe Llme. AlLernaLely,
you can lnpuL a user-deflned Llme of concenLraLlon.
SCS, What? 1k, Who?
18-33 ls shorL for a Lechnlcal documenL puL ouL ln 1986 by a branch of Lhe uS ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure. 1he agency prlor Lo 1996 was
called SCS (Soll ConservaLlon Servlce), buL ls now known as n8CS (naLlonal 8esources ConservaLlon Servlce). 1echnlcal 8elease 33 urban
Pydrology for Small WaLersheds" ls Lhe semlnal work behlnd hydrology compuLaLlons ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes.
1hls documenL, whlch has been added Lo Lhe chapLer daLaseL (whlch you can download from Lhls book's webpage) for your reference,
descrlbes Lhe procedures needed for deLermlnlng Lhe curve number (a.k.a. runoff coefflclenL), when Lo apply Lhe dlfferenL flow Lypes, and
how Lo compuLe 1c for each flow Lype.
Clvll 3u lncorporaLes Lhe 1c compuLaLlon dlrecLly ln Lhe caLchmenL ob[ecL. Powever, 18-33 does have some llmlLaLlons LhaL you need Lo
keep an eye ouL for ln Clvll 3u:
Mlnlmum Llme of concenLraLlon = 0.1 hour (6 mlnuLes).
lf you're uslng sheeL flow, lL should be your flrsL flow segmenL and should noL exceed 300' . Some newer llLeraLure says sheeL flow
should noL exceed 200'. Check wlLh your local regulaLlng auLhorlLy for speclflc requlremenLs. 1yplcally, sheeL flow morphs lnLo
shallow concenLraLed flow before 200'.
Lach Clvll 3u caLchmenL supporLs one enLry for curve number. Powever, Lhe curve number ls noL used for deLermlnlng Lhe Llme of
concenLraLlon. lf you have nonhomogeneous land and/or soll Lypes, leave Lhe defaulL, buL be sure Lo compuLe Lhe composlLe curve
number ln Lhe SSA porLlon of Lhe sofLware.
lf you need Lo use a meLhod oLher Lhan 18-33 for 1c, you can speclfy user-ueflned and leave Lhe enLry blank unLll you exporL Lo Lhe
SSA porLlon of Lhe producL.
llnally, keep ln mlnd LhaL Clvll 3u caLchmenLs are noL dynamlc Lo Lhe surface model. lf Lhe surface model changes, you wlll need Lo re-
creaLe your caLchmenL.
cotchment Options
?ou can choose Lo creaLe a caLchmenL from a surface model or by converLlng a closed polyllne. ?ou wlll geL Lhe
besL resulLs when deflnlng your caLchmenL by converLlng a polyllne Lo a caLchmenL area. Manually dellneaLe your
waLershed areas uslng Lhe WaLer urop command you used ln Lhe prevlous secLlon as a gulde.
Create Catchment Irom Cb[ect ln mosL cases, Lhls wlll be Lhe meLhod you should use for waLershed creaLlon.
use CreaLe CaLchmenL lrom Cb[ecL lf you have waLershed daLa creaLed ahead of Llme (l.e., from an lmporLed
ClS flle or exlsLlng uWC). ?ou wlll also need Lo use Lhe CreaLe CaLchmenL lrom Cb[ecL opLlon for waLersheds
LhaL are ad[acenL Lo your pro[ecL's llmlLs of dlsLurbance. Lven lf you choose Lo use an exlsLlng polyllne as Lhe
caLchmenL boundary, you can sLlll use Lhe surface model Lo deLermlne Lhe flow paLh locaLlon and slope.
Create Cb[ect Irom Surface use Lhe CreaLe CaLchmenL lrom Surface opLlon lf you have a well-formed surface
model wlLh adequaLe daLa for Clvll 3u Lo compuLe Lhe waLershed area. Surface models wlLh many flaL areas,
sparse daLa, or mulLlple hlde boundarles wlll noL work well for Lhls Lool. lf you do noL have good luck wlLh Lhls
Lool, don'L be surprlsed. Make sure Lhe surface model used for caLchmenL creaLlon ls compleLe before deflnlng
a caLchmenL ob[ecL. 1he caLchmenL ls noL dynamlcally llnked Lo Lhe surface model, Lherefore, lL wlll noL updaLe
lf changes are made Lo Lhe surface model. lf you are uslng Lhe hydrology Lool on an exlsLlng ground surface
(predevelopmenL), make sure all surveyed shoLs and breakllnes are added before proceedlng. lf you are uslng
Lhe Lools on a proposed slLe (posLdevelopmenL), make sure corrldor surface models, gradlng surface models,
and any proposed elevaLlon daLa are pasLed LogeLher ln Lhe surface model used for analysls.
ln Lhe followlng exerclse, you wlll use mulLlple Lools Lo dellneaLe several waLershed areas for a predeveloped
slLe. ?ou wlll also use Lhe slLe characLerlsLlcs Lo speclfy Mannlng's roughness for SCS SheeL flow and SCS Channel
flow. 1he slLe ls covered ln a dense grass.
1. Cpen Lhe Catchment2(Edwg flle, whlch you can download from Lhls book's web page.
2. lor Lhls exerclse you wlll flnd lL helpful Lo Lurn on Lhe lnserL ob[ecL snap.
3. Cn Lhe Analyze Lab, locaLe Lhe Cround uaLa panel. Choose CaLchmenLs r CreaLe CaLchmenL Croup, as shown
ln llgure 14-4. name Lhe group re-deve|oped. Cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-4:
Accesslng caLchmenL Lools from Lhe Analyze Lab
4. Cn Lhe Analyze Lab, locaLe Lhe Cround uaLa panel. Choose CaLchmenLs r CreaLe CaLchmenL lrom Surface.
S. When you see Lhe prompL !pecify the *ischarge Point), selecL Lhe lnserLlon polnL of Lhe sLorm sLrucLure
labeled LxlsLlng lnleL (S).
6. When Lhe CreaLe CaLchmenL lrom Surface dlalog appears:
name Lhe caLchmenL South.
SeL Lhe surface Lo uralnage CL-Survey.
Cllck Lhe selecL sLrucLure lcon Lo seL Lhe 8eference lpe neLwork sLrucLure Lo LxlsLlng lnleL (S).
AlLernaLely, you can rlghL-cllck Lo plck sLrucLures from a llsL.
SeL CaLchmenL Label SLyle Lo name Area And roperLles.
SeL 8unoff CoefflclenL Lo >E3. (1hls ls Lhe runoff coefflclenL used ln Lhe 8aLlonal meLhod and wlll noL
affecL our 1c value.)
lf your dlalog looks llke
llgure 14-3
, cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-S:
CreaLe CaLchmenL lrom Surface seLLlngs
7. AfLer a momenL, a red llne represenLlng Lhe caLchmenL boundary wlll form. ress Lsc on your keyboard Lo
dlsmlss Lhe command.
8. Cn Lhe Analyze Lab, locaLe Lhe Cround uaLa panel. Choose CaLchmenLs r CreaLe CaLchmenL lrom Cb[ecL.
9. SelecL Lhe closed polyllne norLh of Lhe flrsL caLchmenL. AL Lhe prompL !elect a polyline on the uphill end to
use as a flow path For Press -sc to skipG), cllck Lhe easLern end of Lhe blue, dashed polyllne LhaL runs across
Lhe caLchmenL.
10. ln Lhe CreaLe CaLchmenL lrom Cb[ecL dlalog LhaL appears:
name Lhe caLchmenL North.
Cllck Lhe selecL sLrucLure lcon Lo seL Lhe 8eference lpe neLwork sLrucLure Lo LxlsLlng lnleL (n).
SeL CaLchmenL Label SLyle Lo name Area And roperLles.
