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Cosmetic surgery: is it right for you?

Having cosmetic surgery, such as breast implants or rhinoplasty (nose job), is a big decision, so you should think carefully about why you want it Consultant psychologist !ileen "radbury suggests the #$ %uestions to ask yourself Bradbury specialises in the psychology of appearance, and has worked for 20 years with people who are considering cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is carried out for psychological and social reasons, not functional reasons," she says. It s important to understand the moti!ation for wanting surgery, and whether this is something surgery can achie!e." Bradbury says it s !ery important to be honest with yourself. "#ou re the one who has to li!e with the outcome," she says. "If you rush into the surgery without thinking properly about it, it might be the wrong result, e!en if the surgery goes well."
&f you feel that your appearance is disfigured, surgery isn't your only option (he charityChanging )aces offers support and information on building self*esteem and confidence

If e!eryone in your family has the same ears, for e$ample, and you ha!e ear reshaping surgery to change yours, you might look in the mirror and feel cut off from family ties. "%on t ha!e surgery on a whim," says Bradbury. "If you !e thought a lot about the surgery and the outcome beforehand, it will be easier to cope with."

+uestions to ask yourself

&eople might seek cosmetic surgery to sol!e life problems, or during disrupti!e times in their li!es when they feel bad about themsel!es, for e$ample, during di!orce. Bradbury warns that these are not good reasons to ha!e surgery. 'he ad!ises people to ask themsel!es these (uestions) *ow long ha!e I thought about this surgery+ %id anything specific set off this desire+ ,hat is my current life situation+ ,hy am I thinking about surgery now+ -re there other ways I can achie!e the results I want+

-lso ask yourself) -m I e$pecting the surgery to change my life as well as my appearance+ -m I considering cosmetic surgery for myself or to please someone else+

-m I e$pecting the surgery to impro!e my relationship+ -m I e$pecting surgery to impro!e my social skills or .ob prospects+ Can surgery really gi!e me the look I want+

If you re feeling an$ious about your relationships, social situations or work, don t assume that surgery will make e!erything better. Instead, you could consider counselling. /alking with a relationship or careers counsellor could help you find ways to o!ercome these an$ieties and build your confidence. #ou can find counselling ser!ices near you. "If you re being treated for a psychiatric disorder, such as clinical an$iety or clinical depression, you should postpone the decision," says Bradbury. "#ou re in a !ulnerable position at this stage, and won t be making an informed decision." If, after asking all these (uestions, you decide to ha!e surgery, remember that surgery is only one aspect of your wellbeing. "It s like ha!ing a personal trainer," says Bradbury, "#ou ha!e to do most of the work yourself. #our wellbeing includes your lifestyle, nutrition, work and social life." /he Care 0uality Commission 1C0C2 is the independent regulator of health ser!ices in 3ngland. It offers information about choosing a reputable pro!ider if you !e decided to ha!e cosmetic surgery. 4on5surgical cosmetic procedures, such as in.ections, are less in!asi!e than surgery but still carry risks. #ou can find out more about non5surgical cosmetic procedures.

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