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101 Tips to Stop
Procrastinating Today
Brought to you by:
UnIimited Free Books
Edition 1.1
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Chapter 1 Self-Evaluation 5
Chapter 2 Procrastination at Home 17
Chapter 3 Procrastination at School 27
Chapter 4 Procrastination at the or! Place 37
Chapter 5 Procrastination and Human 57
Chapter # Self-Improvement - $ %eneral #7
Sense of ell &ein'
Chapter 7 &onus (ips 7)
Conclusion )3
$*out (he Editor )#
+icence )7
"e*randin' Info ),
A Guide to Internet Riches 2
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Procrastination pervades ever- aspect of our lives. $nd
/e0ve mastered it to perfection havin' learned a su*tle
form of it /hen /e /ere *a*ies.
e delayed fallin' asleep *ecause our mothers /ouldn0t
cradle us in her arms. e0ve procrastinated in performin'
our duties at home1 in school1 in the /or! place1 and in our
most fra'ile human relationships. e shudder to thin!
/hat the final tall- of lost hours /ill *e *ecause /e
procrastinated ha*ituall-.
Some of the tips shared here ma- *e useful and some ma-
*e irrelevant. 2thers /ill come in hand- not necessaril-
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 3
Stop Procrastinating Today!
toda-1 *ut at a later sta'e of -our life.
$voidin' procrastination is more effective /hen -ou start
/ith little steps. It does not mean havin' to chan'e -our
life drasticall-.
Start *- implementin' a fe/ of the tips found here. In
time1 as the tips *ecome second nature1 implement a fe/
more1 and then a fe/ more.
$nd as -ou *uild on the small steps1 -ou /ould *e ama3ed
at ho/ much -ou /ill accomplish over the -ears.
In decidin' not to procrastinate1 -ou ma- /ant to
accompan- this determination /ith clear cut and /ell
defined 'oals.
In other /ords1 have a 'oal that is 4uantified /ith a time
frame specified. 5or e6ample1 sa- 7I /ill lose 35 pounds in
1 -ear.8 instead of 7I /ill lose /ei'ht.8
9o/1 stop procrastinatin' and read Chapter 1 alread-:
A Guide to Internet Riches 4
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Chapter 1
Tip #1 Everything starts and ends with the self
If someone said that -ou /ere a procrastinator1 -ou /ould
immediatel- defend -ourself; 7It0s his fault81 7<- mother
/as li!e that too81 7I /as forced to do somethin' I didn0t
/ant to do8.
Some people li!e to *lame their misfortunes on others. &ut
the truth is1 -ou are e4uall- at fault. =ou procrastinate
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
*ecause -ou choose to. (he sooner -ou accept that1 the
sooner -ou0ll *e a*le to overcome procrastination.
Tip #2 I want NOT to procrastinate anymore
In line /ith tip > 1 a*ove1 once -ou accept that -ou
procrastinate1 -ou must *e sincere in -our desire to
eliminate it. =our sincerit- is more important than it /ould
seem. <ore often than not1 -our procrastination has an
underl-in' cause such as fear of failure or simpl- la3iness.
5or -ou to effectivel- address -our procrastination1 -ou
must also address the underl-in' cause?s.
Tip #3 Mea Clpa ! Ta"e #esponsi$ility
=ou0ve accepted the fact that -ou procrastinate1 and -ou
have a sincere desire not to procrastinate. 9o/ tell
-ourself that if -ou fail to achieve a particular 'oal or a
'iven tas!1 it0s *ecause -ou procrastinated. Mea culpa.
$dmittin' 'uilt is a 'iant step. 9ote1 ho/ever1 that there
is a hu'e difference *et/een admittin' 'uilt and *ein' too
A Guide to Internet Riches 6
Stop Procrastinating Today!
hard on -ourself. $dmittin' 'uilt is ta!in' o/nership of
-our actions. &ein' too hard on -ourself is un@ustified self-
Tip #% In what ways do I procrastinate&
$s! -ourself; 7In /hat /a-s do I procrastinateA8 Sit do/n
/ith pen and paper. ritin' them /ill help -ou focus and
identif- them more clearl-. Here are some /a-s /here
people procrastinate;
pa-in' *ills
not discussin' the complaints -ou0ve received a*out
a mem*er of -our team for fear of hurtin' his?her
repeatedl- postponin' a dental appointment *ecause
-ou0ve 'ot *etter thin's to do
not returnin' the call of -our son0s teacher *ecause
-ou !no/ /hat the pro*lem is and -ou0re fed up
not discussin' -our resentment a*out -our hus*and
spendin' too much time at /or! or /ith his *uddies
not 'ettin' that hair cut1 that dress dr--cleaned1 that
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
donation mailed
not visitin' a sic! relative in the hospital
not tellin' -our si'nificant other -ou no lon'er love
not callin' -our doctor a*out that persistent
num*ness in -our ri'ht arm or not fi6in' a
colonoscop- e6am date
not havin' the car0s s4uea!in' *ra!es chec!ed
not 'oin' to confession *ecause -ou never !no/
/hat the priest0s schedule is
not sendin' that overdue than! -ou note or ma!in'
that overdue call to -our mother-in-la/
Tip #' (oals not met $ecase of procrastination
$fter listin' the /a-s in /hich -ou procrastinate1 ma!e a
second list of 'oals that -ou failed to achieve *ecause -ou
+et0s ta!e an e6ample. =ou promised -our editor -ou0d 'et
that article done *- a certain due date. 2n the da- the
A Guide to Internet Riches 8
Stop Procrastinating Today!
article /as due1 the editor calls -ou. =ou tell her
sheepishl- that -ou didn0t have time to do it1 and -ou sa-
somethin' li!e1 7<- son /as sic! for da-s and I couldn0t
concentrate81 !no/in' full /ell -our editor /as 'enerous
/ith a deadline date.
"esultA =ou too! one step farther a/a- from -our 'oal of
*ecomin' a professional /riter1 and t/o steps farther a/a-
from developin' a 'ood relationship /ith an editor /ho
pic!ed -ou from the 25 /riters /ho applied for the
assi'nment. =ou can *e sure -our name has *een ta!en
off her address list.
hen -ou measure the conse4uences of a missed
opportunit- *ecause -ou procrastinated1 as! if the
conse4uence /as /orth the dela-.
Tip #) Ta"ing the hint from tips % and '* what is
the dollar vale of missed opportnity&
In fast-paced societies1 people tend to thin! of time as
precious and valua*le. E6pressions such as 7time is of the
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
essence18 7time means mone-18 7-ou missed the train81
7-ou missed a /indo/ of opportunit-8 reinforce the value
of time.
hen /heelers and dealers on the stoc! e6chan'e ta!e
time off to /hisper s/eet nothin's to their *etter half1
those three minutes can mean hundreds1 even thousands
of dollars in missed transactions.
So1 install a permanent calculator in -our *rain and
calculate ho/ much that missed deal meant in terms of
dollar value.
(he article -ou didn0t su*mit could have cost -ou B15C.CC.
If /e ma!e it a practice to ta' a dollar si'n for each of our
procrastinations1 /e0d pro*a*l- resolve to procrastinate
Tip #+ ,hat "ind of information do yo need in a
e spend half our lives on the phone. e spend an
A Guide to Internet Riches 10
Stop Procrastinating Today!
e4uall- *i' chun! of time loo!in' for phone num*ers and
names. (he director- is cum*ersome. Puttin' them on
-our outloo! means -ou have to s/itch on -our computer.
Here0s a neat tric!; tear out sheets from -our notepad and
la*el each as kitchen, bedroom and living room.
Ditchen sheet; @ot do/n the follo/in' telephone num*ers;
pastr- shop
utensil stores
ta!e out pi33a and other deliver- shops
dru' store
2riental 'rocer-
&edroom sheet;
dr- cleaner
doctors and dentists
/al!-in clinic
shoe repair shop
alteration shop
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
department store
Catalo' order stores1 etc.
+ivin' room sheet;
professional house cleaners
plant shop
local home centre
2r if -ou prefer to use -our cell phone1 use its memor-
Tip #- .iltering the essential from the petty
Procrastination is the opposite of action. hen -ou decide
/hich of -our tas!s need immediate attention and those
that can *e done later in the /ee!1 -ou0ve @ust learned the
fine art of prioriti3in'. So decide E once and for all E /hich
A Guide to Internet Riches 12
Stop Procrastinating Today!
should *e assi'ned top priorit-1 and then act.
Tip #/ 0t it in $lac" and white
<a!e a list of the tas!s -ou need to do. 5ocus on each tas!
from start to finish. 2nce it0s completed1 cross it off -our
list. (here0s that sense of accomplishment1 no matter ho/
small the accomplishment is.
=ou 'o on to the ne6t tas!1 and the ne6t1 and the ne6t1
until -ou actuall- 'et used to the idea of doin'1 rather than
procrastinatin'1 or @ust thin!in' a*out doin' it.
Tip #11 It2s mantra time once again
2nce in a /hile -ou0ll deviate from -our intentions. =ou0re
a human *ein' /ith limitations1 or else life1 /ithout
/arnin'1 ta!es a detour1 and /e 'et derailed.
+et0s ta!e a lesson from our *rothers and sisters in the
east /ho live *- mantras that the- recite to themselves
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ever- da-.
Here0s one -ou can tr- out in the mornin' as -ou /a!e up;
7I /ill not procrastinate toda-. It is unproductive. I have
tas!s to do1 and I /ill /rite them do/n so I can decide
/hich of them need to *e done *- 12 noon. <- 'oal is to
finish at least 2 *i' tas!s and 2 small ones8.
Sa- it out loud and not in -our head *ut do it onl- /hen
-ou are alone1 or -our famil- is 'oin' to thin! that -ou
have 'one off the deep end. ;F
Tip #11 3ave a second mantra for after the 4o$
gets done
Have a second mantra that -ou can recite after -ou
complete a tas!. 7I've completed my task! I focused well
and didnt allow myself to procrastinate. This translates to
about !"#.## that I can take to the bank.$
It ma- sound vul'ar to attach a monetar- value to ever-
tas! accomplished1 *ut it reinforces the *elief that time is
A Guide to Internet Riches 14
Stop Procrastinating Today!
mone-. $nd /hen -ou ma!e a final tall-1 -ou0d *e
surprised at /hat -ou end up /ith.
(ime can al/a-s *e e6pressed as a savin's or a loss. It0s
all up to -ou. $nd people don0t have to !no/. $fter all1 a
mantra is somethin' -ou !eep to -ourself:
Tip #12 If yo fall $ac" a few steps5 clim$ the
stairs again
If -ou0re a chronic procrastinator1 -ou /ill e6perience
pro*lems sta-in' on course for the first fe/ /ee!s. It0s
li!e 'oin' to the '-m for the first time. =ou0re all 'un'-ho
for the first 3 da-s and then -ou stop.
