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Persuasion Engineering

Sales & Business / Language & Be a!i"# $i% a#& Ban&le# an& '" n La (alle


0-916990-36-2 Meta Publ 95010 (408)

) e *i#st set "* language +atte#ns is t e in!e#se "* t e M,)- M./,L0 ) e a&&iti"nal "t e# i1+"#tant language +atte#ns in%lu&e2

E!"edded Co!!ands# ,1be&&e& &i#e%ti!es 3it in a la#ge# senten%e st#u%tu#e0 45"u %an begin t" relax6 Analogue Mar$ing# Set t e &i#e%ti!e a+a#t *#"1 t e #est "* t e senten%e 3it s"1e n"n!e#bal anal"gue be a!i"#0 E!"edded %uestions# ,1be& 7uesti"ns 3it in a la#ge# senten%e st#u%tu#e0 4891 3"n&e#ing 3 at ti1e it is06 Negati&e Co!!ands# Stating 3 at :"u &" 3ant t" "%%u# an& +#e%e&ing t is state1ent 3it t e 3"#& 4&"n9t06 Con&ersational Postulates# 5es/ ;" 7uesti"ns t at t:+i%all: eli%it a #es+"nse #at e# t an a lite#al ans3e#2 4/" :"u <n"3 3 at ti1e it is=6


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Su"ordinate Clauses o( Ti!e# Be*"#e> a*te#> &u#ing> as> sin%e> +#i"#> 3 en> 3 ile> et%0 Ordinal Nu!"ers# -n"t e#> *i#st> se%"n&> t i#&> et%0 Use o( )Or*# ) e 3"#& 4or6 bet3een t e gi!en % "i%es0 A+areness Predicates# ?n"3> a3a#e> #eali@e> n"ti%e> et%0 Ad&er"s and Ad,ecti&es#

/ee+l:> easil:> %u#i"us ab"ut> et%0 C-ange o( Ti!e .er"s and Ad&er"s# Begin> st"+> sta#t> %"ntinue> +#"%ee&> al#ea&:> :et> still> an:1"#e> et%0 Co!!entar/ Ad,ecti&es and Ad&er"s# A"#tunatel:> lu%<il:> inn"%entl:> a++il:> et%0


p '0

P-onological A!"iguit/# B"#&s t at s"un& ali<e but a!e &i**e#ent 1eanings0 8> e:eC 3#ite> #ig tC 3eig t> 3aitC t ei#> t e:9#e> t e#eC #ea&> #e&C et%0 S/ntactic A!"iguit/# )a<e a t#ansiti!e !e#b> a&& 4ing6 a*te# it> an& +la%e it be*"#e a n"un0 4) e: 3e#e 1il<ing %"3s06 Scope A!"iguit/# .%%u#s 3 en it is un%lea# "3 1u% "* t e senten%e an a&De%ti!e> !e#b> "# a&!e#b a++lies t"0 4) e: 3ent 3it t e % a#1ing 1en an& 3"1en06 Punctuation A!"iguit/# Put t3" senten%es t"get e# t at en& an& begin 3it t e sa1e 3"#&0 4891 s+ea<ing %lea#l: t" 1a<e su#e t at :"u %an hear :"u a#e> in t e +#"%ess "*E6

PATTERNS IN METAPHOR Selection Restriction .iolations#

p '1

) e att#ibuti"n "* 7ualities t" s"1et ing "# s"1et ing 3 i% b: &e*initi"n %"ul& n"t +"ssess t "se 7ualities0 4) e #"%< is sa&06

Ma<ing an: state1ent :"u 3ant t" 1a<e t" an"t e# +e#s"n as i* :"u a#e #e+"#ting in 7u"tes 3 at s"1e"ne else sai& at an"t e# ti1e an& +la%e0

META MODEL DELETION2 DISTORTION2 3ENERALI4ATION And t-e Linguistic Patterns o( In(or!ation 3at-ering DELETION In(or!ation 3at-ering# p '9

Si!ple Deletion# State1ent 3it 1issing "# &e*i%ient in*"#1ati"n0

Co!parati&e Deletion# Missing stan&a#& "* e!aluati"n0 Lac$ o( Re(erential Inde5# Fni&enti*ie& +#"n"un0 Unspeci(ied .er"# (e#bs t at &elete s+e%i*i%s ab"ut2 G"3> B en> B e#e0 META MODEL

DISTORTION Se!antic Ill78or!edness

p 6'

No!inali9ation# (e#bs 1a&e int" a n"un (t ing "# e!ent) t us "bs%u#ing t e +#"%ess "# a%ti"n0 Cause : E((ect# - s+e%i*i% sti1ulus %auses a s+e%i*i% eH+e#ien%e0 I %auses 50 Mind Reading# -ssu1ing :"u <n"3 3 at t e "t e# +e#s"n t in<s> *eels> et%0 Co!ple5 E;ui&alence# J"n%lusi"n base& "n t e belie* t at "ut%"1e 3ill al3a:s be t e sa1e0 IK5 Lost Per(or!ati&e# (alue Du&g1ents "# "+ini"ns in 3 i% t e s"u#%e "* asse#ti"n is 1issing0

3ENERALI4ATION Li!its o( t-e Spea$ers<s Model

p 60

Uni&esal %uanti(iers# Lene#ali@ati"ns t at +#e%lu&e eH%e+ti"ns "# alte#nati!e % "i%es0 Modal Operators o( Necessit/ : Possi"ilit/# B"#&s t at #e7ui#e +a#ti%ula# a%ti"n "# i1+l: n" % "i%e0 Presuppositions# S"1et ing i1+li%itl: #e7ui#e& in "#&e# t" un&e#stan& a senten%e0

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