SeL 8unoff CoefflclenL Lo >E3.
uncheck Lrase LxlsLlng LnLlLles. ?our dlalog wlll now look
llke llgure 14-6a
SwlLch Lo Lhe llow aLh Lab.
SeL llow aLh Slopes Lo lrom Surface.
SeL Surface Lo uralnage CL-Survey.
?our llow aLh Lab wlll now look llke
llgure 14-6b
. Cllck Ck. ress Lsc on your keyboard Lo exlL Lhe command.
I|gure 14-6:
CreaLe CaLchmenL lrom Cb[ecL seLLlngs (a) and Lhe llow aLh Lab (b)
?our new caLchmenL should resemble
llgure 14-7
I|gure 14-7:
1he norLh caLchmenL and flow paLh
11. SelecL Lhe norLh caLchmenL by cllcklng anywhere on Lhe red boundary or on Lhe dashed flow paLh llne.
12. 8lghL-cllck and selecL LdlL llow SegmenLs, as shown ln llgure 14-8.
I|gure 14-8:
8lghL-cllck Lo access LdlL llow SegmenLs.
13. anorama wlll appear showlng Lhe conLlnuous paLh as SCS Shallow ConcenLraLed llow. Change Surface 1ype
Lo ShorL Crass asLure.
14. Cllck Lhe plus slgn ln Lhe upper-lefL corner Lo creaLe a flow segmenL.
1S. CreaLe Lhe new flow segmenL by cllcklng aL Lhe locaLlon on Lhe flow llne LhaL crosses conLour llne 822'.
1he new segmenL ls placed ln Lhe anorama llsLlng from uphlll Lo downhlll. SegmenL 1 ls Lhe segmenL you [usL
creaLed and SegmenL 2 represenLs everyLhlng else downhlll.
16. 1hls new segmenL represenLs sheeL flow. Change Lhe flow Lype for SegmenL 1 Lo SCS SheeL llow. noLe Lhe
lnpuL flelds change Lo accommodaLe Lhls Lype of flow.
SeL Lhe 2?r-24Pr 8alnfall value Lo 2.9.
SeL Lhe Mannlng's 8oughness value Lo 0.24.
1he ralnfall lnformaLlon used ln Lhls sLep was found ln Lhe ennuC1 dralnage deslgn manual, whlch you can
check for yourself aL
1he Mannlng's roughness for Lhls area ls based on coefflclenLs for long grass found ln Lhe 18-33 documenL.
17. Cllck Lhe plus slgn and add Lhe nexL segmenL aL Lhe abrupL bend ln Lhe flow paLh near Lhe slLe boundary.
1hls ls where our flow enLers a swale. lor SegmenL 3, change llow 1ype Lo SCS Channel llow.
SeL Lhe Mannlng's 8oughness value Lo 0.0S.
SeL Lhe Cross-SecLlonal Area value Lo 27 square feeL.
SeL Lhe WeLLed erlmeLer value Lo 28.2'.
Mannlng's roughness was deLermlned based on an earLhen swale from 18-33. 1he cross-secLlonal area and
weLLed perlmeLer are slLe-speclflc measuremenLs of Lhe swale.
?our panorama should now look llke
llgure 14-9
. ?ou have used Clvll 3u Lo compuLe Lhe 1c for Lhe norLh caLchmenL.
I|gure 14-9:
1hree flow segmenLs wlLh dlfferenL characLerlsLlcs
18. Save Lhe drawlng.
Catchment Areas to GIS
1here are many slLuaLlons where you wlll need Lo work wlLh ClS daLa Lo send daLa Lo ouLslde sources. ?ou can use ClS daLa for anyLhlng
from land uses Lo soll Lypes. Lucklly, Clvll 3u conLalns all of AuLodesk's Map 3u program, allowlng you Lo work wlLh geographlcal daLa.
When caLchmenLs are exporLed Lo SSA from Clvll 3u, Lhe 1c, runoff coefflclenL, and area are exporLed as daLa only. Powever, you may be
asked Lo provlde LS8l Shape flles (SP) of your waLershed areas.
1o geL physlcal geomeLry from Clvll 3u, use parcels lnsLead of caLchmenLs and Lhen use ClS Lools Lo move Lhe daLa Lo SP formaL:
1. Cpen Lhe flle Parcel -@portEdwg, whlch you can download from Lhls book's web page.
2. lrom Lhe LxporL panel on Lhe CuLpuL Lab, cllck LxporL Clvll Cb[ecLs 1o Sul.
3. 1he Sul flle wlll auLomaLlcally be sLored ln Lhe same folder as Lhe uWC flle you are worklng ln. lf you wlsh Lo change Lhe locaLlon, cllck
Lhe elllpsls buLLon. Cllck Ck Lo conflrm Lhe coordlnaLe sysLem and creaLe Lhe Sul flle.
1he Sul flle has been creaLed, buL Lo use lL ln SSA you musL converL lL Lo an SP flle. ln Lhe nexL sLeps you wlll be uslng Lhe Map commands
Lo perform Lhe converslon. ?ou wlll change Lo Lhe Map parL of Lhe program by swlLchlng Lo Lhe lannlng And Analysls Workspace.
4. Change Lo Lhe lannlng And Analysls Workspace by cllcklng Lhe gear lcon ln Lhe lower-rlghL corner of your Clvll 3u screen. Cn Lhe uaLa
panel of Lhe Pome Lab, cllck ConnecL.
S. Cn Lhe lefL slde of Lhe uaLa ConnecL screen, cllck Add Sul ConnecLlon. Cn Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe dlalog, cllck Lhe browse lcon beslde Lhe
Source llle fleld Lo browse Lo Lhe flle you creaLed ln sLep 3. Cllck ConnecL. no addlLlonal acLlon ls needed for Lhe Sul daLa.
6. nexL, hlghllghL Add SP ConnecLlon. Cllck Lhe lolder lcon and browse Lo Lhe folder locaLlon where Lhe pro[ecL resldes.
7. Cllck ConnecL. 1he folder you chose wlll be Lhe desLlnaLlon for SP flles you wlll creaLe ln Lhe sLeps LhaL follow. no addlLlonal sLeps are
needed ln Lhe uaLa ConnecL screen and you can cllck Lhe x Lo close lL.
8. SwlLch Lo Lhe CreaLe Lab and locaLe Lhe leaLure uaLa SLore panel. Cllck 8ulk Copy.
9. ln Lhe lrom slde of Lhe screen on Lhe lefL, seL Lhe Source Lo Sul_1. Scroll down Lhe llsLlng and puL a check mark nexL Lo arcels.
10. Cn Lhe rlghL slde, seL Lhe 1o 1argeL Lo SP_1. Scroll down Lo where Lhe command has auLomaLlcally maLched parcel lnformaLlon.
11. uouble-cllck Lhe fleld for AuLogeneraLed_Sul_lu and rename lL Lo ID. 1hls sLep ls necessary because Lhe SP flle only supporLs
properLy names conLalnlng fewer Lhan 12 characLers.
12. Cllck Copy now. ?ou wlll be prompLed wlLh a message warnlng you LhaL Lhe 8ulk Copy operaLlon cannoL be undone. Cllck ConLlnue
8ulk Copy.
13. 1he 8ulk Copy 8esulLs message should pop up, lnformlng you LhaL 13 ob[ecLs were copled. Cllck Ck.
14. Close Lhe 8ulk Copy dlalog and close Lhe drawlng.
Lxport|ng |pes to SSA
When your caLchmenLs and your plpe neLworks are ready Lo analyze, swlLch Lo Lhe Analyze Lab and selecL LdlL ln
SLorm and SanlLary Analysls. ?ou musL have aL leasL one plpe Lo exporL.
When you exporL, Lhe plpe neLwork lnformaLlon, lnleLs, plpes, and elevaLlons converL over Lo SSA. CaLchmenL
daLa ls shown wlLh area, 1c, and runoff coefflclenL as daLa only. 1he graphlc area LhaL you deflne on Lhe Clvll 3u
end ls noL needed.