2ld ha*its die hard. So -ou missed doin' the three tas!s
-esterda-1 *i' deal. "evise the list1 and plan on doin'
them /ithin a specific time frame. Gon0t d/ell too lon' on
/hat -ou failed to do.
Start clim*in' the stairs a'ain and 'et to the top /ithout
loo!in' *ac!. $im for completin' four tas!s toda- - three
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
from -esterda- and one for toda-.
A Guide to Internet Riches 16
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Chapter 2
Procrastination at Home
Tip #1% 6eep it simple
(his is a common advice. Simplif-in' -our life means a
simpler1 uncluttered /a- of livin'. %et rid of 'rit and 'un!
from -our house.
hen -our house overflo/s /ith o*@ects1 it tends to
distract -ou. $nd /e all !no/ /hat happens /hen there is
too much distraction. It prevents -ou from thin!in' and
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
actin' intelli'entl-1 hence -ou procrastinate.
%o around -our house and ma!e a list of ever-thin' -ou
don0t reall- need. 5or instance1 do -ou reall- need three
toasters in the !itchenA 2ne hasn0t *een /or!in' for
months. =ou either dispose of it or have it fi6ed.
%eneral rule of thum* is that if -ou have not used it in the
past -ear1 -ou pro*a*l- donHt need it.
Tip #1' 7s" family mem$ers to do an 8inventory9
$s! -our hus*and and children to do an inventor- of
clutter. =our hus*and can do the 'ara'e and the
*asement. =our children can do their *edrooms. Stipulate
that -ou need their lists in three da-s1 no later. E6plain to
them /h- @un! has to *e eliminated from the house.
If -ou e6plain -our intentions clearl-1 the- /ill understand
and /ould *e more /illin' to cooperate. (ell them that
the house needs a much needed airin'1 and /hen all the
@un! disappears1 so /ill the distractions.
A Guide to Internet Riches 18
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #1) Encorage them not to replace old 4n"
with new 4n"
It can *e a vicious c-cle. Iust as /e mana'ed to clear the
house of un/anted *ric-a-*rac1 thin'-a-ma-@i's1 'i3mos1
/hatchamacallits1 and @ust plain stuff1 in come ne/ ones.
E6plain to -our famil- that there /as a specific reason for
clearin' @un!. 2ld clutter should not *e replaced /ith ne/
clutter. Encoura'e them to thin! t/ice *efore ac4uirin'
additional material possessions. E6amples;
ill I consult this *oo! more than once1 or is it @ust
for one school assi'nmentA <a-*e I can *orro/ it
from the li*rar- insteadA
(he hu**- loves tools. He spends his /ee!l-
allo/ance on them. He @ust filled up an entire /all
/ith all !inds of tools. $s! him /hich ones he hasn0t
used for # months and as! him to thro/ them a/a-.
(he clothes in -our closet. hich of them have -ou
not /orn for si6 monthsA Call the Salvation $rm- or
the rec-clin' center.
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #1+ :on2t let yor hose $dget stic" ot li"e
a sore thm$
&ud'etin' for house e6penses is a chore people put off
indefinitel-. (he- !no/ somethin' is /ron' /ith the
*ud'etJ *ills pile up and remain unpaid for /ee!s1 and the
onl- time -ou @olt out of -our complacenc- is /hen the
utilit- compan- calls to advise -ou that po/er /ill *e cut
off in a /ee! if -ou don0t settle -our *ill.
It0s not *ecause -ou need to earn moreJ it0s *ecause -our
*ud'et needs fi6in'. 9urse it *ac! to health.
Procrastinatin' /ill onl- ma!e the pro*lem /orse. If it0s
eas- for 'overnments to 'et into a deficit1 it0s even easier
for individuals to fall in the same trap.
Tip #1- ,ith the help of family mem$ers5 identify
time wasters at home
Solicit the cooperation of the entire famil- and as! them to
A Guide to Internet Riches 20
Stop Procrastinating Today!
come up /ith potential sources of time /asters. Here0s a
misplaced o*@ects and personal effects
documents and papers not filed
too man- ma'a3ines and CGs stre/n a*out
inefficient use of famil- vehicles
too much (K vie/in'
different meal times
non-adherence to curfe/ rules
friends /ho han' around indefinitel-
Tip #1/ :ivide and delegate hose chores
2*viousl- -ou can0t do it all. So it0s time for a strate'-;
plan a nice dinner for -our famil- on one lon' /ee!end1
and tell them in advance that -ou have somethin' to
announce. Coo! them a special dish or t/o and /hip up a
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
dessert that ever-one /ill adore.
$t the end of the meal1 tell them that -ou /ant to ma!e
some chan'es at home. Sa- that -ou0ve *een
procrastinatin' in doin' some important chores around the
house *ecause -ou lac! their support.
&rin' up -our divide and dele'ate plan1 as! them for
su''estions1 and 'et ever-one0s commitment. =our
concrete1 /ell laid-out plan /ill 'et -ou the results -ou
Tip #21 ;et p chore chart after division of la$or
is decided
$s the initiator of the plan1 -ou must *e the first to set the
e6ample. If -ou committed to re-or'ani3e the cup*oards
and clean out the frid'e once a /ee!1 do it. hen
ever-one sees -ou0re doin' -our part1 the-0ll do theirs.
Set up a chart in the !itchen or in the (K room /here
ever-one can cross out the tas! once it0s completed.
A Guide to Internet Riches 22
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Chec! the chart once a /ee!J tell them ho/ pleased -ou
are /ith their pro'ress. If some mem*ers have *een
delin4uent1 as! them /h-. Gon0t scold1 'ive them another
chance. (his chart is an effective /a- for -ou to identif-
/ho the *i''est procrastinators are1 and -ou ma- need to
supervise them more closel-.
Tip #21 <egin with small chores first to get
everyone2s cooperation
If a hu'e @o* is assi'ned the first time1 that person ma-
tend to procrastinate. =ou ma- consider dividin' up the
chore in small parts.
+et0s ta!e re-paintin' the entire 'ara'e as an e6ample. If
-our hus*and /or!s the usual , hours a da-1 don0t e6pect
him to paint the /hole 'ara'e on one /ee!end.
"emem*er that the old paint needs to come off1 some
sandin' has to *e done1 and primer needs to *e applied.
If -ou have a closed1 dou*le-car 'ara'e1 divide the @o* *-
/alls1 or *- a 4uarter of a /all at a time.
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(hat /a- -our hus*and does not feel over/helmed1 forcin'
him to thin! of e6cuses to put it off.
Tip #22 0rocrastinating can lead to ma4or hose
repair $ills
(here are certain appliances /e ta!e for 'ranted. If
routine maintenance isn0t e6actl- one of -our favorite
ho**ies1 motivate -ourself *- sa-in' procrastinatin' can
lead to ma@or house repair *ills.
Here0s an e6ample; the /ater heater /as /or!in' fine
until one cold /inter mornin'1 ever-one started shoutin'
7(here0s no hot /ater:8
E6perts sa- that /ater heaters need to *e chec!ed once
ever- t/o -ears. Geposits collect at the *ase of the heater
over time1 interruptin' /ith the smooth operation of the
heatin' coils. h- /ait for it to *rea! do/n1 necessitatin'
costl- repair or replacement *illsA
Prepare a chec! list of appliances that need to *e
A Guide to Internet Riches 24
Stop Procrastinating Today!
inspected and ensure that -our maintenance records are in
Tip #23 3ealthy eating = plan the men ahead of
Procrastinatin' leads to fast food. e can prove this
easil-. +ast /ee!end1 -ou ordered pi33a and co!es for the
famil- *ecause -ou didn0t have time to coo!.
=ou vo/ that from no/ on1 -our famil- /ill eat onl-
health- meals. =ou decide to shop for in'redients earl- in
the /ee!. (he /ee!end0s here and nothin' /as *ou'ht1
*ecause -ou !ept puttin' it off.
Tip #2% Oh5 what a slimy garden>
(he 'arden is one part of the house /here ever-one loves
to spend nice summer evenin's. &ut sprin' arrives and no
one dares to sta- in the 'arden *ecause it0s un!empt.
Someone0s 'ot to pic! up the shovel and the pruners soonJ
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
include the 'arden in -our list of tas!s for ne6t sprin'.
"emem*er to share the /or!; let someone ta!e the la/n1
someone else ta!e the flo/er *eds1 another mem*er the
fence1 and so on. <a!e it a communal effort.
A Guide to Internet Riches 26
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Chapter 3
Procrastination in School
Tip #2' Ta"e yor ce from the professor2s lesson
2n the first da- of school1 professors customaril- hand out
lesson plans for the semester or the 4uarter1 dependin' on
/hat school s-stem -ou0re in.
(he lesson plans include the main te6t*oo!s to *e used1
supplementar- readin' material1 pro@ect su*mission dates1
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
and e6am dates. (reat this lesson plan as -our 'uide for
avoidin' procrastination. $cademic procrastination can *e
disastrous if not reined in properl-:
Tip #2) ?se the lesson plan to identify the short
and long term assignments
Professors are efficient creatures. (he- schedule out
assi'nments appropriatel- so the- too are not
over*urdened /ith term papers and e6am *oo!lets. If
the- /ere overloaded1 the-0d have to procrastinate in
tall-in' final 'rades1 leavin' that tas! at the last minute.
So professors mean *usiness /hen the- /rite 7to *e
handed in *-L.8 Mse their lesson plans to arran'e -our
o/n schedule. (a!e an hour or t/o and spend the time in
the li*rar- revie/in' all -our lesson plans for the
<ap out dates /ith correspondin' academic tas!s1 revisin'
if necessar-. If certain pro@ects re4uire e6tensive
research1 tac!le those first. +ast minute researchin' E
A Guide to Internet Riches 28
Stop Procrastinating Today!
procrastinatin' E in other /ords E ma- affect -our chances
of 'ettin' an 7$.8
Tip #2+ ;chool2s a fn place to hang ot5 $t>
(eens are at that time of their lives /here sociali3in' is
their >1 priorit-. (he- prefer han'in' out /ith their
friends instead of /ith mom and dadJ it0s onl- natural
therefore that some teens consider school as the e6tended
part- place.
$nd spendin' time /ith their friends is an e6cellent e6cuse
for postponin' school /or!. hen -ou0re spendin' too
much time in the corridors1 loc!er rooms or cafeteria
discussin' ne6t Saturda-0s disco dance1 -our academic
/or! /ill la' *ehind.
