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Title of the research Multi-temporal Analysis of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) from Wildfire in Southeast Asia using Remote Sensing

A case study of Malaysia and Thailand Idea of the research To analyze the spatial distribution of green house gases using various satellite data of different temporal and spatial resolutions in Southeast Asia, mainly in Malaysia and Thailand and to compare with the ground truth data from measurement stations. The satellite data can be MODIS, VIIRS, GOSAT, Schemachy, etc. In the analysis, we will focus not only on the spatial distribution, but also the trends of the distribution and concentration of the GHG which are CO2, CO, CH4, NOx and others. MODIS and VIIRS data can be downloaded from NASA website by ftp. It will be good also if we could apply some air modeling to simulate the physical characteristics of the GHGs by using meteorological and topographical data which can give better scenario of the GHG spatial and temporal distributions and this information could be applied to the risk assessment and public health and also will be served as useful data for the climate change and global warming in the region.

1. Title 2. Abstract 3. Introduction

4. Materials

7. Methods

Satellite-based Spatio-temporal Analysis of GHG in South-east Asia Region. TBD 1. State-of the art of satellite sensors for GHG (how is this can be achieved, who have done it) 2. Identify the specific gaps and capitalise on the issues that have high innovation points. 3. Then focus of the objective of this article on how we can address the gaps / issues; 4. State the hypothesis should there are specific taskings related to the gaps, such as.while a detection and mapping of spatio-temporal effects of wild fires / open burnings are now found wide applications. The final output of such application is the air quality levels either focussing on PM10 or PM5. Nonetheless, the derived GHG attributed these fire sources are not well-reported particularly on deriving these GHG from the detected smoke /haze mapped. 5. Identify any new approach introduce, not being used before! 5. Data from various approciate satellites covering MalaysiaThailand: MODIS for what gas? VIIRS for what gas? GOSAT for what gas? Schiamachy for what gas? etc. 6. Source of data? 8. Pre-processing of for each data set 9. Data processing for each GHG

11. Results 12. Discussion

10. 1. assessment on the output against known samples 1. What are the products are good for (identify industries, EG) Health: Identify the critical areas in long-term Effects of urbanisation due to saturation of builtup areas for expansion of industrialised areas or increment of production of specific area. How these products be inovatingly in the twoabove industry TBD

13. Conclusion 14.

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