When you flrsL exporL a pro[ecL over, SSA wlll ask lf you would llke Lo creaLe a new pro[ecL or open an exlsLlng
pro[ecL. lf you are addlng plpes Lo an exlsLlng neLwork LhaL has been analyzed ln SSA, cllck Lhe Cpen LxlsLlng
ro[ecL radlo buLLon and browse Lo Lhe locaLlon of your sLored Sl flle.
When you creaLe a new pro[ecL, SSA does a few grunL-work Lhlngs for you. llrsL, lL converLs all your [uncLlons
and plpes Lo Lhe SSA formaL (vla Pydraflow's S1M flle, oddly enough) and asks lf you would llke Lo save Lhe log flle.
Cenerally, savlng Lhe log flle ls noL necessary unless you are havlng dlfflculLy lmporLlng cerLaln ob[ecLs. ln mosL
cases, you can cllck no Lo conLlnue.
Cnce you are ln Lhe SSA lnLerface, you can access your acLlve pro[ecL by cllcklng Lhe lan vlew Lab aL Lhe Lop of
Lhe wlndow. ?ou wlll see your uWC flle as an underlay Lo Lhe pro[ecL you are worklng on.
now Does SSA Dec|de What's an In|et and What's a Manho|e?
8urled deep ln Lhe bowels of your command seLLlngs are Lhe arL MaLchup SeLLlngs. Cn Lhe SeLLlngs Lab, choose lpe neLworks r
Commands and double-cllck Lhe LdlLlnSSA opLlon. Cnce you are Lhere, expand Lhe SLorm Sewers MlgraLlon uefaulLs area.
Cllck Lhe arL MaLchlng uefaulLs fleld. Cllck Lhe elllpsls Lo enLer Lhe arL MaLchup SeLLlngs dlalog.
1he lmporL Lab handles how parLs from SSA or Pydraflow behave on Lhe way lnLo Clvll 3u. 1he LxporL Lab handles how SSA or Pydraflow
handles parLs from Clvll 3u. As you can Lell from poklng around here, Lhere lsn'L always a perfecL maLch for every parL you use.
1here are a few qulrks and llmlLaLlons wlLh Lhe lnLended SSA workflow:
lpe neLworks LhaL conLaln parLs from mulLlple-parL famllles (for example, a plpe neLwork may conLaln a parL from Lhe PuL famlly
and anoLher parL from Lhe ConcreLe famlly) wlll relmporL back lnLo Clvll 3u wlLh only one parL famlly.
1o prevenL SSA and Clvll 3u from changlng your plpe slzes, make a slngle parL famlly for all clrcular plpes. 8e sure LhaL Lhe masLer"
parL famlly conLalns all posslble slzes. Cnce lL ls relmporLed back Lo Clvll 3u, use Swap arL Lo change back Lo Lhe orlglnal parL famlly
lor advanced users, Lhere ls a super-secreL xML flle locaLed ln C)^Program
1ilesF@<6G^Autodesk^!!A .>(.^!amples^Part &atching. lor more lnformaLlon abouL uslng and edlLlng Lhls flle,
see Lhe arL MaLchlng help flle.
CulverLs are LreaLed Lhe same as a slngle plpe ln SSA. Cnce you exporL a culverL lnLo SSA, you'll need Lo seL enLrance and exlL
A llLLle parL Lune-up wlll be needed afLer Lhe round-Lrlp, however, Lhe Llme savlngs ln uslng Lhe exporL commands are sLlll very much
worLh lL.
Storm and San|tary Ana|ys|s
SSA can perform a number of waLer- and wasLewaLer-relaLed Lasks. ln Lhe remalnder of Lhls chapLer, you wlll be
golng Lhrough several examples of whaL SSA can do, buL you are [usL seelng Lhe Llp of Lhe proverblal lceberg.
ln Lhe nexL secLlon, you wlll focus on Lhe workflow beLween Clvll 3u and SSA.
ln Lhe followlng secLlon, you wlll learn how Lo creaLe subbaslns (caLchmenLs) dlrecLly ln SSA. ?ou'll also see
examples of Lhe 8aLlonal meLhod and 18-33 and learn abouL SSA reporLs.
Gu|ded 1our of SSA
SSA ls noL aL all llke AuLoCAu. lL ls a Lrue modellng sofLware LhaL shows a schemaLlc of your deslgn ln a plan vlew.
Cn Lhe lefL slde of Lhe screen you wlll see Lhe daLa Lree. Llke rospecLor ln Clvll 3u, Lhe SSA daLa Lree glves you
access Lo Lools and lnformaLlon abouL ob[ecLs.
1he easlesL way Lo add new sLrucLures, plpes, or caLchmenLs Lo Lhe pro[ecL ls Lo do so from Lhe LlemenLs
Loolbar along Lhe Lop of Lhe screen. Pere you wlll flnd everyLhlng you need Lo bulld a pro[ecL from scraLch lf you
dld noL sLarL ouL ln Clvll 3u.
1he nexL sLop on our Lour ls Lhe ro[ecL CpLlons dlalog (llgure 14-10). Access ro[ecL CpLlons by double-cllcklng
on Lhe llsLlng ln Lhe daLa Lree. ro[ecL CpLlons ls where you seL your unlLs, hydrology meLhod, rouLlng meLhod, and
force maln equaLlon. uependlng on Lhe scope of your pro[ecL, you may noL need Lo worry abouL every equaLlon
used. ln Lhe followlng example, you wlll use Lhe 8aLlonal meLhod wlLh 18-33 1c calculaLlons. Slnce you are
calculaLlng runoff only, you do noL need Lo seL Lhe oLher pro[ecL opLlons. Cnce you have flnlshed enLerlng Lhe
opLlons shown ln llgure 14-10, cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-10: SSA ro[ecL CpLlons dlalog
Whenever you are deslgnlng ln SSA, always work upsLream Lo downsLream. lf your sysLem lncludes a pump, you
should work from hlghesL elevaLlon Lo lower elevaLlons.
An SSA pro[ecL conslsLs of Lhree maln ob[ecL Lypes: subbaslns, nodes, and llnks:
Subbas|ns Subbaslns are lmporLanL for runoff compuLaLlons buL are noL mandaLory lf you are lnpuLLlng flows
manually. Subbaslns can be deflned dlrecLly ln SSA or broughL over as daLa from Clvll 3u. SSA can also Lurn an
SP flle dlrecLly lnLo a subbasln.
Nodes nodes are Lhe workhorses of SSA, and can Lake several forms:
Iunct|on Node nodes are where all calculaLlons are done ln SSA. lf you wanL lnformaLlon along a plpe, for
example, you wlll need Lo place a [uncLlon node aL Lhe locaLlon of lnLeresL. 1hese can be used as null
sLrucLures, waLer, or polluLanL lnfllLraLlon polnLs.
Cutfa|| Node CuLfall node ls Lhe end of your sysLem. An ouLfall can be where proposed sewer Lles lnLo
exlsLlng, where sanlLary sewer enLers a LreaLmenL faclllLy or a culverL dlscharge locaLlon. An ouLfall can be
aLLached Lo only one llnk.
I|ow D|vers|on Node lf a node has Lwo ouLgolng llnks, you wlll need Lo use a flow dlverslon. llow
dlverslons mosL commonly represenL mulLlple ouLflow polnLs on a deLenLlon basln, such as a welr or orlflce.
1hey can also represenL flow dlverslon ln a comblned sewer sysLem or anywhere an overflow check ls ln use.
In|ets When SSA converLs sLrucLures from Clvll 3u, lL assumes an lnleL node by defaulL. lnleLs are used ln
sLorm sysLems and can collecL flow from a subbasln. ?ou can also manually enLer flows.