(o avoid the school principal callin' -our parents1 *e
reasona*le a*out academic /or!. Su*mit papers and
assi'nments on time.
(o illustrate; if -ou0ve 'ot a paper due in t/o da-s /here
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
-ou need to research on the social instincts of
9eanderthals and their need for compan-1 tell -our friends
politel- that no1 -ou can0t @oin them at the mall after
%o see! refu'e in the li*rar- instead1 pic! a 4uiet and
inconspicuous corner /here -ou can0t *e interrupted. Pore
over the 9eanderthal *oo!s and /rite a smashin' essa-.
Han'in' out in the mall /on0t tell -ou much a*out their
social instincts:
Tip #2- ;chool conselors are there to help>
Instead of a'oni3in' over an academic pro*lem
indefinitel-1 have -ou ever thou'ht that -our school
counselor could *e a valua*le support personA If -ou thin!
-ou need a tutor for Ph-sics or Chemistr- *ecause -ou0re
havin' a /hirl of a time understandin' the e4uations1 as!
for help *efore it0s too late.
5aced /ith academic difficulties1 students tend to
procrastinate in as!in' for help *ecause the-0re either too
A Guide to Internet Riches 30
Stop Procrastinating Today!
sh- or too la3- to as! for help. (a!e advanta'e of school
resources li!e tutors and academic counselors *efore -ou
'et an 758 at the end of term.
Tip #2/ 8My $oyfriend2s in the same class and>9
If -our *o-friend is in the same class1 that0s fine1 *ut don0t
let that distract -ou so that the relationship encroaches on
academic /or!.
Gon0t let love ma!e -ou procrastinate in completin' -our
assi'nments. hen -ou0re spendin' too much time in
each other0s compan- and it0s *e'innin' to ma!e -ou
procrastinate in doin' /hat -our teachers and team
leaders e6pect of -ou1 arran'e dates /ith -our *o-friend
ahead of time *efore /hich -ou a*solutel- C$992( 'et
Stri!e a health- *alance. Succeedin' in human
relationships is @ust as hard as succeedin' in school /or!.
&esides1 -ou don0t /ant to *lame -our s/eetheart for -our
poor performance in &iolo'-1 do -ouA
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 31
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #31 .ight yor own $attles first
$nother manifestation of procrastination is /hen -ou let
others monopoli3e -our time so the- can pour out their
hearts to -ou. &ein' a /illin' listener is one thin'1 *ut
/hen -ou do this too often1 it /ill ma!e -ou procrastinate.
$ssess -our motives. Go -ou listen to their pro*lems so
-ou can avoid school /or! or -our o/n pro*lemsA Gon0t
use friendship or the %ood Samaritan philosoph- to
Tip #31 7n ideal stdent5 $t he2s doing way too
(he ideal student not onl- e6cels in academic /or!1 *ut
also in e6tra curricular activities.
He0s a mem*er of the *as!et*all team1 the president of the
science clu*1 the chief de*ater on campus1 the volunteer
A Guide to Internet Riches 32
Stop Procrastinating Today!
/ho offers his services t/ice a /ee! to accompan- seniors
to their doctors0 appointments. He0s the all-around and
/holesome $merican *o-1 the env- of all parents1 the lad
/ho ma!es the 'irls s/oon all over.
+ittle do -ou !no/ ho/ much pressure he has fulfillin' all
these roles. It has ever-thin' to do /ith ima'e. Ho/ does
he !eep a health- *alanceA He can0t. (hat0s the strai'ht
and honest ans/er. He is stretchin' himself too thin. He
has for'otten that he is in school primaril- for intellectual
Sports and humanitarian /or! come in second. &ut the
admission that -ou can0t do it all is the first step in
avoidin' procrastination. Gon0t fall *ehind -our school
/or! *ecause -ou0re *ein' pulled in all directions.
Tip #32 Many committees5 many commitments
(his is @ust an e6tension of tip >31 a*ove. School officials
/ho have pro'rams or personal a'endas /ill form
committees and re4uest student volunteers to steer these
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 33
Stop Procrastinating Today!
It0s a 'reat /a- for them to let their students do the
research /or! for their upcomin' thesis1 or 'et students to
assist in that charit- drive the- do ever- -ear.
$s a student1 -ou have to decide /hich committee /ill
serve -our 'oals *est. $nd if -ou must 'et involved1 then
choose one1 or a ma6imum of t/o committees1 provided
that -ou have time left to tac!le -our school /or!.
Gon0t let -our committee commitments lead -ou to the
path of procrastination. =ou0ll have plent- of time for
committee /or! /hen -ou leave universit-.
Tip #33 <rea" that hge term paper into small
Students dread term papers. (he- ta!e forever to finish
and -ou hate footnotin'. =ou0re not alone. (erm paper
pho*ia is as common as a fear of hei'hts.
A Guide to Internet Riches 34
Stop Procrastinating Today!
If -ou tend to put doin' term papers1 one /a- of avoidin'
procrastination is to divide the pro@ect into small parts.
hen -ou0ve set up the outline1 pic! out the sections -ou
thin! are the most difficult and *e'in -our research. =ou
can leave the eas- parts for later.
&rea!in' a @o* into tinier se'ments is an effective /a- of
ta!in' immediate action instead of postponin' it for later.
Tip #3% Trn that cell phone off
=our parents *ou'ht -ou a cell phone so -ou can call if -ou
find -ourself in a *ind or need a lift or simpl- need to let
them !no/ if -ou0ll *e late for dinner.
It0s a 'ood idea to !eep the cell phone /ith -ou especiall-
on those ni'hts /hen -ou have to sta- in the li*rar- till
late at ni'ht. &ut don0t use it to !eep -ou from doin' /hat
-ou0re supposed to do.
If -ou tal! too much on -our cellular1 -ou0re not onl- usin'
air time1 -ou0re usin' it to procrastinate from attendin' to
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 35
Stop Procrastinating Today!
that pressin' academic pro@ect. $llocate 3C minutes
durin' the da- to sta- in touch /ith friends1 *ut tr- not to
'o *e-ond that time.
Tip #3' :on2t live in the gym
e a'ree1 sta-in' fit is important. =ou need muscles and
*ra/n to !eep -ou in tip top shape for @o''in' from one
classroom to another.
Plus1 the '-m is a 'reat /a- to un/ind andLmeet ne6t
Saturda- ni'ht0s date. 9othin' /ron' /ith tonin' those
muscles1 *ut have -ou procrastinated enou'h doin'
somethin' for -our *rain as /ellA
(he *rain also needs to *e stretched and ma6imi3ed to
earn that tic!et to an Iv- +ea'ue universit- later. %o
ahead and shape up1 *ut don0t let -our si6 pac! a*s 'et in
the /a- of meanin'ful school /or!.
A Guide to Internet Riches 36
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Chapter 4
Procrastination at the or!
Tip # 3) @o$ description is yor main gide
=ou 'ot that much coveted @o*. It0s tailored fit to -our
s!ills and e6perience. (he perfect @o*:
So as not to procrastinate in this ne/ @o* the /a- -ou did
in the previous one1 sit do/n and e6amine -our @o* closel-
/ith a fine-toothed com*. $ssess /hat the priorities mi'ht
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 37
Stop Procrastinating Today!
loo! li!e1 and /hat the most difficult tas!s /ill *e1 *ased
on -our past e6perience.
(hen map out a navi'ation chart1 /ith avoidin'
procrastinatin' as -our 'uidin' principle. Ima'ine
different situations that mi'ht occur1 and the relationships
-ou need to cultivate and nurture that /ill help -ou
accomplish -our o*@ectives.
Stud- the short term 'oals versus the lon' term 'oals.
"emem*er that companies measure -our performance
usin' certain parameters. 2ne /ron' move and it /ill
o*literate all the 'ood deed -ou did the month *efore.
Gon0t 'ive them the satisfaction of la*elin' -ou a
Tip #3+ 3one that "een sense of smell
If -ou0ve developed a stron' sense of smell and have
@ud'ed character /ith surprisin' accurac-1 use that to -our
advanta'e. (r- to distin'uish the 'ood collea'ues from
the *ac! sta**ers.
A Guide to Internet Riches 38
Stop Procrastinating Today!
It0s eas- to receive cooperation from the 'ood ones1
harder from the *loc!ers or those /ho resent -ou. If
hostile feelin's are preventin' -ou from doin' an effective
@o*1 don0t procrastinate *ecause -ou disli!e confrontation.
Geal /ith the pro*lem. 9ip it in the *ud1 as the- sa-. (r-
ever- tric! in the *oo! to /in their confidence and trust.
Help them not to procrastinate so that -ou don0t
Tip #3- 0rocrastinating can lead to tnnel vision
If -ou anal-3e a lot1 -ou could 'et paral-3ed and sta-
stuc! anal-sis mode. (his could lead to tunnel vision.
If -ou eliminate procrastination from -our life1 -ou avoid
tunnel vision. $s Iane Smith said1 7there is al/a-s more
than one /a- to 'et to /here -ou /ant to *e. <a!e the
effort to loo! for the alternatives even if the- are hard to
find at first.8 N%uccessful &ork 'abits in a &eek1 Hodder O
Stou'hton1 2CC2F.
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #3/ Aearning to say no
Its one thin' to tr- to /in -our collea'ues0 colla*oration1
pla-in' mart-r is another. +earn to sa- no1 no matter ho/
much -ou li!e or admire a collea'ue.
Gon0t see the office as the place for cementin' friendships.
Stic! to -our a'enda and do the /or!. Deep the emotions
of -our collea'ues E and -ours E at *a-. If a collea'ue is
in trou*le and -ou0ve helped her in the past1 let her deal
/ith it herself this time. Gon0t leave a tas! undone @ust so
-ou can offer a helpin' hand to ever-one.
Tip #%1 8,e2re a great teamB9
=ou have a 'reat teamA %ood for -ou. Mse it to -our
advanta'e. If -our team mem*ers are performin' to -our
satisfaction1 -ou have more confidence in dele'atin' tas!s
to them1 freein' up considera*le time for -ou to attend to
-our important duties.
A Guide to Internet Riches 40
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Dno/in' that -ou have a team -ou can rel- /ill ma!e -ou
procrastinate less. Gele'ate tas!s *ased on each team
mem*er0s stren'th and limitationsJ it0s one of the more
effective /a-s to o*tain results.
Tip #%1 8I2ve got some pro$lems with my team9
It0s not the end of the /orld. (his situation can *e
salva'ed1 *ut it0s up to -ou to do dama'e control. Gon0t
'ive up on -our team mem*ers. It /ill ta!e time to teach
them leadership s!ills. Invest the time no/ rather than
It ta!es an e6ceptional leader to 'et ever-one to cooperate
and share the same vision. It0s -our @o* to ma!e sure that
the team produces for the overall 'ood of the compan-.
