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VEquipolentes: Dos vectores son equipolentes cuando tienen igual mdulo, direccin y sentido.

VLibres: El conjunto de todos los vectores equipolentes entre s se llama vector libre. Es decir los vectores libres tienen el mismo mdulo, direccin y sentido.

Vector unitario Los vectores unitarios tienen de mdulo la unidad.

Normali ar un vector Normali ar un vector consite en obtener otro vector unitario, de la misma direccin y sentido que el vector dado.

!ara normali ar un vector se divide "ste por su mdulo.

!aris #as$ion %ee&: Day '$ree (pdated #riday )eptember *+, ,-..,am: %e didn/t t$in& 0e could be any more e1cited about 2a3 )imons/ debut ready4to40ear s$o0 t$is a3ternoon, but Vogue editor 5le1andra )$ulman $as created even more suspense.

6Dior today. )nea&ed a previe0 and s0orn to silence but prepare to be ama ed,6 s$e '0eeted t$is morning.

(pdated #riday )eptember *+, +.**am: '$e 0ord on everyone/s lips today is Dior, as 2a3 )imons prepares to unveil $is debut ready4to40ear collection since ta&ing over as t$e label/s creative director. 7is couture s$o0, $eld in 8uly, received critical acclaim 3rom nearly all 0$o sa0 it 4 attracting a 3ront ro0 t$at acted li&e a 3as$ion/s 0$o/s 0$o, including Donatella Versace, 5lber Elba , 9arc 8acobs and Natalia Vodianova. %it$ t$e 3as$ion $ouse/s turbulent period be$ind it, today mar&s a ne0 c$apter 3or t$e brand. '$ere can/t be many s$o0s in 3as$ion $istory t$at $ave ever been as $ig$ly anticipated.

7o0ever, Dior isn/t t$e only e1citing name on today/s sc$edule. 2oland 9ouret is 3irst on t$e agenda t$is morning, 3ollo0ed by Vionnet and :$alayan later on. 9at$ilde :astello ;ranco, 0$o previously 0or&ed 0it$ 5lber Elba at Lanvin, 0ill debut $er 3irst 3ull collection 3or 5 aro at ,*pm 4 be3ore <ssey 9iya&e and t$en Dior at *..-pm.

<sabel 9arant, t$e label loved by Emma %atson, 5le1a :$ung and =ate 9oss, 0ill inevitably dra0 a stylis$ cro0d t$is evening, be3ore 9aison 9artin 9argiela. %e $ope very muc$ t$at t$e s$o0 0ill be a previe0 o3 t$e label/s 3ort$coming 7>9 collection, 0$ic$ launc$es in November.

'$e latest o33ering 3rom )onia 2y&iel 0ill be unveiled via a presentation, rat$er t$an a s$o0 tonig$t, as announced last 0ee&. '$e day 0ill 3inis$ 0it$ !eter 8ensen, Vanessa ;runo and ?o$ji ?amamoto.

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