Storage Nodes Anywhere waLer ls deLalned on your slLe, a sLorage node can model Lhe scenarlo. SLorage
nodes can represenL ponds, weL wells, underground sLorage, or a resldenLlal raln barrel.
L|nks Llnks connecL nodes Lo each oLher. Llnks represenL plpes, channels, curbs, and guLLers, or culverLs.
nydraf|ow, We naven't Iorgotten ou
When lL comes Lo flexlblllLy ln sLorm deslgn and rouLlng, SSA beaLs Lhe panLs off of Pydraflow any day. ln general, Lhere ls a loL of overlap
beLween Lhe Lwo producLs. lor baslc sLorm sewer calculaLlons, elLher producL wlll work greaL. When your deslgns geL more complex and
requlre hydrograph and sLorage rouLlng wlLh lnfllLraLlon and exfllLraLlon, SSA has a much beLLer soluLlon.
?ou can sLlll access all Lhe Pydraflow funcLlons from Lhe Analyze Lab r ueslgn panel flyouL.
Pydraflow ls sLlll parL of Lhe plcLure when lL comes Lo exporLlng and lmporLlng daLa Lo and from Clvll 3u. Pydraflow's flle formaL does a
much beLLer [ob Lhan LandxML aL keeplng Lhe daLa lnLegrlLy of your plpes and sLrucLures.
When exporLlng from SSA, choose llle r LxporL r Pydraflow SLorm Sewers llle for Lhe besL paLh back Lo Clvll 3u.
nydro|ogy Methods
SSA ls capable of compuLlng ralnfall runoff uslng any of Lhe followlng meLhods:
kat|ona| Method 1he 8aLlonal meLhod ls used Lo approxlmaLe Lhe peak dlscharge (or flow, C) from an
lmpervlous area (A) uslng Lhe Lrled and Lrue C=clA. 1hls ls Lhe mosL common meLhod used for slzlng sewer
lmaglne yourself ouLslde ln a ralnsLorm, sLarlng aL a slngle polnL on your drlveway (assumlng your drlveway ls
lmpervlous and on a nlce, even slope). AL flrsL, Lhe waLer on your drlveway ls comlng rlghL from Lhe sky. AfLer a
whlle, waLer flows ln from raln falllng elsewhere ln your nelghborhood. now lmaglne LhaL Lhe sLorm sLops as
soon as ralndrops from Lhe farLhesL polnL ln your nelghborhood reach Lhe polnL on your drlveway.
1he 8aLlonal meLhod ls based on Lhe assumpLlon LhaL lL Lakes Lhe same amounL of Llme for Lhose farLhesL
ralndrops Lo geL Lo you as Lhey do Lo run off your drlveway compleLely.
1he flrsL sLep Lo uslng Lhe 8aLlonal meLhod ls Lo dellneaLe Lhe dralnage basln, as descrlbed earller ln Lhls
chapLer, and asslgn composlLe runoff coefflclenLs. SSA needs an lnLenslLy-duraLlon-frequency (lul) curve for Lhe
sLudy area Lo compuLe Lhe ralnfall.
Mod|f|ed kat|ona| and Deka|b kat|ona| 1hese hydrology meLhods are slmllar Lo Lhe 8aLlonal meLhod, excepL
LhaL Lhey are lnLended Lo approxlmaLe Lhe sLorage volume needed on small, slmple deLenLlon baslns. lnsLead of
Lhe sLorm duraLlon equallng Lwo Llmes Lhe Llme of concenLraLlon, Lhe sLorm duraLlon ls longer. 1he longer
sLorm duraLlon resulLs ln a larger volume Lhan Lhe 8aLlonal meLhod buL resulLs ln a lower peak dlscharge.
1he same lnformaLlon ls needed for Lhe Modlfled and uekalb 8aLlonal meLhods as for Lhe 8aLlonal meLhod, and
you musL have a value ln Lhe ro[ecL CpLlons dlalog for Modlfled 8aLlonal SLorm uuraLlon.
8oLh Lhe 8aLlonal meLhod and Lhe Modlfled 8aLlonal meLhod are lnLended for small waLersheds, usually less
Lhan 20 acres (8.1 hecLares).
SCS 1k-SS Method and 1k-20 Method More glfLs from Lhe uSuA, Lhe SCS 18-33 runoff meLhod ls a more
complex meLhod LhaL ls approprlaLe for sLudy areas up Lo 2,000 acres (809 hecLares).
lor Lhe SCS 18-33 and 18-20 meLhods, SSA conLalns Lools for looklng up compuLaLlon varlables. ?ou wlll flnd a
curve number (Cn) lookup Lable lnslde Lhe subbasln. SSA wlll even help you deLermlne Lhe composlLe curve
number. 1he 18-33 hydrology meLhod ls also where you wlll use SSA raln gauges.
nLC-1 1he uS Army Corps of Lnglneers' Pydraullc Lnglneerlng CenLer has a compuLer program called PLC-1 for
hydrology calculaLlons. 1he PLC-1 meLhod ln SSA dupllcaLes Lhe resulLs from Lhe Army Corps' program. 1helr
meLhod ls used ln slLuaLlons where Lhere ls an exlsLlng body of waLer, such as a sLream. lor an explanaLlon of
Lhls meLhod dlrecLly from Lhe source, go Lo
LA-SWMM 1he uS LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency (LA) SLorm WaLer ManagemenL Model (SWMM)
meLhod ls used for developed waLershed areas and can Lake lnLo accounL many more facLors Lhan Lhe oLher
analysls meLhods. SWMM allows for locallzed pondlng effecLs, whlch can be enLered lnLo Lhe subbasln physlcal
properLles area. 1hls meLhod also allows for Lhe effecLs of exlsLlng soll molsLure, evaporaLlon, and snowmelL ln
Lhe sysLem. When uslng LA-SWMM, be sure Lo seL all Lhe meLhods you lnLend Lo use for lnfllLraLlon and
exfllLraLlon ln Lhe ro[ecL CpLlons dlalog.
A Iew n|nts for Work|ng |n SSA
Slnce Lhls ls noL LradlLlonal CAu, Lhe program behaves dlfferenLly Lhan you mlghL expecL. 1hls llsL conLalns a few hlnLs Lo help you along
Lhe way:
Make sure you download and lnsLall Lhe Clvll 3u 32-blL ob[ecL enabler. SSA needs Lhe ob[ecL enabler Lo see Clvll 3u ob[ecLs such as
plpes, sLrucLures, and nodes. Slnce SSA ls a 32-blL appllcaLlon under Lhe hood, download Lhe 32-blL verslon of Lhe ob[ecL enabler
even lf your compuLer ls on a 64-blL operaLlng sysLem.
unllke AuLoCAu, SSA keeps you ln a command unLll you press Lsc, or cllck Lhe SelecL LlemenL Lool from Lhe Loolbar.
AnoLher goLcha" are Lhe Labs along Lhe Lop of Lhe screen. 1o dlsmlss Lhem, use Lhe red x LhaL appears on Lhe Lab lLself. lL ls a
common mlsLake Lo dlsmlss Lhe program accldenLally by cllcklng Lhe lncorrecL red x.
uon'L forgeL Lo save! unllke CAu, Lhere ls no auLo-save.