$n unhealth- team mired in hostilit- and a''ression is the
>1 *arrier to productivit-. <an- mana'ers have
procrastinated in doin' their @o*s *ecause the team is
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+ac!in' support is the sure /a- to procrastination1 and
procrastination e4uals non-productivit-. If -ou0re *us-
puttin' out fires and mendin' hearts1 -ou mi'ht *e ne6t in
line *efore the firin' s4uad.
Tip #%2 8?rgent9 is the flavor of the day
Mnless -ou0re in the *usiness of savin' lives1 then *e /ar-
of mana'ers /ho sa- 7it0s ur'ent.8 =ou see this happenin'
ever-da- in the office.
or!ers are pushed to produce *usloads of reports. Ho/
much of it 'ets readA $ lar'e compan- produces at least
1CC different reports a da-.
hile it0s 'ood to sift throu'h reports1 it0s also a si'n of
procrastination. ho said a compan- /ill fold up *ecause
mana'ers don0t devour the 1C1 reports a da-A
%et to the *ottom line. 5ilter throu'h the essential data
and read those. Identif- those tas!s that are trul- ur'ent.
A Guide to Internet Riches 42
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #%3 ,or"place safety
%overnment authorities are *reathin' do/n the nec!s of
companies to implement /or! safet- facilities and
procedures. Companies must compl- /ith re'ulations and
must ensure the ph-sical /ell-*ein' of emplo-ees.
If -ou notice that there are potential causes of accidents in
sa-1 the par!in' lot Ne.'. *ro!en *ottles1 ice1 lar'e
potholes1 slu''ish securit- 'ates and card readersF report
it immediatel- to the appropriate department. Gon0t /ait
for an accident to happen.
Tip #%% (et to the $ottom of things
If -our *oss re4uests that -ou investi'ate an incident1 do a
thorou'h @o*1 not a half-*a!ed one. Mse -our detective
s!ills so that -ou su*mit a full report 'ivin' all the facts
and circumstances of the incident. &- doin' a thorou'h
@o* the first time1 -ou avoid havin' to do a re-investi'ation
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 43
Stop Procrastinating Today!
*ecause there /ere 4uestions from the *oss -ou couldn0t
Tip #%' 7h5 those $ac"!to!$ac" meetings
(here must *e somethin' a*out *oard rooms and
conference rooms that ma!e people 'ravitate to/ards
them. Is it the maho'an- /ood1 the @ell- croissants that
are served ever- mornin'1 the ne/ pro@ector1 the cush-
leather chairsA <eetin's ta!e up a lot of time.
9ot that the-0re useless1 *ut there are far too man-
meetin's *ein' held. If -ou ta!e the num*er of man hours
per da- that are ta!en up *- meetin's1 multipl- that
num*er *- 5 da-s and then multipl- that a'ain *- 5C
Ne6cludin' Christmas and 9e/ =earF.
Compare that fi'ure to the compan-0s annual 'enerated
revenues. If /e too! half of those man hours and made
mana'ers sta- at their des!s doin' their /or!1 ima'ine
ho/ much more revenues can *e earned.
A Guide to Internet Riches 44
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Gon0t dou*t it - meetin's are a 'reat time to da-dream
and 'ive in to our distractions. It0s a 7perfectl- le'itimate8
e6cuse not to revie/ last month0s accountin' e6penses
that are due soon.
Tip #%) 8Co2ve got 2- voice mails9 and 8yo have
'' nread messages9
Ho/ much time /ould it ta!e to 'o throu'h all those
messa'esA Koice mails and e-mails ta!e -ou a/a- from
-our main functions. Geal /ith the important ones and
decide /hich ones can *e dealt /ith this afternoon1
tomorro/1 and ne6t /ee!. $nd do file them a/a- in a
su*-folder so the- don0t ta!e up visual space on -our
Some /or!ers tend to ans/er each and ever- messa'e
the- receive1 since it0s a 'reat escape from the real tas! at
hand. 5or non-ur'ent matters1 devote 4;3C pm to 5;CC
pm N/hen thin's *e'in to /ind do/nF for ans/erin' non-
ur'ent messa'es.
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #%+ 7re yo a morning person&
5itness trainers as! people this 4uestion a lot *ecause
e6ercisin' at a specific time of the da- is an effective
method for maintainin' discipline. (he same applies to the
office. If -ou0re a mornin' person1 tac!le -our difficult
responsi*ilities /hen -ou0re most ener'etic and productive
*efore lunch.
+eave the less essential ones for another time. $nd then
there are some people /ho li!e to /or! throu'h their
lunch hours *ecause that0s /hen the- reach pea! ener'-
levelsJ that /a- the- leave the office earl- to have that
e6tra hour to spend /ith famil-.
Tip #%- :o what yo hate most first
(here are certain aspects of our @o* /e don0t li!e. &ut -ou
need not let these unpleasant tas!s derail -ou. If -ou
ma!e it a dail- ha*it to tac!le them first1 the- *ecome
easier for -ou to do and /on0t *e as unpleasant. =ou0ve
A Guide to Internet Riches 46
Stop Procrastinating Today!
saved -ourself precious minutes *- not procrastinatin'.
Tip #%/ 7rrgh5 here comes the collection $ag
Go -ou !no/ ho/ much time is /asted /hen people 'o
around collectin' mone- for thin's li!e *irthda-s and
retirementsA (he actual cele*ration ta!es @ust as lon'. If
-ou0re the mana'er of a department1 tone do/n on the
merr--ma!in'. &irthda-s are meant to *e intimate
cele*rations1 not a means to procrastinate. Si'n memos
instead of hordes of *irthda- cards:
Tip #'1 3eap praise on a 4o$ well done
Emplo-ees thrive on positive feed*ac!. $ sincere
compliment for a @o* /ell done is a stron' motivator for
emplo-ees to do even *etter ne6t time. &e fair in 'rantin'
salar- increases. Promote an emplo-ee if he or she
deserves it. Happ- emplo-ees are 'ood for the compan-0s
profit and loss statement.
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 47
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Tip #'1 7nd Cy Charney says>
C- Charne- /rote (The Instant Manager$ N$merican
<ana'ement $ssociation E $<$C291 2CC4F and his thesis
/as on ho/ to *ecome an effective mana'er. 2ne of his
recommendations /as to respect the time of -our team
mem*ers1 @ust as the- do -ours.
<r. Charne- said1 7Gon0t as! them to do thin's that others
should *e doin'1 unless it is an emer'enc-. Gon0t
continuousl- interrupt them unless a*solutel- necessar-.
+et them complete each tas!.8
Tip #'2 If yo2re stc"5 as"
Instead of /astin' time /rac!in' -our *rain1 *e hum*le
and approach a collea'ue even if she0s a su*ordinate.
Sa-1 7I0m runnin' out of ideas1 can -ou *rainstorm /ith
meA8 or 7I can0t solve this pro*lem. <a-*e -ou see
somethin' in it that I don0tA8
A Guide to Internet Riches 48
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Procrastinatin' in as!in' for help /on0t solve an-thin'1 *ut
s/allo/in' our pride can -ield tremendous *enefits. It
ma!es -our collea'ue feel 'ood1 and she can offer a fresh
perspective on the pro*lem.
Tip #'3 3rry5 pt the pnch cloc" right $y the
water fontainB
If /ater fountains could record conversations *et/een
office /or!ers1 the tape and timer /ould pro*a*l- run out.
It0s li!e a to/er transmitter that emits data at man-
!ilo*-tes per second.
If -ou /ere to 7cloc!8 /or!ers /ho spend too much time
*- the /ater fountain1 it *ecomes apparent /ho the true
procrastinators are. (he- should *e at their des!s dealin'
/ith the paper /or! or satisf-in' irate customers1 *ut no1
the- avoid an'r- customers *- 4uenchin' their thirst and
turnin' it into some !ind of art form.
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 49
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #'% Office cafeteria* ;atrday Night AiveB
(here are da-s it doesn0t loo! li!e an office cafeteria
an-moreJ it has the air of a cruisin' *ar E and not @ust on
5rida-s: <eetin' /ho0s /ho at the cafeteria is a dail-
sacred ritual so /oe to the person /ho stands in the /a-
of the sociali3ation process.
7=ou need to reach out1 interact /ith human *ein's1
other/ise the compan- turns into an impersonal arena18
the- sa- defiantl-.
2!a-1 fol!s. Sociali3e all -ou /ant1 /hile that /e*cam
conference is 'oin' on. It0s onl- the president tal!in'
a*out free3in' salaries and do/nsi3in' the /or! force.
+in'erin' in the cafeteria to ma!e small tal! is a 'larin'
form of procrastinatin'. $t least -ou 'ot to a'ree to this
Tip #'' <irthday $ashes ta"e 1!2 hors of
planning and cele$ratingD :o yo "now how many
hors it ta"es to plan the company Christmas party&
A Guide to Internet Riches 50
Stop Procrastinating Today!
If -ou pa- close attention1 some companies actuall- form
committees for purposes of plannin' the annual Christmas
emplo-ee part-. 5ive to si6 mem*ers assi'ned to food and
*evera'e1 another three for the live *and and perhaps one
to four people to thin! of 'ames and !ios!s.
$nd %od for*id1 let0s not for'et the 'ift e6chan'e. (he
Christmas part- is a /hole movie production of sorts. $nd
o*viousl- an e6cellent reason to escape the drud'er- of
memos and customer calls and fillin' out return
merchandise account forms. Procrastination at its most
Tip #') 83ey5 did yo hear a$ot .elicity and her
hs$and& Thirty years of marriage and now this>9
(he latest scoop is al/a-s the @uiciest. In a lar'e compan-
of 51CCC emplo-ees1 for instance1 if -ou /ere to tall- the
num*er of lovers0 4uarrels1 miscarria'es1 divorces1 children
on dru's1 children /ho dropped out of school1 cosmetic
procedures done1 /ho0s /earin' the latest hi-tech heart
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 51
Stop Procrastinating Today!
pacer and /ho 'ot terminated1 -ou0d pro*a*l- come up
/ith an astonishin' num*er.
&ut there0s no need to ta!e pen and paper to tall- up the
fi'ures *ecause this is /here /ord of mouth /or!s *est.
(he rumor mill has never *een riper andL@uicier.
If -ou tr- to camoufla'e -our procrastination *-
pretendin' to *e 'enuinel- concerned a*out the 'ruesome
details of a divorce or mastectom-1 -ou0re onl- cheatin'
-ourself. &as!in' in the miser- of others is counter
productive to professional achievement.
