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Dr. Barbara L.

Further Reading:
Martyn, Margie A. Engaging Lecture Capture: Lights, Camera . . . Interaction! EDUCAUSE Quarterly !." #!$$%&. 'he artic(e, among other
things, app(ies Chic)ering and *amson+s ,e-en .rincip(es /or *ood .ractice in 0ndergraduate Education to (ecture capture.
'ony :ates+ Re-ie2 o/ Lecture Capture ,ystems: :ates ;uestions 2hether 2e shou(d <e gi-ing traditiona( (ectures at a((. Fo((o2 his (in)s /or
more o/ his ideas. http:11222.tony<ates.ca1!$$%1$91$"1a=re-ie2=o/=(ecture=capture=systems1

Approaches to Teaching and Learning
>hat does it (oo) (i)e in practice?
Lecture captures o/ (i-e c(asses are genera((y used /or student re-ie2, and they 2ou(d contain a(( the
instructor+s re/erences to any 2or) to <e comp(eted out o/ c(ass. >hate-er pedagogy is used in the
c(assroom 2ou(d <e con-eyed in re-ie2. 'he opportunity to incorporate an interacti-e pedagogy
arises 2hen /acu(ty capture (ectures /or on(ine students. More than @ust re-ie2 o/ materia(, such
capture is <oth ne2 and a-ai(a<(e /or repeat -ie2ing. As ne2 materia(, /acu(ty can incorporate
suggestions /or students to respond to (ecture materia(, to participate in interacti-e ;ui66es, and to <e
inspired to do /urther research. In the E30CA0,E 5uarter(y re/erence <e(o2, the author suggests
2ays to incorporate the 2e((=)no2n ,e-en .rincip(es /or *ood .ractice in 0ndergraduate Education
to the (ecture capture situation.
Lecture Capture A .edagogy
>hat is it?
Lecture capture has <ecome per-asi-e in higher education, accomp(ished 2ith many types o/
proprietary too(s, such as Camtasia Re(ay, Echo9$, and Mediasite to name a /e2. ,ome actua((y
capture the c(assroom en-ironment 2ith instructor, students, 2hite<oard, and pro@ection screen,
2hi(e others /ocus on capturing the computer screen and the instructor+s -oice. 'he capture is
sa-ed to <e -ie2ed on demand <y students as re-ie2 materia(, <ut concern arises as to 2hether
2e are reproducing the o(d sage on the stage mode( and getting a2ay /rom (earner=centered
pedagogy. Lecture capture can a(so <e created as standa(one (ectures /or on(ine students, 2hich
present opportunities /or a co((a<orati-e and interacti-e pedagogy.
Bo2 does such a method Ct into my course?

Face=to=/ace courses 2ou(d use interacti-e and co((a<orati-e methods in the c(assroom, and those
2ou(d <e captured a(ong 2ith (ectures.

Create (ectures out=o/=c(ass /or -ie2ing, using the c(assroom setting /or discussion and group 2or).

In on(ine courses, captured (ectures compensate /or the c(assroom eDperience and suggest student
responses in discussion <oards, <(ogs, or (i-e chat too(s, introduce assignments, and gi-e
/eed<ac) to pre-ious student responses.

Lectures can assign research to <e accomp(ished <e/ore the neDt c(ass and demonstrate on(ine

3esign the sy((a<us to encourage -ie2ing <y tying (ectures to course pro@ects. Ma)e the (ectures
count, ma)e them desira<(e, and ma)e them inspire. Ma)e them more than @ust a recounting o/
presentation <u((ets.
March 2010

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