Also, Lhere ls no undo command ln SSA. Lucklly, addlng and removlng elemenLs ls a slmple process. lf someLhlng geLs goofed up
beyond repalr, you could always close wlLhouL savlng.
lL may Lake a whlle Lo geL used Lo, buL SSA ls a powerhouse analysls Lool.
ln Lhe followlng example, you wlll work Lhrough a slmpllfled example Lo geL Lhe feel for Lhe SSA lnLerface:
1. Launch SSA from Lhe sLand-alone lcon ln your compuLer's SLarL menu. 1hls wlll launch SSA wlLh an empLy
2. ln Lhe SSA lnLerface, choose llle r lmporL r Layer Manager (uWC/uxl/1ll/more), as shown ln llgure
14-11. Cllck Lhe elllpsls nexL Lo Lhe lmage/CAu llle fleld. 8rowse Lo Lhe flle !!A IntroEdwg, whlch you can
download from Lhls book's web page. lace a check mark nexL Lo WaLermark lmage and cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-11:
1o show Lhe AuLoCAu lnformaLlon as an underlay, lmporL lL as a background layer
When you lmporL Lhe CAu flle, make a menLal noLe of Lhe many flle formaLs LhaL can be used Lo lmporL daLa Lo
SSA, lncludlng LA SWMM.
3. Cllck Lhe green Add Subbasln buLLon from Lhe elemenLs Loolbar along Lhe Lop of Lhe wlndow. uslng Lhls Lool,
cllck around Lhe boundary llnes LhaL represenL Lhe example waLersheds. When you are close Lo compleLlng a
shape, you can rlghL-cllck and selecL uone Lo close Lhe shape.
1here are no snap or curve drawlng Lools ln SSA. ulglLlze as closely as posslble uslng mulLlple small segmenLs. lf
you make a mlsLake, you can rlghL-cllck and selecL ueleLe LasL SegmenL. LaLer on ln Lhls chapLer we wlll look
more closely aL modlfylng verLlces of a compleLed shape.
4. When you have compleLed boLh shapes, your graphlc wlll resemble llgure 14-12.
I|gure 14-12:
new subbaslns ln SSA
S. SwlLch Lo Lhe lnleL Lool by cllcklng Lhe lnleL buLLon aL Lhe Lop of Lhe SSA wlndow.
6. lace Lwo lnleLs on Lhe souLh slde of Lhe slLe. An x has been placed aL each lnleL locaLlon Lo help you locaLe
Lhe recommended poslLlons.
When you have flnlshed placlng lnleLs, press Lsc on your keyboard or cllck Lhe arrow lcon ln SSA Lo geL back Lo
SelecLlon mode. lf you accldenLally place more lnleLs Lhan you wanLed, you can rlghL-cllck Lhe wayward lnleL
whlle ln SelecLlon mode and selecL ueleLe from Lhe menu.
7. Cllck Lhe CuLfall lcon. Cllck Lo place Lhe ouLfall sLrucLure ln Lhe locaLlon marked wlLh a clrcle aL Lhe
souLheasLern corner of Lhe slLe.
8. nexL, swlLch Lo Lhe Conveyance Llnk Lool. Worklng from lefL Lo rlghL across Lhe pro[ecL, cllck Lhe upsLream
lnleL. 8eslsL Lhe LempLaLlon Lo cllck and drag. ConnecL Lhe flrsL lnleL wlLh a sLralghL segmenL Lo Lhe second lnleL.
nexL, connecL Lhe second lnleL Lo Lhe ouLfall. AL Lhls polnL your SSA flle should resemble llgure 14-13.
I|gure 14-13:
lpes connecLlng lnleLs Lo each oLher and Lhe ouLfall
9. uouble-cllck Lhe flrsL conveyance llnk you creaLed. ?ou wlll see Lhe Conveyance Llnks dlalog. 1he easlesL place
Lo rename Lhe plpes ls ln Lhe small grld aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe box, as shown ln llgure 14-14. When your cursor ls
ln Lhe fleld Lo rename a plpe, a dark black square wlll appear on Lhe plpe ln Lhe maln graphlc, helplng Lo lndlcaLe
whlch plpe you are edlLlng. 8ename Lhe flrsL llnk Lo |pe1. 8ename Lhe second conveyance llnk Lo |pe2.
I|gure 14-14:
1he Conveyance Llnks dlalog ls Lhe maln plpe and channel conLrol Lool.
So far, you've Lold SSA whaL your dralnage areas are and you've esLabllshed a plpe neLwork. nexL, you need Lo
Lell SSA whlch subbasln dralns Lo whlch lnleL.
10. SwlLch Lo Lhe selecLlon Lool by presslng Lsc lf lL ls noL already acLlve. 8lghL-cllck Lhe lcon LhaL represenLs Lhe
wesLern subbasln and selecL ConnecL 1o, as shown ln llgure 14-13.
I|gure 14-1S:
ConnecLlng a subbasln Lo an lnleL
11. ConnecL Lhe subbasln Lo Lhe wesLern lnleL (lnleL-01) by cllcklng Lhe lnleL symbol ln plan vlew. A llne wlll form
Lo lndlcaLe Lhe connecLlon was successfully creaLed. 8epeaL Lhe process for Lhe easLern subbasln and lnleL (lnleL-
02). AL Lhe end of Lhe process your SSA screen wlll resemble llgure 14-16.
I|gure 14-16:
Subbaslns asslgned Lo lnleLs
8efore SSA can run any analysls on Lhe pro[ecL, you musL make one lasL cruclal connecLlon. 8oLh of Lhese lnleLs
are on grade, whlch means waLer wlll flow Loward Lhem, buL ln a blg sLorm, some waLer may flow pasL lnLo Lhe
nexL downsLream lnleL. 1he flow along Lhe guLLer of Lhe road beLween lnleLs ls called a byposs llok.
12. Cllck Lhe Add Conveyance Llnk buLLon. ConnecL lnleL-01 Lo lnleL-02 agaln, buL Lhls Llme follow Lhe curve of
Lhe road. 1hls conveyance llnk represenLs Lhe guLLer flow of any waLer LhaL doesn'L make lL lnLo lnleL-01 and
conLlnues on Lo lnleL-02.
13. Add a conveyance llnk beLween lnleL-02 and Lhe ouLfall. 1o vlsually dlfferenLlaLe Lhe culverL from Lhe bypass
llnk, you can puL a small klnk ln Lhe llne, as shown ln llgure 14-17. When you modlfy llnk properLles, you wlll
have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo compensaLe for Lhe change ln lengLh Lhls Lechnlque causes.
I|gure 14-17:
1he bypass llnk beLween lnleL-02 and Lhe ouLfall
14. 8ename Lhe new llnks Lo Cver|and1 and Cver|and2, respecLlvely.
All Lhe pleces are here, nexL you wlll asslgn elevaLlons Lo Lhe plpes, lnleLs, ouLfalls, and curb flows.
1S. uouble-cllck any of Lhe llnks Lo open Lhe Conveyance Llnk dlalog. uslng Lhe Labular lnpuL aL Lhe boLLom
screen, key ln Lhe values for ulameLer, lnleL LlevaLlon, CuLleL LlevaLlon, and Mannlng's 8oughness, as shown ln
llgure 14-18.
I|gure 14-18:
SeL plpe and guLLer elevaLlon daLa as shown.
16. lor Lhe overland flow llnks, you wlll use a recLangular open channel Lo approxlmaLe guLLer flow. lor boLh
Cverland1 and Cverland2 llnks, seL Lhe wldLh Lo 2', as shown ln llgure 14-19. Cllck Close when compleLe.
I|gure 14-19:
SeL Lhe channel Lype and wldLh as shown.
17. nexL, you wlll seL Lhe lnleL elevaLlons by double-cllcklng on lnleL-01.
uslng Lhe lnleLs dlalog, seL Lhe number of lnleLs for boLh lnleL-01and lnleL-02 Lo 2, as shown Loward Lhe
Lop of
llgure 14-20
I|gure 14-20:
SeLLlng lnverL LlevaLlon and deslgn seLLlngs
SeL lnverL LlevaLlon and 8lm LlevaLlons, as shown aL Lhe boLLom of
llgure 14-20
lor lnleL-01, seL 8oadway/CuLLer 8ypass Llnk Lo Cverland1, as shown ln
llgure 14-20
lor lnleL-02, seL 8oadway/CuLLer 8ypass Llnk Lo Cverland2.