Tip #'+ To echo the martyr idea mentioned
<entorin' is one of the more valua*le contri*utions -ou
can ma!e to a compan-. Its positive effects must never *e
underestimated. <an- a successful human *ein' had a
mentor or several mentors at different sta'es of his life.
&ut an-thin' carried out to e6cess has a ne'ative effect.
A Guide to Internet Riches 52
Stop Procrastinating Today!
If -ou thin! -ou have a sacred dut- to mentor -our
su*ordinate *ecause -ou /ant to develop his potential for
a mana'erial role1 then do so. Iust don0t do it e6cessivel-1
or else someone a*ove -ou /ill *e'in to thin!1 7(hose /ho
can0t1 teach.8 $ppl- the *ra!es on -our predilection for
Tip #'- ,atch ot5 if yo2re networ"ing to the
hilt5 this cold 4st $e yor way of dodging yor
=our secretar- loo!s up1 surprised1 as -ou *olt out the
door. 7here are -ou off tooA8 7(o m- net/or!in' clu*81
-ou sa-.
7&ut that0s /here -ou /ere all afternoon -esterda-:8 she
7I *elon' to another net/or!in' clu*. It0s called
diversif-in' -our contacts1 m- dear. %ot to e6pand those
contacts1 other/ise1 the compan- can0t sell /hat0s left in
our inventor-.8
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
%o ahead and net/or!1 if -ou must. &ut if the e6cess
inventor- runs out of control1 don0t 'o cr-in' to -our
net/or!in' *uddies. (he-0re not *u-in' an- of that e6cess
Tip #'/ 7nd if yo2re no longer happy on the 4o$>
Gon0t procrastinate a*out leavin' and see!in' *etter
opportunities else/here1 if -ou0re no lon'er happ- on the
@o*. If -ou and upper mana'ement no lon'er see e-e-to-
e-e on -our role in the /hole scheme of thin's1 then cut
-our losses Nemotional losses includedF and hand in -our
If -our salar- is -our sole means of support1 then time
-our departure in such a /a- that -ou have another @o*
/aitin' for -ou. Gon0t let a re'ular pa-chec! or stoc!
options or sheer convenience feed -our procrastinatin'
A Guide to Internet Riches 54
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #)1 If yo are interrpted often on the 4o$5
;mith says5 8#emain standingD9
People li!e to mill in and out of private offices @ust to ma!e
small tal!. (he-0re the classic procrastinators at /or!. If
the- enter -our office uninvited and appear to *e en'a'in'
-ou in idle chatter1 here is Iane Smith0s tip N;ccessfl
,or" 3a$its1 Hodder O Stou'hton1 2CC2F; stand up and
remain standin'. $nd don0t as! -our un/anted visitor to
sit do/n:
Tip #)1 ?pgrade s"ills and eEpand "nowledge
$ corporation does not need stale ideas from stale
emplo-ees. Invest the time in up'radin' -our s!ills and
e6pandin' -our !no/led'e *ase.
+earn a ne/ lan'ua'e1 add to -our repertor- of soft/are1
and ta!e life-enhancin' courses offered *- -our local
colle'e or universit-.
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
Gon0t procrastinate1 *ecause -ou0ll never !no/ /hen -our
compan- /ill create a position re4uirin' a forei'n
Tip #)2 :on2t procrastinate in ensring a smooth
transition for yor sccessor
=our successor deserves a smooth transition. Schedule
-our departure intelli'entl-. (ie up loose ends so that -ou
can hand over -our files and pendin' matters to /hoever
is ta!in' over -our @o*.
Help her succeed *- not procrastinatin'. (-pe out an
information sheet resem*lin' a 5re4uentl- $s!ed Puestion
list and 'ive it to her.
(his /a-1 /hen the actual transitionin' ta!es place1 -ou
don0t /aste time addressin' routine 4uestions1 leavin' -ou
more time to sho/ her the !e- aspects of -our functions.
A Guide to Internet Riches 56
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Chapter "
Procrastination and Human
Tip #)3 O"ay5 so yo2re not implsive $t>
7I /ant to thin! thin's more. I don0t /ant to hurt him.8
Ho/ man- times have /e heard that *eforeA <en and
/omen sa- the- don0t /ant to do an-thin' E especiall-
end a relationship E impulsivel-.
(he pro*lem is1 -ou0re the pro*lem. $dmit it. (he
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Stop Procrastinating Today!
relationship0s *een 'oin' do/nhill for the last 12 months.
=ou0ve craved for freedom fre4uentl-1 *ut -ou still can0t
'et to tell -our mate that love0s 'one out the /indo/.
Stop pretendin' that -ou need to thin! thin's throu'h. 9o
matter ho/ -ou anal-3e it1 it all *oils do/n to the same
thin' - time to move on. Here are e6amples of /hat -our
procrastination causes;
=ou deprive -ourself of the mental freedom -ou need
to concentrate on other aspects of -our life.
=ou deprive -ourself of the opportunit- to meet other
people /ho share -our interests and /ith /hom -ou
can have a meanin'ful relationship.
=ou deprive -our mate of the truth a*out ho/ -ou
=ou deprive -our mate of the opportunit- of meetin'
other people.
=ou deprive -our mate and -ourself of the chance to
find happiness a'ain.
Iust muster up the coura'e and sa- it. (ime heals all
A Guide to Internet Riches 58
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #)% It2s not what yo say5 it2s 3O, yo say it
9o one sa-s endin' a relationship is eas-. (here have
*een documented accounts of people turnin' suicidal after
a *rea!-up1 separation or divorce. (he- fall into a
depression1 and a fe/ are una*le to come out of it /hole
and a*le to trust a'ain.
&ut if -ou procrastinate *ecause -ou0re /orried a*out the
aftermath1 -ou0ll onl- *e doin' the other person a
disservice. (al! to -our mate /hen -ou have full rein of
-our emotions.
=es1 honest- is still the *est polic- *ut this is /here -ou0ll
have to optimi3e on -our diplomat0s s!ills. Choose -our
/ords1 and d/ell on the positive. Convince her that *oth
of -ou /ould *e *etter off /ith some*od- else. 2ffer to
remain friends so the transition is not emotionall-
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 59
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #)' Married to yor wor"& Or 4st
procrastinating in the dating game&
In )ives &ithout *alance1 Steven Carter and Iudith So!ol
NKillard &oo!s1 1))2F discuss the phenomenon of
confirmed *achelors1 male and female.
Stri!in' a *alance *et/een /or! and pla- is still
considered the ideal1 no matter ho/ sacred -ou thin! the
/or! ethic is; 7&- no/ if -ou are unattached1 it0s pro*a*l-
over/helmin'l- apparent that -our lifest-le is not
conducive to findin' or formin' a solid relationship.
hether -ou0re male or female1 -ou are simpl- so involved
in -our /or! that -ou don0t have the necessar- time or
ener'- for datin' - -et -ou ache for a relationship.
Is procrastination costin' -ou a meanin'ful relationshipA
Tip #)) .ather F mother isses&
2ne of the /orst !inds of procrastination is /hen -ou carr-
A Guide to Internet Riches 60
Stop Procrastinating Today!
resentment from childhood into adolescence and into
adulthood. Here -ou are in -our 4C0s and that childhood
resentment is still *re/in' inside -ou. $ll these -ears
-ou0ve allo/ed it to 'ro/ into a cancer *ecause -ou /on0t
deal /ith it.
Gon0t let -our procrastination erode an- love that0s left. If
-ou0re an'r- a*out somethin'1 spea! up. If the- e6plained
their side1 perhaps that resentment ma- @ust /hittle a/a-1
and -ou0ll onl- *erate for -ourself for ma!in' a mountain
out of a molehill. =ou can0t continue *lamin' -our parents
for -our misfortunes.
Tip #)+ 7nd with yor si$lings>
Gon0t procrastinate either. Instead of puttin' off a pro@ect
in /hich -our older sister as!ed -ou for help1 /h- not @ust
tell her in a strai'htfor/ard manner that -ou don0t have
time to spare *ecause of -our school /or! and other
commitments. (ell her no/ and not later. (hat /a- -ou
avoid an- friction.
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 61
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #)- 7nt Ma$le means well5 $t>
Ever-one has a dotin' aunt. (he- thin! the /orld of us
and /ould 'ive us an-thin' in the /orld to ma!e us happ-
E includin' their used ma!e-up !its1 clothes and hand*a's.
(he 'enerational divide in fashion tastes thou'h is too
apparent to i'nore.
Gon0t postpone tellin' -our aunt <a*le that -ou don0t /ant
her fire en'ine red lipstic!1 her roarin' 2C0s dinner 'o/n
and her leopard s!in hand*a'. If -ou don0t tell her no/1
she0ll sho/er -ou /ith more undesira*le 'ifts. $nd
remem*er /hat /e said earlier a*out clutter. (he
procrastinatin' monster rears its u'l- head in *et/een the
dar! recesses of -our closet that0s loo!in' more li!e a
hu'e /asteland.
Tip #)/ 8Come with me shopping>9
2r 7let0s 'o see a movie.8 7+et0s *ar hop toni'ht.8 7Can
-ou 'o /ith me to this concertA8 7Ioin me for dinner at m-
A Guide to Internet Riches 62
Stop Procrastinating Today!
step mother0s. I don0t /ant to *e alone /ith her.8
Go -ou have friends /ho seem to /ant to include -ou in all
E and /e mean all E of their activitiesA Is it their constant
need for compan-1 or simpl- a case of not havin' a
*ac!*oneA If -ou0re not capa*le of a firm *ut polite no1
-ou0ll receive a lot more invitations than -ou can handle.
5riendships have to *e nurtured1 *ut this is over!ill. Shed
off -our procrastination ha*its and tell -our friend politel-
-ou can0t 'o out /ith her an-more. She0ll survive. 2r she
can find someone else to dra' alon'.
Tip #+1 <tt ot of my "itchenB
2ne /oman /as lamentin' the fact that her mother-in-la/
al/a-s seems to drop in around the time she0s preparin'
dinner for her hus*and.
(his /oman endured her mother-in-la/0s un/elcome visits
E not to mention her acer*ic /ords - for si6 months1 *ut
feels she0s come to the end of her rope.
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(he /oman told us1 7She sa-s thin's li!e1 my dear +lbert
,thats my husband- would much rather pepper his steak
than salt it. 2ne da-1 I had /or!ed so hard on this trifle1
and she said1 oh dear, I dont think hes too fond of *ritish
dessert. he has a weakness though for /rench pastries.
