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Courtship Prayer

Holy Mary, Mother of the Most High God, I entrust my courtship to your motherly protection. Guide me in the choice of a partner. Keep my courtship pure and chaste. Bless our union with a holy love. Watch over us from Heaven. Send us the grace to live in the favour of God and to share in the eternal love in which we shall all be united forever in Heaven. Amen.

Consecration Prayer
Lord Jesus, I consecrate my entire sexuality to you. Cleanse my mind, my imagination, my memory of all erotic content. Grant me a gift of chastity to bring my sexual drive into subjection to your Holy Spirit dwelling in me. If there is any dividedness in my heart in this regard, make it pure and simple. Guard my weakness by your Holy Cross and through the intercession of Mary Immaculate. Amen.

Addiction Prayer
Lord I admit my addiction to _______________. It has gotten out of control. I hand this problem over to your care. Free me from this addiction. Heal my inner being of any anger, anxiety or selfcondemnation that may be at the root of this. Fill my spirit with the peace, joy and freedom of the Holy Spirit. I ask this in the name of Jesus and through the intercession of Mary. Amen.

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