Cllck Close when compleLe.
18. uouble-cllck Lhe CuLfall locaLlon. SeL Lhe CuLfall elevaLlon Lo 480, as shown ln llgure 14-21. under
8oundary CondlLlon, seL 1ype Lo lree. Cllck Close.
I|gure 14-21:
CuLfall elevaLlon and seLLlngs
now LhaL all Lhe elevaLlons are seL, you musL Lell SSA how much raln you expecL Lo see ln your sysLem.
19. ln Lhe daLa Lree on Lhe lefL slde of Lhe SSA wlndow, cllck lul Curves, as shown ln llgure 14-22.
I|gure 14-22:
lul Curves are found ln Lhe daLa Lree.
20. Cllck Load. 8rowse Lo Lhe flle $ork Co PAEidfdb. 1hls ls Lhe ralnfall daLa for our example flle. AfLer loadlng
Lhe flle, seL Lhe lu Lo ork, A, USA, as shown ln llgure 14-23. Cllck Close.
I|gure 14-23:
lul curves enLered ln SSA
21. ln Lhe daLa Lree on Lhe far lefL, double-cllck ro[ecL CpLlons. (1hls dlalog Lakes a momenL Lo open.)
SeL Pydrology MeLhod Lo 8aLlonalE
SeL 1lme Cf ConcenLraLlon (1CC) MeLhod Lo klrplchE
?our ro[ecL CpLlons dlalog should resemble
llgure 14-24
. Cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-24:
verlfy your seLLlngs and cllck Ck.
22. uouble-cllck Analysls CpLlons from Lhe daLa Lree.
Cn Lhe Ceneral Lab, seL Lhe Lnd Analysls Cn value Lo 02:00:00. ?our daLes wlll vary from whaL ls shown ln
llgure 14-23
, buL Lhe lmporLanL Lhlng ls LhaL Lhe duraLlon of Lhe analysls ls large enough Lo accommodaLe Lhe 8aLlonal
I|gure 14-2S:
SeLLlng Lhe deslgn sLorm ln Analysls CpLlons
Cn Lhe SLorm SelecLlon Lab, seL 8eLurn erlod Lo 23 years for a slngle sLorm analysls.
Cllck Ck when compleLe.
1he lasL sLep before you are ready Lo run Lhe deslgn ls seLLlng Lhe subbasln lnformaLlon for use wlLh Lhe klrplch
meLhod of Llme of concenLraLlon. 1he klrplch meLhod calculaLes 1c based on Lhe average slope and area
characLerlsLlcs of Lhe slLe.
23. uouble-cllck Lhe green subbasln lcon locaLed ln Lhe cenLrold of Lhe wesLern subbasln.
lor Lhe wesLern subbasln, seL Lhe flow lengLh Lo :4>, and seL Lhe average slope Lo +k.
SwlLch Lo Lhe 8unoff CoefflclenL Lab and seL Lhe runoff coefflclenL Lo 0.37.
SwlLch Lo Lhe easLern subbasln by selecLlng lLs row aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe dlalog.
SeL Lhe easLern subbasln flow lengLh Lo :>>, and seL lLs average slope Lo .E4k.
When your dlalog resembles
llgure 14-26
, cllck Close.
I|gure 14-26:
llnal preparaLlon of Lhe subbasln daLa
24. Cllck erform Analysls. AfLer a momenL, Lhe analysls wlll compleLe. Cllck Ck.
ln Lhe SSA graphlc, you wlll see LhaL conveyance llnk Cverland1 ls flooded. LaLer on ln Lhe chapLer you wlll look
aL reporLlng capablllLles Lo see deLalls of Lhls predlcamenL.
2S. Save Lhe flle as !!A IntroEspf.
Irom C|v|| 3D, w|th Love
Larller ln Lhls chapLer, you saw some of Lhe preparaLlons LhaL musL Lake place before you cllck Lhe LdlL ln SLorm
And SanlLary Analysls buLLon. Cnce lnslde SSA, a few more pleces of lnformaLlon need Lo be added before SSA can
do lLs analysls.
ln Lhe followlng example, you wlll see whaL becomes of caLchmenL ob[ecLs and plpes once Lhey are lmporLed
lnLo SSA:
1. lrom Clvll 3u, open Lhe flle C+*to!!AEdwg. ?ou can download Lhls flle from Lhls book's web page.
2. Cn Lhe ueslgn panel of Lhe Analysls Lab, cllck LdlL ln SLorm And SanlLary Analysls. verlfy LhaL Lhere ls a
checkmark nexL Lo Lhe S1C8M neLwork. Cllck Ck ln Lhe LxporL 1o SLorm Sewers dlalog, as shown ln llgure
I|gure 14-27:
1he plpe neLwork on lLs way Lo SSA.
3. SSA launches. Cllck Ck Lo creaLe a new pro[ecL. AfLer a momenL, SSA wlll leL you know LhaL you have
successfully lmporLed Lhe Pydraflow SLorm Sewers flle. Cllck no, as you do noL need Lo save Lhe log flle.
4. AL Lhe Lop of Lhe SSA wlndow, cllck lan vlew. Lxamlne Lhe lnleLs and caLch baslns LhaL have been lmporLed.
noLlce LhaL an offslLe ouLfall has been added Lo each lnleL. 1hls ls because you don'L model Lhe overland llnks ln
Clvll 3u. When lnleLs are flrsL lmporLed lnLo SSA, Lhe program assumes Lhey are on grade. WaLer LhaL bypasses
on grade lnleLs needs Lo go somewhere, so SSA auLomaLlcally Lhrows ln an ouLfall Lo Lake care of Lhe excess
waLer. ln Lhe nexL sLeps you wlll remove Lhe ouLfalls and creaLe Lhe overland llnks.
S. 8lghL-cllck on Lhe ouLfall LhaL has been added Lo SLrucLure 1. Cllck ueleLe, as shown ln llgure 14-28. Cllck Ck
Lo conflrm Lhe deleLlon.
I|gure 14-28:
8lghL-cllck and cllck ueleLe Lo remove Lhe exLraneous ouLfall.
6. 8lghL-cllck and deleLe Lhe ouLfall Lo Lhe far rlghL.
7. Add overland conveyance llnks slmllar Lo Lhe prevlous exerclse. Add a llnk beLween lnleL SLrucLure 1 and lnleL
SLrucLure 2. Add a llnk beLween lnleL SLrucLure 2 and Lhe ouLfall.
8. uouble-cllck one of Lhe conveyance llnks Lo edlL Lhe llnks ln Labular form. SeL Lhe plpe and llnk deslgn values
as shown ln llgure 14-29.
I|gure 14-29:
ueslgn values for llnks and plpes
9. lor Lhe overland llnks, change Lhe channel Lype Lo Cpen Channel. SeL Lhe shape Lype Lo user-ueflned, as
shown ln llgure 14-30.
I|gure 14-30:
CuLLer slope ln cross-secLlon, Lhls wlll be Lhe overland channel shape.
10. Cllck Lhe elllpsls nexL Lo Cross-SecLlon lu Lo open Lhe lrregular Cross SecLlons dlalog.
1he shape you see ln
llgure 14-30
ls an exaggeraLed vlew of a curb and guLLer. ln Lhe prevlous example, you approxlmaLed Lhe curb and guLLer
channel uslng a recLangular open channel. ln Lhls exerclse, you wlll use one of Lhe cross secLlons creaLed for you
by Lhe exporL process.