Im surprised he didnt tell you.8
If the /oman is as smart in the human relationships
department as she is in the !itchen1 she0ll !no/ ho/ to
deal /ith her mother-in-la/. &ut she *etter ta!e action
no/ or she0ll end up soa!in' her in a pot of scaldin' soup:
Tip #+1 If there2s a will5 there2s a way
e0re not referrin' here to the /ill to do somethin'. e0re
tal!in' a*out a real ill E as in +ast ill and (estament.
=our father is d-in' and is a*out to si'n his last /ill.
=ou also !no/ that he is 'oin' to leave a lar'er part of his
estate to -our older *rother *ein' the eldest child. $nd
here0s the painful part.
A Guide to Internet Riches 64
Stop Procrastinating Today!
=ou !no/ that -our older *rother has *een arrested a fe/
times for 'am*lin' de*ts and credit card fraud. (he famil-
!ept this secret from -our father *ecause of his illness.
5or the last five -ears1 -ou0ve *een ar'uin' /ith -our
*rothers and sisters to tell -our father a*out -our *rother0s
predicament1 *ut the- did not /ant him to /orr-
If -ou procrastinate and the ill is si'ned and then -our
father passes a/a-1 -our inaction is tantamount to
s4uanderin' -our father0s hard-earned mone-. orse1
-our *rother0s situations /ill deteriorate further. =ou 'ive a
chronic 'am*ler more mone-1 /hat do -ou reall- thin!
he0s 'oin' to do /ith itA
Tip #+2 7ging sic" parents need 4st a $it of yor
=our parents have lost their autonom- and are in a home
for the a'ed. Have -ou *een to one of these places latel-A
2ld sic! people can0t move around an-more and are
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 65
Stop Procrastinating Today!
confined to their /heelchairs all da- lon'.
=ou see the loo! on their faces E the loo! that sa-s the-
could use some compan-1 need to *e read to1 or need
someone to @ust listen to their trou*les. Sons and
dau'hters /ith families of their o/n and /ho lead hectic
lives come less often1 a fe/ have stopped comin'. (hin!
/hat a pit- it /ould *e if -ou procrastinated in visitin'.
Tip #+3 3ealth is wealth and many more
Health conditions need immediate attention. Gon0t
procrastinate in seein' a doctor to have the follo/in'
chec!ed; 'ro/ths1 tumors1 chan'e in appetite1 consistent
chest pain1 num*ness that doesn0t 'o a/a-1 fre4uent
di33iness1 irre'ular *o/el movement1 loss of appetite1
depression1 *lood in -our stool1 persistent cou'hin'1
unusual chan'es in the s!in1 or a 'eneral feelin' of *ein'
A Guide to Internet Riches 66
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Chapter $
Self Improvement % & 'eneral
Sense of ellbein(
Tip #+% Aet2s get physical>
=ou0ve complained enou'h a*out -our /ei'ht. =our
parents are tired of listenin' to -ou1 and so are -our
friends. It0s *een a -o--o1 on and off1 touch and 'o affair
/ith the scale.
=ou0re onl- 23 *ut -ou0re over/ei'ht *- t/ice that
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 67
Stop Procrastinating Today!
num*er. (he doctor @ust said that -ou0re a li!el- candidate
of dia*etes if -ou don0t do somethin'. See /hich of these
statements appl- to -ou.
7I0d feel *etter if I lost /ei'ht *ecause;
I /ould li!e m-self *etter. I0d *e happier a*out m-
ph-sical appearance.
If I learn to li!e m-self1 m- friends and famil- /ould
li!e me *etter too. I0d *e more positive a*out life1
and I0d slo/l- *uild up m- self-confidence. (hese
4ualities attract people.
I0d *e more comforta*le in m- relationships /ith the
opposite se6. I /ould stop a'oni3in' a*out /hat
the-0re thin!in' of me *ein' such a fat slo*. I /ant
them to thin! of me as attractive1 and pleasant to *e
<- doctor /ould stop na''in' me. <- *lood
pressure1 m- cholesterol1 and m- *lood su'ar levels
/ould *e lo/er1 and /ith some effort1 I0d pro*a*l-
re'ain that old ener'- I had in m- teens.
<- friends /ould respect me more and see! m-
A Guide to Internet Riches 68
Stop Procrastinating Today!
opinion a*out their o/n pro*lems.
(he *enefits are immeasura*le. If -ou stop
procrastinatin'1 -ou can en@o- these *enefits toda-.
Tip #+' The gym can $e a scary place
If -ou 'o to the '-m fre4uentl- enou'h1 -ou 'et used to
seein' certain t-pes; the fanatics1 the confident and the
(hen there are those /ho can0t loo! -ou in the e-e E
the-0re attired in clothes that camoufla'e their si3e and
their demeanor su''ests the-0re em*arrassed a*out *ein'
in the '-m at all. (he- loo! misera*le1 move a/!/ardl-1
and are terrified of the machines.
=ou /ere there once. Gon0t dela- a*out 'ivin' them
encoura'ement. $ simple1 sincere smile /ould 'o a lon'
/a-. Gon0t 'ive adviceJ don0t offer to sho/ them ho/ a
particular machine can *e ad@usted. If -ou smile at them
ever-da-1 chances are *- ne6t /ee!1 the- shall have
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 69
Stop Procrastinating Today!
mustered enou'h coura'e to as! -ou to help them fi'ure
out their fitness routine. It /or!s all the time:
Tip #+) Co2ve reached a platea = at the gym
Even -our fitness pro'ram needs re-hashin'. If -ou stic!
to the same routine for more than # /ee!s1 and -ou0ve 'ot
fitness 'oals to achieve Nstron'er hamstrin's as an
e6ampleF1 then don0t let -our sh-ness stand in -our in
achievin' those 'oals.
%et a fitness trainer to help -ou. (he essential thin' a*out
fitness is variet-. =ou can0t *e doin' the same e6ercises
indefinitel- /ithout var-in' -our routine.
5irst1 -ou could *e less enthused doin' those repetitive
movements /ith the same muscle 'roups1 and second1
those muscles ma- 'et over/or!ed to the point that
the-0re no lon'er reactin' to -our pushin' and pullin'.
Gon0t let a trainer intimidate -ou. (he-0re al/a-s /illin' to
discuss -our 'oals - that0s /hat the-0re trained and paid to
A Guide to Internet Riches 70
Stop Procrastinating Today!
do. If -ou procrastinate1 -ou ma- not learn the secrets to
turnin' -our *iceps into the /atermelons -ou /ant them
to *e. (he-0ll remain the si3e of plums.
Tip #++ Cosmetic srgery* not a sin these days
h- should it *eA People have a ri'ht to chan'e their
appearance if it 'ives them more self-confidence1 and less
of an inferiorit- comple6.
If -our lon' hoo!ed nose has *een *otherin' -ou for -ears
and -ou can re-shape it safel-1 /h- not 'et a nose @o*
doneA People do it all the time. $nd even if half of them
/on0t admit1 the-0re suddenl- loo!in' /onderful. $nd
the-0re happier1 more radiant. Gon0t procrastinate.
Cosmetic sur'er- is nothin' to *e ashamed of.
Tip #+- :id yo ma"e it to the list of 11 worst
dressed this year&
It0s *een a'es since an-one complimented -ou on -our
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 71
Stop Procrastinating Today!
/ardro*e. =ou /al! alon' the office corridor and -ou
notice people turn a/a-.
Perhaps -ou0re ima'inin' it *ut the- seem to *e
suppressin' a 'i''le ever- time the- see -ou. 2!a-1
-ou0ve never *een vain a*out -our appearance1 *ut /e0re
not sure that0s e6actl- a 'ood thin' no/ada-s1 especiall- if
there0s so much press covera'e a*out the oft-repeated
concept of 7dressin' for success.8
9ot sure -ou0re /earin' 21st centur- attireA 9ot sure -our
ma!e-up isn0t more appropriate for the circusA 9ot sure
the colors matchA Go -our shoes loo! li!e -ou haven0t
stepped into a shoe store for the last 15 -earsA
If -ou procrastinate a*out seein' an ima'e consultant1 -ou
ma- not even ma!e it to the first step of the corporate
ladder. =our *rains and e6perience 'ot -ou this far. $re
-ou 'oin' to let -our ima'e set -ou *ac! a fe/ li'ht -earsA
Gon0t hesitate. Ima'e consultants /ould 'ive an-thin' to
turn a pro@ect into a success.
A Guide to Internet Riches 72
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #+/ That tr$lence inside>
(han! 'oodness for the 21
centur-. e have cosmetic
sur'eons1 ima'e consultants1 and /e also haveL
ps-cholo'ists. =ou sure deserve an 7$8 for appearance;
-ou0re the env- of -our friends1 the campus *elle1 and the
office 7*eaut- and *rains8 /ho0s loved1 hated1 loved. =our
ideas are imitated *- mana'ement1 -our fla/less
comple6ion is ma!in' ever-one curious a*out the ni'ht
cream *rand -ou use1 and none of -our muscles is out of
place. hat0s even more a''ravatin' is1 in spite of -our
%od-'iven 'ifts1 -ou0re unpretentious and unassumin'.
(hat tur*ulence inside -ou is slo/l- *ecomin' a full *lo/n
unstoppa*le thunderstorm. It0s erodin' -our confidence1
and -our /ounds remain uncared for. e all a'ree.
Emotional /ounds ta!e the lon'est to heal. =ou need an
e6pert /ho0ll come to the rescue.
(hat list of ps-cholo'ists has *een sittin' inside -our
dra/er for the last si6 months. Starin' at it /on0t cure
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 73
Stop Procrastinating Today!
-ou. Gial the first num*er on the list. $s! to see a
ps-cholo'ist. If -ou procrastinate some more1 -ou ma-
need more than a ps-cholo'ist. Ps-chiatrists have *een
also !no/n to cure old1 festerin' /ounds.
Tip #-1 7voiding procrastination means yo don2t
have to change yor life radically
People procrastinate *ecause the-0re over/helmed *- the
enormit- of /hat the-0re facin'. (o stop procrastinatin'
does not mean radicall- chan'in' -our life1 or suddenl-
s/itchin' from one profession to another.
$s Carter and So!ol e6plain1 7(here is usuall- a reason
/h- /e chose the /or! /e did1 have the friends /e do1
and lead the lives /e lead. If -ou are li!e people1 -ou
don0t /ant a different lifeJ -ou @ust /ant to *e a*le to
mana'e the one -ou have.8
Go *ear one thin' in mind. (he more -ou dela-1 the more
dissatisfied -ou /ill *e /ith -our life.
A Guide to Internet Riches 74
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #-1 ;tress* either manage it or stay away
from it
<an- people have *een !no/n to suddenl- /a!e up one
da- and decide the- /ant out. (he- /al! a/a- from 2C-
-ear marria'es1 *rea! a childhood friendship and
disen'a'e from lifelon' commitments.