11. lor Lhe acLlve Cross SecLlon lu, enLer kS-L-|pe - (1) and Lhen cllck Close. Make sure boLh Llnks 01 and 02
are uslng Lhe xS-L-lpe (1) cross secLlon for open channel flow. Cllck Close when your conveyance llnks are
12. uouble-cllck ro[ecL CpLlons ln Lhe daLa Lree. SeL Lhe Pydrology meLhod Lo SCS 18-33. SeL Lhe 1lme Cf
ConcenLraLlon meLhod Lo SCS 18-33. SeL Mlnlmum Allowable 1CC Lo 6 mlnuLes. AL Lhe end of Lhls sLep, your
ro[ecL CpLlons dlalog should look llke llgure 14-31.Cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-31:
ro[ecL CpLlons for Lhls example
13. 8ack ln Lhe graphlc, double-cllck Lhe wesL subbasln. SwlLch Lo Lhe SCS 18-33 1CC Lab. ?ou wlll lnpuL Lhe
followlng lnformaLlon Lo compuLe 1CC for Lhe wesLern subbasln:
Cn Lhe SheeL llow Lab, seL Lhe Mannlng's roughness value Lo 0.17.
1hls value ls based off Lhe 18-33 llsLlng for dlfferenL land condlLlons. 1he llsLlng of values can be found by
selecLlng Lhe elllpsls nexL Lo Lhe enLry fleld.
SeL llow LengLh Lo 1S0'.
1hls value ls a slLe-speclflc measuremenL. 8emember LhaL ln 18-33 sheeL flow ls consldered Lo Lurn lnLo
shallow concenLraLed flow afLer 200'.
SeL Slope Lo S.
1hls ls anoLher slLe-speclflc value and represenLs Lhe average overall slope of Lhe subbasln.
Cllck Lhe elllpsls nexL Lo Lhe 2?r-24Pr 8alnfall and ln Lhe resulLlng dlalog, choose ennsylvanla from Lhe
SLaLe drop-down and ?ork from Lhe CounLy drop-down, as shown ln
llgure 14-32
. Cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-32:
SheeL llow lnpuL and ralnfall locaLlon
SelecLlng Lhe ralnfall locaLlon aL Lhls polnL ls helplng you deLermlne Lhe 1c. ?our acLual deslgn sLorm duraLlon
may vary. LaLer ln Lhls chapLer you'll learn how ralnfall works.
SwlLch Lo Lhe Shallow ConcenLraLed llow Lab. SeL llow LengLh Lo 2S0'E
SeL Slope Lo SE
SeL Lhe surface Lype Lo ShorL Crass asLure.
1he veloclLy for sheeL flow wlll calculaLe based off Lhe nomograph, whlch you can examlne by cllcklng Lhe elllpsls
buLLon nexL Lo veloclLy. ?our resulLs should resemble Lhe Lop of
llgure 14-33
I|gure 14-33:
Shallow concenLraLed flow and channel flow for 18-33
SwlLch Lo Lhe Channel llow Lab and seL Lhe Mannlng's roughness value Lo 0.0S.
SeL Lhe flow lengLh Lo 433'E
SeL Lhe channel slope Lo 3E
SeL Cross SecLlon Area Lo 14.S.
SeL WeLLed erlmeLer Lo 12.2'E
WeLLed erlmeLer and Cross SecLlon Area are slLe-speclflc values and are needed Lo calculaLe Lhe hydraullc
radlus used ln Lhe Mannlng's roughness equaLlon.
llgure 14-34
shows a schemaLlc of whaL Lhese values mean ln channel flow.
I|gure 14-34:
1he Cross SecLlon Area and WeLLed erlmeLer values are used Lo flnd Lhe 1c for channel flow.
AfLer enLerlng Lhe values for channel flow, your dlalog wlll now resemble Lhe boLLom of
llgure 14-34
14. SLlll worklng wlLh Sub-SLrucLure - (1), swlLch Lo Lhe Curve number Lab. SeL Lhe curve number values for Lhe
subbasln as shown ln llgure 14-33.
I|gure 14-3S:
use Lhese values on Lhe Curve number Lab Lo creaLe a welghLed curve number.
1S. SwlLch Lo Lhe easLern subbasln by hlghllghLlng Sub-sLrucLure- (2) ln Lhe Labular llsLlng. 1he 1c parameLers for
Lhls subbasln are:
SheeL llow: Mannlng's roughness of 0.17, llow LengLh of 200', and Slope of 4.S.
Shallow ConcenLraLed llow: llow LengLh of 612', Slope of 4, Surface 1ype seL Lo ShorL Crass asLure.
Channel llow: Mannlng's 8oughness of 0.0S, llow LengLh of 30S, Channel Slope of 2, Cross SecLlon
Area of 12.2', WeLLed erlmeLer of 8.4'.
16. SLlll worklng wlLh Sub-SLrucLure - (2), swlLch Lo Lhe Curve number Lab and seL Lhe curve number Lo 4S for
Lhe enLlre area.
17. Cllck Close. Save Lhe flle as C+*to!!AEspf for use ln Lhe nexL exerclse.
Make It ka|n
1here are several meLhods for Lelllng SSA Lhe ralnfall lnformaLlon for Lhe model. A Lyplcal ralnfall evenL ln PerLen,
Lhe neLherlands, ls golng Lo be vasLly dlfferenL from Arlzona.
ln Lhe prevlous exerclse, you seL up many of Lhe physlcal characLerlsLlcs of Lhe hydrologlc sysLem. ?ou dld noL,
however, Lell SSA whaL Lype of raln Lo expecL on Lhe slLe.
ulfferenL hydrology meLhods requlre dlfferenL assumpLlons abouL ralnfall. ln Lhe 8aLlonal meLhod, you used an
lnLenslLy-based ralnfall model (lul Curve) because you were prlmarlly lnLeresLed ln peak runoff. 8ecause Lhls ls a
18-33 example, you wlll need Lo use ralnfall lnformaLlon approprlaLe for Lhls meLhod.
1. ConLlnue worklng ln Lhe flle from Lhe prevlous exerclse or open !!A2"ainEspf ln Lhe SLorm And SanlLary
Analysls program. ?ou can download Lhls flle from Lhls book's web page.
2. lrom Lhe Lop of Lhe SSA screen, selecL Add 8aln Cauge. Cllck anywhere ln Lhe graphlc Lo place Lhe raln gauge
ln Lhe pro[ecL. ress Lsc on your keyboard Lo reLurn Lo SelecLlon mode.
3. uouble-cllck Lhe new 8aln gauge. 8ename Lhe 8aln Cauge Lo Des|gn Storm. SeL 8aln uaLa lormaL 1ype Lo
lnLenslLy. SeL lncremenLal lnLerval Lo 0:20. AL Lhls sLep your 8aln Cauge dlalog wlll look llke llgure 14-36.
I|gure 14-36:
1he 8aln Cauge dlalog
4. Cllck Lhe elllpsls nexL Lo 1lme Serles.
S. ln Lhe 1lme Serles dlalog, cllck Add. 8ename Lhe 1lme Serles Lo ork, A S0.
6. SeL Lhe daLa Lype Lo SLandard 8alnfall and cllck Lhe 8alnfall ueslgner buLLon.
7. SeL 8alnfall 1ype Lo lnLenslLy. SeL SLaLe Lo ennsylvanla and CounLy Lo ?ork. SeL 8eLurn erlod Lo S0 years.
8. Make sure LhaL Lhe unlL lnLenslLy check mark ls seL Lo SCS 1ype ll 24-hour, as shown ln llgure 14-37. Cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-37:
8alnfall ueslgner dlalog
9. Cnce your 1lme Serles dlalog resembles llgure 14-38, cllck Close.
I|gure 14-38:
1he compleLed Llme serles
10. ln Lhe 8aln Cauge dlalog, cllck Asslgn. Cllck ?es when asked lf you'd llke Lo asslgn Lhe raln gauge Lo all
subbaslns. Close Lhe 8aln Cauge dlalog.
11. uouble-cllck lnleL SLrucLure - (1). SeL 8oadway CuLLer 8ypass Llnk Lo Llnk-01. SwlLch Lo SLrucLure - (2) by
selecLlng lL from Lhe Lable aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe lnleLs dlalog. SeL 8oadway CuLLer 8ypass Llnk Lo Llnk-02. Cllck
12. uouble-cllck Analysls CpLlons on Lhe daLa Lree.
13. Cn Lhe Ceneral Lab, seL Lhe Analysls uuraLlon Lo 1d by changlng Lhe daLe ln Lhe Lnd Analysls Cn fleld Lo one
day afLer Lhe SLarL Analysls Cn (Lhe exacL daLe wlll vary dependlng on when you open Lhe flle).
14. Cn Lhe SLorm SelecLlon Lab, seL Slngle SLorm Lo use Asslgned 8aln Cauge. Cllck Ck.
1S. Cllck erform Analysls.
kunn|ng keports from SSA
1here are many places ln SSA Lo vlew Lhe resulLs of your work. AfLer you've run Lhe analysls, Lhe llnk and node
llsLlng wlll Lell you lf your plpe ls underdeslgned or lf Lhere ls waLer backlng up ln Lhe manholes.
lrom vlrLually every dlalog ln SSA, cllcklng Lhe 8eporL buLLon wlll creaLe an Lxcel spreadsheeL from Lhe daLa you
are observlng. ?ou wlll see Lhe 8eporL buLLon for llnks, nodes, [uncLlons, ouLfalls, and subbaslns.
AfLer runnlng Lhe analysls, you wlll wanL Lo see performance lnformaLlon and graphlcal represenLaLlons of Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe parLs of your deslgn. 1he 8eporLs Loolbar ls aL Lhe Lop of Lhe SSA screen. llgure 14-39
shows Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of reporLs LhaL you can choose.
I|gure 14-39: 1he 8eporLs Loolbar
llrsL, we'll Lake a look aL Lhe hydrograph LhaL has been creaLed for Lhe slLe.
1. lrom SSA, open Lhe flle !!A2"eportsEspf. ?ou can download Lhls flle from Lhls book's web page.
2. Cllck Lhe erform Analysls buLLon.
3. Cllck Lhe 1lme Serles loL buLLon.
4. Cn Lhe lefL slde of Lhe screen, expand Lhe !ubbasins folder, as shown ln llgure 14-38.
S. Cllck Lhe word 8unoff. A plus slgn wlll appear. Cllck Lhe plus slgn Lo expand Lhe llsLlng.
6. uL a check mark nexL Lo boLh subbaslns, as shown ln llgure 14-40.
I|gure 14-40:
1he resulLlng hydrograph from Lhe 18-33 Pydrology analysls
7. 8lghL-cllck anywhere ln Lhe graph area. SelecL LxporL 1lme Serles loL r CAu LxporL, as shown ln llgure 14-
I|gure 14-41:
LxporL 1o CAu
8. Save Lhe resulLlng uWC Lo your deskLop as !!A28,TEdwg.
9. 8emaln ln Lhe SSA pro[ecL for Lhe nexL exerclse.
A common analysls you wlll wanL Lo examlne ls Lhe proflle ploL. Cn Lhe lefL slde of Lhe SSA wlndow you wlll see
Lhe roflle loL opLlon. Cnce Lhe proflle ploL seLLlngs appear, you can graphlcally selecL Lhe nodes you wlsh Lo
lnclude ln your ouLpuL.
ln Lhls nexL exerclse, you wlll examlne a proflle ploL for Lhe plpes ln Lhe sysLem.
1. lrom SSA, conLlnue worklng ln or open Lhe flle !!A2"eportsEspf. ?ou do noL need Lo have compleLed Lhe
prevlous exerclse Lo conLlnue-you can download Lhls flle from Lhe book's web page.
2. Cllck Lhe erform Analysls buLLon. lrom Lhe 8eporLs Loolbar, selecL roflle loL.
3. Cn Lhe lefL slde of Lhe screen you wlll see where you can speclfy SLarLlng node and Lndlng node. ?ou can also
speclfy Lhe llnk you'd llke Lo ploL by cllcklng on lL ln Lhe graphlc. Cllck Lhe llnk lpe - (1). 1he plpe wlll hlghllghL ln
Lhe plan vlew.
4. Cllck loL CpLlons. ln Lhe loL CpLlons dlalog, place a check mark nexL Lo Maxlmum llow, Maxlmum veloclLy,
and Maxlmum uepLh. ln Lhe CLher ulsplay SpeclflcaLlons, place a check mark nexL Lo Maxlmum LCL, CrlLlcal
uepLh, PCL Markers, and Show llooded node. ?our roflle loL CpLlons dlalog should resemble llgure 14-42.
Cllck Ck.
I|gure 14-42:
use Lhe roflle loL CpLlons dlalog Lo conLrol Lhe dlsplay of elemenLs ln Lhe graphlc.
S. Cllck Show loL. ?our graphlc should resemble llgure 14-43.
I|gure 14-43:
A sample proflle ploL
AfLer your break from Lhe world of Clvll 3u, lL ls Llme Lo exporL SSA modlfled daLa back Lo CAu. AL flrsL glance,
you may be Lhlnklng LhaL CAu LxporL or LandxML may be Lhe way Lo go. Powever, Lhose opLlons are noL Lhe besL
way Lo malnLaln Lhe lnLegrlLy of your plpe and sLrucLure ob[ecLs. 1he besL opLlon for geLLlng your edlLs back lnLo
Clvll 3u ls Lo use llle r LxporL r Pydraflow SLorm Sewers llle.
1he followlng exerclse wlll walk you Lhrough Lhe sLeps needed Lo geL back Lo Clvll 3u:
1. lrom SSA, open Lhe flle !!AtoC+*Espf. ?ou can download Lhls flle from Lhls book's web page.
2. Choose llle r LxporL r Pydraflow SLorm Sewers llle, as shown ln llgure 14-44.
I|gure 14-44:
LxporL back Lo Clvll 3u vla Pydraflow
3. Save Lhe flle as !!AtoC+*Estm on your compuLer's deskLop.
4. Close SSA.
S. ln Clvll 3u, open Lhe flle C+*to!!AEdwg. lrom Lhe lmporL panel, on Lhe lnserL Lab, selecL SLorm Sewers, as
shown ln llgure 14-43.
I|gure 14-4S:
lmporL Lhe flle as lf lL were a sLorm sewers flle
6. 8rowse Lo Lhe S1M flle you exporLed and cllck Cpen. ?ou wlll geL a warnlng LhaL Lhere ls already a plpe
neLwork wlLh Lhe same name ln Lhe flle, as shown ln llgure 14-46.
I|gure 14-46:
Cllck updaLe 1he LxlsLlng lpe neLwork.
7. Cllck updaLe 1he LxlsLlng lpe neLwork. AfLer a momenL, your plpes and sLrucLures should reflecL any slze or
elevaLlon changes LhaL may have occurred ln SSA.
1he 8ottom L|ne
Create a catchment ob[ect. CaLchmenL ob[ecLs are Lhe newesL ob[ecL Lype LhaL Clvll 3u can use Lo deLermlne
Lhe area and Llme of concenLraLlon of a slLe. ?ou can creaLe a caLchmenL from surface, buL ln mosL cases you
wlll use Lhe opLlon Lo creaLe from polyllne.
Master It CreaLe a caLchmenL for predeveloped condlLlons on Lhe slLe.
Lxport p|pe data from C|v|| 3D |nto SSA. Clvll 3u by lLself cannoL do plpe flow or runoff calculaLlons. lor Lhls
reason, lL ls lmporLanL Lo exporL Clvll 3u plpe neLworks lnLo Lhe SLorm And SanlLary Analysls porLlon of Lhe
Master It verlfy your plpe exporL seLLlngs and Lhen exporL Lo SSA.

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