(he- decided it /as *etter to /al! a/a- from a situation
that /as 'eneratin' more stress than the- could handle -
a /ise decision on their part1 'iven that a fe/ reports have
3eroed in on it as a potential leadin' cause of cancer.
%ive this simplistic e4uation a thou'ht or t/o; stress 4
indecision 4 more stress 4 procrastination 4 inaction 4
triple stress 4 illness::
Tip #-2 If yo decide to manage yor stress>
=ou0ve heard the e6pression1 7somethin'0s 'ot to 'ive.8 If
-ou /ish to deal /ith -our stress more effectivel-1 -ou0ll
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 75
Stop Procrastinating Today!
have to cut *ac! on some of -our activities *ecause -ou0ll
need a reservoir of stren'th to confront that stress.
&ut ma!e a decision no/ a*out /hat -ou can 'ive up1 so
that -ou0ll have some ener'- remainin' for other
challen'es that come -our /a-. 5or instance1 if -ou do
volunteer /or! three times a /ee! at the home for
*attered /omen1 ho/ a*out diminishin' the fre4uenc- to
once a /ee!A
=our dau'hter /ho /as *ein' ph-sicall- a*used *- her
hus*and finall- had the coura'e to pac! her *a's and
leave him. She0s no/ come to -ou for help and -ou !no/
it /ill *e a len'th- recover- period. Charit- *e'ins at
home. Gon0t create t/o different sources of stress.
Gecide /hich is more important and ta!e action.
Tip #-3 8My name is Tess5 and I2m an alcoholic9
$lcoholism is a SE"I2MS pro*lem1 no t/o /a-s a*out it.
$nd it can *e criminal1 if -ou drin! and drive and hit
someone. If -ou0re drin!in' ever-da- and -ou0re feelin'
A Guide to Internet Riches 76
Stop Procrastinating Today!
helpless and desperate1 and these feelin's are leadin' -ou
to drin! more1 -ou need help. Gon0t dela-. (here are
humanitarian or'ani3ations in -our communit- that /ill
provide referrals. 2r 'o on the 9et and *e'in -our
research into recover-.
Tip #-% 83i5 my name is Ted>no sorry>it2s @>@>
@ed>and I2m on drgsD9
Gru's are *ad ne/s. =ou could destro- not onl- -our
future1 *ut also -our famil-0s future. Gru' reha*ilitation
clinics have mushroomed all over the countr-. (hat0s /h-
-ou0re not alone1 and that0s the 'ood ne/s.
Stop procrastinatin' and see a dru' counselor in school1 or
as! for -our doctor0s advice a*out /here -ou can 'o. It0s
*est to invest in dru' reha*ilitation no/ than to s4uander
-our lifetime savin's on a never-endin' need for dru's.
Gon0t procrastinate in /ithdra/in' E and this isn0t a
contradiction of terms. e @ust /ant to sa-1 don0t dela-
a*out 'ettin' treatment. =ou0ll suffer from /ithdra/al
s-mptoms at first1 *ut the-0re onl- temporar-.
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 77
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #-' 7nd then there was light>
=ou0ve tried ever-thin' E plan $1 plan &. (his option1 that
option. =ou0ve ta!en detoursLshort-cuts. Even da**led in
medieval art1 of all thin's. $ solution is no/here to *e
found. =our life is one shattered mess and -ou0re feedin'
on the splinters. =ours is a 7life of 4uiet desperation18 as
one famous /riter once said.
(here0s one person in -our entoura'e that -ou0ve
for'otten; -our parish priest. (he reverend Iesuit1 the
Chief "a**i1 and the Hol- Iman E /hatever reli'ion -ou
/ere *orn or converted into E never procrastinate in
'ettin' that much needed spiritual 'uidance.
=our pro*lems ma- *e -our /a!e up call to the fact that
-ou0re spirituall- devoid and empt-. Spiritual leaders
re@oice and 'ive than!s /henever one of their prodi'al
sons returns to the fold. Gon0t /ait until -ou plun'e into
complete dar!ness. (here0s one flic!erin' candle left.
%ra* it and find -our /a- out of the dar! hole.
A Guide to Internet Riches 78
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Chapter )
*onus tips
(his section contains -our *onus tips. Some -ou can use1
some are not relevant to -ou. (here0s no lo'ical order to
these tips1 *ut at least this is a *onus that is ta6 free:
=our mornin' paper is divided into sections1 and each
section caters to the needs and e6pectations of specific
famil- mem*ers.
(he ne/s and *usiness sections /ill *e the sections for
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 79
Stop Procrastinating Today!
'ood old dad1 coo!in' and arts section for mom1 fashion
for the -oun' teen in the household and international
politics for the *uddin' intellectual @unior.
+et0s use these sections to serve as the sprin'*oards for
-our *onus tips; headlines5 $siness5 health5 fashion5
cisine5 environment5 real estate5 and readers2 trn
to writeD
e repeat1 there0s no lo'ic here1 onl- a method to the
madness. "efer *ac! to them from time to time1 /hen
-ou feel -our life is spiralin' do/n into madness and
chaos. $nd don0t for'et -our mantra:
Tip #-) 3eadlines = 4st doing my dty to the
If -our leaders are ponderin' /ar and -our *eliefs 'o the
other /a-1 /rite -our con'ressman a note E it doesn0t
have to *e a fla/lessl- /ritten letter. Mr'e him not to si'n
an- le'islation that hints at the countr- ta!in' up arms.
Su''est ne'otiation instead of confrontation1 diplomac- in
A Guide to Internet Riches 80
Stop Procrastinating Today!
place of ultimatums1 peace1 not /ar. (his /a-1 -ou0ve
done -our civic dut-1 and -ou0re not procrastinatin' a*out
potentiall- savin' a *eautiful countr-.
Tip #-+ 3eadlines = they2re changing Medicare
laws again
Puic!1 ta!e pen and paper and send off another note. If
the chan'es in -our countr-0s health care act /ill affect
-ou adversel-1 don0t /ait for others to ta!e up arms. &e
amon' the first to protest. If thousands E or millions E do
the same thin' and it0s an election -ear E these letters
mi'ht @ust chan'e -our leaders0 stance. ould -ou rather
procrastinate than pa- a 25Q increase in -our -earl- dru'
Tip #-- <siness = ct yor losses
If -ou haven0t learned from the 9ortel fiasco1 don0t /ait
until the ne6t ma@or stoc! in -our portfolio turns into
another 9ortel E or Enron E or orldcom. =ou !no/ /hat
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 81
Stop Procrastinating Today!
happened to the small investor E he thou'ht the stoc!1
*ein' a *lue chip1 mi'ht pic! up momentum a'ain.
ell1 it started as a lac!luster stoc!1 and then it *ecame
slu''ish1 finall- *ecomin' a @un! stoc!. (here /ere
millions of procrastinators /aitin' around for the stoc!
mar!et to do a 3#C de'ree turn.
<one- theorists a'ree. It0ll *e a/hile *efore /e see
another spectacular performance li!e the one /e @u*ilated
over on the eve of the millennium. Ever-one felt rich
/hen 2CCC rolled around. $ lot of them are no/ in de*t.
Tip #-/ <siness = as" a financial planner to help
yo ot
=our local *an!er /ould *e more than /illin' to refer -ou
to one of the *an!0s in-house financial planners. If -ou0ve
fared poorl- /ith finances1 or /ant to have a *etter 'rasp
of mone- matters1 a financial planner could *e a life saver.
Sit do/n /ith -our planner; tell him ho/ -ou o/e1 ho/
much -ou /ant to save for retirement1 /hat assets and
A Guide to Internet Riches 82
Stop Procrastinating Today!
lia*ilities are on -our *oo!s - he0ll do the rest.
Tip #/1 3ealth = over$oo"ed agenda ma"ing yo
procrastinate again&
Deep it simple. If -ou have too much to do1 /hat hours
are left for -our health and fitness 'oalsA $re -ou usin'
-our over*oo!ed a'enda as another e6cuse not to 'o to
the '-m or ta!e that tennis lesson pac!a'e -our hus*and
'ave -ou for -our *irthda-A
If -ou procrastinate further1 5 pounds /ill *ecome 1C1 then
151 and it 'ets harder as -ou add more pounds. It0s much1
much harder to shed those pounds /hen -ou 'et to 3C
pounds over/ei'ht. (ac!le the /ei'ht issue /hile the
pound 'ain is still minimal and mana'ea*le.
Tip #/1 3ealth = that newly!opened 0ilates center
might $e worth a visitD
7&ahLit0s @ust a fad1 it0ll 'o a/a- /hen a ne/ e6ercise
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 83
Stop Procrastinating Today!
routine is invented.8 e detect a hint of procrastination in
this statement. Even if it0s @ust a fad1 at least it0s a health-
fad. Hop into the car and chec! it out. <ost clu*s /ill let
-ou tr- out a /ee! of free mem*ership. =ou ma- not
!no/ it1 *ut Pilates is producin' stron'er *ac!s and more
solid core muscles1 and turnin' people into happ-1 pain-
free individuals. h- hesitateA hat have -ou 'ot to
Tip #/2 .ashion* calling all yong entrepreners
=ou spotted this tin- item in the fashion section a*out a
*outi4ue do/nto/n that0s searchin' for talent. 7If -ou0ve
'ot pieces of @e/elr- -ou /ant to sell1 /e0d *e happ- to
ta!e a loo!.8
=ou0ve had these nec!laces and other trin!ets 'atherin'
dust some/here. 2nce upon a time -ou /ere proud of
them *ut /ere too sh- to sho/ them to friends and famil-.
(he *outi4ue0s description of the !ind of hand-crafted
@e/elr- the-0re loo!in' for sounds li!e it /as tailor-made
for -ou.
A Guide to Internet Riches 84
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Gon0t hesitate: (hose tin- *eads and miniature semi-
precious stones could *e -our tic!et to a *i''er1 da33lin'
/orld of fashion and entrepreneurship.
Tip #/3 .ashion* dra$5 $oring hairstyle&
Hate -our hairA Ho/ a*out a visit to a salon near -ouA
=ou0ll *e ama3ed at the num*er of miracle /or!ers the-
have on site. $nd the ran'e of hair products these da-s is
incredi*le. "emem*er that clichR a*out hair *ein' -our
cro/nin' 'lor-A Corn-1 *ut true. %ive -our hair the care
it deserves. $s the optimists love to sa-1 7=ou never !no/
/hom -ou0ll meet.8
Tip #/% Cisine* win his heart $ac"
=ou mi'ht *e ta!in' a ris! /ith ne/1 se6- under/ear.
h- don0t -ou follo/ the oldie *ut 'oodie rule; /in his
heart throu'h his stomach.
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 85
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Even -our friends sa- the- /on0t eat /hat -ou coo!.
$dmit it0s -our ma@or failin' and ta!e coo!in' lessons at
-our communit-0s recreational center. $ ne/ ho**- is
food for the soul1 a dru'-free stimulant for the mind.
hen -ou 'raduate from the course E !udos to -ou for not
procrastinatin' E -ou ma- @ust *rin' the old lover *ac!.
Tip #/' Cisine* show off the gormet coo" in
=our local paper has *een pu*lishin' re4uests for recipes.
Geli'ht readers *- di''in' old recipes from 'randma0s time
and -ou could *e a /innin' author: Su*mit -our recipe
entr- and !eep -our fin'ers crossed.
Some /omen have 7accidentall-8 started food and caterin'
*usinesses *ecause the- /eren0t sh- a*out sharin' an
in'redient or t/o. If -ou thin! -our recipe deserves a
Pills*ur- pri3e or /hatever other pri3e is *ein' offered1 don
that apron and 'o for it:
A Guide to Internet Riches 86
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #/) Environment
Is an-one pa-in' attention to the D-oto accordsA Ho/
does one 92( procrastinate in doin' /hat0s 'ood for the
Here are a fe/ su''estions;
rite -our municipal officials and encoura'e them to
send our re'ular reminders to local residents that
rec-clin' *o6es are availa*le at cit- hall E for free.
$s! them to pu*lish recommendations on the art of
compostin' and ho/ to filter throu'h household
(a!e the initiative and sort out -our 'ar*a'e
ever-da-. "ec-cle /henever possi*le.
If -ou have free time1 offer -our services for free to
an environmental cause. Communities or'ani3e
sprin' clean-ups annuall-. %ive of -our time.
Gon0t procrastinate. (he environment needs -ou. Help
-our children *reathe cleaner1 healthier air.
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 87
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Tip #/+ Environment = river rnning dry&
$'ain1 here0s /here pen and paper can *e po/erful tools.
Gon0t dela- /ritin' to -our local officials a*out a factor- or
plant that is violatin' environmental re'ulations. "eport it
to the authorities *efore the clouds *ecome heav- /ith
pollutants and the rivers run dr-.
Tip #/- #eal estate* property vales = way5 way
$n individual /as overheard sa-in' in the cafR the other
da- that he0d never for'ive himself for stallin' in his
decision to *u- a piece of propert- that had ever-thin' E
location1 'reat lo/ maintenance condition1 reasona*le
price1 recent renovations1 etc.
(he o/ners1 /ho didn0t reall- care a*out ma!in' a profit
*ecause the- /ere 'oin' into a retirement facilit- shortl-1
/ere onl- as!in' for B2CC1CCC.CC.
A Guide to Internet Riches 88
Stop Procrastinating Today!
&- procrastinatin'1 the individual missed out on the
propert- *ecause someone else E /ho /as less of a
procrastinator E 'ra**ed it. (he propert- is no/ appraised
at B45C1CCC.CC1 up B25C1CCC.CC from four -ears a'o.
9o/ -ou !no/ the truth - procrastination is an e6pensive
Tip #// #eal estate* clean p $efore the door$ell
=our real estate a'ent alread- /arned -ou once *efore;
don0t /ait until the last minute to clean up the -ard and
tid- up the house. (he open house is 'oin' to ta!e place
an- da- no/. =ou0ve put it off until the da- *efore1 and
the cleanin' up is ta!in' lon'er than -ou thou'ht.
9e6t da-1 the door*ell rin's1 and the /eeds /ere not
pulled out1 the shru*s not trimmed1 the hall/a- not
cleared of clutter1 and the !itchen faucet is lea!in'. (he
closets are unreco'ni3a*le. (he *oo!s on the shelves are
covered in dust. (he flo/ers are /iltin'. $nd -ou for'ot
to do thisLand thatL
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 89
Stop Procrastinating Today!
(he *u-ers said than! -ou an-/a-1 and loo!ed at another
Tip #111 It2s yor trn>
Callin' all /riters: 9ational ne/spapers usuall- allot a
section to readers /ho /ant to tr- their hand at /ritin'
a*out a personal e6perience or a*out a ho/-to pro@ect that
the- can share /ith readers.
=ou0ve al/a-s aspired to /rite1 *ut -ou !eep voicin' out
the same1 tired e6cuse; 7I0m not feelin' inspired18 or 7I
have /riter0s *loc!.8
$ctuall-1 accomplished /riters all echo the same thin';
don0t /ait for a flash of li'htnin' to sha!e -ou out of the
doldrums1 or that /riter0s *loc! /ill 'o a/a- and -ou0ll *e
churnin' out pa'es in no time. (he onl- time -ou0ll /rite
is /hen -ou stop procrastinatin' and start t-pin' /ords on
-our !e-*oard. (he- don0t have to *e elo4uent at first1
@ust t-pe /hatever comes to mind.
A Guide to Internet Riches 90
Stop Procrastinating Today!
5or /riters1 the opposite of procrastinatin' is /armin' up.
If -ou /ant to *e a /riter1 -ou should ta!e this ver-
seriousl-. 2ne *rilliant /riter su''ested that to /arm up1
she uses this tric! and it /or!s )).)Q of the time.
(-pe a passa'e from a favorite author0s *oo!. Pretend
-ou0re the one /ritin' it. 9e6t1 tr- to paraphrase it. =ou
don0t reali3e it *ut -ou0ve alread- started to /rite *-
puttin' -our o/n /ords. If -ou devote 3C minutes each
da- doin' this e6ercise1 -ou0ll *e on -our merr- /a- to
*ein' a /ordsmith:
Tip #111 More on the writing life
ritin' contests are a*undant. (here are thousands in
9orth $merica1 more across the Pacific1 and a /hole lot
more in Europe and $sia. <ost of these pu*lishin' entities
have /e* sites /herein the- advertise their monthl-1
4uarterl- and annual contests.
If -ou don0t !no/ /hat /ritin' contests to enter1 @ust t-pe
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 91
Stop Procrastinating Today!
7/ritin' contests8 on an- search en'ine and -ou0ll 'et all
the information -ou need; t-pe of /ritin' Nm-ster-1 non-
fiction1 poetr-1 novellas1 flash fiction1 etcF1 pri3e mone-1
entr- fee Nif an-F1 deadline and format re4uired.
If -ou started a stor- *ut never 'ot around to finishin' it1
fish it out of -our hard drive and finish it. Gon0t let the
fear of re@ection ma!e -ou procrastinate. 7hat if it0s not
'ood enou'hA8 7hat if I0m a lous- /riterA8
Heed this advice from Ieff Hermann N&riters 0uide to
*ook 1ditors, 2ublishers and )iterary +gents1 2CCCF; 7In
m- e6perience1 the most insurmounta*le /alls are the
ones in -our heads. 9o re@ection is fatal until the /riter
/al!s a/a- from the *attle leavin' the /ritten /or!
*ehind1 undefended and un/anted.8
A Guide to Internet Riches 92
Stop Procrastinating Today!
Chapter +
+ester ". &ittel in his *oo!1 73ight on Time8 N<c%ra/Hill1
1))1F calls procrastination an insidious temptation that
pla'ues all of us. hat ma- appear to *e harmless
procrastination can turn harmful - if done to e6cess.
Procrastination means losing precious time1 wasting
valua*le resources and missing life0s 'olden opportunities.
<asterin' -our time and optimi3in' -our resources are
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 93
Stop Procrastinating Today!
e6cellent remedies for procrastination. &ut the-0re not
miracle cures1 nor are the- instant therapies. 2nl- -ou
can mana'e the a*sence of productivit- in -our life.
=ou can surround -ourself /ith e6perts /ho e6cel at multi-
tas!in'1 time mana'ement and all these nice-soundin'
principles emanatin' from the Harvard School of
<ana'ement1 *ut if -ou don0t act on their advice1
procrastination /ill not disappear E ever.
(he spirit is /illin' *ut the flesh is /ea!. (hat sounds
almost *i*lical1 *ut it rin's true /hen /e0re tal!in' a*out
&ittel0s 7insidious temptation.8
$n idle mind is the devil0s /or!shop. If -ou @ust !eep
thin!in' thin's out /ithout doin'1 then -ou0re onl-
cheatin' -ourself. (he doin' is the most important. 5or it
is in the doin' that -ou produce results -ou /ant.
It is in the doin' that -ou discover hidden sources of -our
creativit-. It is in the doin' that -ou 'ain momentum. It
is in the doin' that -ou *ecome a refined pro*lem-solver.
$nd the more -ou do1 the 4uic!er -ou *ecome.
A Guide to Internet Riches 94
Stop Procrastinating Today!
=ou have the means E 1C1 tips E to *anish the devil
forever. +et him pla- his tric!s in someone else0s
/or!shop. 2nce -ou0ve learned not to procrastinate in
most aspects of -our dail- life1 success is onl- a step
7If /e did all the thin's /e are capa*le of doin'1 /e /ould
literall- astound ourselves.8
(homas Edison0s /ords1 not ours.
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 95
Stop Procrastinating Today!
&bout The Editor
I am the /e*master of Puittin'=ourIo*.com1 a site a*out
startin' and runnin' an online home *ased *usiness.
Pro*a*l- the *est thin' a*out this site is that it tells it li!e
it is1 /ithout an- of the h-pe that is so t-pical in other
similar sites.
I also run 2 other sites. 5ore6$s$ is
a*out an investment that is ma!in' me a*out 25Q - 5CQ
per -ear and ac!--&ac!' presents some
rather ama3in' *ac!'round te6tures.
A Guide to Internet Riches 96
Stop Procrastinating Today!
=ou are here*- 'iven permission to 'ive a/a- or sell this
e*oo! in its ori'inal1 unmodified and complete form.
(his e*oo! ma- *e uploaded to /e* sites1 e*oo!
directories or stored in an archive.
(his e*oo! ma- *e distri*uted on CG-"2< dis!s1 dis!ettes
or an- other electronic media.
How to Stop Procrastinating *PermanentIy* in Just 21 Days or Less 97
Stop Procrastinating Today!
#ebrandin( Info
$ *randa*le version of this e*oo! is availa*le. (he
follo/in' lin!s /ill *e *randa*le;
(he title and lin! follo/in' the te6t S&rou'ht to -ou
*-;S on the front cover.
(he title and lin! at the *ottom of ever- alternate
Clic! here to 'et -our cop- for free.
(his *randa*le e*oo! is created usin' KiralPG5. Clic! here
for more information or to purchase -our o/n cop-.
5or more free *randa*le e*oo!s1 clic! here.
A Guide to Internet Riches 98

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